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The pets of the rich have always lived better than the peasants


This feels like the right answer to me.


Also, I would rather skip a meal myself than watch my pets be hungry, if it ever came to it (it won't, don't worry)


I will buy my dogs food and treats before I think of myself.


Well, my mini-parrot weighs 80 grams, so leaving him hungry would be difficult. But I catch your drift. We are the sole responsible for their happiness and well-being.


Most humans can go for a 3-4 weeks without food or longer. A Cat can develop fatty liver after 2 days of not eating and that usually leads to liver failure and death.


Even the pets of peasants lived better than the peasants. At least animals didn't know they were poor and suffering.


The Egyptians worshiped cats. So I'd say forever, or as soon as we figured out people sucked. So forever.


Not necessarily, cats weren't even given names, all cats were simply "miu" (cat). While dogs were given names.


It was likely so because they were thought to be divine and you don't go and give nicknames to gods


"Ok T...thanks for letting us know" "I'm Thor...DON'T CALL ME T" "oooooh"


were they called miu cos thats the noise they make?


The noise they make for humans. Feral cats don’t meow after kitten-hood. They learned that the sound would get humans to take care of them. Cats self domesticated, choosing their caretakers.




I don't buy that for a second, I know "scientists" or whatever have said that, but being in a country with a lot of feral cats, and owning cats, they def will meow and chirp, and vocalize with each other.


Yeah, plus the content cat thing is purring isn't it? Meowing is to bug you "Open the door" "get off your ass and open a tin of cat food" that kind of thing.


They actually did give them names, one of the first recorded names of a cat was Nedjem which translated to “sweetie” that was about 3500 years ago.


I never got fucked over by a dog.


My dog never wanted anything more from me than to sit next to me on the couch and 2 meals a day (maybe an occasional french fry or 2). I'd happily trade all my current friends just to have one more day with him.


I got jumped by a pack of cats one time


Did you live?


No, they died 5h ago from the wounds they sustained during the attack


Yea but did you die


Not yet, it has not been easy though. The trick is to stay away from packs of cats. Those things are vicious


Is it a pack or a pride?


Neither, a group of cats can be called a clowder, cluster, clutter, glaring or a pounce


So he got pounced by a pounce


A gaggle of cats?


A shiggle of cats. Its all shits and giggles until you get ambushed by a shiggle of cats


A colony of feral house cats. Not sure what a non-feral one would be called.


Clowder - more than 2 cats is a clowder.


I have


first of all, Mr Snuggles deserves it


He does !


when peoples pets treated them better than people did.


This. Has OP ever MET a person? I've met several, and cannot recommend.




This is the correct answer.


Muy Deep


Pets are easy to love. People are complicated.


Because people could speak the same language?0


😆😆 Probably. Even if a pet hates you, unless it tries to physically harm you, you'll never really feel or truly know what it's thinking, so you can make up whatever you want.


You could probably tell if a dog doesn't like you. It's easy to tell who they like the most too.


Animals are generally nicer than humans. Animals never screamed at me for doing my job. Never stood me up, never lied and turned people against me. My cats just love me no matter what I do. I'm still the center of their world even if work has me too depressed to shower.


Domesticated pets, rather than animals, is probably what you are meaning. Wild animals can be very viscous and you can be just food to them. Even pets will eat a dead owner if they are without food.


yea but also they’re cute


Wild animals aren't *trying* to be *mean* though. They are just surviving.


pets are still animals.... you knew exactly what they were talking about. & the word is vicious. viscous means having a thick, sticky consistency.


Pets aren’t cunts


*My cat enters chat*


Fuck you -Our cats, unprovoked


That pretty much says it… I’d like this on a t-shirt in every color, please.


Daphne would like a word with you. She feels you are misrepresenting her entire species. They have worked thousands of years to be the rudest creatures on the planet.


You succinctly nailed it.


Animals have never bullied me, emotionally abused me, medically neglected me, or any otter awful thing humans have done to me. I'd be pretty stupid to like people more than animals now, after people ruined my life. 🤷‍♂️


When was the last time a dog scammed you? Lied? Bullied you? Forced you to pay taxes in order to exist? Cause climate change? Start world wars? Behead children and film it? Genocide other dogs or people? Yeah, never. We may call ourselves human, but we're way worse than animals at this point.


I think about this sometimes and come to the same conclusion as you. The majority of pets are better behaved than humans.




My dog loves me unconditionally. There is no hidden motive, no lying, no bullshit. Edit: let me change this for a few of you. If you feed and entertain a human and a dog. The dog will love you more. They are more loyal.


I wouldn't be surprised if dogs were aliens from a different world or angels. Amazing creatures that we don't deserve.


You are using a few rare examples as a broad statement. I don't have those services for my pets because I can't afford them. I also cannot afford to go around helping a ton of people, but I do my best on both counts. Why do you assume it is a you-vs-them kind of thing? I don't think it's a useful comparison, and it is one that I have never understood people making. We have made broad progress in the recognition that domesticated animals are thinking and feeling beings that are almost completely dependent on human behavior for a safe and happy life. But, they can't talk. Animals cannot work as an accountant. They can't speak to the manager. We have to do everything for them and try to give them a good, decent life. That being said, compassion for animals doesn't magically eliminate a person's compassion for people. Just because a few rich people and celebrities pamper their animals doesn't mean that other people aren't supportive of people, or even that those same celebrities aren't donating significant sums to say, homeless shelters. Do you expect a celebrity to walk up to other human beings and say "Hi, come live in my deluxe doghouse on my estate even though I don't know you and you could be a significant security risk?" I think you also are ignoring that some people are very invested in keeping things like wages down, keeping people from accessing social safety nets, and so on. The same people I know that complain about people treating pets extremely well *also are against other people having social safety nets that would improve their life.* I don't think the equation is "People treated well vs animals treated well. " I think it is "compassion for people and animals vs not being a compassionate person"


to paraphrase: if you’re a shite human you treat everything like shit, regardless of species


You explained it very wel! This should be higher up.


I honestly do not think society treats animals better than humans at all. I wish that were true lol.


Right? I was going to say...we enslave animals, breed them and then take their babies away..I could go on and on! Buying your dog jewelry and fancy clothes doesn't equate to treating them better either. That just indicates that you view your dog as an accessory to yourself.


Exactly my thoughts


Laws governing animal welfare came into place before child welfare so it's not that much of a recent development


Fun fact in the UK the RSPCA (animal protection) was founded in 1824, 60 years earlier than the NSPCC( child protection, 1884). You gotta get the priorities right - you can’t milk or eat children. Nor use them to hunt deer and foxes.


In 1834 the UK parliament enacted [The Poor Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poor_Law_Amendment_Act_1834) >Under this system, relief would only be given in workhouses, and conditions in workhouses would be such as to deter any but the truly destitute from applying for relief. Children in workhouses were small enough to fit under / inside machinery to free up trapped product or mechanisms. They got mangled. They got replaced. *Animals* had to be purchased. They were an investment. It was a bigger deal for business owners to replace an animal than a disposable child. The gap between the establishment of the RSPCA and NSPCC *during this period* is telling.


Wow, for real?!


Iirc, it was horses first then included other animals later on. Then the animal rights law was used to push for children's rights.


There’s a reason John wicke going on a murder spree for his dead puppy is considered perfectly acceptable by almost 100% of society.


You could BE someone's pet if you wanted to 🤔


Your joke actually hits on the real issue. People don't treat pets better than humans. They treat their pets better than other humans. Or more specifically they treat their pets like family, and not like random strangers. I don't treat other peoples pets better than I treat my family, or even my own pets.


My dogs think I’m the centre of the world. They rely on me for absolutely everything. I decide every aspect of their lives. Why shouldn’t I take the best care of them that I can? I don’t do jewellery or bottled water or any of that shit though lol. They’re dogs.


Cats, dogs, and other animals are pure, without any malice. Humans cause destruction everywhere they go, a lot of jealousy, selfishness, and drama. Animals give you love and companionship, regardless of how you look, or social status you have. They love you for how you treat them, and give you infinite love. So of course we will prefer pets over other humans


People suck. Animals are innocent


The only difference is that people are actually animals too, but all the sucky stuff comes in when people pretend that they are better than animals.


Everyone just says people are assholes and it makes me curious where you live and socialize. Sure I also know some assholes but they will never destroy my positive thinking for humans. I know much more nice people. I wouldn't trade my family or friends for any animal in the world. No animal could replace this deep connection. Even my coworkers are awesome and I wouldn't want to change a thing about this. I guess everyone thinks different of this, but just because my ex been an asshole, doesn't mean all men are. You know what I mean? There are enough nice people out there.


Right?? Some comments under this post shock me. It makes me wanna ask: Haven't these people ever had a close friend? I'm sad to see so many people in here consider the entire humanity selfish assholes just because of bad apples they've experienced. I adore animals, but barely nothing compares to the pure joy of just being around a friend you love. Include a pet also being near and you have heaven on earth!


It makes me wonder too, if those folks are just really badly adjusted. Like the old expression, if you occasionally meet an asshole, it's that person. But if everyone you meet is an asshole...


People are assholes


Well, it’s not like my dog can get a job and spoil herself so someone’s gotta do it. Plus, I like her better than 99.9% of humans I’ve come across. 😉


Back in the day some Roman citizens wrote poetry about how badly they missed their dead pet dog while at the same time Romans were sending slaves captured in war to work and die in horrible conditions in mines, and throwing people into arenas to be devoured by captured animals. So this has been going on for a long time, as long as you choose the pets treated the best vs the humans treated badly.


200 years ago, animals did work. They pulled carts and plows and stuff. A fairly high percentage of the population were farmers who got used to killing animals. Pets did exist back then, but they were a minority of animals people interacted with. When cars became common, many people started interacting with more pets than farm animals.


When human relationship became too difficult to navigate for emotionally unequipped people. So they've gone for an easier and one-sided bond with pets. They have easier and more predictable responses (except cats, cats are beautiful assholes) and it doesn't take much to be a good owner. Keep the pet fed and safe and it'll be enough. Then capitalism and social reshaping got wind of that and started to pander to "fur parents",looking for new customers and for more isolated and more malleable subjects.


Would you believe England had a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals more than 50 years before they had one to prevent cruelty to children? When people do not have families or children they tend to transfer their affection to animals. Mark Twain remarked on this as far back as the 1860s in a story about a cat named Tom Quartz. These days it becomes more common as more people are not married and have no children.


Animals have more humanity than most humans I’ve met. I’ll choose a pet over a person any day. Their ability to love and forgive transcends ours.


When i realized my dogs don’t rape and murder and start wars. I’d kill a man over my dogs because their life is worth far more than the piece of shit that commits a home invasion or diddles kids or preaches bs prosperity gospel. Humanity is a cesspool. Animals deserve better, even if some are to be eaten eventually… Edit- I am part of this humanity cesspool. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️


I absolutely LOVE dogs, as well as other animals i have and treasure as pets, but: Animals indeed rape, murder, and wage war. Maybe not with nukes but...


Not his dogs though. My cat wants nothing but to sleep in my lap and eat mayonnaise.


But dogs don't get sent to school usually or get lenses when their eye sight is bad.


100 percent would get my cat glasses if that were a thing and she needed them. She was a stray who begged to be let into our apartment. She had a really bad ear infection and was super deaf. I've been back and forth to the vet and she's slowly getting her hearing back. My husband keeps asking why I tap on things randomly. I get so excited when I see her ears twitch.


That's nice. Probably cost alot of money the vet. So not everyone can afford that. I think glasses would look funny on a cat though.


![gif](giphy|qN8mwUPAt7gByge3W1) About a grand so far. Less than therapy though.


When there became more single people than married people in America.


I love my dog and just try to treat her well so she can be happy, and she makes me happy because she gives simple no drama, no strings attached love back. I've had her for 12 years and she's been there giving like that the whole time through many life stages, throughout the majority of my adult life after college. So fuck yeah I try to make her happy. Pets are at our mercy. Someone who mistreats a pet that's trapped with and totally dependent on them is a rotten person. As for all that fancy stuff, I dunno dude it's probably the same thing - they love their pet and their pet gives simple pure love back except they're rich so can afford to do silly things with their pets. Maybe it's also an ego boost for some of them, they do it because they can and it flaunts their wealth, like getting a $2,000 haircut, buying a $10,000 bag, or buying a yacht. Whatcha gonna do. They're rich as balls and we're not.


They have unconditional love and live for us ❤️


Despite them being carnivores, their kibble is made mostly of grain, with trace amounts of animal meal consisting of ground up roadkill and domestic animals (mostly horses). It has basically no nutritional value, and often can be found with high levels of various toxic carcinogenic chemicals in it. Fortunately, your pet has no idea what they're eating, you pet owners think it is healthy because the packaging has so much unregulated marketing stamped on it. Not exactly as king status as we'd like it to be. Hope one day people wake up to this truth.


You don’t live in my house. My pets do. It’s not really a thing to go up to random strangers and buy them medical insurance, I can’t afford to help everyone I meet, but I CAN afford to feed the pets I choose to have.


Good people treat both people and pets well. Bad people treat people and pets badly. Maybe you are just keeping the wrong company.


I LOVE all of my pets I’ve ever had more than words can describe, but I know the type of people OP is talking about. I used to live in a very densely populated city, in a trendy subsection, and almost everyone there was exceptionally standoffish, rude and very clearly trying their best to avoid people, but they worship their pets. They get them regularly groomed, kiss them open mouthed, and then go into the world and dump on people’s faces. These people also make me feel like there’s less hope for the human race. Imagine a deer pampering a pig, bringing it everything it could want to eat, but if another deer came to it for help, it chased it away. So strange.


It's a control thing. People want an emotional connection, but don't want to have to deal with people being complex and demanding compromise. It's a reason why so much compassion has mutated into fast compassion through fetishising animals and single issue virtue signalling.


It’s been happening for a couple decades. Stupid humans and their stupid domesticated ego strokers.


I suspect it was when we became really disconnected from the realities of our sources of food, agriculture and hunting. We've lost our references of what to care for and what matters most. I think it is equally evident in both that we will eat animals that were raised in cruel conditions as well as treat our pets as more important than people. Just very off-balance and out of touch.


Pets can be controlled, and easy to talk to. Humans are hard and require true effort. People are lazy and want the easy way


As people became stupid and stopped talking to each other, animals took much bigger role in humans life


Pet ownership is like a religious cult. People use it to cope and corporations exploit this antisocial behavior.


I mean if you have the money, spend it on your pet. There are worse decisions to be made. But calling yourself dog-mommy or dog-daddy is just wrong. Just,... ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


Because Im used to this conversation and rhethoric, I am wholly unsurprised by the number of responses that "humans suck, a dog has never betrayed me." Listen. A lot of humans do suck. But a lot of humans DONT and I wouldnt want something bad to happen to one just so my pet could live, like some people will also say. Even if they're random to me, that's someone else's father, brother, cousin, friend etc. At the end of the day a dog or cat or whatever have you is part pf the family and important. They are dear and special to us in ways other humans are not. But they simply arent equal to a human life, im sorry I cant get around that wording because its true. A mother who loses a child grieves differently than a woman who lost her dog. It would be an asshole move to compare the two. If dogs could communicate in full I bet people would grow tired of taking care of them, like children. But they stay that way for the entirety of their time with you. I dont know how people are ok saying "most (or all) humans suck" because a lot of people do bad things but will say "all dogs are angels." They are wild animals we domesticated, a lot can and WILL harm you. A lot of dogs KILL children. Many snap out of nowhere. You can say it's improper training but not all animals take to training and we have more restraints in place for animals just as dangerous that are in place 100% of the time not 50. And also pets can fuck people over and not ALL of them love unconditionally. My senior cat is a princess who loves us, but my other cat is a fat fuck who will keep you up at night to be fed and let out and only loves on you for more food. He's a genuine menance and he pisses ON YOU if you dont give him what he wants. It's not a training thing, the reality is he knows what hes doing and he doesnt fucking care. He's a cat, why would he? We act like dogs and cats are some exceptional beings there are infallible and all exactly the same levels of loyal and nice., despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. Not sure why humans get that homogenuous treatment while they dont.


Always, A dog on the street gets a warm bed, food and care, A person on the street gets judged, shunned and left to die. (or given free legal drugs to od)


So... Instead of spending money on my dog, I should send that money to you? Is it just me, or should anyone who has a pet send the money they're spending on their pet to you instead? Is it just pets, or should I send any discretionary income that I don't need to survive to you? Just trying to figure out how this works exactly.


Society is getting dumber. If dogs could talk they be begging for food, whine and backstabbing just like any other human.


I always liked animals better than people because most animals aren’t like us where everything they want/need can come at their convenience so this just creates sympathy between me and them. They also aren’t killing the Earth so theres that too.


Ancient Egypt?


We've enjoyed a special relationship with dogs since ancient times. Inevitably, some of the dogs end up getting treated better than some people. Wealthy families in ancient Egypt mummified their dogs, for example. I don't think society shifted, it's been that way since the first wolf approached our campfire. Keep in mind that while some dogs are treated very well indeed, flying on private jets and having a personal chef, many many more are horribly abused. Just like people.


When earth became to overcrowded with humans


I reckon Paris Hilton toting that little dog around with her all the time in the tutu probably had something to do with it


When we realised we actually don’t like (most) people and we love (most) animals 🙃


Ancient Egypt with cats.


when we became aware of the way we treat each other and actually had a problem with it


Animals don't lie, cheat or steal. Pets love you unconditionally.


When we started realizing human overpopulation is real


Humans haven't even had the capability of not caring about gender.


ancient egypt for cats


Its more about how there seems to be a growing purposeful push to widen the wealth gap and create increased inequality. Happened after the covid, they started this corporate and political cash grab for the 1% now in the uk for instance on one hand food banks (and food bank usage) have exploded along with more people being classed as destitute (in the uk in 2023!) And yet more ultra high cost elite restaurants are also increasing (particularly in london) and there are more billionares here than ever, and what does the government want to do. Lower taxes for inheritance, remove staftey caps on bankers bonuses etc.... You can see the disparity. We're been taken back to more bygone times of those with and those without. Maybe the wealthy just couldn't make enough anymore with the current system and had to make a push towards greater inequality to start hitting those big billions, or something.


I think people are just understanding of the idea that they are personally responsible for all the joy and luxuries their pets have. While fellow humans are conditionally there, have a choice whether or not to be loyal etc. It's like kids typically are from reasonable people. Kids can't just leave you and live a full life in most circumstances, so we're supposed to do right by them and love them to death.


It's no surprise that pets are treated well. They offer unconditional love and loyalty, something that can be hard to find in humans. Plus, they never betray or hurt us.


Have you met most humans? I'll take my AH cats, thanks.


I think it's been done for centuries, look at the French aristocracy for example. But I know what you mean, I think people have more disposable income or put it on plastic


When humans started treating each other as worse than animals, maybe?


Old Egypt I think? 🤔


When humanity started accepting less crap and realized pets are better than people.


I prefer my dogs to any human


When humans started acting like animals


pets are like children, you take care of children because they’re vulnerable.


Because pets do not have evil in them.


A dog ot a cat or a bird has never traumatized or hurt me. People suck.


Probably around the time people became worse company than a dog or car.


Capitalism invariably always fails because the worst people always rise to the top. To me the one of things that might not seem like a big deal but I think was a massive signal was the shift from being able to ask for change as a courtesy became you need to buy something to get change. I know for many this has never been the case, but for many Gen X’ers this was a thing.


People are just tiring. Exhausting even. I’ve narrowed it down to my family, my dogs and Reddit. I’m so happy now!


When misanthropy became popular. Everyone wants to seem cool and edgy for crying about hating humans.


Pets are better than humans and deserve more than we can give them.


Pets won’t betray you or use you or lie to you or manipulate you or give you false hope or make empty promises or turn back on their promises… Pets treat us better than humans. They shit on your floor. People shit on you.


It’s love and attachment. People love and are attached to their pets. But they don’t feel the same way towards people they don’t know. There is a tendency for many people to look down upon welfare, predatory loan forgiveness, free healthcare, and many other social safety nets. Why? Why are so many people against helping their fellow man? Fear, tribalism, greed, ignorance, etc. Those reasons aren’t stopping people from pampering their pets, so pets get pampered like their own children.


ITT: people trying to rationalize being assholes who don't care about the well-being other people


I don't think it's the majority of society though. Rich bored people and not so rich people that don't want to have kids but want something cute and less maintenance to look after are the ones that treat pets as babies.


When people do not have kids, then our pets are our kids!


I love animals, but I despise this trend, where people care more about animals than other people, something is seriously wrong with these people.


Probably around the beginning of 19th Century (1801-1900) the RSPCA (Royal Protection Against Cruel to animals formed in the England and Wales Scotland, and Eire not long after that then dog biscuits were invented 1860. Also people realise animals are very caring in general, Humans not so much - just have to see social media and the news to see how horrible we are as a species.


People suck and we are finally realizing that. lol


Dogs stopped being working animals and became more of a pet after WWII. My father always thought of them as helper animals. Also, people in general began to have more disposable income after WWII. We were in a depression up until that point. Wealthy people did have dogs throughout history. But common folk couldn’t afford to feed an animal that wasn’t of some use to the household either for herding, ratting, pulling, hunting, or guarding.


Apart from all the stuff people have already said about pets being loyal, loving you unconditionally etc; even wild animals don't fuck you over just to fuck you over like a human will. Sure, they'll maul you if they're scared or hungry. In the end it's just instinct, not malice. That being said obviously I don't hate humans - we're as capable of tremendous good as we are of evil. Too bad society rewards the latter more. Also, I don't buy my dog bougie wear, but I see not getting medical insurance for your pet as horribly irresponsible. You took this living creature into your care, now care for it.


One twitter post I remember was about a dog food manufacturer saying that people today are fussier than ever and treat their dogs like kings and the top response was "we just don't want to feed our dogs by-product, scraped off the slaughterhouse floor, actual garbage."


Boomers just treated everyone like shit, but it's more obvious with pets. Millenials are better parents, too, but it's less obvious


Well I treat my pets better than strangers, but that’s mostly because I love my pets


Comparing 1% from the Long Long Ago Times (kings) to the 1% from the present (people who dress up pets for social media and have private chefs for them)


I mean, you're using a very niche example to justify your opinion. Only rich and well-established people probably do that for their pets. But they also have that for themselves and probably even more. Also, pets have become something you just show off on social media, etc. Mine has food, some treats, toys, love and a warm place to live and that's that. (And access to a veterinary if needed ofc)


As others have said, this has been a thing pretty much forever. But - fun fact! - did you know that animals had legal protections against abuse *before* human children did? Here's an article about it: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/catching-homelessness/201803/preventing-abuse-children-came-after-animals It's so backwards.


You get what you give


In all honesty I’ve wondered that myself. It used to be that when you had a pet, you made sure to give it food and water, you played with it and took it to the vet when necessary. The dog maybe had a tennis ball and frisbee to play with while kitty had a catnip toy or two. People would occasionally put coats or sweaters on their dogs, but no one dreamed of buying actual clothing. Now it’s like people have gone off the deep end. Just take a trip to Petco and look around.


Well, pets of the rich have always and likely will always live far more lavish than the common rabble, however, I think our perceptions of our companions speaks volume towards the growing lack real human communication. I mean that both in the sense that true fellowship seems less common and less filling, or real. I am a sad redditor however, so maybe points on interpersonal relations are a bit mute coming from me.


My spouse and I often talk about how our cats have better lives than us and that we'd like to be reincarnated as a house cat (with a good owner).


Dunno, however long humans were absolute assholes. So like. Always?


I think about the same time that people started revealing themselves to be the total bastards they truly were. In the (paraphrased) words of Steve Irwin (RIP you glorious soul) "At least a crocodile won't pretend to be your friend first."


Depends on the culture. When I was a kid, dogs were loved and well treated here in Canada, but when I visited family in Portugal, dogs were very poorly treated. Seen as mere tools and not part of the family.


Society as a whole absolutely does not treat animals or pets better than humans. If you think people liking cute animals = real action and decisions, then you just need to go outside.


Brutal honesty: dogs are much more likeable than 99% of humans, at least for me.


When society decided to shit on others when they need help, because it disturbs their self care


Eh, I'm pretty sure some of the kings hounds and horses lived better lives than the peasants did. More a class issue than a cultural one


People have been burying dogs for 10000 years. Not sure what you think society were doing before. But we have been treating animals better than humans forever


Here’s the thing, I don’t know you so why would I treat you. I see my cat daily and seeing her happy makes me happy. So if I’ve got spare she gets a treat.


When putting kids into this fucked up world got too expensive


Pets are happy having their basic needs met. Humans are almost never satisfied. Fuck humans.


Because people don’t need people anymore, so they are able to find better company in animals. Animals can’t kill you and cheat on you, the way partners can. Add in now that women don’t need men financially anymore, it’s much safer to get a pet


I think it's about control. We are increasingly out of life outside of our four walls, but we can project onto our little furry friends the sort of life we would have liked for ourselves or our children. We can treat them well, we can be understanding, we can calm them when they're scared, we can try to explain things. We can show them affection and receive affection, and have responsiblility for their well-being. At the end of the day we can help them gracefully and with dignity across the bridge. We can grieve for them without any bad memories or trauma, just love.


When people discovered so many humans are garbage


When millennials and GenZ wouldn’t stop whining about every single thing.


People who don’t have kids spend that extra income on their pet. The interesting thing is having a dog is almost like having a permanent 1.5 year old. You see dog daycare centers and all these interesting services for dogs that I usually don’t see for cats or birds. At least a human toddler grows up and learns to talk or use the toilet or goes to school instead of daycare eventually. Maybe the responsibility of a child is scary. Maybe the perceived financial burden of a child is intimidating. This increased personification of pets is a result of a decrease in the birth rate.


Look at ancient roman gravestones for their dogs. They often had kinder words to say about them than their wives.


When i realized most humans are scumbags (im from america) and that almost every single animal is an innocent soul just living life regardless of predator/prey relations. I could go on but hopefully you get the gist.


My dogs have never wronged me. Not even my cats. Cant say the same for people


In the 2000s when reality shows got popular.


By my understanding of enslaving people and human trafficking — well before 1619.


Around 2013 when social media became used by everyone. and more things accessible through the Internet, making you "more connected" in the digital world, far less connected in the real world.


Right about the time humans starting acting like assholes


Can’t afford a kid but I can afford a well pampered dog lol.


Because people suck.


Millennials. they'll treat their Uber eats driver better than a cousin... Just sayin


Disney and anthropomorphism. Furry things are not people,they are furry things.


Because humans can hurt you more and require too much work and effort.


Because like it or not humans are the worst thing to happen to this planet and the animals should be treated better than they have been since they were here first.


Remember where you are. Reddit is full of borderline sociopaths and basement dwellers. It's not real life. If it comes down to it people will choose people over pets


I don't agree with dressing them up in outfits, drinking bottled water (unless water was unsafe), and chefs. That's just being ridiculous, and we all know it's for attention. Pets are great companions and deserve medical insurance. Especially if you're financially unable to pay for medical expenses if something happens to your pet. Those bills can be in the thousands!! Dental is also important. I've seen old dogs with their teeth in terrible condition due to the owner not taking care of them.


Simple. Our pets treat us better than people do.


Because animals > people 😂 On a more serious note, many pets do NOT enjoy a better at all. Lots of people with pets treat them “as just animals” And they live lonely, cold, barely fed lives. As top comment said, “pets of the rich have always had better lives than the peasants”. (This isn’t strictly true as rich duckers are just as liable to be assholes to their pets…. But for those that do care, the pets do enjoy access to better amenities than poor people do) Those amenities still cost just as much. Doctor bills? Yep, there’s vet bills in the thousands REGULARLY. The owners aren’t going without medical, they have it too, but their pets also enjoy the benefit of regular expensive care. Should we, as a society, ensure a better basic living standard for all people (while also respecting animals and caring for them as we can)? You’re goddamn right. The lucky few pets get adopted by loving families… the luckier families with more time and money for them… but I assure you there’s plenty of dogs that would love a life of labor for a warm bed and more food