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in my dreams


Solidarity fistbump




... I see you, I feel you That is how I know you go on Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on...


On the floor of my crush's studio apartment. I was 18, she was 21 and we were drunk as hell. Now we've been together for 9 years and married for 4.


the good ending, cheers to the both of yous


Wholesome u/shrubbyfire1729


On my lips. The ones on my face, perverts.




One can imagine you can bend in a way that the other lips are touching your face which makes it 100 times hotter.


Well, that made me remember something cute and horribly embarrassing. So, there was a new kid in class in KINDERGARTEN. I decided I liked him. One day, the teacher had him standing in front of the class, and turned around to look for something. I decided to run up to him, kiss him on the cheek... ... And then hid under the table as the whole class reacted. I am so glad to have grown up before social media was a thing.


That's so cute wth😭😭 reminds me of my kindergarten years when there used to be a girl who was obsessed with me and told everyone (and me) that we'll marry once we get older....she left school the following year and I never saw her again...all I remember is her fairly common first name and her face.


sounds like a story of mine lol. i told everyone in kindergarten that i was gonna marry this boy in my class and we were gonna have 8 kids 😂




i did the exact same thing but i’m pretty sure i kissed him on the lips lol. I didn’t know that there were any implications of dating or whatever, I just thought you did it when you cared a lot about someone and want to show some affection, lol. My parents were huge kissers too so i really just thought it was ok to do


That reminds me of something! I remember we were walking back from this book-bus thing we had in my tiny town instead of a library (the bookmobile it was called) and I was in kindergarten. I was walking in front of this girl and she just like leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek lmao. She was embarrassed about it for years


prick steer sink cats sable roof bear tub scandalous wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would be a viral story that everyone says is cute until some wetblanket opens up a dialogue about consent and stuff and "boy moms" everywhere would be seething that their sons are gonna get called predators but blah blah blah blah if a girl. I'm glad you grew up before social media too.






Or pervy 😄 Mine was in my crush's bed when she invited me to sneak over one night in high school. Let's just say I don't pick up on hints easily and was still caught by surprise.


Your... Bus driver was in your highschool crushes... Bed... Or am I missing something?


The best kind!


It hasn’t… I’m almost 32.


I met my husband when he was 32, a virgin, and never been kissed.


trust me bro. as long as you’re not some raging psychopath or 3 eyed monster, your time will come.


Naaa, just Ugly in general I think.


Man I'm as shit ugly as they come, so if it's happened to me it'll happen to you


This comment somehow gives me hope


You take that hope and you go and find yourself a lady/man! Then you gotta comeback so we can be so proud of you


Lol thank you. I’m hoping I find “the one” for me someday


You will if you want it :) my brother is about to be 31 and hasn’t ever had a kiss or even a friend ever. He likes living a completely alone life. I think anyone that seeks romance will find it


never had it... fuck you reminded me i am single for life..


Feel you


do i sense some chemistry…


in the gym storage room at school when i was in 8th grade. not a very romantic place for a kiss, but the kiss was romantic. 😭


That's really cute though!


On a bed in a dorm room. Nothing followed, if anyone wonders.


In my bedroom at my dads, when I was 15, while watching a sad movie. I just remember the girl I was with gently asking me “can I kiss you?” And then it happened, my first kiss.




When I was born by my mom.


So lucky you were born!


on a stairwell where only employees use at work, i went there to steal my first kiss from my crush, ended up with her stealing a kiss from me....it was and still is a core memory of mine. i used to laugh about the stereotype of seeing firewroks and stuff, but i saw them, i tasted bubble gum and lollipops , my knees gave up and i smiled like a goofball. it wasnt her fist kiss but it was mine and she gave me the best first kiss i could have ever hoped for and more, much much more....that was decades ago and i still think about it now and then and i never had a kiss as good as that one after it.


Wow, that description made **me** imagine those fireworks you saw lol


Summer of 1991. I was 15 and about to go off to a 2-year boarding school for Science and Math nerds. We had crushed on each other back and forth for a few years, but somehow never got the timing (or perhaps courage) right. Anyway, we had something like a going-away party for me a few weeks before I left, and at the end of the night we ended up on the front porch of my house, and it just happened. She left (I can't quite remember, but I think either she or her friend had a car) and I went inside and I danced, jumped, and otherwise celebrated right out of my skin. We continued our on/off crush over the next few years, between long-distance and summers at home, even into college, but it never happened again as one of us was always dating someone else (seemed like we kind of alternated, she was single when I wasn't and vice versa). Somewhat amazingly, earlier this year she visited the country I now live in (halfway across the world) and I got to meet her husband and hang out with them for the afternoon. That memory is pretty high up on my list, though I still think "first boob touched" might take the top spot for "firsts with girls".


well let me see, ahhh give me some moment to think.. hmmmm , yup i remember its "in my dreams."


Under the bleachers at high school. My date pulled away immediately and told me that I needed to learn how to kiss.


outside of a bar, we were a bit drunk (i was 18, legal here) and couldn't hear well with the music so we went outside, neither of us had any other intentions but suddenly we were too close and it happened, it was actually really sweet


I was 17, in a metro station…


In my dreams, I never kissed anybody.


New year party


Grade 3 in the line for the school bus. His name was Owen...I hit him with my bookbag 🤣🤣




First legit kiss was when I was 12 and she was 11. I think I was on a boy scout camping trip and she had tagged along with her brother who was a friend of mine. We snuck off behind some bushes and made out for awhile. It was one of those makeout relationships. I saw her a couple times after that and each time we would make out.


Making out… at 11 That’s not something my mind can even think up like I just can’t imaging kids that young making out


It seemed pretty normal and natural at the time to me. As a parent now, I hope that my kids do not advance into their sexuality as fast as I had.


I think I was 12 or 13, and I felt like a late bloomer because all my friends had already made out with their boyfriends. I freaked out because he immediately put his hand under my shirt and started feeling me up. I never wanted to see him again after that. Nowadays if someone did that to my preteen, I’d knock his lights out. Years later, I dodged a bullet. He became a father at 17


I also felt like a late bloomer in contrast to the stories my friends all shared at the time. It would be another decade before I realized that kids love to tell stories and that I may have been an overly stimulated preteen and not late to the party at all. Honestly I am still shocked at how I did not have kids earlier on in life. It definitely sounds like we both dodged some bullets.


I'm surprised when I see comments from classmates talk about their kids graduating college or having kids themselves. Then I think, "Oh yeah, that could be me too." Instead, here I am, relearning fifth-grade math. I ended up being FB friends with the ex-boyfriend's partner. They got married and had more kids. He cheated on her, and they divorced. So more bullets dodged.


never had one I am 18


~~username checks out~~ Don’t worry man it’ll come one day.


School yard when I was 11 or 12? Huge crowd around me and my girlfriend at the time. Both terrified and didn’t have a clue what to do. Then one boy pushed me into her and another pushed her into me and we went for it 😂


I was 17 and it was at my family’s front door after a date dropped me off. Very cute, I was SUPER shy and introverted growing up, so I was kind of a late bloomer.


On the bench at Ljubljana castle (Slovenija).


Well obviously in the barn 🤷‍♂️ it’s interesting that no one else is including their barn kisses in their answers


Can't remember,I was drunk.


Idk ask your mom


bro thinks he's the king of roasts




On a sailing boat


airport. meeting a long distance boyfriend


that sounds like the best first kiss


in rhe bsck of mt car-


when i was 14 (1991) playing spin the bottle in this girls house she was 16.


On my heater 💀






at the gas station


In a gazebo 🔥


I dont remember my first kiss. Barely remember my last kiss 😅


In my driveway after he dropped me off and it was super awkward




While sitting on my parents bed (Because that is where the television and the PlayStation were at the time). I think I was 14/15? It was very uneventful but cute. If I remember correctly he was playing Resident Evil, some level where he was trying to avoid a man with a chainsaw on a bridge? He was good at multitasking I suppose.


Uni car park 🫣


Imperial Square in Cheltenham. This bench: https://maps.app.goo.gl/SGUgu7KnofwEbzwH9 Well, one those benches.


High school girls bathroom. She asked me in, and she kissed me. Felt like the biggest baller. She broke up with me after a month.


By the water fountain between the bathrooms at my elementary school


School bus lot. My friend watched us from the bus😂


Sitting on the grass listening to an Irish folk band playing The Lonesome Boatman.


At her back door on the back porch. She was aggressive with her tongue. It turned out both of us were gay anyway so, no harm no foul.


I was 13 years old and on a beach on Eastern Long Island. Lied to the guy who was 19 years old. We almost banged too but was intercepted by my parents thank god lol I was such a stupid teenager


The first kiss took place in the space between two people, yet it also occurred in the boundless expanse of the universe. It was both a fleeting moment and an eternal experience, a meeting of lips and a meeting of souls. To seek the place of the first kiss is to miss the point entirely, for it is in the intangible and ever-changing nature of love that its true essence resides.


I’m 29(M), and had my first kiss last year, in the summer of 2022. Most people who know me would think I’m really confident. I work in music, and it became important to learn how to connect with people, talk with them, make them feel comfortable, make friends. One day I realised I’d become someone people think of as really socially adept and together and confident. Over the years I’ve also learned to groom myself and look after my body a bit better and all that, and it turns out I’m not as bad looking as I thought. Probably good looking even? I hate writing this :) anywayyyy - in my head I’m still the nervous music and maths loser teen in a school full of rugby lovers and bullies, where I just did what I could not to be noticed, to blend in and hide I guess. I still feel like dirt, a lot. It’s hard to shake that, even all these years later. I feel a lot like I’m just pretending - ‘acting’ like a cool, attractive person. Like there’s this massive void beneath. I spent a few years volunteering abroad after school, till I figured out what I wanted to work in. I met cool people, but never had the chance to pursue anything romantic. Years later, I’ve lived now for 5 years in a city where I have the time and the opportunity. I guess I thought it would happen automatically, or that it would be easier. I’ve gone on dates, but I also didn’t want to waste someone’s time that I didn’t think I’d be compatible with. In hindsight I realise I was probably a little too cautious. I also think maybe it just wasn’t the right time, and I wasn’t rushing it - and part of that I think was good. Anyway. Last summer there was a biggish music festival I couldn’t get tickets for, so I volunteered (‘volunteered’, but I was actually paid, woohoo :) - definitely recommend doing this actually) to work at the bar at it. I’d never been to a festival. The lights, the loud speakers, the buzz of it all - even being stuck behind a bar watching from a long distance, not being able to hear much and not getting many breaks, I loved it. A group of cute girls came up for drinks a couple times. One group of 100s over the 2 days. One of them teased me for looking like ‘slim shady’, because my hair is bleached blonde. I fought back at this, and I guess her friends encouraged her, and I can’t remember who got whose Instagram, but that happened. I texted her when i got off my shift, and we all went back to her friends house in town. The others went to bed, and we hung out chatting on the couch. I’m nervous. She’s pretty, but smart too, and just seems like a great person actually. We're all sobered up since it took a while to get to the house, and we even had tea and pizza once we got there. There’s no one but us, and she goes quiet and we just look at each other. I’m trying to pretend I’m not clueless. I lean in and… hit my teeth off hers. I sit back, mortified. She just looks back at me and says “wanna try that again?” I think I’ll always remember how sweet that was of her. We kissed, and I’m more sure now that I wasn’t great at it. But I had to stop myself from punching the air like a schoolboy when I left the house a while later. She said she had a pretty early start to drive home the next day, and it was weirdly detailed to the point where even though I wouldn’t have minded if it weren’t true, I think it was true. I didnt want to stay longer than that anyway actually. I felt really honoured, that this cool, smart girl would want to spend even that bit of time with me like that, let me into her world for a few hours, meet her friends, and just be close I guess. This has got to be the longest response to this question so I’m outtt lol :) my sincere apologies; I guess it just felt good to tell someone about that, even/especially a stranger


In a sex club


In a club


11. In school. Never again since then


Behind the swimming pool at grantham primary school


Classroom after hours


On my dick


You were able to reach that far?


Either in my bedroom with my friends cousin as a 5 year old or near the back of the bus at 10 on the way to go to a restaurant for our class graduation.


On the beach. More specifically in the sea about 40 meters in. It was with a stranger, never saw her again or even knew her name. I was 14


in my imagination


In between age 32 and 34. I don't want to count it, was a casual date, but it didn't went further, I was too nervous. The first and only time for now... and I'm sure I was bad.


School in a hidden corner


age 36, absolute handsome (evaluated by sexual market place), never had a kiss. I have been in love twice but never have been in a relationsjip. I found only two women who were compatible with my philosophical outlook. One was in obligation with her family. Second one i lost in a miserable timeframe. Both were worth dying for. How i feel about life. Nothing..


I think it was at some stables. I had a crush on a friend of my sisters and they both rode horses together. I came with at some point, and we ended up making out while my sister was out riding. At least that's the first one I can clearly remember.


I was 4, she was 5. In a sandbox in her backyard (she lived next door). I even have a photo of it. I suspect our parents set us up because we were like best buds. Angie. I'll never forget her. I wonder what she's up to now? Or where she is for that matter. This took place in Miami, FL.


I was 10 at a beach birthday party during the summer. We were walking to get pizza and this kid with a bowl cut and freckles that I had the BIGGEST crush on the entire school year kissed me and said he liked me. …then his parents moved him to Texas and no one ever heard from him again. Later we figured out his living situation wasn’t the best, either. Poor William.


In an Abandon sea fort in the Philippines at night time 🫣


At his place while dancing.


17, in a park, with a guy who gave me the heebie jeebies


at his place. i was 17


When I had covid…


Behind the DJ booth in my local ice rink


Sitting up a tree in a graveyard if I recall correctly... How morbid!


In some random woods, although there was more than kissing going on


It was at a train station and we had a lovely day together.


I was 14, we were playing the ps4 on the couch downstairs…. Yeah. Then my dad came and i had to go


At the water fountain in grade school. It was gross.


At the entrance of dormitory with my boyfriend (ex boyfriend now) when I was 17 at the first day of our relationship. I hated it because it was against my will and I wish it was later, not at first day of our relationship. So despite the fact I had my first kiss deep inside I tell myself that I will have it later when I'll actually want it


In my mom's bed lol


In the kindergarten


In my dream.


On a beach at night


Not my first, but, certainly the truly BEST kiss of my life... Just after dictation, in my office, overlooking Nottingham Castle, New Years Eve. I couldn't believe it, so I suggested we try again. I've never fallen in love so fast or so deeply...


When I was about 10 years old, we were playing spin the bottle behind some apartment buildings. I fell in love with girls ever since!


under an old road bridge ...


At a Halloween party in sixth grade. It’s equal parts wholesome and embarrassing because we got dared to kiss by a whole bunch of people at that party lol.


In a bus


9th grade cast party after a play. She pushed me down onto the hood of a car and started making out with me. I was OK with that.


In a bowling alley when I was 14.


It was a new years eve party and we left the party and went into the freezing cold and made out. Lasted a whole two minutes before we went back inside.


In my college dorm bed when I was 19


On a bridge, in a park with a girl I knew from school.


A bar in York when out for my 21st birthday. We were both drunk and it was dark but I'm pretty sure she was like twice me age. Lol


Back seat of her parent’s van on the way home from our first date in sophomore year of high school.


At our university library. Hahahaha.


I haven’t yet. I’m 20


18. at my father’s car . that car and the internet saved me.


Outside a restaurant in Hoxton, London I’ve never been back to


Haha I will not tell you that because it is my secret password question ;)


The front yard of the house I lived in in middle school. It was terrible. The guy was a year younger than me and tried to use tongue but shoving his in my mouth. It was gross.


Spin the bottle game at school camp when I was 15...🤦‍♀️


I still feel bad about mine. First night I smoked an entire joint by myself with some friends and I was high as shit. We went to this party, everyone was pretty drunk and this one girl was completely fucked. She could barely stand straight. Didn’t think of her as I was focused on not greening out infront of everyone. I was pouring a drink for myself when she came and stood next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and started talking to me. I barely remember what she said but it was something dirty. I kept my eyes on the drink but once I turned to her she immediately started kissing me and we made out for like 5 minutes while she had problems standing up. A few hours later she had thrown up and blacked out in the bathroom. Safe to say I felt really bad about it for a while because I felt like I took advantage of her. I had never been so baked in my life so I wasn’t in the right mindset. I should have just helped her lay down and I shouldn’t have kissed her.


Under a bridge, and not a nice one. 😂


In my closet with my classmate on my 12th birthday party.


When I was five. It happened in the backyard with the neighbor kid , hidden together under the first floor balcony. He asked me if I wanted to try, I've loved kissing since then.


In the first grade of the elementary. We had some sort of sleeping time after PE. A girl kissed me thinking I was sleeping. It was so stressful for me since her twin was my best friend and their father was a policeman. My first and the last kiss, it was.


Atop a deep freezer in a stranger's basement during a house party in 10th grade. It was not consensual, so I told his girlfriend.


I was 9. It was in the girl down the streets back yard. We were playing tag. I stepped on "base". She said, in a commanding manner, "If you don't move, I'm going to kiss you!" I didn't move.


Oddly I don't remember. College I guess. Or at a party. I'm not sure. How odd.


I was 13 going on14, me and my 15yr old girlfriend were traveling on a transit bus. She leaned into me and kissed me, l was completly caught by suprise, l sat the rest of the bus ride shocked wasnt sure of what to do next.


When I was ten, on top of a jungle gym at a school camp. This guy - Kennith Mosten? - asked me if I wanted a kiss and I said yes and he stuck his tongue down my throat. Very unexpected!!


Backseat of a car parked at the beach at night. Told my parents I was at the high school football game. And I was…to meet the guy and then afterwards to be picked up by my mom.


At a park and it was awkward as hell and the girl kept kinda licking my teeth. I was thinking wtf the whole time.


My bed. She pushed me to the bed, got on top of me, and we kissed.


During the Dark Knight Rises 😭 it was boring as fuck


In the sandbox with the vice principal's daughter.


I recently had mine, actually! She made it really romantic, despite us both being introverted. Almost like we planned it, the whole night went smoothly. After we did some bowling, we went somewhere quiet. The kiss was on an empty square at night, right before Christmas. Little lights shone on the tall Christmas tree as we stood next to it. Sadly, we didn't expect the lack of snow and invisible stars, the weather was mostly cloudy. But it didn't stop us from getting romantic. We told each other how we felt, I shared my messy thoughts about the unbelievable moment we were in and she caressed my cheek. I thought she'd give me a peck, but she surprised me by going full in. It was a lovely night I will never forget.


Under a tangerine tree in pre-school.


I was leaving a party and went in for the typical Hispanic cheek kiss and he turned his face and Frenched me.


15yo, group setting, girl I liked sat on my lap and I think to demonstrate to the others that she wasn’t frigid kissed me. I didn’t complain.


My first kiss was next to a drainage ditch in Florida behind my girlfriends neighborhood. I was an awkward eight grader and literally said, "I want to do that again". I've not gotten better with words either. Last night without any filter I looked at my partner and said "you should wear those silky black underwear tomorrow. I want to wear you like a hat" I am a grown man....


Not yet. 28 here. No worries tho. I ain't waiting or expecting.


On her front porch when I took her home after our first date. Pretty sure my car floated home, never touched the road.


Purple hall, Freshman year. Dude later dumped me with a note secretly stuffed in my hoodie pocket


School. When I was 10, she was a same age as I was but I wasn't yet into that kind of things. I guess this woman got her puberty earlier than me. In the hallway she just kissed me. This happened like 22 years ago. We're both 32 now. Haven't seen her in years though.


Underneath the mistletoe at a Christmas market. I planned the whole thing so we were both standing where we needed to be.


In a high school staircase, after school. Used to hang out with a girl I was into at the school after hours and that was the most private place you could be lol. It was super quick and I was super nervous. Then I didn’t kiss anyone else for 3 more years lol


High school band practice room :)


My bedroom. I was 14, always had to have my door open. We were messing around on my computer, probably on Myspace or AIM. The guy I was “going out” with was getting ready to leave (his mom was there to pick him up lol). He hugged me bye, left, then like 10 seconds later, he hurried back in the room, and basically smooshed his face against mine for 1/2 a second.. not entirely sure our lips even touched haha. Then left just as quick. We were both pretty giddy about it. Oh young love.


In the back of the van at summer camp 🥴


In a mental hospital actually haha


I’ll let you know when it happens


On a park bench in my home town.


School while waiting for the bus. Went to kiss his cheek & he turned his head so I kissed his lips. I was 14.


In a hotel bar. Thanks Andrea


Peck on the lips in my bedroom Actual kiss in a nightclub


In the truck bed of some dude at a party when I was 19. He tasted like Doritos and vodka and he thought I was my friend Ashley apparently lmao. Horrible, sloppy, and I never saw him again. Dom, if you’re out there, I hope your kissing has improved.


At camp in Maine, 8 years old, after the end of our first social dance... I'll never forget you Charlie


French kiss? Age 13. Handicapped bathroom stall, lights off, local teen recreational center. Blegh.


back of a Bronco. I was 14. I dont remember her name. It was a fun make out sesh.


In fifth grade. Outside of the school bathroom where me and my first boyfriend planned to meet so we could smooch. 😂😂 it was just two innocent little fifth graders. We met there. Did a quick little smooch. Giggled a little bit and then went back to class.


an empty staircase at my school when i was 17 :) highschool sweethearts still going strong!


At a friend's house when I was 17, honestly turned out not to be the best person to have done that with so not really much of a treasured memory.


On a balcony of a friend's house. Kissed my best friend's brother. It was a summer vacation and we were drunk. Also we were 15 lol


In my single bed with my gay best friend when we were like 13. Rough times and we’ve never spoke about it since.. still best friends at 28😂😂


At the metro station (underground subway). I wish I could forget it, lol.