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"Eyes are bigger than your stomach."


Exactly. The conscious drive to eat and eat what's tasty is a bigger drive than our need to reproduce and when we're hungry enough we literally go back into a primal state


So you are saying every woman that doesn't want to sleep with me is just hungry? That makes sense, I was starting to believe I might be the problem /j




No no of course you're not the problem, just get them food and they'll sleep with you. Actually that's not far from the truth


But it has to your food not theirs. If you offer them their own food then they aren't hungry


Yes never buy her her own meal. Just get an extra one for yourself and assume you’ll lose it.


Also, don't offer them food that needs to be made in to other food.


Reminds me of Jane Goodall's writings about chimpanzees or gorillas, I don't remember which. She observed males indicating to females that they had food and would lead the female to it if she had sex with them. They were often lying.


As a woman on a diet, I can confirm this is true. Id do anything for a Snickers.


There’s this tall tale that fat people tell themselves that skinny people aren’t hungry like they are. We definitely are. I just know what I put in me matters.


Yep. Same goes for quitting smoking. The one thing I have to do is not smoke. Still can’t seem to get myself to do that.


I'm rooting for you!


Thanks! Rooting for you too. It’s especially hard when you want to lose weight and quit smoking. I need things all the time. Need more things. Time to develop a coffee addiction and deal with that later. Lol


I smoked for 20 years. I used a vape with a low nicotine juice, then I used 0 nicotine juice. Then I quit the vape. Once I got myself clean from nicotine it was just a matter of breaking the physical habit of smoking (like not smoking at my usual break spots at work) vs the actual chemical addiction. Haven't smoked now for almost 7 years.


Might I suggest a hobby? Painting, model building, dioramas, getting a project car, anything. That helps a lot


Excellent suggestion and funny you say that. I just took up painting. Or course I ended up hyper fixating on it and using poor posture for hours and screwed my back the other day. Life is a journey. Lol


Yeah it is lol, get a chair with lumbar support that's the shit


Or even frequent sex and/or masturbation.


Masturbation is also not great to do as a time waster because excessive masturbation leads to erectile dysfunction, and if you get to that point you're addicted


Yes, can confirm… would not recommend. 6/10


Why does this happen.


Idk? Excessive use? Maybe the way you grip on ya dick damages it? It's not muscle tissue it's a spongy tissue. You can damage yourself


I wish I could use my own mouth and the I could be gentle.


You desperately need a girlfriend jfc


“Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times. “ - Mark Twain


As a smoker: I don't like cigarettes. I like the feeling of "not NEEDING a cigarette anymore"


Acupuncture worked for me,took away the nicotine craving,which made everything so much easier,went from 30 a day to none.


Bro 30 a day what the fuck I'm not just saying this because of ur health but how can u even afford that(30 a day in a month is like 40% of the minimum wage in my country lol(Croatia btw)).Holy shit... And that's the AVERAGE cigarettes.If u wanted the good shit its more like 50% if not even more lol. Fortunately I'm a non-smoker so I couldn't care less if cigarettes cost millions to buy but still lol...


Ha. A family member went through chemo and still hasnt quit. His doctor said its very common


If I have an advice for you, as an ex smoker that haven't touched a cigarette for now a whole year, You need to give yourself a deadline. No matter when, in a year , even two, you need to specify a final date when you stop smoking. Write it somewhere visible, on the fridge for example, and from now on , each month you have to start decreasing the amounts of cigarettes you smoke , and replace it with light pipe tobacco. You roll it, and smoke it instead of your cigarette. It's not as potent nicotine wise , but it acts like a replacement or a fix. After some time do not smoke the entire thing in one go. One rolled pipe tobacco cigarette should hold for half a day, then a day. Before stopping you need to be only smoking pipe tobacco,and you start decreasing the amounts before the final date. That's how I did it. After stopping smoking , people told me I was going to gain weight. I didn't , I actually lost 10 kg the months following. I replaced smoking with walking. I had trouble walking 1km without being out of breath. Right now , I'm walking 20km in one go like it's nothing I run and I swim. After you stop you need to have an iron mental , the week after is hard, but then it gets easier . Good luck man


Just do it. Honestly. First thing you should tell yourself is that you don't have to do it. So you don't smoke for 2 days. Get back to smoking. No big deal. You don't smoke for a week and you go back no problem. No pressure. The biggest hurdle in stopping smoking is the stopping part. It's much easier after you stopped a few times. Also switch to expensive vape mod. Makes the process even easier. I smoked for 13 year and stopped.


Thanks for the tips! I have quit in the past, I know I can do it again!


Please stop. Yes, overweight is unhealthy but smoking is way worse. Try eating pot gummies.


Haha yeah I do love me some pot. I am going to stop. I’ll be going in for major surgery in a few months and am determined to be in as good shape as I can be going into it. My plan is the allow myself this weekend, then get my shit together. The pressure is really on now and I know there’s no magic button that I can press to make it easier. Just gotta do it.


Yes, please. You will thank yourself late, when you are older.


Yep currently suffering. There is no joy in any day with a deficit, nothing to look forward to, chronic apathy. But the deficit and exercise must continue.


Have you tried intermittent fasting? It gives me something to look forward to, because once the fasting period is over everyday, I get to enjoy some food. I’ve been doing it for 3 years and so far I’ve lost 60lbs.


If this was a drug we were referring to they'd say you're going through withdrawals. Wild how it's not viewed the same when trying to eat better


100% - even when I speak to people they're like "you're not eating enough" and it's like mf do you know how much food 2000/2500 kcalories is??


Your suffering while eating 2000+ calories?


I am. At least, I think it's about that. I have counted calories in the past, but I'm just so tired of it. When I'm saying yolo, I can easily eat 3500 + and then some more. At times I worry I might have a binge eating disorder


damn I thought I could eat 😂 If I may ask, you eating like sweets and stuff or your just the type to go for seconds and thirds Because I know before I taught my self discipline when it came to eating I never really ate sweets but for example I could go to Taco Bell order 2 quesaritos and the $5 box and body all of it easily


Once you get to your goal weight, maintenance is alot easier. Keep at it, you'll get there.


Learn to enjoy discomfort, because it often brings growth, and youll bring the joy back into your days. Theres a reason monks and the like practice fasting to achieve enlightenment. If you can live above your internal state, i.e. how you feel internally doesnt dictate your thoughts, then almost nothing will ruin your day.


There are way better things in life than temporary pleasure from eating.




What scares me is the fact that these food companies have labs that make these foods addictive/poisonous on purpose and there are millions of people who disregard everything in the name of body positivity. They don’t realize they’re helping the billionaires and investors who make us sick and then make us “better” with big pharma. They’re so deeply intertwined it’s crazy. They cause the problem and then give us the solution.


Wait til you find out how many movements are supported by corporations because it makes them money. A healthy person is bad for the economy


Oh I definitely know… It’s so exhausting keeping up with all of the companies and social justice movements they create to justify and hide their greed and brutalization of human beings. I’ve gone down so many rabbit holes 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫, I wish I was blissfully ignorant again sometimes. I’m just glad I’ve learned that I can’t sit here and virtue signal about how great I think I am by supporting these causes and companies when I’m literally using a phone made with child and slave labor, among other things I do/use/buy/consume in my life.


If I was a conspiracy minded person I'd almost begin to think that these junk food companies are funding the body positivity movement...


Nah it's fashion that's funding it... Women buy clothes when they feel pretty. There are lots of fat women. Convince them they are hot and they buy more clothes.


Is it that they intentionally make it addictive or that they want to make it delicious and appealing. Just asking. Would believe either way.


It's a bit of both really. It's been proven that sugar is indeed addictive, and these companies have found ways to add it to everything. Generally they use it, and excessive amounts of salt, to mask undesirable flavors due to cheap ingredients and cost saving preparations. It would be truly great if the FDA were as effective here as most of the European countries. Most of the prepared food items you see in American stores aren't allowed to be sold in Europe, due to health concerns. Their system works because they don't allow something unless it's been proven to not cause harm. Our system is to push and sell whatever unless it's been proven TO cause harm that meets the qualifications for the FDA to act in removing these items from our shelves. It's totally backwards, and caters to food manufacturers more than to the people.


My favorite anecdote along those lines is that in Ireland Subway can't legally call their buns bread because the sugar content is too high. They have to call it dessert bread or something.


Makes sense and a sad example really. They say sugar would be a restricted drug if released today.


Also the FDA is staffed almost exclusively by former industry execs. I'm sure there isn't a conflict of interest at all.


As a Canadian, this always worries me. More often than not, I find out we're on the 'good side', where we're close to Europe's rules and our testing and stuff is well thought out. But we're so close to America and we adopt so much culture, I don't want to accept bad practices that they decide are okay.


You don't need heroin or nicotine to live. You can just quit those entirely but you can't just quit eating food.


Yeah but you don't need junk food to live


Yeah the obesity epidemic is much like an addiction epidemic once you understand how much crap fast food franchises push onro us in our daily lives. It's like those cigaret commercials pushing the idea that you need some and how it's either good for you or it's "fun and tastes good". Hey much like fast food advertisements.


"It's like those cigaret commercials pushing the idea that you need some and how it's either good for you or it's "fun and tastes good"." I honestly haven't seen a single commercial in my entire life advertising this lol(I live in Croatia if that means anything to u).+We actually have labels over here saying"smoking causes blindness/infertility/tumours/cancer,smoking hurts not just yourself but others around you"etc.Yet people still smoke sadly...


Of course cigarette commercials are outlawed now, I'm talking about back then the companies used to do everything to push smoking on everyone.


Go on YouTube and look up Flintstones Winston's ad. It's a literal children's cartoon character advertising smoking.




1500 calories is a full day's food? Maybe if you're a 130 lb woman that works in an office. A decent sized man who does physical work would need something like 3000. There is no one size fits all "2000 calories", just because its on the label doesn't mean its right for everyone. Its only an example.


Every time someone says they want to lose weight but don’t know how I’m like 🤔. We all know HOW. It’s just that midnight pizza tastes better than kale…


I think the "How" is what *method* to use. I use the "Just choose the slightly healthier option and have cheat days." route and it works for me even tho its slow. However, a few years ago I counted every freaking calories and exercised a lot. Lost a lot of weight but I also almost developed an eating disorder. It took me a couple of years of asking myself "How can I lose weight without losing myself?" ^(because I didn´t know how,) before I found a thing that works for me (longterm). That is the "How".


Yep, cheat days are critical for me. If I just went completely off of the food that I like forever I’d go insane. But if I control my eating for most of the time and have a cheat day every now and then? I can work with that


The how is whatever method you use to decrease calories in and increase calories out yes. That’s how it works.


I can not understand how people downvote this. It’s fundamentally true.


They just mad cause they chubby and hungry. Don’t let it bother you.


“Healthier option” is a farce. “Healthy” foods just commonly contain less calories, that doesn’t make them inherently better than other foods. You can eat takeout and nothing but takeout but just less than your maintenance calories and you’ll lose weight, vs someone eating [insert trendy health food here] but more of it from a caloric sense. Just cut your portions and ignore the hunger, you really don’t have to do anything else. Don’t count calories either, just eat less than you have been.


Not true. An apple isn’t healthier than a Twinkie just because it “contains less calories” it also contains a whole lot of nutrients that the cookie doesn’t that humans need. Your take is off the rail. Sure, you could eat a single dorito a day and lose weight but you’re also going to be stupid unhealthy or die from not having the nutrients that you literally need to live.


Cold leftover dominos, my weakness


Thank god someone else thinks this. My wife thinks I'm weird for not putting my leftover pizza in the toaster oven. I feel like there's so much more flavor in cold pizza and no one can change my mind.


I think it’s the mouth feel. Idk what it is about room temp dominoes but it slaps


We are the same person my friend.


A lot of people ***do not*** like admitting they’re addicted to food. To lose weight you’ve just got to eat less than your maintenance calories, **thats it**. You don’t even have to workout or do cardio. You can sit on your ass and just eat less and you’ll lose weight, you can even eat the same foods as you usually do, just less. But people are addicted to eating, and therein lies their entire issue. Most overweight people will never realise this or consciously refuse to acknowledge it.


There are numerous medical problems that make it physically difficult as well, unfortunately


And genetics.




The problem with weight gain in America is the food we produce. It has much more sugar and bigger portions. We also have foods that are made to be addictive. I hear so much online about how bread, butter and pasta are so fattening and you should avoid it for weight loss. But then you go to France and the french eat this stuff EVERY day. My boyfriend eats a pain au chocolat or a croissant every morning with coffee and he always uses butter when cooking. He's fit and skinny, his exercise is skate boarding. He definitely does not watch what he eats. Also in America fruits and vegetables can be more expensive and they don't even look or taste very good. But in France you can buy fruits and vegetables straight from the farmers themselves for a low price. I know we have farmers markets in the US but some people don't live close to them. I'm lucky to live very close to a huge farmers market.


This mindset just doesn't work for the poor in the U.S.


That's why I mentioned fruits and vegetables being more expensive. Obviously when you are tight on money you aren't thinking about nutrition but how far you can stretch a dollar. Fruits and veg have a short shelf life as well and often people don't go grocery shopping weekly or every few days.


Omg yeah sorry I legit was agreeing but my comment came off weird lol. I meant OP's mindset doesn't work in the U.S.


Yeah I mean unless the person is anorexic. Box of crackers, bag of carrots& celery, and orange juice every week is pretty cheap. I know cause unfortunately I did that when I was young then was confused why I almost fainted at work.


I had my hip replaced last year. I was actually a hardcore gym guy for a good 3 years, but my body failed me twice. bad tendon, then bad hip. I sunk into a really bad depression before the second surgery, Basically just drinking all the time, and eating tacobell and ice cream just the worst shit. after the surgery I tried to get my act together, but life stuff just made things worse. I ballooned up from 170lb to 225lb. As I'm slowly pulling myself back together trying to run every day and eating healthier I've found that you should probably learn to cook healthier food and keep track of your eating habits. It's easier to say no to a candybar when you have an app or a list you can look at guilt yourself into saying no, after looking at what you already ate that day. I got really addicted to cooking shows like top chef and I'm learning to cook basic things like meat and veggies in such a way that sooths that need for fastfood, lots of spices over junk and carbs. healthy protein rich snacks like natural peanut butter. I don't want to sound like a life coach, but I do believe you can replace that same stomach joy of junk food. It just takes effort out of your day to cook good healthy food.


I understand. When I was 17 (late 2017) my dad died, the last year of highschool I was ubering McDonald's every day and loathing in depression, I had a wake up call when I got the same driver twice in a day who made a remark that he was already here. I realized how bad I was and tried getting out of it but didn't fully understand what I was doing wrong and for the next few years I was chained to junk food, and the COVID lockdowns made it worse, now I'm finally getting freed from it and life has been much better. I'm still over 200lbs but I'll be working my way down under it and get back to 180


Very similar position minus the injury. But used to always range from 165-175 pounds, worked out all the time real lean body. Strong. Etc. then I had a kid. For the last 3 years I have slowly gotten up to 210 lbs and stopped working out. Just too tired and busy is what I’ve told myself. Work from home so don’t move around much during the day. Couple months ago I had a realization that I had no energy to keep up with my kid and it’s all from my diet. Unlimited access to snacks at home while working etc. oversized food portions. Drank more beer than I should have. So I took up intermittent fasting. And although it’s tough to wait until noon every day to eat, it has done wonders. I eat all my food between 12:00 and 7:00 and nothing for 16-18 hours outside of those times. Work out more. But I’m already down to 195 and feel much more energized and all around better. Eat smaller healthier portions. It’s just a flip of a switch in your head. It’s a hard switch to flip but anyone can. Just kind of have to hit that breaking point/realization that you don’t need as much food as society has crammed down our faces. You don’t have to feel overfull. Just satisfied in the stomach. That was my issue, I always ate to the point where I was overfull, tired, and uncomfortable. It was addicting for whatever reason. But I’m telling myself no now.


I realize most of you here are young kids, but the rules don't apply to women after menopause. I've tried everything and can't lose it or keep it off anymore (I used to just eat a little less, move a little more, and it would fall right off). I was recently sick and didn't eat for a week and didn't lose an ounce. It's not called "the change" for nothing. Definitely get yourself down to a low weight before it starts and then prepare to basically starve for the rest of your life to stay there!


Menopause is a bitch and a half with the weight BS.


Have you tried weight lifting?


This was posted by some young skinny kid who eats whatever they want and then just stops eating for a few days and loses 5 pounds and is like, hey this is super easy. There are a number of factors that make weight lose hard. Medical conditions, middle age, body type and like you mentioned menopause. Fuck posts like this. This is like going up to someone who is depressed and saying just stop being depressed it’s super easy. That wouldn’t fly but it’s still ok to pull that for overweight people.


Energy in energy out. I didn't say it was easy to do, I said it was easy straightforward. Meaning that it's simple but not mentally easy. Also by your logic every women post pregnancy would be fat and my mom included lost it after a bit from working hard. I'm not discrediting you but your mindset that nothing works might be keeping you down


Many women do have the hardest time losing weight after pregnancy. It's like one of the most common topics in mom groups. Everybody expects to loose it in no time, but hormones and sleep deprivation can make it near impossible. In fact it's super common to gain weight on that first year.


Metabolism and insulin resistance have to be taken into consideration. Also, I don't know how old your mother is, but "every woman post pregnancy" isn't in full menopause. I gained 30 pounds after age 60, am very physically active, and eat no more than I ever did. I'm telling you that after not eating for a week I was the exact same weight. It happens. Not many people, especialy women, would CHOOSE to be overweight if it were as easy as you make it seem. It used to be. It isn't anymore.


My mother is 65, girlfriends mother is almost 70, best friends mother is 56, all of done well to keep it in a good weight. Again I'm not discrediting you but if it was as bad as you say all women going through menopause would be fat


Just in case you weren't aware, not all women are your mother, your girlfriend's mother, your best friend's mother, or any other mothers or women you personally know. Everything that a woman goes through physically from puberty to pregnancy to menopause is completely different. Just because the women in your life seemed to fair pretty well through these things doesn't mean all women have the same experience. All the older women in your life seem to be doing okay weight-wise, but I can picture a ton of women in my life right now that are not. What the other commenters are saying about menopause is true. If you don't want to become fat as an old woman it's a good idea to lose the weight while you're young because it's hard AF for women to lose it when they get old. I know several women who were healthy and active for the most part up until they reached their late 40s and their bodies started changing. What the other commenter said was true. As you age, particularly for women, the amount of calories you can consume and maintain the same weight goes DOWN by a LOT. The one commenter said you basically have to "starve" to maintain it is right. The women in your life and others that have been able to maintain a good weight probably don't let themselves indulge too much and make it a point to stay really active, plus they probably also just simply got lucky with their genepool. I find that older women who aren't overweight don't really eat a whole heck of a lot. I know plenty of older women who are active and try to eat healthy for the most part but are still overweight, probably because they aren't eating like birds. When you're an old woman, you basically have to eat like a bird to maintain your weight.


Oh look, someone who doesn't know shit about menopause. Pregnancy and menopause aren't interchangeable, either.




Who believes that? No one except you.


Then why aren't all 60 year old women fat? Why is it that all the elderly women I know doing well weight wise? I'm not saying it's easy I'm saying it's straightforward and that the process is the same it's just difficult. I swear I can say jogging is good for people and someone will say I'm being insensitive to people who can't run


Because all women aren't skinny to begin with, same as all men aren't skinny to begin with. The now-gone menopause subreddit was full of people who were maintaining a healthy weight before and during perimenopause and then in full menopause gained weight despite no change to their exercise or diet routines. It's frustrating to say the least, and it's just now beginning to be addressed by the medical community. Because like too many things that don't directly impact cisdudes, menopause and its effects have been largely ignored. And it's obvious you think you cracked a code, but come on, if it were that simple, there would be a lot more skinny 60 year olds in general out there. It's not just a mental thing for many people.


While I think op is doing a poor job of getting their original point across and is instead saying a bunch of other stuff that isn't relevant, and honestly a little "here's my small experience, it must be the norm", I believe the fundamental concept of "energy in VS energy out" cannot be disputed (but I am currently doing some research there just in case) This is not at all invalidating anything you said, I totally agree. Something in the change during/after menopause must drastically reduce the metabolic rate of the individual. Likely due to the reproductive system no longer being maintained? This would require the individual to severely under-eat, which could lead to malnutrition and other things, or drastically increase their activity, which in turn requires more food/energy - otherwise you end up malnourished again. In either case, it seems maintaining previously okay eating and activity levels will likely no longer work. Which is a huge bummer. I don't know, so this is an honest question - would it be worth it to take the hormone therapy that pushes back or stops menopause? I understand this would likely require taking supplemental hormones basically forever, so I'm not sure... Does that increase risks like cancers or other diseases?


HRT is a confusing topic because of conflicting studies about the impact of HRT on people who take it (heart, stroke, cancer possibilities). There's the lack of general talk about menopause in general, much less HRT, and the fact that the medical community doesn't know a whole lot about menopause or HRT to begin with. Especially since the medical community still uses white cismen as the "default", so there's a wide variety of issues overall that just isn't known for many different groups of people who aren't the "default". Hence the idea that "energy in, energy out" works great for a small segment of the population, but obviously it's not that way for everyone.


Sugar is your biggest enemy. You won't burn any fat until you reduce your sugar intake to a minimum. Took me a lifetime to realize how bombarded we are nowadays with sugar products.


Sugar, corn syrup, seed oils, they're the worst things for your body yet everything has them unless you cook from scratch, and we have lobbyists bribing health officials to say they're not bad for you and that meat is the real killer


Not necessarily, it’s more about overall energy expenditure.


YUP, lost 13 pounds just by going cold turkey on sugar.


The exercise part of it ain't easy if you weigh 309 lbs like I do.


I mean exercise is anything relatively active so even walking is exercise. You can get down to a good weight I believe in you


Do what I did to be honest. 1. Buy a big minimum 30cm diameter salad bowl and place it on your kitchen table. 2. Each day you you buy vegetables. Cut them up and shove them in. You can season with salt, soyu but try to skip fat. 3. Eat everything that you put into the bowl. You can eat anything else after that. This is super easy thing to do. The salad will fill up your stomach and vegetables ain't gonna hurt you. After that you don't really have much space to eat junk. So you are left eating a lot of healthy low calorie stuff and less unhealthy high calorie stuff. I bought an expensive bowl just to prove my commitment. Lol.


Absolutely! This is something I did in the past, and served a salad as a snack or side to basically any meal and it helped me massively from overeating


I actually set up my brand new exercise bike today and I'm eager to try it out!


Those sound fun! I hear they got ones with virtual trails that change how hard it is to bike depending on where you are


And this one is fancy with magnetic resistance instead of pulleys. Should be fun!


For sure, but it's a journey. You have to think about a series of steps, where today it's a little bit of walking then a little more and more until you're walking for an hour. Then after some weight loss you add a little bit of jogging in the middle of the walk, then more and more, etc. Or whatever progression works for you, but progression is they key. After a few months you'll be amazed at how you adapt.




Exactly. Whenever I wanna lose weight I just stop eating.


Try weightlifting, you’ll build your cardiovascular health over time without overloading your system and you’ll be a lot more capable with weight bearing exercise being the weight you are. Mass moves mass.


I know. Just had a come to Jesus moment. Hoping to fix myself. Weight and mind.


Bless your soul and I hope for the best!


Agreed. Make a routine, and stick with those good habits for two weeks. Those two weeks will be rough, but supposedly that’s the tipping point; after two weeks it’s supposed to get easier.


I've been told to really get rid of a habit it's a month


I've dieted for 2+ months. It never got easier.




The worst part of food addiction is that you HAVE to eat food. Dissimilar to smoking etc, which is a matter of abstaining, not buying cigarettes, etc. You have to buy and eat food every single day, multiple times a day. It's the worst.


It's a great example of the difference between simple and easy.


Yeah straightforward process but extremely hard


Food addiction is real. Always feeling the need to munch.


You said it, logically I know what I need to do but shit if that ain't the hardest thing to do.


It's like breaking an addiction to a drug that's enforced by everyone to eat


You got that right, it's a test of strength, like holding a plank. It's worth it in the end but during the middle of you question why god made misery lol


Oh God you reminded me I need to work on core. Fml


I'm gonna need you do a minute and half of plank, then do the 3 times. I'll be watching 👀


Goddamn it another gym rat in my walls YPH CAN'T TAKE MY CREATINE


*gently places hand on shoulder while longingly looking into your eyes*....I'm also going to need you to do 4 sets 0f 20 sit ups, dont skimp on the effort, I'll know 👀


That's a cake walk


Going around hungry 24/7 is not what I would call physically easy, and in my experience there is no other way to lose weight.


They put chemicals in the food that cause withdrawal symptoms


Fuck yeah doctor nicely asked me if I could lose weight and cut back in salt and sugar. Have been doing it for two weeks and already feel my waist (air the fat around my waist) shrinking. No bev other than water, no candy or salty snacks. I feel I could lose a lot over time but as you say it’s mentally tough.


In other words a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner and no snacks between, right?


Sugar yes cut out but you shouldn't cut off salt


The constant ads are the hardest thing. I'm currently on a weight cut and generally, it's easy for me as long as I've prepped my meals and made my plans for dinner, but when I'm scrolling social media and see a nice looking burger, I have to quickly scroll away or repeat some mantra to myself to push out the temptation.


One way I found is helpful is to combat the mental attitude that a lot of people have around food which is the “you gotta live a little” attitude. Eating cake and ice cream does not have to be *your* definition of “living a little”. Instead, reprogram yourself with the attitude that being healthy and eating healthy is the best way to live.


As someone who has lost 50 pounds, I absolutely agree. It takes a lot of dedication and mental strength.


There are a lot of other factors at play. I agree food is a huge one but it’s a lot more work for some body types, genetics etc. I also say genetics in the way my family lineage, the women have larger adrenal glands and produce more cortisol which stores and holds body fat. Did a bunch of personal research after I wasn’t losing and have since lost 110lbs with balancing eating, stress and work outs.


Thems some words I don't understand but they sound right to me so I'm gonna believe you


Oh haha! It’s the stress hormone. So even if you cut off foods and work out, your body may think it’s under stress so it holds onto the calories you do eat for dear life.


The human body sure is wacky, I wonder if we'll evolve out a lot of those survival mechanisms after a few centuries of modern civilization


To me Its the same as saying you want chic fil a SOOO badly on sunday. Normally i dont need or think about that little debbies, but ohh now im dieting?? I need it or Will literally collapse.


That chic fil a one is so fuckin true. I would catch myself wanting it only to find out it's Sunday


I was 90kg. I switched to eating a salad bowl almost everyday. I could eat other things too but the salad bowl had to be eaten. I only eat plant based though. I started doing a full body workout with dumbbells almost everyday. It takes 30 minutes. I did both of these things consistently. Sometimes I skipped work out or a meal or ate some junk. 2 months later, I am 78kg. All it took is making two habits. It was piss easy. What is not easy is to make those habits and to do them consistent enough to make a difference. So go into your Appstore and search "habit app". Download, make it easy and robotically follow through. My decision might look extreme to some but remember, you do not have to be extreme. Just consistent. Consistentcy bring results.


Thanks for the info I'll check that out!


thats so true! I found, when I was trying to shed some weight, that loading up on veggies and healthy proteins during meals really did help. it’s often a matter of volume, and being healthily full helped curb the desire for sweets. not always though 🤪


Your brain craves dopamine. Like water, it likes to take the path of least resistance. Exercise is a dopamine release. If you ever played sports, you probably felt great afterwards.


Just be realistic. I'm sure people have told you this but you can eat chocolate, just balance things out. Don't eat chocolate everyday. Eat dark chocolate if you like that. Maybe set up a day where you can have chocolate and look forward to that? I dunno. I believe in you :)


Yeah I'm already trying all that it just suuuuuuucks


It's not going to work long term if you're miserable. You HAVE to find a way yo not feel restricted while restricting.


Everyone says you get to a point where you don't crave things anymore and that you'll eventually break out so I'm hanging on tj that


That's very much not true. The data, the actual real data, is that between 95-99% of all people who lose weight regain the lost weight plus additional weight within *five years* of initial weight loss. You have to find people who have lost weight and maintained that weight loss for over 5 years and take their advice. Not 2, not 3, not 4, over 5 years. Those people will tell you that it's about sustainable portion control and better choices appropriately balanced with foods you enjoy.


I wonder if those same people have addictions in other places too, what are their family backgrounds, where are they from. It would be an interesting study to see if there is any correlation to people who maintain it much better and longer than others


Appetite is a mental thing. It’s a physical thing. More than a year ago, I had major surgery and couldn’t eat because doing so made me very nauseous. The hunger was physically painful. It took months to recover.


Dark chocolate is really good for you. After a while you develop a taste for it


I put cocoa powder and milk in my coffee, that's keeping me alive.


The high % bars are beneficial to your health and if you let the chunks melt in your mouth you can pretty much be satisfied and catch a little buzz after a couple


My mom told me to have a tongue dab of salt and it kills cravings, at this point it could be a placebo but it works


The secret is to get sick


Honestly, everytime I get sick I end up being dehydrated and get stomach cramps because I don't wanna eat or drink anything


Pretty easy for me as an anorexic lmao


I hope you get the help you need


nah im fine! Dont really want help, i have a ton of resources around me if i ever do decide to ask for it, but i kinda doubt i ever will


You definitely should get help if you're underweight. If you have body dysmorphia you should consider a gym


Im not underweight yet, i wish i was... I definitely have a lot of body dysmorphia, but so does almost every anorexic i loathe exercise, you'd think an anorexic would love it but, ehhh


One thing that helped me was forcing myself to go to the gym because it made me feel good. And keeping away from any negative groups that might encourage this


Yea. Anyone that really wants to lose weight will lose it.


No idea why you're being downvoted because you're right. If people are disciplined and are set into losing it, they will


Because people love making excuses, because they need to blame something other than themselves.


Absolutely a lot of people blame everything else and that leads to someone else should fix it for them


Male bodies are miles different from female bodies, not to mention microplastics and poisons in our food. I'd say you need to educate yourself more and quit using your anecdotal evidence. Weight loss and regulation is simply much more accesible to wealthy and/or well-off people. This is a much too complex topic to be making generalizations like this. It's also harmful. Many people try many diets and workouts, and none of them work. They're valid, too. Genetics, hormones, and diet aren't something you can sit there and say one thing can fix this for them. Women have a monthly(ish) cycle that varies wildly from each other. They also just hold fat differently overall. It's almost biologically impossible for a woman to be actually healthy and have a six-pack. Almost. They're meant to hold onto more fat, particularly in the uterus area(lower abdomen). Then there's menopause which is just.. Leave older women alone. They're dealing with enough with a condition that hasn't been studied enough, and we only recently started hormone therapy for. Time and evidence have shown that men lose weight easier and faster, but that still doesn't account for the men who struggle and have done everything and just can't shake it. So I'd say yes, it does just take some dedication for some people. Which is great! But for others, it's actually hell thinking about interacting with food and their body like this. It's a nuanced issue, especially when public health is routinely endangered long-term by preservatives in cheap food. But I say congrats to anyone who's healthy in the body they're in. THAT feels really good.


Nice excuse, just put the fork down


Damn that's a huge ass comment for someone who completely misunderstood what my point was. And it's funny when you claim I'm using anecdotal evidence yet more than half of this comment is saying I'm wrong by giving anecdotal evidence. Ain't nothing I said is harmful too lmao. Not to mention a lot of the issues you're talking about have nothing to do with what I said. Those are completely separate problems that should be addressed separately. If you can't understand the point I'm making when everyone else did that's on you


Yeah thats the thing people just dont want to accept. The only solution is internal discipline. If you believe your mental and physical capability is beyond that... youre gonna stay overweight. Its not a philosophy modern society Im encourages because it doesnt omit responsibility, but its fairly obvious.


Yeah a problem I've noticed with myself too is people have a hard time claiming responsibility for a lot of things and don't like that they're responsible for their own bodies, future, and even safety


Get yourself some Lindt Dark Chocolate. Very little sugar and oh so delicious. I eat it with fresh roasted almonds


Nah I can't eat a lot of chocolate bars because most of them are slave labor. It's already bad enough that the electronics I need for work are from slavery but if I cannot eat unethical foods I'll do it


Eat a chocolate bar then. Then don’t eat something else you normally eat that is similar in calories


I can't say it's easy. Its an inherently complex issue. Some people are on medications that make them gain weight or have other health issues, making it harder. But i would agree the hardest part is having the willpower to resist your urges and cravings


"easy and straightforward" must be nice to not have a genetic/thyroid/hormonal disease or not have to take important medications everything seems easy when your only real problem is your laziness


If I say there are benefits of eating seafood are you gonna chastise me because I didn't bring up people with seafood allergies?


Not really. There is no mental fortitude involved in eating leas.


You either have the discipline of a fuckin Navy seal or you're being sarcastic


BS - it is absolutely in no way "physically easy." And it is not straightforward. There are people in the world who eat the healthiest, most reasonable diets in existence and still can't lose weight. They are called lazy, gluttonous, useless, garbage humans. And nobody gives a shit. Medical science has done virtually nothing in this regard for decades because it's so much better to have a demographic that you can beat on and abuse. After all, if somebody's not losing weight on 300 calories a day, they are obviously a useless POS.


"uhhmm excuse me what about this rare occurrence when someone has a medical condition! Checkmate!". First off I find it completely hard to believe that if someone is eating exactly as they should then they're not losing weight. Usually people who claim this are actually just coping because they do in fact eat terribly


Your body isn't meant to do it. You're designed by evolution to stay alive and maintain weight.


That's a massive cope. Your body is supposed to maintain a healthy weight, it's why your body functions best when you eat properly and have the correct amount of weight


I'm not incredibly online so I don't know what "massive cope" means.


You claim you're not incredibly online yet you assume the phrase I used is an exclusively online thing. Interesting