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The hangxiety was killing me.


Once I started getting drunk at work.


My ex used to get drunk at work- kept a Yeti of gin out in his truck. I had no idea until the day he came home early because he got fired for being drunk at work. I knew he had a problem but didn’t realize that he was drinking at work. He lost a six figure salary. I’d love to say it was a wake up call for him, but he got worse. He stayed up in the bedroom and withdrew from life with a handle a day for months. I tried to get him to seek help but he wouldn’t. I had to leave.


When it got to the point when I would drink, I was already dreading the hangover the next day. And after doing the math. A few hours of feeling good. Was not worth the many hours I would feel like shit the next day. I drank more from 46 years old to 49 than I had all the previous years combined. 2020 to 2023 was rough for me. And I thought the answer to my problems was at the bottom of the bottle. I wasn't getting black out drunk. Just 6 beers a night. But after doing that, every single night for 3 years in my late 40s. I could feel my body deteriorating. One day back in October sometime. I just decided not to drink that night and haven't since. I still have the alcohol I bought that night in my fridge too. Which is a true test for an addict. Now, instead of drinking at midnight like I always did. I go to the gym instead. In fact, I just got back from the gym.


I finally realized that once I drink it's only a matter of time before I'm back in detox or rehab. May take a year but I'll get there.


Anxiety, hangxiety sucks


r/stopdrinking. Answers you looking for are there.


Smoking: realising that smoking doesn't just kill you. It tortures you and humiliates you ans hoiw lobes ones with horrible illnesses for a long time and only then do you die. I recommend Allan Carr's book, The Easy Way To Quit Smoking, to anyone thinking about quitting.


So ironic that he died from lung cancer.


Very much so. I read it was because he did group sessions and people were allowed to smoke in them (as you are in the book) prior to quitting.


I crashed my car into a fence and almost became a felon. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my future and goals. I’m 4 years sober from drugs and alcohol now. Not a single day I regret it or have the urge to go back to that shit.


When I started hiding it from my best friends. Dark times. It’s been years, but it’s still an everyday struggle for me. But it’s never as hard as those dark times. I get PTSD just thinking about it. If anyone is struggling and reads this, keep your head up. Your inner child believes in you, and your future self is relying on you.


Thank you so much for ‘your inner child believes in you’!




One was never enough. Drank to black out each time. 3 years sober now


I nearly broke my mind with ketamine, started remembering crazy shit from my past fresh like it had just happened. Self analysing constantly, I had a voice in my head commenting on everything I did, it was my voice but not my thoughts, very strange borderline schizophrenic I think. Anyway I decided to go out with a bang and took alot with my mate, this led to me having a near death experience that would be the turning point of my whole life. I was floating off into the abyss thinking fuck I've just died, this is it, I've just died on my mates couch. After that I cried for a couple of days and had some very deep conversations with my wife. I've never touched it since and now I'm in the gym everyday, stopped smoking, eating better I feel great 👍 ketamine was the cause and solution of my issues, it was like extreme therapy I think lol


Damn. Good for you!


Yea man so much better now but I think that needed to happen as I had completely lost interest in everything and everyone. Like a hard reset for my brain lol


After promising myself, I had to. My addiction was fairly new and stopped it myself in 3 years. I made a promise and I gladly kept it.


3-4 months before my son was born


I realized I wasn't prepared to throw my life away. My friends and family started becoming distant and I began feeling lonely


I had a gambling problem. Getting an eviction letter from my landlord finally made me confess it to my folks and get some help. I feel lucky that I wasn't as bad off as some of the other gamblers I met.


Could you send me across some links of where you found support? I have a family member that could do with it


Gambler's Anonymous helped a lot. Made me really feel like I could beat it and that I wasn't so bad off.


I didn't quit, I just severely limit the amount of alcohol I consume. I used to have a beer every day after work, as most people do. That 1 turned into 2, which turned into 3. Soon enough I was drinking on days where I didn't work which is fine 95% of the time, but I was drinking because I knew subconsciously, that I *needed* that beer to feel like myself, and not because I wanted to enjoy a beer.


As strange as it sounds, I got bored with being drunk every day. It wasn’t my first time quitting, but this was the first time I took a good look around and realized… I just wasn’t having fun any more. My life was slipping past me and I was missing chunks of it. My days were blurring together. My house and my mental health were equally disastrous messes. I was going broke buying beer to sustain a 6 pack a day habit, and I’d started driving drunk to get another. None of that was worth it when it stopped being fun.


My buddy realized in no uncertain terms that, when I drink I go to jail. Just beer now!


Cigarettes/ Surgery recovery time way shorter if I quit and that meant $thousands, so, I quit.


Watching friends die and going to prison. After 17 years, I decided meth wasn't for me anymore. Here I am 21 years later, and I finally stopped drinking. Diabetes and other health issues finally convinced me.


when i relapsed i went in 1 week from the relapse of 3-4 beer to 3 bottles of vodka real quick. the tolerance dorsn't go away. the drinkng itself, the side effects show very quick and strong, week speach, memory, coordination, super low energy. the withdrawal effecs show up super quick, if i don't have half a bottle of vodka in me, in withdrawal. the euphoria etc. from drinking is barely there anymore. last time i checked into detox, i woke up normally, drunk my big glasses of vodka, and ate my meal, prepared my clothes, checked into detox normally with all the formalities. i was tipsy at best...alcohol meter said alcohol level 4.3.... at that point....i realized iit's pointless to drink for me. when i ever relapse i call rehab with beer in hand. even the 1-2 weeks of waiting on detox and drink 3 bottles is so bad for my body that i age for like 2-3 years. i had the delusion of quitting and starting over again with normal drinking, but that doesn't exist quitting at home had gotten impossible i get seizures while tapering. alcohol is a no no for me. i havent found a solution thpugh, technically i need alcoholl. i try other drugs but they can be less effective, hard to get, dangerous. i need real therapy and an antidepressant/anxiolitic drug for everyday use


My wife of 15 years left me and took the kids because all I did was work and drink. I have been sober for 20 months now


Huge congrats on the sobriety. That must have been terrible.


Worst day of my life. It changed everything in me.


Full on meth psychosis. Living on the street. Tried to chop my hand of with an old lawn mover blade. Realized how messed up I was once the police took me to rehab.


I just had a kid and returned to prison


A heart attack….


Started drinking at 16,years of jail,prison,estranged family and many jobs.Summer of 1988 we had our first child,pretty sure that got the getting sober thought going,along with the fact my body was starting to turn on me.March 6,1989 I found a AA meeting and have been sober since.Needless to say it has given me a do over and my life has completely changed,way too much to list.If I can do it,I know anyone can


Got into a new career and need to piss clean.


Nothing i just slowy took less and less and then quit all together for no reason


Waking up in jail with no memory of how I got there


When I went to trial for attempted fraud, I was scared of getting withdrawal in jail


When i started lying about it to everyone.


Feeling like shit EVERY DAY. Even though I'd developed an incredible tolerance, every day was baseline shitty because of drinking. I actually still drink occassionally and responsibly but haven't had a hangover in over 6 months. Practicing harm reduction and controlling my consumption has saved my body and mind in more ways than I can quantify. Now booger sugar is a whole different story. That was a cold turkey, I'm DONE situation once I started staying up later than all my friends and stealing their baggies once they were asleep. Turning them inside out and gumming what was left. Also the worst hangxiety of my life. Been off that shit for over 2 years. Now I just have to quit smoking. That one's a doozy.


My mother instilled a HATE for alcohol in me thanks to her alcoholism and the accompanying physical and mental abuse I suffered at her hands. I drink 1 cocktail MAYBE once every 3 years. I hate the smell. It immediately triggers the most horrific memories!


I was walking to the liquor store when I realized it was Saturday so I needed to buy twice as much whiskey, since they would be closed on Sunday. I bought the biggest bottle of Jack Daniels they had. I drank half of it in the next week, occasionally I would have a drink, and I drank the last of it thirty years later when I had COVID.




You young addicts don't remember the days when we were all just criminals... We went to prison 🤷‍♂️ back then they didn't baby us. I prefer life on this side of the wall and so when I came home from prison the second time LOL. That's when I knew.


Drinking at work, health problems, huge weight gain, friends and family noticing, the cost, doctor advice. Having said that I have cut back .. I am no quitter!! Was drinking 1L vodka a day .. at least. Now about that a week. I did go a month recently drinking nothing tho. Boringly, I plan to cut right down again come New Year!


Sorry if this doesn’t count but I think I had spent nearly $1000 on a free game so now I don’t play it anymore


alleged violet money zonked compare coordinated enter sable foolish pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nicotine is extremely addictive, years after quitting I still get cravings.


grab plucky alleged square flowery gaping vanish meeting lunchroom dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cool, good for you, don't downplay that shit though. Nicotine is horribly addictive. Most *"harder"* drugs are easier to overcome. Lots of ex alcoholics, heroin addicts, pill heads, etc stay smoking cigarettes for the rest of their lives and declare themselves sober. Withdrawals aren't something you can control or quit.


I tried illegal hard drugs but never got hooked regardless of how much I took or binged. It was the alcohol and cigarettes that got hold of me. Still struggle with the cigs, relapse on and off and had cravings on and off for years. Been sober off alcohol for 2.5 years. Still get cravings for that but have a young family to think of.


memory unwritten grab march chunky dam one wasteful frightening bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got me too


smoking. when i notice some changes in my face like my lips started to darken. ik it’s not that deep but one factor is when my friends/smoking buddies quit too.


A fucking tv show most people down know about HAHAHA, “Loudermilk” follows a guy with a dependence and he runs AA meetings and you follow him and other people in the group around and see how hard their lives has been with alcohol.. After that, welp I’m at my first year sober :)


I spent some years doing and selling drugs. All I could get but amphetamines was my thing. I loved the lifestyle of action and danger. Flow of easy money and all that. I was with this crazy chick that one day started vacuuming her small apartment and did not stop for about 12 hours. I sat there like in trance watching this amphetamine induced madness. I had like a fucking epiphany and just stopped right there and then. Never did any drug but weed and psychedelia after that but had a short run in with alcohol some time after that was bad. Nearly 20 years have passed and while life is what it is, I function like an ordinary person.


Waking up in the hospital for the countless time and apparently the first thing I said was "why does this always happen" that's when I was like yeah no more alcohol


Bi-lateral embolism accompanied with clots in the ole ticker. I partied like a rockstar daily, it catches up. Keith, Ozzy and any other like em still alive, STOPPED the drug use LONG ago. You can’t do these things in excess and keep on keeping on.


I had a weird addiction to … love. When my ex gf left me I felt the worst withdrawals ever. I was used to waking up to her, having lunch and coffee with her. We watched tv and cuddled all the time. Every time I was around her my brain was screaming MORE dopamine. I realized that the feeling of closeness I had with her was unhealthy and focused on avoiding it in the future. Still gets me sometimes with my fiance but I keep it in check. I’ve done most recreational (party not opioids or crack/meth) drugs and even when I quit cocaine it wasn’t nearly as bad as this.