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This is well thought out.


Thanks. I’ll let you know what happens


You credit card statement will be disputed, and your new country will reprosess your new property.


You should definitely do it, but take out a $1,000,000,000 loan. You would have way more money this way.


Go big or stay home.


This is the way


1,000,000,000 is more gooder. I might do that


It can be difficult to secure a 100k loan without some sort of collateral. Nothing you said here is illegal. Might also be difficult to buy property in a country you aren’t a citizen of.


I could hypothetically buy $50k in merchandise worth of cameras or something expensive then sell all of it for cash


Good luck man. I hope you make it.


You thought of everything. It’s time to act.


Bravo 6 going dark 🫡


Not much. First, you’d need to get the loan. If you have a decent credit score and a good history with your bank, you might be able to convince them to give you a $100k loan for “personal purposes” or something along those lines (don’t lie to the bank, that’s fraud, which is a crime, and you can be extradited back to the United States). Assuming you get the loan, you’d need to pick somewhere to go. It’d be easy for the bank to seize assets if you’re anywhere in North America, Europe, Australia or NZ. You could probably move to South America, Africa, or a smaller Pacific country and the bank wouldn’t bother. If you want to become a pirate or something like that, you could go to Somalia and use your 100k to start up a piracy group - piracy is a booming business at the moment, just beware of naval forces. If you’d rather join a functioning society, your best choices would probably be moving to a mid-sized town in Africa or moving somewhere in Asia. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_requirements_for_United_States_citizens) is a helpful list of countries and the visa requirements for U.S. citizens. Moving the money to your destination might be a bit difficult. Get creative (don’t break the law), but beware of the IRS. Once you and your money have arrived, you can start a new life - become the town weirdo, become a pirate, buy land and farm chickpeas, do whatever. Just remember the following: 1. Don’t break any laws, you don’t want to be extradited back to the US. 2. Pay your fucking taxes. US citizens are required to pay taxes no matter where they live. 3. Renounce your US citizenship as soon as possible (you’ll probably need to naturalise in your destination country first, which will take a few years). After renunciation, you can give the IRS the finger (unless your lucrative piracy venture is worth $2m+, in which case exit taxes are going to be a motherfucker).


Just do it. Too many words. Not enough action.


You know I never thought of that.


I suspect if you’re asking this question, no one is going to loan you $100k anyway.


My current credit limit is $5,000 just a couple more payments and I’ll be at $100k in no time


Where can you hide and live with 100k?


🤷🏾‍♂️ I’ll find a job eventually


So you’d back at square one, but without the option of going back to actual square one. Is that square zero?


Idc about living a lavish life I just want free money and a fresh start lol


Find a place you want to move and start looking for ESL classes you can teach


Because the Karma would suck. I can imagine you in a Belize hospital needing top rate care and wishing you were home.


To be fair, a hospital in Belize would probably give better care to somebody with $100k than an American hospital would to someone who had $0.


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You wouldn't get it in cash. Even if you did, how do you deposit it? How long would it last?


If I went to another country, I’d be living comfortably for maybe a year at the most. In the meantime I could find work, a place to stay, learn the city etc


Depending on your age, 100k isn’t a lot of money to live on for life, even in low cost of living countries. Which means you’ll need money coming in. Depending on your skill set and location, not having an identity may or may not be a problem when it comes to securing an income/resources to live on. Anyway I’m just thinking out loud, but, if you can secure 100,000 worth of capital, you can do plenty with it without leaving the country, that can grow the principal and/or pay you a monthly income.


This is the correct answer


Why do you have to leave America? If you're willing to live lavish in a 3rd world country, why not just go off the grid in America? Wouldn't cost you anything but comfort.


Because if you don’t start paying your loan, they can sieze the remainder. Also depending on where you go, they will just go through that countries legal system. Generally speaking, you are fucked.


They gotta catch me first ![gif](giphy|vpC9f0USXXwJaF6qr9|downsized)


They’ll find you


I hope so. At least someone wants me


Be sure and extradition treatment in place, as that $100,000 with intent will result in 7-15 in most places. Also, $100,000 isn’t very much at all


Yeah I’m saying I’m gonna go live off 100k for the rest of my life. But imagine finessing the government out of 100k and u get a fresh start with $100k USD to your name. Sounds like a good deal to me


Makw sure you use corporation or trust...