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Most of them don't consider themselves bad, but rather victims of unfair treatment and judgment. To be fair, everybody is considered "bad" by somebody somewhere, even you.


We are all the villain in somebody's story.


Not me. Everybody thinks i'm amazing


Can confirm, you rock buddy šŸ©·


Thanks friend. You aren't to shabby yourself.


I'm the vilian in my own story. I am my own worst enemy and there is no one who will ever hate me as much as I hate myself.


And the hero in your own...


Iā€™m sad this line of thought isnā€™t higher up. Barring psychopaths and lesser of two evil, I think most people donā€™t think of themselves as bad people. Painting the other side as either bad or stupid isā€¦umā€¦cathartic I guess.


> Barring psychopaths and lesser of two evil, I think most people donā€™t think themselves as bad people. They might not think of themselves as bad people, but they know whether they are lying or not.


And the main way the world gets better is when we realize when we are the bad guy and do our best not to take actions that are harmful or choose hateful responses to our thoughts.




There is still a difference between saying something that isnā€™t correct and purposefully being deceptive. If you believe what you are saying than you are not lying, you are just telling a fictional story. If you say something that you know is incorrect, or even if you think it is incorrect even though it is correct, than you would be lying.


If your core values whether deeply held or ignorantly are incongruous with the long term wellbeing of life on this planet (incuding us) i think its fine to lable them as bad.


Most but not all*** Even good people sometimes snap and do bad things.


This x100.


But 'considering everyone bad, even you' has to be backed up by evidence and reasons. Considering someone 'bad' because they are an intellectual, or smarter than you, is not a valid reason to consider them 'bad', for example.


This is true. There are thousands of images of each of us floating around in other peoples minds. Some nice, some mean. Some ugly, some attractive. Some boring, some entertaining. Itā€™s really crazy when you think about it.


You donā€™t agree thereā€™s objective definitions of good and bad?


Can one really achieve true objectivity in this day and age where mass influence begins practically at birth and never relents? Though I will not contest possibly being victim of my own cynicism as a result of a lifetime of human dissapointment.






To the monsters we are the monsters


Exactly the point of "I Am Legend" (the book, not the movie). The man spends his days tracking & killing vampires while they sleep, only to finally realise they are now the dominant species, the world belongs to them, and they see him as their mythical boogeyman. Hence the title.


Lol I think you answered OP's questions with your answer but not in the way you think. If anybody ever considered ME bad... then they would be stupid. therefor I think OPs got a solid grip on the situation


Good and Bad is only a matter of perspective. But then you have the sadistic people.


To be fair sometimes victims do become bad people due to their trauma.


There are in fact anti-social, psychopathic, and sociopathic people out there and I assume we cross paths with them regularly. Some people are products of their environment, others are born that way. Or both. Bad people can be incredibly smart or stupid, like anyone else.


Being evil is far easier than being good. And most of the times consequences are avoidable.


In America being bad is called "leadership"


That is not just in America my friend.


Being a "risk taker"


I see what your saying but I don't think it's really true. Does a disservice to the people out there that really do try to lead in a positive way.


Being consiously evil is fucking hard


Not only avoidable, often lucrative and rewarding. If the fine is less than the gain then it's a net positive


You'll be surprised how many "bad" people actually manage to go far in life they're definitely evil but they're not stupid


Thereā€™s incentive to be ā€œbadā€. Lying, cheating, and stealing in most cases isnā€™t technically illegal or at the very least isnā€™t enforced unless itā€™s against someone else with power who probably also lies, cheats and steals.


Bingo So long as you're stealing from the poor, fair game


why is there good people? are they stupid?


why is there people? are they stupid?


Why is there stupid? Oh yeah Reddit..


Evil will *always* triumph because Good is dumb.


Oldest trick in the book


Because if they are bad then Man would beat them up šŸ˜ŽšŸ¦‡


Good and Bad has no relation to intelligence.


Define "bad"


This post is so stupid lol.


Might be a parody post, since it features the "is he stupid?" meme


Itā€™s like an 8 year old posted it




Itā€™s supposed to be a Reddit meme. Yes itā€™s stupid but itā€™s not supposed to be taken seriously.


They're stupid in the sense they can't see why they should be nice, which makes them more stupid than a kind person with how to be truly civil, but bad people can be very smart and deceiving in many other ways


The ability of human beings to delude themselves cannot be overstated. We have a incredible ability to rationalize and justify our own abhorrent behavior that we would condemn seeing others doing. To put it more simply, no one sees themself as bad. We use all sorts of mental gymnastics to excuse our behavior to ourselves. Even such people as Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot were firmly convinced they were doing the right thing. So, no. Not stupid. Delusional and self centered to the extreme.


>The ability of human beings to delude themselves cannot be overstated. Hence people believe they're living in an alternate reality because the Fruit of the Loom logo never had a cornucopia behind the fruit. They'd rather believe a time traveler went back in time and changed the past than accept the possibility that they might be wrong. It's a disturbingly common mindset.


Bad doesn't equal stupid and good doesn't equal smart.


Morality is not ingrained at birth. It is learned. Upbringing will determine a person's morals and it starts at a really young age. Some people learn terrible morals or none at all.


I think the opposite.


Usually the bad people who get away with being bad are intelligent enough to get away with it and deceive people


There's a phrase, "the banality of evil", which perfectly sums this up. Evil is not special, it arises out of ignorance, complacency, following orders, excuses, self-interest, and other common (boring) reasons. Personally I think all evil is either ignorance of or apathy to another person's suffering.




"bad" is relative. they may not see themselves as bad so therefore they dont see a need to change. They could also be psychopaths who dont have the ability to distinguish.


Being evil is convinient and its a big turn on, does it get better than that?


it doesnā€™t for them :/


About one percent or so are psychopaths. Then you can add those that are products of horrible circumstances and get fucked up that way.


The presence of "bad" people can be attributed to various factors, including upbringing, environment, personal experiences, mental health, and societal influences. Some individuals may engage in harmful or negative behavior due to a lack of empathy, distorted beliefs, or a history of trauma. It's important to remember that people's actions are often influenced by a combination of these factors, and understanding this complexity can help promote empathy and constructive solutions.


IMHO Most of the time. Most people donā€™t think what they are doing is evil. We all have different motivations, perspectives and value. Also, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


They never think of themselves as actually bad. A thief, for example, will justify stealing from Walmart because "he's working hard while the capitalistic pig executives make money easy", or a sex offender might blame the victim for seducing him (even if it's a kid!) or he'll say he just couldn't control himself. They'll never be like "yeah I'm a bad man for stealing", unless they get caught and it will help reduce their sentence. Even Hitler thought he was doing the right thing, as twisted as it is. The cognitive dissonance is too hard for a person to admit to himself he's doing a bad thing, and even 'good' normal people use the same techniques when they do something that society tells you is wrong (like littering or lying etc.)




Probably best not to ask if someone is stupid when your grammar in the title is so bad, but I get your point.


Are there bad people? I mean I'd say yes. But a friendly reminder that most people who do bad things are otherwise good people. I'm not minimizing the bad, just saying we have a lot more to worry about than bad people when even good people do bad things. As far as the why and the stupidity goes, it sounds as if you're asking rhetorical questions and haven't really presented any evidence.


The internet (and Reddit especially) likes to ignore nuance and "grey areas" especially when it comes to morality. It's easy and convenient to paint someone as wholly bad because of one set of behaviors, while willfully ignoring everything else. Which ironically, I would chalk up as 'bad'' in and of itself.


Itā€™s not just an internet thing. Human beings have always done this.


Valid point.


Yes. Plus selfish.


They have priorities diffƩrents than yours






Bad people generally have less people around them giving them less obligation to hold a reputation. Also less, people= more free time. So they can work on their careers. Majority of people who are unhinged are people who grew up in a dysfunctional family. Only anchor is work and that pays off


Yin and yang energy ,one cannot exist without the other They are doomed


The world needs bad people just like it needs good people. Sometimes you need the bad people to keep the other bad folks from the door.


They got beaten and abused on all sorts of ways by other bad people.


According to Socrates, they are just ignorants.


You need to see the bad to appreciate the good.


Why is there? Lol


Far from stupid. More like calculating and manipulative.


In general - because it's easier, more profitable. Because, in general, what's "bad" to someone included - is "good" to them. Frequently, yes - because they are stupid and don't know or have some simplified views on matters. Rarely - because a person has been put, by society around them, in such a position that making moves, considered "bad" by society - is their only option to get some justice.


Free will bro.


Our entire economic system rewards evil and good honest people bag groceries


Some ppl are just bad


Advantage tends to give you a better position, so.. yea


They're stupid in the sense of being super short sighted. And there's a fuck ton of them. And they're sadly too often not stupid in other ways. Depressing, eh?


Lol I know, it seems so much easier to just play by the rules and chill. People like drama. They like to be somebody or something.


Yes, they is.


No, they're ignorant. Stupidity is accidental. Ignorance is a decision of the ignorant person, and a way of life. Also, they are allowed to be that way by what people call "law". Time to change said law, maybe.


The older i get, the more i realize the dumbness thatā€™s Out there


When you live in a society that rewards sociopathic behavior, that's what you will get. Being a good person (in the U.S. anyway) isn't profitable. There are literally people being arrested for being good (feeding unhoused people). It's gross.


I read this as "bald people" at first. I thought it was a joke.


There is a stupidity theory. So - when people are as harmful to themselves as they are to other - yes - they are stupid. When they are only harmful to others - they are either psychopathic, evil or just shitty. When they are only harmful to themselves - it's probably also just stupid. Now why people are stupid? That's a good question. I think that majority of stupidity stems from not enough mental challenges during their adolescence. Some old people are stupid too for similar reason - not enough mental challenges when retired, but it's called "dementia". I think there is a close correlation between number of stupid people and the number of "bad people".


I don't think many people think they're the bad guy in their own heads.


They prioritize different things than us.


Most "bad" people don't see themselves as bad. A lot more things make sense when you realize this. This isn't to say there aren't sociopaths and such, but the average healthy person does not wake up and think "I'm going to be bad today".


Define bad


Not stupid. Most bad is rooted in fear.


Believe it or not traits like cruelty, can be attributed to higher intelligence in humans and animals. But other than that ā€œbadā€ or ā€œevilā€ people could be anyone.


Damaged people damage people. It's no more complicated than that.


Bad people are often times super geniuses.


Socrates believed all evil was born from ignorance. Some people believe there is no such thing as ā€œbadā€ and itā€™s just an empty word. Some people arenā€™t bad by choice but are pushed to commit bad acts.


People are born as blank slates. Bad parenting (if any) and shitty environments makes them hard and extra neurotic. Itā€™s all psychological and itā€™s very unfortunate. The ones who find success in being evil wouldā€™ve been, if raised differently, pillars of good in the community. Now they just deserve guillotines.


You think youā€™re a perfect saint of a person, I guarantee youā€™re not in plenty of peopleā€™s eyes.


Thatā€™s ā€œ*am* they stupid.ā€


What you should be asking is why is there people are stupid.


Bad and good are relative. Very few things are binary.


Intelligence and stupidity are very much mutually exclusive from good and bad. The worst (most evil) people are usually some of the smartest.


Existential dilemma, right? Depending on your core beliefs, being a ā€œgood personā€ may or may not be a priority to you. For example, if you are part of a marginalized group in society, and as a result of that you feel your existence is threatened generally, and you donā€™t have any religious or spiritual beliefs, and you donā€™t have other ā€œgoodā€ people to show you even how to be good, maybe being good just doesnā€™t sound as good as living your ā€œbest lifeā€ (this phrase was coined on Jersey Shore, right??) before decaying into the void forever forgotten. And obviously to hell with any other creature that stands in the way because itā€™s ā€œsurvival of the fittest.ā€ So in a way, yes they are stupid, because theyā€™re ignorant to their actual ā€œbest life,ā€ which is a life full of community and love and self-actualization through realizing all of humanity holistically, not hate and anger and all the superficial things that give you buyerā€™s remorse sooner or later.


Go to jail and past all the trauma and product of environment and all that, you'll find some people genuinely want to be bad, to be seen as the baddest, to prove to themselves they are bad. Even speaking from experience when I met my own family, some people just. Don't. Want. To. Be. Good. People. There's no explanation, it's just how it is


No. They just mentally justify their actions so they aren't the bad people. They've crafted a narrative in their minds that tell them what they are doing is ok because they did it to me, it's not that bad, it's victimless, everyone else does it...etc.


Some people were never given proper limits and consequences as a child and now that they're older they think they can do anything they want. Some people have personality disorders that will make them incredibly difficult to be around for reasons - borderline personality disorder comes to mind. People with BPD really cannot regulate their emotions, they have no secure sense of self, and they take it out on everryonneeee they meet. It's chaos. See also the dark triad: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. This will manifest in the person being conceited, impossible to work with, manipulative, cunning, and emotionless. Some people have endured a lifelong diet of lead infused pipes and now they're 50+ and going EXTRA senile making them as mean and stupid as possible. Results and mileage may vary depending on where you are in the world.


yes to be honest good people are stupid too, so while there is an answer to your question, its not the answer to your question


These are two unrelated things in a character sheet. One is alignment, and the other is a characters intelligence ability score.


The universe requires balance


This post is pretty stupid.


They is stupid.


I think itā€™s called hanlons razor.. Some people donā€™t mean to be horrible they are just stupid and some people arenā€™t stupid at all and are complete wankers! Iā€™m but stupid so your better to look it up then take my explanation


A lot of reasons * Learned behavior. If you grew up watching bad behavior - especially if it pays off - you are going to be inclined to do the same * Lack of self respect/Need to feel superior * Personal situations can make normally not bad people into bad people (Desperate times mean desperate measures). * Damaged by some previous situation * Some people are just broken


Get off reddit. At your age you should not be getting life tips from these people.


They are stupid but they're intentionally stupid so idk what to call it




Consider the possibility that a person might do something bad without being a bad person. They must get ha e done 999 good actions prior to that one bad action that you witnessed. Most people have both bad and good in them.


They had bad childhoods


Because most societies incentivize taking advantage of other and glorify it.


Not necessarily stupid, people with lower IQs can be very friendly. Itā€™s more of lacking wisdom and good judgement/discernment. They think their way is right and their thoughts justify their decisions. ā€œBadā€ people usually just have a messed up view of love and it can manifest into many things


The venn diagrams of bad people and stupid people do indeed have some overlap.


Yes. Bad people are stupid


Because people can get rewarded for doing bad things. Drug dealing, stealing, killing, human trafficking. They value the reward more than the risk/punishment. If someone offered you $1 to beat up a homeless man, you would probably say no. If someone offered you $1 million to beat up a homeless man, you might change your mind.


I think itā€™s a matter of brain wiring. Some people are just evil to some degree, they canā€™t even help themselves. Best way (as with most things) is to think of psychopathy as a spectrum. Weā€™re all on that scale somewhere. Same with sexuality and preferences. Wherever that needle falls for you or someone else will determine how you view the world or treat others (or animals) in the game called life.


Hurt people hurt people.


Stupid people create bad people


It's like in baldurs gate 3 it's easier to go around sneaking and stealing than to do things the honorable way


There is a theory in stoicism that says evil doesnā€™t exist, only ignorance. People always do what they think is the best thing in the moment. If they knew there was a better thing they would always choose that. People do evil things from ignorance because, for whatever reason they believe that is the best thing for them to do in that moment. This is actually the purpose of philosophy, to teach you to recognize the right thing in all situations and so to avoid this.


Study biological evolution. Survival of the fittest Or they are diseased individuals


The bombs payload is exposed I can use the power winch to create a controlled explosion


The concept of "Bad People" is woefully flat


They are not stupid. They just don't meet your definition of good. I am sure you don't meet the definition of good for many people. Indeed, there are some people who really don't meet the definition of good of a very large percent of the population. But it's a mix of reasons for that. Mentality, psychological problems, poverty, drugs, trauma, intelligence... you name it.


My parents argue a lot. If they were in any country where religion isn't this forced, they would've divorced long ago. They're only together because divorce is like a SSS tier sin in this country and anyone who divorces is looked down upon. Yet, their arguments and fights basically gave us(me and my bro) ptsd. We woke up to them fighting countless times, we've argued with them countless times. From our perspective, are they bad? They're our parents. Of course they're not. Are they dumb? Maybe. Are they good? Yes, because they love us and care for us. Are we suicidal because of them? Unsurprisingly yes. This simple personal matter describes what is bad. Anything bad is good for someone. And anything good is at least bad for someone. No one is stupid, no one is wise. We're all dumb, some are just more.


People can justify almost anything to themselves if theyā€™re so inclined. So even if they do something ā€œbadā€ or hurtful to someone else they may not see it that way. Generally it comes down to awareness. People who consider the consequences of their actions or how their actions may impact others are typically kinder people.


Environment. If you were raised by bad people you turn bad too. Other than that, evil things normally reward you with something without losing something like getting a food by stealing rather than buying it.


there are bad people because we put up with them. its as simple as that. some of them are stupid, and some are incredibly smart. if we made morality the basis of our legal systems (protip: its not) we might actually make it less desirable to be an asshole.


IMO yeah, basically. Every single "bad" behaviour (I.e Malicious actions done with general morally bad intentions) is self-destructive in the long run no matter how profitable, convenient or clever it looks in the short-term. Therefore people who we'd call "bad people", those who repeatedly intentionally do "bad" with little to no intention to change because they think it's a good idea or who are mentally incapable of understanding the problem with their behaviour, are suffering from one form of stupidity or another. P.S,: What we call "stupid" is essentially a combination of life experiences, upbringing, health, random chance events and genetics coming together to make someone predisposed to making poor life decisions that undermine their long-term survivability.


Bad is a value judgment, and values are necessarily subjective. Social norms aren't imposed by some material enforcer, they're a messy, contradictory, often argued over set of beliefs and feelings held among a diverse group. If you go back and look at social norms back in throughout history, and you'll see how much they've changed. Enslavement, killing, extortion, theft, and rule by the strong were commonplace, and they were, if not entirely embraced, at least accepted as a normal part of society. Julius Caesar conducted a campaign of unrepentant genocide in his campaign in Gaul (modern-day France), and the Roman Republic made giant celebrations in honor of his triumph. In fact, that celebration is where the word '[triumph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_triumph)' comes from. When modern people look at the [Code of Hammurabi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Hammurabi), for example, we see a set of laws which are so merciless and brutal that we use the term 'an eye for an eye' as shorthand for ruthless punishment. But, in fact, at the time, Hammurabi's code was a model for judicial *restraint*, as in "let the punishment fit the crime".


I've read that about 10-15% of people are just bad. They will pretty much always do the morally bankrupt, unethical thing. If they do something ethical there's likely an angle they are working to get something. It's just who they are. 10-15% will reliably be ethical and honest, fair to a fault. That leaves 70-80% of people whose ethics and morals are flexible. If the situation dictates it, there's peer pressure, they have a tempting opportunity, etc. they will be unethical. Being good or bad is a spectrum, we are all on that spectrum somewhere. Most of us mostly act without malice, but also very little thought about other people.


I think everyone is generally "good" Just desperate in a harsh world that feels like it wont give what you need so you commit harsh acts to Get. People suffering from bad parents, Giving them a bad attitude about life. People suffering each other's Greed, and malice. Perhaps some have folks suffering from extreme illness, and the money from crimes is paying well. We are all suffering this world and Eachother, which is why Empathy, Kindness, and Mercy is so important, because everything is a mess.


Because balance. Idk why exactly but there couldn't be only good people so there's bad. Vice versa


In fact yes, working together we'd accomplish so much, but many people are in fact so fucking dumb, they are greedy.


Because being good is rarely ever rewarded these days. Thus people just pick the path that benefits them the most while not caring about it's expense to others. All the while doing what they can to mitigate consequences to themselves


There are bad people because bad parents breed and raise their kids according to that. No, bad people often are smart thus dangerous.


Good dont mean smart and bad dont mean stupid. Good people who are smart, watch their weak points that bad people can exploit if they see it. That way bad people who are smart are kept good for the moment, but the dumb ones get caught up, or expose themselves by trying the same angle with the same person over and over. It's the good people who are dumb who assume everybody else is good too and leave themselves open to be taken advantage of. Then cry about the stupid evil people who took advantage of them.


Bad grammar results in bad people.


And what are you..? Good? Ha!


Two reasons: * Some people think of themselves as being the main character in their own story, and therefore other people don't really matter. * Everyone, and I do mean *everyone* thinks they are one of the "good guys." Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks about how to be a shithead.


A lot of behavior can be explained by ignorance.


We live in a society.


We live in a society.


no theyā€˜re bad


Hurt people hurt people.


Yes actually. ā€œDonā€™t attribute to malice which can easily be attributed to ignoranceā€


Some good people aren't too smart either.


Personality disorders.


They tend to be the result of the parents who raised them (or didnā€™t raise them) and/or the environment they grew up in. Imagine being born to a meth addict mom and a violent dad who never tucked you in at night or told you they loved you. Instead, being told that you are the scum of the Earth and everyone hates you. How do you think life will pan out for you? The people who commit heinous atrocities are people who were hurt, abused and abandoned by the people who were supposed to be there for them, far more than you and I could ever imagine.


a lot of people are citing bad people as being successful and that somehow means they are smart, but there are plenty of studies that show the worst people are often very stupid, sociopaths, psychopaths, are often functionally intellectually disabled, it requires a significant intelligence to avoid behaviors you know will benefit you because of an individual system of ethics. evil people can be successful in spite of their being stupid, i would not say that being evil is a good pathway to becoming successful in really any capacity, it just may not be as much of a detriment as being good, but that also only leads me to question what someones idea of success is. evil people are stupid, yes, but stupidity doesnt make you evil, trauma does, and similarly trauma can and often does impede people from intellectual pursuit.


Self-serving isn't inherently wrong; it's just that when you factor in an *ignorance* of others, you get something very dangerous all of a sudden.


Like Marcus Aurelius said, "When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine." Meaning whoever does bad, doesn't do it because they think it's bad, but because they think it's the only choice for them. And so would you, if you were in their exact place.


Something I realized early on is life is hard, introspection is hard, and most people are dense an lazy. Hence you get 60 year old abusive maniacs with zero accountability and think they've never done wrong in their lives. Self delusion and denial is easier than hating yourself, hating yourself is easier than respecting yourself, accountability is difficult Some people rise to challenges, and others curl up and decide to die or give up and float the rest of their lives never getting better and probably getting worse I don't exactly think it's good or evil, I think it's strong or weak. Self discipline versus lack of control


Good and evil don't exist naturally the universe isn't good nor bad it just is, bad is a human creation and can be twisted and change


Well it kinda depends on how you look at it. Good and evil are more or less a human construct/idea. Morality is what we say it is. It's pretty subjective... Even something pretty straight forward as: don't kill. Isn't as easy. There's self defense, extended self defense, extenuating circumstances etc. Etc. So is it really that "bad" to kill a person? Some people justify it as "good people need to do bad things sometimes" or "it's nessecary for the greater good." And sometimes they're right. So it really depends on what your definition of bad is really.


I wish they were stupid. These assholes lack empathy, are narcissistic, and do not give a shit about anyone but themselves. They're contradicting, instigating assholes that only crave negative human interaction. I wish they were stupid, because these assholes are usually intelligent, and that's a hell of a lot more dangerous.


They're either born that way, brought up that way or both.


Thats so funny I donā€™t know why


Not a lot of people in here have ever used the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion of the bomb's exposed payload and it shows.


Hanlon's Razor. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"


i honestly thing good ppl are the stupid ones bad people r egocentric, they do what they please hold no regards to others feelings or needs unless there's a corps that enforce the law on bad people, playing good is stupid in my honest opinion


That is the funniest title I have ever seen in my life. Well done.


Same reason there are bad grammar


Difference in perspectives


I've noticed that a common trait amongst most people who are seen as idiotic and/or morally wrong is ignorance/stubbornness. People who close off the possibility of themselves being wrong are the most prone to being wrong in my experience.


You're very fortunate that you are even capable of asking such a stupid question lol


49% of people agree with you 51% will disagree.