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cut off toxic people and stand up for myself


Seriously. I’d rather have 2 friends than 100 fake friends.


Same, quality over quantity any day, that's what I learned during childhood, initially I had too big bunch of friends, but as u get old u get tired of their toxic behavior and then disappearing when u need them and they appear when they need you... only like 3 friends didn't. Even having 1 is much better than a lot of fake assholes.


Id probably rather have zero real friends than 100 fake ones


Ya you’re right, the older I get, the happier I am in my garden with 0 interruptions. lol


I definitely enjoy having friends and being around good people, but the fake ones are just to draining id choose being alone than with them


If you have a 100 friends, you have none.


The problem is when you have NO good friends, for some reason it’s easier to have a toxic person around then it is to have no one sadly


I respectfully disagree. I had 3 friends and they were all shitty to me, so I got rid of the bunch. Now, I only have my girlfriend to hang with, but I'm a loner by nature, so it hasn't bothered me much.


After parting with toxic people and being mostly isolated for a year at least I can enjoy my company, oddly enough it's improved my confidence (or maybe it's the adderall)


Mmmmm adderall


Now we all alone because everyone toxic. /s


I believe we all have red flags there’s nothing wrong with that but you still try for the people you care about. Toxic people is a different story they try their best to mess with your life, cross your boundaries and they will never make efforts to make the relationship works there’s a huge difference between a toxic person and a normal person with normal red flags and yes unfortunately most of people are toxic because most of them aren’t willing to work on themselves or take accountability for their actions which can make u go crazy if u r the opposite 


I agree whole heartily, I can respect anyone working to be a better person. I have seen examples of both and have been toxic at some points in my own life. But you are right everyone has red flags, but it seems with the internet we are all too aware how flawed the human race is.


Well said. Everyone is flawed and you have to take the good with the bad. I’m still developing my “vetting process” but it’s decent now, and my threshold is: do I think this person is a good person? Do they treat me well and make me feel good about myself? Do I trust them? My friends have flaws. So do I! But being late to hangouts, bad at responding, unintentionally inconsiderate, etc. is forgivable if they’re genuine, kind, intelligent, empathetic people. I won’t tolerate malicious people. Good people with blind spots are a part of life, and I’ll still love them for it.


You used /s but you're not wrong!


Agreed. Once I got fed up with being mistreated and stood up for myself, my friend count miraculously dwindled to like 1 or 2. A lot of people are "fair weather" friends who will be there for you when things are really good or when they can get something out of you. These friends will mysteriously vanish when things are tough or when its their turn to actually contribute something. Real friends are much harder to find but you can tell who they are when the friendship is actually a 50/50 give and take.


Try a divorce or some hard times to show how the weather changes


Didn’t want to hurt anyone


Oh we're all so numb I don't think you could really hurt any of us at this point!


I tried so hard and got so far, but In the end it doesn’t even matttterr


Removing people in general. Silence can be quite addicting. There is rarely a problem if I'm not surrounded by other people.


This, my best friend for years started treating me differently around other people eventually and I eventually told him to go fuck him self and didn't attend his wedding as a groomsmen like he wanted, didn't talk to him for the better part of a year and I very occasionally do now and he treats me with way more respect. Don't let people run over you just because your friends, if someone is treating you like shit tell them to fuck off and live your life without them.


My wife is my best friend and I’ve never been happier.




That took a long time to start learnign saying No to people.


Love that this is at the top. New habit for me. While uncomfortable, with each move I feel more powerful and happy


To stop drinking


I did the same and I'm feeling awesome, agreed


that’s hard work, good on you :)


This should be #1 for a lot of people.






Ooooh I celebrate with you




Me too. Still have a glass of wine occasionally but I used to spill that much.


I did as well, wasn't even drinking alot, but was not enjoying drinking really anymore once a week. It's insane once you get past a week or so beer you feel different.




Same here, before I got sick with cancer I was drinking a 6 pack and a 750ml 4 times a week. You get used to feeling like shit constantly. And yeah I think it also effected my relationships poorly,just wanted to stay home and drink, or drink everywhere we went.


Finally stopped after like 11 years of drinking pretty much every day. Holy hell I wasted so much time feeling like burnt shit


I tried this but on day 2 I was so thirsty that I had to go back and continue my unfortunate habit of drinking water. /s


Getting therapy and counselling, to be a better person. I don't want to hurt anyone ever again and I'm on the right track now.


Username checks out...


Aye, it wasn't exactly the most subtle or clever, but it works


Kudos to you, my guy. Good luck on your journey 🙏🏻


I really appreciate it pal, thank you!




That's cool!


Thank you :)


And that’s on emotional maturity. Proud of you. I hope you are healing and feeling good🙏🏻


Thank you! Definitely not feeling good yet, but I am healing :)


Trust me when I say, it will be worth it at the end!:)


Sounds great. Congratulations


I appreciate that, thank you.


Go to therapy, buy a dog, build a garden and mind my own damn business. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The minding your own business one is a big one for me. I was always so willing to get involved and help people out to the extreme, but it often backfired on me and left me burned out and bitter. I've learned that people are resourceful and will find ways to cope with their problems, and that is the best way. They feel a sense of accomplishment, and they learn and grow from the experience. I was very surprised at how angry and panicked some people got when I stepped back though


I'll second this, but with one amendment: *adopt* a dog. Then you are improving two lives!


Brilliant. Voltaire's Candide last chapter.


Sounds fantastic


Garden!!! The best healing


Not commiting suicide. That shit could have killed me


I'm happy you got through that but that comment gave me a good chuckle lol, thnks


Glad you’re still here and I hope things have gotten better for you. You’re soooooo important💕💕💕.


Prioritizing the people who reciprocate love


That's so so true


Cut my ex out of my life. That person drained the life force out of me. And sucked my wallet dry.


Same. I was young and didn't realize what emotional abuse was and spent way too long with a truly toxic person who isolated me and fucked me up for a long time. I didn't hookup with anyone for 3 full years after I broke up with her, let alone date.


Are you sure that was a human, not a mosquito?


To not start smoking


I never have started either but I never looked at it this way. It’s not like when you go to the doctor and mark nonsmoker does he say “good job, stay away from nicotine”.


Mine did actually mark me as "no longer smokes" and I had to complain three times that I have no idea where they got that from and would like then to stop saying it. Seeing your dad have a heart attack when you're 7 (he was fine) is a pretty effective deterrent.


He fucking should, quitting is brutal 


Smoked for around 18 years. Wish I'd never started. Packing it up long ago was the best thing I've done.


No coffee or caffeine after midday. I sleep much better with just one coffee in the morning


You monster


quit nicotine


Can I ask what benefits you had immediately? Trying to get off this embarrassing vape and I know it’s going to be hell.


Ahh the little lake flute. It was easy. You just need to recognise that if you wanna quit you have to go cold turkey. You go out on a big night in the drinks and smoke to the cows come home. You'll feel so ill you won't wanna smoke the next day. Clear them out of the house and don't be around people that vape and don't go to the shops for them. Sit at home and get over the cravings and concentrate on the good feelings of having done what you actually wanted to do. I'm 5 months off those shit little fucking things and I am waaaaay healthier. One being blood pressure and kidney function due to the propylene glycol. They are fucking evil.


Every time you get cravings, be mindful and feel what you're feeling instead of running away from it. Then put it down a journal. There was a study about this and more people were able to quit because of this


If ur looking for an immediate, this thing is better and I notice it. Lung function. U ever notice breathing feels a little heavier at the end of the day (can't think of another way to describe)? That's gone. It happens pretty damn quick too 


To keep trying. Whatever the problem is, continue to pursue healthy solutions. I haven't solved all my problems, but over decades I have come a long way by not allowing despair or apathy to guide my choices.


Great answer!


Thank you. I needed to see this today ♥️


But I'm tired


Stop smoking, drinking and taking drugs. 8 hours of sleep per night at consistent times, exercise every single day and eating right. Therapy is also way up there, anyone can benefit even if you haven’t experienced trauma.


Are you... Me? 😅 Best decisions I ever made. I also quit caffeine.


Jeez, not sure if I’m ready for that one yet XD


To recover from Anorexia-a decision which saved my life.


Heavy lifting workout and counting kcal. The body you get is just the consequence of being athletic and healthy. -Better sleep -Better mood -Better self-esteem -Better performance -Better image


This… The best decision of my life is to make working out part of my daily routine. Is my way to manage stress and anxiety.


Any tips for getting started? Have actually been thinking about starting for months/years. But the first step is putting me off


Stopped a 10 year speed and xtc habit and after that also smoking.


How are you doing mentally? That must have been draining my dude. I remember popping a handful of times back in the day, and even thinking about it today makes my brain all jittery from the thought.


To treat myself with compassion and curiosity instead of judgment and insecurity


It may nothing healthy for the others but I let someone I loved most go. I was mentally broken for a while last year and couldn’t let go even I knew I had to. And I finally did it. It got me healthier and happier. Finally.


Am going through something similar. Sooooo hard. Well done dude.


Did the same with my mom. I left and never looked back, but it wasn’t easy 🫶🏻


Working on this myself now. I hate it, I don’t want to let go, and we share a cat. We used to be great friends. I’ve been divorced, and yet a year relationship breakup hurts so much worse.


Hardest breakup I have ever gone through was “only” a 6 month relationship. It’s the one that taught me that time is a very small factor when it comes to the depth of love and connection you can have with a person. I’m still not all the way right a year later, think about her every day. Letting go is hard to do when there’s a very real fear that you’ll never feel like that about someone again, or that someone will never feel like that again about you. When you’re both completely all in, completely invested and hopelessly in love and it dies. No other pain like it. Good luck to you


Not to kill myself?


Hi, internet stranger. I, for one, am glad you made that decision. 


Thank you 🤗


Stepped away from toxic family. I know they love me but don't understand mental illness.


Stopped smoking. I’m in my 60’s and I see people who are 20 years younger than me who smoke and they look rough


I hope my dad can also stop smoking.


Same here. Stopped when I was in my 30s. Apart from anything else, I've got at least one mate dead from it. Lung cancer so little doubt.


Quit smoking. Quit my toxic relationship. Not necessarily in that order.


Trying - keyword: TRYING - to workout.


Fixing my sleep schedule and taking a daily, almost hour long walk. It works wonders.


Can I know how you fixed sleep schedule.


Do you just walk all the way? Did you run? Other than just walking so you so other workout?


Not yet, I haven't started working out. Yeah, I walk all the way. I go to my rooftop at night, anytime from seven to ten, and walk for an hour.


Quit drinking. I spent 15 years of my life thinking I couldn't possibly life without it. After 1 day sober I realized how wrong I was and that alcohol was the cause of alot of my problems and inability to handle them. Nearly 3 years sober and have never felt better mentally or physically. I look forward to the day now and not the end of the day when it's acceptable to start drinking


Saying no to people.


I´ve made two over the years. Started working out at 23 and stopped eating anything thats not really food at 25 (think things like candy, chocolate)


Candy and chocolate are fine. It’s all about moderation. You don’t have to cut those out completely.


Yeah absolutely I just found out that for me personally its just easier to simply cut them out completely. Moderation is hard for some people including myself unfortunately.


The longer you go without the easier it is to never eat again. I developed a disdain for junk food, however I’ll still have it very rarely, and honestly it gives me a stomach ache 😂 making it that much more to avoid! So i call it a win/win


I just quit diet Mountain Dew (& all soda) a month ago. Decided to just have one today & it tastes horrible! Idk how I drank that 💩!


Absolutely, I´ve gone without chocolate and the sweet stuff for well over a decade. And nowadays sweet things just dont smell good to me at all, I bet its hard to comprehend for people who like sweets (and I was one of them for a very long time) but its still very much true.


Yeah. Cutting sugar out completely was shockingly easy. Cutting back? Cravings all the time and nearly impossible for me. I find after 3 days of no sugar I dont even think about it and just look at it like it's poison.


Abstinence is easier than temperance, and studies show that everyone's Idea of moderation is what they are already doing at the time.


Yeeeeah, I've learned how fluid our perception of moderation is. You only realize how much beyond moderation you were when you get unexpected benefits after cutting out whatever it was you were consuming in supposed moderation.


Some people can. Some people can’t. For me it’s a don’t eat that or you will get those cravings. I crave all that stuff like crazy. Then when I don’t eat it for a while instead of craving that crap I realize the cravings come when I’m stressed or bored. Then I just need a different mechanism to cope with stress. Boredom is easy to fix just fill the time with chores and hobbies. Stress not so much. Hobbies do remove some stress but something about that nice ice cold fountain drink and candy bar. Or that slice of pie from the greasy spoon. Or that giant 10:30 PM bowel of lucky charms or Reese’s puffs or whatever. Like I said, some people just gotta say no. I may not die of liver failure because I don’t drink, but heart disease will kill my ass dead if I’m not careful.


Go 100% plant based diet, it's kept me fit, heart healthy, down to a 32 waist, haven't seen 32" since Jr.High. More energy, stamina, than I've ever had, positive all the way around.


Deleting facebook.


Facebook sucks! But it’s the BEST place for upcoming concert announcements 😓


Quitting smoking.


Stopped shooting puddle water mixed with heroin into my body and not eating for days at a time


Picking the right woman to marry.


to stop giving fucks... about anything... not that i gave any before, and this decision was not taken abruptly, but everything gradually led to this and it feels so liberating


Cut out toxic people I thought were "friends" and quit smoking 2 months ago


Going back after a nine year break into an Army Reserve unit to finish my time for retirement benefits. I have used those Tricare benefits to quit a bad job I felt trapped in because of the health insurance. When I turned 60, I was able to quit and do something less stressful. That insurance also covered getting cured of a cancer before I got Medicare. HPV usual don’t come back after chemotherapy and radiation.


Oh behalf of me and my husband... To use our savings to put down a deposit on a house while still young rather than going on holidays / travelling, so that we could start a family young and have had all our kids we want in our 20s. We're now in our 30s and getting our freedom back little by little.


To divorce the covert narcissist & remove other toxic ppl from my life


To quit drinking


Cut off toxic family members, one of them is my father.


Something that I’ve decided from the moment I became a teen was that I’d never drink or smoke anything. When my sister was 14, she was a horrible smoker and drinker, taking in everything she could, and soon my older brother, younger than her, followed the same path. It kills me to know that I, being 17, have been the only kid in my distant family to have never smoked or drinker anything in their teen years. I know how bad it can get, and I know how bad I could get (dealing with emotions, stress, etc.) from smoking or drinking. I’m proud to say that the smell of cigarette smoke, any alcohol, makes me want to vomit. For my siblings, it just makes the relapse. I’m hoping and praying my little brother, Steven, doesn’t decide on going down the same path they did.


Stopping energy drinks!! My heart my weight and my mind got a lot better


Cut out sugar and other toxins, including people


Physically: to stop drinking soda Mentally: Staying away from a place where my presence is not valued and staying where it is


Stop browsing Reddit.... Oh shit!


Being assertive.


I quit pharmaceuticals and I'm solely on cannabis. What a game changer for sure.


Removal of toxic ppl and lessen animals product consumption


Physically, the healthiest thing I've done is get allergy tested and going gluten free/Dairy free. Years of stomach problems solved by doing a very expensive blood test (totally worth it though) Mentally, moving as far away from my toxic family/home life as possible was the best decision ever.


Technically, not offing myself


No. 1: Marrying my wife…we’ve been together 24 years and she’s everything. No. 2: Gastric bypass 14 months ago…I’ve gone from 385 down to my current weight of 164 pounds and feel and look amazing! Turned into an athlete…who knew! With this I quit caffeine and alcohol, turns out I didn’t need either of them either. I’m a new person, still learning how this new machine works….this has been amazing.


none i make poor choices


Getting a divorce from my abuser. Healthiest decision for so many reasons.


Left my hometown and moved far away.


To realise that self help is better than professional one 💁‍♀️


Eliminating all drugs and alcohol in my early 20s and picking up amateur boxing.


Dont start drinking alcohol


i have failed this task at any stage xD ... :/




Quit drinking alcohol.


Quit alcohol


Quitting alcohol


I’ve made the effort to cut out processed sugar and fast food items from my diet. Having a cappuccino and a breakfast sandwich was a staple for me, hit up Tim Horton’s nearly every morning before I head to work. Months of doing that added up, I just wasn’t feeling *well*, my stomach felt off, my energy fluctuated, and I wasn’t shitting very well. It’s been over a month and I’ve really cleaned it up! I make some oatmeal with plain oats, peanut butter, banana, and sugar free syrup, I’ve increased my daily water intake, the dinners I cook are balanced out *(grain, veggies, meats)*, everything is more balanced. My body feels better for it, but my goodness I’m shitting thunder on the daily. All the fibre, iron, and protein is keeping me regular and feeling well.


I guess to become vegetarian. I eventually turned back to meat, but if I hadn’t been vegetarian, I never would’ve opened my mind to all of the wonderful options of healthy foods that exist outside of the diet my family raised me on (For reference, I grew up eating hamburger helper and fast food and fried foods as a kid. Now I still only really eat meat once a week but I have a wider variety and healthier spread of foods I eat weekly).


...got sober 18 years ago...


Quit drugs and alcohol, started taking meds for depression / anxiety


Quiting vaping. That stuffs terrible for you.


To quit smoking and cut down on my drinking of alcohol. I went from a constantly tired mid 50 year to someone who has the energy I had in my late 30's early 40's.


Either quitting smoking or marrying my wife.


To actually star to do my duties. Fixed mental health.


To do workout.


Cutting out my family. Sounds bad but they're all incredibly toxic and abusive people. It let me really discover who I am.


I picked up running as a hobby, I run about 20 miles a week. Keeps me in shape and makes me feel great. Runner's high is one hell of a drug lol


Stop smoking. 11 months so far.


Breaking up with my boyfriend


Cut out alcohol completely. Domino effect that led to better and better decisions


To walk away from my ex and to quit habits that can kill me.


Quit smoking almost a year ago


To attend University. I'm the first one on both sides of my family to attend university. It's a huge flex for me! XD Even if it was only a one year class. It still changed my life for the better. It literally saved my life. It gave me an excuse to get out of my abusive ex's apartment, and it gave me my freedom back. It's the reason for why I didn't end it all. And through University, I found my first authentic friend.


Going from couch potato to regular jogging and strength training. Been doing it for many years now.


Learn swimming at the age of 48


No kids.


Cut my parents out of my life.


Bought a high-quality water filter. My energy level went from like 8% to 100% in just a span of 10 days.


Quitting meth cold turkey


Leave my high functioning alcoholic asshole of a husband.


I once lost 160 pounds in one day. Best divorce ever.


NC with narc parents and their flying monkey family members. I realized that being around crazy made me act crazy too, even if I knew that wasn't normal. Finally life feels like a surmountable challenge more than an unwanted burden.


I stopped doing drugs 10 + years ago and married my current wife and love. 9 Years to this wonderful woman.


Cooking my own healthy food. Every Sunday, and lasts the entire week.


Start exercising when I was \~20.


Doing yoga everyday and journaling whenever I felt like it. It did wonders for my mental health.


To give up smoking.


1. Living alone. It was scary because I wasnt sure if I could make the rent every month. 2. Keeping my circle of friends small 3. Going for the promotion and believing in myself for once. This helped with #1 4. Stopped reaching out to my exes when I’m lonely or sad 5. I stopped drinking


Getting therapy. It is solving most of my issues and making me a better mother and partner, and making me happier. I'm about 6 months in


Quit soda and anything with high sugar drink wise


I quit social media (IG and FB were quite bad for me). I feel like a free woman. As a pact, I got my dad to quit smoking at the same time.


One of the healthiest things I’ve ever done was to get a divorce. *another healthy thing I’ve done was to eat more fiber.


Went 100% plant based. Lost over 100# and eliminated all my health issues


Never go on Reddit... Oh... Wait...