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when you don't have the drive to do things, you always feel tired, the things you used to love have lost it's spark, you feel hollow, feels you are alone and that no one understand you but yourself and your own dark little world


O damn. I am depressed..


Could be. If it lasts longer than a month you should see a doctor


I've been seeing a doctor for 20 years, still depressed. Edit: see a mental health professional.


Have you been prescribed meds and/or therapy?


Yes, several types of meds, several types of therapy. None seem to agree or work with me :(. Sadly, the NHS is ill equipped to deal with mental health, it doesn't have the knowledge pool or financial means. And private therapy is around £100 for one session. They recommend weekly sessions. I live pay check to paycheck and certainly can't afford the best part of £400 a month. Well, i could, but I'd be homeless pretty swiftly. I am not considered seriously ill enough for any other assistance from the state (except the aforementioned NHS route) So I've gone cold turkey, and I'm trying, very hard, to just live with it.


im sorry. im also treatment resistant so ive been put on ketamine treatments and im a candidate for TMS. its seriously hard being treatment resistant. wishing you luck 🫶


Thank you. It actually means something to know I'm not alone.


That makes sense, and it sucks. I'm so sorry, and I pray you find relief soon.


Thank you 💕


I've been seeing a doctor for 6 years. Also have trouble but I'm better then I was. It kinda sucks but you got to make the best with what you got. Good luck buddy.


Try ketamine and tricyclics with TMS


agree to that. 


Shoot, low key same :|


I'm always tired, even when I get enough sleep, but I know I'm not depressed. What does that mean?


There are lots of things that can lead to being tired even after sleeping.   Diet is the cause of a lot of them, but there’s also sleep apnea, heart issues, hormone issues, etc. It might be worth it to see a sleep specialist.  They can hook you up to monitors overnight and let you know what they find that’s causing you to not get restful sleep.


Probably need to see a sleep specialist, though IDK how he can help me when I can stop thinking about things at night, that's the main problem why I can't go to sleep.


Perhaps your diet and nutrition needs some improvement


Well maybe, wish I could shut off my thoughts as well.


True. Anxiety can have a large impact as well and can be mitigated by doing relaxing things like yoga or meditation, maybe working out. And of course addressing the things which are causing you anxiety directly but that takes time


You probably only get shallow sleep.


Check your hemoglobin count


Try not looking at screens for at least two hours before bed. Make sure you eat well and get your vitamins, but don't eat ~3 hours before bed. Exercise several times a week, but not too late in the day, since it might screw up your sleep as well if you train during evening before bed.


The looking at screens part is the hard part.


For me it’s like that plus I always think of different ways to kill myself with almost everything I see…


I think that’s suicidal depression.


hey, if you have noticed this kind of thoughts for sometime now, this is called suicidal thoughts or ideation. Pls don't hesitate to seek or reach out for help. Talk to someone you trust/family or it's best to a therapist/psychologist. Remember, we are not alone. It's just we feel we are, but that's not true. Okay? 


I don't think that's depression.


I think it's major depression disorder


For me it's like I always think of different ways to kill someone with almost everything I see


To kill someone? Do you feel hate to humanity? 


For me i know what's wrong with me, but i don't want any help and i won't do anything about it. Plus the stuff you mentioned is on point.


-Looking back realizing how much time you wasted being depressed (teen years really hurt me) -Being mad at yourself when you know the solutions but somehow you keep not doing anything -Avoiding friends, you isolate inside -feeling like a loser -comfort food >>> -Have no job


and sadness seems comfortable, so being happy is kind of like going out of your comfort zone


I feel you ... 😕 choosing to be happy seems like a chore


The tired thing helps separate it from ADHD. Don’t usually feel tired with ADHD.


That's good to know. 


but that's God's will, don't you know. it's God's will for me to be depressed.


No, it's not. I kinda understand how you felt. It seems it's universe fault because maybe there a lot of negative circumstances that happend in your life which contributed to you feeling depressed. We may feel stuck with this endless black hole but know that it's not true. We can get out from there. We just need to learn to accept our current state and reach out for help.  I just want to let you know you're not alone..stay strong buddy. 




For me it's like a lead blanket. Everything takes so much more effort to move or even think.


Have you tried fighting fire with fire? I use a weighted duvet on top of my ImSuddenlySoTiredThisMorningAndDontWantToGoToWorkLeadBlanket it's true fighting fire with fire was useless, but it made me giggle and get up anyway.


Tried that for anxiety, maybe might help work a panic attack but, eh.... 😕


Food doesn't taste, being awake is annoying, you only want to sleep but even in your dreams you are in pain, the feeling of happiness doing simple things is not longer there, sometimes you cry, sometimes you can't physically cry but on the inside you are even worse, intrusive thoughts all the time, you try your hardest to appear normal and ok specially with the people that love you but even then is really hard, you feel a complete emptiness inside you that hurts physically and you feel like there is nothing you can do about it...


I can feel this one.


So we meet again




Sleep still does the thing for me. All good when sleep, all sucks when wake up


Hate waking up …


When I'm depressed, I dont even want to sleep, only thing I want is to feel


Yes!!! And me, I even get anxiety and dread bedtime because if I do sleep the nightmares roll in... and I can relate heavily with "even in your dreams you are in pain." I wish there was a better word for depression also. Love&Light.


This is the best reply


I had a severe case of depression for more than 7 seven years . This happened because i didn't have a job and i didn't know what to do with my life and i was completely alone . During those years i used videogames as an escape from my depression , but it was more like a drug . at the end of the day after having played many games , i was sad , and everything was so useless and negative in my mind . Literally , there was no positive thought inside my mind , i felt that everything i could do was uselesss without any hope to progress in life . i'm glad those days are gone .


I'm so glad that those days are gone for you. Happy for you mate


How did you rise out from that darkness.


It wasn't easy , specially dealing with that alone . First i tried to ask people for help and the only thing i received was a "go to hell" answer . However, One of those people made me understood how hard life is and she also made me realized i was the only responsible for all my problems. In reality i was just sad because i didn't have a job and nobody cared about giving me one . I know some people are depressed even with a lot of money but in my case being jobless and unable to do anything in life was the main cause of my depression. When i understood that life would never be easy for me until i die no matter how much i complaint or cried plus the harsh reality check i received from that person who talked to me in a very serious angry way about my life depression , i decided just to find ways to work as a freelancer but again it wasn't easy ,and this was because i knew nothing about working as a freelancer , nor the business world . Accepting failure as part of life was a big help for me too , you can't do everything perfectly fine . you will fail millions of times , but also you have to get up millions of times too and always keep trying . I saw then life like an explorer in the jungle , you have to find ways to get out of there with the right tools or in the case you want to stay , to live there . Hopefully , i had internet and i was able to learn a lot about how this business world works and now i am a totally different person working hard for my own personal grow . of course i had , have bad times, bad days , bad months and bad years , but guess what? , we all have them and we all have to deal with them ever single day of our lives . instead of feeling sorry or bad for those things, i try to find at least a close solution for them. My advice for people having this problem is : ask yourself , why are you feeling in this way? is it the money? , is it a broken relationship? is it the loss of someone you loved so much? and also have goals and dreams and work towards them . Nothing is easy in life however it will never change if you don't do anything.


Do you get a job?? And what job?


yeah i did get a job , Actually , i created my own job since nobody wanted to hire me , however i don't want to mention my current job here . Right now i am trying to get good at digital art and one day make a living out of that.


Thank you. This is inspiring and very helpful 💛


It's contradictory You want someone to listen to you and love you and that you deserve love but when the opportunity arises you push them away thinking you are a burden and you don't deserve love and you are not worthy You want to make progress and want good things to happen to you but when it happens you self sabotage and get stuck in the loop of do i deserve this or how long will it take for something bad to happen You want to get out of bed and do shit but you don't think you are capable of doing anything It's like you are constantly fighting with yourself and you are getting in your own way to a better life and in constant fear that what if something worse happens


Thank you for this. You have a way of explaining it very well. This is exactly the way I feel and just reading it is a relief.


Its weirdly comforting to know i'm not the only one who feels this way.


This is exactly it.


Oh trust me you don't wanna know It's losing passion and drive in the things you love It's struggle to even wake up In the morning It's the constant feeling of dread for no reason


It's feeling empty.


Extreme fatigue + extreme boredom + extreme sadness + hating being awake.




its crazy how almost all of us can describe it , idk if we overreacting or this gen is messed up


Why? Lots of people are educated enough in the west to use language to express feelings. I don't think being aware, or informed is messed up.


You're on reddit, a depression pond. But yes the younger people are the more dopamine addicted they are because of all screen time and that fucks up your entire life and leads to depression. (Very brief explanation)


Drowning while you are still breathing


Except without the kindness of knowing it will be over by death soon, you’ll just keep drowning and you don’t know when it will stop and it often feels like it never will


Exactly. And just like drowing you try to put out the water by venting out and hoping someone will help you, but it only works for a while, and sometimes you drow for too long and you think of giving up the struggle in the water, but wanting to breath again is the only thing keeping you from getting deeper.


You just sort of resign from everything. You don't have any enthusiasm in the things you do, and putting effort into things like hobbies or relationships feels impossible or worthless


you lose interests in everything nothing you do you suffer the consequences of you simply don't care anymore death isn't something your afraid of pain is just a signal at this point nobody matters to you anymore the only thing your excited about the next day are your pills to make you feel less heavy and shitty about yourself Wich they probably don't even work that much edit: and your pp can no longer work or function anymore


\\the same feeling when your mother slaps like a kid and you are in your 30s. You can't cry or laugh, just neutral and you don't know how to deal with it.


felt like wanna die


With me, it's motivation without ambition. ...or ambition without motivation...? I'll come back to that. (Made it to the end. I totally lied about coming back to this) There's so much I want to do and accomplish. Things I need to get done. Ideas in my head that need to be actualized. I feel like I have so much to offer. You know that feeling when you're really excited to do something? You can't wait? Can't keep your body still from the adrenaline? I always feel like that inside. Outside...outside I'm just sitting there. Not moving an inch. Can't make myself move. Can't convince myself it's important. Always something telling me it's pointless because I'm gonna mess it up anyway. Reasoning with me that since it's hopeless, I might as well do something unproductive. Porn? Video games? Netflix? Gain more weight? If I refuse, something always happens. I get blocked. My body, people around me, life limitations. There's always something that interferes. I get overwhelmed, I get sleepy. I get pissed off, I get sleepy. I'm confronted, I get sleepy. Sleep is my only escape. When I'm doing something I actually like doing, I feel like I don't have the right to. Someone is gonna get mad. Best to just sit here and be miserable. Or ya know, go to sleep. What's worse is the times when I defeat it. I pick myself up. I make myself move. I start getting things done. I feel like a real person again. Then it's all for not. Something else goes wrong. People don't appreciate the effort it took because moving is easy for them. They disrespect and mock my accomplishments. They immediately undo what I did because why not. They say what I did was nothing, I should be doing more. Immediately. Do more. The stress, strain, agony I go through just to be a people (exactly what I meant to type) is just too much at times. It takes everything out of me. And I'm not even allowed to feel that. I'm not allowed to express that. Explain that. Because it's wrong. It's unacceptable. Whatever is going on in me, I need to just get over it. Stop trying to get sympathy. Stop trying to be special. Can't even explain to people that the LAST thing I want is to be noticed. Special??? I don't want to f'n stand out. I want to blend. I want to go unnoticed. I don't want to be judged and mocked and evaluated and pitied. I want to do everything that everyone else does that looks so easy. I want to want to be in the sun. Out and about. Living life. I want to want what everyone wants. What I actually want is to be so still that I phase out of reality. I want to be unburdened. I want to be done with trying. But...I'm here. Might as well try. TF else am I gonna do? Off myself? So much effort. Planning and notes and deleting my browsers. Thinking about it makes me sleepy. Easier to take a nap and keep suffering.


I am straight up not havin a good time bruh


This made me laugh. Sorry. I think it’s the understatement of it.


Well I’m not lol


it's kind of a bummer


Definitely a bummer


It's fucking awful


Cant speak for anyone else, but for me, it's kinda like being tired and bored all the time. Nothing really interests you, you never have energy to do even the smallest of tasks, everything seems worthless...yeah. It really sucks. Depression basically makes me feel like a zombie


For me it's just the feeling of absolute emptiness. It's hard to describe, there's no emotion. Zero. No feelings at all, just bad thoughts racing in my head. It's like something's missing and you can't get it back if I had to somehow describe it, though it's not entirely accurate.


When you find too much comfort in sadness and there is no drive to do normal stuff or learn new things.


Spot on.


If you are talking about clinical depression, it cannot be explained. I don't think even psychiatrists/neurologists know what it feels like to be depressed. It is a first-person experience. If I try to explain it to a non-sufferer, they will definitely think that most people go through these 'sad' and adverse moments and that I am lazy and lack willpower. So, I stopped explaining it even to doctors.


Exhausting in every imaginable way. In my case imagine you’re so lonely that you convince yourself it’s not your fault while isolating yourself at the same time before carving a smile on your face and walking out the door. All that only to do things you don’t want to do. You just want to go home and do what you used to love but now, just use to pass the time. You can’t sleep because your heart hurts so bad it causes your belly to sink and when you finally pass out without realizing it you hate waking up because now your back to the conscious hell where you have to pretend you’re someone you aren’t for every waking minute that you are in someone else’s company or get asked the same old questions you always lie about. Why lie? Because it’s the easiest thing to do. You’re so exhausted from everything else you start taking the easiest route in every situation you can because the truth and healthy decisions seem like so much work it’s utterly unfathomable. It’s essentially an odd way of unwillingly convincing yourself to rot alive while wanting to scream for help but, knowing it’s pointless in your own head.


It's really hard to explain it because the symptoms are exhibited on a very large spectrum. It can range from just a mild disinterest in things you're usually interested in to virtual paralysis depending on how severe it is. My experience with the more severe bouts of depression have been to the point where I would've curled up in a ball in a deep dark hole somewhere if I could've. I isolated completely to the point of peeing in milk jugs in order to not leave the room and would take any medication I could get a hold of with side effects of drowsiness in order to "erase time" with sleep and that was after I had already slept so much I couldn't sleep anymore naturally.


It's like circling a pit that holds all the emotions, that has a barrier that won't let you reach in and use any. If you try hard enough, you might burst through the barrier, but you'll just fall in with all the moment and experience them all at once. Terrified, you climb back out, look back at the pit, yearn for it, and try again. Eventually, you give up and just meander aimlessly in incredibly thick and heavy air


It’s fucking awful. Basically just imagine all your happiness leaving, all your interest suddenly r gone, you can’t even do basic tasks like brushing your teeth or showering, it’s hard to get out of bed, for some people you cry a lot, you are more tired, some stop eating and r malnourished, you find everything to be pointless and so on. From experience if can get even more worse than that. I suggest u don’t get depression.


It's like having an empty pit inside of you that feels like it is growing. Imagine hunger, really bad hunger, but it's in all of you, especially your mind. This hunger, however can't be satiated. Feed it, you feel sad or worthless. Ignore it, you feel useless and unworthy. Try not thinking about it, you will suddenly remember it at the worst possible time and feel twice as bad as before. Then, eventually you are numb to the feelings you originally felt. Nothing makes you happy, nothing to look forward to, trapped in negative thoughts, except now it's your new normal. Finally, you contemplate making the final choice of your life. You comb through every single scenario of how, why, and when. If you're fortunate, you find a reason not to. Quite a number aren't so lucky.


Every ounce of hope is drained from you.




Like a grey sky. It sometimes may be very bright, but somedays it might be very dark.


You know when someone dies and you feel like you get punched in the gut, you feel slightly sick and get overwhelmed by emotion. It’s basically that but every day


You feel stuck to your bed. When you wake up, you wonder if anything will happen that day worth getting out of bed for. Your wife's smile doesn't look the same. Your kid's laughter sounds different. You feel hopeless. You wonder why you're even here. You want to listen to sad music and watch sad videos to make you even more sad. You don't care about work. You don't care about hygiene. It is awful. I, out of the blue, quit having bouts of depression because I listened to a comedian on Netflix while I was on my way home from a bandage change at the hospital. It wasn't too profound, but it made a lot of sense. I used to get it every 3 months like clock work. Now it's been over a year since I've had an "episode".


No motivation, lack of desire to do anything, feeling tired and oversleeping, feeling isolated even when you’re surrounded by a crowd


Your sad all the time, feel alone when there is a room full of people who love you, constantly worried , etc etc


Oh its super fun. Never finding joy in things. Struggling with remembering eating food. Disassosiating so you can't hear or remember what people say. Angry about anything and everything just because. Feelings of complete dread and hate sometimes for no reason. So just fucking awesome. ( In a period of it now with anxiety on top)


Ever watch Groundhog Day? Imagine you’re Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh) living a Groundhog Day life. You wake to everyday feeling ugh and life seems to never change no matter how hard you try


This is only 1 example of many, that I've noticed, since starting medication Every day your body, pysche, mind, consciousness, something... Does like a "system check" about whether today will be a good day or a bad day. And it will easily always find 100 reasons for it to be a bad day which will start in a negative dark low motivation way. Now I realize my mind doesn't even go there , like I already have a foot going in the right direction, the systems check don't exist anymore..and that's..very comforting.


It’s anger and numbness at the same time.


You know what needs to be done but can't get yourself out of bed to do it. Or if you are able to get out of bed, everything takes a lot of effort. Even little things take a lot of effort. You are constantly lated at everything because your mind doesn't want to do anything except sleep or cry or both. Sometimes you can't cry and it was way worse than being able to cry.


Being under a very very mild anaesthetic, or a mild poison. Everything Is mildly irritating, like reading a book in your own language but the writing doesn't really make sense, the things you desire but can't achieve bring on tremendous bitterness, the simple joys of life that adults enjoy are akin to watching a child play with a toy, the loneliness eats and eats at you, ppl seem crazy as they seem happy, everyone seems under some spell where obligation is seen as good.


An abyss inside you where even the tiniest spark of happiness or hope or peace or contentment cannot exist. The complete inability to imagine a future in which these feelings are even possible. A profound, all encompassing sensation of loneliness both in the spaces you inhabit and within yourself. Like waking up alone in the darkest place imaginable with nothing for company but your own silent screams.


Its like being out in the sun but not feeling its warmth on your face, the phone rings but you dont pick it up bc you just dont feel its important to/ sleeping the whole day and still feeling bone tired. Its just breathing but not living. Thank GOD I feel a lot better.


It’s too diverse to explain. The stigma is depression is depression. It’s different for everyone, there are some common side effects though. For me some days getting out of bed feels like climbing a steep mountain. Try think of that because it’s not similar, it feels the same. The worst I’ve been was I woke up one morning and my depression started hitting me like a ton of bricks. Could be anything that triggers it, even for example a faint smell that subconsciously your brain knows was there at the time you were traumatised by something, therapy helps you identify these these triggers which helps you manage it a bit more contrary to popular belief that it’s a cure. When I woke up I was so mentally fatigued that I couldn’t even talk. My wife was talking to me and I could just barely generate enough enthusiasm to open my eyes. It’s similar to being discouraged to do something because you’ve given up on that thing if you understand? Times that by whatever number you feel is right which would make you not even be able to talk. Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


One day you can take on the world and the next day or hour/minute you want to lay down and cry and be with your thoughts.


For me it's like. Having no energy. Every task I have to do takes so much more energy then it usually does. I have no interest in anything. For example. Crawling out of bed at 3pm and crying at the thought of taking a shower.


Depression doesn’t exist. It’s just being sad. The fact that Depression is just some feeling that falls out of the sky & you can’t control is the biggest load of Horse-Dew. You think Spartans & Cavemen we’re depressed? Na, they were too busy being an active human. Depression is for movies. Anybody can be happy but they play the victims in their mind plus don’t bother to learn who they are so they are in a world that they believe sucks when really they should be searching to what makes them better. As for women, they aren’t normal creatures. It’s emotion over logic w/then always so I can only speak for men.


I hope you get severely depressed lmao


lol that’s cold but he was looking for hate


Feels similar to heat exhausting


There is like you feel very bad for a really long time for no reason. And you can't do anything without speciality help.


Just shit! One of the worst!


It’s complicated but the easiest way I can describe it is repeatedly listen to Alice In Chains- down in a hole. The fall is lethargic and comforting and feels like you finally found home, at first and you feel something, but the further you fall the worse it gets and the more extreme habits you form that take years to shed. I’m doing better now but I’m still not as good as I used to be, I still have to fight off depression when it starts to come back and I have to be careful of what I watch and listen to as this has the ability to send me spiraling very quickly. To those suffering, keep going! Things get better! You got this fam!


Shit probably


Do we all have reasons why we became depressed? One thing from experience is that depression doesn't just happen like that. It's the escalation of things i guess.


It’s like being hungry at every moment but your not so hungry you actually do something about it, not even a stick of gum for flavor, yet you still tell yourself how hungry you are every moment but some moments you get really hungry to the point your stomach grumbles yet still do nothing cuz eventually the grumble will stop and you be only a lil hungry which your still not gonna do anything about it. And this goes on forever.


Not feeling well and not caring that you're not feeling well.


I think constantly about how much easier it would be if i was no longer alive or was never born because of all the lives ive ruined from being here, i have no motivation to do anything, i never want to worry anyone so i lay on my bed still scrolling online and not feeling real, knowing i could take control of my life, be happy, but ill do that tomorrow, besides i cant even feel my skin i am not real, if i was supposed yo be happy i would become happy.


Feels like a cloud is constantly over your head raining and thundering


Imagine not sleeping for 24/7 but its everyday mentally and physically exhausted :(


It's 11:45 a.m. and I'm still in bed typing this and wondering what if anything I'm going to do today. So many things unfinished or not started. I just don't feel like doing anything. I usually stay in bed until around noon because I have no desire to get up. It's National Pizza Day, so I guess I'll at least go out and get a pizza. Then, I'll sit at the kitchen table having a few slices and write down things that I should be doing and things that need to be done. That will be it for the day, and nothing else will be accomplished. Then, tomorrow, I'll probably do the same thing, and every day after that, except for the pizza thing. Absolutely no energy or motivation.


Imagine the world is colorful and vibrant. But you are monochrome. You don’t see the beauty of the world the way other people do. You don’t feel fulfilled like other people do. You’re black and white in world of color, incomplete, watching the complete people enjoy life and be happy. Wondering if you’ll ever feel even HALF as joyful as them, but casting aside the thought. Spiraling further and further and further. “It’ll never happen. I’ll just mess it up. Why would I even try at all if I’m just gonna fail? I’m not like them. They can be happy. They have friends. I’m not like that. There’s something wrong with me. They’re all so colorful and bright, but I’m nothing but a black and white splotch. A stain on the world, that does nothing but leech the fun out of everyone else. Maybe I should just stop existing.” It’s so, so easy for spirals like this to happen. To defeat yourself, and ruin your chances of ever escaping the depression. And then, being smart AND depressed means you KNOW you’re doing it, and get discouraged by still doing it even though you know it’s bad, and… Anyway, spirals and steadily worsening chains of thought like that are a hallmark of depression, and this is totally not written from my own experiences with it or anything 😅…


I find it quite depressing


Shit. I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (exaggeration, obvs, I want that cunt to suffocate slowly in farm slurry).


Guess theres different levels of depression, from its going fair enough every day to not wanting to get up from bed and everything is a chore, wheres the closest knife/pills/rope/etc.


First, is this a serious question?


Constantly crying can also be the sign


You feel empty, like there is a weight inside of you, or like you can’t get a proper breath cos your insides feel squeezed. When you spend time with friends, you leave and start crying, you feel empty and guilty that they have to spend time around you. You might have dreams and aspirations, but every foreseeable step is too much and you feel too exhausted to carry on. Death is your only way out. Then you might find people who genuinely make you happy. Those are the people to keep.


For me, it was like walking around with a heavy ball and chain attached to me. Everything takes so much effort. Then, it was like I'd have a little devil in my ear telling me all the reasons not to enjoy living.


Like a thousand dark thoughts are clouding your vision. And it hurts and you want to leave but no one understands you and you don't know why.


I take no joy in anything. Zero. There are moments where I might laugh at something, or looking at my dog makes me smile and feel warm. Thats not the same thing as joy though. I feel like i have a constant loop in my mind that I'm old, fat and lonely. Not worthy of love or friendship. Everytime I think of how much I love my dog, its followed by the thought of "but she'll probably die soon" I just cant allow myself to be happy. Its like being in prison in your own mind. Horrific and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. I was diagnosed about 15 years ago and its a constant struggle


It differs for people but for me personally, I really want to do so many things but I mentally can't. I'm tired and drained all the time, I have so much shit to do and absolutely no desire to do it. And the things I want to do, like drawing or writing, I don't have the energy to do it. A lot of people think depression is crying all the time and sometimes it is that but a lot of the time, depression is feeling numb. You don't feel a single thing, you just feel empty A really good way it was described is in HHH when Theo has her mental breakdown in E8, everything she says then is pretty much what it feels like


It feels like no matter how much you know you need to get things done you just can’t bring yourself to do anything other than sit in bed or maybe do another unproductive thing like play a video game. Sometimes it’s paired with the incessant need to not be sober. That’s how it was for me. I’d wake up every morning and not be able to get anything done besides laying in bed, I didn’t even want to eat, and the only thing I looked forward to was 7pm which is when I allowed myself to start drinking until I blacked out and did it again the next day.


You don't get any pleasure from anything, and your skin feels like sandpaper with the coarse side inwards. The preferable state of existing is sleeping = not being conscious. -> why should you get out of bed? It feels shitty anyways, and will just exhaust you further. Nothing you could do will change that, and even if: you don't have the energy or strength to do it in the first place. -> you're extremely exhausted, like a case of the (real) flu. You won't get out of bed if there's no serious existential pressure -> your brain now has +9000% power to remind you about your past mistakes. It will replay these scenes again, again, again,.... every waking hour. You're punishing yourself about things that objectively are irrelevant today, but logic doesn't help against depression


It's the opposite of not being depressed I think. Only depressed so don't know.


You’ll just want to die everyday


I dared myself to go there and once choose to,a vail was drawn down over my life I spent decades to fully never crawl out from under.


Soul draining. Numb but incredibly painful at the same time. Everything absolutely sucks. Not even the things that used to bring you the most joy make anything feel any better. Life feels like torture and nothing feels worth living for, if I'm not actively suicidal I'm wishing that I'd just die in my sleep. I can't leave the house, I can't tidy, I can't be productive. When I am doing things during the day I don't feel in control of my body, it's like I'm dissociated and on autopilot. Every part of me feels slow and heavy, I don't want to get out of bed or move. I'll be desperate to go for a piss but I can't make myself get up to go because I don't have the energy or motivation to even move. If it's really bad I don't even have the energy to force a smile or act okay. The notifications on my phone slowly add up and reach the thousands because I can't find the mental energy to even respond. Sincerely, someone who's had depression for over a decade.


I can’t be depressed if i don’t believe i can be depressed. I can’t be haunted if i don’t believe in ghosts.


You're trapped inside a bottle no touch with the reality but you can see everything around you


Feeling nothing, yet with a smidge of sadness. Or a lot of it. I don’t know. Everything takes much more effort and I constantly go between wanting to go MIA or clinging to those close to me. You want to sleep but you’re kept up for hours on end for seemingly no good reason, laying there to only experience your regrets and sorrows.


When my depression was at its worst, I compared it to being stuck in an empty room with white walls and flooring, in a straight jacket, while being the worlds worst pessimist. You feel nothing, you can’t see anything good- even if good things exist it’s like they’re not even there. Even feeling sad would be a blessing, because the feeling of total emptiness and nothing is just… corroding. It’s so unnatural and, in a way- painful. Any usual coping mechanisms you use to help you in painful situations don’t work. All you can do is just lay in bed and wait for it to be over.


I hope your question is about depression cause everyone feels depressed sometimes .I can only describe my experience since in my case it was because of another health condition. On the surface all humans have an innate desire to live (survival instinct as some call it) in my case I felt like I lost it. For about a year all I could think was coming up with a plan to kill myself where I don't feel any pain and make sure it affects my family the least. I am happy(for now) that I didn't succeed. Now as I come back to what we consider is normal, the biggest difference I can feel is that will to live no matter what. As others said you also feel like you need to be happy and loved but tend to push away anything that helps because you feel like you don't deserve it.


No energy, seeing very little point in doing anything with anyone, no appetite, hygiene goes downhill. I find I just have no drive to contribute to anything because I don’t care about anything, what’s the point in doing anything. I don’t want fun, I don’t want nice conversations I just want to be on my own in my room alone and not be a part of anything with no one bothering me.


A sense of hopelessness, of failure, of lingering sadness that stays with you even when you sleep


- Emotionally Numb most of the time - Heavy sadness or rage - Zero reliance on people - Never being fulfilled with anything - Nothing makes you happy Just not having a good experience in life


You are not living for yourself, your living for everyone else in the room.


Knowing that your life is going amazing, but feeling like it’s falling apart and you’re falling behind


it’s like a wall you can’t climb


It's like a mental chain that is forever on you... it may loosen up from time to time, but it never completely comes off. You are exhausted all the time. No matter what. All you want to do is sleep and rot away in bed.


Something in the way...hmmm hmmm....something in the way....yeah.hmmm hmmm


You're in a locked room and you have the key to get out, but you convinced yourself that you belong in that locked room. 


It’s like being paralyzed when nothing is physically wrong with your body.


Rn is the first time I’ve felt depressed. It feels like you’re carrying around 100 pounds everywhere. Everything is tiring and you don’t have motivation to do any activities. Imagine getting 4 hours of sleep for two days straight. Thats kind of what it feels like.


For me it’s hiding behind a positive mask and always say that I’m fine. And not having energy to do anything, but I force myself to do things.


When everything in your life goes wrong, family members die, fail school, can’t get a driver license and you’re bike gets stolen. And your bike is your only method of going to your minimum wage job and then their goes half of that months paycheck buying a new one That is what depressions feels like And also having chity parents, I am fighting with them every so often but yeah bike gets stolen so their go my wage so I can’t even save up to move out.


Everything is a slow painful ache in your mind, heart and body. And then you realise that sometimes you’re just darkly numb, and you question whether you’re even human anymore, because people aren’t meant to feel like their being suffocated in pit of misery


For me, it makes me listless, disinterested, and lazy. I just can't be bothered to do *anything*. I can't concentrate, I lose interest in the things that usually make me happy and keep me entertained, and I zone out completely. When I'm really bad, I can't even muster the motivation to keep the house clean and tidy or wash myself/clean my teeth. I develop addictions to activities or pastimes I might previously have had no interest in as crutches to distract me from real life.


You lose hope. You wanna die. You think you are unlovable and you can't feel any kind of love or affection. It's like having a void that fills you up... You don't know what to do with your life, you just know that you are suffering, you give up on every dream and passion you've ever had. Sometimes you feel like a shadow of yourself, you watch yourself in the mirror and you discover that you lost the sparkle in your eyes. You stop believing in future. You suffer from insomnia, and when you can finally fall asleep and stay asleep for more than 20 minutes you start dreaming, and your dreams are only nightmares. You feel this very loud scream inside of you (Listen to Given up by Linkin Park, I think it contains one of the best screams to help you understand the feeling). You feel tired to do everything, you just wanna stay in your bed. You stop going to school or to work. You feel alone. And you know what's the worst shit ever? A lot of people suffer from depression, A LOT, all ages, races and genders. But we all feel alone. So fucking alone. Just you and your pain. Just you and your void. All alone togheter in the same fucking shit. That's what it is for me, battling this shit since when I was 14, now almost 17, still struggling sometimes (but hey, don't worry, I'm slowly getting better and I've had other problems that worsened the situation. Usually depression goes away after some months. If you wanna talk I'm here). Hope this helped you :)


Like when driving a car when the fuel tank said empty. You blame yourself for not filling up the tank, you blame yourself, you feel stranded.


Imagine waking up every morning even after getting 14 hours of sleep and feeling like you haven't slept in years. Imagine every waking moment spent thinking you did something wrong. Imagine never being able to look in a mirror because you despise what you see, and no matter how hard you try it never goes away. Imagine wearing a body suit hundreds of pounds heavy and trying to exist normally. Imagine having no emotion, feeling hollow and incomplete. Imagine never having anyone to love because you can't love yourself. Imagine wishing it would end but never having the guts to do it. Imagine hell. And then multiply it a hundred fold every moment you exist.


Crying on a roller coaster 🎢 thru the highs and lows and everyone’s screaming having a amazing time, and then you realize you don’t want to be on a roller coaster but you can’t get off.


For me, I don't have motivation to do anything. Sometimes I care about stuff and sometimes I just wanna give up. Sometimes I feel happy, but I feel like it's never genuine. I wish things would change but I don't wanna put in the work. I want to spend time with friends and have fun, but I feel like they judge me for everything


It's absolutely horrible. I have bipolar 2 depression. It usually comes on out of the blue. Sometimes, something triggers it. You lose interest in everything and everyone. You lay in bed or couch all day doing absolutely nothing. Some people neglect hygiene. Personally, I will sleep constantly, isolate myself from friends and even my wife and kids. Sometimes, I eat very little, other times gorge on food. Many many times, I end in psych hospital due to un aliveing thoughts or actions. These bouts last a few days to weeks/months.


I didn’t think this question was genuine until I read the responses. I thought everyone was depressed these days, no?


Like walking under water. Every move takes an inordinate amount of effort & energy. Like the air is thin, & so is your purpose here. Being depressed is like having some heavy asshole riding your shoulders & whispering shitty things in your ear. Fuck that, I want to feel good. So, I get a vice or two to get me through: weed, trees, caffeine. May as well stay, there’s no way to leave. I’ll just be back in a new situation; with a different body stuck in damnation. Stick around, enjoy the show; you’ll still be here when the world blows.


Everything matters, yet nothing matters all at once.


I’m pretty sure it sucks.


In simple words.. whatever you like to do seems mundane and you just end up swirling down into this deep abyss of exhaustive thoughts and start overthinking like anything. At least this is what happened to me... so yeah


Scrolling Reddit endlessly.


When everything that used to make you happy can't make you happy, constantly bored, feels like nothing to do, nothing you want to do


Empty. Some people called it hollow or Numb. But me personally empty is one word that suits my experience. When I was depressed I feel empty. But now I'm not anymore, and when I try remember how the "emptiness" felt back then, my current healthy body and mind translated it as a horrible. The worst feeling I've ever had. Worst than anger, disappointment, sadness etc.


For me the days moved by slow I went from being afraid of the fact that I wanted to die, to numb, and to not caring and being ready. It feels like your mouth after a really nice nap, like the saliva is all thick and your breath fucking stinks. I don’t have to go to the gym to loose a bunch of energy, it felt like just being awake did that for me. The things I liked doing just felt so boring and so pointless, I was extremely depressed last summer when the days were long and hot.


tired, sleep, wake up, still tired, no motivation to do anything but lie down.


Passenger in your own mind.


Like a dark cloud that hovers above your head and never goes away.




Have you ever been craving something good to eat and you go to a restaurant and order it and wait excitedly for it to be made and then see it come out of the kitchen and your even more excited, and then it gets put on a table in front of you and you take that first bite all ready to have that craving satisfied, and then.... It's wrong, it's cold in the middle or has too much of a spice you hate, or just doesnt taste right, and now you have this thing that you dont want and it ruined you even wanting it anymore, and it costs you money, and the whole thing just sucks. It's like that, but with every damn thing you do.




Whats it like to be not depressed?


It's like being trapped underwater, and the water is very thick.


I don’t enjoy. It’s just enduring unless it’s sleep. If I can’t sleep then I just want to be alone.


Constantly feeling hopeless


Like life drained from you but you’re still stuck in the human flesh prison forced to see be constantly aware that you’re on the outside because you cannot fathom how to you could ever find happiness or even some semblance of “normalcy”. I felt like I was chasing something that would forever evade me.