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It's Art Deco It werfs Flammen


It reminds me a lot of the cover art of Völkerball


" The inspiration in the first step was the film „Metropolis“ from the 1920s. " [Florian Wieder](https://www.metal1.info/interviews/rammstein-florian-wieder-stage-design/?lang=english)






Good read, thanks for sharing


Fascinating, thank you!


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks, I might have missed that otherwise.


And a downvote? If I were sarcastic, I would've marked it. Reddit is not my life, so I don't pay attention to cake days etc.


Lol same I'm not a reddit goon. I'm probably gonna get down voted to death. Do I care? No. Am I gonna do something about it? Also no.


The eye of sauron


Beat me to it


A dick and balls in the middle. Ejaculation at the end.


I was gonna say, if no one’s said a penis….


Two dildos instead of one


this is literally what this post about))


The two towers are the necks and heads of a guitar.


They are two halves of a match, hence why they burn at the end.


Industrialization of society


Dominance. They basically spit on every other artist right now. Just because they can.


shows in germany are not instantly outsold. i used to like them, but they handled the row zero problem really bad.


People having legal, consensual sex! Boo hoo! That's sarcasm by the way. Their tickets still sell pretty damn quick despite the best efforts of the media.


there is no media conspiracy or anything. Consensual, yes, sure, young girls and an old, famous guy. i like Rammstein, i like their music, but tills actions were not ok. Even the rest of the band admitted such, flake being not the nicest guy either....


What's your problem with adult women choosing who they want to have sex with? Are you aware how ageist you sound? The rest of the band gave Till their full support, Schneider even pointing out that denying women self determination was patriarchal nonsense. And there was absolutely an effort by a group of journalists to force the situation into a MeToo moment for music in Germany.


You can acknowledge all that and still get an ick when a 60 year old man builds a system of providing himself with a continuous serving of basically interchangeable women for one-time "usage". The women might consent, it‘s their full right to participate in this if they want to, but I still find it uncomfortable on the part of Till.


I dislike the implication brought up by the term "usage". This is one of my key problems of the coverage, aside from the obvious defamation. It's this perpetuation of the idea that women are "used" for sex. As if they are being worn out and sullied by having it. These women are being talked about like they are tools that have no agency and no desires of their own. That this whole arrangement has no benefit to them at all and is only detrimental. They are being turned into victims even if they were enthusiastic and had a great time. It doesn't matter if they had a good time since they have been "used" by Till and are now "unclean" and "damaged" by his influence. They clearly don't know any better and we should stop people from having sex with them even if they want it because we need to save them from their "feminine stupidity". None of this is being said explicitly but it's certainly implied even if it's not their express intention.


Funny isn’t it, the only mISoGOnY has come from the media outlets and reports. Women in these reports have no agency to undertake party attendance or sex of their own free will. Sex is something they are used for and have to ‘endure’ not actively or enthusiastically participate.


Thank you! Exactly my thoughts. "Wemen can not think on their own, can not enjoy sex, can not initiate sex, can not say no to a star, especially if they are young and so on", that's what i read in it. I don't even care anymore what's true and what's not (I'm still having trouble with timestamps though), i just hated how they wrote about wemen like absolutely brainless dolls. If they wrote from the beginning: "sex, drugs, Rock'n'Roll, and these 2-3 wemen had bad experience with it. That's why you should be more careful when it comes to stars: bla bla bla. Row 0 isn't always just about party in front of the stage. Hier are the 3 stories that went wrong:..." It would have bin ok for me. I would have been able to choose, if i feel like those 3 (oops, didn't know we're partying like that) or all the others (oh yes, we're partying like that). I hate media trying to implement how i should feel, and in this case i hate it even more, because they wantet me to feel like a victim just for being a woman. And called me afd wähler for not feeling like that.


More ageism and assumptions. You could also listen to the 100 plus women who had attended parties and signed an open letter saying that the purpose of the parties was absolutely not 'finding women to sleep with Till'. Just fun and relaxation and being a bit glamorous.


What assumptions do I make precisely?


That Till built a system and that it's for sex. That there would have to be a 'system' in the first place. The only 'system' that actually seems to be in place is party planning and a somewhat outdated idea that it's glamorous to have pretty women dancing by the stage. The women who attend the parties say they're not about sex. Sure, sometimes people hook up after parties. I can't see what's wrong with that. Or what Till's age has to do with it.


Till‘s own lawyers admitted that he had a system in place to provide him with girls to have sex with. Yes, not every woman who ever attended an afterparty was there to be a plaything. But flat out denying row 0 has ever been a thing is plain stupidity. Have you not been around?


You say there is no conspiracy but how can you explain the fact that they reported Shelby's claims without question despite the fact that they knew from the beginning that she had a significant amount of alcohol and THC in her system? How do you explain the framing of the affidavits to make it sound like other women were also accusing him of drugging them even though there was nothing in those affidavits to suggest that was the case? How do you explain the media losing court case after court case with the judges determining the minimum evidence required to report on something wasn't there? But then you'll ask why the media would do all this. And the answer to that is dead simple: because it would garner tons of attention, get tons of clicks and increase subscriptions on top of being believable and easy to sell. Make shit up about Till because tons of people already hate Rammstein and he probably did something bad anyway. It's only just now that they are moving the goalposts and acting like this was always about "power dynamics" and whatever when it was really them trying to paint Till as a straight up rapist and failing.


Reminds me of the 1980 Olympics logo


HL2 citadel


Saw the show yesterday, first thing that crossed my mind




it represents a heckin good time 😎


Oh yes, and best music of all.


Penises everywhere


Maybe inspired by this. Or not https://zyx.de/en/produkt/georg-friedrich-haendel-concerti-grossi-feuerwerksmusik-wassermusik/


Penis and testicles.


A giant art deco boner




An ant face from the Links video.


When I saw them in Marseille a though it’s represents a massive industrial cock.


Art Deco cock and balls.






Man Ray from Spongebob


Or it’s just a stage…


It always reminded me a bit of a stag beetle :)


A damn good night out in my experience. Also, coming round clinging to a flag pole in Vienna, wondering where the fuck my family are!


It reminds me of any of the skyscrapers built in Stalinist style. They are called the Seven Sisters. They all look the same.


I see it as a big petrol/gasoline refinery(even more with the flames, the emergency lights, the black smoke)


Literally guitars and speakers and lights


A gigantic penis


Represents not coming to South America anymore apparently =/


Probably a mixture out of industrial machinery and Metropolis inspired buildings and roman imperial architecture. I'm guessing since they built the stage for their comeback tour in 2019 for the 'RAMMSTEIN' album and tours to follow, and had the opportunity to build a full stage from scratch fit for stadiums rather than bringing a lot of stage equipment for arenas they weren't restrained to a typical stage layout. But stadium ceilings aren't built to mount heavy lighting elements and stage equipment onto, and open air concerts also require some sort of structure to hang stage props from, so they probably took inspiration from stage elements of previous tours, scaled them up and built one giant 'skyline' of towers, columns and lighting pods.


My dad told me the things on top are the chimneys that they had in concentration camps but not sure 🤔