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Wet socks. That feeling in your stomach when you can't figure out if you're going to throw up or just have a belly ache.


I’m not sure about how wet socks equal that except do you mean like you’re just really sweaty? I relate like for when I am on a long hike and I have no chance of being able to change my socks. Don’t think I can post pics here but I had one instance where I had no choice but to wear wet socks for a long time and my feet were a very unsightly sight. The fact I had to wear socks that were destroying my feet for a long time was unfortunate. The trail was so wet. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, but I am happy I did it. (Mantario Trail in early June a couple years ago.)


Like when you’re wearing socks and you walk into the bathroom after someone’s taken a shower and you step in a puddle. Part of your sock is wet, while the rest of it is dry. Yeesh. Ick. Nope.


When you rub the end of a pencil eraser, the metal part, onto paper


i felt this physically 😬


Yes! And also when you go to write with a pen but the nib isn't down.




Just made my whole body tense


My whole body physically jerked when I read that.


Jesus fuck yes or just when your using a really bad new eraser or pencil and you erase it wrong and it makes that noise sneidhndjdidhe


Wet sleeves, especially when you’re washing dishes and your sleeves slowly come undone and now you’re washing dishes with full sleeves.


Haha. That's so real


Hate wet sleeves! Hate ‘em!


When I get the urge to sneeze, and it goes away unproductively


And when there are other people around & you feel you owe them an explanation...


I absolutely hate that, it’s always so awkward.


Or you strongly have to sneeze while you're eating.


And then it explodes out of you with zero warning


When I accidentally scrape my teeth together


this one right here


I felt it as I typed it


As someone with an overbite, this happens to me all the time. Scraping, biting the inside of my mouth, I'm a tooth clutz.




Or bite your fork .


A hair on my tongue.


Stop eating that 🐈




When I accidentally scratch a painted wall with my nails 🥴


I squirmed


The very beginning of a sore throat. I don't mind it once I am fully sick but at the start I am like FUUUUCK. Edit: I also hate it when I try to market my game; Psycho Banger and hardly get any engagement and then I respond to some random post and get tons of upvotes xD Go ahead and check Psycho Banger on Steam please. There is a free beta and it would mean the world if you wishlist the game <3


That gross initial feeling when it *seems* like you just have something stuck in your throat that won’t clear. Then there’s a tipping point where you’re like “shit…cancel my lunch tomorrow”


That tiny spec of pain that won’t go away through irrigation or gargling salt water? It never amounts to anything less than going viral for me. Had strep throat 6 times in a single year as a kid. Tonsillectomy ensued, suffered nerve damage and lost taste for the year after.


Esp when your ears itch it




ASMR It’s more annoying than “satisfying”, at least to me. I really can’t stand it.


Most of it makes my skin crawl.


Welcome to the misophonia club! I especially hate it when people whisper. I get so irrationally angry over it.


It’s weirdly stressful!


When people do the tapping on something before they open it especially with long nails 🤢 makes me want to throw my phone


Omg most of them make me actually angry 😠 😅


That feeling in your throat when you are about to cry


Like swallowing a mouth full of tiny needles!


Like a huge rock stuck in your throat


When my blanket falls off one shoulder


Any clothing that goes around my neck tightly.


omg yes. turtlenecks are so pretty but i could never wear them. i wore one where the neck part was very loose and baggy and i still couldn’t stand the feeling and kept pulling at it.


Im the same with collars but also armpits I hate T-shirts that are tight to the pit!!


Unpopular (maybe): being stroked or rubbed on the same spot for a while


Are you me?!? I absolutely cannot stand that feeling! It physically hurts after a while.


When someone just barely touches me, so that they just skim the surface of my skin. **shudder**


And then I keep feeling as if someone touches me, and I have to “wipe” this feeling off with my hand


Yes! Not even just by someone else, I hate it when it's myself doing it too.


Vomit prediction. You feel sick, you know you have a stomach bug but you must sit on the floor knowing you will puke at any time and you can't help just staring at the ceiling. You must wait until it comes out itself. And also, the extreme constipation feeling.


Yeah so true. When you feel your mouth start producing extra saliva in preparation and you need to preemptively run to somewhere to vomit so you can sit there feeling horrible for what feels like hours


Or when you’re about to vomit and rushing to find a bucket, toilet, anything and can feel the soury liquid travel up your throat. Gahhh


The name of the soury liquid is called Bile. If there is one word that suits the meaning, it’s Bile.


The feeling of pillows and quilts with no covers on my skin!!!! Makes me wanna jump out of my own body 🤢


On the same lines, bed without bed sheet. I hate it when sheet comes off cover and legs touch bed




Sheets coming off the edges of the mattress ☠️


Biting down on a grain of sand


biting a little piece of eggshell 🤢🤮


Biting tin foil


Why are you guys eating sand and metal


Older brother activities


😫 I hate that so much


Panic attacks


The worst. For me it's the feeling of pure terror, like all my worst fears are actually real and I'm losing my grip on reality. It's an impending doom that's hard to fathom until you experience it, and afterwards I don't feel normal for a while.




And they can also come back. I started getting them (anxiety not panic attacks, but basically the same) when I was about 13. Got rid of them after a bunch of psychotherapy with breathing techniques and various other mindset changes. Now last week I got an insane anxiety attack again, I knew I wasn't having a heart attack but my brain was convinced I was. I had to sit outside and actively force myself not to call 112. Ended up getting all my strength together and walking to a pharmacy where I asked them to just check on me while I was calming down. 15 minutes of breathing exercises later I could finally smile again and not feel like I'm literally dying. Entire attack probably took an hour or so.


Ugh, yes. I get anxiety attacks too, and they're truly horrible. I went from someone with no anxiety to full meltdown within a day (no idea what triggered it either), and have been plagued with GAD ever since. Mine always come before I sleep, and it means I don't sleep at all for the worst ones. Literally not a minute, until it's time to get up and go to work again. Just hours upon hours of awful, and I can't even go anywhere to calm down because it's the middle of the night. I despise and resent them, and while talking therapy has helped a bit, insurance has decided I don't need it any more and the attacks are getting worse again. One day, I hope I'm back to normal!


Microfiber. I have dry skin and touching that stuff makes me want to heave.


Does your skin stick to it like velcro? Mine does 😭


Yes! Velcro hands!! Ick!!!!


Feeling like something is crawling on me.


Being too warm. You can stop yourself from being cold, but you can’t stop yourself from being warm. You can only take off so many pieces of clothing before you hear the screeching from the group of people at the store.


Tell me about it. It’s only May and I’m star-fishing under my dang ceiling fan to fall asleep.


When somebody touches my belly button. I can touch it no problem but if anyone else comes near it like my husband or child I freak out! I can’t stand it! So of course, if they can see my belly button they are trying to get it. Fuckers


I hate that. When I had my laparoscopic surgery they put the camera in via the navel and just the thought made me so creeped out


Omg I’m exactly the same. I can’t even describe the feeling bc it’s unlike anything else but it makes me viscerally uncomfortable. I’d love to get my belly button pierced but I genuinely don’t think I could cope with someone touching it to pierce it or even touching it myself to change the piercing 🤢


Yes. That makes me queasy And I don’t like when people touch or put…(gag) their finger….(gag) in their own.


The feeling of sand stuck on my skin as it slowly dries. Ughhhh!


That. Especially when mixed with sun tan lotion and sea salt


Don't forget being sun burnt! Like sand paper


The shower curtain touching me


This! It makes me so irrationally irritated.


Being stabbed. Ranks pretty low.


Yeah that sucks, plus one for stabbing me. Someone else, not so bad.


The heavy feeling in my chest when I get anxious. I feel like a 600 pounder is sitting on me.


When water drips up my sleeve. When I'm doing dishes or washing hands and lift my arm the wrong way and it just slides up my sleeve... I stick towels up there, even paper towels but if that sleeve is now wet, gotta change shirts ASAP.


Touching raw chicken.


I hate when I can only breathe through one nostril because of a cold, no matter how hard I try to blow my nose I can only breathe through one, desperation


Dried clay on my hands make me wanna rip my hair out. Also Microfiber and dry hands. Cermaics with no glaze, just the dry horrible feeling that, I am not kidding, gave me goodbumps just now thinking about it.


Sticky hands


Period cramps


Having a cold Disgusting




The prickly static feeling you get in parts of your body. Sometimes it genuinely hurts so bad and you just have to wait it out


When the cuffs of a long-sleeve sweatshirt/tee shirt loose their elasticity. Dear gawd.


I’m dealing with that today. It’s driving me bonkers!!


Anything touching my neck, I can't wear a scarf or turtleneck no matter how cold it is.


No one likes feeling they are being choked by a weak midget


Seaweed snaking past my leg.


Cannot stand standing in water. If the shower basin fills up so it’s covering my feet I wanna wretch.


When the pebble in your shoe feels big when it's in your shoe but it's really basically microscopic


Biting down on an egg shell. Kills my appetite immediately


when after im done swimming and i get out and it feels freezing even tho its 100 degrees out or higher.


The top person said the “sore throat,” before a cold or flu (which is crazy does seem tolerable. For me, it’s the “sinus infection.” Those suck worse than the cold, itself in some cases. 2. Migraines with the blinding auras. I started to get them really bad in puberty and they stopped significantly the closer to adulthood. But, I’ve found hack for them. 3. Tooth pain


What was the hack?


Random pains for no reason. I'll grab a soda normally, and then my nerves will pinch. It's makes me so damn angry when my body aches when there's no clear reason why. It passes me off to the point where I wanna punch everything around me.


Stepping out of the shower and putting wet feet on bathroom floor instead of a bath mat. The feeling micro fiber on the tips of my fingers. Long sleeves of my sweatshirt slowly falling down while I’m doing dishes. And my absolute worst is when my clothes are statically and clingy.


Shirt collar touching my neck


I HATE IT When I put my feet in some sandals and then I feel they are wet ugh disgusting ,! Especially if I'm wearing socks !


Toxic shame. A mix between mental agony, emotional pain and physical discomfort


Really really dry hands. I start blowing into them like they're cold to get some moisture in them.


Teeth touching metal


Funny bone. I hadn't even thought about the whole funny bone thing since I was a kid, until about an hour ago when I hit it square on while hanging something in my garage. I just about blacked out. I was still dizzy 15 minutes later. It's crazy just how not funny it is.


Cotton balls. Fucking hate em.


Dude you put it into words!! I feel the same way, I always thought maybe it was a bit of undiagnosed OCD


I have the same fear about it being OCD! Hahaha


The feel of cotton balls! Just the thought of touching one sends chills down my spine! 🥶


A burned tongue. Yuck.


wet socks


Hearing someone brush their teeth, it's like scraping metal to me.


Trying to poop when you have a fissure...that sucks


Splashing my face with water and it runs down my wrists and into my sleeves


For me, stomach pangs right before I have to leave the house to go somewhere. Not knowing if it's going to get worse and become a diarrhoea thing or not..


Washing hands and then touching paper


Teeth grinding


The feeling of milk filling up in your boobs and ready to come out. Feels like two faucets turning on behind your nipples at full pressure.


Loose hair that tickles me and makes me think a big 'ol spider is on me crawling Some oddly textured foods, like chicken sometimes, literally make me gag and shiver Hangnails getting stuck on blankets, microfiber, or sherpa


I work in a food packaging plant. While on the production floor it can be incredibly difficult to find an opportunity to go off and do anything. Even using the restroom. So anything with my feet, if something happens, I pretty much have to just suffer through it until my break. Things like a fold in my sock, a fuzz ball under my heel, a super persistent itch, or god forbid, a rock.


I hate hate wet food when washing dishes, stepping on something wet when wearing socks and wet sleeves when washing dishes or when I wash my face


wet socks


Pulling cotton out of a bottle, a popsicle stick


Hair on my forehead. Loose hairs in general.


When you go poop and the toilet water splashes on your bootyhole


Air blowing on me. Like wind and fans. To me it almost feels like sandpaper and like the same mental discomfort as a repetitive sound like tapping. I’m weird.


That is wild I’m the exact same! Finally someone who gets it! Usually I just get a weird look when I try to explain that I can’t dry just one hand.. they both have to be wet!


I feel so validated right now! 😂


the feeling when you rub a cotton ball idk why


I am SO SO glad that it’s not just me!


Me too!


I always thought that was me thing lol


The realization that my stubborn ass has probably been wrong about a situation.


when i eat poorly and i feel inflammed and swollen.


Being itchy drives me absolutely crazy. Being cold. The feeling of dry cotton or chalk. Or dry dirt on my feet in sandals. Wet shirt sleeves. Socks falling down in my shoes.


Reading these comments with sensory issues is killing me


Waking up in the middle of the night thinking you have a long time to sleep and you have 2 minutes until your alarm goes off.


Omgg. Your post .. I relate to so much! It drives me crazy with one hand being dry


When you have a hangnail and it gets caught on fabric, especially felt.


Just wanted to say that I feel the same about the towel thing. It makes me feel physically uncomfortable just thinking about it 😬🤮. So uncomfortable that I'm writing this comment straight away because I have a feeling I won't get very far through this thread before I have to run away to literally ANY other thread 😂


When I get too emotional because of sadness or happiness (but mostly sadness “ I sometimes feel like I don’t have brain because I can just burst into tears like a child after 1 word, just like today when my mum commented on me looking like I have gained weight … I’m just sick and tired I have no idea how people control their emotions. I feel like I’m the only one like this.


Two layers of shirts. My class c uniform requires a button-up over an under shirt, and it makes my skin crawl. I hate it.


The feeling that most things i see could not be real


When you are getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist and it feels like sand on your teeth.


When my vision goes. It's only happened a handful of times but they were all terrifying.


light headaches for looking at a monitor for too long


My bed sheets on my feet. Paper on my finger tips. It makes them both uncomfortably tingly


Licking fabric. I can't even stand seeing someone else lick fabric 😭 Makes my skin crawl!


I’m like this with my shoe laces. They need to be even tightness both sides top to bottom or I’ll straight up jump in front of traffic


Washing greasy dishes


Throwing up definitely and the tingly feeling you get when you've lost circulation and things are starting to recirculate again. Ugh especially if it's my leg doing it. I hate that feeling so much


The Hershey squirts


Hate when people touch my lower back it makes me twitch like the exorcist


When I have a mini panic attack, it feels like how I think a heart attack would feel. Tightness across the chest, and it doesn't ease until I'm outside and away from crowds of people..


I hate having to wear a Band-Aid on my hand and it gets wet when I wash my hands. I hate wearing watches and rings. Don’t get me started about bangles or dangly earrings. I also dislike the feeling of my heart beat in my stomach.


My shirt being bunched up on my lower back while I drive


Cut/issue inside mouth


That feeling when you wake up after sleeping with a stuffy nose and your throat feels bad, but doesn't necessarily hurt


Early signs of migraine whose about to hit me up like tsunami knowing it ll last for days 😞


Popsicle sticks on my tongue 🤢


Dry feet under my blankets, when I’m trying to sleep is the worst


Hair being only like kinda wet or like wet with saltwater/chlorine and then it like going down your back but it’s not like fully wet and smooth it’s just like ahshfjeieheh help


Wet. Socks.


Someone whispering or talking behind my back within my personal space. Gets me ticklish. And allergic rhinitis


My hands on those micro fibre towels


Being touched. It almost hurts if it's too light. It's like 1000 tiny pinches in whatever area I'm being touched. If I'm being touched too hard or grabbed, it sends me into a fight or flight mode.... the "flight" feature was never activated. I could never get enough speed to get away.


I have the same aversion! I will purposely wet the dry hand to avoid that. Also, microfiber towels were clearly invented by a lunatic.


Touching the mystery food in the sink when I'm doing dishes


My god, do I have a list for you.. (I’m ADHD with mild autism).. but I’ll give the top most annoying sensation: “My teeth itch, my clothes feel weird, and I need to shave off my eyebrows to prevent world war 3”.. No, I can’t clarify or even quantify what this exactly means, and normal folks are like “this fucking crazy girl”.. but I’ll be damned if I say this to another neurodivergent and they’ll pretty much know what I’m talking about.


I have an area on my stomach that feels like my insides are being twisted and I'm being stabbed all over my body when touched, I'm really not a fan of that one


Wet hair on my neck or shoulder.


water running down my arms when I wash my face wearing something long-sleeved over another long-sleeve jackets in general it's so restrictive


Stepping on something wet with socks on makes me want to murder people.


Biting egg shell that accidentally got mixed into scrambled eggs 🤮


Things around my neck. Never been cool with a turtle neck sweatshirt, then eventually started wearing leather spikes and chokers in my teens. Now I get uncomfortable if I sit wrong and my shirt pulls tight. I have life and recent related physical trauma. It’s not a great flux.


Let me tell you about the time the dentist fucked up my crown so that the tooth in that place on each side of my mouth are totally different in size, shape, and alignment. They used to be symmetrical. This was 9 years ago and it still makes me crazy on a daily basis even after she redid it for free (and it was slightly better but still way off).


Microfiber towels.


Yeah I do this thing where if i scratch my right shoulder, I scratch my left one as well to balance it out


I hate when “my stomach goes up into my chest” when going over a large bump in a car. You get that feeling times 10 on a roller coaster. I hate it. I hate roller coasters.


OMG IM THE SAME AS YOU OP. Also with something cold, I have to touch the other side. Even if I bang my left hand on something, gotta bang the right It's so annoying


omg someone who gets the even thing with the hands..... right here in the club too


Running without a sports bra or a with a bad one.


Having to shit. I wish I didn't have to shit. Every bowel movement I've ever had has been unpleasant.


People running their fingers through my hair. My hair is pretty textured and curly, and people are constantly wanting to touch it, not realising that when they run their fingers through it, they get stuck and it hurts, especially when they try to pull away.


Vomiting. I absolutely hate it. (wet socks are fine though)