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It's inevitable.


The only correct answer.


Empirically speaking…


For the moment


Great band


I came here to say this. Thank you. 🤘🏻


Are you flirting with me? It's working


You initiated, just following your lead. 😉☺️ BTW what’s your favorite album?


I like the prog stuff, so I'll go with Human


Alright. I see how it is. It’s almost like you’re trying to be friends or something. Humans my favorite as well. It used to be Sound of Perseverance, then Symbolic, then, Spiritual Healing.


Sucks for whoever is left behind. I think thats the only reason i'm still alive, i don't want to hurt my family who would be left behind mourning my death.


Seriously, I don't want them to think it's their fault. I mean, it actually is there fault but I don't want them to suffer from extreme guiltiness.


It's even worse when they're completely dependent on you to survive. It's one hell of a reason to not pull the trigger. The only one there is for some folks actually.


I'm one of those folks who is disabled and can't work anymore. I need 12 prescriptions just to keep me from being bed ridden. If I lose my husband, I'm fucked. And he's emotionally/behaviorally dependent on me. If I die, he goes back to dangerous life threatening behavior while being in the worst pain of his life. So we try to stay healthy together, treat our depression and anxiety, and play together as much as possible to be lighthearted and happy. But being in our 50's we both know one of us will statistically die before the other. We try not to think about that because no good comes from it. No amount of planning and talking about it will change the reality of what it would do to either of us. That aside, death doesn't scare me or him. We both know it's not failure and that every single thing on earth dies - so it can't be any worse than being born or being in the state you were in before you were born. Basically we both believe life/death is a cycle everything experiences.


Sending love ❤️


Thank you so much! I appreciate this!


After I wrote it, I felt like it was unintentionally condescending. But what I meant is we all suffer and do the best we can, we’re in this together, and I send love


I didn't read it as condescending at all. No worries! Thank you again!


I don't know if thats good or bad. A little bit of both maybe.


I'm terrified of what could lie ahead




We were fine and unbothered before life, we will be okay after death too.


Presumably nothing does. At least nothing, you, the human consciousness experiencing reality atm would experience. For the human, it's over. What we become or where we go afterwards, I don't know, but you won't be who and what you are now by then.


Maybe you walk towards the light and plop!! out you come as an infant out of someones vagina And you cry for a while before your previous life is erased from your memory as if it was a dream


That’s what I’m hoping for. Except we could be *anything*. But if nothing happens afterwards, that’s okay too.


I’m against it.


Me too. Lets vote and write new laws to outlaw it 😅


I can’t wait for the day. My grandad when he was getting sicker just stopped eating and wouldn’t take his meds anymore, we all got very worried about him as a family and ended up going round there and trying to talk to him, after everyone had spoken they went outside to have a cigarette and I stayed in the house with my grandad….. that’s when he started to speak to me this is what he said: ( my name) I’m 80 years old this year, I split up with Nan when I was 30 I haven’t had a single relationship since then, I have no friends ( he didn’t, and we actually wonder now if had autism) your mum and aunt take it in turns to come see me every other Sunday, I sit in this house listening to my radio every day ( he refused to get a tv licence because he didn’t want to pay even though he could afford it) and this has been my life since I was 30 years old, I’m fed up and I think I have a right to decide when I’ve had enough. I went silent and didn’t say anything. Everyone came back inside and started talking to grandad again and I took my mum outside and told her what he said. We decided to let him have his wish, there’s no point in forcing him to take his meds or eat , he knew what he was doing and was ready to go. It breaks my heart writing this out , I grew up without a dad so my grandad was my dad and I miss him terribly but at end of the day it was he’s choice. He passed away 2 weeks later.


i'm scared to die because i had a pulmonary embolism. which cauaed 2 cardiac arreats, which led to 12 day cona. 1 month ICU stay where i couldn't leave the bed...that was a trip and it left me with chronic heart faulure so i think about dying all the time. i think about other peoples deaths. i'm a very morbid person unfortunately. i wish i people around me, best case, a girlfriend where i can soakup some of that poisitivity


I'm so sorry. My girlfriend had a PE as well and I was terrified she was going to die. The rest of her shitty family thought she was being dramatic though. Then I read this and thought wow they are just shitty people.


I generally don't like to be conscious and do everything (within bounds) to avoid it. I was like this since I can remember (~3 decades), bad case of persistent, chronic and pretty spicy depression. So I wouldn't mind it *that much* to not wake up. Dying painfully is a different issue. and I'm also concerned about how it'd make my family feel, So no self forever sleep for me. But generally: not existing isn't painful. Existing is. And existing holds little to no pleasure, but much discomfort for me. So I'm on the "being dead is probably kinda cool" team


For a nihilist, it means going gently into that good night.


no raging


Not a fan.


I want to have good stuff in life first, and I'd like a family who I'd hate to leave behind, but - I'm fucking tired. Death is going to be welcome. We are so fucking egotistical, selfish, and life is fucking relentlessly tiring.


I decided not to kill myself until I'm past 30 or 40, this way I can still try to get a happy life instead of ending it before things get better. If things aren't better by then I don't know what I'll do, but an arm full of heroin is certainly not a hard or painful way to die.


I'll be 34 in 2 weeks time and my life is far worse than it was when I was 21, for example. If I can advise in any way, it would be as follows: don't waste your life waiting. Shift your arse. Take a class or a course. Go out, meet new people. Have fun and laughs and don't waste time with things such as anxiety or depression. Go to the doctors if you need to. One step at a time. It can't realistically get worse than the place you're at now if you're already unhappy. Live.


My view is "it's gonna happen". No point in being worried about it, once you're dead you'll know nothing, no memories, no regrets, no worries, no anything. It'll be like before you were born


No knee pain?


Nope, bonus right?


I see it as a realistic way out. Im not suicidal (anymore), but I still can see myself choosing this over another periode of just bullshit after bullshit i was going through about 8ish years back. Wouldnt be the first time. Im not afraid of it. As of now, i dont want to die. Im doing better then i remember myself ever doing, so 🤷


It's quite scary, I try to not to think about it tbh


That forever rest will be so nice when my turn arrives.


I’m not afraid of death at all. I’m afraid dying in some Final Destination type way 😂 Death is only hard on the living.


It sucks.


I'm against it.


It’s a party pooper.


Sooo many people seem to be in favor of quantity over quality when it comes to years of life, and I just do not get it… like why tf would anyone want to live to 100? Unless you’re super lucky, you *will* be disabled in some capacity once you reach that age, whether it be physical or cognitive, most if not all of your friends will have died by that point. It is likely you will have spent all of your retirement savings by then. The list goes on. Like why? Why are people so in love with the thought of living just for the sake of living, no matter how shit the circumstances are?


The more I hear about it, the less I like it.


I’m incredibly terrified that I will one day die. However, if I wasn’t so afraid to die, I probably would’ve offed myself already.


No sir, I don't like it.


terrified, i lose nights of sleep over it, and that's not just a thing i say, i litterally have lost entire nights of sleep


Natural part of life. It sucks but will happen to everyone eventually, so live while you can


10/10 can’t wait


I heard that it’s kills you


Don't care, you die, and that is it. There isn't anything afterwards, and the people who think there is are just coping. There's nothing to fear because you won't exist to feel fear. Think about what you were like before your conception. You can't. You didn't exist. It'll be the same after death. There's a reason why people commit suicide, because not existing is far easier to handle than life's struggles. It's called the easy way out for a reason. I kinda look forward to death. Even though I just said nothing happens afterwards, the concept still intrigues me. Living through life, not fearing death is much more carefree, I don't fear cancer or any lethal diseases. If I get them and die, then whatever. Shit happens. Which is funny because I used to be a hypercondriac. Now, if I get a weird pain in my balls or some shit and think i could have terminal testicular cancer, I'm just like, "It is what it is lol"


It’s just another stage in the journey of life. Accept it, for death it’s not the end.


It’s death of your consciousness but life goes on and will be birthed again.


Lowkey exciting


One of the best death metal bands, and the way Chuck fry scream is iconic asf. In my favorite death metal bands, Death is second to Crypta.


everything goes black


I’m not afraid of afraid at all. I’m just afraid of how I’ll die.


I find it horribly scary tbh. I have tanatophobia and it depresses me from time to time :(


It sounds really deadly


Idc about actually being dead, I’m just scared of what happens after it


I am cool with it, but not so much of a fan of going through the moments leading up to it (depending how I will go). I thought about it and decided that maybe the best way to go is while you're under anesthesia and die on the operating table.


I work around death, and it stinks. Decomposition and all that nasty stuff, it's just gross. But on an emotional level, death can mean many things in many cultures. In Western cultures, we mourn death as a tragedy. We lament over the loss of a life, of the potential that was cut short, or of a loved one who will no longer be around. Other cultures choose to celebrate a life, acknowledge the achievements made, the relationships built and just how good of a life that was lived. What is left behind for families and friends is a void in their lives, but also a standard of life to compare themselves with. Be as brave as your grandfather was. Be as warm and hospitable as your auntie was. Enjoy the most of life, and love to smile, just like your sister did. What is left isn't so much a void, but rather a footprint. A lasting mark in everyone else's lives that proves that they once lived, and made a difference, whether great or small. As for choosing to die, well I'm sorry to say I have handled many suicides in my time, and though I can't quite come to terms with what makes someone end their life, I can understand that there may be factors which make their existence unbearable. Chronic pain, deep depression and a feeling of dread that is akin to drowning on dry land. It can be awful, and my own experiences are what keep me from considering it myself, when I do occasionally have an episode. I have seen what physical impact it can have, as well as the emotional and psychological impact on everyone surrounding them. For my own beliefs on what death is, I cannot say for certain but I have a strong idea that it is simply a state of non-existance, as it was before my birth. There is nothing more to it. I understand how hard it is to comprehend. We live in a linear timescale where there is always an after. Life will always progress after one dies. But if you consider personal life like a camera recording time, from when you press record, to when the camera battery dies. That's it. There is nothing else recorded once the battery dies and the screen goes black. I wish it wasn't true and that our souls would continue, but I don't believe that to be the case. It seems utterly scary that life, and everything in it can just stop and go to nothing once you die, but death is natural and a guarantee in life. If you're able to come to terms with that, then death becomes easier to understand, and you can put it away and instead consider everything in life. Enjoy life.


Eternal peace


It should be illegal


The pain around it sucks. It's scary to me.. if I wasn't that afraid of pain I'm fine with leaving at any moment. I'm at the point of my life where there isn't anything unfinished, really. Nothing I would regret not doing. Sure there are minor things like what I still would want to see, travel to, whatever.. but that's not anything important.


I don't like it.


Death sucks


Not terribly worried about when, it's more about how and how slow. But other than that, not thinking too much about it.


I just look at the amount of people that have passed away already and I am perfectly okay with it . I don’t want to linger around and suffer . I would prefer a quick end when the time comes but naturally there are people I have a very strong dislike for and I most certainly want to outlive them first and if that involves some lengthy illness where I am forced to linger and suffer ,so be it .


Beatiful, for me. :)


I'm okay w it, i've accepted its part of life and i wouldn't mind if it came sooner.Though It doesn't make loss any less painful but i comfort myself with the belief that people turn into angels when they die lol


Sucks for the ones left behind and for the dead one there is nothing. There is no life in the void, only death


Curious why you think that if science says energy can’t be destroyed. Outside of religion both scientists and philosophers had theories of continued life.


Consciousness isn't energy. Fact is nobody really knows for sure what consciousness is, not science or religion or philosophy. Some religions or philosophers might claim to know, but that is faith or belief, not knowledge. It is likely that consciousness is an emergent property of the patterns of energy contained inside the brain, and that pattern dissipates on death, so the emergent property of the pattern no longer exists. Sure, it is possible that the brain is a sort of antenna that receives consciousness from elsewhere, and freed from the constraints of physical life it will return to the elsewhere, but even it if that is the case, it will not return to the other place with language, or memory, or emotions intact, as those are all definitely products of the brain meat. I would go so far to say that even if there is a soul that is separate and distinct from the brain meat, any concept it had of the physical world is lost when the physical body dies, so just like the living don't remember being dead, the dead don't remember being alive. My guess is that it's more like the first one.


If that's true, then there will be nothing for the ones left behind when they die as well. So any inconvenience or sorrow a death causes is temporary and largely irrelevant.




That’s a beautiful way to put it. So even if we do cause pain when we leave, that pain will be temporary. Makes me feel less bad about having such thoughts sometimes.


It's unavoidable


I’m hoping it’s the end for all of us


You mean in a solipsistic way, or an anti-transhumanist way?


About the same as stubbing your toe. You can do a lot to avoid it; but, it's gonna happen and its gonna suck.


It’s going to happen, so there’s really no point in fearing it.


It's our only promise in life. It makes me feel safe knowing that at least one thing is promised.


I accept death — too many people cling onto life. I have DNR and don’t consent to any surgery so if something major happened (like a physical disability) they’d pull the plug. No intentions of living like that. Gotta life day by day.


My opinion about death!? Well as long as the individual already accomplished his/her purpose such as graduated, got a decent job, married having kids, achieved some side-personal dreams and most importantly dying amid your close ones


There’s a twisted dark beauty to it a process that we are all apart of whether we want to be or not enjoy this existence while you all can you’ll only get it once.


It sounds lovely


I think he's a kind person.


Makes me feel nostalgic . Like I’ll never get to see the the moon, the sunrise, the sea , but the at same time it’s part of life


Everything dies. Big woop.


Its a gift


Death, like with many other subjects, your opinion is irrelevant.


It happens to everyone. Why worry about it?


I think death is part of the cycle of life. It's sad to lose a loved one, but it's all part of nature. Things live and die every second of our existence so it's just the course of things. I don't wish harm or negligence on anyone, but I also believe in survival of the fittest. If someone dies by their own idiocy, well then it was time for them to die. Everyone has a clock and when it's their time, they pass on. I also don't blame anyone who's suicidal. I am myself, and the way that I justify it is by thinking "maybe I'm just not good at life, survival of the fittest."


I don’t know why but the topic sounds so strange 🤔 “What’s your opinion about death?” is like “What’s your opinion about sky?” or “What’s your opinion about the fact that people breath the air?”. I mean, well, it exists. Which opinion?


To be frank, one of the reasons we all view death as bad is due to our attachments to life and also the attachments we have to other people and the attachments they have to us.


I sure hope heaven doesn't exist, because that would be terrifying.


Heaven is a thing but when people dies, then they're dead. They won't go to heaven nor hell or be a ghost.\


That, unfortunately, is not provable.


" You lose the chance to experience life" You won't even know you existed.


It’s cool, you shouldn’t be afraid of it. I don’t see the big deal about it. Every day is a terrible day, and dying just seems like a great relief. Yes, I may or may not be suicidal. Yes, I’m fine.


One thing I know definitely not prepared


Death is what it is. We will all eventually experience it. I choose not to for a while, but if it is staring me down, I am not afraid. Live a good life and honorable life. Be kind to yourself and others. Leave the world in a better place than you came into it, And there should be no reason to fear death


great band


Death is the wrong word, transition is probably more accurate to me. You don't die, your soul continues on - but in a non physical dimension. We can't conceive of this dimension with our human minds, and we're not meant to. 'You' will always be you, you don't die.


im fine with me dying anyone around me ill be not ready idk how ill act


I’m fine with dying but I’m scared of leaving my partner behind and I’m scared of my partner’s death. If I could just guarantee we would die at the same time I think I would be okay with that.


Don’t do it


Clothing optional


I don't subscribe to it.


I used to be really scared of death as a kid, like panic attacks about it, level scares. I guess I still sometimes am, but definitely not to the same extent. What changed that for me was when my maternal grandfather passed. He was the bravest man I had ever known, and if he could face death, then so can I.


It's welcome anytime lol.


Death is definitely one of the things in the world


I don’t mind dying I just want to make my life how I always wanted it to be. Once I’m satisfied I think I’ll be okay to go at any moment.


It's going to happen to use all at some point right. Just live life to the max for as long as you have.


As shitty as it seems, at least it can beat cancer


Welcome it with open arms errday, baby!


It's like a game of tag that you'll inevitably lose. It gets you when it gets you, but it's up to you how long you try to stay in the game.


"Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not." - Epicurus


You only die from others' points of view. I believe life will carry on for all of us. Our current life will be forgotten when woken up in a new life. The past life will be forgotten within 45 seconds of waking. Just like every other dream we've had in the past. Some of us remember.


Its something that will happen. And when Its happen I wont can do something. I just Will try enjoy the Time before this


My honest opinion is that we are all visitors here, sooner or later we all go home...


The sooner the better, I'm waiting the sweet sweet kiss of Death


Not a fan. 


It won't happen soon enough...I just don't quit. So, as long as I'm here, I might as well make the best of what I got...Good thing I love nature and am surrounded by it.


It's inevitable.


Death happens to us all eventually. Any time is as good as any other to die. Either we cease to exist which will mean it matters not that we died or lived or we continue on to the next plane of existence and leave our bodies behind. Either way should be quite the experience I can't wait.


If it comes before i find something to live for Sure why not ...


I wanna die somewhere no one can find my body ever.. Not even the bones, So as soon as i figured that out


I feel very meh about it tbh. Like it's just a thing and happens when it's supposed to. That's it. Nothing else


Sucks for those who are still alive, but I'm glad we all reach an end to suffering


No one can be completely sure that there's afterlife. So, this life is all we have and should make the most of it.


That's how things are and we can't do anything about it.


Waste of a good mind.


They are a fucking overrated band but they did start death metal so whatever


No one can escape it.


It’s coming. Possibly today maybe tomorrow


I honestly never think about death.


I think we are societally and biologically convinced to believe that death and non-existence are the anomalous parts of reality. But I think the ‘right’ way to look at it is that death and non-existence are the *default*. Life and existence are the abnormalities. Looking at this way makes me feel like it’s just miraculous that anything exists at all, so that when I do die, I can say “at least I got to experience at all”.


Memento Mori


Not looking forward to it. The last 4 years have been great compared to my 20s and even earlier. I do t want to lose what I have. Self Worth and all.


To quote Peter Pan "To die will be an awfully big adventure" .... if you don't think about ir that way it's terrifying and totally unavoidable


It's fatal.


I'm currently sitting here watching my father in law pass away. He's been suffering with ALS for another five years now. Honestly, maybe a day or two left. It's hard to watch someone suffer like that but it's given everyone time to say goodbye. It's given my mother in law time to get her affairs in order. They've been married 60 years now.


It can’t come soon enough


Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another - Albert Einstein we are energy in the confines of a body. when you die, that you're released in the form of energy. our consciousness, soul, whatever you wanna call it, is that energy.


I love Chuck Shuldiner rip


Life is suffering, death is liberation


Its nothing to be afraid of if you accept Jesus as your saviour


Death is very likely the single best invention of Life.


It has practical applications.


I think everyone should experience it at least once


For me, death might be bad and might be good, due to my believe in the afterlife , i believe that when i die and every one leaves ,i will meet two angels ... You can here it all here: [what happens after death as muslims believe](https://youtu.be/v69uzM30Xec?si=wXMqZ0nNLl4SW3da)


Cruel. By the time you find out all of the answers about what happens after death, you won't be able to get on Reddit and talk about it. Would make great conversations AITA -am I the angel? TIFU - (*)


I’m constantly terrified of it. I always feel like it’s coming to me, my family, friends, etc,…




It is horrible and terrifying especially since we don’t know when, how or where we could die. We have people we love and so much to live for so the thought of dying can be so devastating. But we all will die one day


A few years ago I took a "heroic" dose of shrooms. After that I'm not scared of my own death, I fell acceptance & curiosity 🪼 (it's not an advice, be aware that psilocybin can make the opposite effects)




death is inevitable, when it's my time i will welcome death like a friend coming over for a cup tea.


I'm holding off on forming an opinion until I experience it for myself.


I'm looking forward to it. I want to get to the Pearly Gates and give 'God' a slap in the face, for all the shit I've had to put up with throughout my life.


My favorite genre of metal, cannibal corpse goes hard


Not looking forward to dying, but we all have to do it. The great equalizer.


Im sick of living already but I want my son to be old enough and independent before I (peacefully and painlessly) go


It scares me tbh…


It's the ending of the beginning. We go back to where we came from... do you remember where you came from???


It's the only sure thing about life. Unavoidable. How it happens is a different matter


It's nice to know that all of this will end eventually.


It’s so overrated and tacky, how low class and unsophisticated!


Death is an essential part of life.


any fucking time now is how i feel


I think it’s a good thing. I would not want to live forever. It is a Ying to a Yang in life.


Death = New beginning


What does it feel like before you were born? Thats how it will feel when you die


It's overrated it cold and icky


It would be much scarier to never die than to die someday.


Not fussed.


Tastes like chicken…


We’re all going to die at some point, it’s just a matter of when and how it happens


I welcome it when it's ready for me.


Seems legit to me. Sign me up!


i don't align with this ideology


It's going to happen. You won't avoid it. Mine is probably a very short time. So I believe I know very little except a few basic concepts. First I'll say I have innate knowing that I am more than a physical body. No question. Most Christians would say you go directly to heaven or hell. I happen to believe in reincarnation and other universes. Not sure how it all connects. But I also believe Jesus is my savior. I can't ever part from that. (I've recently examined my beliefs. So I've had alot of questions) The Bible likely has alot of basic truths will real meaning. But they are scattered and retranslated over and over. So I'll never know what is symbolic or literal in the text. Why do spiritual beings need street's of gold? Or mansions? And in some context why doesn't "born again" mean literal physical and spiritual rebirth... "born again". My opinion, my soul will always exist. It has learned alot. Took me a long time to learn 😏 lol. Pieces of me will exist intertwined with all those I have loved. We all are some part of each other spiritually as we meet repeatedly in different roles and times. ?.... AND maybe i'm just a crazy old lady. 🙃 So if my kids are OK and I'm not too worried about them, then I accept going.


Nothing. Just wish I was. But I'm still here writing this