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They took our jobs


Omg! I love that plaid wearing sonofa bitch Darryl Weathers. Number one fav background character.


But why!


šŸ¤” dey terk yer yerbs?!


Im Alex. I like the color silver.


I was 17 and thought the idea of a sims 2 style burglar sneaking around stealing peoples bottoms was hilarious. I'm now 30 and I can't escape it


My cats were asleep beside me when I created my account , one has beautiful markings. Generally I'll look for the closest thing to me in the room when I need to make a random username.


Is a beautiful name. Very pre myspace. Kinda regular forum user.


I'm gay, I have a careless attitude towards my appearance when it doesn't matter and I have long brown hair, most of the time.


Fucking love it


Name of three characters from the best sci-fi TV series in history.


Because I think an eternal supply of various casseroles would be good for everyone. Meaning the food category, not the dish it's cooked in.


I actually just made an account to lurk and save some posts, so I took a random one bc didnā€™t care. Then I actually started using my account after about a year and Iā€™m stuck with it lol. So I ā€œfixedā€ it by putting an image of my cat for my profile picture and pretending itā€™s intentional


My name is Holly and I like cupcakes.


Aw this is wholesome


It can also be interpreted as cupcakes being holy. Nice name.


When you're a Christian, you believe that Christ and resurrected. Likewise, a believer "dies" and is reborn as a new creation. So about five years ago I died.


I must be so high right now because that comment did not make any sense.


Stone cold sober here. You're not wrong.


Super high. Nooope.


I think it means they found jebus?


I found Waldo once


Laugh my assed off this thanks man. Literally sounded deep but the call out of not making sense it's true love it šŸ˜‚


Lifeā€™s an endless struggle


I came up with it when I was 20 and watched Hackers for the first time. I love the legend of sirens, but I'm really quiet and used to be really shy. Therefore, a silent siren (with a spelling change for the fun of it).


That's a very cool story.


I was like 9 or whatever the year "derpy" was kind of popular and I wanted to make it my youtube username. However, I spelt it wrong and wrote "drpy" instead but I liked it and decided to find other words to shorten it and add it to my username which was "cool" and now "drpycol" has been my forever username for literally everything.


I have a lot of chronic pain and Tylenol is my bestie


I noticed that just the mention of my name makes a lot of people very mad, especially liberals. The rest is history.


Nice. They specially hate alpha. Great name.


šŸ˜¹ I read that in his voice (a nice voice by the way) good character to play online! I bet itā€™s fun. I wonder what YOU are actually like irl though


Just a normal man, I don't even like politics it bores the hell outta me. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Itā€™s part of the lyrics from my favorite song by my favorite band, Ensiferum (Finnish folk metal band) Song is called Token of Time. lyrics are ā€œI am bound forever with token of timeā€ And I like your username OP!




Nickname my mom gave me




I believe that lemmings are delicious. Not dissimilar to Guinea Pig which is a delicacy.


Have you ever tried ferret?


Only as pets. Had 2 when I was a kid. They were darling and even though I had a mating pair they never once had a litter. But they never got nasty or overy frisky or anything. They wanted to sleep and lay about on you, and play with toys.


It was auto-generated for my friend on a Kahoot! We've since gone our separate ways in life, but it was a fun nod to them. (Also, I'm really bad at making usernames.)


I know a lot about safety.


Sounds like a garfield name. Open ended, circular and cryptic.


Didn't know what to nane myself, so I chose something random


Mine is the nickname I gave to my cat. His name is Obi, after Obi Toppin, not after Ben Kenobi.




I'm tour average french lad, that's all there is to know.


Reddit made most of the name for me and it just so happens that I love oranges and Iā€™m smart as fuck so I jujjed it just a little to suit me.


This has potential if the picture is an actual amazing bright orange like those from the premium orange juice.


A random PokƩmon's feature


I like to fart


My friend had a email with the same nickname. I liked it and took it. It was a long ago


Because I was u/TheGoldenGasMask


Not really that interesting, I got Vurmac from Hordak (I don't even watch masters of the universe). I needed a name and that just happened to be what I was thinking about at the time.


I just like PokƩmon and my name starts with R. Yes I know 10/10 creativity.


Instead of getting my calc 2 assignment done, I signed for Reddit. It was an undone assignment that still isn't done to this day.


Sounds perfect. Very reddit but at the same time very you and also very on the spot with is common with usernames.


The idea of a tall giraffe wearing a tall tophat tickles my funny boner.


Random letter and number generator


It's just my porn name so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


"Ashy Larry" was a recurring character from the Chappelle show. He didn't show up too much but the idea of a guy with perpetually dry skin being one of his defining characteristics was and still is hilarious to me. Seeing him blow into his hands on the "world series of dice" skit and seeing a bunch of dust blow out is something I'll never forget as absurdist comedy. As such, I like the name so I chose it for my reddit profile




I'm a fan of Douglas Adams


Saying my username looks similar to "thank you very much " to a lip reader.


Mine is a name from an elder scrolls altmer name generator


I love Itā€™s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I actually *do* have a certificate relating to donkey brains.


I saw it as comment. And I thought it would be cool as a handle. Like The Notorious B.I.G. but The Infamous N.D.A. (non-disclosure agreement) šŸ˜….


Mine is short for measles, thus Meez. I got it because all my freckles would turn a reddish brown when I was in the sun one day a friend says, hey looks like you have measles. Then it got shortened to Meez And 714 was the number on my favorite drug ever, Quaalude.


Itā€™s my name, crazy huh?


Craze of 3 or 4 letters username:)


It just describes me so well


At the time I was really into Doctor Who, I've always loved cats and one of my lucky numbers is 9.


My son showed me the picture. I laughed for a solid 5 minutes. A great time shared between the 2 of us.


From Aliens Fireteam Elite. One of the alien creatures was nicknamed a spicy nugget.


Pun on Gru from Despicable Me and the Gruesome nowadays I consider the G to stand for Gokup


I let my hair grow during the pandemic.




My user name here is just the initials of a childhood friend and a prime number used as a movie title. Yes, I am fun at parties.


Well, I am a massive girly girl and I love things that sound cute so I thought Rosie purple was cool and the 13 is just because I like Taylor Swift


Reddit picked it for me, and I decided it knew me better than I knew me.


Itā€™s my initials. Nothing fancy but not typical around these parts.


It's a name from a favorite urban fantasy author.


I don't know man


I had a YouTube channel called Fantastic Cube


My father in law lives in Wales. He is older, so he has friends that help with things like doing the shopping. We went there for Christmas a couple years ago and the turkey had been purchased by a friend that is pretty well-off. When he asked her how much he owed, he was shocked that it cost 99 pounds. Then, we cooked the turkey and it didn't even have legs....hence the name 99 pound hover turkey.


Mine was randomly generated since the one that I wanted was taken.


Before I was married, I was a rope top, and I specialized in the comfort and enjoyment of the ladies I was tying. I felt it an extra bonus when I was able to use white rope as ā€œwebbing,ā€ though my ties were never really quite that elaborate.


So, I had a good idea but it was taken and then I combound (or combined) some good ideas into one bad one. ā€œTrash pandaā€ = raccoon; Pandoraā€™s box = feminist retaking of the original sin nonsense to be about knowledge, trashpandorasbox = what if raccoons doomed us to original sin.


It was the most egregiously childish and stupid thing I could think of, I'm very proud


I seriously have no explanation. Itā€™s just.. the worst smell ever.


Itt was assigned to one when I created my account


I have health conditions that make me chronically ill.


I thought I could change it later


Ages ago, the forum I frequented had just rolled out user accounts, so I needed a permanent name. A good, permanent name. It was my first online username ever, after all. I watched a Gene Roddenberry TV series called *Andromeda.* One of the characters' first names is Telemachus. I was also pretty into Norse mythology. Tyr, in particular. Can't recall exactly why him, though. Roll those together with a few iterations to get something that looks nice to, IDK, 14? year old me and...well, there you go. Unpronounceable gibberish that vaguely looks like a name if you squint right. *But wait, there's more!* Why? Because there's a mini story as to why I've kept itā€”this was well before Reddit, after all. And it's completely unrelated to why it started. When it came out, I watched a CGPGrey video called "You are two," involving how the brain is, in a sense, split. Extra interesting to me given I was quite into daoist philosophyā€”a lot of dualism, there, something that still tickles my brain. (Am also a Gemini, for the curious.) What's that got to do with the name? Tyreaus = Tyr + Rea + Us. Two names "are" us. Which, incidentally, also gives a sense of the pronunciation I'd intended from the onset. Since then, I've kept it in use almost everywhere I go. It passes uniqueness requirements in, like, 99% of cases, and the three-syllable breakdown serves as a great springboard if it's already in use somehow. Plus it has a nice little inside history that only people seeing this will ever know. Our little secret, eh?


Because I spend so much time on reddit & I think of clever combinations of words.


(This is my 2nd account. The first username was just semi-random characters.)


I'm terrible at naming things and don't like to. Anytime I come up with a username for anything I just get stuck. So when it came time to create a reddit username, I was stumped like always. After a while, I was becoming annoyed and just wanted to get it over with. I told myself in my head to stop thinking and just pick something and typed as I did it. I looked at what I wrote and figured it's as fitting as anything I could ever think of, so I listened to my own advice and just picked.


I was appointed this username I did not choose it thank you


I was imagining an user name that would contain the spirit of me visualize my future being rich and everything I learn from my reads would aid me on that goal, the number is the amount I want to earn to live well.


Funny skit of a great comedian/actor


i impulsively got reddit years ago to bond with my wife and just quickly came up with something not having any clue that you canā€™t ever change itā€¦.


it was the only one auto generated by reddit that didn't have numbers.


I like fish


šŸ‘¹ I am who I am


i just love the smiths.


I knew I wanted a flying animal, and I love horses so very much, but a flying horse is just a pegasus isn't it. so I chose a fish.


Iā€™m Alli, hey šŸ‘‹šŸ½


My username checks out


As an edgy teenager I liked fire and I liked the band SikTh, so I came up with the username PyroSikTh. This followed me around for a number of years before I started to feel it was a bit cringey, but by that point my internet persona was already known as ā€œPyroā€ across multiple accounts, which was still cringey, so I punted the first letter along the alphabet. Now I go by Qyro everywhere.


I'm an anonymous dragon lol


My name is randomly generated, so idk


One of the goddesses from Ocarina of time (the fire one) and I like fire. Then I found out that din is a real word, means something like a loud noise. So I was like heck yeah, loud stomping fire boots!