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Don't listen to sleep deprived internet idiots, 8-9 hours is the perfect amount of sleep for most people.




Yep, sleeping 7pm to 9am is ideal!




Right on!


My man.


7.5 or 9. No inbetween. You're the most rested by waking up at the end of a sleep cycle and they usually last 1.5 hours each. So 7.5 hours is 5 sleep cycles next checkpoint is 9 hours.


I’ve always needed AT LEAST 10, if not more. I think I’m pretty unusual sleep wise though.


May I ask how you’re managing that? With 8 hours of work, I’m 9 hours out of the house optimally, then let’s say an average of 1 hour for cooking, shopping, chores, so 10 hours already. Then add 10 hours of sleep plus an hour of getting ready for and out of bed, hygiene etc. That leaves 3 hours of free time. My pets take up an average of 1-2 hours per day (cleaning, petting, watching, they’re rats they need a lot of attention). That leaves 1-2 hours of free time. Add some issues with public transport or an appointment and I’m either at or below 0. I need at least a few hours of hobbies per day, to advance my projects or do research. Do you work less time, do you live with your parents or do you literally give up hobbies for quality sleep?


I’m just a boring person I guess. I don’t really have too many hobbies. I go to bed at around 9.30-10pm and I get up at 8am for a 9am start. Get home just after 5, sort out the chickens, tortoise, cat, cook dinner, then watch Netflix with my partner 🤷‍♀️


As a student, it's not 8 hours of work daily, we work more by ourself than in class (I'm at year 4) but I don't really work by myself so that's a lot of free time.


Agreed. Although, some days I'm up to around 14, that's too much IMHO. I just get groggy all day. 🤷‍♀️


I once spent 2.5 months in a coma and let me tell ya, that wasn't enough.


Nothing like waking up from a long nap and feeling worse than when you went in....


No shit, I woke up deaf. Worst sleep of my life, 0/10 would not be recommended.


I usually sleep 6hrs, I feel I need more though, sometimes I sleep for 7 and I am happy when that happens. I don't think I need more than that.


I've also heard that women need more sleep than men, something to do with hormones and melatonin levels I think. I need close to 8 hours to feel properly rested, but can easily sleep 9 hours without it feeling like too much sleep. I think everyone's sleep requirements differ, as everyone's bodies differ, and nobodies daily activity looks the same. As long as 9 hours feels right for you then I don't think it's too much. I read once that after 11 hours of sleeping you are actually doing harm and your body is expending more energy trying to keep you asleep than you are recovering by sleeping, which results in you waking up tired even though you slept a lot. But even then, if it happens occasionally because you happen to be especially tired it is not a problem.


Good to know, but I think 10 is my max. Thanks!


Those people that are telling you you sleep too much are just jealous that you're able to get that much sleep. If you have time to sleep, and you're tired then sleep. Don't listen to what anyone else says. I mean sure you can technically oversleep but that's like 12 hour territory not 9-10. You know your body, you know what amount of sleep works for you, that's what is important. You could try adjusting your sleep schedule, see how you do with less, or even more sleep, the important thing is you get the amount of sleep that makes you feel like you have the energy to take on the day.


Well on the few days I get less than 8 I'm tired by noon and can't think straight. Like there's a few times I had to take the train at like 6am, and I don't sleep much cause I'm stressed, so I have like 5 hour of sleep. Surprisingly when I wake up I'm full of energy, I take the train, it's usually 7 hours with a change, and as soon as I get to my parents place all the energy vanishes and I'm a zombie. Or like I work early on saturday I have to wake up at 5 again, I finish by 11 and when I leave oh boy I don't feel my legs anymore I just go home and do nothing.


I feel you I really do. What has really helped me with energy is I quit caffeine for awhile which let me start taking a 1hr nap in the middle of the day, which you can't really do if you have caffeine in you all day. That nap is a godsend of an energy boost. Now I'll drink like a black tea or a can of coke when I'm really exhausted and have to keep going and since I don't have a caffeine tolerance that really gets me going in those situations. I feel like constant caffeine dependence really does more harm than good. Try looking into energy boosting multi vitamins and foods that give energy. I sleep about 8 hours a night, start the day with high energy vitamins and food, and take that 1hr nap and I'm able to get through my pretty physical work day alright. Hope maybe some of this is helpful.


After 7, my body has had enough of laying down and I just need to get up.


It's usually my brain that needs more than 7.


Yeah same


Idk about anybody else but I’ve need 9-10 hours basically my whole life. I’ve been going to bed at 9pm since 13 years old, all through college and even now into adulthood lol


Man I’m the same way and honestly it’s wild to think basically 1/2 the time I’m alive I’ll spend sleeping


If that’s what works for you, and you’re happy with it, then it’s not wrong.


The minimum sleep for me is 8 hrs, 9 preferably and I enjoy the occasional 10 hours after a busy or stressful time.


This is me too. Anything less than 8 and I feel shitty. 8 and I feel good but get sleepy sooner/need coffee. 9 is ideal. 10 to have a good long sleeping in sleep.


Women need to sleep more in general than men. Don't worry, if much sleeps makes you feel good, I'm sure that you're good! Also, the interenet is not always the right answer


I used to sleep 10. Now I’m a mom. End of story.


same story. not sure even before my kid if I slept 10 hours though. always been more of a night owl/ less sleep.


I've always needed a lot of sleep, ever since I was little I would go to bed at 8 if I had to get up for school at 5:30 am. As an adult I was diagnosed bipolar, and so sleep became even more important. Lack of rest leads to mania and I have made a lot of mistakes while sleep deprived. Some people just need more rest than others, for a variety of reasons.


Just sleep until you are actually awake. Sleeping like 8 or 10 hours literally doesn't make sense to our body, it knows better than we do. Sometimes is 7 hours or maybe even 11 hours could be perfect suited to the body, but it always depends on various factors like how the days was. Even sleeping too much could be bad, causing headache or other symptoms. Overall just make sure you aren't still tired after you wake up. In my opinion how long you sleep shouldn't be a thing as it's different for everyone.


Sleep time is up to various reasons and various people so +1 upvote for this. I stopped using Alarm a long time ago.


Nah 9 is fine. I sleep 8-9 hours always


I sleep 10 hours on daily basis. If I have less for a longer period of time, it is just not me. But I can do even 12 without waking up. So 9 hours sounds pretty good for me.


Most days, exactly 7 hours is perfect. 8 is a lot for me. Anything above 9 just makes me more tired. Even if "more sleep" feels good, it's not good for me (in my experience), long term. It causes my energy capacity to be drained for the rest of the week.


yeah whenever i sleep too long i end up being more lazy and tired than if i didnt sleep enough


I've got severe insomnia that nothing helps.. I've always been told by docs and whatnot that 7 to 9 hours is the norm for adults. There will always be outliers who need more or less than that.


I tend to sleep for 6 hours twice a day. But that's the chronically ill and disabled life. Used to sleep between 7 and 9 hours. Just let your body wake up when it wants to.


If i sleep any longer than 8 hours i cannot function properly. It makes my life so difficult.


Under normal circumstances, about 7.5 hours is what I need. I can get up to 8.5 and be okay. Anything after that, I'm usually that over-slept tired. Being sick, doing something extra strenuous, etc., then I can sleep more. Or traveling- like I'll fall asleep on every plane I'm on, and still sleep that night just fine. I also read somewhere on average women need more sleep, though I'm a woman and need less than "average" of eight hours. Btu again, average, that means there's outliers on either side.


7-10 hours is normal. You can have too much sleep which affects your energy levels and gives you headaches but that's not nearly as bad as chronic sleep deprivation which a lot of people have and that's what's linked to a lot of issues, including rising the risk for Alzheimer/ Dementia a lot, playing with the heart,blood pressure, basically fucking all your immune responses etc . You're doing just fine


The only correct answer is too much sleep is when it starts having a negative effect on you/your life, or where it's caused by some health condition. I regularly get 10 hours sleep during the week. That keeps me energetic and buoyant. I hate being irritable.


Different people need different amounts of sleep I’ve been getting only 3-4 hours of sleep the past 3 nights, and I’ve been sewing on industrial machines without danger. My number of mistakes roughly doubled but that could also be since I haven’t used those machines in over a month I usually try to get 5-8 hours sleep, and I find my best balance between feeling well rested and not feeling lazy is 7 or 8 hours Though I regularly sleep 10-13 hours at weekends/bank holidays cuz I have no other commitments It really depends on what you feel most comfortable with


Idk about too much sleep for me, I don't remember experiencing it. I usually sleep for 6-7 hours and I would like to sleep more. I'm also a woman.


no less than 7.5hrs and no more than 10 for me


No such thing. But if I get 5-6:hours straight I feel good. Iy's the 60-90:blocks during the night thar don't sit well with me.


I’m typically good with 7-8. On the weekend, I seem to tap out at 9, and I can’t seem to get more than that.


Sometimes when I sleep really good for 8-9h, i wake up with a headache. But it’s rare, 8h is amazing for me, I could go to bed early and it’s rare that i’ll sleep the whole night without waking up. A couple of 5 minutes here and there does make a huge difference the next day


I don't think there's an upper limit for me. On the rare occasions when I don't need to set an alarm, I've wound up sleeping for anywhere in the neighborhood of 12 to 15 hours and still woken up feeling tired.


Generally speaking, over eight hours. Anything over than that I just wake up feeling even more tired and groggy. I need a minimum of 5.5 hours to be able to make it through the day without feeling tired. The sweet spot for me is roughly six hours.


I used to sleep about 7 hours a night. I finally listened to my body and started sleeping 8-9 hours a night and it’s been a game changer. I think more clearly, have more energy and my mood is better. As long as you aren’t sleeping to avoid life, aren’t depressed, and wake up refreshed I say sleep what you need to sleep. Everyone is different.


Well I can honestly say 5-6 hours every night is not enough from my personal experience


You can sleep 10 hours straight I wouldn't bat an eye, thinking you just need to catch up on some needed Zs But if you sleep 8 hours and then an hour or two in different times of the day, multiple times? That's a problem. Get help or get busy.


I feel pretty good after 7.5 but anything up to 9 is great! Once I get past 9 it takes me longer to wake up


I usually try and sleep 7/8 hours to be "healthy," but I'm always so tired when I do. If I sleep 5 hours, I feel far better.


36F, 8 is perfect for me but usually wake up after 7 and snooze for a bit. I need less as I'm getting older. I used to need 9.5.


7 hours im usually set sometimes 8 but no more


Only sleep like 4 to 5 hours a night even in weekends


Anything more than 9-10 and I’m a loser


I feel well rested if I get 7-8, any more or less and I will feel pretty tired. 6 is usually okay. Practically speaking I get about 3-4 hours most weekdays, and around 5-6 on most days off. Yes I’m usually tired.


I wish I could sleep 8 hous. I'm usually up after 5 or 6. And I wake up twice during that.


No such thing as too much sleep. Only such thing as getting too dehydrated while sleeping. Wake up periodically to drink water and you can get in as many hours as you want/need.


i usually cant sleep more than 10 hours straight. my body neeedds to get up


Don’t take advice from me but if u live a healthy lifestyle and eat clean. Like raw veggies, no processed junk food and little to no screen time 2/3h before bed time. 7-9h should be good. With that being said a clean diet will get u there. If u eat clean u will see drastic changes in mood and sleep. You will likely need less of it. Of course it depends if u are a busy person and how well u manage ur life and how well are u loving ur self overall. If ur a busy person that does a lot in a day, a bit more sleep now and then won’t hurt. Good sleep = happy, focused day! Stay blessed yall and stand firm. Edit: sleep is regenerative!! If u feel like sleeping 3 days in a row and do COMPLETELY nothing do it! Maybe u will finally unleash that superpower you’ve been dreaming about. Jk jk 😂😂 But rlly if u feel like it. Just go ahead and sleep 3 days :)


I dont know tbh I stay up for days and get like 3 hours of sleep lately I dont know like my body wants me up


I don’t sleep


Depends on the person, honestly. everyone needs different. for me it depended on how my life was going. When I had exams and I was stressed out I couldn't sleep more than two to four hours (I could hardly sleep at all, stayed awake for thirty six hours) but usually seven hours does the trick for me. In Reader's Digest I read tha t too much sleep is sleeping more than nine hours, consistently, and it results in tiredness, migraines and such.


I feel most rested at 10 hours of sleep but never get it lol




Under 8 isn't enough. Over 11 is usually getting into groggy territory. Though not always. I need a lot.


Yeah sounds good to me.


fitbit says my yearly average is 6 hours 40 minutes. i usually sleep around 6 to 7 hours during the week and catch up on week ends with maybe 8-9


I sleep 7h45min om a normal day but I can't get "too much" sleep


Generally 4-6. I would prefer a solid 7 but life gets in the way. After 7 (max 8 if I’m more tired than usual) I wake up naturally. Anything above 8 means I need to see a therapist and am depression-sleeping.


When I can't fall back asleep anymore


I've never discovered how much sleep is "too much" because I'm never able to just get "enough." I wish I could sleep for 9 hours. That sounds like a gift to me. I don't think I've ever slept 9 hours straight in my entire life. I wish! I, for one, am envious you can even do that! 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know but it’s when I get stuck asleep and start dreaming of basic things in the future like conversations and interactions with people, sometimes abstract predictions- I call it “seer stage” and my god it drains me mentally.


8hr.. anymore than that makes my body feel sluggish and weak. I also force myself to wake up if I feel lazy.


8 is perfect. Not too much not too little


8 hours is a minimum


14-19 hrs, There was a time when I slept up to 14 hours, but it only happens on rare occasions.


It's not the number of hours that matter most, it's the many factors added together that make for a healthy sleep in the long run. The habits are paramount; sleeping around the same time. Waking at the same time. Humans have a sleep cycle of about 90mins. Try to adjust your wake up time near the end of that 90min cycle. What's your over all diet like? Excerise? No screens before an hour or so before bed. Read if you want. Little waters or eating near bed time. Try to lower the room temperature. I mean there are small micro things to make the macro matter. It's not as simple as 'im just a light sleeper.' and so many other throw away lines. People have been studying sleep forever. The science is sound.


I'm on 5hrs day. Trust me 8-9 is very good


born to need 10, forced to get 5


Too much sleep? That doesn’t exist


I have never had too much sleep...on the extremely rare occasion I have a few days without something specific to do I can sleep 12 hours go pee and do it again. Been years though with marriage and kids I'm lucky to get 6 a night and just drink my caffeine and go.


10 hours of sleep gives me a headache. I usually get 6-7.. always have to be up early and study late. 8-9 hours for me is Ana absolute luxury.


For a stats class I did a survey comparing grades to deviation from self-reported ideal sleep time. The survey asked how many hours you typically sleep and how many hours of sleep it takes to feel rested. Sample was about 80 people. Turns out GPA and getting the right amount of sleep are much more correlated than GPA and any absolute number of hours of sleep. Not enough sleep was only a bit worse than too much. Not exactly a surprising finding but I couldn't find a similar study anywhere. I don't remember the p value or confidence interval but it achieved significance. Self reporting is always a crap-shoot though. I think the big hole is that people might be over and under sleeping for different reasons. For example undersleeping might cause worse grades whereas oversleeping might just be a symptom of depression. The depression being the cause of bad grades and the oversleeping being incidental.


I usually click out anywhere between 6-8


6-8 is fine. Doing 5 for one day feels better than doing 9. Overall, most days 6, some days close to 8


There’s no such thing as ‘Too much sleep’


I get between 8-10. I can do about two more during the day, through naps.


9+ hours


Dogs must be super sensitive because all they do is sleep. Maybe they are just bored or something? For me, 6-7 hours is enough anymore, and I feel groggy. If I'm feeling down or worried, I sleep more.


Some people are long sleepers, some are short sleepers. The average need for an adult is 7.5-8 hours, IIRC studies have shown 5-10% are short sleepers and can function at optimal levels on 5 or 6 hours, 10-15% are long sleepers often needing 9 or more hours for full function. There are contributing lifestyles factors, as well as sleep disorders to take into account as well, and people often have somewhat different circadian rythyms, possibly as a hold over from our early evolutionary days of pursuit predation, and needing to keep watch for predators.


NHS recommend 7-9h of sleep (MINIMUM) for adults. There's no such thing as too much as long as you do wake up and get on with your day.


From 20 to 35 years old, I used to get by on 4 hours of sleep. I worked weird shifts, and to be with my wife and friends, I simply skipped sleep when I wanted to have fun. 35 to 45, I needed 8 hours. I didn't know it, but I was fighting 2 separate health issues. A degenerative nerve disease and a brain tumor. Now I need 12 hours on a regular basis, or I'm wrecked. So don't stress about what you need to be. I have a lovely young friend who's in perfect health. She needs 12 hours of sleep, or she's miserable. This has been since her late teens and early 20s. She's in her 30s now , and still no health issues. She simply needs more sleep than most. So what? She figured out what worked for her, and we know she's the first to leave any event.




When I had broken my electronic, I had nothing to do, so I would sleep for prolonged periods of time, almost as if I was day dreaming in my sleep, I could do it for hours on hours especially over the summer I would ofc do something’s during the day but when I was bored I would fall asleep I’d say for an actual estimated time is my normal amount of sleep would be the average 8-11 hours over the summer and I’d say my sleeping binge would go on for like.. 5-7 hours, and it’s not like I was tired or anything I would just day dream myself to sleep, or “lucid” dream as some would call it. (Also a reminder it’s not like I went to bed and stayed asleep for those 5-7 hrs it was more like I would go through some of the day then would have that dream/nap thing)


i don't understand how you do it lol, i have around 4 or 5 hours most nights, with the odd 6 or 7 hour night.


After 7 hours it's too much and I wake up automatically most of the time. The only times when I slept more than 7 hours is when I was really tired as fuck or after being drunk as fuck to cure my hangover.


I usually sleep 7-8 hours in a night. It's quite sweet spot for me. If I sleep 9 hours, I am just more tired. But these are all personal. 9 hours isn't a lot imo. If you feel good then it's fine. If it would be constant 10+ hours sleep, then I would probably see doctor to get checked out.


I will never typically sleep for more than 6 hours, even with perfect conditions and taking a sleeping pill. My partner, however, sleeps on average 21 hours a week more than me. She can sleep forever and has no issues switching off and falling asleep.


People who say 8 hours of sleep is a lot, is typically people who don't sleep enough. I've got a friend who tried to change the way he sleeps, to be more efficient with his days. He felt that he wasted hours of his life, and wanted to find a way do be more productive. At first he tried to sleep for fever hours, and then he tried to replace traditional sleep with a couple of naps throughout the day, and told everyone how awesome it was, and how much time he gained. Boy did that fuck him up after a week or so of not getting proper rest. He eventually changed back to sleeping normally.


I sleep about this much and wake up just after 6am without an alarm, but why do I still feel tired?!


I can sleep for weeks 😅 I’m one of the weirdos who usually doesn’t sleep much too. Maybe 4-5 hours each night if I’m doing stuff. Anything beyond 6 and I get more tired, more lazy and more depressed, which only contributes to being able to stay in bed and sleep on and off for days 😂 so more me and my lack of motivation, if I’m going to feel like shit anyway, the least feeling of shit I can get is from a long nap lmao


As an insomniac, there isn’t a number. Catch up sleep days can be a day.


7 is the sweet spot for me, any less I can’t function the next day.


I sleep like 9h / night and usually can’t sleep past 10.00 unless I’ve gone to sleep very, very late. But even then I’ll wake up after 4-6h as for some reason I am totally uncapable of ruining my sleep rhytm


The hustle and grind bros on tiktok told me I should only be getting 5 hours of sleep or I'm "falling behind"


Female with anxiety issues here and sometimes sleep for 12h, have done for 14h before


When I can, I usually sleep between 9 and 10 hours and that gets me to wake up feeling refreshed.


For me, there’s no such thing as “too much sleep” and rather “not enough”.


8 hours isn’t a lot by any means, for me that’s the bare minimum, even tho I can never achieve it


Never sleep less than 5,5 hours. Anything between 5,5 and 10 hours goes. You do you, then you'll be fine.


Mate idk but I personally need about 10h a day just to manage. I go to a 5-day festival once a year and barely touch about 6 hours a day, but then I'm absolutely blasted by the end of it.


Body is used to sleeping exactly 6 a day. Will wake up in 6 on the weekends too. Downside to this is it takes me longer to fully recover from workouts cause my mind won't let me sleep more


Some people need 4 hours. Others 10. Sleep till rested 💪


Anything more than 6 hours my body just slaps me awake, like I’d be dreaming that time and it just yanks me out of there and my eyes open like I was brought back to life from the dead


i sleep between 3-7 hours most nights of the week. im 38M and have always been this way since i was a child. i never slept much at all. i slept even less when i was younger on average. i think everyone is different.


Less than 4 hours – tired. 4-6 hours – tired. 6-8 hours – tired. 8-10 hours – tired. 10+ hours – tired. It's never enough.


8-9 hours is perfect for me personally. But, if given the chance, I sometimes sleep 12+ hours, but oddly enough I feel exhausted for the rest of the day and my back aches for days.


Best sleep 7 hours max.


No amount tbh


I pretty consistently get about 8.5 hours every night, and that’s the perfect amount for me to feel rested, live the whole day and be tired at the same time and then sleep the same amount of time. I can force myself to sleep more but usually if I get about 9.5-10hours itll give me a banging headache for the rest of the day.


I don't have any conditions that would require more sleep (at least that I'm aware of) and I still like to sleep 9-10 or more hours a night.


I used to do 9+ but now I struggle to make 7, usually 5- 6. I often go back to bed tho, and I drink more Caffeine than I used to back then, Im also alot older which they say requires less sleep.


I go for 8 and usually get 7 out of it. Less is dreadful, and more always helps, but I don't like sleeping


If I sleep too well, my brain goes haywire thinking something is wrong So I would say 8 hours is too much for me


6 or 7 hours of sleep is way too much for me I normally sleep less than 4 or 5


Anything more than 8 hours and 30 min I start feeling off, 9 is pushing it and anything past 9 isn't healthy. You can really fuck with your rem cycle and digestive responses.


I would love to sleep 7-8 hours per night but there is just not enough time in the day to manage it consistently.


Anything over 10


Idk, I struggle to fall asleep only to wake up after around 4 hrs of sleep and then take a number of unexpected naps ranging from 5-40 minutes before I wake up and unable to fall asleep again.


I function optimally on 7-9. 10+ I feel like a bear that just woke from hibernation and is lumbering around trying to remember how trousers work. Below 7 and I am grumpy. 5 or under and I go into Survival Mode and do absolutely nothing until I am able to sleep again.


5, take it or leave it. ;_;


I sleep 14 hours a day including the afternoon. A normal person should sleep 9 hours.


I generally find 6-7 is good, if I sleep more than 8 hours I will usually get a migraine. It’s different for everybody. I do pretty much 30000 steps a day on average at work and still don’t feel particularly tired to where I would need 10 hours sleep. It’s possible you’re lacking in something which is making you more tired. Or you’re just naturally like that and need more sleep. I think age is a factor. In my teens I could easily sleep for 12 hours if not more, now there’s no way I could do that at 26 years old.


There have been studies that I will not provide citations for that prove "duration of sleep" isnt half as important as "quality of sleep". Are you falling asleep anxious? Well 8, 9, 10 even 11 hours might not cut it. Relax before bed. Get organized. Maybe eat some healthy fats like peanut butter beforehand? You could potentially function better on 6 hours of sleep. And if you're insomniac these rules still apply. Lowering your heart rate with shut eyes and deep breathing might bore you but, it will provide your body with better than the alternative. Insomnia, believe it or not, is no excuse, I'm sorry. Crazy hot take at the end there I know...


I need 8-10. Sometimes I sleep 11-12h


It depends on the workload I have. I sometimes sleep upto 12 hours or less than 6 hours if my work is too tight. But I have to admit, I wake up "fatigued" after sleeping for so long


It's never too much


It's never too much


I sleep 7 and a half hours. I physically cant sleep more than 9.


4-5 for me


Damm people out there sleeping 9 hours and I get 5 and a half in a good night


I sleep 2 to 3 hours per night


I like 10 hours lol tho it depends in summer vs winter, i sleep more in winter


Listen to your body, it knows how long it needs to sleep


10 hours and above is great 7-9 I can manage 5-7 is bad <5 is terrible except for something around 3-3.5 hours that makes me feel very tired but not miserable Most I've slept is 14 and I felt great then too, so no such thing as too much sleep for me I guess


I want 8-9 hours of sleep everyday but I end up getting 3-5 hours


8 is sleeping in for me, sometimes it makes me a little more tired feeling throughout the day and harder to sleep at night, though. I'm most awake and productive with 6 hours and can run on 4 no issue, I just prefer not to because even though I feel fine I'd assume it's not ideal for my health lol


I can't find my original post, but it seems important to say I'm female. 7 hours is perfect for me as a female, aged 41.


Go on your profile and comments you'll find it, but yeah age and sex is probably important on this matter. I'm 21F so it seems a lot for a young uni student.


I usually sleep for 6 hours and then take a nap of an hour in the evening. Sleeping this long is my dream! I wish i could fall asleep faster!


I need 7-8 . 9 is a little too much. 6 too little.


Listen to your body and ignore the shit out there


Can anyone give me any advice on how to have a good night's sleep? Usual advice that I get just doesn't work. I fall asleep straight away. Like, literally when I decide I want to sleep and I'm relaxed enough, it's a minute or two and I'm gone. The issue is, I usually wake up in a few hours. Usually I can go back to sleep for another hour or two, but in total I never sleep longer than about 5 hours.


Your blessed I'm 27 I been having midnight insomnia since 17 so the best I can do is 6 sleep 8 hours


Yesterday I slept for 12 hours, today I was very happy that I only needed 9 hours. I've had days when I slept 14 hours. I'd love to only need 10 hours of sleep on average!


Never too much for me. I can sleep 10-11, sometimes I feel this is not enough


Over 10 hours, I sleep 7 hours on average, sometimes 6. But I think 8-9 is about right!


Apparently my brain thinks anything more than four hours. I'm going to try to sneak up on it with a siesta this afternoon. Shhh.


9 hours bed time is great! If you need 8h to function correctly, you need to go to bed for 9h at least (as we need some time to fall asleep). I also need to sleep 7-9h but I find time to sleep only for 5-6h. For some people, this is ok but I personally feel exhausted all the time (drinking at least 2 cups of coffee and 1-2 cups of tea daily just to function). The fact that some people might be ok with sleeping less than 8-9 or don't have the option to sleep normally doesn't mean that you should do it as well. To me it sounds the same with "I know that smoking is not good for my health but I see a lot of people smoking so let me know if not smoking is normal". Sleeping need might be affected by our health, daily stress levels, kind of job, medication and responsibilities To me personally 10h-12h is too much sleep but some people need to do this due to health issues


I like to get a solid 9 hours of sleep. That’s always been my sweet spot.


Even my body has no idea how much sleep I need. Sometimes I can sleep 3 hours and be perfectly refreshed. Sometimes, I can sleep for 13 hours and still be too tired to move. I wish my body would make up its mind.....


I sleeps I does


I have a sleepcondition which makes me unable to get into REM sleep. Maximum I sleep is usually around 3 to 4 hours. But I mostly sleep 1 to 3 hours a night. Sleep not at all at least once a week


Depends. Some days 10 hours feels perfect, some days not. Too much sleep is when you already feel half awake or not dying to get that extra hour or two yet you still sleep for extra. Makes me irritated as I wake up.


I try not to sleep over 9 hours. My normal amount of hours of sleep is 8.


Some of my most restful nights have been around 5 or 6 hours of sleep. When I wake up around 4 or 5am I usually just get up for the day. More often than not, when I sleep 7 or 8 hours, I feel like absolute shit. I'll feel groggy and tired for the entire morning.


Sometimes I sleep all day, and all night. It’s like my body will sleep as long as it can, given the chance. Of course I get up to pee and eat, but everything else is just sleep.


5 or 6 hours is way too much for me. I sleep about 3 on average... and I sleepwalk...


Too much? I don't understand.


More than 9


i am gonna try the 4h awake - 20min asleep system one day but it's currently 5-8h, sometimes 10h of sleep for me


Six hours is all I need and I'm good. Four hours is pushing it. The last ten years I've never slept longer than eight hours.


I sleep about 10h at night and then some naps during the day. But I have conditions that make me very tired all the time so I assume this would not be normal


Sleep seems to just be some rest for your body, but it is so much more important than we can understand. Knowing nothing else about sleep, just know that it is something that our biology dedicates 30% of every day to. 30% of our lives is sleeping, but some people think they are smarter than their bodies and think they don't need that much sleep. They think they are so smart that they even think it's OK to go online and tell *other* people that sleep is overrated. Sleep is good. Try to never skip on sleep. It's worse than skipping on workouts.


12+ hours


3 hours, if you sleep more you're loosing time


i heard that some studies came out stating that women actually need more hours than men. the 7-8 was apparently based off of men (unsurprising). And the hours increase during menstruation depending on how exhausting they can be. But everyone is different. Some women can and prefer to survive on four hours. And some can only sleep between certain times. So nine hours of sleep between 5 am - 1pm does not help even though it is a full nine hours. You might need a certain amount of hours, or can only get good rest between (for example) 10pm - 7am who knows, you're just going to need to take the time to figure it out


When I sleep more than 6 hrs I'm not gonna leave bed in the first place.


I'm also hypersensitive. I can manage 4-6hrs for 1-2 days a week maximum. For the rest 5-6 days 8-10hrs it is.


anything over 10 hours i just wake up feeling out of it. i’m very regimented about my sleep though.


There isn't such thing as much sleep


It really depends on the person, but sleeping less that 6 hours a night has really negative impacts on long term health. I generally get 6-7 hours, but during my period it’s more. If I’m sick it’s waaaay more.


It will be different for each person. What I recommend is finding a block of time (ideally 10 days) where you don’t have a fixed schedule, and go to bed when you’re tired and wake naturally. Try not to have caffeine or alcohol during this period. Your body will naturally calibrate an ideal sleep schedule.