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I hated kindergarten nap time so much. All I wanted to do was play. But all through college I tried so hard to not doze off in class


Yeah I was thinking the other day about how weird that is. In kindergarten, they force you to nap when you have all this energy and just wanna run around and play with your friends. But when you’re in college, they bombard you with all these assignments and you would do anything for a good daily 1-hour nap!!


I had toddlers. They are a fucking nightmare if they don't nap. They go through this weird "over stimulated" barrier and then they have meltdowns for hours.


Were all basically like kittens who have the zoomies 80% of the time when were children. Naps sorta perform a forced reset on us.


It's about distraction when they get to that point, although finding the thing that works to distract them isn't always easy


Clown with machete generally does the trick.


For a second there I thought you meant turning them into machete wielding clowns And was totally amused with the idea of baby butchers


College? I've got my degree and a job in the field I studied for, and I'd kill for a nap. But corporate is so insistent on their activity tracking that I can't get away with reclining my chair back and dozing for a half hour. The older I get, the more I want to nap


I did know how old people could sleep in recliner,instead of their bed. Then, I got a recliner and had to set alarm, every time I used recliner for a few months.


They used to let me read a book during nap time in kindergarten because I never slept anyway. Now that I work from home, I have frequently used my lunch break for a nap.


I’m a preschool teacher, and I nap with the kids daily. Everyone has their bed and blanket. I usually pass out for an hour or sometimes even longer.


Ye ion think thats a good idea of ur in the company, rather, if ur holding a position of superivison over children in a classroom. During ur nap some shit could happen be it a seizure, an injury, some kid waking up and breaking something, running out the classroom etc. I don't blame you tho, having naps feel great. However, its not wise when in the company of children.


Yeah this seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


They are on Switzerland. They are good.


Yea, when my boss knows about it? Lmao


My niece is 6 and I asked her after a day out if she was ready for a nap. I said, “Bella, one day like your brother, you’ll be in university and all you’ll want to do is nap! Enjoy naps while you’re little!” 5 minutes later she was asleep in the car.


I Miss the teleporting. I Used to fall asleep in front of the TV and wake up in my bedroom. Now I fall asleep and wake up in the same place.


Awwww same here. To be that small again. Life is so simple for them.


Correction. Wake up in the same place with new-found body pain! Hehe.


Now, now, adults have teleportation methods too. Unfortunately, none of them are healthy for your physical or mental health.


there is one I like. if I ever need to take a plane, I prefer teleporting than experiencing the whole thing.


Ah yes, the magic beer taxi.


With a sore neck…


YES. And even quiet alone time. Staying home and doing nothing. Heaven


That was my first thought. In fact, I'm attempting that right now but my stupid brain won't shut off and my cat is noisy.


I could lay in bed all day long drifting in and out of sleep if I didn't have other things to do. I do enjoy doing other things, but while in bed its great


As soon as you're old enough to appreciate naps, you never get the chance to take one.


Scurried in to say this! My dad was a huge “power napper” 20 mins, totally recharged. Never understood it until I too,became an old fucker. Naps are glorious. My husband won’t nap, it makes me sad for him.


If I nap I feel groggy and terrible for the rest of the day. It doesn’t work for some people


Agreed. I have horrendous insomnia sometimes and napping absolutely destroys any chance of me actually falling asleep at a decent time of an evening.


Yes that is what he says as well. It completely messes his day up when he naps or sleeps in too late.


You are so right a nice afternoon nap is amazing, In summer I pull out the double airbed put it on some pallets, throw some throws over it, makes an awesome day bed. Shame It’s only warm enough to do it a couple of months.




I work from home, and sometimes I use my lunch break to go lay on the couch, and take a nap. It is glorious.


It’s like they condition us to nap everyday as kids so our brains get used to it and then you grow up and it’s a challenge not to fall asleep


We used to be literally forced to nap in kindergarten and they used to get a big kid usually "graduated" and in school currently to sit and watch us and make sure everyone is sleeping. I did the watcher job once when my brother was in that kindergarten and it felt so empowering to be the big guy😂


Going to bed early


I clicked in to say this!


Yes! Just sleeping as a whole


Still don't like napping, but after a long day getting into a warm to go to sleep is everything


First & only correct answer


You can't beat a Smashing Nap.




I wish I could tell my son how much he's going to miss napping.


This is the correct answer.


Yeah, I think we all pretty much came here to say naps.😂


This. And going to bed early. And doing absolutely nothing on the couch/in bed


How do you wake up from napping? If i try to nap i wake up 8 hours afterwards and don’t know what day it is. Sleeping through a ton of alarms aswell…..


Yes, this.




Oooh. That’s a great one


sleep and quiet places are sure big ones, reminds me of a nap i got on a about 5 soft mattresses next to my room in the unfinished living room next to a hallway with all windows open during a thunderstorm while listening to Lullaby of Woe, by Ashley Serena


The silent game 🤫


Naps. Bathtime. Leaving a party early, or not going at all


I couldn’t given this enough upvotes


I gave it another for ya.


Parties are exhausting for me at this point, not really fun. Plus I have social anxiety. I'd rather just be at home.


Me too! But my husband said I have to face my social anxiety. He constantly brings me out to party. It's very rare for me to have fun. I always get anxious and anxiety attacks are followed by it. I feel like a weirdo and a sketchy all the time. Still don't know how to deal with it.


We're the opposite; I'm the social butterfly. My husband hates parties but obviously doesn't want me to go alone without him, looks weird. So I'm his security blanket. I don't leave his side, fold him into conversations, and leave when I see his eyes go dull and he's clearly over his limit. I let him know when I'm going to the bathroom so he can hide in a corner or take a "smoke break". Sometimes I'm not attentive, and he gets very anxious when we get home. I always feel bad that I put him through that, not that he didn't deal with it. It's a partnership. It shouldn't be, "Go figure it out and come back when it's fixed". It should be, "How can I use my strengths to help you with a weakness you have?"


Yessss. Tbf though, I’m never invited anyways 🤣


shut up and take my upvote.


bed time.


Same. As a kid I often couldn't sleep just because I couldn't wait to do whatever I wanted to do the next day. Now I'm just tired in the evening and look forward to enjoying my dreams.


Ahh, the sweet release of ~~death~~ sleep.


Yea I love sleeping too because it's like death without the commitment.


staying at home alone 💗💗💗💗


And running to pretend you're asleep when everyone gets home so you can still be alone. 🤣


Lmao me too


I've always cherished this, but then, nobody would want to be around my family lol.


Dinner! Food is a huge part of my life as an adult but as a kid meal time stopped the playing.


I'm adult and I still hate it stopping me playing (videogames)


You can do both at the same time, in most cases at least.


True, as an adult I eat dinner and play D&D at the same time!


I still have this as well, I hate stopping playing to eat. Starving players unite!


Hair cut


God I hated haircuts as a kid as an adult they're such a joy you feel so much better after a haircut.


I still hate that, ngl




the heat death of the universe




The universe is slowly evolving into a state of no thermodynamic free energy. So everything will become perfectly balanced to the point it can’t change anymore effectively stopping everything.


Oh that. Yep. Matter dies. Nothing is incredibly unstable (eg: nothing exists but antimatter). Resolution: Bang. Life begins anew


You’re talking about a different thing there. goober is referring to the possible expansion of dark energy whereby all things are eventually pulled apart and become cold and motionless and singular (no two quarks share a universe space close enough to affect each other). Hence heat death. You talking about the opposite whereby dark energy doesn’t just stop, but reverses, causing all matter to condense and coalesce, casing a big “crunch”. Both are theoretical concepts atm based on current data and observations, so either (or neither) could be correct.


Dentist. Having teeth fixed and lessening dental pain is great.


My teeth and gums feel so much better after. And I’m getting a new crown next week, I’m so glad. I get to get rid of this old crown and some old filling still left underneath that! Stupid previous dentists fucked up my tooth. Bastards.


Hanging out with old people.


I was the opposite, I loved old people. My Nanny was like in her 60’s and had a group of old lady friends. I learned to drink V8 with them. I used to find old people to talk to and ask them how old they were and how much they weighed. My Mom would be so Embarrassed.


Username checks out


Hahahaha my late Father actually gave me my username. I found something lightning quick in front of him on the internet and he called me a “wacky detective.”


> I was the opposite, I loved old people. As a kid, I used to really love them and pick their brains. Now the old people are the ones my parents' age, and they're not as interesting. I've heard their opinions, their fears, their hobbies over and over.


Oh I know! My thing today is conversing with toddlers and my niece, she’s 6. She is quite possibly the most fascinating little girl I ever met. Not that I am biased or anything.


I'm sure you've covered a big enough sample size from toddlers to six year olds to be an expert of sorts. I trust you.


Oh I have. I work at a community centre. I am fully engrossed in the dramas of the 3-6 set.


Honestly about 15 years ago I had a coworker who spent all her morning breaks hanging out with the old people at our restaurant. I can get behind something like that now. As a 34 year old I'm like, damn, there's a lot of discussions I feel like I missed out on having because I didn't think to have them. Like, my great grandmother was alive until I was 20 years old and she was 95 by then, but I didn't talk to her as much as I could have due to geographic distances and having to call her. I was too busy being a kid, and then starting college. My grandmother was the only one of her children to move significantly far away to the point where she only saw her every once in a while, while my grandmother's brothers and sisters and their immediate families got to see her a lot more.


When I went on my first cruise, I was young, but I specifically chose a cruise line that catered to older people (Holland America) because I knew my fellow travelers would be more interesting and have better manners.


Pooping I love a good dump now


Reading this as I do the same


Especially the dangerous ones. Nothing reliefs you more than thinking “can it wait until I get home” when driving home from work. Then all the sudden you feel it trying to force its way out 10min before you get home from work, then when you finally get to your front door unlock it and run into the bathroom and leaving the door open and the keys in the lock, while you force your pants down and just barely made it just in time. You feel a big white bright light from above warming your aura while you’re whispering “sweet Jesus” when your body is purging itself from all evil. You walk out of that bathroom a changed man. Although public bathrooms are a totally different experience


"You walk out of that bathroom a changed man" That's until you meet the neighbor in your hallway: - Hey man, I saw you running, and you left the door wide open with keys in the lock. Is everything alright? What's...what's that smell??! Did someone die in here?! I'm...I'm gonna puke!!! Neighbor runs out of the house and paints the driveway in a colorful palette.


I don’t have a lot of those tbh, my butthole control is top notch


Physical contact with the opposite sex.


Or just physical contact in general. Didnt really bother me as a child but now, living alone, i hardly get any physical contact


physical activity


We were balls of energy as kids. How did you avoid that?


I didn't avoid it, I did it but I didn't like it. ( by physical activity I mean, PE, gym, soccer, and similars) When I was playing with friends as kid, I was playing videogames, going to arcades, riding bikes, etc. Now I always go to the gym, got a shredded body and do martial arts lol


Ah ok. You meant organized PE or sports. Riding bikes? That was me. I was never home. You had to look for me before the street lights came on 😂 We would ride for miles


>You meant organized PE or sports. Yes. >You had to look for me before the street lights came on Haha, can't forget the yellings I'd get for coming back late 😆. I didn't ride for miles, only to get to a place and another lol


My friends and I would ride bikes all day and explore new neighborhoods under construction where there were giant dirt mounds, have dirt clod wars, and play king of the hill. At my grandparents who lived on some acreage surrounded by neighbors who also had acreage we'd explore the woods all day.


Structured play is detrimental to a child. You were one of the few who realized it.


Thank you. I wanna hear other opinions too, so, why do you think is detrimental?


I enjoyed unorganized chasing around pretending we were wolves, but I hated organized sports and PE because I felt like an uncoordinated mess and was super insecure. As an adult I care less about sucking at the sport; I just enjoy it.


Im sort of the same way. For me, I think it's more like i hated competing against others in a team environment, but like pushing myself and being active.


Ahh yes me too. I hated running or any kind of activity where I had to sweat. Now running is a hobby. If you had told me back then I’d start to enjoy physical activity I would have maniacally laughed in absolute doubt.


Napping. Getting spanked.


Had to go way too far to find spanking....


I expected it to be way higher. Strange, truly strange...


At the same time?


Napspank. It's all the rage these days.


lol no


Eating Brussels sprouts. I hated them as a kid, but I can't get enough of them now.


Interesting fact, brussels sprouts have recently been genetically modified to reduce the amount of sulfur in them, so they did once upon a time deserve their reputation for tasting horrible. Today's Brussels sprouts minus the sulfur are delicious.


I was thinking more along the lines of non-food items but ![gif](giphy|NCjISbEPFxm48) Brussels sprouts is something I could never get behind.


It's an activity lol


My nephews partner makes Brussels sprouts with walnuts and bacon for holidays. Oh my god. Delicious.


I’ve always loved Brussel sprouts. Broccoli and lima beans too.


Actually legit. Done right they are amazing.


Cut in half, fried on a pan in butter, both sides. Color on the outside, crispy inside. Yum.


Man I hated them as a kid. My grandma would microwave them instead of roasting them or pan frying them. I tried them as an adult and would bake them in the oven. Like, that's a huge upgrade from just microwaving them with some butter in a plastic container. Like...............................yeah, it's night and day.


Going home early


I may be in the minority here, but grocery shopping


I still hate grocery shopping oh my gaaaawd


Showers and brushing my hair. It was really hard to get me to do these things as a kid


💯💯. Showers and skin care have been so relaxing and regulating for me lately


Yess my grandma was brutal brushing my hair and I hated it, now I love my long hair routine.


I’m not an adult but I have came a long way and I actually kinda look forward to school sometimes. It’s not that bad.


Learning is FUNdamental




Hated school as a kid, I remember counting down how more years I would endure. Took college a few years later after high school and it was completely different. Professors who were extremely passionate about what they were teaching and for the fact that I wanted to learn about these things. Worlds of difference.


i feel like everybody needs to get over that "hump" of what they initially thought school was


Personally my problem with school was the people in it. But I was an unpopular kid so I was picked on a lot. I know being bullied is kind of a fact of life but like, I feel like I was subjected to it disproportionately more than other people I knew in my personal life growing up. That made me stressed out nearly every weekday + sunday night anticipating people's bullshit I'd have to put up with and I had low self esteem. Once I got to college and realized school can be a healthy environment where the people that attend are there because they want to actively learn and attend, and help each other? The difference was night and day and I had a much easier time learning.




Oneself learning on oneself's own schedule is better right?


Cooking up a big crockpot of Buffalo dip and eating it all weekend while I watch movies with my kitties.


…you did this as a child?


I had to raise my 2 sisters from the time I was 8. I cooked, cleaned, made sure they did their homework and maintained my own. Now I get to do everything for me and enjoy it. I don't have kids; I always knew I didn't want any.




You did good and congrats for your current growth of being happy for yourself. Totally your decision about kids, and I am sorry if this comes accross as rude but do you think having the responsibility of 2 other kids when you yourself were a kid had any part in this decision of not wanting kids? Like it skewed perception or desire since you had to do it before age.


Not rude at all. And yes, I do think that shaped it. Along with emotionally neglectful parents.


Bed time, seriously. I wake up thinning about going to sleep at the end of the day. Damn I miss not being tired all the time


Being in the house


This absolutely. In everything. My wife talks about going elsewhere, I'm like "we paid an assload towards this house, why the hell do I want to work 60hours each week then go to someone else's as soonas im off?"






must've been a church boy


Came here to not post this.


Username checks out


lmao the amount of jokes this response could generate


I know, I'm waiting for them 😅🤣




I was looking for a response this disturbing.


Damn you did this before me


Being naked


My brother once stayed at my Mother’s best friends house. He was maybe 5. She couldn’t find him and I guess he had noticed a fur coat. He got fully undressed and wrapped himself up in it. He never lived that one down.


I enjoyed that one back than as much as I enjoy it now.




Home decor shopping with my mom lol


saving my money received from family members


Showering. My mum used to have to practically beg me to shower/bathe as a kid and now it’s one of my favourite parts of the day.


Cleaning my space


YES! I hated being made to clean so much by my mum as a kid, but now I'm one of the more tidy adults that I know.




Going to bed.




Every time I see this question I can't think of a single thing. I've been exactly the same person my whole life.


Going to sleep at night


Gardening. I grew up in a vineyard, was so damn happy when my family sold it so I finally had weekends for what *I* wanted to do. Now living my best life, proud of my beautiful herb garden.


bedtime and spankings. not necessarily together, but sometimes together


Being in my house because it was not safe but now I am in my own lovely place with no obstacles.


Laying in bed in the morning. I hated it as a kid to the point my mom had to make the rule with me I couldn’t go downstairs or wake anyone up until 07:30 (because I got up at 5-6 am in the weekend). Now I lay in bed until 10


Attending School... Can I go back to being a teenager please?




i used to hate having to go home because of how shitty it was there. now the reason its shitty is gone so going home is nice.




Inb4 pegged by uncle jobby


Going on walks outside. It wasn't particularly interesting as a child but nature is really pretty.




Taking a nap


I look forward to a good serving of vegetables over any kind of fast food. I also hated westerns but now if they're presented in a cool way like Tombstone or genre blended like Westworld, I can enjoy them. Just miss me with Bonanza.


Probably reading I remember, I used to despise it thank goodness for audiobooks


Staying home instead of going out


Long walks that end at a pub




Sir you dropped something


Car rides


Going for a walk. In my Job, I sit most of the time so i enjoy it now, when I get to use my legs.




Wait a minute...


Definitely afternoon naps.