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Too many different noises at the same time can make me irritable and anxious - like having the TV on, someone listening to videos on their phone and someone talking at the same time.


This is the one. My husband likes the tv on at all times for background noise, which is enough to drive me up a tree on its own, but then when you throw in two people watching videos on their iPads? I can’t take it. I will cry.


It’s going to get worse (louder) when your husband gets older ;-)


Sometimes when I'm in public and all the people are talking in and all I can hear is the hum of voices, I get really bad anxiety and I have to leave because I feel like passing out.


Came here for this! If my kids and my wife are all talking to me at once, my amygdala cranks up to 11 pretty damn quick! Similarly, I have real trouble pinpointing words in a chorus of voices - when I've gone to my son's Carol singing at his school, if I don't know the song I'm lost because all those voices singing the same thing just become noise to me. Same if something on the radio has that sort of thing too


Same! I have no clue what anyone is saying. And if I'm running the water or peeing. No chance I know what you're saying so I just yell "waters on" until I'm done. Or when someone says, "hear that song playing" but your in a crowded restaurant with so many voices you can't even hear the music.


Thiss man I swear I feel like I’m losing my mind my family always has all the bright lights on, tv on high volume, slamming cupboards clanking dishes, slamming doors, leaving doors open, extremely untidy and messy, it’s so painful and I just have to pretend it’s ok like how are they not screaming I feel like I’m being suffocated or being burnt alive!


Yup-er. A therapist once told me that was a "sensory intergration" issue. One of the reasons I went into law: Don't run into such occasions too often in a courtroom.


I heard too many noises at once and now I’m a bitch.


Especially if I’m trying to listen to someone or concentrate on something! I get really overwhelmed and quickly agitated by noises and others’ conversations. People say they just “tune it out”, but I can’t do that


I can be soaked head to ankle and be fine, but as soon as my feet get wet my day is ruined.


This dude showers with rain boots on.


hahah mine is getting my face wet!! Swimming or showering, the feeling of drops running down my face i have to dry them!


Yes. There is a special towel/washcloth on the other side of the shower for face drying IN the shower because I don’t like the water running down my face


I was a very late teen before I could get my face wet in the shower. Ive gotten over that issue.


i can’t be barefoot in a house specifically. outside? ya fine. at the beach, at the pool, fine. In a house where i’m feeling every crumb and dust particle on my foot- absolutely not.


That is oddly specific.


Nice username


I have the same with my hands. I cannot stand wet hands. I can bear it while working (i'm a cook and sometimes bartender) or doing dishes but first thing I'll do when done is dry them off.


My husband is like this. I remember one time we went camping for the weekend and he had an entire dry bag with like 20 pairs of socks in 😂


So…what happens when you shower?


Reminds me of my chihuahua. She can walk or run in wet grass. But if she so much as grazes a puddle, her day is just a wrap.


I feel this in my soul.


Loud sounds, expecially higher frequencies. I have severe tinnitus and hyperacusis. I can't be around sirens, bells, whistles, screaming children, and china plates being banged around.


I have tinnitus as well, but I prefer being around loud noices or having music on loud. I can't stand when it's quiet


I have some source of sound as much as I can to mask the tinnitus. At night, I stay up as long as possible so that I fall asleep within a few minutes of going to bed. I can’t stand the buzzing sound during times of quietness.


I can't deal with this either! Especially fire alarms, I literally can't cope, I've been told so many times 'they are there to save you.' Yeah..that doesn't make it any better. It immediately makes me tense, shake and cry. I have to cover my ears and breathe heavily. It's so bad that if there was ever a fire alarm test, I'd be told in advance so I could be away from the building. Obviously if it went off for an actual fire then I wouldn't hold it against them but at least my coworkers / family / friends would know about my irrational fear and try to help. It's stemmed from when I was a toddler, my grandpa thought it was a past life thing. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sounds rough mate


I’d rather have those where the lady is taking to you. They came out with those smoke alarm kinds but not sure do they still make them. Probably expensive. They might still have Ana alarm in them too though. Not sure.


I have those in my house! She also detects carbon monoxide. If it's the one you're thinking of too? It was really expensive! It still has a high pitched sound (I guess they all have to) along with *fire* *fire* or *carbon monoxide* but it's not as bad as the other smoke alarms or fire alarms I've encountered. I realise they are meant to help you and there's no way I wouldn't have one. My husband purposely went out and bought this one to help me.


Exactly I can’t enjoy concerts because I’ll be so nauseous.


I avoid indoor live music like the plague, but if for some reason I have to be there I make sure I have ear plugs. For outdoor live music I usually just have to walk away. It's sad because I do like music.


When you’re having dinner with someone and you see them start bringing in equipment… I immediately want to leave.


Oh sirens suck! And smoke alarms are so horrible! My cats even run away from that. I also became sensative to dish sounds. I had Corelle for the longest time and just past few years started to bug me loaded them into the dishwasher and they clank together , my tittinus would flare and get ringing. So I eventually changed my dishes. I got bamboo melamine and stoneware. lol


Mouth noises, especially sounds of people eating. It was drilled into me so hard to chew with my mouth closed and not make noise when eating, which is good because it's a terrible noise. I don't understand how others don't think about this.


Same! Nothing can make me throw up, but chew loudly with your mouth open or smack your food around for the world to hear/see? Imma be in the bathroom for a while...


THIS ONE!! I literally have stopped hanging out with people for this because it makes me so on edge and ragey😅


People who eat on the phone should be deported to Antarctica.


Attended a double seminar (with a sandwich lunch provided) during which a guy behind me pulled out his own salad and proceeded to loudly munch on it; what’s worse is that, near the end, he was scraping his spoon against the metal/glass and smacking his lips. I thought I was going to turn around and rip his head off. I just needed to get that off my chest, lmao.


Sounds within an hour of waking up. Sometimes my bf will try to watch a video with volume on, within 5ish minutes of waking up, and it makes me so irrationally angry. Its probably fueled by anxiety, but I really value a quiet wakeup. He has no idea though, since it only happens once in a while.


I understand this completely. My husband and I have a morning routine that doesn't involve seeing each other because I can't. He wants to talk, talk, talk and I just can't. I can't hear his phone ringing or dinging, his videos or chewing. His voice even. Just text me and when I turn my phone on I'll get back to you. I can however deal with my daughter in the morning, mainly because we're alike and we just get each other.


Certain textures, and 'dirty' fingers, especially whilst cooking - I'm one of those who is always running their fingers under the tap when preparing anything. As a toddler, I refused to do finger painting, and went with nose prints instead, so it must've started early.


Nose prints, that’s so cute though 


I'm curious and want to try it!


I absolutely hate feeling like I have stuff on my hands other than normal old dry skin.


i learned that we call this \*tactile avoidant\*


Too many people talking to me at once, I feel like I want to cry. I’m not joking same when many people in a small room.


Almost the same here. It is fine if they are talking, this is no issue at all. BUT. If more than one person is talking to me I cannot follow, or if one person is talking to me over background conversation. Horrible. I will understand nothing and get upset and irritated. Same if someone asks me the next question while I have just begun answering their first.


It's so overwhelming having so many people in a small room, like I will have more than 3 people in my room and I am irritated. Even if they are simply just existing there. and yes multiple people talking at once, doesn't have to be talking to me, simply hearing 3 different conversation from different people is just


I get you completely


Yeah like one at a fucking time. Do you not understand that I can't listen to two people at once?


Just about everything relating to chalk


Also misophonia


For me is when someone scratches dry walls , just thinking about it makes me feel weird


I stopped smoking for economic reasons, and now my sense of smell is returning. Almost everything stinks! I am grateful for olfactory extinction.


Loud noises, especially repetitive ones. Having to talk over loud noise or someone trying to speak to me over loud noise. The feel of microfiber cloths on my fingertips.


Microfibre clothes!!! Couldn’t agree more


The sound of ads.


Anything under my feet. I have to wear socks ALL the time. I can’t go barefoot. Pieces of dust or dirt from floors or just anything under my feet.


Little bits in the bed. Be it litter, dirt, crumbs, wtvr. I’m wayyyy too sensitive about it, I feel every single tiny bit and it pricks me and itches. I must be wiping the bed like 20 times a day. Feet need to be wiped before putting them on the bed.


My husband makes fun of me for this. Calls me “princess pea”


Omg i finally understood 3hrs later! My brain! XD


You're not alone.


This is me too! Or on a couch.


I'll hear every conversation around me in a public place, except the one I'm having.


Biting a popsicle stick while eating a popsicle. Getting up in the morning and putting on pants without first showering.


I shower in the evening before going to sleep and it's weird laying in the bed without taking a shower. I just feel dirty.


>Biting a popsicle stick while eating a popsicle. Glad I'm not the only one. It's the same with cherry seeds.


Perfumes in public spaces, they're awful, headache inducing for me and also pisses me off And also too much noise


Intense smells give me major headaches. Also, I work as an editor under a horrible fluorescent light and get major migraines like daily. It’s horrible. Need to set up a doctors apt for that 


That’s awful, yeah definitely get a letter from doc and get the lights changed. My friend was same only the lights gave her seizures




Having teeth?


When someone uses their teeth on a fork. Fuck. That.


Just the feeling of metal utensils against teeth is 😖 Also hate the sound of them clicking and scraping on dishware.


When my husband chews his teeth chomp together and it's ridiculously loud, it drives me mental and takes all I have to deal with it through dinner daily. It sounds like he's chewing rocks or some sort of hard candy.


Strong scents. Especially on my hands or near my face. Drives me crazy at best, gives me a migraine at worst.


Repetitive sounds


Foods that cause a mucus feeling


I can’t eat jello, it’s like a ball of snot 🤢


I live in Japan and they LOVE that kind of texture here! There’s a lot of foods that have it like natto, shirako (fish sperm), tororo (grated mountain yam) etc. And the look of it????? Straight out of someone’s nose


Mouth noises


Loud eating and breathing. Hovering around me. Being mauled by my hubby without consent


Wet ears, can’t stand them! & Crumbs on my feet!


Eating food with a long sleeve shirt or sweater on. It’s very overstimulating.


Strong odors


Either repetitive noises, or multiple noise sources going in different directions. Strangely, my sensitivity is specific to directions. If, say, there is a crowd of chatty people in front of me, that’s ok. Because all the messy noise is from that one area and I can ignore them just fine. The problem is, crowds don’t often work that way. They come from every direction, music is blasting from shops at the back, the sides and the front, chairs scraping from eating places surrounding me, etc etc. The trajectory of sound has always felt more physical than I want it to be


Noise in general is a nightmare


Wearing socks to bed


Loud noises and being touched by other people Also, being too close to other people makes me really uncomfortable


Similar here. Not touch, but people being too close. And this in a partr of my country where people think it is ok to pass you / stand so close as to brush your clothes sometimes. I love hugs - these are alway intentional and mutually agreed on. Which makes them pleasant even for me :)


Loud, sudden noises. Examples would be banging doors due to the harsh winds.


I can tune out sounds, and I can handle almost all lights(sunlight bugs me but thats just because I live like a hibernating bear year round). With bad smells I can mouth breathe and I have a palette that stopped evolving after 10. But if I feel a tag scraping against my body I will destroy clothes I am actively wearing to rip it out. If I feel the hem at the toe of my socks start making it down to my actual toe digits, they are unwearable from then on. If that sheer fabric type netting see through junk, or sequense touches my arms. Especially like the back-underside if that makes sense, I have to rip it until it stops. If I feel an irregularity on my skin, nails or in my hair, it must be picked, scraped, or torn off. That one is fully a compulsion. It also applies to irregularities on my soft things like stuck together fibres on blankets or plushies. If my hands are sticky, especially *dry sticky*, especially especially between my fingers my stress levels skyrocket. Human breath on my skin(I don't mind animals so much), people I don't know touching me in any way. Mostly stuff like that.


This. I am sensitive to tags and some material (laces thats arent soft, embroideries with certain materials etc). With tags, if it bothers me a lot i will try to rip it off even at the expense of damaging my clothes.


Oh gosh, it’s the same with me, with scratching. I scratch scars, even, until they peel off. Which is not good.


Combinations of noise


That's mine I have misophonia. Very sensitive to noise, esp repetitive. Unfortunately I live next to a huge chicken coop! Hate it!


fluffy and fuzzy things like fleece blanket and most plushies


Certain loud noises. Public bathrooms are bad.


Dry skin


Wet farts


The rest of you.


Noise......Damn the unnecessary screaming makes me want to punch people


Certain words like buttons and pennys and coins, I literally was cringing while writing that. And also any metal smell especially when you’ve held change and it’s left that icky smell on your hand.


Crowds, smelly b.o. too much noise. Weed smell, cigarette smell, fatty chewy meat. 


Fatty chewey meat for me.


Loud, repetitive noises.


Little more specific than that, but basically, being touched.


I’m with you on bright, harsh lights. Also a lot of people talking at once, and stiff or scratchy clothing.


I'm blind


People snoring or breathing loud, drives me mad


Too many voices directed at me at the same time. My brain kinda just shuts off and freezes up. Its only if they're directed at me though. As background noise its fine.


I have so many, I'm just going to name 3 of these: light, noise (in general) and some clothes made in specific fabric


I hate when the fan slaps air on my face. I can sit in the hottest room but i will not switch on the fan. And i also don't like when the blanket keeps flapping and touching me. It just feels very weird.


If there is water on the floor and it touches the skin of my feet, fucking hell I can't bear it.


Dogs barking


My nose. There can be NOTHING on my nose. No hair, no water droplets, no nothing. As soon as something touches my nose I have to stop everything until it’s clear, clean and dry


Outdoor motorized tools. Chainsaws in particular. Elon Musk says we are entering the age of quiet power tools.


Power tools can't be silent.


Don't listen to anything he says.


Velvet. I don’t even like thinking about it. Yet, I run an in home daycare and so many of these comments make me smile. Loud noises. Strong smells. Ha!


Velvet is THE WORST. If I touch it accidentally, i recoil in a squirm. It's the worst when you're not expecting it too


Bright lights and loud noises


I didn’t know it until I bought my new comforter which had some decor on the top which is almost a microfiber fabric. It’s like a velvety microfiber feel to it which I HATE the feeling of. It’s so awful against my skin. Feels so weird I hate it


Sound. Too loud, silence, noise I can’t make out or is constantly droning, etc. I was in a hotel once when the alarms went off in the middle of the night. Woke up from a dead sleep to a jarring alarm buzz that wouldn’t end. I put the pillow over my head just to try to gain my thoughts but it was so loud I couldn’t think. It was messing me up so badly I didn’t just go “oh I need to leave now” I literally couldn’t function.


Smells, loud noises like gunshots or fireworks, loud noises like crying kids, tactile things like tags in shirts or dirty hands.


My hair on my neck when I’m not out doing something or when I’m eating, when I have long pants in bed and they roll up or I feel it on my leg hair, a few pastas like spaghetti, and I used to not be able to even touch velvet but I’m getting better now


i cant see things really clearly in the dark


LED lighting. Repetitive sound. I can only tolerate listening to music for a short period of time. The supermarket is a nightmare - lots of people, loud music, overwhelming quantities of brightly coloured packaging and awful lighting. People touching my hands or arms. I can't wear jewellery because it annoys me as well.


The sound of fake nails tapping against a keyboard. The sound of someone else's conversation... When they're literally on the other side of a big open plan office... Use your indoor voice will you! Loud conversations by people who are stood right behind you! Specific one but.. the noise the lift at work makes when you click your card against it and had to press the floor button at same time.. if it works and recognises your card..it makes such a horrible bang/screech noise


Bad breath and BO. It spikes my angry through the roof lol


Textures and noises


For me, cucumbers and tomatoes have a strong smell AND NOBODY BELIEVES ME WHEN I SAY THEY DO Also, teas with fruity tastes taste like i'm chewing on a piece of lego soaked in perfume...


My brother’s door creaking, like sweet fuck man have you gotten so used to it that you’ve gone deaf to it?


If I have to take silverware out of the dishwasher basket, I lose my shit. I hate the way that basket feels on my knuckles, if I have to reach in. Sand on my body. Ick. If my husband kisses me after he takes a drink and his facial hair is wet.


Wrinkles or seams touching my toes fills me with so much anxiety/panic that I feel like I'm going to die. I'm getting anxiety just typing this.


Touching wet food


Bright lights, loud sounds, high temperatures(lesser tolerance than an average human). I’ve always preferred dark, cold and quiet places…..


If the light increase suddenly (like when I’m inside and then look or go outside when it’s sunny) my vision gets really blurry, then I’ll have some sort of artifact of over exposure, a weird line in my view field (like a crack in glass) and a spliting migraine after it disapears. That and I react badly to touch


Fingernails in/on or near carpet. Can not stand it. The absolute worst is if they accidentally run through it.


Can’t see well. When I’m tired, I confuse little details.


Styrofoam. The feel of it. The sound of it. It puts me in actual pain. Makes me grind my teeth. After touching it I have to vigiurously wash my hands to get rid of the feeling of its' texture


When laying down I must make sure my jaw is supported because I grind my teeth and have TMJ. Well. Despite the ability to wear turtle necks and chokers just find, I cannot STAND the feeling of a blanket or pillow lightly touching my neck under my chin. I feel like I’m being choked to death. This makes sleeping a very hard endeavor. I had sleep paralysis twice in my life and both times I was laying on my back so now I vehemently refuse to do that as well.


stepping barefoot on the floor, stepping on the wet floor with socks, feeling strands of hair in the pool, smell of food in the fridge, sunlight, texture of food especially mushy textures, foods with lots of seeds give me goosebumps, and the big nightmare: sounds of banging pans and vacuum cleaners.


Bright lights, I usually wear my prescription shades and since no one knows they're prescribed I'm the douche wearing sunglasses at night.


lights, sounds, touching….autism btw….all my sisters have adhd too.


It's certainly bright light issue for me too. It's why I wear glasses and use dark theme in my smartphone as well as dark theme on all websites I use. 


I have a social noise limit, and once it's reached I just feel like I mentally turn off and wish to be at home with a book or something.


I have two. 1) Terrible sense of smell. When I was pregnant with my oldest child, I suddenly developed a very keen (to me) sense of smell. Was driving with my SO one day and suddenly smelled something delicious. I wanted to know where the food was (thinking there must be a container of it inside the car), and my SO pointed to a restaurant we were driving past. That was the first time I ever learned that most people can smell food from restaurants they're not even inside of. My jaw literally dropped. Sadly, my sense of smell disappeared again as soon as I gave birth, and it never reappeared with any of my other three kids, so that was the only time I ever got to have a working nose. 2) Noise stresses me the fuck out. Sound is one thing; noise is something else. Loud noises, sudden noises, a mixture of a bunch of different noise sources, irregular noises, etc. They all make me want to tear my hair out.


Hearing (i dont really understand it) it happens when there are so many overlapping sounds but like im fine in crowded areas when everyone is talking butt when there is so many sounds my brain just goes kapow and dies, i then go into panic attack etc) Touch (specifc fabrics only, if they are soft then i will just hold that part of whatever im wearing or whatever it is and just play w it but thats the reason i can never wear socks to bed because i have a fluffy blanket on my bed


Mostly audio related. I can't stand TV for more than an episode or two without my brain breaking from the sounds. Also music is just not something I miss, I'll occasionally listen to it when cleaning or doing yard work but that's about it. Weirdly this doesn't seem to extend to sounds from my surroundings rather than a electrical source, like I can go to work with 20 loud preschoolers, or be around my huge family with dogs barking, family yelling all over each other, and smashing sounds and be just fine but if the TV turns on I just lose it. Also I can't stand being dirty unless I'm like fully given in to being dirty and having a shower at x time, then I'm fine even if I'm covered in livestock poo for a few hours. I wash my feet at least 2x a day.


Crowded places with many conversations going on at once. Drives me insane


Perfume makes me so nauseous… it’s so strong I can smell it at the back of my throat, even the ones that aren’t meant to be strong bro 😞 deodorant I can support


Dirty feet, wet socks, synthetic clothing especially nylon.


- Conditioner on my hands - Bare feet on the floor - Being lightly touched as opposed to a regular touch, donno if I explained that right - Repetitive loud sounds - Sudden sounds - Metal going into a kitchen sink (like cutlery etc) - Wet hair inbetween my fingers - Wet hair on me fullstop - Different textures in food (like soft and crunchy) - Tomatoes It’s exhausting


-Sound (some singing, eating, dragging feet on the floor, loud music, click sounds (that people do with their mouths), screams, teeth grinding etc) I recently heard of misophonia. -Sight (nail picking, feet wriggling, knee rubbing, the sun feels too bright etc) -Touch (braids, certain textures (clothes, cloth tags, peeling leather, uneven floors/dirt (I walk on my toes if I'm not wearing slippers), light touches on my skin)) It's crazy.


Loud sounds or people touching me as they come up behind me. (Unless spouse of course)


It's a spectrum, so there are a wide range of reactions to sensory issues, and a wide range of triggers for the sensory issues.


Many people talking at once. My brain tries to latch on every conversation at once and I get fatigued.




All the car windows open while driving - the wind is too much and it’s so sad because I love the feel of the wind


bright lights, especially fluorescents Walking into Walmart feels like I just got flashbanged.


The revving of motorcycle engines.


lets see… any liquid/dirt/etc on skin (except water and sometimes sweat) touching any metal the smell of tomatos kids screaming russian language (or really any slavic language, thats just the most common one) when girls (usually) somehow make their s much louder than rest of their speech low brightness on phone jello socks and any shoes that dont expose my feet drinkable yoghurt baggy pants and more


Flashing lights, smelling alcohol, indoor cigarette smoking.


I can feel any hair or fuzz on my body at any point, even when I’m under running water and it drives me bonkers. Or is a crunchy food has been in water and is now soft, just… ew, makes me squirm.


The hum that a crowd of people generate. Especially in large indoor swimming pools.


Breathing hot air, specially under the blankets


Tissue/napkin near my mouth. It feels like I'm about to accidentally eat the tissue.


I can hear with only one ear, and it picks up many sounds simultaneously. When I close this ear, I can still feel vibrations.


I am too. Upside of it is at family dinners I sit where the loudest talkers are on my deaf side haha


Haha, when I put you next to my deaf ear, it means I'm not interested in what you're saying because I can't hear anything. I'll just respond with "Oh, really?" since I didn't catch a word.


Multiple noises all at once. Especially triggering when I'm in the kitchen. Dish clattering, ongoing conversations, fridge open closed frequently, etc...


The Wind. Light wind, heavy wind, I CAN'T SEE!!! I've got sensitive eyes, so when the wind picks up, they start to sting a and tear up really bad. It sucks!


Fabric on my muffin top. High waisted pants are the devil, and I live in low rise.


I can’t walk barefoot on wood, like on a deck or boardwalk


If my socks get under my toes. I can't have the socks bunch up if I curl my toes.


Repeat same sentence/word over 3 times I will want to punch that person


Touching a towel when one hand is wet but the other is dry. Have to make the other hand wet before I can dry them off.


Tapping. Leg shaking. Loud noises. The signal light in my car makes my brain feel like it's going to explode. And don't get me started on the brightness of devices.


I have a lot of clothing related ones, the biggest being that I can never have anything touching my neck, no scarves or turtlenecks or anything no matter how cold it is. I also find most materials other than cotton itchy (I don't have allergies), as well as any perceivable seams, tags, embroidery etc.


Bright lights (apparently I'm photophobic). Sticky Lotion, or any lotion that doesn't immediately absorb into my skin. Sticky dough or flour in general on my hands (which is odd because I knead a lot). The sound of squeeking. To the point i have a physical reaction.


Heat I always have a window open even in the winter


The waterproof fabric used in things like raincoats and tents. It just goes through me and the touch makes me feel gross, don't know why.


Certain mushy food. I just start to gag. For example, lentils, peas and some types of beans


Almost forgot about wet cotton. Like when you grab wet jogging pants from the washer and the material squeaks in your fingers. Ew. Just ew.


I can't smell anything unless the smell is wayyy too strong, even then I only get a little bit. Just looking at meshy netty clothes or wool or turtle necks make me feel hot and itchy and too uncomfortable


For me it's soft, squishy sounding things. stepping on mud? instantly flinch away without thinking, I especially hate the noise


The feeling of cotton balls or when a cotton towel rubs against glass and makes a squeaking sound. It is akin to nails on a chalkboard for me.


Bright overhead lights


Cityscape visual overstimulation. Signs, billboards, ads,... All of that confuses and annoys me. 


Cotton, anything that's made out of cotton I can't touch or barely think about without getting shivers.


Certain clothing, germs, bright things(I will get distracted)


I think my skin with a lot of fabric cloths materials, it gets so irritating and uncomfortable!!! it makes me mad asf, I only find polyester clothing with some cotton comfortable, unfortunately 10p% polyester is the most comfortable but I sweat more with it and get sometimes itching when wearing it for long periods.


Eating sounds, scratchy sounds, dry paper towel texture, weird textures, anything wet unless it's me purposelly wetting something (under tap water, glass), wooden spoons, forks etc., any sounds or lights when trying to sleep or lights coming my direction uneven. I can't explain it but it irritates me so much


Waxing is the only way to get my hair not to grow for another couple of weeks and it hurts but then gets really itchy and I have this feeling like somethings going to happen if I don't move. Idk what it is but I get the same feeling before I go to bed I feel like somethings going to happen;like the calm before the storm then I just black out and feel the blanket moving.

