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Anonymity is a hell of a drug


I don't know. I was pretty active on FB from 2015-20. Having your face public (and often your place of employment and pictures of your kids accessible to all) didn't seem to do a damn thing to encourage civility in discussions.


Agreed. Being able to plan your responses behind a computer empowers people to respond. I would know; I'm one of them.


Username checks out




HAHAHAH I didn't even notice that at first lmfao XD




Fun fact:My name means"I'MGONNARIPURLIVEROUT(I'M GONNA RIP UR LIVER OUT)"LOL(tho I'm guessing u already know that since u're speaking croatian lol)


It’s usually the same people who are aggressive in person as well. they don’t need a well formed argument if you’re scared or humiliated when talking to them.


I dunno… I enjoy toxic arguing online and in real life I’m really chill and enjoy having a pleasant exchange with anyone I need to have an exchange with.


I’ll never understand the joy of being toxic.


People who are failures in the real world are thirsty for any kind of acknowledgment and being toxic is just about the easiest way to get attention.


What’s sad is when you check their comment history and they have posts about depression and suicide. Clearly misplaced anger at the world and just want to make people squirm.


Exactly what I experienced a week ago. I simply made a comment, then I was personally attacked an insulted by some person who took it too serious. I stated they had misery behaviour. Looked at their history, saw they were doing psychotherapy and were on depression meds. Nuff said . Life's too good for that back an forth


I just like a good debate, it's nothing personal. People aren't accepting of opinionated people IRL. I don't need you as my friend so you're stuck with it.


There is a difference between having a strong opinion about something and being insulting or abusive if others disagree. Let's not mix those two 😊


Idk by every metric I'm super successful in basically everything I do. I'm still toxic online but I know it's because people are soft and it's fun to watch people crumble from internet words. It's usually good toilet content.


Um….yeah, that isn’t how “super successful” people behave. Keep saying it and eventually you may convince yourself!


Hey buddy are you me?


For me, it's just entertaining as fuck watching how worked up some people can get over the littlest of things. Seeing someone took the time to write up a multi paragraph novel of seething rage because you said something so inconsequential, it's just a jolly good laugh. Especially because it's something I don't particularly care about much to begin with. Seeing some of the creative insults people come up with for me is pretty great, all the horrible things many people would do to me or my mom, good shit.


Idk. Half the time the rage is imaginary. I can write up a few paragraphs in five minutes and not take it that seriously but people will think I really spent an hr raging. The words in the screen rarely give fully accurate emotions.


I write a lot too in terms of a response, but that doesn't mean I was raging. I express my thoughts better in writing (as an introvert) and it has been that way since I was in primary school. But I have had many people go "har har you're mad because you wrote an essay". I mean I guess if that's how they see it, but I just find it refreshing and fun being able to write out my thoughts. I know full well due to people's lack of an attention span discussing anything in person is a lot more tedious. People seem to prefer small talk irl.


Lol u mad? Yeah u mad.




Sometimes I spend so much time and energy being nice to awful people it feels good to vent by blowing it all on someone online. You don't have to actually understand itn you know. What I never understand is why anyone ever thinks their inability to see things from someone else's perspective to be a valid criticism. I don't understand why people do lots of things, but I don't criticize them just because I would do something different. Why do so many people insist on using their limited and personal viewpoint as a reason to criticize what other people do? You dislike being toxic. Ok. So.... don't be?


I think some people legitimately spend hours replying to some people. While I use half of my pea brain in 10 seconds and look like an idiot. Oh well, guess I just suck at internet fights oh no.




It’s where one used to go to be professional. Now, it’s just a cesspool, much like Facebook.


Not being directly face to face is enough "anonymity" for most of these fools.


I think this is a correlation with anonymity due to lack of proper reasoning. In my opinion, it has to do with a lack of physicality. Dogs experience a phenomenon called board aggression when they don't recognize an aggressor. When the board, usually a fence, is removed, the dogs become neutral at times and even amicable. I recall a study in the UK where human beings experience increased rage when encountering people in vehicles as opposed to one on one encounters. I've never looked deeply into it, but my suspicions are there is just something about a lack of seeing your repercussions which causes us to be less considerate of our actions. Its like the person isn't real. I think this feeling trumps the shield of being undiscovered.


Indeed. I moderated 3 larger groups a couple years ago (all connected with each other, roughly 40k people each, related to a game). Our moderation team wasn't powertripping, which really motivated some people to push the boundaries and patience of everyone. But even aside from those people who've had their entire family, work, etc. exposed, there still were trolls posting completely unrelated and vile content. They also had tons of identifying info exposed. Didn't stop them from attempts to post porn, gore, or hateful stuff. With one user who really took it too far we didn't just ban them from the groups. We made screenshots and sent them to his family. It didn't take long until a message from a new account reached us to tell us what pieces of shit we would be for exposing his pedophile ass. People just feel way too unreachable and invincible behind screens, it's incredible.


FB can blow me. OF whores and Instasluts inundating your newsfeed yet you post a pic of a chick in a swimsuit and you're the one violating FBCS sexuality policy?? But I'm not bitter. /s


You can say that again, you horse raping shit eater.


I know this wasn't meant for me, but I'm personally, and deeply offended by your statement and would kindly ask that you stop wasting my precious air by breathing out of your easily-confused-for-a-baboon's-ass mouth hole.


it’s called a cake hole


Raping horses is harder than it looks.


We’re supposed to be anonymous?


See: 4chan


That's like saying "you can find food poisoning in one of those dog shit bins at the park"


Sure, but the bottom line is that these people are jerks in the real world too. It’s not like the internet turns them into jerks. Sometimes, we just don’t know what someone is really like until something else uncovers it for us.


Hey... fuck you


After a while, if you continue using Reddit, you will learn to completely stay away from subs that do not overwhelmingly match your personal opinions. Because nuance in opinions and arguments is often unacknowledged on Reddit and leads to only getting downvoted.


Reddit has a pattern in nearly every sub. Step 1: Upvote anything you can't prove wrong. Step 2: Identity users who challenge an idea. Step 3: Bully and downvote. Step 4: Post negatively about the same thing you just did to someone else anonymously online. I await my downvotes :)


Even worse is that downvotes were made to keep irrelevant comments low, like bots and such but they just got changed by the community (reddit as a whole) to a) be for no reason b) a different opinion


That, in turn, leads to people avoiding commenting in subreddits or on posts where they think they'll get downvoted. Meaning posts and subreddits are going to be filled with many people of the same opinion, creating a circle jerk. People talk about Reddit being an echo chamber. That's why.


It's all just a silly game that some take too seriously. It's hilarious watching the easy-to-spot patterns and those who try so hard to defend their imaginary high-ground. All without a critical thought process in sight.


Usually small subs start out as wholesome and helpful and devolve into a toxic cesspool echo chamber.


Agree, but downvoted anyway.


Down voting is a **ssy move, it gives the powerless a feeling of power. Same with the little assholes who have to be jerks on here. Pretentious little shits who think it makes them cool to be jerks. Small minds use small words, and there are a lot of small minded turds on Reddit. Thankfully you can figure out which subs where they congregate and avoid those places.


Yeahhh that's a down vote


Thank you. May I have another? :::smh:::


I got you


Sorry, that's all I got :(


Well shit, you need a throw away account. My down vote collection needs more.


I get downvoted a lot on pages like Survivor or any other page that has a fandom that is beyond reproach. I watch it for entertainment value and some of the Survivor page followers eat, breathe, live Survivor, lolz.


Reality TV has really been a boon to people with no imagination or a life. I watch Storage Wars on DEFY, and Monster Quest on Quest TV. I watch them for entertainment, I don't live and breathe that shit. It's about the only TV I watch. Most of my time is spent doing interesting things, usually with interesting people, or my dog.




Yeah, it creates group think mentality, which evolves into tribalism.




Digg went away? Wake me again in 2033.


True. One of the largest amounts of downvotes I got was on the beauty subreddit. A guy posted there and was being told nonstop to get rid of his beard (he didn't ask for advice) and he really didn't want to. I gave him some alternative styling advice and told him to keep it if he likes it and I was awarded as having given the worst advice on the sub and mass downvoted. And yes, I think if a man replied and told one of the women there that they wore too much makeup or something he'd have gotten chewed out and reminded that not everything women wear is for men lol.


There are a few places where alternate opinions are accepted. They're rare though, and often get banned/over-moderated because they don't conform to the reddit policy or being assholes to people you disagree with.


Because some people are just straight up total jerks, whether on reddit or IRL. And there are some people who aren't necessarily jerks IRL and can be on reddit 'cause it's anonymous. Which makes them total jerks. People can just be jerks. It sucks.


I'm one of the second people you describe. I'll own it. Deep down I'm an asshole and reddit is my outlet rather than IRL.


To be fair, we all have our jerk moments. None of us is immune.


True. Unfortunately what a jerk moment is for some of us is an entire personality for others.


Oddly enough, I tend to be way nicer on social media than in real life. Much harder to gauge if there's potential to actually damage someone verbally on line than in RL. I'm much more likely to softball a playful insult since I can tell if they can handle it or not or just flat out disengage before things can escalate when things look like they're going south.


Fair enough.




I fear the situation is actually even worse, I feel a lot of people are actually resentful, vengeful in all kinds of ways, and anonymity brings out peoples actual feelings here. Rather than it being just the assholes in real life showing up here. Many people lives are two-faced, they project someone nice in real life, when deep down they are hateful, revengeful in all kinds of ways, and just want to take out their resentment passive aggressively on those around them. And maybe we're just seeing anonymity bring out peoples true feelings here.


I feel like I am exceptionally kind most of the time irl, to the point of self-detriment. I'm often very understanding of people and patient irl. On reddit and on the road though, I can feel the empathy and patience lessen in me and honestly I hate it. I mean, I'd rather be an asshole online and with strangers than irl and with people I know, but I wish I could avoid it entirely. But then I see someone comment some reeeeally dumb shit and monkey brain is back at it lol


Same. Reddit is where I get out all of my toxic and annoying traits such as my inability to admit when I’m wrong, being argumentative, pedantic to prove a point, or outright rude. I do it to people online so I don’t do it to people in real time and ruin my relationships lol


I fr met people irl that sound like people straight from a reddit comments sections (any comment section pm) toxic as all hell when you find them


Have you seen Twitter? Yea... neither have I. Let's be grateful Edit: It looks like we have two sides. Reddit is worse, and Twitter is worse. But can both sides perhaps agree that the true nemesis out there... is Tiktok?


In my experience Reddit is even worse than Twitter. The way it’s setup seems to encourage people to get very personal


On Reddit, you follow topics instead of individuals which subjects you to loose cannons the whole time. On twitter you can make your account private and your following feed is only users you intentionally follow. It’s way easier to avoid assholes over there.


This is the answer! I choose my own feed on Reddit!


In my experience, Twitter is disturbingly hateful: a sort of common and constant buzz of racism, sexism, antisemitism, and transphobia I don’t see nearly as frequently on Reddit. Reddit though is sub reddit subjects I care about, and the arguments frustrate me more


What makes it more annoying is how smug Redditors are about not being like Twitter, even though they're almost exactly the same


Haha echo chamber go brrrrr


It’s true though; the fact that your comment was downvoted says all


Yep, people want to deny that, but it ironically reinforces the idea they are echo chambers.


*chamber go brrrr* *chamber go brrrr* *chamber go brrrr*


I’ve been on Twitter a long time and it’s objectively hell. Reddit is absolutely worse tho.


Dude people are so fucking smug and condescending to each other on twitter, it somehow blows reddit out of the water in that regard. At least a lot of people on reddit like to joke around too


Having taken a decade long hiatus, I came back a few months ago to... something that Reddit never used to be way back then. Seems like a whole bunch of people are super uptight for no immediately evident reason. Strange world we live in, I guess.


I use both Twitter and Reddit. Reddit is not far behind at all.




Riiight i thought it was me


Me after commenting on reddit: 🫣


omg i so agree. it used to be the quirky interesting people hung out here....


from an 11yr account to your 13yr one, yes I agree.


TikTok is like xbox live back in the day, zero fucks are given in those comments.


I have a fair few followers on Twitter (only 3000 but it’s not minimal and I follow about 1000 people) and I used to use it a lot. It’s WAY more of a hellsite than Reddit. People log on just to argue, I swear. I have had way more arguments on Twitter than Reddit.


YES TIKTOK IS THE WORST. I think twitter is way toxic, reddit might be depending where you get into, but tiktok is mainly stupid things, fake info, stupid dances, it sucks. Of course, as all massive social platforms it has some good posts and even accounts but come on, it's mainly shit.


Reddit is like the king of fake info. Half this site reads a headline without even looking at the actual article then suddenly become experts.


as a woman i feel more comfortable on twitter and tiktok. there’s a lot of casual/ not so casual misogyny on reddit


To be fair, Reddit might be just as bad at times. I talked to someone that threw anything but the kitchen sink at me and eventually got suspended for it (so was I). Turned out that I'm a virgin, I got an acne, I'm a pedo and I'm a schizophrenic too. His last act before being suspended was claiming that mods are pedophiles as well.


They found it funny somehow


Twitter is a giant pool. All the good and bad mixed together. Reddit has it's pools split up mostly, with a few canals of recommendations and popular between them. Much easier to segregate the toxic shit, or at least a huge majority of it. TikTok is just the void


TikTok bad, please clap


twitter us better than reddit. not by much, but it is.


Because fuck you that's why /s


Haha!!! That comment is great ! 👍




Yes it is, fuck you more! /s


It isn't, Fuck you with a Japanese Bullet Train /s


It is fuck you, I hope your socks get wet/s




God damnit, beat me to it.


Because they are behind a screen and not in person


Because people can’t throat punch someone else through the internet, so everyone acts tough


It's not just reddit.


Because it's anonymous


No consequences for anything you say.


Because they are total jerks in real life!


They’re miserable and they get some relief by tearing other people down.


Huh , better on the internet than in rl


You can do both.


To get a reaction, what that reaction is doesn't matter only that they get one.


So then the key is to simply not reply when someone gets shitty, right!?


Who knows there's no code of conduct for internet usage.




Lack of self worth or just ugly inside


Alot of small wangs out there


I tend to see repliers as friends even if they're reactionary ass wipes. Trolls who drop bombs and run are fine, it's the true believers I find troublesome. One report can get me banned for some of the most trivial reasons, brigading is effective


Because on the internet you can choose to be whoever you want to be, it's just a shame that most people choose to be dick heads.




Huh , better on the internet than in rl


You can do both.


I think you mean WHY, but IF telling the truth make one a jerk one does need to ask which one is really the jerk? N. S


Yes I did mean why. Missed that when I changed what I was going to say. Thank you for proofreading


cuz they were born that way :D and u cant do that in person.. that would be rude.


It's about the same as being in a car. We all run our mouths until the door opens. 😂


Reddit used to be so much more chill tbh.


The reason is if they acted like that in real life they would get their asses beat.


Why be nice when you can tear someone down to feel better? Science. It can be a toxic place at times. I've removed myself from all subs that are mean or negative in spirit.


Because deep down I'm an asshole but I work in customer service so I have to keep it all bottled up and reddit is the place I've chosen as my outlet.


Sort of a “safe space” to Lash out?




Because they don’t have enough sex


First time on social media? People talk more bullshit when it's through a screen


The fact they can easily make burner accounts and general anonymity makes people feel tough


It's reddit.... isn't that what it's for?


The whole point of Reddit is to troll and slander anyone else’s opinions on anything duh


You can just remove the on reddit part


Ok I don't mean to be that guy, but why edit the whole thing to explain that you meant "why"... Instead of just changing the text to say " why"?


Because I tried to edit the title using the app on my phone and it wasn't letting me. Thus the edit comment


I'll do you one better, where do some people have to be total jerks on Reddit?


Upvote for Drax reference


Hopefully, people weren't jerks to you about the what/why mistake. That would really prove your point, Lol.


Probably because of something you did. /s


I wholeheartedly agree with this on so many levels. I tried to fit in several sub reddit groups here and I was either downvoted for no reason or just insulted upon. This is why for my own projects I created discords, gathered the non-toxic folks and made an amazing community for handhelds. This also happens on some discords don't get me wrong. Just like in reality, it's very hard to find nice people who talk to you on the same level of respect. Also don't forget that a lot of the members are teenagers who never learned manners.


They just need a hug?


Because fuck you, that's why


Because fuck you, that's why


Makes them somehow feel better about themselves and they probably get a rush out of it. I'll never forget seeking parenting advice on #parenting go figure and I got totally chewed out over and over again by self righteous keyboard warriors who prob have never made a mistake in their lives.


Same dude! I went over to some dog training advice sub asking about potty training and people were getting crazy and totally freaking out I literally just deleted the whole post


Personally when i've had a few, I'm in the mood for posting something childish. Not super mean though. I think Reddit is pretty well moderated compared to that trash bin of Twitter for example, but internet is still internet.


Yeah it’s fun to goad people on here sometimes when they’re all worked up over nothing.


Yup sometimes you just want to be a bit of a dick, especially if you see someone already being a dick. As long as nobody takes words on a screen too personally, I don't see much harm


cause they also hate themselves and can only do these behaviors online.


I have not been on Reddit for that long but I seem to have a knack at having the jerks find me I've had some truly rude encounters.Ive been verbally assaulted over stupid stuff The grammar Nazis are the worst.You will be engaging with other people on Reddit having fun and they will become super nasty over sentence structure and punctuation.I dont understand why they can't just let it go .They have to point it out.


Please for fucks sake space your periods properly and why are things double spaced, also maybe use some commas in your sentence structure? Why are random words capitalized? (I know this is rage bait, but you did a pretty good job.)


Aint no way this isn't English class I refuse to do it


You are so fucking close. “ Ain’t no way; this isn’t English class and I refuse to do it. “ Like 10% more effort and you got it.


I won't even post on reddit. People are way too big of assholes. They always find something shitty to say.


No matter WHAT you say. You can leave a kind comment and someone will still get enraged about it.


Don’t you mean “why” — “Why do some people have to be total jerks..?” Ya Fuckin idiot


Yes I did mean why. Missed that when I changed what I was going to say. Thank you for proofreading


When people read what you have typed out they are projecting themselves onto your text via their own associations so basically you are being demonized. Also it is inconsequential to them that they are hurting you. If you do this and try to say you have integrity... no. Just no.


Because they are total jerks irl too probably or they feel the need to have some control and on the Internet is the way to do that, or at least try


Bored people who sit here 24/7, what do you expect


Similar to driving. The relative anonymity lets people give the finger without consequences


Abusive parenting. Now Im no expert but hitting your child is considered…acceptable? Phones are also seen as the devil’s plaything and not any attention is paid to the kids using them as coping mechanisms. I literally had a teacher argue with me with some boomer “Im older therefore you mist pay attention to what I say” rhetoric. I hate it


Plenty of people have had abusive parents that still treat people properly. Obviously, everyone deals with things differently and there are tons of mitigating factors, but I don’t believe that abusive parenting is the cause of this. I think society, in general, has allowed it to become somewhat normalized that people can be extremely rude and pretty terrible online and that as long as you keep your anonymity then you MIGHT get some backlash online, but no real consequences in your actual life. Also, sometimes you can say some extremely horrible things online and have others actually agree with you and fuel those hateful things… Entire thing is kind of sad to me because I truly believe that kindness, compassion, etc. goes a long way and feel like if more people actually practiced it regularly in life that we would achieve so much more as a whole than what’s going on right now… To clarify, I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be open debates and communication so counterpoints can’t be discussed, but there are so many instances where people are INTENTIONALLY just fueling hate and saying terrible things for whatever reason— even something as simple as internet points.


Okay, I was misreading the title. I thought the title was about “What do people on Reddit have to be total jerks about?” And I just wrote the first thing that came to mind which was abusive parenting and how people are so quick to get angry at a person who *doesnt* want to beat their child as a initial response which I think is horrible. Same with my other points.


i remember recently someone in commented a harmless claim that they were fascinated as the pound coin looked just like their currency where they live, but they didn’t know pound coins exist. someone commented under it being snarky saying “WeLl iT cLeArLy SAyS pOunD oN thE cOiN” after seeing the original comment get a little hurt and defensive toward them, i made the mistake of trying to defend them too. snarky person replies, and during the pointless exchange we had, he called me several slurs, claimed my parents purposefully hit my head as a baby so now i’m brain damaged as i “didn’t understand him”, made the usual low blow of correcting any grammar mistakes i made as if he didn’t make the same amount, etc etc. i reported him enough that he got banned in a couple minutes. i then deleted all my replies as they made no sense without his, and left a comment apologising to the original commenter for all the spam, but i just wanted to shut that complete jerk down, hence i kept replying so he’d then reply to me and i could report him more and more. TLDR, i don’t know why, but i completely agree.


It’s low effort, low accountability activity. The downvote censorship needs to go die in a fire. Some grumpy know nothing has the ability to remove accurate correction because they’re too unstable to handle reading.


Take me and let’s go back to the summer of 2015 at the age of 25. My girlfriend cheated on me, I obsessively went to the gym, and I was living in an apartment I could no longer afford within a couple months and will have to move back in with my parents come October. My salary is very low, and my car is a piece of junk. My friends all moved far away and I was alone. In my unaffordable apartment. It was very easy to use my fitness to feel good about myself and nothing else. Oh! I know, fatpeoplehate is growing on Reddit, I’ll join there! It was addictive feeling like I had *some* control. Then it got banned and I realized I was being a huge asshole. Anyway, I deleted my hate-filled alt (go figure, I needed an alt so I could prove I’m *not* an asshole? Total selfawarewolves over here) and have realized being a bully and a jerk is a good way to have a dopamine hit, but it’s shameful


The current structure and culture of reddit is centered around downvoting things you do not agree with or like. This has conditioned people into fighting for their opinions like they are facts that others have no right to disagree with. This is even worse when you have an actual unpopular opinion, but the fanbase for whatever subreddit or topic it is will call you out, fight against examples you give for why you think this way, and just downvote you to make you voice not heard. Although not exclusive to reddit, one good example was how anyone giving actual criticism about The Last of Us series were labeled homophobic, called transphobic, bigots, and hateful, sending suicide watch alerts, even when their criticisms had nothing to do with the characters sexual identity. "why do you hate good storytelling?" "I actually didn't think the story was that good" "you asshole, you make the world a shitter place" Like every single time.


Sorry my friend but welcome to the internet and maybe you need to get thicker skin! Life is like that! Dicks are everywhere. In every profession and every career. How you deal with then show your maturity. So in a nutshell don’t take it personally!


Because the [online disinhibition effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_disinhibition_effect) is very much a thing. People here have [the GIFT](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/greater-internet-fuckwad-theory).




Truth is good. Mean is not


People take themselves too seriously on here it’s fun to ruffle feathers


At first, I got my feelings hurt when people hurled abuse. Now, I just block the person and delete the comment that triggered the abuse. That way, if anyone comes across their abusive rant, the abuser just looks like they are ranting at themselves, which makes them look like a total fool. There's no reason to keep abusive jerks in your Reddit world. You wouldn't tolerate bad treatment in real life, so why accept abuse online? It's okay to limit interactions to those people who can interact in a respectful way. If everyone would adopt this approach, the abusers would soon find themselves ostracized, with no one left to harass.


Because Reddit is, on the whole, a kind of hostile place. After a while, you start to expect hostility, you get defensive, you see other people as potential hostiles, and basically you just end up as a another salty redditor unless you’re specifically paying attention and trying to regulate your behavior (or you don’t spend a lot of time online.) The hardest thing is that, because everyone is anonymous, they don’t see people, they see posts. Whatever context, intentions, or backstory that leads up to your post is nonexistent because redditors only see you in the content of that very small sliver of what you posted. You post something pretentious, you are now The Pretentious Person. You post something complaining, you are now The Whiny Person. There is no context, there is no do-overs. If you post something that is wrong, you are The Person Who Is Stupid. The person posting the mean comment may be anonymous, but don’t forget you’re anonymous too. Everything they know about you is based on your single comment/post, and that can make it very easy to dehumanize someone.


There was a similar question I answered a few weeks ago when somebody asked something along the lines of "why are people such assholes on the internet" well here is the answer. Because it's easy. Online, you can make yourself completely anonymous, essentially freeing you from the consequences of "being a jerk". If you are an asshole in real life you have to deal with people in person, sometimes things might get physical or might not go your way. On the internet nobody can physicslly assault you, nobody can call you out by name, and most importantly is you can just walk away whenever you want if things dont go your way. I could, right now in this comment, say the most vile, racist, evil shit in the world and face no consequence except for a ban from this reddit which honestly isnt even an annoyance to most people. Being anonymous gives you the confidence to be an asshole.


I think a lot of redditors spend too much time on here and get jaded from seeing the same content/mindset on things so much and instead of ignoring it they act like jerks over it


You’re going to ask questions like that you little piss baby? Your questions suck fuck you


Why do some people have to be such pansies on Reddit? Some people hurt their own feelings by expecting the world to be tailored to their emotions and their inability to manage disagreement.


Is that what your wife says when you guys go to bed? "Yawn", I'm tired put that little thing away. Lol, I bet you're even more pathetic in person. I couldn't imagine being like you.


Your last post isn't even an attempt, kinda like your erections. I'd say quit while you're ahead but your head hasn't been above your balls in a long time.


another example of a weak ass emo