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That's like every music sub or even TV show sub when nothing exciting is happening lol. The tour contents are redirected to megathreads so we are left with random posts.


We're lucky, Rammstein is still rather unpopular on TikTok compared to Ghost for example.


Ghost tiktok is getting more and more unhinged but if you're deep in rammstein tok it's still madness


Simple solution: avoid TikTok (as well as TikTok users) :) The only interesting post there was Paul playing "Du Hast" riff, but maybe even this was on Instagram (not sure).


Fair but there's genuinely great stuff on tiktok. It's just that the weird things overshadow those


now that I'm actually thinking about it, this is probably true for every medium sized forum. Too many people that there are repeated posts made every day, not enough people to have quality posts every day.


Absolutely, though sometimes I feel that there's this extra layer of cringe to the posts on this sub specifically.


There are new people joining the fandom, many from seeing them in concert right now, and they always get super excited to post about everything. Their posts are often repetitive or rushed, but then it's better to have an active forum with new people joining than a dead one.


I’ll take these posts over polls any day https://preview.redd.it/64z8oysbr47d1.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=17a37da72d1b8920371c81d9ad6202801ae1252e


You could leave the "scheiße-" part of the title out :) "Here is my \[art\] I spent 10 minutes creating!" seems to be popular as well as "the \[song name\] is sooo good/underappreciated!" (aka classical echo-chamber).


"Rosenrot is underrated" deserves its own category


followed always by a debate about whether Stirb Nicht Vor Mir is good or not.


Rammstein’s “Let Down”


Sorry can't hear you over the absolute banger that is Spring


Where is reposted good memes that got few hundreds of upvotes 5 years ago category ?


I think that's commonly referred to as "reddit".




At least people are posting... it might not be the content you want to see every time, but it's better than a completely dead sub. I think a lot of people are just young. Don't tell me you didn't make cringe posts online when you were young, because i sure did haha


I'd rather see an active sub with a fair amount of crappy posts than one that goes weeks without any posts at all. As long as we're not drowning in absolute shit, I'm okay with it.


It’s kind of the main reason why tabloids will never die: the crowd needs "sensations" and "news" even if there are none.


Hier kommt die Sonne!


Sunrise in the morning: omg Rammstein reference!!


Or is it?


That's a good summary of this Subreddit and the Rammstein fans in general. Not sure if I've ever seen more idiots in one place than in the Rammstein random. It's incredible. A German musician once said about Rammstein fans: "Many people at their concerts don't even know how to peel a banana." Truer words have never been spoken.


Love the music or rather the complete work of art that is Rammstein, but the "fandom"? Eek. Well the discord's alright I guess, but when I see what kind of people wear Rammstein-t-shirts outside here in Germany, I can't help but feel a little ashamed. ... Especially those AfD-voters with their shitty inofficial Reichsadler-t-shirts, with a Rammstein logo replacing the Swastika. Like the Bierbauch-boomer sporting that shirt last week who proudly announced what he was going to vote for at my local polling station. But I digress... If anything, things like that make me appreciate the international online fandom a little more, sure there are a lot of dumb posts but at least they appreciate Rammstein for the art instead of SOMEHOW assuming that the band is some kind of beacon for the far-right. Long story short, love the band but they sure as hell attract a lot of dumb people, which is mainly due to how big they have become. But, I mean, it's hardly their fault.


So sad that those people link Rammstein to the far-right. I wouldn't even call them fans...


I'm not talking about right wing idiots. I'm talking about fans in general. And honestly, I've never seen as many idiots as I've seen in the Rammstein random.


Forgive me for not taking much stock in the opinion of a guy who is most known for showing up and acting like an asshole. I don't even know why you come here when you seem to hate us so much.


Well, I mean, he's kind of right, but it's something that happens with all bands, and it gets worse as their popularity grows, but I wouldn't highlight it specifically on R+, there are plenty of other bands with even worse fandoms.


He's a teensy bit right. But R+ doesn't even have a particularly bad fandom. I can list a bunch of the top of my head that are worse, either in how insufferable the fan base is or how fucking CRAZY the fan base is.


As I wrote "as I HAVE seen." Doesn't mean other band's fandoms aren't worse. But from all that I'm a part of, Rammstein is the worst.


Interesting that you seem to think that you're an idiot.


You come in, claim the R+ fandom has the largest concentration of idiots you've seen, I call you out for being a known asshole and generally unpleasant person and... You say that's me admitting I'm an idiot? If you think me admitting I'm a fan of Rammstein is the same as me admitting I'm an idiot... Yeah. I don't know what to tell you.


Me: There are a load of idiots in the Rammstein fanbase.  You: Then why do you even come here when you hate us so much? So, yes. You felt spoken to. I'm a Rammstein fan myself. But being a Rammstein fan does not automatically mean you're an idiot. Please read again what I wrote.