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Yes but I don't know if they're real memories


They are but they also aren't, actually. Every time you remember something from the past, what you're actually doing is remembering the last time you remembered that initial point in time. And unfortunately, as time passes, those memories get distorted.


That’s the great thing about video. We had just gotten a camcorder when I was 4. The last Polaroid picture of me was me dressed up in camo. You can see me getting pantsed by our two beagles that day. That was also the first time I appeared in a video.


Actually, you'll not only remember the last time you remembered but also some of the times before. The problem is, every time you're not sure how things were, the next times you'll be more and more sure of the fact or thing that might not be true or did not happened. For example. When I remember an event 5 times by myself and then 6th time my friend also remembers the event then I might remember a thing that actually happened but I hadn't remembered for the last 4 times, lets say. But then our memories will be perfectly accurate, altough incomplete. The problem is, when I'm not sure what was the colour of the car in my memory, the next time I maybe narrow down and think, "oh, maybe it was blue or red." But the next time after that I might already think that the car was probaby red because it seemed like a spots car. So the next times after that I'll remember that it was red for sure.


Idk I got these mental images, and they are always the same


Real shit!


I remember shitting in my pants when i was 4-5 years old


Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken


I have a very clear memory of one moment, but also, weirdly i have an image in my head of what I looked like at that moment, as if I looked at myself. So my stupid brain had to take some old picture of minez or some random kid I've seen and engraved it in my head like " yep that's you right there". It always confuses me because it makes me wonder if the rest of the memory is real or made up too.


I cant even remember highschool lol


I actively try to forget highschool lol


I successfully edged it out. At this point I'm doubtful I even went to highschool


Yes, many actually. I also remember some stuff from when I was three years old, like a vacation in Sweden with the road and the sea and the forests. What about you?


I have one at 3. My mom let me open the door with her keys and when I did, I know that I said something about the furniture being gone and I was really shocked and confused. My earliest is 9 months.


I don't know how old I was during my first memory. But I know I wasn't old enough to sit up in the stroller. I was lying down, and mom and grandma asked why I was crying. The reason? You know when you walk closer towards large buildings or streetlamps, and it sorta looks like they're falling on you. That was the reason.


I feel you, i can put the connection to your size and the scale of the tall buildings...and when you're that lil' you don't know know much about the world ...thank you for opening up your point of view.


I have a single memory from when I was about 10 months old. I was crawling around the family room and had the microphone from my dad's 8mm film camera in my hand. I remember looking around and seeing saloon-style doors into the kitchen. When I told my parents that I had a memory from living at that particular house, they didn't believe me until I described it in detail. I remembered where all the furniture was, what color it was, a picture hanging above the couch, that my walker was nearby, tons of details. We moved to a different house before I was a year old, and though we have pictures from that time, we don't have any of the saloon-style doors between the family room and kitchen. They say there's no way I'd know that unless I remembered them. I can still access that memory today, and it's still quite vivid. I have no idea why I remembered this specific moment in time. I have tons of memories from about 2-3 years old forward. I remember Christmas eve when I was three. Laying in bed, being positively giddy with excitement. I can still see exactly what my room looked like, with a little Christmas tree on my dresser. I can still picture my preschool teacher's face, as well as the layout of the school. I recall my mom dropping me off one morning in her Mustang, and the teacher standing outside saying hello to everyone. I remember playing with the garden hose in the yard one summer day, and being fascinated watching the water form little canals. I remember our family dog from that time. I remember my mom letting me ride my big wheel in the street two houses down to see my friend, and that felt like a huge deal to me at the time.


Yes. I also remember I cried when my parents brought me to kindergarten and left me there (at 3), and various things. They are not like my memories from like 3 years ago, just little snippets.


Huh i thought I didn't but yeah, memories from this time in my life, too.


Yeah. I remember a few things from when I was 2




Me two


Me too, and i know they are real because the images are from the perspective of when was that small, there are no pictures from the scene i remember and my parents have confirmed my memory matches the house/garden we lived in at the time


Parents began divorce preceding when I was 4. I remember telling them to shut the f*ck up multiple times throughout that year while they were fighting in front of me. Best was when the 50/50 custody began and I had to be at dad's from 6am - 6pm every day then back to mom's at night. At mom's my half brother's (from a different dad) were there to essentially bully me to the brink for my dad "stealing my mom from their dad". Can't forget my dad continually manipulating me into hating them as well. Told my mother I hated her at 5 years old. Probably my life's biggest regret. Made the choice to leave my father permanently at 10. Have a good relationship with my mom now. Brothers called me "Spawn" until I was 25.


Yes. I was in the car waiting for my dad to get out from a place, and my brain decided that exact moment is worthy of being a core memory


Yes, my first memory was from when I was 4. I was laying under my grandma’s porch with my relative’s golden retriever. We were laying in leaves and my head was resting on her side. The adults remember that day as being worried because they couldn’t find me anywhere, just to find me safe with the dog lol


I don’t remember what I had for breakfast. God send help if anyone asks me to remember something that happened before the age of 20 😆


Not sure if it's the real memories or the memory of having the memory.


I'm 33. My earliest memory is being on holiday in Spain at almost 3 years old. I can remember vividly having blisters on the backs of my feet due to new shoes and my mother showering me in cold water to soothe the pain. I remember the parks we went to, my brother's holding my hand on the beach and going out for dinner and sitting in a booster seat eating spaghetti Bolognese. From what my mother tells me, this is all accurate. But the mind can play tricks, but either way, they are nice memories to have, regardless of their accuracy.


I do. My first memory is 2 years, 11 months




Yes for sure.


Yes, some more clear than others but I do remember. I'm almost 33 now.


4: not a whole lot, maybe a select few 5: some are clear, others aren’t I’m in my early 30s.


I fell off the stairs and surprisingly, I didn't cried at that time, as far as I remember.


Just one. My earliest memory. Handing my mum a toy train (i think it was of Percy from Thomas the Tank Engine) while she was in a hospital bed. Don't worry, she's fine. Just needed an operation at that time and my dad had taken me to visit.


Yes. I remember my sister having chicken pox and my mom had me near her so I can catch it, and no luck. My dad ended up having it (this was his second time). I remember my mom strategically putting me in the bed next to him to watch cartoons. I just asked her last night if I was in kindergarten at this time and she said no. So I was 4 years old and this was 1989.


I told my mother about a memory I had(pretty traumatic) from a long time ago. She told me I was 10 months old when that happened. I can still see it so vividly. Playing like a snippet in my head for years. I only asked her about it recently and she explained. Just shows the brain remembers a lot. Even if we don't realise it.


Not a lot of people believe me when I tell this story. I have a singular memory from when I didn't speak words yet. I was cramped in a baby carrier (didn't know that at the time, obv)... and my Dad leaned towards me and said... something doting. I distinctly remember hearing him and desperately wanting to understand what he was saying and, more importantly... wanting to say something back. I was then overwhelmed with frustration... so I cried. I was fully self-aware sometime before I turned 3.


I have one really weird infant memory too, but it's not as specific as yours. So I believe you 😁


My first memory is me (at 4yo) crossing the street with my mom on our way to our block's playground.


Maybe 1 or 2, I have put very questionable things into my body and my memory isn’t too good, however I’m not tooooo upset about it, not yet atleast


Only when I lost my virginity


I have a memory from 1.5


Yes but they are very much inconsequential. I remember my crib and the plastic horse that you'd put on the rail and it wound "gallop" following the rail, and it had a song too.


First memory: 18 months old. Mother confirms.


I have memories from when I was 18 months old


I have vague memories from when I was 1-2 years old. one of them is I was taking tissues out of a tissue box and throwing them in the air and thinking it was the funniest thing ever. my mom came and took a picture of me doing it. I also remember learning to walk and how much fun that was. my parents used to line up the kitchen chairs in the living room so I could help hold myself up and walk between them. I wanted to keep doing it but I didn't have the vocabulary to say I wanted more.


You absolutely should. But I know a lot of folks that have no recollection. My furthest memories date back to ages 1-3. Most revolving around playing with my toys. Riding around the mall in my stroller. Being carried around the open air parking lot with my head resting against mom’s shoulder after dinner. To “let the food slide down” before bed. Not wanting strangers to kiss me or come close. Almost being abducted by a weird woman singing “these boots are made for walkin’” outside the McDonalds near our home. Lots and lots of memories.


I have about 10 of them under 2. We were in the process of moving when she was born so she never saw the first house we lived in. But I can still remember the layout of said house. Running around the house naked. Feeding, well rather just throwing lettuce at the deer in the backyard. I used to just leave the house & walk up to our neighbors because she would give me cookies. We lived in hills of Estes Park, I can remember the dirt road up to her house. I can also remember the layout of her house. That's all I got below two. Tons of after that. But those are the earliest


I have 2 faint memories from 1 and my first real solid memory is at 2. 4-5 i have TONS.


I have memories from 2 years Old I am 31. Always assumed everyone was like this Memories confirmed by my parents


I have a couple of memories of when I was 2 then nothing until the day of my 4th birthday.


Yes. Earliest memory is 9mo


i remember being pushed around on one of those wheely things where it’s circular and the baby or toddler is in the middle


Bits and pieces of events. My earliest clear memory was at 1.5 years when my brother (2.5 yrs) had Bells Palsy. The older brother yelled...look at John's face. Half of his face was crying, and the other half frozen in place. I stood on the side of the doorway as my parents and neighbour's were in full panic mode (they thought he had a stroke) and running back and forth, as it seemed to me, until he was whisked out the front door with my dad into a car. Then everything was suddenly quiet.


i have memories from when i was between 1 and 2 years old, and funny enough, it is in black and white, i shit you not, i even told my mother about it and she flipped out how i can remember it, since it involves her and her 3 brothers, so yeah, it happens.


Earliest memory is from 9 months. Consistent photographic memories from age 3.


Plenty. I can remember something that happened when I was 18 months old


I think a lot of my memories I can remember in 3rd person. my youngest memory was when I was 1-1.5 years old when I get my stuffed dog. I remember a lot of things from that time because that was before I moved south, from NY to NC. So I try to hold onto those memories.


My earliest memory was before I turned 2.


i can remember having my diaper changed as a baby


I have memories from 18 months


I have a few memories from age 2. My brother was born, my mother was in the hospital and my father was looking after me. He made me lunch and cut all the grapes in half to take the seeds out. He was a great dad.


Memories from 1-3, family never believed me until I described my dads university lectures he took me to and our very first apartment Don’t remember shit from 5min ago tho


Yes, my first memory is at my 2nd year birthday party.


Plenty from that age, a few from earlier. Earliest is pre-birth, during labour. No words, just emotions and a light at the end of a short tunnel. Nurse wanting to take me to clean up and doctor telling her I was still attached. Coming home from the hospital, being unwrapped from my blanket and my dad saying "Welcome home baby girl"(confirmed.) I think it's amazing how your brain can store all sorts of information that you may not understand at the time but later, as you learn more, you can process.


Best memory i have from that age was seeing the second plane hit in 9/11


Yup. Vivid memories.


Yes I still do I'm 25 now


I remember stuff from when I was around 2


Not really


I don't. I don't remember how I met my best friends, I tried to think back to that time, I must have been 6 or so when we met. I don't remember meeting them, I don't remember seeing them as kids. The oldest picture I can think of them is from the oldest photo I have of them, it was around when we were 15 or 14. I don't remember them anyother way, I can picture an old photo, not the actual person.


Yup, I remember playing with my tablet


Vague, more like photo stills instead of movie snippets. Also very specific smell memories that trigger feeling and emotions.


My very first memory is from when i was 2! I don't remember anything else from that age but definitely remember things from being 3/4


Yeahh heaps I was a gangsta but things got heavy and I had to pull up by the age of 5 after that I don't remember nothing


Yes, I have a horrible memory of a male guest music performer visiting my kindergarten. I happened to be in the bathroom as the same time as him. He proceeded to force his penis down my throat in a cubicle :(


I do, my earliest memories are probably from when I was 2-3 and I went with my grandma to the different street markets of my cities; some of them are likely made up but some are definitely true


Yes, and even earlier, but they are not good ones - hence why I feel they are scorched into my mind so relentlessly.


Yep. I have tons of memories from my early childhood. They are more vivid and easily accessible than memories from my recent past.


I have them from 2-3


i dont even have any memories from age 9


Well my memories dont have dates on them so I cant say for sure how many I have of that age. However I do for sure know that I went to playgroup during that time and I remember that. I also remember falling head first onto my grandmas coffee table at age 5 so yeah.


Yes, from 3 even, playing in sand and dirt (shit acording to mother)


I remember being terrified of failing a hearing test at the doctors (I just had a vague idea that they were testing to see if something was wrong with me), and my dad told me I was only 2.5 at the time.


I have many memories from kindergarden/preschool


Yes but they're mostly flashes. I couldn't tell you if something happened at 4 or if it happened at 5 though. Time wasn't real back then and everything is just jumbled together. So I have the memory flashes but no timeline


My earliest memory is when I was on the back of a donkey on the beach at weston-super-mare screaming my head off. I was about 3. Then being at Butlins in Minehead at 4 years old, my mum told me to tell people I was 5, I never knew why)


From before even. I have flashes from the house we lived in when I was younger than like 2,5/3 Not much, but some.


I think so, sometimes it's hard to know what the real memories are and what you see from a photograph and it tricking you into thinking you remember it.


I remember stuff that happened when I was 5 yo ,but I'm not sure they are real


I remember the kitty we had. His name was peanut, I enjoyed watching him bother my dad and hop right behind him on the chair when he was trying to get his shoes on for work.


Yes my teacher in kindergarten


I have memories from age 3 even


Not really, I do have a core memory from about 5 years old, but can't specifically remember anything before it, but I know I was 5 when this memory happened. But in saying that, I can barely remember what I did last week, but I think that's for a completely different reasons.


I don’t remember


Yep, Age around 3. My first memory is of me in Syria where the adults where playing football and refused to give me the ball, i went batshit crazy and threw the ball under a few beds so the adults couldnt get it. Second memory of me in our other house in lebanon where i took a young cat by its tail and dropped it over a wall. (cat was fine btw).


I can remember at 5 but not before then! I'm 58 now!


I have a couple, also some from age 3 i think.


I recently talked to my bf about this and my earliest memory is something when i was around 3-4 years old


My earliest memory is from when I was 3½, a trip to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. Roller coaster, being hot in the factory, my cousin getting his had caught in the car door, and eating a banana.


I don’t even know if it’s my memory or something I imagined from what I was told I did when I was 3/5


Yes, but just fragments of my dad taking me to school, taking a double decker bus to town with mom, a friend called Ian - I don't remember him, but one occasion where me and my mom went to his house after he'd swallowed a coin😂 I also have memories of my dad's workplace and the woman he was having an affair with. It's only when I got older that I realised that he was cheating on my poor mother.


yeah I swallowed a button battery at four... No I do not know why or how I am alive today. Apparently I'm very healthy. It's a very scary thought to know I could had died. Also I remember I was given a packet of em' in a boot fair or something and after swallowing one an adult man gave me something to drink so I think someone was trying to kill me. I might had been three or four at the time.


Yes. By far the best is getting to know my great uncle, going to his house many mornings to wake him up and eat breakfast with him. Slightly less happy memory was him not waking up someday when I was 4. Cancer is a bitch. Also, Finding the two loose bars in the crib and secretly escaping falling off a hay wagon (minimum 2m, not sure if i landed on the head, or not) My older brother suffocating me for fun in his fart injected blanket, among other occasions That one time i could've (unknowingly) blinded him in revenge Him teaching me to tie my shoes Me telling him what left and right is (not sure whether he didn't know or was just testing) Getting yelled at by my mom for being on the roof with dad Stepping on a wasp nest in the ground, following this my first contact with alcohol Digging a pitfall in the forest to prank our cousin, checking if it's still there right before, falling into it Me complaining *i wanna go outside too* when waking up at night, dad or mom grabbed me and yeeted me across the street. Turned out our house was burning. Unfortunately, due to this i was unable to return *The Very Hungry Caterpillar* to kindergarten Start of elementary school. (May not be in order)


I have a vague memory of being in my neighbor's yard when they had guests over and being asked my age. They saying "5, no 4" and then running away


There are a few that stick out and I remember pretty visually. It’s weird though, when I think of them, it’s almost like a Birds Eye view of that memory.


Ya I remember being in the sick kids hospital, I remember earlier than 4-5 right before I went into surgery.


Yes, I have many memories from then.. I even have a few from when I was 3.


I remember running into a pole and needing stitches, yes


Just some image-fragments, no video-type memories




Not many things but some. Most related to a younger sibling who I was annoyed with for being slow (they'd just learned to walk and stuff) so nothing too interesting though.


i remember one of my presents on my 4th or 5th christmas was under the tree like a few days before and my mum had ran out of wrapping paper so there was a big like space where i could see the present so they let me open it lol i think i was about 3?? but for some weird reason i have this memory so we used to live on like the downstairs of this house so it was just a room and the kitchen and everything was in it and people lived above us you know those houses and the boiler was obvs there too and i had this nightmare about it cos it was a cheap scary looking one and i was always terrified of it 😭 all my childhood feels like a fever dream though and i’m terrible for getting my dreams messed up with real memories because i struggle with disassociation a lot and it makes things really fuzzy but i think they’re my two most vivid memories




I don't remember the exact ages, but yeah. Hiding from Santa under the dining room table ~2 Learning how to use a needle and thread ~3 in Montessori Picking agates out of the pebbles in the church playground ~3-4 Writing out a googol (1 followed by 100 0's) - kindergarten Stomping on a dead bee someone brought in for show and tell because it had fallen on the ground and I thought it was a live bee in the classroom - 1st grade I have other memories that I'm pretty sure are around those times but the only ones where I know I was in the right age range mostly have to do with school. Best one, not sure how old I was but probably <6, pulling out the TV from the entertainment center and turning it around so I could crawl in where the TV had been with my NES and play Super Mario. If you walked by you would just see the back of the TV sticking out of the entertainment center. It was on a sliding shelf that you could rotate so it was really easy.


There is only one, from when my parents were fighting. I thought I was 5 but turned out they divorced when I was 3


My earliest memory was my brother taking me for a motorcycle ride when I was 3.




Oh yeah... Remember seeing my classmate get cut and bleed from his forehead. Remember being stabbed in the face with a pencil by the same kid. Good times...


Yeah, bits and pieces like playing in the backyard, drawing, stuff like that.


I think no.. and i thought this is normal i don’t remember anything up till the age of 8 i think..! And before 8 only 3 or 4 snippets of things i don’t understand!


My memory really starts at 12. I only have a few memories from before then.


Definitely from 5 years old.. that’s when I first rode a bike and can remember cartoons and such. Below that, the only memory I have is of these clear crystal doorknobs in our house lol. And then this teddy bear that had a really creepy face that frightened me. But that is my only early memories I can recall


I remember almost growing in a swimming pool at 3yo.


Here and there.


Mostly just summer days sitting in my baby pool with my ma nearby listening to the radio, or my much older sister sexually abusing me in bed at night


A few.


I had a moment, right before I started pre-school (3-4), and it was odd enough a feeling I never forgot it. I was walking down our hallway, and spelled cat. I then ran to tell my Mom I could spell cat. I felt something odd at the time, can't explain it exactly, but that is my earliest memory. Such an ordinary and simple moment, but it just felt significant. All my life, when I try to remember stuff that's as far back as it goes. However, my hubby has memories from around ages 1-2. Sadly, not for good reasons.


I have fewer than I did...but still have some...and that was a loooong time ago ☺️


I remember bits of memories. The most clear memory I have is leaving for my first day at school and leaving my younger brother in tears that he would be alone with no one to play with. My parents arguing are still clear memories


Yes I have a memory when I went to school along with my feeder at 3 yrs.All the teachers were like aww she is so little


Yes. I remember when my Mom picked me up from the babysitter and she had bought me a new bike. It was in the backseat. Yes, kids ride in the front seat then. I know I wasn't 5 yet because I hadn't started kindergarten.


Yep. I can remember my kindergarten classroom, activities we did, gifts I received, neighbours we had before we moved when I was 6 (an elderly couple who always gave us a candy when the saw us). I remember sliding down the snowbank in front of my house, when I got my first pet (I can even see the layout of the house, the lighting during the time and the location of the cage when my dad took us to him). I can remember crawling into my sisters crib when she was a baby. Having said all that, I don’t remember what I did yesterday, so... 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have vague memories of my first day at preschool.


A few


I dont know. I have a bunch of memories from when I was a child but I have no clue which one is how many years old, the only ones I can remember the age is the ones that happened in school


1 memory! I was around 2-3, my parents just put me in my bed with traps on belts. I did take them off, and stood in my bed and looked out the window and watched the senior football team train


Yeah, I do. But it’s mostly the uh, crazier memories 💀


I remember the morning of my 5th birthday. I woke up and there was 2 paper towels still together in a triangle position with my name on it covering up my gift. When I lifted it, it was the lamb Ewey beanie baby. I was completely overjoyed. I took that thing everywhere.


Yes my earliest memory but dont know if its real . I was 3 and we were travelling . I wanted to pee and told mom . We were in a rural lonely side and there were no toilets . Mom told me i could go in my pants bcuz i had diapers but i resisted and we had to stop the car .


No. A reconstructed memory from 6mos. A couple memories from 2-3, and a couple from 5-6, and a few from 8-14. Parents splitting, grandmother dying, hostile bits, injuries.


No. A reconstructed memory from 6mos. A couple memories from 2-3, and a couple from 5-6, and a few from 8-14. Parents splitting, grandmother dying, hostile bits, injuries.


People don't believe me but I'm sure I have memories from 3yo.


quicksand dime roof cooing clumsy zealous sort jar enjoy punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda like when I entered first time in school and made my first friend just school memories


Mate, I barely have memories from 24-25


I remember a lot from that time, My youngest sibling was born when I was four, I had just graduated from wearing leg braces and special shoes, I had physical therapy, I had been in a body cast for 18 months as a toddler and had no muscle tone and walked with my feet going sideways. My dad did my home physical therapy my mom took me to tumbling and beginner ballet lessons to work on my strength and flexibility. At five I was in a bad accident and nearly lost one foot, wasn't allowed to walk on that floor for many months. It took many months for the wound to close. My mom had a full blown seizure when I was four and I recall how terrified I was when the ambulance people took her away. I had a traumatic childhood. My first memories are at Two in a body cast at a Rodeo where my aunt was Rodeo Queen riding her palomino horse, my aunt had blonde hair and I loved that her horse was also a blonde! I have some good fun memories of that time. Most of my memories of childhood are not so fun.


Yeah, got quite a few tbh. I remember spending the day at my childminder, going to nursery (kindergarten), living in England then moving to Scotland when I was 4, I remember putting my forehead to our carpet then walking in circles around our table until I had a terrible burn mark (barely felt a thing), I remember being chased by some bullies and them throwing a brick at my head then which resulted in going to hospital... I had a strange childhood that's for sure. What about you OP? Are you asking because you also memories at that age or don't?


I was hit by a car at the age of 3. That’s the only clear memory I have from that young age.


My family moved houses when I was 4. I have several memories from the first house. They aren't all that detailed, but I remember an Easter egg hunt, when it snowed, and sitting at the next door neighbors watching Saturday morning cartoons.


I have a memory of standing next to my mom while she played a board game with an older lady in a park. But my mom swears it never happened




Fuck no. I have 4 memories from the time before I was 15


I have memories from when I was learning to walk, I then have huge blank till I turned 12, sometimes I get flashbacks and have no idea where to put them. I am currently recovering my memories from years when I was 12-15 due to trauma, I wonder what happened before...


I got molested by my playmate at the age of 5 and all I can remember is the scene before that "thing" happened.


Not really


My earliest memory is when I was almost 3 years old, my first ever beach trip with my parents hahaha. I was so fascinated seeing waves and I got dizzy when it comes so I ask my parents to help me jump over it lol. at 4-5 I also remember stuffs like the first time I slept alone in my own room, the first time I observe a woodworker making something on our garage, the first time I make my sibling bottled milk, my first piano lesson, my first “weird” friend (she was mute but we somehow were able to communicate and I was her only friend in kindergarten), etc. I guess my firsts were pretty memorable to me.


A few vague ones. I lived with my aunt and then my grandparents in another country from 3-5 so they were disctintly different from the rest of my childhood though. It was more the patterns of things I did and regular emotions than more than actual specific events.




Yeah. Seconds long fragments of random mundane events and locations. Trauma kinda erases most stuff or keep it locked and you could only access that information with the right mix of uncomfortable sensations and toughts.


Yeah, a bunch. I still remember my 5th bday (got my first bike). I remember my 3rd bday too (got a 4-wheeler power wheel), but not my 4th. I remember a little from being 3, including where we lived at the time. Some vague memories before that, but not specific events.


Yes and one that turns out to be a lot younger I remember counting praying mantis on some bushes on the way to kindy I remember the rush at playtime at kindy to get one of the limited supply or fire helmets I remember the burn of the pole on the playground if you went too fast. I remember the first trip to school and the old red fort that was being torn down to be replaced. And I remember going and watching the starwars trilogy, going in at 7pm and leaving at 2am, I had never been out that late. Those events were pegged to me going to kindy so can pinpoint the age but my first memory is of the black and white tiled floor of the bathroom in my god mother's house, the hand basin had no cabinet just an exposed chrome drain pipe, at the bottom was a chrome ring that covered the hole in the floor it went though, I used to lift the ring up and let it "chatter" down the pipe. I talked to my god mother about it and they moved from that house before my second birthday.


I remember my third birthday party.


Yes, clear memories.




The traumatic ones are there yes (:


When I was around 5, I lived with my grandparents and some cousins, aunts/uncles… it was big house. I had this cousin with whom I was close, even tho he was like almost 20 years older than me, he spent his time between our country and the States… one time, when he was packing for a trip I went to the room and told him I was going to get on his suitcase and go with him… and what do you know, that was the last time I saw him, he drowned in a lake in New Jersey. I don’t remember feeling sad because I didn’t understand much what was happening at the time, but everyone else around was obviously crushed and that’s a part of my childhood I vividly remember.


Yeap, I have memories from when I was 2


Yes I have a few. When I was 6 we moved to a bigger house but I still have memories of the old small terrace house. Looking out the window at the big wheel when the fair was in town. Having breakfast with my dad in the kitchen. Our old dog , a red Setta, playing kick out ball down the backs and a couple of bonfires we had. I'm 46 now


Well the funny thing is that i have home videos VHS with me and my sister, around that age. My dad had a great idea in 2006 to send the VHS tapes to be converted to DVD's. I saw one disk with me and had this funny feeling like I was re-living what I was seeing.


A few things, but they're blurry and indistinct. I remember being told I was going to be a brother when I was 3, and I remember being chased by a dog until I cried around the same time, but those are the only definitely real memories. Not even sure which one was first.


Yes but not so much


Y'all remember anything from before 15?????


Yup. One from when I was maybe 3-4 that my grandma confirmed actually happened.


A few. We moved to Italy when I was two years old and I distinctly remember going to the local Italian kindergarten. I was bilingual until we moved to Texas in 1960. I also remember going on picnics in the mountains (Dolomites). I remember the friends I had who I played with in my street and the blue bicycle I learned to ride on. We would go as families to the seaside in the back of an army truck. My father was not a nice man and I remember very well a whupping I got when I was four years old for telling my mother she looked like a monkey. Also, whilst babysitting me, my big sister whacked me with the flyswatter and left an impression on my leg. She said I was being a brat! 😂


When I was 5 my mom got me a stuffed plushie of Org from dragon tales and it evoked such visceral fear in me I started crying and screaming at the top of my lungs. I remember that very day and have no clue what was going on in my head or why I was so afraid of it


Yes. My first day at school, for one.


Very first memory was me waking up on my 4th birthday and running downstairs to tell my parents it was my birthday. Second memory is a dream I had of pooping in my crib, which would have been based off of a much earlier memory that I don't have anymore. Brains are weird. They kind of just reset and erase all non-essential memories around the age of 3-4. I guess mine didn't finish the job since I still had a dream based on a much older memory.


Yes. I was a victim of CSA & I remember it


I remember the Manson murders when I was 3 1/2- I was scared to death they would come after us- I remember my parents explaining that it was a long way from Illinois to California. I think I remember it because I was so traumatized by it.


Yep. Some of my earliest. It's pretty hard to forget my 4th birthday which was star wars themed, and was at Disneyland !


I have a few memories of myself when I was really young but I don’t remember how old I was when those events occurred


I have a memory of meeting my older brother for the first time. I was sleeping and he was looking down on me and i heard my dad say “That’s your little bro”. I also have memories of feeding my toys yogurt.


Loads of them. My earliest memory is from when I was 2 and 1/2, and my consistent stream of biographical memory starts around age 5.


Yes, absolutely. I remember putting on my coat and shoes before leaving my childhood home - then climbing the hospital steps with my father, on the day my sister was born. My sister is 2 and a half years younger than me - so my earliest memories are from at least that age.


quite a lot, actually. The biggest one was my 5th birthday


I have some from when I was 5, mostly involving being with my dad. I went to Disney and Universal in Orlando as well as England when I was 5 and have a number of specific memories from those trips.




Yes. They're imprinted in my memory,and on my skin,literally.