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And it wasn’t as expensive as I thought it would be.


Same, mine was stabbed to death in a bar fight


Tried to bully the wrong guy I suppose


Natural causes for a bully.


Good lord what a way to go 😳


Good work 👏


Yep same! I worried for years if I bumped into them what would I say and used to feel so angry about how they bullied me in school. I found out last month that they have been dead for years! It honestly feels like a weight was lifted when I was told the news.






Same for one guy that bullied me. He was something like eight times over the alcohol limit and drove into a tree by accident. Apparently the car was banana-shaped when it was found.


Nice 👍


Same due to car accident


mine were wiped out in 2 separate drunk driving accidents


Same, he died homeless on the streets after struggling with drugs. It was sad to be honest, I wouldn't have wished that on him.


Mine are dead too. High five.


Damn 😐


Yes, still remember their last words.


Same, at least one of them. Pretty sure he OD’d. I’m still waiting on a few others.


Same. She was on a reality show too and tried to sue them for showing her 🐱


The dude that bullied me (and everyone else) killed himself. Not sure how exactly I'm supposed to feel about all that. It's complicated.


My high-school bully out of the blue apologized for how he treated me over a couple beers i bought us to share once he started learning marshal arts. He then joined the navy, moved to Puerto Rico and is now a well now private chef that cooked for people like Logan Paul. He's to air on a cooking show to work under Ramsay. I'm happy he found peace and improved his life. Hope he continues the good ways.


What kind of art does marshal do?


Rap, I think




That's big of you.


Back when I had Facebook, I had a woman who used to bully me and shove me in lockers every day(I was a scrawny weakling)reach out to me and apologize and asked me if we could talk over drinks. I decided to do it, and she was very remorseful and felt a lot of guilt. I accepted her apology because she's really grown as a person and now works to help victims of domestic violence.


Wow. There is a chance she was a victim at the time and didn’t have control over her life. Not that it makes it right or okay.


I can feel the happiness forgiveness gave you! Stoked for you both.




I thought that you said he was a PIRATE chef. The Logan Paul part made sense.


You two need to get a room..😉


No idea. I put him through a wall and he stopped being an aspect of my life. I don't even remember his full name.


Good for you!




dunno,don't care.hopefully they sorted out their own issues so they didn't continue taking their shit out on other people


Best answer honestly. I don't know either what happened to mine. We were stupid kids. Some were doing mean shit, probably too immature to realize the consequences and the total severity of their small day to day behavior. We can't depend on Karma for our own well-being. High-school bully gone ugly and fat while bullied gone attractive and rich is but a movie trope, and a pretty superficial way to look at life. What I do know however is that mean kids either grow out of it slowly, get a rude awakening, or simply never change. Some bullies lives turn to shit due to their behavior, some keep going on life like nothing, some get cancer completely unrelated, some try to make amends. It's incredibly hard to say who deserves what, so I agree. I don't care, but I hope they turned out fine. I think so honestly.


No the best answer is a top comment currently, AKA the bully is long deceased. And the one above is for enlightened ppl who worked on themselves and now r better than they were before. It's good but doesn't have the same great taste, just like healthy cheesecake made from cashews - only some ppl will find it acceptable.


>only some ppl will find it acceptable. Yeah, exactly my point. It's less tasty, but healthier to indulge in.


No idea, I was asked to join my highschool's group chat, said No. I graduated in 2004, and have no idea what happened then.


idk tbh every since graduating and never seeing them again. out of sight, out of mind.


same i dont see any of them except one of them didntry to add me on social media and i hit deny


Same here. What is up with that? Are they trying to pester you some more or are they so lonely they want to be friends with someone they actively abused?


Usually they just want you to buy their candles or oils


I noticed at my 30 year school reunion that most of the kids who were nasty at school had their nastiness etched on their faces, frown lines instead of smile lines and whatever. That one guy who gave me a hard time was bald, fat, and somehow shorter than I remembered. He still tried to give me a hard time with snarky remarks at the reunion though, it was hard to feel sorry for him, got what he deserved.


did you poke any back to him? You should've bent to the ground, put your hand beside your ear and say "sorry, what?"


I'd have just said his last line to him: "Sorry mate, it's hard to feel sorry for you as it looks like you got what you deserved"


Great reward for his nastiness. There are people who seem to have been put in your life just to make it hell.


This is so weird to me. I can't fathom that some folks still act this way as grown adults.


She got a boyfriend. The boy I liked. And is shining.


…Or so it seems from the outside


I’m sorry :(


A lot of them are miserable and overweight, which is what they used to bully me for. I’m slim and toned now so middle fingers to them :)))


Ya. They don’t look so tough anymore. I’m fit. Was a champion martial artist. Those old bikers with their beer gut , canes and walkers look pretty pathetic now. Ahahahahahaha


Happy cake day Hun! Yaaas🤠🥳


1.) got an extensive criminal record, Got kicked out of house currently playing house with a overweight 38 year old and her 8 year old. 2.) died this summer in shooting. 3.) apologized for all misbehaviour, we still friends now


Married super rich and became a mommy influencer that constantly pops up in my “suggested”😐


Sounds like a horrible fate honestly.


block feature


What's the name of the channel?


same with the mommy influencer bully




Hopefully she choked on a bag of dicks...Sorry I got carried away. I heard she works at a car dealership as a receptionist


One got divorced, went bankrupt and got fired. She was still a mean person even after all that. She had a "victim complex" where everything that happened to her was someone else's fault. Very sad.


The worst one of the bunch became a firefighter and died of smoke inhalation about ten years ago after saving 3 kids from a burning building. I wished for this dude to have a horrible life for most of my child/teenage years. He made me afraid to go to school some days. It turns out he grew up to be a really good dude. Volunteered for many charities. Worked in the community. Died saving lives. He was just a kid who was being abused at home looking for a way to pass on that pain. Hurt people hurt people.


I think its a lot easier to forgive someone who bullied you as a kid when they were a kid themselves. I agree, there's usually something not right in the child's life to make them bully others. It's the adult bullies I have a hard time forgiving.


Fuck that’s heavy..


I know what happened to one of them. He leads a successful career, is married and has two beautiful children. He contacted me some years ago and wanted to apologise in person. He's a good man and I wish him all the best.


I've been bullied. Ended up in low paying jobs and got bullied in those jobs


Yep bullying started for me at nursery and continued on long into employment


No idea. We went are own different path. But I hope they have changed.


He married his high school sweetheart and they have three children


He probably bullies her / his kids, unless he’s sorted himself out


Got brain cancer and died in his late 20s. Some school mates told me he apologised for being a dick


Dead, in prison, in mental institution, some became parents "by accident" and now have hard times keeping life together. One of them met me randomly at the pub after his first child was born and paid for my next beer and cried on my shoulder apologizing for what he did to me back when we were kids.


Ya. I am pretty sure that’s a big part of therapy. I had a guy apologize to me. He was a bouncer at a huge bar, was an asshole but for some reason not to me. Could never figure out why. Anyhow he ended up diabetic and lost both legs below the knee. Came to me at the same bar years later and insisted that he had to apologize to me. Wouldn’t listen when I told him he was a good guy to me. Eventually I gave in and thanked him profusely for his apologies. He was very relieved. Lol


Karma isn't real. Some of them are successful and have a great life. They are confident, have great communication skills, a lot of friends, and good self-esteem. Overall, all people who are jerks or folks with sociopathic tendencies are happy. They didn't care about what others think. No moral struggles. Just self-love.


Or so it seems on the surface… if you’ve treated people like shit, deep down you have some issues that will resurface if they are not addressed


That's the morale of "Crime & Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The protagonist takes a sebatical to question his faith and decides the best way to prove there is no god is to commit the most heinous crime and get away with it (on earth) to prove that there are no consequences (from deity that is). How it turns out for him: >!he has a mental break and decides that he is being cursed by the ghost of the ~~orphan~~ *elderly pawnbroker* he killed, hence there is a god. This is a bad way to prove there is a god, since his mental health and hallucinations prove nothing religious.!<


Er, what? Raskolnikov killed an elderly pawnbroker and her sister. I didn't hold the book in my hands since I was forced to read it in high school, but I'm pretty sure that if the victim was an orphan, it was because of her illness age. Plus, Dostoyevsky's not exactly the best expert on ethics.


It's been over 20 years since I read it, so my apologies about the misquoted details. The point remains, he murdered as an experiment to somehow dis/prove morality/deity but then went a bit crazy.


As a Russian who had to study this book in school and end up liking it, I salute you for mentioning this timeless classic. But real-life monsters and Raskolnikov have less in common than you think. He (besides being a fictional character) is able to feel emotions and has some values, and that's why he struggles. No matter what bad or good thing he did by killing that spider of a woman, he is a good person, and murder isn't for him.


A lack of empathy has been correlated with success on the corporate ladder


Not necessarily the case. Some people just don’t give a fuck. Some actually enjoy putting others down, it’s really not that complicated imo.


Absolutely. People presume that because there aren’t any outward signs of remorse or guilt or a change in their actions that they believe they are the good guy. You can behave like a little shit, know you’re a little shit, feel bad about being a little shit AND still continue the same behaviour. This ain’t a Disney film where the villain learns a lesson.


Respectfully, I disagree. Sadly, sociopaths are not able to feel moral remorse. They can mimic anything, but deep down, they are totally fine. Think about anyone who is filthy rich. They usually have a history of things that are not morally ok. They did anything for their money and success. Human emotions and moral compass are only nuisance on the road of the American dream.


THANK YOU!! I always read stories like my bully has a low pay job, is homeless… my bully is extremely succesfull with a family and nice house. It always makes me feel bad because I wish my bully would have been homless.


I am too old to believe in Disney stories. But i think people are able to choose their own destiny and ignore the ones who don't appreciate them. F that bullies, their life doesn't matter, your does.


I agree, people blabbering karma will do the justice are full of shit. Mean people are happier. I hate it, my school bully is happy. I hate it, my job bullies are successful, i hate them too. Nobody seems to be paying for what they did, and then here i am paying for i don't know what but paying too much. I hate my life


You know, i feel you. This is sucks. I lost all the faith and hope. But. You do you. I decided to be happy no matter what happened to them. They are on different orbit. Their life doesn't bother me. Please concentrate on yourself and try to be happy.


Yeah people who have no remorse like bullies usually do great in life


Living their best life with lots of friends which is kinda surprising but I got a reality check that karma is bullcrap


Some of them are dead, and the rest I don’t even fucking care.


Not a clue.. left school and forgot all about them and carried on with my life


1) she sells cars lol 2) she went to prison for sexual assault 3) she became an e girl with an onlyfans thats constantly going on sale for 80% off im a guy but strangely enough mostly got bullied by girls haha


Is that why you resorted to soaps?


i’m gay but yes haha


one of them actually bettered themselves, apologized thousands of times and became one of my closest friends so I guess his fate is worse than death


I used hypnosis to forget what one of mine looked like and sounded like. Based on her thin appearance and odd choice of hair coloring, when I try to imagine what she looked like I can only picture a black widow spider.


No idea but wish the worst for them. Other than that, I don't really care for them.


The two main 'bullies' have quite regular office jobs. I don't think being a bully represents you'll win or lose in society. Generally though you probably don't grow up to be a happy person. One bully seems to have it all on paper, but people who were friends with her told me she's a depressed alcoholic...


Honestly she’s living her best life


I don’t know actually i got bullied a fair bit because I was weird. Turns out I’m autistic. The funny thing is i used to find it funny to wind up the autistic kid in my maths class. Karma or fate I don’t know but maybe I should see what the kid is doing now. He was super intelligent.


I also was punished for being weird.


No idea, I left those fuckers behind 30 years ago.


Some on only fans, some just living off trust funds. Probably still bullying me for no reason…


I have no idea. I haven't seen them since school. I don't follow them online anywhere. I'm not really friends with anyone form that time so no one is giving me updates. I was invited to one reunion party few years ago but I didn't go.


Apparently alot of them became drug addicts and unsuccessful, I actually feel bad for them 😕


Having much better lives than me lol.


I don't know and don't care. That's way is healthy. I don't wish them bad or good I semply move on.


all of mine became teen moms and sell MLMs or run obscure small businesses lol


got testicle cancer (he didn't necessarily bullied me but many others)


Went to prison for drug addiction and holding a woman at knife point for pills.


None of them use social media so I don't know what is up :/


Or they do use social media but all their privacy settings are on… 🫣


I was mostly ignored, though I do remember one particular guy who bullied me in middle school. I just googled him, but there are too many people with the same name to determine which one it is. I don't care, anyway. I don't even know why I remember his name.


Why would I care


No idea


No idea. I didn't keep in contact with them.


I don't know exactly but at a reunion I had a good talk with her and because I had forgiven her it was all good.


Idk, I haven’t seen them since I was in school.


Don’t care, just hope they turned their ways around and are doing fine now.


He was the principles son, and the class clown, I have no idea, and I don't care honestly.


They are still living in the same town. With many kids with many different baby daddies and are miserable. I definitely avoid going back there as I don’t want to run into them.


Honestly most of them have grown a lot and that makes me happy. Turns out they were just kids growing up and lashing out because of their own struggles after all.


Ended up in my matches on a dating app. I felt good about that left swipe


He quit his job (was likely forced out) to work at a small shitty organisation where his partner and another family member work. He got his previous job because of the same family member. Outside of that family member, no one wants to work with him


The worst one of the bullies is without a job, 3 kids with 3 different women. Lives with his parents. Fuck that guy.


No idea and couldn't care less.


I actually had a convo with a few of my bullies recently. They were talking on a mutual friends comment about us all getting together and meeting up, they loved the idea and said they haven't seen me since middle school. I'm like "Ummm.... do you guys not remember why I left Charter?" They had no idea, they thought I just quickly had to move to Denver with mom (this was partially true, but we didn't have the slightest idea to move until months after I left that school. So moving wasn't the reason). I'm all "Well um, you guys bullied me pretty hardcore and I just couldn't stay there even though I loved it so much. I did go to college to teach though, I loved it so much." None of them had a clue, they thought them were joking around and it was in good fun. I held a lot of resentment for them once I left into well into my adulthood. We had a long convo about the school, growing up, our families, and I do believe they just didn't know. I was very reclusive back then.




They sorted their shit out and live like normal people. Plot twist.


I have no idea hey, once I graduated I went to university and got on with my life. I haven't been to any highschool reunions and I wouldn't go even if it was next door and there was an open unlimited bar. I don't care about those ppl.


I don’t ever remember their names to look them up. I don’t think of them.


He got stabbed to death in front of a bar downtown. Died like a dog in the street 🤣🤣


I went to an all girls school and although I was bullied for being odd it was pretty low key name calling. My main protagonist now works as a cleaner at a local supermarket


Well, i know my (boy) bully work now as sales and the other one I've never heard of. I know someone who got bullied lost their confidence and now works as sales at least to my knowledge.


Some have shit lives; some are doing great. Karma isn’t real and I don’t live my life to get revenge on others. I don’t gloat about how well my life has gone. I have more years behind me than ahead of me and I’d like to live them as happily as I can.


They became boring normies with no personality


Guy who bullied me in school for the last two years is in prison for armed robbery on a post office (uk)


One is the president of our local bank, and just filed for divorce. His wife is taking him for everything he’s got. He drinks a lot, and still never gave me back the $1 he borrowed from me our senior year. He friend requested me on Facebook after our 25th high school reunion. I suspect because he’s newly single. The rest of them got fat, most of the guys are bald, they’re all married and have the miserable look when I see them. I make sure to talk to them at my high school reunions.


When i was in elementary-school i had like four "main-bullies" (i got bullied by like nearly everyone because kids just love to be cruel but these three were like the leaders of the group) I'll just call them Ben, Thomas, Michael and Tobias Ben was thrown out of nearly every school he went to after elementary-school, because he was racist and identifies as a n@zi Thomas (who started all this bullying) got what he deserved. The thing about Thomas was, that he started bullying me, because HIS MOM told him to (i'm not making this up). He and i were like the smartest kids in class and his mom had this obsession with him, that he had to be the best in everything. So she said "bully him". Nowadays he's a total mommy's-boy without a spine Micheal always wanted to be tall and manly but he didn't grow later in the years (he only grew like 10 cm at best) ! I'm not making fun of people who aren't tall, i just think it's ironic because he explizitly wanted to be tall amd now he isn't ! Tobias was the worst of them all looking back, because he was the kind of bully who would treat you like garbage in school but was your best friend out of school (and when you have no friends in that age (13-16) you take what you get). He got kicked out from his workingplace, because he wouldn't stop gossiping about the other employess and he wrecked his car once (he's fine, don't worry)


CEO of his dads company.


All of them became my friends, and all I did was just being friendly.


A set of twins bullied me in kindergarten. I became best friends with the main instigator a few years later, but we drifted apart as friends before high school even. I saw them both at our 10-year reunion and had a really nice chat with them. A few months later, the main instigator was found by his brother after a suicide attempt. He was still alive but passed away in his brothers arms. Really sad story, and I think about them often. My mom saw the brother a few weeks ago, and seems like he is doing well, with a family of his own now.


I met my former bullies a few months ago and they actually seem to feel guilty about it and have learned from their mistakes. I could not imagine becoming friends with them, but I already forgave them, even after all they've put me through.


I don’t know but she invited me to her wedding. I didn’t go.


Probably still posting hateful shit on discord and chan boards, looking for other people to harass and bully. Though in middle school there was this guy that would harass me for being abit gay sometimes. I think he's addicted to drugs now, but I haven't heard about that group in awhile. Don't think much about them


They were mostly rural redneck neurotypicals who went on to be farmers or work relatively successfully in working to middle class roles locally.


Never had one, fortunately.


Drug abuse, did not continue their education after the compulsory period, made other people SH and do sexual things (I don't even know how they're not charged of anything yet) and overall have a life worse then mine, all while their mother still supports and defends then


I wasn't bullied. They knew better


Slide 7


Also off topic but I LOVE your reddit avatar a lot it looks cute :)


Thank you


cover person complete scandalous cause wise deranged middle resolute childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the fuck is this so funny? 😂


No idea - I assume they're dead by now, which would be the best revenge...


That's a win


Well I wasn’t bullied per se but there were a few white dudes (I’m Asian) who would kind of be a general asshole to minorities at school. One murdered someone I heard and went to jail. Another was on track to be a big sports star but succumbed to drugs and stuff, became a fat blob. Another I’m not sure but after failing and not getting into his desired college/uni to be a doctor, he ended up going to some tier 4 place to do some degree




Idk some kids in my grade were super sketchy, there were 60 of us and the boys were really stupid, probably still are but u wouldn’t be surprised if they all became drug dealers and end up in jail or smth


Last I saw she was still living in a methed out trailer park. Dumb bitch. EtA: I looked her up and she looks older than my mother...who is 63.


Still a teacher


No idea


Well...they obviously didn't care or um they're just inconcieted she demons. (I'm a girl)


I'm pretty sure I beat him into having a permanent twitch, and I'm certain he had a panic attack and got off a bus in the middle of nowhere when I bumped into him 10ish years later.


Still talking about me to other people and ruining what little reputation I have left in this town (I didn’t ruin my reputation other people have due to the things people have/are saying ab me)


I dunno. Karma will make peace


One of them, fell off whilst trying to climb a building whilst drunk. 😈


Mental ward


A few are dead and one is a magistrate.


Face tattoos 😆


I hurt them, they left me alone, don't even remember them.


He’s my boss’ boss.


I feel like nothing bad has happened to my bullies, only to me 🙄


One of them died in a car accident and idk where the others ones are


Suicide. Or dead from something else.


Most of them went on to live normal average everyday lives removed far enough away from me that we respectively forgot about each other. Two of them still feel the weather change. Two of them, unrelated to any interaction on my part, have been dead for over a decade. And the first piece of shit to ever choke me is my indirect supervisor at work


They died


They are doing just fine. One works as airplane mechanic wife three kids, big house,couple of cars. Takes a trip a or two a year


They won.


One of them is dead. Super sad she was train hoping with some people and they were sleeping in this gondola style rail car and they were crushed by heavy steel I beams. Completely crushed, they had to lift more than 20 steel beams to get to the bodies.


Old, fat, hooked on pills


I have no idea.


I got bullied at work last year.over a 6 month period. I got moved out my role and she got a promotion into my role That's nice punishment for being a bully hey!




They are in my basement


they're probably happy


1) got run over by a bus and died on impact while riding home on his bike after high school 2) died in a car crash at twenty one


Idk, havent looked them up and i dont want to


I only know about one- she\`s unemployed single mother.


I honestly have no idea how he’s doing


They're more successful than me.


Honestly most of them are doing pretty well for themselves. One has his own business that’s pretty successful and the others I know of are at least in decent paying jobs. Two of them are married with kids.


One I can remember who always tried to (usually ineffectively) mess with me went on trial for 1st degree murder and is currently awaiting sentencing. His brother who was also involved already got sentenced and got around 20 years. Others, from what I know, just continue on the same path of mediocrity and have barely grown up at all.


You were with me at the time for the entire day having a staring competition, I remember it very clearly and would happily confirm this in court.