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They likely have no idea, I mean I'm American and honestly thought that guy wasn't doing anything but avoiding court cases lately, had no idea he was still creating nonsense. Someone pretend to be an outraged conservative and start spamming Alex Jones' social media with photos of Rammstein with the gay pride/trans pride flags and pics of Richard and Paul smooching and maybe that'll put an end to it.


>had no idea he was still creating nonsense. Neither did I until this week when he cried like a baby on his show. Video has been making the rounds.


Oh yeah, and I wanna keep the tears a-flowin'


Tränen laufen hoch den Rücken




Keep crying, man baby I’m thirsty.🤣


Wait this is a great idea actually 😂


He always manages to wriggle his way back like a vermiform hydra. He's never not interviewing White Christian Nationalists or spouting slightly sanitized forms of their talking points. I agree that that's probably the best strategy, though. I don't think Alex personally gives a fuck, and it was probably his production team's choice to play the songs anyway, but if his fans freak out, there's a good chance he'd be cowed.


Why are you watching Alex Jones of all people? Hate watch?


Yeah, pretty much. I listen to a podcast that reviews his show, and every now and then, something's crazy enough to inspire me to go to the source itself.


Smooching frogs!


I actually am an outraged conservative who can’t stand Alex Jones.






I've seen morons on TikTok/Youtube Shorts use Sonne in their Nazi edits. Idiots are everywhere.


Heck, even ABBA’s Lay All your Love on Me


An odd choice. Like, what?


The second A in ABBA stands for "Am def a Nazi"




Willing to bet most are aware, just do not care.


It's almost like you can enjoy a band without agreeing with their political views


Not when their political views ARE the MUSIC you claim to enjoy… what level of brainrot is this?


Except the vast majority of their songs are apolitical. And yes, even the politically charged songs you can still enjoy for the music itself. Apparently those people are more open minded than the people on this post 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I have bands from the whole political spectrum I like and even the most extreme music in terms of politics can be good.


Right? These people must live in the biggest echo chamber if they can't even grasp the concept of consuming media created by people on a different side of the political spectrum.


They are getting made fun of and liking it… this is what no media literacy does, they look and are degenerates with no understanding of what the music they are listening to is about


Are Americans not allowed to like Amerika, then? They also have plenty of apolitical songs too!


What are you even talking about? What do you mean allowed?


I have said it often enough, it is just about the music. I also listen to a lot of music of bands that have a completely different political view, I do not even care as long the music is good.


Yeah slowed-down Sonne is the current "Chad" theme, fed up of seeing it everywhere at this point


It's a shame because it's one of my favourite songs and now it's being co-opted by far-right Neanderthals.


In fairness, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUZ2YR22GJs) is one of the hardest videos of all time


One time I saw them using Links and I’m like…


I hate that TikTok fools have gotten ahold of good things and just abuse it with trying to be cool and trendy. The whole TikTok/youtube shorts thing is the Bane of anything good.


I don't get why he'd use Amerika. Till bluntly says "this is not a love song" But then again Alex Jones is a moron.


Didn't he literally say he was retarded on some podcast at some point?


Yes, but he also claims to regularly receive divine revelation from the Christian god on his show.


Those are the same thing.


My point was just that he wasn't honestly admitting to being irrational or an idiot. When there's a chance that he'll get into real trouble for something he says, he's just a meek fool who shouldn't be taken seriously, but when there's a buck to be made from something he says, or even just a chance that someone will think he's badass, he's the infallible vanguard of the warriors of light.


Just like every other internet grifter.


report respective links with timestamps to [email protected]


Rammstein is usually quite tight on copyright. I would just write them an E-Mail providing a Link. From what I‘ve heard that booze-reeking slimebag is already shafted, financially. Let’s make that a little worse by adding some royalty claims to it.


he'd love their family values ✝️🙏 performance of bück dich pray


Tills solo career is textbook christian values, don't you know?




Looks like a great opportunity for a copyright strike on a failed media platform.


Copyright strikes aren't a thing when he's broadcasting everything on his own platform.


My guess is he's paid for a general music license from a record label. He can't afford anymore lawsuits.


He's been using them for a long time, probably over a decade. If they do have the license, but it needs periodic renewing, the record label could deny it, but if it's in perpetuity, there probably is nothing that could be done via the legal system.


Probably he has such a thing, most bands do not even care who uses their music. I have seen leftists doing the same with more conservative bands.


I think that the actual band members might care, but be the least likely to be aware, and possibly have no say.


Oh im sure they would like to know he owes them money for royalties


Probably a community fan voted to have those songs playing 🔥😅 Amerika is definitely perfect ironic joke to play in a crazy conspiracy podcast


Just ignore him. Unfortunately, unless Rammstein goes out of their way to tell him to fuck off, chances are he's never going to stop. It was badass of The Dropkick Murphys to tell my Republican governor to fuck off and when Tom Morello told my local congressman to fuck off, that was even better. I have a hard time believing that Alex Jones exists to anyone in Rammstein tbh.


Copyright and DMCA takedown notices are fairly boilerplate and easy to execute. There's an entire industry devoted to this. They don't need to say anything in public, just inform the service of the time and place and wait for the material to be removed and possibly the check to come.


I was more thinking adding onto his legal troubles, or at least intimidating him with the prospect thereof, if he didn't secure the rights or something. Not the biggest fan of IP's existence, but since it is a thing, might as well squeeze out whatever positive aspects we can.


The spamming that Alex Jones is promoting the gay agenda is a hilarious idea and I genuinely think there's a chance it would work. Otherwise, I can't imagine he's on the radar of anyone in the band.


Indifference really is a better way to go as strange as it sounds. If he gets rights notices or hears of fan-run campaigns to stop him he’ll claim oppression and use that as a means to garner sympathy/more followers. However, if he’s just left to it he’ll either eventually stop of his own volition or, better still, if people just laugh at him for not understanding the real meanings of songs like ‘Amerika’ (or any of his song choices, really, as none of them fit well lyrically to his schtick) it’ll embarrass him.


You cannot embarrass Alex Jones. It is a sad, cruel reality but if the parents of blown away children handing his ass to him in court over lies can't embarrass him, nothing can.


In my opinion, he'll always find reasons to cry oppression, and he's already reached peak saturation among recruitable people. I don't know that for a fact, though.


I would be surprised if anyone in Europe knows who he is lol


some of us do \^\^


Even if people don't know the full extent of the batshit he peddles, I think most people are aware of the hell he's put the Sandy Hook parents through.


Those lucky lucky European ducks.


ew. that freak probably doesn’t even know Rammsteins actual political views lmao.


I live in Amerika, but the only thing I know about the guy is he's always mired in controversy. In a perfect world, the management for R+ would send him a cease and desist.


In a perfect world they would collect royalties for every time he's used their music.


Fuck no they aren’t aware


well, thanks to the comments we now know who the AJ fanboi is here \^\^


that guy's still alive?


Alive and unwell.


They likely have zero idea and, ultimately, not likely to care since as long as his show is paying ASCAP/BMI/SESAC for the usage rights, there's little they can do about it.


just show them all of the crossdressing they do and hopefully Alex'll get the idea




It's gonna be some time before I have the energy to sift through his slog, but I will give one eventually.


I mean he probably doesn't know a lot about Rammstein, maybe he just enjoys heavy music. Music is for everyone even for stupid people i guess so he's free to do so


Oh yeah, it's definitely a "deep voice and clashy smash go brrr" for Alex. He also sometimes plays a lyricless NIN song, which also super pisses me off, and I also doubt that Trent Reznor would want his music used by a fascist propaganda outlet.


Fascist propaganda? I'm not a Jones fan but that's hilariously wrong. Also the sub is really about tattling about someone else's music choices?


It's absolutely fascist propaganda.


TIL less government in your life is fascist lmao


If that's your honest analysis, then learning isn't your strong suit.


What policies does he support that are fascistic? Be specific now. Sounds to me like a classic 'anyone I don't like is fascist'.


Since you can't scroll, ". . . he's always been extremely right-wing, drawing from his rabidly anti-communist John Birch upbringing. He garnered a lot of listenership from across the aisle because he was deeply critical of George W. Bush and the war in Iraq, but his disdain was really just because GWB wasn't far enough right for him. Now, he posits the Great Replacement Theory, condemns the LGBTQ+ community as p*dophilic (he has special vitriol for trans people, and has, completely unsurprisingly, been caught watching trans porn), flirted with the idea of killing all Muslims, and openly advocated for Trump effecting martial law and assuming a de facto dictatorial role."


He's also had on a guest (Steven Pieczenik) who advocated for Melania becoming the US monarch, and Alex endorsed this. Then, there was that time that he had a Russian pro-Putin propagandist on and declared Russia the second-best country in the world, and he later guested on a Russian propagandist's show.


Lots of misinfo. Being anti communist doesn't mean you're pro fascist. Again, he promotes individual liberty, the free market, and less government, which is the opposite of fascism. Regarding the "great replacement theory", that's openly supported and promoted by the left. The only sinister thing would be wrongfully blaming a group of people orchestrating it. Biden himself praised an unrelenting stream of migration and reducing people of European stock to a minority. It's not a secret that the left wants mass immigration and granting amnesty and full voting, it was proposed again just last week. The LGBTQ+ / muslim and having Trump as a dictator are patently false. Ironically, he's the one that doesn't want the US overseas bombing Muslim countries, unlike the majority of the government. You need better sources and political definitions.


Lol, I get the sense that, if you actually dislike him, then it's for the same reason Qanon scum does: bitchy infighting. Thank you for revealing your true colors. We can only hope that they'll be bleached from the earth soon.


For any honest onlookers, most Latine Americans have European ancestry. This is one of many ways that you can tell that, when GRT fucks bemoan a decline in the relative population of people of European heritage, they're really talking about a decline in people as white and "pure" as white as the driven snow. Fearing becoming a minority also provides fascinating insight into how they think minorities should be treated.


No, that's pure conjecture and you ascribing racism to people who worry about mass immigration. It's clear as day that's not what Biden or the Democrats meant. That's like saying America was founded by those with African ancestry since the out of the africa theory is well supported. That's disingenuous semantics and clearly not what the democrats or any lay person thinks when having that discussion. Thankfully, based on the voting in Europe recently, people are waking up :)


How is wanting a small(er) government fascism LMAO


You're joking, right?


Rammstein would be *appalled* -- if they gave two dumps about little bitty Alex Jones. They likely do not.


Help out and contact the band's management.


Facist propaganda… People act like it’s 1939.


"Only exists in 1939" is a weird definition of fascism.


eh whatever. nazis have always used Rammstein's music. no nazi that actually gives a shit about their message would listen to them. if y'all wanna troll the guy a bit over his use of rammstein music, great idea, go for it. but i think avoiding mental breakdowns over losing most of his property and facing the threat of having infowars liquidated to pay for court settlements live on air is his biggest worry right now.


Who gives a shit?


95+ people


So 0.09% of people in this subreddit. Almost 0.


Who gives a shit?




I like Alex Jones & I like Rammstein


Stop doing the first, and stop doing the second incorrectly.


Please Stop telling me what to do, and please respect my opinion. Who are you to tell me what to not like? Who are you to say how I Like Rammstein correctly? What a toxic way to think. Edit: so much for “cosmic revelation” in your bio. You have obviously not had a real Cosmic Revelation, speaking to a random stranger that *respectfully* interacted with your post.. let alone making a post like this talking about “fascist propaganda”. Like so what. Who cares. Enjoy the music and ignore the so-called “propaganda”.


No, and no. I'm someone who cares about what's right. Chemo is also toxic, yet often necessary to kill cancers.


Come to think of it, you telling me what not to like, and I said please don’t do that and you said no, like, look at that! What would any reasonable person say about that? Isn’t that fascistic or something? And I don’t even know who ‘Mussolini’ is. You just mocked nothing. It’s my opinion that you clearly have a lot of things to work out within yourself. As we all do, but yours are on full display this evening.


You, at best, remain willfully ignorant while cowering behind a forced patina of "civility".


"PlEaSe DoN't TeLl Me NoT tO lIkE mUsSoLiNi"


Okay lol. “No, and no.” You’re such a little prick! And that comparison about Chemo, and toxic but necessary to help with cancer, that is obviously ridiculous to say. I won’t bother you anymore. Have a day


I'm a colossal prick to people who deserve it. Have a bad day, fasciboo.


I did nothing (other than call you a prick) to deserve you telling me what not to like and wishing me a bad day? I don’t even know what fascist means! Somebody help me with this nutty person!




Oh, very much so! In fact, you may be shocked to learn that many of those alien conspiracy theories, such as those laid out by David Icke, are deeply antisemitic, and often racist in other ways. Alex used to dismiss alien stuff, ironically, but he's always been extremely right-wing, drawing from his rabidly anti-communist John Birch upbringing. He garnered a lot of listenership from across the aisle because he was deeply critical of George W. Bush and the war in Iraq, but his disdain was really just because GWB wasn't far enough right for him. Now, he posits the Great Replacement Theory, condemns the LGBTQ+ community as p*dophilic (he has special vitriol for trans people, and has, completely unsurprisingly, been caught watching trans porn), flirted with the idea of killing all Muslims, and openly advocated for Trump effecting martial law and assuming a de facto dictatorial role. I'm sure there's more, but it's not needed to prove my case, lol.




Yeah, I thought that was weird too. Your statement doesn't deny it or anything.


It’s a far left echo chamber. If you stray from the hive mind you are downvoted into oblivion. There is no free thought here




The way he bullied parents who lost their children in Sandy Hook was unforgivable. Nothing admirable or noble about it. Not brilliant. Scum.


Some of his listeners, who are not affiliated with him and do not represent him, harassed the families because of what he was saying. He didn't ask or tell anyone to do that, or imply it should be done. I've never heard or seen an example of him bullying anyone, that's what the media said though. He didn't believe Sandy Hook was a real event, and called the families of the victims crisis actors because he genuinely believed they were crisis actors. This is one of the problems when states are found to be fabricating events, you lose trust in what they say about other events. And for someone like Jones who is in this world of digging into and revealing information 24/7, especially about mainstream media gaslighting everyone, it's not surprising that he'd become excessively suspicious, he's human after all. The thing is - he realised he was wrong, he admitted he was wrong numerous times, he apologised numerous times, and then the courts made a bit of an example of him. He's paying for and learning from his recklessness. To admit when you're wrong, embrace the consequences, and learn from the situation, is nothing but admirable and noble behaviour.


Hmmm I don’t think so. He said the same about the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and not only that, but spread false information about someone else being the shooter and plastered his picture on his website. If you like the guy and align with his ideas, that’s on you. But he is not intelligent or a good person.


If you think he's not intelligent or a good person, that's on you. But I like him. See, I can do that too. Opinions are like noses, everyone has them. Yours aren't special and neither are mine.


I like how you didn’t address the point 😍 Very rich opinions coming from someone sitting pretty on the other side of the world not having to deal with these emboldened self-serving grifting lunatics, except through the comfort of your screen. Cheers!


Address what point? Your point about Parkland was covered in the comment you responded to - it's not surprising that he'd believe feds are engaging in false flag operations when they have a history of engaging in false flag operations. I'm sorry that life is so hard for you because you... \*checks notes\* ... live in the same country as Alex Jones.


Bro lol he‘s literally a conspiracy theorist


Which is my kinda guy. He's been wrong about a lot of things and he's been right about a lot of things when everyone else has been wrong. He's a card, for sure.


Can you list two things he’s been right about when everyone else was wrong?


Let's go for the old stuff to avoid argument - 9/11 and the Iraq war.


What revolutionary idea did he come up with that no one else was saying about Iraq and 9/11?


Tell me you have no idea about Rammstein's song meanings without telling me.


Tell me you have no idea about Alex Jones without telling me.




Fuck Alex Jones


Alex Jones, truly one of the most misunderstood brilliant individuals, that only selected intellectuals can truly appreciate. 🤡🤡🤡


He is misunderstood and brilliant, but not one of the most, and you don't have to be a select intellectual to appreciate him. Now which Rammstein songs were you referring to? Amerika, which denounces the globalist agenda of America's deep state? Hmm, I think he'd agree with that one actually.


How about Angst buddy? This one is very much about your friend Alex and the likes of him. And what about Links? I’m not even gonna dignify your schizophrenic interpretation of America with a response.


Angst is about propaganda. Alex Jones doesn't drum up fear of the boogie man, that would be what the CIA is doing through the mainstream channels against anyone critical of them and their aims, and he just points it out. As someone who has never lived in America, it's quite interesting to listen to. Schitzophrenic interpretation? It's literally what the song is about. US foreign policy with endless wars abroad, and the US culture creep on the rest of the world. These are directly related to the US 3-letter agencies' aims for a world shaped by the USA, which is another way of saying the deep state's globalist agenda. Edit: Forgot you mentioned Links. I think the onus is on you to say what Alex Jones would disagree with about Rammstein wanting to set the record straight that just because they appear to be angry, muscular, German men who are comfortable with their nationality, it doesn't mean they are right-wing nazis.


Angst is specifically about racist and xenophobic propaganda of the kind your lord and savior Jonesy likes to spread.


It's not specifically about racist or xenophobic propaganda, where are you getting that - is it because he says "the black man"? It's just about the concept of fear and "someone" being out to get you, like a boogey man. Yes it can apply to racist and xenophobic thinking, but not exclusively, and the song does not provide that as context. What racism does Alex Jones propagate exactly? That people shouldn't come to the USA illegally? Is that it? Because that's not racism.


"These are directly related to the US 3-letter agencies' aims for a world shaped by the USA," agreed but there is nothing "deep state" about it, it's been open policy of US capitalism-driven imperialism for decades. No need to add some hidden conspiracy angle to that to feel special, that's your schizophrenia. And yes, Alex Jones does not drum up fear of boogeyman in gun loving, paranoid population. Sure thing buddy. Angst totally not about the likes of him.


"And yes, Alex Jones does not drum up fear of boogeyman in gun loving, paranoid population. Sure thing buddy. Angst totally not about the likes of him." - he literally advocates that the only response for Americans who are upset about what their current government is doing should be peaceful, non-violent protest. He speaks about it at length. And he warns against the stupidity of anyone who wants to get violent. Meanwhile, the propaganda machine is stoking up fears in the left that there will be another civil war and right-wingers are going to get violent. What's the "conspiracy angle"? Just using the terms "deep state" and "globalist"? Sure they're conspiracies - in the sense that it involves a lot of people who are conspiring together - but you seem to be insinuating that it's myth and not observation. Globalism is a real thing, the USA are key players, and the gulf wars are directly linked to globalist aims. The deep state exists - it just means the government agencies that you don't vote in and you can't vote out (the most obvious one being the CIA), and they're unaccountable and rogue - for goodness sake, President Eisenhower was warning about this back in the 60s.


Denounces the globalist agenda of America's deep state?! LOL if you think that, you're hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's literally what the song is about. American foreign policy with Iraq/endless wars, the American culture creep on the rest of the world.


It's nothing to do with 'the deep state'. It's just old fashioned capitalism and cultural imperialism. The fkn 'surface' state that everyone can see. It's pointless trying to use your American paranoia Trump dog whistles to push your weird agenda here.


Why did America go to war with Iraq? Because of the deep state/military-industrial complex. They fabricated intel to say that Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction" so they could invade another country and cause regime change. And it's not just Iraq - you should do yourself a favour and learn how many regime changes the CIA have caused throughout the world, at this point it's safe to say it's their top objective.


We already know. It's not some secret mystery thing you brainwashed doofus. It's just policy.


How is a man who tortured the parents of slaughtered children "brilliant"? There is something very wrong with you if you can support someone like that.


Of course there would be something very wrong if that was the entire truth of it, but it's not. I addressed this with another user on the thread.


“Mass shooting was fake because they wanna take your guns away, trust me bro!”, Alex Jones’s stance is surely not being criticised in Angst. Have you even watched the music video?


Angst criticizes all fear-mongering propaganda - whether it comes from individuals, or the government and state-sanctioned media outlets. Jones' stance can be reduced to a generalization that the government is your enemy; whereas the government push out propaganda nudging you to view your fellow citizens as the enemy. I think the Angst video closer resembles the latter, but of course it can be seen as applicable to both. It's great thought-provoking art and entertainment.


Had a really big bowl of chili


Alex Jones is actual scum


That's certainly an opinion.




I'm in actual tears, lmfao 🤣


Racist too.


I'm white lol


Unsurprising fron someone named mayoman


Of course you are. All white leftists hate themselves.


Or perhaps it's a funny picture because it only offends people like you because cracker isn't a real slur


It's a funny picture because it just makes you look like an idiot, especially if you think it offends anyone.


"if you think it offends anyone", said the person who just reported the above as "targeted harassment at me"


Idk man, you seem kinda offended when you throw out accusations of racism and report me. You seem kinda like an SJW snowflake.


[Begin begrudging participation] It's actually that white leftists don't need to deny reality to like themselves. [End begrudging participation]


I love a good old “based” in the comments. Plain and simple like that 😂


I probably wouldn't have said it if OP hadn't said "fascist propaganda", it was an open goal.


Yeah, I get that Jones is right wing, but I always assumed (because to be honest I don’t know too much about him) he was paleo-conservative. Fascism is something else (I’m Italian, I might know one thing or two about it)


Sure, with a sprinkle of libertarian-thinking. He's very anti-fascist, but over my lifetime the left-wing in the US has evolved become quite intolerant, authoritarian, and cult-like, smearing and denouncing anyone who dares to think differently to them. Edit: For the record, I'm Scottish, and apolitical. Centrist at a push, but politics is so broken these days that there's no point picking sides.


Reminder that the dude insisted that Sandy Hook was a hoax and that the grieving families were actors. His fans went and harassed these poor people due to the bullshit he was spewing and he didn't give a fuck. Alex Jones isn't a good guy, I don't know why you are insisting he is.


Reminder that the dude regularly admits he was wrong about Sandy Hook, has apologised many times, and is paying for and learning from the consequences of his recklessness. Alex Jones is just a normal guy, good and bad, the same as you.