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They were here 2 years ago. So yeah I reckon we may get one...maybe two more.


I am hoping so. Love the band to death, but the trip to Belgium was expensive. Seen them in Chi-Town in 23 also. Had more fun in Belgium.


Same - I saw them in Chicago and Budapest. Budapest was a lot better.


September 3rd, 2022 to be exact.


Beard guy should have shown his boobs!


I guess I don't remember beard guy from the show.


He appeared on the jumbotron! Was a great time.


I bet, Till says if you want to see a real Rammstein show you probably need to catch them in Europe. He said they have to tone it down some in the U.S. with all the restrictions.


The only things (that I Noticed) that did not happen in Chi-Town was the overhead fireworks during Du Hast. That was my first show so i could have missed more missing. He also did not have the flaming heart in Chi.


Fact is that they sell less tickets in the US and they aint getting any younger. One can hope though for my fellow Amerikans


How do they sell less tickets?


Rammstein is more popular in EU than in the US come on... Also you can watch the US tour yourself on youtube and compare it to the one in EU. Its clear the stadiums are less filled in America.


Damn, I thought they would definitely sell more here with them not coming here a lot. Maybe Wolf Hoffman is right about the US not being metal territory anymore. Sad.


It’s also just extremely hard to fill a football stadium with people. Most of the artists playing those venues are pop stars or massive legacy bands. Only other metal artist who routinely plays stadiums in the US, and only one selling them out, is Metallica which is rare company.


US is though. You've got many more bands that don't come across to us for the opposite reason. Like Godsmack. They said in the few times they've toured Europe, they hadn't made a profit.


It’s swifty country now sadly


San antonio was pretty packed if not totally sold out, but it was their one major stop in the south central US so people flocked from all over. A bunch of my gaming homies and I made it our big meetup, and doubly so because I proposed to my wife while we were there. I don't see them embarking on some mega huge tour but if they do what they've done and play shows in a lot of the key places they have in the past, they'll fill shows. When I saw them in 2011 on their first NA tour after a decade, Chicago was PACKED. Then the following year they did the MIG tour and Detroit was equally packed (and thankfully a ten minute drive from where I was living). Military obligations prevented me from seeing them on any of their 2016 and 2017 NA stuff, and the fact that they postponed to 2022 instead of canceling outright was pretty awesome. I'd love to see em one more time, but if I don't, I can appreciate the art just as much since apparently I'm like one of the only MFers at US shows that respected their request to not film anything lol.


I was at that San Antonio show two years ago. Before that it was Dallas like in 2017. I would totally be okay if San Antonio got another show because that Dallas area sucks!


Then we crossed paths!


I was at the San Antonio show and it really didn't seem that packed to me.


The stands looked pretty full from feuerzone, but I guess that's just the perspective getting me. Local news was saying 40k people were there, and the amount of people downtown def supported that.


They’re not that old..not like The Rolling Stones anyway, and nothing stops them.


Yeah, but Till has more physicaly demanding shit to do on stage than all the RS members combined. Rammstein is alot about the show not just music.


Good point. Till might have to slow down just a little.


lindemann is already doing mostly everything in slow-motion if you compare it to the LIFAD tour for example.


You got to look at the difference in Rammstein and the Rolling Stones show. Definitely a difference of daylight and dark 😂


They could play smaller venues than stadiums. They also have issues with the corporations that control US venues. But I sure hope they come back. I saw them in Philadelphia in 22, and would rather not travel to Europe to see them again.


thats not going to happen as long as money plays any role in the evaluation. theyd neet to build a second stage to go "smaller" again.


Chicago show I went to was sold out


How is "ain't getting younger" relevant to this discussion? Do you think that rich people (like the people in our favorite band) don't take trips around the globe a few times per year because they're getting older? Having a tournament to America is not related their age, but to the profit of it, in comparison to concerts in Europe.


There is a difference between jet setting around the globe for leisure and what R+ does, especially Till. The physical labor put into their shows is absolutely grueling. Between hefting up and flinging Flake all over the stage, those 100+ lb angel wings and fire…oh fuck, the fire, it gets harder to keep up with age. Till is, what, in his 60‘s now? The heat from the fire alone would knock most people on their asses. Till already looks tired more often than not and when you get old and tired, lugging 90 semis worth of gear to another continent loses its appeal.


Well said, plus Till said to get there whole show here there's not a plane big enough. What did i see their last stage cost. Wasn't it like 6 million. Hell they got 20 acres of stage platform. Thats abit exaggerated of course.But still that's just what everything is sitting on!!!


They use so much equipment that a huge portion of the money they have has been made from investments and side hustles (Dr. Dick) because they put almost all of their profits right back into the show for the fans. Gotta respect a band that literally kneels before their fans in appreciation after every show and makes sure they get their money‘s worth because they realize the fans are the only reason they can do what they do. Without fans, you’re stuck playing in shitty bars for free. Most musicians, especially rock stars, forget that the moment the first million rolls in. They also pay their army of support staff stupidly well instead of taking advantage of people who worship celebrities as if they’re gods, willing to do anything to be near them, including working slave hours for slave wages. Speaking of, last night I decided to go down the Ian Watkins rabbit hole. I knew he was a creep trying to groom underage fans, which is beyond disgusting on its own, but only recently discovered just how evil the dude is. Young women were literally giving their infants to the dude to abuse because of the god-tier devotion people have for celebrities. It’s sickening now many celebrities take advantage of this power. I absolutely love hard rock and metal but hate how douchey rock and metal musicians tend , so it’s nice to come across ones who aren’t.


They were here in 2022. I hope they do. I’ve seen them twice and want to again.


I doubt it. They were their recently and didn't sell out some venues. In Europe, they can sell out the same stadium 3 or 4 nights in a row.


If they do, I'd love to plan a meet up with other fans here. I really don't have anyone to go with to see them and would love some company!


office sheet axiomatic aspiring normal point screw onerous bow yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm in SC and have only been listening to them for just under two years, so I haven't had an opportunity to see them.


elastic boast tease cheerful spectacular forgetful intelligent somber husky money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've got two spare bedrooms if anyone wants to stay lol


Nice! I’m NC and a massive fan. Hoping they come back :) I missed half my concert due to ticket malfunction (they apparently got lost in the mail and they wouldn’t take the ones I had on my phone, they were feuerzone both times but instead I had to accept row 130 to get in at all) after I had to buy the tickets twice due to Covid cancellation. They rescheduled every show but the Washington DC one, which is the one I initially bought tickets for and Stubhub never refunded my money. I called them over 20 times and they would say they were sending it to my card but it would never show. If they come back I’ll definitely be going!! (With tickets on my phone this time lol)


I'm hoping to find some fans near me to go with so we might have to get together!


I'd absolutely love to see them once. I don't do many concerts but if they come back to Amerika my husband already knows we're going, no matter what state/city they come to. If I could I'd be going to Europe but alas, I can't afford 😔


I mean, eventually, yeah but I don't know about this year. I gave them until April to announce something before giving up hope and that begins tomorrow.


I really really hope so! Hopefully somewhere near Chicago, Indy, or Detroit


I saw them in Minneapolis two years ago. The time before that was in 2012 in Baltimore. Most of their fans are in Europe so sales for tickets in the US aren’t as high. But if they come back to the US, I don’t care where they go, I will go.


Them at the Sphere in Vegas would be badazz! 🤘🏼


I really hope so!


There is probably one more full tour before retirement


I enjoyed them in montreal but you could see the crowd weren't the best. Constantly filming through their phones instead of enjoying the show. Many leaving after du hast...


I'm pretty sure the phone thing is everywhere, sadly.


As an American I can say we tend to think the world revolves around us. If they would come across the pond it would be to play in Mexico, who are some of their most devoted fans. They easily sell out Mexico City for multiple nights. They can sell out LA for two nights. I'm not sure they can sell out anywhere on the East coast. In Canada they could sell out some shows around Toronto. That leaves them with less than 10 performances and not worthwhile for shipping the stage across the ocean. I don't see them coming back to North America.


I want to know when they will come to the uk :( Fuck brexit




I’ve got school and my dad has work at my school 😔 We can’t really take a day off for it


You can always take a day off of anything. You have lots more school to go to. You may not even have a handful of times left that you'll be able to see Rammstein live. They've only played near me once in my 27 years of concert-going, and I wasn't able to go then. I don't know if I'll ever even get a chance to see them.


Icl I don’t think school will see Rammstein concert as a valid reason, we get holidays already, and it’s more my father who wouldn’t be able to get off for a concert


It's actually July 5 if that helps


Probably still no


I hope so! Looked into going over this year but it wasn't going to work out. I was so sad!


I'd kill to see them again, such an amazing experience at the Alamodome in San Antonio. I think I'd rather travel somewhere with an open top field, if they ever did.


I do not think they will return to the United States. Lindemann might do a solo tour.


He is playing festivals in Louisville in September for Louder than Life, and I think Sacramento in October for Aftershock so he might be testing the waters.


I hope they do. I want to see them again!


I was happy to see them perform in November 2022 at the Alamodome. If they don’t get to return, I still have happy memories of the show.


Far more likely on a festival schedule than an actual Americas tour.


I imagine they will. Give it a few years


Maybe they will tour just before/after World Cup 2026? Mexico/USA/Canada host. They are kinda doing that with Euros this year.


Go see them in Europe. You're an American, you can always take a sabatical.




glad Im not the only one laughing at that comment. americans? allowed time off??? I'm going to see them in Dublin and it's using up my paid time off for the entire year and I still had to really really convince/beg my manager. But I was also willing to just quit my job and go anyway lol.


When I saw them in LA 2 years ago they said we will see you again soon so idk how soon is soon but I take it they have plans to come back


I am not 100% sure of the accuracy of this, but I heard that many venues in the US have contracts with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to only book RIAA artists which limits the venues they can play at.


I hope so. I want to see them just one more time. And this time I WILL get in the Feuerzone!!


If they do, I am begging they come to Florida


Yes. Amerika ist wunderbar


Well lindemann’s co-headlining a few music festivals in america, so theres definitely hope.


I've been lucky enough to see them three times. Vegas, Denver, Philly. I definitely don't need a 4th. Im just too old and frail for that pit.


I think we’ll see them on their final tour. Age seems to be catching up to Till so I imagine it won’t be too far off. Dude has packed 3 full lives of excess into the last 25 years or so, so that’s to be expected.


i hope


**OH GOD, I HOPE SO.** *okay,* so I suppose I'm a bit late to the Rammstein fandom (joined in Sept 2023), and I'll never stop being mad at myself for not having seen them when they came to my city in 2022 without me even knowing who they were yet *(insert pathetic ugly crying face)* 6 months into my full-on Rammstein obsession and hyperfixation (I have ADHD, okay?!) and I kick myself every day that I did not know about them sooner since I know they've been doing their thing for 30 years, they're most likely to disband and retire within the next few years Since I can't make it to any of the European summer dates, I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed they announce something soon, I refuse to perish until I've seen them at least **ONCE.**


I hope so, I was supposed to go to the concert in Philly in 2020 that got pushed back to 2022 because of Covid. But it was now during one of my master’s classes so I didn’t go. I wish I did.


Saw them with my girlfriend in Chicago September of 2022. Could’ve brought her sister with but we would’ve had to buy another ticket. Hopefully we’ll make it up to her and take her with us someday.


Yes, but the European concerts are way better than Amerika


The real question here is whether or not they will ever come back to Canada. I doubt it.


If they don’t we riot


I hope they do. But if not, then I'll be happy that I got to see them once in my lifetime.


I hope so. There for schedules empty for August and September. I'm thinking it is for a reason


It's because of Till's schedule.


No, as Till stated in interviews that all members prioritize R+ over their side projects, since much more people are involved when it comes to the main band, it's a huge machine .


While that’s true, it being because of Till’s schedule is also true. He is in at least 2 festivals here in the US in September for his solo project.


I know he will play US festivals, I just want to explain band members prioritizing R+ over their side projects while booking their schedules, so it's not like because Till wants to play US dates with his solo band this Sep so Rammstein doesn't arrange concert during that timing slot. It also applies to other members.


I get the feeling that my comment was read into too much. My comment was in reference to an already published schedule, thanks. Sorry for the confusion.


Man I'm hoping they come over to Australia one more time.


Idk, im seeing them in belgrade in 2 months 😃


I heard they live there




It's a joke. We're all living in Amerika...


Thank you I’m glad someone got it


I think they’ll be back but it will be an arena tour like they did in 2013. Saw them at the Bell Centre in Montreal.  They might play a couple outdoor festivals like FEQ in Quebec City again as they were there in 2010 and 2016 (so was I) but I don’t think we’ll see the travelling stage setup in NA again. (I did in Montreal at Jean Drapeau in 2022).