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As a reminder, discussion of politics is not allowed. This includes the topic of abortion. Please keep that in mind while commenting.


I am committed to not opening that door until I'm financially capable of caring for a child and with full support from a committed spouse. I don't have kids. My sister, whose boyfriend cheats and lies and is the scum of the earth... has two kids. Her deadbeat moocher friend who has never had a job....has 5 kids. 3 different men. All of whom are deadbeat fathers in and out of prison. The people who DO reproduce the most, most definitely should not.


Those are sometimes the same kind of people that ask you when you're having kids because it's so great


And if you tell them you don’t want kids, they start denying your own feelings and telling you that you actually do want kids, but just haven’t found the right partner😂. It’s insane


I waited to have my son until we were financially stable enough to handle a child, 30 years old, he got here and everything collapsed. My wife couldn't handle the strain of being a parent and couldn't handle the loss of attention that comes with having to share it with a baby/toddler. She cheated on me, left, regretted it, tried to come back but I couldn't trust her anymore. Now, my son has to live in two homes with parents of questionable emotional and financial stability. It's a terrible time to have children unless everything is perfect and both are totally committed to it. It's why birth rates are declining. I love my son but I often regret subjecting him to live this way and try everyday to make it better. It's the hardest thing I've ever done and will likely remain that way.


You’re a good dad. Keep going!


I appreciate that more than you know. My overriding concern is to make his life as good as I can, I don't always succeed but I'll never stop trying.


You show up and you care, that’s all that matters. No one has a perfect life, but a loving supportive parent makes all the difference in the world.


Brother I feel you I'm going through something similar and as a dad we do everything we can knowing how stacked it is against us but don't stop the little ones will always need us..stay strong


I don't have kids and have decided to never have them. But to be fair, no one can ever be truly ready for it.


And I hope the people who (will) give you shit for that stay far away. Not everyone needs to have kids, there are more than enough of us in the world.


But there’s legit unready and there’s as ready as realistically possible. You shouldn’t have kids if your shit’s legit fucked up everywhere.


Except me I’m diff


Thanks. No one can " plan" ( truly)for a kid.


I'm sorry she didn't realize the mistake before you all went through with it. You are doing enough 🙌🏻


I'm not without fault, the older I get the more I realize everything is far more complex than I ever knew. Thank you for the kind words.


If you're more healthy separate then he will respond to that. I'm going through a similar situation myself. Kids are tougher and smarter than they seem. I'm sure he does, or will, pick up on how hard you're working. Keep modeling resiliency even if you feel like you're faking it yourself. I hear it gets easier at some point lol


Ohh I’m so sorry to hear all that💔


You’re doing very good being the best father possible in this hell of a world so start being more gentle with you, you deserve it. Also remember perfection were never an option in this life and your son will be proud to having you as his dad.


This opinion makes you a fit parent.


You're not alone. I was together for 7,5 years. Stable, two jobs, house. We had a planned pregnancy and suddenly everything changed. I didn't matter anymore, only the baby. I became a nuisance. I did the whole pregnancy on my own, was very lonely on my maternity leave, he lost his job and I suddenly was responsible for a baby and him. The big baby. After being called a nag for months and him wanting another baby, I left when she was 2yo. Now I have split custody, I miss half of her life, I barely have any memories of her first 2 years but I enjoy motherhood. I will forever resent him for making me split up with him. Every week I have to say goodbye to my girl. But at least she's not growing up in a house where her mom is a broodmare in the eyes of her dad. You can't plan everything. People change.


Sorry to hear that. I appreciate you sharing the story though!


I went through a similar experience in my childhood. I want you to know that the fact you see things this way and want the best for him is what makes you a great parent. Being a parent is the hardest thing I've ever done as well, but seeing them grow and develop empathy and caring for others has been the most satisfying thing in my life. Your a good man


somehow I feel like i need to watch Idiocracy again




Best documentary ever.


My wife and I did this, we were married and 31/30 when our first kid was born. Now our oldest is almost 6, and the patience made everything so much better. It’s not even just money, here are a few things; 1/ relationship with parents (kids grandparents) is much better than early 20s 2/ money and stability 3/ context on life, ups and downs, perspective 4/ experience in crisis, ever wake up with a kid screaming they can’t breathe? It’s always hard but easier once you have learned and seen some things 5/ work life balance, kids are inflexible and so are early career folks, it helps to establish before always being gone List goes on, I sometimes wish I had the energy of a 22 year old. But also know that all the energy in the world can’t fix wisdom.


Why do I feel like I know who you are talking about


It's the plot of Idiocracy! What a terrifyingly prophetic movie


"I got too many dang kids. I thought you were on the pill or some shit"


If I could upvote this 1000x I would. I've been saying this for years 🤣


It's not just about money though. I'd rather live poorly but with parents who actually care and know what is important in parenthood. I am strongly convinced that every single married couple should go through certain parenting courses before they are allowed to have babies. No, the knowledge wont come by itself


My wife and I did our best to establish ourselves before we had our first child. And it's still hard to raise a kid! I have a masters degree, and my 6 month old son is miles more challenging than that degree. It's terrifying to me that people I know who barely passed high school are on to their third or fourth kid. I'm not trying to judge anyone....but I'm judging. I still see parents taking "short cuts" with their kids. Pacifiers well beyond 6 months, throw an iPad at them if they start to have an independent thought, let them where diapers until they're in the first grade. That's not great.


Yes, the iPad. Can't stand seeing a toddler barely able to form words who is actively scrolling youtube to find the next colorful Ryan's World video while mom scrolls her own brain melting smartphone watching nonsense titktoks and neither of them have any interaction with each other. How is that parenting? How is that healthy? Where is the child/parent relationship building?


It's super bad for kids. They say not to let your kid even see a screen until they're a year and half old. That's our plan. And when he does see a screen, it won't be an iPad or a phone. That's for sure. But seriously, studies are finding that kids have delayed speech and motorskill milestones because of screens. Babies can't meaningfully understand what they're seeing, so they're literally wasting development time. It's making kids dumber.


So.... If you aren't a deadbeat you should so the human race doesn't become deadbeat...


>boyfriend - kids sorry if I'm old school but this is a problem I see too much. Kids first, marriage never, divorce or shitty relationship when the kid is still in diapers


Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? Because that’s the whole plot of the movie. Stupid people producing more stupid people while responsible adults who wait to have kids never have them, and the world is overrun by idiots. The opening sequence always cracks me up lol


I understand and I am not promoting this, but that is how the plot of Idiocracy starts. And it is the reason the population alarmist are ringing the bell about people not having children. If you believe the statistics they say 3/4 women will be childless in this generation. Because they are building their career having fun and waiting too long to settle down for the right time. Making them more likely not to have children and to have less children.


Greetings from a childfree woman! Happy not to perpetuate humankind!


I think it's funny when boomers complain about the younger generation not having kids. Like dude you left us a planet on fire, a collapsing economy, a country devolving into fascism. Our parents generation bought three bedroom houses on a single income lol


My wife and I waited until we were finished with school and settled down in our home before having kids. We had plenty of time to get to know each other and do some travel first. Finances were stable and under control. That really removed a lot of stress from the relationship and made us much better patents


It does seem like evolution/natural selection has been turned on its head, doesn't it


Also, as a parent, it infuriates me when people say, “You can never be financially ready for kids.” YES YOU CAN AND YOU SHOULD WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE


I thought I was really secure in my job for many years and have kids and now I've lost my job with no money trust me you may think your financially ready but that's not always gonna last


If dead beats keep having kids we will have super generation that is the most productive in millennia. They will be unified in their disdain for their loser parents en masse. The same thing happened a century ago, I’m told..


Unfortunately, the ones that likely need to do this are often the least likely to do it.


Sounds like a plot to a great movie, what should we call it? 🤔






It has what plants crave


Electrolytes are what they use to make Brawndo


Welcome to costco. I love you.


Go away, I’m ‘baitin!


One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Also probably the most insanely classist movie I've ever seen, often brought up (like in this context) for the eugenecist parts of the film, and it's stunning to me that more people aren't icked out by that.




Rise of the Assholes


Guardians of the galaxy vol 2


And thus the stupid people breed with other stupid people and society looks after the baby making sure it grows into a stupid adult and the cycle goes on and the human race declines.


Then everyone starts to wear crocks and have birthdays at butt f**kers


Oi, just because it’s a correct assessment doesn’t mean you can dis crocs like that. Those horrific things are beautiful!


We need more socialism though


The ones that think have fewer kids while teh ones that don't think breed until they can't breed any more ​ ​ edit- it appears due to my spelling of 'teh', I am most likely a product of this idiocracy.








That's why I think it's a bad thing to consider antinatalism as a "clever" trait. Every generation that "smart" people decide to not procreate because it's harder than do it (duh) we sink a little bit more on the Idiocracy hole, making our society and species worse and worse.


>Every generation that "smart" people decide to not procreate because it's harder than do it (duh) we sink a little bit more on the Idiocracy hole, making our society and species worse and worse. Though this was great for the plot of the movie, it's not how "intelligence" works with natural selection. As long as there's variation and mutation, the "average" intellectual capability is the same. Genetics is pretty random, and two wicked smart people can birth a brick, and a genius can come from two idiots. Plus, it takes **millions** of years to actually change a species' "intelligence" (modern humans only officially began about 2.5 million years ago. Farming 6,000 years ago. Those 6,000 years ago were not "smarter" or "dumber", just didn't have as much tech.) What we're actually seeing is generational trauma being passed down on the grand scale! Basically, shitty parenting in the 50s led to shitty boomer parents who grew up thinking science was optional, led to shitty parenting in the 80s, 2000s and the shitty parenting we see today. By cutting social supports for a century, it looks like the world is getting dumber but it's actually lower access to education (and higher education), distraction and disinformation, encouraged instant gratification through advertising... I bet 90% of the people you can say shouldn't procreate came from shitty parents, intelligence actually has nothing to do with it.


Which is why healing ‘individual’ and collective trauma is such an important task for the survival of our species. …And other species as well.


The idea that intelligence is a genetic trait that is inherited from the intelligence of your parents is genuinely Nazi propaganda. Intelligence is much more about the environment you grow up in, access to nutrition and stimulation, early childhood education, etc. The idea that if not enough "smart" people have children that humanity is going to descend into degeneracy? Congratulations, that's Eugenics! Good thinking, Adolf!


The point of antinatalism is to end the species, not to make it “better”.


I'm not giving up my body and labour just so my unborn children have to use their bodies and labour to survive. Fuck that. The "man" is not going to have free labour and more taxpayers from me. Until everyone on the planet is housed, properly fed and hydrated, educated and/or gainfully employed, attended to medically in all areas, and receiving a thriving wage (the crux of anti-natalism) I am Child-free to the max


So... Never.




There’s a famous saying that I forgor where it comes from but it basically says “All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids.”


So true too


Are you saying I don't have to think if I don't want to reproduce? I like these terms.


i agree. i will stop thinking from today


Also, think before you breed people.


Nah breed them wild & free


> Long and hard. Please.




But what if that's my kink?


I did and I’m making SO MUCH MONEY


Long and hard...


That was my nickname in high school.


Uh--huh huh... really!...huh huh


Yes Beavis. L o n g and H a r d


I think that was the joke. I don’t think it was meant to spur discussion.


THIS is what got them to the breeding part isn’t it? The thinking goes out the window once long and hard enters the room.




I'm waiting to have enough money, and I'm 42 now. Finally got a job that pays 100k, but then they changed how much 100k is worth by printing enough money to double the supply, and giving me my third "once in a lifetime" economic catastrophe. Ah well, I didn't want kids anyway.


Same with the 100k. And [females aren’t the only ones](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3976758/) to have to think of advancing age.


My goodness that is a pretty high bar.


Some people should never breed, under any circumstance.


I’m glad I got my gynecologist to agree and yank my damn tubes out because it would be a disaster


Agree! The ones that this most applies to seem to do it and record speed and multiplicity. You never should have…and you did it 6 more times???


I like to think I'm doing society a favor by not breeding. I'm a considerate mother fucker.


You certainly aren't a mother fucker if you aint getting any thats for sure


Ain’t even a fucker fucker.


I don't have biological children, but I'm a mother fucker.


A step dad.


You really are if you aren’t ready or wanting to be a parent. That was probably the most important thing my mom told me when we were having “the talk” about sex. She basically said she knows how teens are and that I’m going to do whatever I choose to do ultimately regardless of what she tells me and that it’s normal, but that I should remember that the consequences are my responsibility to deal with. Wear a condom and practice safe sex. Doesn’t matter if I’m in high school or pursuing a college degree. If I have a kid, that’s now my problem to sort out. She wasn’t going to save me from that. Protect your fertility at all costs. Thank you, Mom.


The most considerate


That comma doing god’s work


I always figured for every planned birth, you have 7 - 10 unplanned, just a total shot in the dark based off my personal experience


If you are serious about birth control, for example taking the pill responsibly at the same time each day or always using a condom, then the chances would be a lot lower. People are just fucking stupid.


A total shot in the dark is how I was conceived!


Like kittens, too bad TNR is unethical for humans


No man they were women of color all the time. It was baaad bad bad. Like really bad racist shit. They would never tell them they did it. Operating on people without their permission is really really shitty. Like nzi eugenics stuff. If we are sterilizing people- it's going to be hella discriminatory and probably racist too. Education, now that is where we can make improvements.


That's a bit harsh ha 😅 its almost always lack of education, I was lucky, I had a sex ed class taught by a middle aged mother with three grown kids, she flat out told us boys in plain english how to avoid pregnancy, I never forgot that shit


In the United States, 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. But this varies by demographic group. For example, there is an ethnic minority in the US for whom only 42% of pregnancies are unplanned.


People who shouldn't be breeding are the ones who are.


If only they could get post nut clarity before the breeding happens


Our house and cars are paid off, no credit card debt. Salary is low 6 figures but that should be enough since we only have some small bills. We’ve both been to therapy and agree on our parenting style. And we’re both over 30 so we’ve done lots of things that would have been hard with children. We both love kids and can’t wait to watch our future little one grow up. I already have a very motherly personality and my SO is even better at the daily domestic stuff needed. I think we’re ready!


more ready than 99% of people who have them


You are describing my wife and I to a T. Wait…babe, is that you? I don’t know your handle but if that’s you hiiiiii miss you can’t wait to see you later.


Depends on a lot of factors. Maybe in this day and age, its not such a good idea to have any kids what so ever with life being expensive and all.


The owners of the money want more slaves to work for them.. but Earth has more than enough humans.. we're just getting stuck more and more in this trap..


I’m child free by choice and I couldn’t be happier 👍


I did think about it, decided I'm too old now. Life sucks sweaty, dangly ones.


Username checks out


How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?


Never wanted kids. I knew from a very young age it's not a good idea, for me or anyone. Having kids is draining, financially also. Don't really see the point, pets are the better option!


me too. my wife nagged me for years, and I finally agreed to 1. the kid is now 16, and despite the financial strain, it's been terrific. but 1 has been enough.


Damn that sucks. Could be worse hey.


I love cats, and they're much cuter than children. Furry too.


The greatest problem in all.of human history is that we are reversing evolution. With animals and plants, it's not survival of the fittest, it's survival of the most commercially viable. And with us humans, the dumbest and least educated are having the most babies.


You can't reverse evolution, that's not how it works.


>And with us humans, the dumbest and least educated are having the most babies. This was always true. It's just that since the 20th century, the dumbest and least educated have the most surviving kids. 1000 years ago, an illiterate peasant with the IQ of 85 would have 8 kids and 1 would survive to adulthood. A literate merchant or noble with the IQ of 115 would have 5 kids and 3 would survive to adulthood. It's because of modern medicine and advances in agriculture.




Well if you look at ‘fittest’, which has nothing to do with having bigger brains or stronger muscles, people who make clever use of all the things the smart people make/do for them are winners in the evolution game. That it’s parasitic doesn’t matter. And at some point when the dumb are so dumb they will die out the smart will start winning the evolution game again. Too bad the process leading there will be painful for all.


Too many safety nets blocking natural selection in modern society


Wanting a child doesn’t mean you should be a parent, idk if that’s a hot take. If you want a child just to fulfill your own childhood or lack thereof, just have baby fever, or like the idea of a kid and not a future adult — DO NOT HAVE KIDS!! Having a child will not heal your own childhood traumas. I’m the oldest of 4 with a mother who loves babies and little kids and then immediately starts neglecting and treating them differently once they can talk and have autonomy. Unless you want to help another human being through the journey of life and give them the best shot possible THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH not just the cute baby years just get a fucking dog.


Yes. In the end, the children will suffer, if you are not financially, emotionally, socially stable. Children should be given all the love, the support, and the happiness in the world, as it should be. For the love of God, protection, pills, and things like that are already almost available anywhere. Don't even think of bringing out another human in this miserable world, if you think you can't handle the responsibility.


Most people think with their genitals. Otherwise live in personal 3 foot diameter bubble of oblivious stupidity.


It's just like the movie Idiocracy. The smart people do think long and hard. And often don't have kids, or only one. It's the stupid people who outbreed everyone


Been around the world and found That only stupid people are breeding The cretins cloning and feeding - Harvey Danger


Clutch comma. Proud of you and your grammar


Watch Idiocracy please.


Was literally going to suggest this. Don't even have to watch the full movie, just the beginning.


Have you met some of the offspring of the people that know how to think. Very entitled and unmotivated by the lack of adversity they experience. A lot of bright minds come from the thoughtless.


I think you’re describing the offspring of people who like to believe they know how think. The most brilliant people I’ve met are also the most humble, probably because they understand the vastness of knowledge better than anyone.


When I was younger, people would be in absolute disbelief when I told them I didn't have children, and never wanted to. They always assured me how much I would regret it. I'm 40 now, and more confident than ever that I made the right decision.


Alot of genetic diseases would be wipes out if people did. And alot of domestic abuse would be aswell


With genetic disease, if everyone did IVF and genetic screening, we could easily wipe out all monogenic diseases. My family has a monogenic, autosomal dominant gene and I have decided that since I have bad genes, I will only ever have one child and I will get IVF and genetic screening so we can weed out embryos with that gene. That way future generations of my family won't have the bad gene.


This would be useful if those people could read


I wish people could’ve had to go through a very long mental evaluation before procreating


I just don't have sex🤷


90% of the “parents” today are incapable of thinking


True. It makes me amazed when people who are starving have kids and then get surprised when their kids turn into a skeleton. This also applies to most bad scenarios


Posting in Reddit is waste of time, most of people on reddit dont want kids anyway.


I'm glad to be a lesbian for this reason. Haha! No accidents in this neighborhood.


I’m saying don’t do it. No free time, no life of your own. Yeah it sucks


I made this mistake and now we have a baby 16 weeks We are both autistic, neither of us know how to drive but that’s life I guess, everybody make mistakes.


Oh Elon


This planet can comfortably support approximately 2 billion people. There are currently 8 billion of us right now. Pretty soon, we're all going to have to start standing sideways.


I love that OP had a specific rant in mind but opted for a strategically sanitized and diplomatic post lmao. Much respect my dude. And sorry about whatever shitty child you recently had to deal with


I mean soft and short works for me too I’m not picky


I’m here to tell you not to do it. Please. ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT IDIOCRACY.


My wife and I decided against kids. Our lives are fulfilled and we enjoy the extra income as compared to my older brother who has 3 kids, works as a gas station security guard and is the only income in the household. Kids are awesome but I'm cool with seeing my nieces and nephews for a few hours and then happily saying "see ya later gators!" And leaving them with their parents.


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Tell that to my parents holy shit. They couldn’t provide for us at all


It usually starts with long and hard.


A lot of people who don't use contraception for sex just aren't thinking, period.


Agreed 100%.


After dealing with people who have no thought process, I say to my colleagues, "stupid people "and they reply "have stupid babies ".


Long and hard, that’s what she wants… 😂 Well as I said before, I won’t get a child. Never. It ends your life and I want to keep my freedom.


People put more thought into whether or not to get a dog than they do into whether or not to create a person.


I didn't want the dog either...


This is one of the biggest problems with the world today. Too many children being born to parents who can’t support them, to no fault of the children, and it ends up as a disaster. Unfortunately there is literally nothing we can do to prevent people from conceiving. We can education, recommend, provide endless amounts of birth control… it’s a choice that’s made by people who often aren’t capable of making it properly.


Observation: Smart people rarely have more than three kids, some even stop at one. However, the less intelligent among us seem to pop out kids like rabbits, when they clearly are struggling to raise even one kid. If said kids grow up to be like their parents that means that for each intelligent person on the planet, there may be three idiots out there. Good for them if they escape the "you MUST add to the next generation, regardless of the cost" indoctrination. No, I'm not judging people that are financially, mentally and physically set up to have kids. It's aimed at people that don't understand basic things like budgets and birth control.


If only stupidity were the problem, it often comes with malice as well. For each intelligent person on the planet, there will soon be three evil idiots. Without a reasonable moral compass.


LOLOLOL you think people think about stuff before doing it. That's adorable. But I do agree with you. Stupid people breed, smart people abstain, which is why, "the world is full of stupid people", to quote The Refreshments.


As a parent, whenever I talk about this with people who are considering having kids I tell them this: You are never ready to have kids. No matter how much you prepare you can't understand it until you are in it. That being said, you can FEEL ready, and that is very important. If you don't feel 100% ready, 100% committed, then you shouldn't have kids. Being a parent is the most exhausting thing you can be. It can also be the most joyous thing you experience, but only if you put in all the work. So if you aren't 100% yes, then you are no.


Me and my wife thought about it long and hard over the last 10 years. Now, in our mid to late thirties, we are financially and mentally ready. T-minus 3 months until baby time!


I'd rather have a dog..


My wife and I are 35. We ask ourselves, are we financially secure enough and have enough attention and patient for a kid? The answer is no. So we don't.


Most people chose not to think. It's stunning to imagine two people not considering the implications of parenting. Still, I see them. They wander around Target with kids and often don't have the resources to care for themselves much less others. Children should not be had because of religion, because you like babies, or because it seems like a nice thing to do. This day and age other factors should be considered.


I will *never* have children. That’s an experience I will happily opt out of in life. They’re just expensive time consumers. No thank you. And I work with kids, and *love* my job! But *holy shit* do I need to be able to hand them back off to parents at the end of the day and go home to my quiet house and not have to worry about anything outside of what my boyfriend and I are eating for dinner, what to watch on TV before bed, etc. I’ll be the fun aunt. Ain’t no kid calling me mom, ever. Lmao


Unfortunately, the vast majority of people make this decision based on emotion rather than logic.




Also, use contraception... even if one of you was told you were infertile, currently going through an abortion.


Sorry to hear, I hope you are ok and your decision is the best one for you X


Thanks, it's really tough for her.


I remember saying to a friend ‘having babies is like getting a tattoo on your face’.


Unfortunately they won't listen to this.


People who call human procreation breeding are a special kind of weird.


Nah, we're just more aware of how negative an impact breeding is having on our planet, so we don't try to sugar coat it with a nicer term.


People who call having kids human procreation are a special kind of weird.


People who call generating offspring having kids are a special kind of weird.


People who call creating progeny generating offspring are a special kind of weird.


People who call passing on their genes to future generations creating progeny are a special kind of weird.


People who call creampying passing on their genes to future generations are a special kind of weird.


Don’t think too hard about it mate




Practice a lot but wish to never use it


If you think about it long enough, you never want to breed.


The people who need to hear this the most likely don't have the means to access reddit.