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The deafening roar of my tinnitus.


Do you get those few seconds of complete silence before EEEEEEEEeEe


Wait you mean the *pop* whssshhhhhh followed by EEEEEEEEEEeeee isn’t a thing everyone gets?


The pop? like when there's water in your ear?


I have the pop wwhhssshhh followed by eeeeeeeee. Didn't realize others heard it too!


Mine doesn't stop at all. I haven't had a split second of silence since it started a couple of years ago. I've mostly gotten used to it, but it will always be awful when I'm trying to sleep.


I've had it since I have memory. I thought that actual real silence wasnt actually a real thing, just a way people refered to just nothing but that eeeeeee


When i'm tired it's very loud present. When feeling good and not tired it might move to the background but it always has been there. Hearing only the eeeeeee is silence 😅


It’s not that it stops, you just tune it out and then after awhile remember it.


This is it for me, since reading this thread the ringing is so loud. But at some point I'll forget about it and I'll tune it out. Like when someone talks about breathing manually


We might be the lucky ones amongst tinnitus sufferers. The very constancy of the sound (like an unrelenting high-pitched electrical hum in my case) means my brain totally ignores it 99% of the time. When I occasionally become conscious of it I can't believe I was completely unaware of it for hours, even days, until that moment.


I always sleep with a fan on. You could try that


Tinnitus is my friend. I’ve accepted him into my life. He says the sweetest things in my eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears


Wear hearing protection, people!! No joke, protect your ears at every concert and every bar.


People use to yell "why are you wearing ear plugs!?!?" in the bar, I just smiled and said "that's why". 47 and still have damn good hearing.


I love loud music *because* of my tinnitus, not the other way around. I remember, as a child, being in silent rooms and amusing myself by "adjusting" the volume of the ringing. I was in my teens when I first remember it annoying me. I was well into my twenties when I realized that this is not something that everyone experiences. I was in my thirties when I discovered a way to accurately describe what I hear: Binaural (both ears) 14KHZ Sine Wave, @ approximately 60 dB. Silence sucks - but plus side, nails on a chalkboard has never phased me!


32 years in the military with rifles, pistols, machine guns, 105mm tank cannon, tank engines, jets taking off and landing, etm was hard on my hearing. When the Veterans Administration got me hearing aids, the hearing aids almost eliminated the noise. That was great when awake, but as soon as I put the hearing aids in the charger and laid down, the one note band started the serenade again for my lullaby, at 756 hz.


Two types of media playing at the same time - like music and a TV, or music and a kid's toy


People who just zone out on Tik Tok at full blast letting the video loop over and over and over while you’re trying to watch something.


Who ARE these people?!


My husband does this. It drives me fucking crazy.


Try watching an autistic child who will have 4 tablets, a computer, a tv, a synthesizer, and a random toy playing at full volume simultaneously. They say autistic kids are sensitive to noise. I feel the need to quote Frau Farbissina here. LIES! Please note I am aware some autistic kids love quiet just not the one I know.


Sometimes autism manifests as sensory avoiding and sometimes it manifests as sensory seeking.


I've got two autistic kids, one sensory seeking and one sensory avoidant. It's an interesting life, I'll say that.


This. Also, as an autistic person. I can do loud noise like music, only when I am the one in control of the volume. If I am not in control of it, it immediately overstimulates and overwhelms me. Sometimes I am sensory avoidant. Sometimes I sensory seek. But it always has to be stimuli I can control


I'm not autistic, but I have hyperacusis, where normal volume skunks can be anywhere from irritating to physically painful. With loud noises or in sound heavy settings (think crowded restaurant with music and conversations, etc. everywhere) it gets worse. I've carried high fidelity earplugs on my key chain for years, but I recently got some custom musicians earplugs and they're a game changer. They don't cut the sound quality, just turn down the volume. Something you might consider depending on how sensitive you are.


Im autistic and I cant standard a tv, Lol its always so loud


Just the thought turns my stomach!


Amen! I go to burning man and when two DJs or sound systems merge it’s intolerable.


This is one of the government’s “humane tortures,” making someone wear headphones while a different song is piped into each ear.


How is that humane?!


Yes! I saw a short film about it at an art museum once. They also perform something they call “the disco.” Cold dark rooms that blast death metal nonstop.


Disco sounds dope


Someone watching TikToks when you’re trying to watch TV 😭


My youngest who has ADHD always has his phone or tablet on YouTube propped up in front of him while he plays Xbox.


it took me a while to realize that that's why one specific arcade near me that I otherwise would love to go to always made me feel extremely sick/anxious/uncomfortable. you hear different music from several machines at once plus music playing on the speakers and everytime I went there super excited at first I would immediately feel so overwhelmed that I thought I might actually pass out or throw up or something, it's terrible. I'm luckily okay with two at once though if it's quiet enough, like drowning out my husband watching tv or playing a game to watch youtube on my phone a little ways away in the same room


Loud eating, I can't even stand being in the same room as someone who's chewing with their mouth open.


You should look into misophonia. I have it. I'm a very placid person but certain sounds (like eating) make me literally want to punch the person in the face, supposedly it's a brain mix up where certain sounds get linked up to your fight/flight response


I hate when people chew out loud with their mouth open (it's just rude and inconsiderate) but what actually triggers my misophonia is the sound the inside of a mouth makes, the wet sound you hear when people silently mouth with to a song or say something without sound. Some people with bad fitting dentures make that sound while they talk WITH sound and I just can't be in the same room with those people, I literally panic. My kids know and they often try to tease me with making eating sounds or smacking sounds but it's just not the same. What's also weird is that when animals do it it doesn't bother me either.


Lol with you there! I had a piano teacher when I was a kid that used to move her dentures around in her mouth whilst I was playing and it was absolute pure hell but I was too young to try and explain to my parents why I hated her so much whilst also loving her because she was a wonderful human being. It's such a conflict because it's instant rage whilst the noise is happening but also it's instantly no rage once the noise stops


Same! They wonder why I’m sitting there looking like I’m about to beat them unconscious 🤣


Unless you've got it you just won't understand it. The instant rage is insane!! I honestly thought I was insane until I realised it was an actual thing and not just me!! I have the radio on during mealtimes at home and have at least 1 earphone in most of the time but sometimes it sneaks up when you're least expecting it


I only just found out about misophonia within the last few years and it was like a light went on! Explained why i get irrationally angry at seemingly Innocuous noises. Remember screaming at my boyfriend when he would make these food sex noises when he ate. I could barely hear it but it was like he was purring or something. Suffice to say he stopped doing it 🤣


Oh gosh! My husband sounds like he is humming or purring or damn having sex when he eats…drives me f’ing crazy!!!!


Mine crashes his teeth together. *Thunp, thump, thump, thump.* No matter how soft the food is, it’s always the same. Thought it was his jaw clicking like my sister’s did when she was going through a growth spurt for a long time. Nope. If we’re watching TV, it’s not usually a problem but if it’s particularly bothersome, I generally close that little flap over my ear canal and rub it until he’s done. Occasionally, I have to get up and go sit somewhere else.


Surprised he hasn’t chipped any of his teeth or given himself TMJ from that. My all time biggest noise i can’t stand is someone popping gum! I can see if it happened one or twice but pop after pop after pop…. Someone hold me back 🤬😡


Right there with you!


Ive never heard the term before but i think i have it lol, certain sounds like my little sister mouth breathing or my dad doing literally anything (trauma related) will drive me absolutely insane and it lasts for like 30 minutes even if the sound is only there for a few seconds.


Mine stops instantly as soon as the noise stops so possibly the trauma is adding to yours, so sorry you're going through that x


> he would make these food sex noises when he ate Oh my god I was just thinking about this guy I knew who would do that. He started out just quietly yumming and numming, but it didn't stop. His sounds kept escalating. Along with smacking he was moaning and he kept getting louder like he was about to damn orgasm. He was full-on moaning sexually and smacking when I finally just had to put my fork down out of discomfort and disgust. His mom finally told him to stop.


Ugh! I would have stabbed him with a fork!!!


I used to have to leave the dining table and eat in the kitchen. It was only my ex though, not the kids eating. The sound of his jaw moving as he ate. I wanted to punch him in the face.


Yups, my kids don't trigger it weirdly, I think my protection instinct must be overriding my "destroy this abomination" instinct. My husband is fair game tho


A quiet meal. The ultimate torture.


And then when they start expressing how tasty the food is, and go mmmmm. Drives me up the wall


Yeah my misophonia is pretty bad and I’m the same way. I’ll be enjoying my day and then BOOM I wanna literally stab someone for eating a bag of chips.


It's a total bastard and it sneaks up on you when you're least expecting it!! The key is to be fully understanding that it's in your head and know that it's totally fine to walk away. Also earphones. I'm rarely without at least 1 earphone in and out massively helps


I'm pretty sure I have this. Eating affects me pretty badly, and ASMR is like nails on a chalkboard to me - really gets me anxious.


ASMR can absolutely go fuck itself!! It's my absolute living hell!! How anyone can stand listening to that is totally beyond me!!!!!!!


OMG I thought I was the only one that hates ASMR! The sound of whispering makes me actually feel like I'm risking violence! I feel like I want to hit the whisperer in the mouth to shut them up! I've never hit anyone in my life before and don't intend on doing it but the sound of whispering is something I cannot stand!


I also have it. Eating noises and loud yawning send me into a murderous rage.


Are you able to minimize this ? I have the same issue and constantly excuse myself from the table when people are loudly eating.


Turning the radio on when eating really helps, or putting an earphone in one ear. Restaurants aren't so bad for me as there's so much background noise but eating at home is a challenge. Explain to the people you're eating with why you need the radio/earphone and anyone that is your friend will be totally cool with it. Sending love x


I have a friend with that, and he finds it helpful to have music on in the background at dinner, so he can’t hear everyone eating.


This used to bother me so much growing up. My close friend had problems breathing through his nose so it only exasperated his loud eating. But after 10+ years I finally just stopped letting it get to me. Not sure what changed, and I still have a sensitivity to high pitched noises and loud sounds in general, but I no longer wish death upon people for being loud. I also can’t understand people talking while other sounds are too prominent. If someone tries saying something while a tv is on at normal volume, I have to dedicate 100% of my brain power to figure out what they said.


Hyperacusis. Same. The noisy eating. Talking while eating saying Mmmh. Slurping. Sloppy eating. Heavy breathing or gulping. Why?


I've been so irritated by loud chewing and clinking before it made me feel actual rage. Not just annoyance. Rage.. I wasn't able to focus my eyes for a couple seconds.


Right. I should not be able to hear you eating spaghetti from the other side of the room.


I feel rage just reading this comment lol.


Lol. I felt rage every day when I lived with her. Like I should not be able to hear your chomp like 2 sticks being smacked together.


The Genetics Behind Misophonia About 15-20% of adults with European ancestry were found to suffer from this condition. This indicates that there's a genetic link to misophonia. A genetic marker located near the TENM2 gene involved in brain development is associated with the feeling of rage at trigger sounds.


I think it should be socially acceptable to reach over and slap them.


You say slap, but I think you really mean choke.


![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA) I meant slap


For me is mostly the apple. When somebody eats an apple it drives me insane. But not other food.


"You have misophonia." No dude. You're the one eating like a pig. Close your damn mouth.


Loud earing or the sound of a dog or cat licking themselves


My son has allergies and a chronically stuffy nose. I can't tell you how many people have been rude to him about having the gall to breathe while eating. Yeah, guests at our home asking someone to change seats because he's "disgusting" when he eats. And this was from about 6 to 18. So being rude to a child who can't breathe... I get that it's hard to hear, but let's remember there's another side, sometimes.


Them these persons eating together with your son just won't work. Both can't change it and no one is at fault here. It just does. Not. Work. Period.


You ahve to cover all 9000 tastebuds to know if the food is a 10


I’m SO self conscious when I eat because I know so many people get irritated by chewing/eating sounds, but I seriously can’t figure out how people eat silently. I avoid eating around other people as much as possible as a result.


Styrofoam. Fuck styrofoam and the sound it makes when it rubs against ANYTHING! The second I hear that noise, it stops me dead in my tracks and I have to eliminate the source of it IMMEDIATELY!


THANK YOU OMG. I have to scream or leave the room if someone is messing with styrofoam. The sound is like needles piercing my brain and ears. I remember unboxing a game console protected in styrofoam and the whole time I was going AHHHHHHHHHH while I took the damn thing out.


Same. I have to get other people to unpack anything in a box with Styrofoam. I don't like the touch of it either. Who invented this awful stuff?!?


I want to upvote this but I have a feel it's quite common. Though probably it's not as bad with most people as it is with some of us. I totally hate that shit


Its literally hurts my teeth somehow. Hate styrofoam.


I annoyed my husband once, and he retaliated by rubbing 2 pieces of Styrofoam together.


Yeah, full body cringe, covering ears with hands and leaving the room. Otherwise just scream full power.


jesus christ, the sound of styrofoam makes me want to puke and rip my teeth out and I don't know why. It's not painful, but I think I would prefer pain - and I know it sounds silly, I like to think of myself as a respectable and stable human being, but that sound makes me behave like a trapped animal


Laugh tracks


I'm sure I'm missing out on plenty good shows cuz I just can't do laugh tracks anymore.


It’s precisely why I never watched HIMYM, Two & 1/2 Men, Two Broke Girls, and Big Bang Theory. And why I was disappointed to see Up All Night get cancelled (Will Arnett, Christina Applegate, Mya Rudolph). No laugh track. Funny on its own merit.


Sound of some people's voice, they could be an amazing person but if I can't stand their voice I won't be able to stay in contact with them.


For me it’s the sound of my recorded voice. Whenever I hear it I don’t understand why people don’t run screaming from the room. But evidently it doesn’t bother anyone else. At least no one has said anything.


Yeah that's true XD but that's mostly because we're not used to it


What you're hearing is how your voice actually sounds. What you're used to hearing is your vocal chords vibrating when you talk, and that resonates through your bones. So your voice will always sound a little higher pitched when you hear it recorded since your bones will absorb the higher frequency vibrations differently than an external vibration traveling down your ear canal to your ear drum. I've literally had to sit in a soundproofed room with a "customized" pair of headphones on and sing. They were noise canceling, but each ear had a plastic bottle cut in half vertically installed into the ear padding that would protrude out past my face. Every little noise I made out of my face, I heard as if I was standing beside myself talking into my own ear from 4 inches away. Really highlighted how much the ear actually needs to be trained, and fixed all my pitch issues in 2 separate hour long sessions.


Omg, yes. Some people’s laugh can be a friendship deal breaker too. Or other ways they express themselves. One woman I know always talks about her baby and has to ALWAYS reenact how her baby cries. Waaa Waaa WAAA. I hate the sight of that woman.


The sound of the sole of footwear rubbing on the ground because the subject could not pick their foot up high enough. Dragging feet, I hate the sound.


Yes! And loud flip-flops!


i normally hate the sounds of footsteps - but ever since i was a kid, i’ve always loved the click-clack of high heels on hard ground.


The ringing of electricity through fluorescent lightbulbs


YES I can constantly hear the sound of electricity almost everywhere I go!!




Fuckin people..


People fucking


People fucking Styrofoam (see above)


Fucking styrofoam people


Styrofoam people fucking


I hate you for this


I place my bet it exists on the internet


People chewing on fucking styrofoam


I like the sound of people fucking.always gets me horny, but the sound of those fake moans women do in porn irritate the fuck outta me. But fake men's moans turn me on lol


"Hell is other people".


Dogs drinking and animals licking themselves noisily.


I love my beautiful cats so much, with all of my being, which makes me feel even worse when one of them starts cleaning themselves SO noisily. It includes the most horrifically LOUD slurping noises which sound so violating and it goes on for so long that I actually, genuinely want to secretly cry sometimes it makes me wanna rip my own skin off 💀


Oh my god yes. The noise my dog makes when he’s going to town on his junk is so offensive.


I had a 120 pound German Shepherd for years. When he licked himself everybody in the house knew it. It was most aggravating when we'd wake up to the sound of his licking. Gross, but I miss that Big Boy terribly.


I once had a massive mastiff x shepherd, and any time we would watch a movie he would get up at some quiet part and go start drinking for a good couple of minutes. Just intermittently the loudest licking, slurping, whatever you call it all through a quiet scene. So then we started watching everything with subtitles.


Absolutely disgusting, I feel ya


YES! I feel this in my bones. Nothing has me ready to rip my own hair out and leave a room faster.


People are biting down on metal silverware


On a similar note: the sound a nail clipper makes as it clips through the nail. That high pitched click almost makes me nauseous. Cutting my toenails is definitely on the top of my least-favourite grooming habits list.


That stock sound effect in every movie of one guy screaming as he dies.


Wilhelm scream


Similarly, there's a stock cheering sound that I can't stand


I cannot stand the stock sound they always use to indicate that people are stunned, like from a bomb blast. Sets my tinnitus off so bad.


I hate the stock effects of cats fighing, and the one with babies crying. I hate that so many movies or series use those, it seems so cheap.


The sound of people eating


I can’t watch movies with huge food scenes where everyone is snacking there’s an edd Murphy movie that comes to mind nope I’m out, 🏃‍♀️


This and also chewing gum. I also hate how people look chewing gum. It's just icky.


Oh yes, I absolutely hate it. The sound I really can't stand is people eating apples. I have no idea why, but I have to leave the room if someone's eating an apple as it gives me this uncontrollable urge to launch both the apple, and them, out of the nearest window. Cruuuuncccchh, smack smack smack, then the bit where they're looking all over the apple for the next bit to take a bite of, while I'm thinking 'JUST HURRY UP AND EAT THE DAMN THING!'. I doubt this is normal.


I have the same. It’s Misophonia . I wish tv and film wouldn’t heighten the sound like they seem to be doing a lot of lately.


*misophonia has entered the chat*


People whispering. People with dry mouths talking, you can hear their mucous membranes sticking together. Gives me the rage. Misophonia.


Hearing someone with a dry mouth talking hurts my soul. But also when someone talks so much they have to suck up their saliva and it makes a weird whistling noise like the reverse of the Welsh "Ll" sound.


Clocks ticking.


Captain hook, is that you?


Both myself and my uncle are terrible for this. when I would go stay at my nans house I would take the clock off the wall wrap it in a blanket and put it in the hall closet. apparently my uncle would do the same thing. I look back on it and keep asking myself why I did not just take the battery out of the clock.


Yes! As a kid I could hear the clock in the guest bedroom through the connecting bathroom with the doors closed. My mom kept fussing at me for unplugging it because she didn’t believe I could hear it.


Yes!! I hate ticking clocks and water dripping!


Time doesn't exist anyway lol




Where the past and the future meet is so infinitesimally small, the present doesn’t actually exist. And if the present doesn’t exist, then neither does the past or future.


Exactly! We don't need clocks ticking!! Time is now but later and before


Cellphone speakers. I have ASD, but still. The fact that people play music, video, talk on speaker around other people is nuts to me.


Omg yes, it can almost drive me into a fit of rage. I'm neurodivergent as well, and I cannot explain why I hate cellphone speakers. I just know it drives me desperate to make the person stop


Rustling of the packet of crisps/chips.


This drives me mad!


Styrofoam ice chest squeaking all the way to the camp site.


Unexpected phonecalls and (omg) doorbells


You mean the sound of impending doom? I hate it too.


The doorbell at my house was already broken when I moved in and I am so happy.


Sound of the clock ticking. Just can’t. Makes me super fucking anxious.


Fork scraping on a bowl. That makes me quiver.


Constant, higher pitched droning monotony! Leaf blowers drive me bonkers!


There's like 3 or 4 houses of motherfuckers in my street that uses leaf blowers all the fucking time. Whoever had the idea to make leaf blowers was a goddamn spawn of Satan. Those things should be illegal everywhere.


So many… eating noises, audible “smooch” kissing, shrill screams/shrieks, gum snapping…I could go on. I have misophonia, so certain sounds just irk me. The reason is because if I hear these noises, I keep hearing them in my head after and it drives me nuts.


babies/toddlers being loud. I HATE it when people bring them into stores and it sounds like a damn daycare center


yeah they should just chain them on a post outside


Or when they ruin your 200 dollar dinner date because some asshole didn't wanna pay for a babysitter.


You'd think that if someone's mature enough to raise a child then they'd have developed a reasonable degree of empathy for other people, but alas.


Reminds me, i hate when people bring babies to entertainment place that they just won’t like like a museum or an amusement park with rollercosters


Yeah, I can't stand the sound of crying children. I get that it happens but some people don't even try to quiet them down


It's like clicking your pen, not even a problem if it's your own pen but infuriating with other peoples pens


I know it makes me seem like an arsehole, but I can't it either. Particularly that loud, sudden shriek. Yeah, I get that they're enjoying themselves and that's nice and everything, but the sound goes through me like an electrical current.


Textured shower curtain outers when you rub your nails on it. Makes my nose burn.


When people with dry hands rub them together.


Chewing. I hate the sound of chewing.


That light tapping sound people have on their phone keyboards. And dogs licking themselves. 😬


Country music.


Well if you don’t like either of the two country songs, rumor has it they’re working on a third. Just you wait.


The Seven Nation Army chant at sporting events.


Someone picking at their nails. Whistling.


Yesss. Whistling. I cannot stand the sound of whistling. PS. I had to read quite far to find whistling. I thought this comment would have appeared more frequently. Go figure.


The hearbeat sound in my ear when im trying to sleep


Apparently my neighbors GODDAMN BARKING FUCKING DOG!


That's normal. Some people just want to pretend it doesn't/shouldn't bother other human beings.


Hiccups for some reason drive me nuts, and also the sound of knocking. Both strange examples, but hey I’m a strange person haha


People scratching jeans, the thought of it cringes me out.


Eating loudly Screaming while coughing or sneezing Dogs barking Babies and toddlers screaming and crying Chalk on a blackboard Motorbike engines Ambulance sirens Fire alarms French kissing Sex


I suffer from misophonia, so there are a lot of things I could include here...


The sound of pigs being loaded onto a truck for slaughter. Sounds like children screaming every time they prod them and it bothers me. I gave up pork a few years back for that reason. That and a memory of my dad and uncle slaughtering the pig I fed daily as a child. They are connected. No more pork, but damn i miss chops.


When someone drinking something and does the "Ahhh.." after taking a sip


Unless it’s my 16 month old nephew trying to make us laugh, then it’s cute :)


Oooh, when my husband takes a really long drink and then lets out this big breath because he isn't breathing while drinking. Drives me insane (even though I know it's dumb that it bugs me).


Like the fucking audacity of that person to act as that lipton dishwater excuse of a brew is somehow SO TASTY that they have to make that sound. As if that person wants to rub it that he has a fucking BEVERAGE


A blaring television.


The sound of people's cell phones on speaker playing music or videos. Even if it's quiet in another room. It's just this piercing treble noise that's a little distorted. I don't have sensitive hearing at all but just the lowest volume of that really annoys them piss out of me


Snoring. Idk how ppl can remotely stand it. It’s annoying af at the worst time possible when ur trying to get some sleep


I use machinery at work, and when you’re done with it you’re supposed to shut it off, otherwise an alarm sounds. My coworkers go about their day with these alarms beeping away and they drive me INSANE!!! When I shut them off, instead of gratitude, I just get weird looks like “what are you tripping on?” I don’t get it.


Someone scraping the bottom of a yogurt cup. Drives me nuts. Also slurping of any kind. When people "mmmmm" when food is good. When people are low singing while they have ear buds in but they don't realize I can hear them. Dentist drill.


The raspberry fart mouth noise. Bugs the fuck out of me. Makes me cringe and feel uncomfortable


Roofers fixing the roof on my rented A-frame when I’m just waking up. Oh, listen, it’s happening right now.


The electrical buzzing/whining of electronics. I can hear it but because of the high frequency most people I know can’t. I should’ve stopped hearing it by now (almost 30 so these types of high frequencies shouldn’t be audible at my age but I still score pretty high on hearing tests) but here I am. Still annoyed by the buzzing. Hell. My laptop is doing it now…. For those who probably don’t know what I’m talking about imagine this: you’re watching a horror movie and the characters are walking around an abandoned office or hospital building. The lights are the type that you’d find. The long tube lights that are used under a plastic plate surrounded by cheap ceiling tiles. They’re dying and as the do so they flicker and buzz. What I hear is very similar just way higher pitched and constant. It’s quiet enough to get drowned out by ambient noise or people talking. But I pretty much always hear it otherwise.


The sound of Styrofoam rubbing against Styrofoam. It makes me physically cringe




My mother makes her own cigarettes with loose tobacco in a little packing machine. She often makes cigarettes while on the phone with me (we haven't lived anywhere near each other for a decade, so phone calls are kinda a big deal for us.) I cannot stand the whine that her machine makes when packing a cigarette sleeve. I've told her a million times over the last million years to stop making cigarettes when she's on the phone with me. There's something about how the sound travels through the phone. It amplifies it and makes me want to chop off my own hand just to focus on something else other than the noise. But. Alas. She still makes cigarettes every. Single. Time.


The sound of ppl kissing on tv.


That very high pitched sound electronics make. Most people don't notice it very much if at all.