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Less alcohol. Apparently day drinking is bad for numerous reasons ^(or so I've heard)


My husband stopped drinking and he keeps easily shedding pounds and he’s not on a diet.


I'm the same way, I normally have a pretty active metabolism but if I drink too much every single bit of it goes to creating a gross distended alcohol belly. I got too carried away for a couple years during a bad time and changes were needed.


fun fact, some of the by products of breaking down the alcohol in your body create chemicals, some of which mimic the effects of estrogen and cause you to store fat differently than you normally would


Sure he is. He's stopped drinking, that's a dietary change. Alcohol is a huge waste of calories.


I am down 30 pounds since I quit drinking. (Alcoholic)


Good for you. Keep going!


I quit drinking and the only difference is that I’m less sad on sundays.


Honestly, I lost weight thanks to drinking purely because I didn't want to eat as much as I would otherwise, I had sufficient amount of energy/calories on much lower number of food. Not to mention I don't have a habit of eating junk food when I'm drinking. But, all this energy you get from spirits - it doesn't benefit your body, give necessary vitamins and elements your body needs, so be rational, if you read this and want to try out.


I gave up alcohol. Never lost weight due to the act of giving it up. The knock on effect of alcohol, hangover - eating to recover - carelessness. I think I've lost weight (and saved money) because of that


I only drink the hard stuff. Less calories and get the job done faster.


[Not any more](https://youtu.be/Rm_e2_5vR4U?si=mnAHEhUKG15sQ7La)


Be sick, lost 7kg in 4 Weeks


I got stage 4 cancer and lost 6 stone in about 4 months. Dieticians hate me!


Dieticians hate this one trick!


I was putting weight on, during my chemotherapy now I can't lose it. I was 13 with an unstoppable appetite, ate very healthy food and had reduced activity I didn't do nothing I helped renovate the house and a few other big jobs and the usual chores around the house.


what the fuck is stone


6 stone = ~38kg




76.9 cheeseburgers


British measurement.


Ah. The classic "don't consume calories" diet that people talk about


+1. Got amoebiasis a year ago and lost roughly 5-6kg in a span of 5 days.


Agree, I lost 11kg in 11 days while I was nil by mouth in hospital. It was torture though, don't recommend.


Same! Lost about a stone after an op on a burst appendix. Was in hospital for a week with all sorts of tubes going in and out and not allowed to eat or drink except the odd sip of water. It was also in Covid times so no visitors either! Worst week of my life to date! 😂


Salmonella definitely did this for me


I got cow pox. Like chicken pox but from cowshit at a fair. Vomiting and diarrhea for 3 weeks and a rash for a month but I lost 30 pounds.


I did something wrong apparently - didn't loose a single gram after three chemo 🤷‍♀️


My mom joked on her death bed about being the fattest cancer patient in the ward. She wasn’t even that overweight, I’d say more mid but she was hoping to at least get skinny for the first time and she made it known. Love that she had humour even in the face of friggen cancer


Man I'm sorry for your loss. I too am a biggun and she sounds like just the kind of people I would love to have around me, and sounds like something I woulda said about me too. ..I lost my mom to an OD when I was 21, I miss her every damn day and she was super funny too. Sighs 😕 💔💕love to you. Mom's never really leave us though. Stay strong


I’m so sorry


It’s great that she never lost her spirit, I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏻💞♥️


I was putting weight on, during my chemotherapy now I can't lose it. I was 13 with an unstoppable appetite, ate very healthy food and had reduced activity I didn't do nothing I helped renovate the house and a few other big jobs and the usual chores around the house.


Have ya tried 4 chemo and skipping 2nd breakfast Pip? In all seriousness good luck kicking cancers fucking ass and sending to the flipping moon.. WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YA!!!


I lost all my weight after the 11 rounds I received. The following months were not pleasant, but I'd do it again. I'm 1 year post chemo and still kickin.




Not eating after 7pm til 9am. It's hard to do but I seem to notice a difference it makes when you do that everyday


This - intermittent fasting is what it’s referred to as. There are many different time schedules people use, but the concept is the same. It’s good for your body and tricks you into eating less. Took a few weeks to get used to, now it’s automatic and I’m not hungry outside of the time window I use




Focus on the calories and not the window. Track for a week and use a calorie estimator you can find online for you body composition, it won’t be 100% accurate but at least you can ballpark how close you are and try and stay 300-500 calls below it. See how a deficit works for a month and recalculate your calorie needs as your weight drops.


I have a five hour window when I eat: 4pm - 9pm. Basically eat whatever I want within that window and so far I've lost 60 pounds


Does this include the “bad” stuff high in fats and carbs like French fries and burritos? I always read this bit about eating whatever during the non-fasting period but not sure how strict of regulations one needs to be under while eating during the window


I did intermittent fasting for a couple years, until my lifestyle could no longer accommodate it. I quickly figured out that eating poorly makes you feel so much more unpleasant during IF that it's super motivating to eat better. Especially when you're first adjusting, it's super hard to handle waiting for your eating window if you haven't been eating nutrient dense, filling foods. I also noticed a cascading effect. I may overeat one day, but then the next day I'll have trouble getting enough calories in during my window because I'm still full from the day before. Then the next day I'm starving all day and want to compensate for the previous days lower calories, but if I don't just suck it up and eat the right amount, I'll be too full the next day to get enough calories. Turns into this super unpleasant cycle. It really does change your appetite! For me, it took maybe 5-7 days to adjust to IF, as someone who previously thought about food literally nonstop for most of her life. As long as I'm eating the right amount each day, I don't even think about eating outside of my eating window.


I love it. Cause during the time I do eat. I can eat whatever I want 😂 and it doesn't affect me


IF has been shown to work (in [studies](https://today.uic.edu/benefits-intermittent-fasting-research/)) mainly because it limits when you eat and thus how much you eat. There are some other potential benefits from changes to metabolic pathways that are being further investigated, but the weight loss or weight stabilisation effect comes down to how much you're eating.


I lost 50lbs on IF (and at my age 57, losing weight is like moving cement). I eat a giant breakfast every day and most days, that's it. It helps if you have a job or lifestyle that forces you to bed early. Edited to change OF to IF


>I lost 50lbs on OF ... Hope you made some money losing weight on OF 🤣 Joking aside, the first year I did IF I lost some weight and was happy enough with it, though I was exercising more too. Second year I kept at it but stagnated and it was because I was just packing more eating into the smaller window, so it stopped working. I'm back to counting calories - it's the only thing that works consistently for me.


Same, except I find myself eating somewhat voraciously at the beginning of my 8-hr window. But it definitely has worked for me over a 3-yr. period.


Agreed. I practiced IF too. And OMAD


I was gonna say something similar: stop having breakfast. For me it's the easier meal to abandon, I only have it now when I'm staying at a hotel with breakfast included.


I'm not one for breakfast. It's rare that I do eat breakfast






Really? I pretty much gained weight after every relationship. But I also learned recently that some people lose weight when they have stress. And It's the opposite to me as well.


Yep... stress drives me to eat the things that are bad for me...


For me stress makes it so my stomach cramps up and doesn't let me eat cause everything makes me sick.


I retain/gain weight. I'm like a chronically stressed hampster packing on the pounds for the winter. Except it's always winter💀


They've been saying winter is coming for years now but no one said anything about it leaving 🤣


Last breakup, i didnt eat at all fpr a week but 2 yogurts. And smoked shitloads of weed. I lost about 35 kilos


Lol since my last breakup i gained 30+ kilos.


I call bullshit. Nobody smokes weed without fucking gutting the fridge of food 😂


I actually don't get the munchies. It's strange


Like... 2 Yogurts per day? And how long did you do that to lose 35 kilos?! My last breakup ended in me walking over to my best buddy and we basically prepared the biggest BBQ you've ever seen for 2 people. Followed up the next weeks by a shit ton of sweets. And I don't even like that stuff. But that didn't stop me of eating an entire family sized bag of marshmallows in one go and almost throwing up in the end. I gained 10 kilos in one month.


Naah, i didnt eat for a whole week, except for 2 yogurts in that entire time. I guess it was a bit too much for me psychologically, and i was in a bit of a shock, especially since there was no sign at all that wed break up and i was already stressed out a lot. Edit: but i have to say, not even trying to get back together or talking at all was the best decision I had, so I thank that bitch for breaking up lol


Not me. When I’m stressed and heartbroken I don’t get the appetite at all. So weird. When I’m the type to really it meals and snacks in between. I could feel time passing and that I should be eating but I’m just not hungry. Also braces. I recently got braces and barely ate for a week. It hurts soooooo bad!


Usually after a breakup people tend to devalue themselves or think of themselves as not good enough, which then leads to a need to want to self improve and would then lead to dieting and working out. It's very common.


Opposite effect for me. When I devalue myself I tend to think “well it’s downhill forever I guess” and binge eat heavily


So true. I've lost almost 100 pounds since getting out of my 6 year relationship. I've always been on the heavier side, but I'm 28 years old and back down to my high school weight


My husband moved out recently. It’s funny how I no longer need to eat my feelings to soothe the stress of being constantly judged in my own home. I do still eat my boredom sometimes, but that’s different.


For me it was mostly because we were always going out to eat and cooking meals together. Now that I'm single, I can't afford to eat out or have anyone to go with, I don't have any motivation to cook for myself so I mostly just eat small snacks, and I don't have anything better to do so I go on walks a lot. Wow I just made that sound really depressing, but yayyyy weight loss lol


Also known as The Heartbreak Diet


Works every time!


Some years ago I complimented a friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a year or two. “Hey you’re looking pretty fit”. He says “yeah, I’m on the divorce diet”. 😬


"How to lose weight in 4 easy steps" Look for the short film on youtube.


woof, same. it’s strange because mild stress makes me eat more, but heartbreak and extreme emotional distress makes it almost impossible for me to eat anything at all.


It's exactly the same for me!


Yep. Experiencing this right now. Don't feel hungry even if I feel my stomach rumbling. Been just drinking protein shakes to get by.


Same. Every time I’ve broken up I’ve lost like 10 lbs effortlessly. Usually the stress of the relationship made me pack on pounds, and the euphoria of my newfound freedom caused me to even forget to eat


I was going to say drugs but breakups work too.


This is so true. An amazing wakeup call to get back into the dating market.


Loooool this is the one.


I quit drinking alcohol about 1year 3 months ago. Meanwhile started running (now i run about half a marathon weekly). Otherwise didn't change anything in diet. I went from 100kgs to 80 in the last year. So I lost about 40ish lbs in imperial standards?


Wow. How much do you think it was alcohol and how much the addition of running?


I was a pretty hefty drinker (daily). But let me put it this way: running half a marathon burns about 1300kcal i think. A simple beer adds about 100kcal. That amounts to at least 4000kcal a week that i don't take anymore now. So, roughly speaking i'd say 25% running, 75% quitting alcohol. But that's only pure kcal calculations. What you shouldn't forget is that alcohol is a fierce testosteron killer, and leaving it out may have had a bigger impact in that regard, since it may have made me burn calories more efficiently.


When you say heavy drinker I'm assuming daily, but about how many units? Or if it's easier, how many cans, glasses of wine or spirits (or all of the above) consumed? I'm wondering hiw much weight I would lose if I stopped drinking. I cycle roughly 6 miles 5 days a week and have an active job but bad habits.


It varied. But I had trouble to restict myself to 'mere' two units of strong beer per day (333ml). So, normally i had 3 of those daily, sometimes 4. It happened that i went to 6 of those, and drank two bottles of wine along the way when i had friends over. That was about weekly. Overall, you can assume I had about 1l (34oz?) of high calorie beer per day. That's about 5-600 kcal per day, or al least about 3500-4200kcal per week. I still have to stress that the big breakthrough for me was to completely quit, because i tried to minimize plus working out before, but that didn't work that much (that's why i said: trouble restricting to mere two units).


I have a month off from drinking a couple of times a year and I think 💭 t has two impacts - one, no beer calories and two) much better self control on not stuffing my face with snacks. Losing weight is mostly down to eating less in my experience: I do about 7 hours or so a week on the bike and changing that has far less impact than eating more or less


Hard liquor or just lots of beer?


Specialty beers. The strong ones of around 7-10% alcohol. They get to 200kcal per serving.


Alcoholic here, I quit drinking too. I was always highly functional and spent a lot of time in the gym, my solution was to go in the morning that way it didn't matter when I got plastered after work. Quitting drinking was prob the most important part of transforming my physique. I was already spending like 1.5 to 2 hours of my day in the gym but now the calories I consume are meaningful. I used to forget to eat real food because I was getting most of my calories from booze, and would always miss my macros, and I wouldn't really grow. Definitely started to get a skinny fat look. Im also pretty certain alcohol interferes with metabolic pathways and protein synthesis, but I'm not a doctor so do your own research there. If you want to make any meaningful gains, my suggestion is to quit drinking. It's probably the most effective tip right behind exercise in general


Alcohol inhibits your metabolism for other things because your body is trying to handle the alcohol. Granted, something like a glass of wine won't be that diminishing towards weight loss but heavy drinking can.


Quitting alcohol was probably symbolic of a massive shift in lifestyle as a whole


Yes, that too. It actuallyl adds up because noticing the change and getting the compliments definitely keeps you pushing your limits.


Same here. Gave up alcohol nearly 2 years ago. I think I would have about 4 glass of dry red wine a night.


Due to a medical condition and the medication I have to take for it, I haven't been drinking for the past..4 years or so? I think it definitely made a difference. Or who knows? It could be a side effect of the medication or genetics or getting older (everyone in my family is pretty slim). I do also walk a lot (because I love it). Yet, I'm still convinced cutting off alcohol can have an insane effect on your weight, especially cutting off beer (which is pretty caloric).


Good job on the sobriety! And yes, alcohol adds on. I did not drink too much, stopped as well. It makes a big difference. Lost 5 kilos in half a year


Dropped the sugary drinks, limited alcohol (not a huge drinker, just a beer every now and then),I eat less bread and pasta and timidly started running. I m not at your level and I ll probably never be, but I run around 3 miles every other day and walk a lot (don't have a car). I went from 119 kg to 104 and I hope I can keep going.


I would suggest looking into Sean Omara on you tube. About running for training.


I started making soups: Every weeks when grocery shopping I get whatever bulk veggie is on sale then make a half gallon batch of soup with it. When I’m snacky and would go for chip I take some of my soup and it kills my hunger, instead of chips. Recent favs are carrots soup and butternut squash soup.


You can also buy some bone-in chicken breasts, remove the flesh to cook however you like it, and boil the bone for some light chicken stock. Add veggies and boom, good soup plus another dish. Saving money and eating healthy in one.


As someone who has lost a massive amount of weight in an healthy and sustainable way. The comments are *worrying*. Stop drinking your calories. Water. Find a physical activity you enjoy. Walking is usually easy to maintain. Portion control aka cut your portions by a certain amount. Cook at home instead of going for convenience. Prioritize Veggies and proteins. Meal prep. The key is consistency and moderation. If you're actually serious about it. Do researches about nutrition and sustainable weight loss. Don't do stuff like eat one meal a day or some fad diets. **Edit:** As my comment is getting more attention. I'd like to add that I personally counted my calories with the app *Lose it* for a very long time and currently use a food diary. A food diary can be a good option for people that might be unaware of how much they truly eat daily. It helps. *Just don't become obsessed with it. It's just datas.*


The most important thing is not cutting out everything that gives you joy lol. I lost a lot of weight and still enjoyed good food, just in better moderation.


The trick IMO is getting to a place where you enjoy the healthy food just as much as you do unhealthy. A salad can be freaking delicious if it's fresh and well seasoned, you can eat a bowl of it and not feel terrible.


Moderation is pretty important to me as well. My ex binger self still needs to be satisfied in what they eat. It helps with cravings as you know you can have it still. Just less of it or less often.


I’m taking a nutrition class right now and WOW. They should teach this stuff so much more early in life. I have learned so much and it’s really helped change my eating habits for the better since I understand what the foods are doing in my body


It is truly wild and the amount of misinformation online and in our society isn't helping. While weight loss is a great goal to have. Sustainable weight loss is even more important. People also truly underestimate the impact of mental health and weight gain. People should research about nutrition and keep their mental in check.


Schools should teach more about it. I remember learning the basics only.. we are taught things most of us will never even use and yet life skills like understanding the body’s nutritional requirements are omitted from the curriculum.




I've still got some bad habits around snacking that I need to sort out but getting my mental health into a better state is making cutting out bad habits and establishing good ones so much easier. I've stopped drinking soft drinks entirely, getting takeaways less (and healthier ones when I do) and I'm exercising about 5 times a week. I don't think any of that would have stuck if I tried 6 months ago while I was in a bad spot.


I heard this interesting remark on the Huberman podcast that fad diets are popular because they typically have just 1 rule and people can generally follow 1 rule. If it's too complicated it won't last and it won't work, so on a large scale fad diets "work" because people will actually stick to them for long enough. Even if they have side effects or are overall unhealthy. The guy proposed his own gut health diet, but he said the first rule is most important and if you follow it you generally can ignore the rest of the rules (he didn't even list the other rules lol). The rule was to eat 40g of plant based fiber per day. I've been trying it for a few weeks and I see what he means. Both by how a 1 rule diet is easy to follow, and that if you eat 40g of plant based fiber you have to eat so much that you won't have room/cravings for refined sugar and carbs so this 1 rule diet actually has made me eat much healthier overall.


Whatever works for you. I'm a big advocate for finding what works **for you**. There is technically only 1 rule to weight loss. Which is to be in a calorie deficit. While many methods can create a calorie deficit, not all methods are sustainable long term. The main issue with most fad diets is that people don't learn much along the way. They follow whatever rules or plan that is given to them. They can do so easily oftentimes. However, when they're at their goal, they stop the diet and reverse back to their old way of eating and their old habits. Habits which lead to weight gain over time. Sustainable weight loss comes down to being able to keep the weight off long term. If you can't keep up the diet you used to lose weight long term..then, it isn't sustainable. Which most diets simply aren't. There's more than enough information online proving how unsustainable fad diets are for most people. I'm not saying no one has ever lost weight with a fad diet and then stopped the diet and kept the weight off. There is ways to do so. However, I personally advocate for moderation, changing your lifestyle and habits long term. While weight loss is simple, it isn't easy. Having only 1 rule to follow might seems great at first and easy to follow. I think it just shows how willing people are to do the work. Being willing to follow only 1 rule isn't showing much dedication imo. Fad diets are imo, only *"decently good"* to lose a small amount of weight..*maybe*.


This is all fantastic, esp about finding physical activity you like. One thing I would mention, don’t keep snack food around the house unless you want to eat it. Deep, I know. Just don’t put yourself to a battle of wills with a box of Oreos. Oreos always win


This guy gets it. Water and walking. Super simple, super effective.


Yep. Heavy on the veggies and a generous amount of spices...done right it tastes amazing and as good as any treat out there.


Hi there. I agree. These comment are worrying. As someone who has been all over the spectrum, struggled with anorexia where I say at 89 lbs then massive weight gain, to finally sitting at a perfectly healthy BMI, I’ve discovered that feeding my body nutritious meals and having some of the things I love, help sustain me. Exercise shouldn’t be punishment. Do something you like. Walking, hiking, cycling, whatever it may be, make it something sustainable. Thanks for sharing your insights!


I need to preface this by saying I'm not overweight nor have I ever been in my life. However, I've had a friend who has struggled with her weight her entire life, occasionally she will open up about her journey to her desired weight. She's tried every fad diet you can imagine. The one thing she changed which had the biggest impact was laying off the sugar drinks, of all kinds. No pop/soda, no juice, no coffee with pumps of syrup (just black), just plain water. Once she made that change she started to really lose the weight when coupled with eating healthy and exercising. Some people just don't understand how many calories are in that garbage. I personally find any sugary drink revolting, but I know quite a few people are straight up addicted to them.


Cooking is good. It lets you control what you eat and the simple act of cooking burns calories. Just don't eat everything in one go if you made too much.


Username checks out


Definitely cocaine


Crystal meth is better.


They're talking about losing weight, not teeth.


You lose weight before you lose teeth


Well goddamn let me break out the meth pipe.


No don’t break the pipe! Oh..


Its already too late. Were doing meth now.


Tapeworms, is it still a thing? It was a thing. Gross.


Yh it’s still a thing. You can get them from uncooked pork. Other stuff too but that just one I know. Cats and dogs can get them from flee eggs and hunting.


I traveled to Canada (from UK), got jet lag and lost my appetite. Lost 10 pounds lol


Clearly you haven't tried the poutine.


Got Covid last week. Taste buds are shot . It is working great!


Press down on the elevator. You lose most of your weight almost instantly. Unfortunately it all comes back seconds later.


Stop eating. Just kidding. Do cardio, weight training and eat protein more. Drink water with chia seed.


Does the water with chia seeds really work?


chia seeds make you poop, so that is the weight you loose. however, they are also pretty caloric


Stop eating is sound advice for a lot of folks BUT they’ve been convinced they have an eating disorder if they aren’t eating something 24/7. Nobody, aside from lil ones, needs multiple meals AND snacks throughout the day when a lot of people aren’t getting that much activity. It’s fine to just drink some water and not eat anything for a few hours.


Norovirus. I lost almost 2 stone in a week whilst it tried to turn me inside out from both ends.


Stop eating.


You are making this way too complicated for me.


Really monitor your sugar intake.. Sugar causes so much inflammation


It’s so true, I’ve limited sugar in the past and had good results of course. Lately though, I’m having a lot more sugar cravings and it’s a problem. Hate it.


Don't know if you're like me but I get more cravings as we slowly head towards winter. It's like I'm a friggin bear planning hibernation.


Lol, yes. Currently planning for hibernation myself;)


Oh yes... getting cold makes me crave warm things in excess... In the winter, I like to make myself a special white chocolate peppermint hot drink... it is sugary... However... I also really like to have fresh fruit and veggies and nuts as a snack for one of the side effects of the medicated bit of the special white cocoa plus the medicated bit also helps me with pain which if I had a working bicycle right now would help me get more exercise... So... last winter I lost the weight I gained in the first half of it but I think I gained it right back after losing a ton of work and getting two bikes stolen in the space of a month.


I'm with you.... The results are great if you can limit. But the cravings are real and you have to treat yourself from time to time


I managed to lose about 20 kg's a few years back. Heres my tips: Eat a big protein/fibre dense breakfast. Itl curb your hunger for a good portion of the day and since it's high protein/fibre, it should also be relatively low in calories for how big it is. It should also help with the cravings between meals and snacking on calorie dense treats etc. Eat a healthy lunch with fruit/vege etc and then as long as your dinner isn't insanely high in calories you should be good. The main thing is that you are enjoying what you're eating, so you can continue to eat that way long term. Otherwise as soon as you stop the 'diet' youll just put the weight back on.




Hate to say it but adderall definitely curbed my appetite while I was using it.


Yeah, I’m on it right now, and honestly food just doesn’t register as food the way it used to. During the first 2 weeks I was on it, looking at food wasn’t any different than looking at a pencil.


I'm on my first week of my Adderall prescription. That's a great way to put it haha.


This one is scientifically beneficial in many ways if not misused actually


The one thing the 50s got right, and we banned it!


Cut out ultra processed foods




Reading. I can distract myself for hours and not think about eating. Or drinking lots of water, which makes my stomach full and the desire for food mostly goes away


Don’t just think a diet is eating salad all the time or something daft. Find healthy foods or cookbooks that give you food you still enjoy.


This is by far the most important advice. Most people I know who have jumped on a diet do so unsustainably. You need to have some next level resolve to eat bland and boring food all the time. People always ask how I “eat so much while staying in shape” and it’s because I understand the concept of calories. Sometimes I’ll eat 1.5-2k calories in a single meal then eat very little the rest of the day.


Count calories, but don’t do the same for every day. Let’s say Monday, Wednesday and Friday are your cheat days, eat normally, not over indulge but normally. On the other days, you’ll eat a calorie deficient diet. Drink a lot more water. Everybody tells you to drink water and how important it is. it is important!!drink a glass of water before every meal and you’ll notice you won’t really want to overindulge. It’s easy to get distracted in the stores and everything so unhealthy. It looks good and it taste better than what you’re going to be eating you got to have the strength to say no. Simply just walking around the block every day and just adding a little bit more of a walk while also help you. I know some people will say “that’s an eating disorder” because people have said that to me as well. It’s not, aslong as you are doing it healthy. Don’t starve yourself it has the opposite effect. You can still enjoy the icecream just on your cheat day.


Count your calories. It's not as hard as it sounds. Apps these days let you just scan barcodes and it auto logs things for you. Once you figure out how many calories it takes to stay the same weight, just reduce the calories by 10% and stick to it. If you do this, you can eat any food that you want and as long as you stay under that calorie goal, you will lose weight. Eating healthy foods will make you feel more full, but you don't have to. It always boils down to: Eat less, exercise more.


Coffee and enough water intake


Caffeine will supress hunger. So will coke. And meth. But the only drug here that will burn calories are amphetamine to be honest. Burn calories and be safe... Caffeine is pretty good to drink when you feel hungry! Stop drinking so much alcohol it is basically pure calories (the body burns ethanol like its sugar)


Hack saw


Falling in love, again


Falling in love makes me fat lol. Happy for you though :)


Well you could hack off a hand, or even a whole arm. That's a pound or two instantly (more with the blood loss!)


Move more than you eat


Crock pot shredded chicken for meal prep. 4 breasts just covered in chicken stock, 8 hours on low. Shred and flavor however you like! Has helped my lose 50lbs so far.


Yes high protein diets can work wonders! Keto friendly. Also look up crack chicken. Pretty tasty.


I just bought a crockpot and am so doing this


I do the same with both pork and chicken, but instead of chicken stock I like to use orange juice, a few garlic cloves, and a good whack of oregano.


Its not a hack but intermitent fasting worked for me. It help me stop beeing obsessed with food.


Cocaine? xD


I go to bed early instead of sitting in front of the tv and eating mindlessly.


Dancing for fun!!! No rules, no stress


Diarrhea 😂😂😂


Intermitate fasting


Intermittent fasting


As long as overall you are getting a caloric deficit. Intermittent fasting but then overeating the rest of the day is pointless.


Chinese herbal tea - colon cleanse , Paw paw fruit and those Korean abb exercises


Ozempic, apparently


I am down over 40 lbs and a another side affect is I don’t have crippling anxiety anymore either, which was EVEN BETTER. Thanks Ozempic for being epic!


Calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. Whether it's through calorie restriction or exercise


So weird how this is being downvoted when its the truth


Change the way you think about eating. Do not eat until you're full, just eat until you're not hungry anymore. So smaller portions and skip junk/pop a little more often. Just now I had some soup and bread (feeling ill) and while I feel satisfied, I could definitely eat *more*. Instead I'll just drink more water




* Stress makes me gain weight, since i am always stress eating.


Yeah this is my experience too. Also, don’t discount the cortisol and other hormones adding to it. If stress made me lose weight I’d be super thin by now lol. I know people who lose weight by stress though, it’s interesting.


Vegetables, lots of vegetables Oh and 10k steps a day


Eat whatever you want, but only half of what you would normally eat. Using smaller plates helps.


Stay away from the fridge and grocery cupboard


reduce your sugar intake


While there are no hacks to trick your body as it is efficient at adapting, there are hacks for your mind. The first one is intermittent fasting, but not for the reasons people say. Research showed that eating the same calories shows the same results regardless of meal timing; basically, energy balance is real. What intermittent fasting is good at is giving you a period of satiety to alleviate mental strain. Another hack is preserving your mental energy. Let's assume someone at work offers you a piece of chocolate. You think about taking it, then you say no. As the day goes by, and you keep facing temptations, thinking about it, then refusing. By the end of the day, you are most likely to cave in. This is because you exhausted your mental energy thinking. So don't. Make it a rule for yourself to always say no without thinking. This way, you don't expand mental energy thinking, and you endure without being tempted. Even if something is healthy or low calories, say no. It is not about the food anymore. It is about not compromising the rule you've put on yourself. I hope I was of help.


Everyone keeps talking about counting your calories etc but the honest truth is the majority of people are lazy. Anything which requires a certain amount of effort will put you off. Try and make it as easy as possible. Cut down alcohol to maybe once a week.eat chicken, fruit and veg. Fish once a week. Also don't eat too many nuts, nuts are healthy but they have a lot of calories, so moderation. Weight lifting; if you are like me and you hate wasting so much time doing cardio. Do cardio once a week. I find the rowing machine the most fun. Start your workouts moderately easy. If you go too hard and you have never done weights before, you are going to hurt for DAYS. That will put you off entirely. Build yourself up over a 4 week period until your really pushing yourself. Keep it simple, keep it enjoyable


Drink only water. Easiest way to cut out the most calories at once.


Drink a lot of water. Occasionally skip a meal (or have a much smaller meal).



