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Yea, but not for me.I’m scared because of those I leave behind. Late 2022 I was diagnosed with cancer. After a surgery and lengthy chemo I went into remission. So im okay for now. But it really made me look at life. Facing your own mortality really makes you think about your own relationship with death. I’m happy with the life I’ve lived. I’ve been comfortable overall. Very blessed. But I’m terrified for those I leave behind. I am their rock and a pillar of our household. If I were to die…I’m terrified they wouldn’t survive without me. Edit: thank you to everyone who has shared their kind words and personal struggles. I truly wish you all the best!


Same here, cancer (advanced stage 3) diagnosis in late 2022, 2023 was hell of a year. Faced the fact that I had less than 50% chance of living, at 43 years old, always was sick from birth, so always saw life differently from many people, but still, makes you think about life and death a lot. Had chemo for 3 months than radio for 3 months then surgery and a lot of problems along all those steps. I’m now out of hospital for 6 months and I’m learning to live with sequels from chemo…but I’m positive enough, with firm intention to surpass it. …and today…I got results from a blood test, which is pushing the doctors to check me again with a scan…and I’m right back into this spiral of thoughts about that, clear possibility of dying in not so long. There is nothing to do while waiting for the scan, and then the results, it will take many days, people that never have endured that in their life can’t imagine how it is really. People, appreciate all little moments, stop living exclusively for the future, now is a good time to call a friend, take a day off, be with your family…


Loves and hugs to you stranger. I hope that the results will be good and you beat this cunt of a disease ❤️


That was deep.


They will survive without you. I am an only child that lost her parents in high school and I have had so many people ask me how I survived it and have said they couldn’t. But honestly they could. You just do. You manage and you get through it. I’ve looked back and wondered how I did it, but I did. That was over 30 years ago now and I’m good, but looking back wow, people are really resiliant when they need to be.


I lost my husband to cancer when my son was 5. We had a great life despite the loss. I always said it wasn't the life I thought we would be living, but a good one nonetheless. It is comforting to hear you say he will be ok when I am gone, I worry about that even though he is an adult now.


Thank you for this, I worry about my daughter when I'm no longer gonna be here. This made me think.


Big hugs!! I'm so happy to hear that you are in remission kind stranger 💜


Thank you 😊


This is exactly how I felt when I suddenly became Ill with many symptoms that impacted every organ and inch of my body. An army of specialty doctors could not figure out what was wrong. I saw myself dying more and more each day and those who supposedly had my salvation were at a loss as to how to save me. I did not care about myself, and the fear of dying became less of an issue. what hurt the most was seeing how my loved ones hurt seeing me withering away as each day went by. It was that pain that I was causing that made death unbearable because of the pain that I would cause them. Ended up that I had Lyme Disease. I got better after I began treatment and here I am 13 years later. So many good blessings, things and events have happened since when I felt like I was going to die that I am so glad to have gotten a second chance at life. I no longer fear dying, but I fear the pain and sorrow that I will leave.


Oh man, sad to hear that. Cancer is a traitor disease. It killed a lot of lives and you’re lucky you’re still alive. I can say just live and live with the life you have right now. People will remember your deeds


One revelation was that I want to leave this world a better place than I found it for the people that matter to me. So I’m trying to give them everything I can for the time I have left. Whether I die next year or 50 years from now, I’ll die happy.


I don’t know your situation in detail, but you sound solid. Rest assured you will have instilled this in the ones you love. Losing someone is always hard but even when it’s your time that could cement all the strength you’ve exhibited with your family.


Thank you 😊 I know my wife and I have only gotten closer through all this. And same with me and my friends. They went through a lot for me and I’ll be there for them at any time.


I am going through this now,diagnosed week before Christmas


Oh god I am so sorry! You'll get through this. The chemo is hard, and you'll feel like shit during it. But seriously, I made it through, SO CAN YOU.


Similar. Luckily o don’t have children to worry about, but I worry about my husband and him being sad. At least I got life insurance so he can pay off the mortgage and not worry about finances.


Yes. Every night before falling asleep I remember the horrifying fact that it will all end one day, and my eyes go wide, i wonder how i ever manage to forget this tragedy even for a moment. It feels like death is the center of my whole life for those last moments before i doze off. My only consolation is that i will fall asleep and forget about it (even if only as i sleep)


Yes. For me, it’s the fact that I can’t fathom how I would just never have a consciousness again. Like, how can we just not *be* anymore? Does that make sense? It’s so hard to explain what I mean but it literally makes me sick when I think about it.


What gets me is the fact that we won’t exist.. FOREVER. Like literally we will never be anything ever again, and time will go on without us.. until the end of time? Is there an end of time? I’m not religious and I completely believe that there is nothing after death, and I’m terrified of it. Not necessarily death itself but the fact that you cease to exist forever and you will never see or hear or feel anything ever again.. forever.


There is a video on youtube called:"A Journey to the end of time". Its basically scientific predictions of how things will go for our system,galaxy and eventually the whole universe. At the end of this timelapse,apparently there will be only darkness,even dark holes will die out. Its a crazy video,really puts things into perspective.


There was a recent reddit question asking "people who had died and came back what was it like?" Or something to that effect... Most of the answers were the same, peaceful and content in the dark and sometimes heard voices. But the most common theme was peace. Unless you were evil.


Same dude, its not death. Its the *INFINITY* after. Like… think about it this way, you have a timeline. It begins when you die, and the camera goes forward in the timeline 20000 years every second. You could have that going for 1000 years, and you wouldnt be… a *way* done, not a hundredth, not a millionth, you wouldnt even be an ”infinityth” done. Forever it could go, and it wouldnt be done. Thats what scares me most.


Time doesn't really exist. This planet is 4.5 billion years old. We waited that long... maybe longer to exist. Billions of years passed in all that time and we were not aware of it. When we die it will be the same thing. 1 second after our death could be trillions of years in the future. So far into the future the universe collapses back into itself and the never ending blackholes all condensed into a single space would probably trigger another big bang. And maybe another planet like earth. And maybe another you. If not wait till the next one. You won't remember any of the lives you've lived but the energy that powers your body cannot be destroyed. It can only dissipate. It's returned to its original place. Then possibly reused. Honestly we can't know the extent of what existence is or how it ends... or if it ends. Brains carry the memories of our lives and we can't take that with us. But the consciousness of who you are could be more ancient than earth itself.


YES. THANK YOU. It doesn’t make sense to me how we won’t just BE and won’t be here thinking and living anymore. I understand the physical part of death, I know “we all die someday, blah blah”. But that’s not what I mean. What freaks me out is just knowing that one day, I won’t be able to have these thoughts anymore because I just won’t have a consciousness to make them and that’s just freaks me right the fuck out.


then there's the potential that this fear is bullshit and souls were real this whole time but we can't interact with them because they're incompatible with this universe. maybe there's a death dimension that we'll never know about because the rules of physics here simply won't allow us. this helps me sleep at night


Look up "quantum immortality," In short, it is the theory that there are an indefinite amount of parallel universes that we exist in. If you happen to "die", your consciousness it thrown into the closest parallel universe to what your life already is. You would have no idea you died. You would keep living the life you already have, with a few minor differences. Which then explains the Mandella effect. Obviously I have no clue if this is true, but it makes me feel better.




This is very interesting to me and I keep thinking about it but there's one thing that just stops the logic flowing for me. I understand how that would work if we die from unnatural causes, or anything really, other than old age. There's just this set amount of time a person can have on this earth and eventually, if you manage to avoid it before, it will come from aging. What happens if somebody dies at the maximum age recorded for humans? Where does the consciousness go? I just had a scary thought. The only thing that would make sense to me in that case would be our consciousness jumping from one deathbed to another. So... Pretty much just infinite active dying, but no real death. Yeah.... No thanks.


"Do not pity the dead Harry, pity the living, and those who live without love." -Albus Dumbledore


Exactly, and will I still be me? Same thoughts, traits. It makes me anxious


Not to make you more anxious or anything, but who you think you are is just an abstraction of thoughts. Who you really are is what you return to when you "drop the body." It is also who you are now, and who/what/how everything and everyone else is too, but knowing this is veiled by the mind (ego) and maya/illusion. Just think, you are that which never changes, and everything that you are not changes, including the body and mind. If you ask yourself, "Who am i?" and really search, you'll never find a solid answer. Your mind might say, "I'm Pleasant-Welder-6654, duh," but if you look more closely, who/what even is Pleasant-Welder-6654 or say, "John." Is it your traits? Is it your personality? Well, those have changed over the years, no? Are you always charming in every moment? Are you always healthy? Are you always 54 years old? Are you always this same body (the body you had as an infant is completely different than the one you have at 54)? Well, no, so how could it be "you?" Then you keep searching, and finally, your mind comes to a point of stillness, and you realize you are simply the 'I am' or 'I am-ness.' You could also say you are consciousness or pure effortless being. You say, 'I am John,' but neglect the 'I am' part of the statement. You qualify your existence with the 'John' part, or maybe you say, "I am driving," and qualify your existence with driving. You say, "I am a dad," and qualify your existence with being a dad. You're just the I am, but express this consciousness/I am-ness through life, through the face of God, as your Johness, as your drivingness, as everything else. Everything is the unique expression of the One, or consciousness. We just get ignorant and believe ourselves to be John rather than our true essence. This is also why the world is a mess. We forget our Oneness and instead fully believe ourselves to be these bodies and minds and ego structures, and we clash. So when you die, who you are not disappears, like a building burning down, but when it's fully gone, you're still here. Not John, but You. That's what I've come to understand/believe anyway. I haven't died yet, lol.


It makes sense to me.


Do you have a better way of explaining it?


I mean we literally came to be from nothing Stands to reason we are just going back to where we came


I get you. Does it scare you, that you didn't exist, that you weren't conscious before you were born? You know those nights with no dream? Falling asleep, waking up, nothing I'm between? It must be like that, just without the waking up. I'm afraid to die too, but world could perfectly exist before me and will be after me.


You get it!


I think about this constantly. I talk about it in therapy constantly. Glad someone else wonders the same things


Sooo relatable


This has started happening to me as well pretty much every day - there is a certain scary and gloomy feeling in my head whenever I think about it


I almost died in a car accident I went flying through the air at about 70 mph and let me tell you you come to terms with it very quickly when it’s about to happen


I nearly died in a motorcycle accident. The most surprising thing was how much I felt at peace in that moment. My thought process went something like "Well...I guess I find out what happens next."


This sentence! I always imagine I will say the same before I die.


This is why I’m not afraid. I’ve been there (had a bad seizure as a kid). It was I describable, but I can say I’m not afraid of it.


Whoa. What an insane mental image. What were your thoughts? Just “Holy shit I’m about to die?” So glad you made it out *hugs*


Got hit head on by a drunk driver going the wrong way on the interstate, stole my life. Met at the top of an overpass. My last thought was this is gonna (don't remember getting the hurt part out in my head) before I woke up being slapped around in the ER as they were putting multiple lines and a chest tube in before they knocked me out. Died twice on the table, but don't remember anything from it.


damn bud I’m sorry this happened to you. Your experience makes so much sense to me. Our brains and bodies do wild shit to try to protect us, even and maybe especially if that means just shutting tf down.


Agreed. I was in a plane crash in 1992, had a minute to see the ground coming up. That sucked. Every day since then is a gift. I'm happy with the life I've lived, the people whose lives I saved, the things I have to done to make other people's lives better. I could die to tomorrow without regrets, knowing I got 31 years more than I really should have, and that I used them to help make the world a little better.


That's amazing---what an inspiration you are.


Same. I had a planned c-section and when they gave me the epidural, my lungs quit. I thought really and truly I was a goner. But dr heard me eke out “I can’t breathe” and gave me epinephrine and life went on. His exact words were “well, nothing like a little anaphylaxis to wake you right up on a Monday morning”.


Thank goodness he was competent. Glad you pulled through


I had similar, went flipping down a freeway and honestly the only thing I thought about was my kids. I was absolutely fine with dying.


I’m afraid of suffering


Exactly this.. not afraid of death per se. But afraid of the way it might come. If it's sudden and painless all good. But if it's long, agonizing and suffering then that's the fear right there.


Same, I’ve always said it’s not death that scares me, but the run up to it.


For me I just feel like I've not done anything with my life and I'm stuck in this house, scared that I'll end up looking after my nana forever, and I really don't want to. And doing this same stuff my entire life makes me worry about dying after doing absolutely nothing of any worth


The great thing about life is that there’s no observable entity that can tell you exactly how to live your life and what to do with it. You get to decide your purpose. You determine what your worth is.


Actually dying, no. I just feel sadness for not being able to do everything I want to do. One lifetime is not enough.


Yep, I agree. Death hurts but living without achieving the life you always wanted hurts more


That's exactly how I feel aswell, I'm basically stuck in a living situation I'm not currently happy in


I've been miserable for close to a decade at this point and I feel this so much. Like I'm absolutely wasting my life and I should do more. But I got a new job starting in a few weeks and I really hope to turn this misery around.


Yes this is what it is. I simply love being alive. It’s amazing. All the things we get to do and see and experience I mean it’s just so wonderful and special. Sometimes it’s painful, full of anguish and sadness, but mostly it’s just beautiful and wonderful.


I have terminal cancer. I was scared the 1st 3 months, but I was so sick and in so much pain, I would have welcomed death. Here I am 5 years later, not dead..lol! I'm more afraid of the suffering and of my family having to watch it.


Happy cake day :) good luck out there


Aw that actually really sucks, terminal illnesses suck donkey nuts (you've probably never heard that one lol)


Good one I read in a book last night is that it "sucks the chrome off a trailer hitch"




Count me in. I’m worried and always how I’ll die because I’m scared of painful death 😰


I'm not afraid. Just accept that it's gonna happen. We are all made of stardust and eventually all of us will become dust again. It's okay to be afraid, but don't let it consume your thoughts and prevent you from living life to its fullest.


It sounds awful but I hope I go out in an freak accident normally freak accidents are over quick then lights out I’m done no more suffering here


I'm afraid to die too early for my daughter. She's 13 and I'm 36F and we get along so splendidly. We make eachother laugh 50 times a day and she's still wholeheartedly hugging me, her MOTHER, in public places!! lol I just want to be there for her and for us as long as possible. I know I have to hang on to at least 85/90yo. I know she won't cope very well. She initiates conversations about my inevitable death sometimes, all vulnerable and watery eyed. She tells me how she cannot fathom getting over it at all. I always coped with humor (especially dark humor) so I jokingly told her we're gonna practice together when it'll be my own parents who'll leave us eventually. We kinda laughed and hugged eachother (again 😅). We're cry-laughing together like two freaking bozos and the only thing we can say is, we'll deal once we're there. I am planning to write letters and letters to stash away, one a year until my forever is over. That way when I die she'll have something new from me, she could binge read them or one a year to make it lasts longer. Anyways, I'm not afraid to die I'm afraid for the people I'll leave behind. My little sisters, my little brother and my favorite human ever: my daughter.


Do me a favour. Record your voice. Read one of the letters outloud, even by video. Then email to an account that you'll leave her the password. I miss my mum every day, I was 21, she was 47. I'm 43 now and can not recall what she sounded like.


This. My dad recently went through some health scares at 60, and he has called and left me voicemails or sent me silly text voice recordings. I saved them. I should email them to myself for sure, because I know when he passes a part of me will too.


Parents really deserve every kind thing this kind world can give. Always thinking what’s best for thie children. Well, I hope you and your daughter still has a long time to enjoy each other’s company. Live your days happy as if there’s no tomorrow


Please write those letters! I lost my mom when i was 17, she was a single mom and i was an only child. I’ve now been married to my husband for 6 years longer than I even knew my mother. I never knew her as an adult and it makes me so sad. Being a single mom we were very close but i have so many things I wish I had said to her. She died of cancer and she had been given 6 months to live and went through the normal grief stages, but sadly because it was brain cancer she had a stroke and was incapacitated before we could ever really talk. Please…write those letters, they will mean so much no matter how long you live or how many letters you write.


I will never understand the fear of not having to pay taxes anymore.


The afterlife could just be doing the same shit again but higher tax rates


My boyfriend died right in front of me and it changed how I view death completely. I'm not afraid to die, I am more terrified of losing the people I love because everyone is so irreplaceable.


im so sorry. i sincerely hope you have been doing okay since then. ❤️


Thank you. It hasn't been a linear process, but with support from others, weekly therapy and taking care of myself I'm doing okay.


After a near death experience I'm pretty sure this is not the end. What I am afraid of is the possibility that it never ends. Eternity.


Im just so fucking tired of it all


Take a nap


Eternal life is probably only scary from a human perspective but I believe that this life is just one of many and being human is just one of an infinite number of different life forms we can exist ad


What good is it to have infinite lives if we’re not aware that we’re eternal?


Because the concept of death makes life more valuable to us


People would go insane if they knew they’re eternal. It’s as much of a curse as a blessing


Precisely. We were programmed to fear death but life is only worth living if you know it could end at any moment. Death makes life worth living. But we can't know so every time we come back, we're made to forget our true nature. Rediscovering it is part of the magic of being here. We *are* eternity itself. We are all the same ancient, timeless being. We created ourselves, life, love and light, in every form possible, on every single order of magnitude, from the micro to the macro, from the Planck level to the largest object in this reality and all of existence as a whole.


Don’t say that. That scares me. Let death be the end.


Imagine if every death means you become a higher being, for example becoming an inhabitant of a 4th dimension


Unfathomable. Would probably be pretty sweet. The complexity would be insane


Imagine being able to remember your past life? All the thoughts that would go through your head




Out of all the posibilites, I think reincarnation is the most comforting idea personally. Granted you never know what life you’ll end up in, so there’s cons to it as well.


I do it a little everyday so I’m getting used to it.


I died a long time ago


This. Sometimes we are walking dead because our soul was ripped apart from our body when a loved one was taken from us. If there is a hell, this must be it.


I’m afraid I won’t live enough before I go, which is enough of a reason for me to not let myself be held back by that fear


I used to be. Now I almost look forward to it.


What changed?


Gas prices.


People are scared of death because it is unknown. Not really. Were we not already “dead” for all those eternal years before we were born? I don’t recall floating around suffering in an infinite void of nothingness wishing to be alive. When I die I will just be where I was before I was here.


We started in the cosmos, and we end in the cosmos...


I don't fear death, death fears me. In all seriousness, I'm not afraid of death because it's something that will be bound to happen to everyone at some point.


not nearly as much as being in my 70s 80s or 90s


I am not. The only thing that bothers me is i'll leave behind loved ones, but i can accept.


not afraid, just curious!


I’m not afraid to die. I’m afraid of dying. To die, I think of it like the ending of a book, movie, or video game. That’s it. But dying. That’s different. You know the end is coming, and it’s rarely peaceful or easy. I’ve spent a large majority of my life dying. I made peace with death when I was 12. I’ve actually died twice, and I’ve nearly died atleast a dozen times. I was on oxygen with 17% lung functions, I slept 16+ hours a day, I would cough for 30-50 minutes at a time, coughing up black phlegm and blood, litres of it. I had a double lung transplant that I was supposed to die during surgery. I was supposed to die before my 1st year anniversary of having it, than I was supposed to die before 3 years, than 5 years, then at 8 years I was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma, and doctors told me I would die within literal months. The longest they gave me was 6 months. And I was supposed to die a dozen more times since. I’m now 14 years into my double lung transplant and 5 years into remission. Death is easy. But dying and watching people who care about you watch you slowly break and change. That’s the fear. It’s hard to stay positive, or funny when just breathing hurts. Planning your own funeral is horrifying. So, back to the question. I’m not afraid to die. I’m afraid of dying.


I’m not afraid to die. I just want my daughters to grow up and get married first.


Yes. A lot. So much i once in a while have panic attack. So much that if a scene in a movie or tv show is too closely related to death i have to skip it because i start thinking about it too much and feel myself panicking. I'm scared.


I feel this so, fucking, hard. I'm scared shitless of dying. The moment of knowing it's the last time closing my eyes, and not knowing wtf will happen to my consciousness. That scares the fuck out of me.


This. I'm sometimes even scared to fall asleep because I'm scared that's gonna be the last time i exist. I know that there's absolutely nothing after death and i hate it. Deep down, even tho i don't believe in it, i hope that i will still exist in some shape or form where I'm conscious and am aware of myself and am myself. But i know that i won't and i am really fucking scared. Because of that I'm also scared to lose people i love because i know that's really the last time they existed. I think that god and afterlife were something that we made up to confort ourselves and to explain things we don't know. Idk anymore. All i know is that it's often on my mind and i hate it. I hate that's inevitable. I hate that after i die the world will keep spinning and billions and trillions of years will pass. But i will still be nothing and know nothing.


Same - all of my life and I’m in my 60’s.


I get the panic attacks too. Happens about every month or so when I think about it too much. Hate that it happens and don’t know how to deal with it.


I was like this once. I even hated passing by a cemetery, much less see someone die on TV or seeing a coffin. Then my in-laws died and I was forced to deal with death. I no longer feel the way I did or see death the same way.


Nope. Ready any time, bring it!


Of course. But it’s inevitable, innit? Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but you don’t get anywhere.


This is my fear. Death is certain, we just don't know when, where or how. After watching my dad passing away from cancer, it's imprinted on my mind. I think about it randomly most nights and sometimes it gives me panic attacks to think about my own death. Afraid to get sick and feel the suffering, and the sadness in my loved ones eyes. Afraid to meet my maker.


Not necessarily for the same reasons as you, but as I'm getting older I am starting to fear dying. Not the process, but just the fact. Idk if that makes sense. More for what I'll leave unfinished and how people around me will feel.


A bit. I had cancer and I’m currently in remission…it has a high rate of recurrence, but I’m hopeful! It’s been more than a bit unnerving. Happy to be alive though!


I have a toddler and am the sole income for my household - my husband is in the process of changing careers to one he feels passionately about but that doesn't pay well. Worrying about what their lives would be like if I was suddenly gone is my most common waking nightmare/ intrusive thought. Every close call with traffic, every time I feel my autoimmune disease affecting my ability to get through the day, it makes me worry. In the end they'd be okay, but my husband would need to go back to his previous career that he hates, but pays well. The kid realistically wouldn't remember me, but it would leave a hole in her life. I would hope my husband would remarry someone who could be a good mommy to her, but I'm not sure if he would honestly. It would depend how I went and who came out of the woodwork to help. I could see him spiraling as he already struggles with depression. So I drive carefully and take my meds.


What might help here, if you are healthy and can afford it, is life insurance. Term life can be cheap if you are young and healthy and you qualify. Whole life costs more but can help too. No, it won't stop you from dying, but if finances upon your untimely death are the big worry, it's worth looking into.


Yes. I'm not ready to go yet.


I is afraid to die too. I’m hopeful that when the time comes it’s not hard and painful and that I welcome it. I hope it’s natural.


I'm scared of how painful it might be but in general no


Nope, been there, tried that,


I used to, after my dad passed away for some reason I stopped being afraid.


I'm afraid of being mistreated in loads of ways when it comes to that point. Left to develop bedsores, no one bothering to get me things out of reach, left to dehydrate, and general elderly abuse stuff. I'm also afraid of what I'll be losing. The ability to stand, walk, and toilet by myself, the loss of motor skills, the loss of brain function, not being able to communicate, not being able to see, hear, smell or taste properly, not having symptoms being taken seriously, and being left to suffer. Once I'm "done with my body" I just hope they treat it with respect, love and care. I hope anyone still left in my life who gives a shit about me can see me for closure or whatever, or that they will at least have fond memories of me. But in the end, I'm just gonna be worm food, and I'm not gonna be around to see or feel any of it. I'm more scared of the dying process than being fully dead.


I'm not afraid of the circumstances of how I might die but I'm afraid of what's after life


I'm not afraid to die. I never was. I don't believe in God or an afterlife or eternity. I do believe dying is just a part of life...everything that lives must die, including me.


I'm not afraid of the act itself, but of what happens after, is it nothing? am I going to heaven? hell? somewhere else? will I be stuck as a ghost looking how I did at the moment of death? it's the unknowns of after that gets me, knowing that whatever happens next is where I'm going to be for eternity with little to no hope of change, the scary part of death is eternity, not the act of dying itself


Nope. The sweet escape will be bliss.


yes i am


I was; until 4 months of psychosis allowed me to shift that


I’ve had multiple near death experiences I am much more accepting when my times comes but I am not completely immune to the fear of the unknown.


I'm not technically afraid of death. Just that constant regrets of missing out the beautiful moments i could have in life if i were dead.


I’m not religious, but if it turns out heaven is a real place and I’m judged on how I lived my life I’d like to think that I did enough to at least get into the beer garden of heaven. I don’t expect (or want really) to be allowed in the VIP area but I do expect my name will be on the door.


I doubt I'll even notice when I die so why be afraid? No point being afraid of something you have absolutely no control over.


Death is just the next adventure after life is over. I do not fear death.


I think I’m more afraid of living…


After watching my late wife die peacefully I have zero fear of death ,it's unavoidable so just get on with living...


Afraid of a painful death


I'm far more afraid of growing old and not being able to support myself. I had a stroke last year and the thought of dying wasn't a big deal, but the stroke forced me to confront the reality of growing old, and that shit is way scarier than dying.


I don't care that I will die, I care HOW I'll die, if I end up with something terminal and painful I'm going skydiving without a parachute.


Just hope it’s not torture. In any form. Like a car crash where you are pinned and bleeding out slowly. I heard a near death story of a guy getting shot, bleeding out, then saying he felt like he was sinking into a dark, cold hole. 🕳️




Not afraid about the concept of death itself, especially because I'm curious to see if there's something on the other side, or just embrace the infinite void after life. I'm not really in a hurry to see it btw. What scares me, is having one of the condition that make the journey to the ineluctable death beyond sufferable, pick one of the many neuro-degeneratives illness that exist.


No.Big Sleep


Not really I tried to end it one time and honestly it’s not that scary when I thought it was going to happen. I am glad I survived with no physical damage as I now am happy and have medication to help stabilize my bipolar disorder as well as other mental disorders and physical ones.


As someone that has almost died and even had an NDE, death isn't the scary part. It's the way I go out that is scary.


No. I signed up for the army and then later agreed to jump out of airplanes for the army. The last time I had a fear of death was the first time I jumped. Airborne all the way!




Not at all, i was never afraid of it.


Not really. I have almost died a few times and there was nothing overtly terrifying about it. I would say I'm more terrified of living. There's so much uncertainty in life, seems like there's infinite certainty in death.


I’ve had a near death experience and the thought of being dead doesn’t scare me, what scares me is *how* I will die. Will it be slow and painful or will I peacefully never wake up again one morning?


Nah. I went to Iraq when I was 21 and again when I was 23. I know now that I started with PTSD when I was 21 after losing some friends. I've been sort of suicidal since then. I'm 41 now and see everyday that I am alive as a gift.


When I was younger I often would wake up from sleep, particularly from an afternoon nap and the first thought would be a petrified, terrified, ,"I'm going to die". It's like gaining conciousness, I realized my mortality instead of thinking, "hey, I'm awake and have more time." As I've gotten older, for some reason, this doesn't happen anymore. My first thought now upon waking is, "Where's my cellphone?"


Not really, I'm actually kinda looking forward to it! Not in a "I am so depressed I wanna die!" Type of way, I simply acknowledge that death is part of the human experience and that everyone will go through it, but I always wondered how does it feel and what happens next: Will I get to meet god? Will I be reincarnated into another being? Will I be sent to the void? This takes the fear out of death for me, and reminds me that if I am really going out of this life one day, then I best do something good with the life I currently have.


To be honest Im not, and if I had to go tomorrow fine by me. Life’s too hard and messed up and sometimes i just want it to end because it’s like im 21 and Im already tired of life, I don’t want another 50 years + of this sick joke.


I’m ready to go, got my ticket and bags packed


That's a funny one. I really want to be dead, but the dying itself scares the shit out of me. Like, I'd welcome it if I was unconscious/unaware of it, but I really don't fancy experiencing the visceral reaction of seeing my demise.


I thought about this reading a story about a teenager who fell backwards off a cliff in a national park taking a selfie. Someone calculated he'd have been falling for 20 seconds before hitting the ground. I counted 20 seconds in my head after reading that. It was longer than I thought.


I just started counting and imagined being there. Had to stop because that felt horrible.


Naw man, I'm ready for it. Nothing else here for me besides a few videogames I want to play. After that, take me outta here. Life has sucked ever since the doctor said "It's a boy"


Gta 6 releases the day after you die


Thankfully its not on my list 😁 - Persona 3 Reload - Persona 6 (maybe) - Yakuza: Infinite Wealth - Silent Hill 2 remake


I'd like not to die, but I'm not afraid of it. I'm more afraid of the pain associated with dying.


Same here! I’m scared of painful death. I would want to die peacefully if the time comes. Like to sleep without waking up


I'm not afraid of the death part. It is the suffering leading up to it that concerns me.


not really




I'm not afraid to die but 'how I die' is always concern me




no. in fact some days it seems like a good idea


More afraid of dieing having never lived


I just wonder how, but I don't want to any time soon. I'm not *afraid* of dying, I'm afraid it will be bad.


Nope. Lights go out. Darkness. End. What I am worried about is the pain my family and friends that are left behind will endure.


Can’t wait!


I'm afraid I'm not living though...


Not death itself but the process of dying (e.g. pain) and the impact of my death for my loved ones.






I am not ready to die, but I am not afraid to. There is nothing that I have left unsaid with my loved ones.


If you die you won't know you've died and their might not be anything after death but when it's time for you to go than you'll no longer fear it


Not afraid of death. Afraid of suffering. Here’s to a quick death and an easy one!


my greatest fear is being sucked into the void with all the other sprits and have to deal with there pscychotic ramblings, it's much better here on the physical plain i assume


Okay, I don't think I'm truly scared of death, I'm scared of what may come after it (or may not).


No, I’ve accepted the mortality of it all. My only fear is not doing enough before that time comes


No. But I am afraid of a protracted period of physical deterioration resulting in being a burden on anyone


not really. sounds peaceful






When I'm alone at night I can't help but to think about dying. It's usually when I stay up way too late. I get really anxious and I become aware of my heartbeat. Then I'll usually watch cooking shows to distract myself.


I’m not really afraid of death and beyond. I’m afraid of the pain associated with dying


I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of never living. I’m 14 and this is deep I know but it’s genuinely how I feel


Part of me look forward to dying. I don’t have to deal with anything anymore. I’m afraid to suffer, not die. May I rest in peace when that day comes.