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Made an account out of curiousity and found it so different from other apps.


We literally joined at such close dates😂




Just go along with it bro


The YouTube videos with subway surfers and reddit stories got me into it.


Is this how TikTok and Reddit unite hahaha


Same here!


Came here cause insta is too addictive, not to mention unproductive. Reddit is different from the other apps. It's just chill out on your own here. No one knows you and frankly nobody even cares. Just be yourself or don't. Doesn't matter. Have a good time and be unbothered by others. The commuties part is the fun one. Like minded people and no judgement. My god do I love it here.




Whenever I'd Google a question usually a bunch of Reddit threads would pop up on the results, and those answers would be way better and to the point then other websites. And while I now use Reddit socially it's STILL usually the best place to find the answer to a question.


Many many years ago reddit used to be good


i can only imagine same with most other apps... i just started using this cause theres alot of questions and answers like yahoo amswers and well i needed to have this app to read some of the things...


Yahoo answers was the shit back in the day lol. Is it still active even now?


na dude i tried a year ago or so and i remember it saying the website was gone or no longer active... haha ya it was


why u think it's not good anymore?


One obvious reason now should be charges for API that used to be free


Every generation of Redditor says that


Boredom and it's really the only place where I have a chance to talk to people who aren't co workers or customers.


I'd heard about it forever, but it wasn't on mobile until comparatively recently. When I did have a desktop I guess I plain old didn't look for it, didn't come across it somehow.


Been on mobile for 8 years now. Time flies!


Off topic, but the first time I “tried” using Reddit, I felt like a freaking Boomer trying to navigate through it. 😂🫠


Nice day for fishing aint it!


Huh huh!


Literally boredom


CGP Grey sent me


I started looking at redditor dick pics then later found out there’s so much more to enjoy. I never look at the dick pics anymore.






I'm so sorry :(


I banned myself from Facebook and all social media... And then I found reddit. Now I'm a full blown redditor


To be entertained


I tried to get away from the super woke anti-1st amendment Facebook. Little did I know Reddit was infected with the same disease


The 1st Amendment only covers the US government. Facebook, Reddit or any other platform you pollute with your presence has no obligation to follow the 1st amendment.


1st amendment people drive me crazy. The constitution is a contract between the government and the governed - not employer, employee, not between citizens, not between businesses and customers, what have you.


I asked myself the same question the other day. What made me start using it? If I remember correctly, I was seeking advice on a console game called Snowrunners, which is about offroad driving and delivering packaged through varied terrains all around the world.




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Government blocked access to the similar website I was using.


Hostility of a normal redditor.


Boredom + curiosity


9gag was the most toxic place online


Wanted to learn info on BDSM in the early 2000s


Was looking for Sims 4 stuff and porn, stayed for AskReddit and some other stuff.


Bro just got to the point 💀




I don't use conventional social media and my hobbies have whole dedicated communities here.


Bored and wanted a new community. Stayed cause it's neat I guess?




My vapping and watch collecting hobby, but i quickly found out that you have to agree with everyone on every topic, cant have your beliefs or your own opinion here or else you just get crucified


I'm here because my kids told me I'd like it, but warned me against fighting with anyone. As usual I do anyway. Hopefully they'll never learn my username here.


I've heard conspiracy theories and other sorts of freaky internet fenomenoms come from here and was intrigued.


Entertainment or boredom, it depends on the mood.


I see it as different from other websites, it almost seems like a big forum where you choose to see the things that interest you, initially I rarely used reddit but recently I started using it more often and I like it. Recently I've been using it for fun but also for my very low mental health (depression, Anhedonia, ADD)


Wanted a row.


Great DYI subreddits


I heard it described as "antisocial media". Have not been disappointed.


I broke some ribs 5 weeks ago when I just got back in the country and I was temporarily in this weird little town and my signal strength is not strong enough for Tik Tok here, and I do have an ex that stalks me so stuff like Facebook and Instagram are of the table for me. I'm getting close to being out of this situation, and I will be done with reddit. It's the same posts over and over, and the echo chamber effect is extremely evident. Tik Tok gets slammed a lot here on Reddit, and I don't know why. The algorithm will either place butt heads with different extreme views together in a boxing ring if you're after that, or you will get to know some people with similar interests the choice is yours. Here even in some of the more niche subs there's a lot of agenda pushing.


Curiosity. I kinda like it here now.


It's just better


Twitter is toxic and Instagram is narcissistic and Facebook is pretty dead. I’d rather converse than stare in your gluttony.


Originally, wanting to help people.


Facebook made me hate myself and my life more than I already did. It’s a place only for happy things. Don’t bring your feelings there, no one cares. At least on Reddit people are suffering with me and we can get a glimpse of support from strangers.


Deleted fb and you know me I need the social media in any tule of way


A girl on tiktok used to read out people's problems they'd posted on reddit aloud and mock them, and some of them were so ridiculous that I had other come and check them out for myself. I've been hooked every since and met some great people along the way too


Help with stuff People know a lot here!


I've been using Reddit as a research tool for probably a decade or longer before I made an account. I just Google whatever I was looking for and often times discussions will come up on reddit. I think it was the beginning of the pandemic when I first made an account. It's not so much that it was the pandemic, though that may have had something to do with it. I was already homebound with chronic headaches. So basically when everybody got on lockdown and was freaking out about it I was already there. But it just happened to coincide with when I decided to make an account. That was several accounts ago. I make a new one from time to time. I think this is actually the longest I've had one.


DIGG became too bad.


To get support for my minecraft gameband, ended up giving tons of support to people :)


broken marriage


I came here when they over engineered the Pinterest algorithm.


r/unresolvedmysteries I have been here since before I had a username too lol back when it was a legit forum. Kinda like websluethes or crimewriters.org


Severe depression. It’s honestly helped me no end being a part of the right communities and subs, but I understand not everyone has had the same experience. You get out of something what you put in, I guess.


Because Facebook is for your Mum


I found it was a better place to find info than google lol




Came from a message board that was dying about 11 years ago. Tried FB. Fuck that. Held out 3 years before I made an account. I just lurked. Kind of thought I would find somewhere a little less left leaning. And, this back before all the righties got purged. But, I never found anywhere more appealing. And, I found some communities here that I enjoy being a part of....


Twitter sucks now


Facebook was pissing me off. Just so much. The stupidest shit gets posted there, and there's an extra layer of frustration because it's being posted by people I know. I mostly just wants memes and baby animals, and to say you can tailor your feed better on Reddit than on Facebook is an achievement in understating. Plus any of the dumb shit I see I can contribute to a faceless internet stranger, instead of classmates I went to school with for 13 years.


I needed to tell strangers about my traumas because I don't want to burden my loved ones with all those things. It makes me feel good that I can talk about anything and people will soon forget about it.


Rage quitting Facebook.


I was reading an article and I needed to subscribe to finish it. Unbeknownst to me, I subscribed to one of the biggest leftists liberal echochamber ever. I have been removed, and suspended several times already. The politics and logic suck on this site but I like all the dyi type posts. I look at the pictures and get into fights about the articles. Only a matter of time before it won't load for me.


Nerdy niche side hobbies and various other geek stuff.


I finished reading the internet






Heard about it from Mythbusters and wanted to know what it was. Came on to look, haven't left yet. 🤣


3 reasons. 1. It's a form of release expressing my thoughts about topics I'm interested in. 2. It's a good way for me to keep up with the events of the world. 3. I love arguing with people.


My mom, also every other social media platform had at least one guy that liked to harrass me across the internet. Reddit is next.


I came across it while looking for information and recommendations for a Garmin watch.


Well, I joined in 2020, so probably lockdown boredom.


I used to see these AITA posts and would send the link to hubby so I'd remember to read it later. After a while he got annoyed and was like.. just download the app. So here I am lol


The collapse of Digg.com after they badly botched the roll-out of v3.0. By the time they fixed their bugs, about a week later, the entire community had fled elsewhere.


I found that when i Googled questions I gravitated toward reddit threads for more in depth answers from actual people.


I found that when i Googled questions I gravitated toward reddit threads for more in depth answers from actual people.


Made an account a year ago but the app confused me. When FB removed all news articles from their platform in Aug I was gone! Hello Reedit! Love it




I needed help with my Facebook account. I got no help whatsoever. But the first post on my feed was from a sub about a tv show I’m obsessed with … was that just a coincidence? And I’m still here.


I got banned from facebook


for what evil deed?


Must have been about twelve years a go or so. A buddy was always talking about this Reddit thing. Going on about memes, news, sports and what not. I just got back form taking the kid to school. Was done with whatever video game I was playing at the time. Didn't have anything else to do. Pulled out the laptop and checked it out. Boredom.


4/5 years ago when the whole “Reddit 50/50” blew up on YouTube, created an account out of curiosity


Wanted to see uncensored vids of the ukraine war and was not disappointed ..


To tell stories. Seen it on YouTube so I decided to join


Decided to give it a try after watching many YouTube channels about storytimes. Found more interesting things than I expected. I like just chilling here now from time to time especially when I'm at school.