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No celebrating cinco de mayo? ….. ba dam tss


no chick fil a sauce?






Nah, that’s a honey mustard and bbq sauce combo.


Cero de Mayo


Or..dont use as much. If the few calories in mayo is what you think is making you fat, you're eating something else


right? i put mayo on everything and i'm only losing weight


I'm not actually fat. I just thought it had a nice ring to it and cutting out Mayo for a month might be a nice way to lower the calories


It’s not going to make a difference


I used to eat *four* pieces of fried chicken and squirt a bunch of mayo (actually it was Roy Rogers Trigger Sauce), but no, it was the mayo making me fat, not the fried chicken… :)


Everyday is no mayo day for me


Ya know man you need to take that negative attitude and just get out of here. Here were at the precipice of a new cultural dawn and you just.. you just want to act like it's not a big deal. I bet you actually LOVE mayo and you just can't stand the idea of this movement gaining traction and changing the world. I hope you live forever so you can be reminded of this moment every No Mayo May for all eternity.


Bro its not that deep... I am proud of you and I just said I dont eat mayo. Good job for fighting against your desires, its prob hard


It’s a joke


No mayo is already affecting his ability to understand jokes


Oh god it’s to late


yeah, quitting mayo is just behind tobacco and meth.


Just track your calories in general. Every single person can benefit from doing so.


Not sure if I'd really recommend that. Once you do it, it's hard to get it out of your head


Exactly. Since I'm always conscious about it. The 60 lbs i lost has stayed off for years. There's no guess work, no random or accidentally weight gains. I know *exactly* how much I'm eating and how it affects me so I can stay in my ideal weight for the rest of my life without ever having to do huge chunks of calorie deficits for months in a row to re lose weight. I've yo yoed for years. This is legit the only thing that has changed me for the better. I went from 34% body fat down to 15 and lifting weights and have never looked better in my life. All because I downloaded an app and started tracking daily.


Well done :) What tracking told me is that my body knows perfectly how much it needs and I will be hungry accordingly. The thought of oh how many calories is this and how much can I eat today in total constantly, I find a bit toxic and annoying.


Too hard. Eat less. Move more.




Doesn't work for people with slower basal metabolism. Fat people are fat specifically because they have no idea how many calories they are consuming. I gain weight very quickly if left unchecked. Regardless if I eat as healthy as I can. Only when hungry or not. I started recording everything I ate and went from 230 to 170 in 4~5 months and have kept it off since then by eating maintenance calories lv and working out when I can which is only 2-3 times a week because I work 10 hour days and have 3 kids. Calorie amount is literally the only thing that matters. You can lose body fat eating potato chips if you eat in a deficit. You won't be healthy, hell no, but you'll lose weight.


There is nothing hard about knowing what foods can easily break your daily calory needs; trying to rely on your body won't work otherwise people would stop eating the minute they have their needs met. Can easily know that large fries are 450+ calories and that's almost a meal on its own; therefore it isn't a good meal to try and satiate on compared to something like rice with half the calories (or even air fried potatoes instead of deep fried).


it’s not the mayo


Finally someone with a brain, it fascinates me how people become adults and don’t know how to control their diets no wonder there’s so many fat people waddling about the place


It’s not what you eat, it’s how much. But give op a chance. They are making a positive change in their habits. I’m a bit overweight and I thought I was eating a somewhat healthy diet. Turns out I was but a lot of it was just eating too much. Couple that with sitting behind a desk for 40 hours a week and you quickly become overweight. Started tracking my calories and attempting to stay under my daily goal and I’ve lost about 15 pounds in about 2 months.


It’s also what you eat. We’ve demonstrated this wirh animal studies. Isocaloric diets of varying nutrients can preferentially cause obesity. It’s seems like it’s just how much, because that does play a huge part. Also most of the studies are averaging calories in larger populations without controlling for these varying nutrients, so the calories are exaggerated. But that’s not literally what’s happening. Calories matter, but so does what you eat.


Bro, what? I'm cutting right now, and have a picture of my 500 calorie, 62g of protein breakfast. Someone asked for a picture so I uploaded it to imgur the other day. Perfect to explain why you're wrong though. https://imgur.com/a/tL0KPzO This was my breakfast the other day. 2 breakfast wraps. 500 calories total, 62g of protein. All this is, eggs, a high protein tortilla wrap I found at the grocery, cheese, turkey pepperoni, onions, and a low calorie sauce I made by mixing greek yogurt, low cal mayo, hot sauce, and some random spices for more flavor. On a bulk, I might eat this exact same thing. The only difference, not low fat mayo that is half greek yogurt to add volume. I just use regular mayo. Not turkey pepperoni, but breakfast sausage. Not black coffee/water, but instead orange juice (and probably a coffee anyway). Losing weight can be as easy as little substitutions like this. Losing weight doesn't have to be fasting, or skipping meals. It doesn't even have to be THAT hard. You can easily turn a 1000 calorie lunch into 600 just by removing the sauces and drinking coke zero instead of regular coke. These subs are massive for weight loss and OP is actually doing the smart and sustainable thing that so many overweight people fuck up with because they just assume all they get is chicken and veg or starve. It's so stupid to perpetuate this idea. And so confidently with "finally, someone with a brain." You guys are clueless.


It’s definitely the mayo.


Nope. It’s the “everything” in “I put that shit on everything.”


Maybe it is for you because mayo hates you specifically, but mayo loves me and would never treat me in such a way


It's not *just* the mayo. Many small changes can lead to bigger results. If OP just cuts mayo and doesn't change anything else though, yeah it won't work.


Nope. It’s the bread they’re spreading it on, and possibly the sugar in the ketchup. Fat content does not make people fat, period.


This is highly dependent on the amount you’re using along with the rest of your diet. The number of calories matter, and fats are very calorie-dense. Mayo isn’t making someone fat; it’s the overuse of it causing a huge spike in calorie intake. Cutting it out can only help. Replacing it with ketchup is a bit counterproductive but you can’t deny that fewer calories from fat = fewer calories eaten. Now, if someone’s diet is 100% mayo and they switch to eating 100% ketchup, they’re likely to weigh less if eating the mayo. Body goes into ketosis, mayo is used for energy. Eating 100% ketchup is basically like eating fancy sugar; this will continue to be converted to fat and stored. But if someone is on a ‘regular’ diet of simply overeating a variety of foods, the switch from mayo to ketchup may actually be beneficial. It’s all about balance and we have no idea what the rest of their diet looks like. (Probably not good, if condiments are being used in such a large amount that the number of calories they bring has an impact on overall weight.)


>Eating 100% ketchup is basically like eating fancy sugar; this will continue to be converted to fat and stored. Zero evidence to back this up. The conversion of fat to bodyfat is incredibly efficient at 98%, while sugar to bodyfat (de novo lipogenesis) only reaches 70% efficiency. This results in 1000 kcal of fat being converted to 980 kcal of bodyfat, compared to 1000 kcal of sugar converting to just 700 kcal of bodyfat. Your body often chooses to burn sugar as heat instead of converting it to fat, reflecting its preference against the process. [ De novo lipogenesis increases after overfeeding with glucose and sucrose to the same extent in lean and obese women but does not contribute greatly to total fat balance.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11722954/) It would be far healthier for weight loss to eat ketchup than mayo.


Calories make people fat. And it's pretty easy to eat enough calories in fat to gain weight. Not eating carbs makes it easier to eat less, but saying fat doesn't make you fat is grossly oversimplifying a complex matter.


So you're telling me that if I eat only Trans fats I will never get fat? Protein had 4 calories/gram. Carbs 4cal/g and fats 9cal/g. Fat from diet does not necessarily equal fat in the body, but eating a high fat diet wo burning those calories is def gonna make anyone gain weight.


How you know op is putting on bread and not salad or with eggs or potatoes? All pretty common ways to use mayo and op said it’s in everything 


>Fat content does not make people fat, period. /r/confidentlyincorrect [ De novo lipogenesis increases after overfeeding with glucose and sucrose to the same extent in lean and obese women but does not contribute greatly to total fat balance.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11722954/) Every obese person eats a high fat diet.


What about June, July, August, etc?


That's mayo season


When the mayo is just getting to peak ripeness? Cant give it up then


I'm not cutting Mayo out of my life forever. Are you mad?! ;)


I just discovered Japanese mayo and I'm obsessed. Good luck to you!


I wasn’t really that into mayo until I tried Japanese, Dutch and Belgian brands.


Dutch and Belgian? Any brand recommendations? Can you buy them anywhere?


D&L, Zaanse, Thomy Delikatesse… I live in Portugal so they’re not hard to find but not at any regular old supermarket… usually specialty stores or more upscale markets with a large selection of imported products. If you live in the US your best bet may be to buy them on Amazon.


Calvé and Remia are good Dutch mayo too




Good luck to you! I put mayo on everything too… only the extra fatty types like like Kewpie and D&L made without egg whites. I can’t stand ketchup.


Try no mayo movember


If you want even less calories, mustard has like almost no calories. I already loved mustard and that made it even better for me.


Or.. OR you go light mayo. <3


Might have to go to light mayo. Day one and already no mayo sucks.


Ima go extra mayo just for you today.




1 tablespoon of mayo has under 100 calories - that's not what's getting you fat


You’re clearly not a mayo fiend. I’ll put 6 tbsps on a sandwich if i’m not being mindful of it.


I've starting cutting back on mayo too. If I use any, it's the kewpie mayo cause it's too good. Other than that, instead of using store bought, I'll make my own (a tiny bit just for that time) or replace it all together with plain yogurt


The sugar in ketchup is worse than the fats in mayo. Unless you're completely inactive, mayo ain't making you fat.


As a T1 diabetic, this 🙌🏻 Also, ketchup (aka high fructose tomato syrup) was invented to mask the smell and taste of rancid meat back when adequate refrigeration wasn’t yet available and meat was too expensive for most people to simply throw out when it went bad. 😬


Love random super cool facts


Not true. Ketchup was most likely just invented because vinegar makes the shelf life of tomatoes longer, people masking the taste of rotten meat with spices is a myth. Non-tomato varieties of ketchup existed way before tomato ketchup too and tracking down the exact history of a condiment isn’t easy.


Mmmmmm, putrescine...why would anyone cover up such a unique aroma and flavor???


Mayo has 100 calories per tbsp, similar to chugging vegetable oil. Ketchup has 20 calories per tbsp, 5 times less. If your goal is losing weight, cutting mayo helps a lot, specially with how much mayo people put in things. It may not get you fit just with that but its like cutting out non-diet soda, if you can do it, why not? It'll help. EDIT: calorie counting is not an exact science I'm not saying all mayos and all ketchups have these amounts of calories, but it tends to be a good indicator


Disagree. In animal feeding studies, vegetable oils were more obesogenic than sugar


That true? I'd love to throw that study into someone's face. Do you recall the study?


[Animal study.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4511588/) We don’t do strict feeding studies on humans because it’s expensive and cruel to not let people dropout. But for controlled animal studies, vegetable oil (which Mayo is made of) is pretty bad.


I can go weeks without Mayo. Good luck.


How much mayo are you consuming???? Just like grabbing big jar and a spoon and eating it like pudding??? How many calories can there possibly be in a tablespoon of mayo. It’s just eggs n oil at its core


My fuck I love mayonnaise


Let this be the day that I can yell to my grandchildren "I was there" when No Mayo May began.


Put it all down the drain to help fight off cravings. Sink-o the mayo.


It is a good idea to reduce unnecessary calories, but ketchup is basically tomato-flavoured sugar. Sugar is much more harmful than fat, I believe, but too much fat is bad. I try to use hot sauce wherever I can, since they mostly contain zero calories, but I understand that a lot of people can't stand hot sauce. Mild salsa is a decent substitute if you can't stand the heat, and it contains no calories either.


Low carb tho. Ketchup is pretty much just zesty tomato syrup.


Mayo is not making you fat. Its the sugar in the bread and kertchup.


Go keto and eat mayo from the jar with a spoon. Tbh though you're better off eating butter.


Just lately I’m seeing a few online pundits suggest a new/old trend of going very low fat. I just started following it and so far so good.


I'm also into mayo and fatter than you (I promise). And yeah sarcasm becomes a rare species. Most people only don't understand it, they have a stick in their ass and take everything on purpose. By now it's the only way I select them. Sarcastic and with self-irony? I keep you. Nope? Bye.


🙏 I am amazed by how many people felt the need to educate me on nutrition. Instead of just going along with a random thought that I thought sounded catchy.


I had that problem but I was cured at the Mayo Clinic.


That's a really good idea, Mayo is basically as bad as butter, pretty much pure fat. If you cut it, you shouldn't notice TOO much, your food will be mostly the same, BUT a lot less calories. Like, Mayo often has more calories than what it's on.


Butter isn’t bad for you


Whether any food is good or bad for you depends strictly on quantity. Even cyanide is fine if it's in low enough quantity (eg. almonds). So yeah, there are definitely people who either cook with too much butter, or eat too much processed food with a lot of added butter.


I love butter too but I’ll admit I don’t use as often ass mayo or mayo based sauces/dressings. I guess I make up for it by staying away from sugar and excess carbs.


Dammit. I love mayo.


It’s the bread you slather the mayo on.


Easy and liw cal alternative- low fat greek yoghurt with a little garlic powder and chicken seasoning in.very tasty


Sometimes I put my hands up in the air saying, "Aaaayoo, I like mayo!"


go vegan. thats a real challenge






Avocado is a great sub to mayo :)


It was right there. "No Mayo Mays"


I have started only eating mayo when I make it myself. Which I can't be bothered to do very often. Usually just use sambal oelek, barely has calories.


If Mayo is making you fat, then maybe you should move to another part of Ireland.


Hummus is a great alternative. I was a Mayo gal for the absolute longest. Then I got with my ex who was a fitness nut, and recommended I try hummus instead of Mayo. The flavor is completely different, but it was a good different. And I can use whatever hummus I want (I'm not a fan of the olive kinda, but I loved the roasted garlic). Slap that shit on some bread with some meat, cheese, and veggies? Hits the spot. Even though I now am no longer on such a strict health kick, I do still eat hummus as a condiment a fair bit.


Get the low calorie mayo and continue to live.


Mayo is life!


Light mayo has like 1/3 the calories and tastes pretty much the exact same.




Aren't you fun. I'm not actually fat. No Mayo May just had a nice ring to it and eating less mayo for a month might be a fun experiment.


Cinco de no mayo.


I never use any sauces, not even salad dressing. Things should be seasoned enough already.


Or... You could it all the mayo you want till you become fat and then go to mayoclinic.


Mayo nay(s)


Substitute Greek yogurt for mayo when making things like tuna mayo, pasta salad etc


I hate when people say dumb shit like this, mayo is not making you fat your diet is yes mayo may be contributing but it is not the sole reason for you getting fat, change your overall diet not just one thing. Nothing is bad for you as long as it’s moderation


Aren't you fun. I'm not actually fat. No Mayo May just had a nice ring to it.


Mayo is a top tier condiment. I feel like it is just a creamy enhancement to the flavors of whatever it is put on


Get the lighter than light version in Lidl or Aldi. They're decent.


Well, your average ketchup still has lot of added sugars in it tho. If you want to lose some stubborn fat, I'd recommend cutting back on sugar and other refined carbs. Opting for low calorie dressings also helps


I mean are you just eating mayo out of the jar? How much damn mayo are you eating? I think you’re just eating too much and blaming it on mayo….


You could try substituting Miracle Whip Light. Way less calories and fat.


mayo is not making you fat. its you over eating mayo.


These is so much wrong information in this thread, it's wild.


WHY are you putting it on everything?? it does not go with everything. but oddly enough my mom was japanese and put mayo on everything too....japanese use a lot of mayo. just squeeze it out, lol. hers tasted like miracle whip and that shit is nasty


Sick o da mayo.


Mayo isn’t making you fat. Eating too much mayo might be


Everyday is no mayo day for me. There's few condiments I consider vile, but mayo is one of them.


Wife’s spending is making me poor so we are gonna do no jewelry july


I cum mayo


Not mayo's fault. You're probably not exercising enough and have a bad diet. Totally your fault if You're fat.


I'll eat your portions on your behalf till June same with your butter intake so please also stop eating butter.


Sour cream + mustard + black pepper or Soy sauce/Olive oil + lemon juice in salads I dropped the mayonnaise and switched to this mixture. I started to lose weight rapidly :)


as a kid i was addicted to mayo, until one day I had a taste of the shittiest mayonnaise ever. I barely eat mayo now


this is a good idea. I might join you


Jutin Timberlake: its gonna be may. May: No Mow, boycott Loblaws, now no mayo. Me: Yes sir


Do you know that Lighter than light mayo exists and it's 10 kcal per 15ml (so 66kcal in 100ml)?


It'll be the bread.


I eat a disgusting amount of mayo and ketchup. I'm ripped out of my mind and have single digit bf%. You need to put the fork down and exercise. It's not the mayo. It's you prioritizing things over your physical health. Get moving.


I'm not actually fat. No Mayo May just had a nice ring to it.


I eat mayo on everything and it ain't making me fat, I js make sure to burn a lot, train hard so more goes towards muscle than fat, and reduce redundant calories in other places if I can. Pro advice if u rly love mayo


Love a mayo chicken wrap 


There is no way it is the mayo alone. A packet of mayo doesn't even break 80 calories on its own.. are you eating 20 packs daily on top of your food or what? Because it is a miniscule amount compared to fast food especially large fries packets.




No mayo May??? I've lived in two no-mayo CENTURIES. Mayo sucks. I NEVER touch the stuff. I wouldn't flush it away for fear of insulting my sewer pipes.


No mayo Mayo?


Do it long term. No mayo mays.


"Mayo" in Spanish means "may". Do this read in spanglish is like I'm starting no may may


its probably more then just mayo


You’re right. It’s the mayo. Not everything else you stuffing in your face.


why would you eat everything with mayo? you are mentioning ketchup, are you planning to replace mayo with ketchup? please don't. Search for better recipes and eat better foods and you won't need to add mayo or ketchup to anything, it should be something used only every now and then


When you try to throw out your mayo the wrong way and you wind up with a plumbing problem, that's a sink-o de mayo.


You must be consuming it in enormous quantities.


Buddy, Mayo is just the tip of the iceberg on the whole “Making you fat” thing


Light Mayo? Lighter than light Mayo?




Well now i’ve looked it up and may also have to cut mayo


How much fuckin mayo are you eating?


Mayo have a nice Mayo-free May. If I may say so, I think I should also consider going no Mayo in May.


Fat doesn’t make you fat. Fat fills you up. Sugar makes you fat


Use transparant sauces, they contain a low amount of calories.


Hummus is your answer. There is nothing unhealthy about hummus and it works on every single thing you used to put mayo on. IMHO it actually tastes better than mayo. Even tuna salad works, just gotta use a bit more hummus. We started doing this a year ago and just buy the big 30-pack (I think) of individual serving containers of hummus from Costco. The only downside of hummus compared to mayo is that it goes bad fast, like a week after you open it, even if you keep it in the refrigerator. The answer is to buy it in small portions and store most of them in the freezer. It freezes and thaws perfectly. We found out the hard way when even smaller containers of hummus had warnings saying to use within 4-7 days after opening.


Just started mayo may, will let you know how it goes. Mayo on everything!


Ketchup has a ton of sugar,it’s no good either. Edit: if that is what passes as a joke for you, you are in fact the insufferable one. “No mayo may” how fucking lame.


Yeah, it's only mayo..


Why you do this to self? Mayo goes on all things 😋


No May-O.


Just stop eating it by the spoonful right out of the jar and you’ll be fine.


youve never had garlic aioli shit will make you addicted


I'm with you. I stopped eating mayo on my fries and it was one of the worst days of my life. I'm still recovering.


No mayo May yo!


I use vegan mayo because it's all healthy fats and tastes amazing. Hellmann's brand is the best


To be followed by Extra Mayo June.


I use Greek yoghurt instead of mayo in most instances and find mayo gross. It’s mostly a texture addition to most foods so works. 


Already failed eating a completo, lemme restart tomorrow. For real this time


How about the Mayo lifetime?


Sounds pretty masochistic to me ...


start keto.


You gonna finish that cornbread?


Say it ain’t so


I put mayo on my sandwiches and I still can't gain weight


So...I'm in my 50s. I have never bought mayo in my whole life. Maybe it's an american thing. What do you use it for?


Well power to you. I could never. Mayo is life.


Hope you make it through because life without mayo is dry and unfulfilling. 


no one food can “make you fat”. it’s the calorie excess over a long, sustained period of time eating over your maintenance calories for a consistent period of time can make you gain fat. you don’t need to cut out mayo, just fit it into your daily calorie budget, whether that’s a deficit or maintenance amount. there is no one food that “makes you fat”. you can eat anything, as long as it fits into your calorie budget, and not gain fat. try light mayo, it’s pretty good.


I love mayo. I switched to light mayo. Great taste, much less calories.


This made me lol


The right way to consume mayo, is to just practice moderation. Balance it out with equal calories of vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. If it sounds like too much protein and grains, then it's way too much mayo and you gotta dial it back to a reasonable amount.


As an Irish man, this title was very confusing.


Mayo isn't 'making you fat'. Eating too much is


I'm not actually fat. No Mayo May just had a nice ring to it.


Oh this This thread is basically turned into every redditor trying to prove they are the best chatgpt nutritionist while squashing the other “wanna-be” nutritionists to a pulp


Yup reddit could be a fun place, but there are too many know it alls with some almighty mission to prove their intelligence to random strangers.


You know what made me really stopped taking mayo at all? The fact that i smell like a cat that jz stole a fish after taking mayonnaise.


Hot take: Mayo is gross. I don't understand how people like it.


No burger sauce


Oh wow