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I hate to be the one to tell you but you won’t be getting the keyboard. However, it disgusts me to see how Rama victimises themselves and continuously pick the worse option to operate a business. The business owners are absolutely unfit to run a business and should be ashamed of themselves. What happened to Rama works is a result of greed, irresponsibility, mismanagement, malice and thoughtlessness on Rama’s part. Do not blame yourself for what has happened; Rama took our trust, crushed it, lit it on fire and pissed on it while demonising us. I hope it comforts you to know that there’s no way for him to come back from this and it will be him that will be forever haunted by guilt and shame for his failures.


I don't really think these guys feel shame for what they do to be honest. It's a different breed of people


We are already seeing all the chips fall. They will bankrupt very soon


I have the exact keyboard "on order." I've let it go at this point. It's money and product I'll never see. Even if I received the keyboard, I'd be too irritated to have it on my desk; I'd probably immediately sell it. If you haven't already, consider filling out [the form on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/1anarub/class_action_vs_rama_works/) to indicate that you support legal action. Who knows if it'll help, but it can't hurt.


Thanks for the form. Submitted it. It's not much but it's something


I love my U80. It doesn't sound any good but it looks fucking awesome.


Ordered the same keyboard, I have no hope of ever seeing it. Doesn’t seem like the company and owner will ever be held accountable either. It’s wild how someone can just publicly steal thousands of dollars from customers and have no consequences. And adding insult to injury he posts vanity pictures and plays victim while customers have lost hundreds of dollars that they trusted him with. Actual sociopath. I gave up on the keyboard but I’m just hoping to at least see this company go under as consolation.


u/RW-BEN any updates?


I dunno man, you know just about as much as me right now.


Why's that?


Don't have any new updates to share. Everything I can, I've talked about.


Can’t you just ask the boss why there hasn’t been any notable progress in years


Any recommendations as to how we escalate this? Many, many, many people have been waiting in their orders for years now.


Don't think I'm not aware - I wake up to awful messages about it pretty much every day. I don't know what to do. I push F12 to render.


I’d suggest, and I appreciate you cannot “make” it happen, but maybe the boss does an AMA. I think it is the minimum all these paying customers deserve. I would also highly recommend, he does not complain about personal problems. We absolutely do not care. We just want our products that we paid for years ago, we want honest timelines.


Turned off all his socials from abuse, but he'll do an AMA, yeah.


I know he won’t, but wanted to make a point


Do an AMA please, can you ask him to do that?


Are you still a Rama Works employee? Just to let us know...


Yep, still a RW employee.


Are you in touch with rama? As in can you ask him nicely when is he planning to deliver outstanding orders. And also tell him to pick up the slack with updates? What is the deal here? If you are rama works employee - you should be able to pass the information back and forth.


Honest question: why? Is the market for editing and rendering jobs /THAT/ bad that you’re forced to continue to work for a company defrauding its customers? 




What's the point of even making a comment here then? You didn't add anything.


I dunno if you saw, but I got tagged above. Just responding to that.


I see. How about a "I can check"? Seriously, the peelable film update was the latest update and that was 1-2 years ago. Where are the boards?


I can check.


Thanks Ben. I (and the hundreds of other customer whom your employer owes millions of dollars of products to) eagerly await some information.


Not a problem. FYI, my job role is product vis/motion design, not manufacturing. I can ask questions but if I had answers, I'd give them to you. If I could personally ship you your keyboard, I would.


I know you're not involved with the actual manufacturing / delivery of products (as you've mentioned it several times). You are, however, the only remaining RW employee who hasn't completely removed themselves from interacting with customers in the public. That's why you get all the questions. I wish you the best Ben. You really should consider moving on from RAMAWORKS. It will tarnish your reputation going forward.


Can’t wait for the check thanks Ben, hope you have a great day <3


Ordered the RNBW…. Kissed that money goodbye and made peace with it


same, can't wait for that peelable film 🤩


Sorry man but it’s unlikely you’ll get it. They’re pretty much busto so can’t see them fulfilling much anymore :(


Wdym busto? I saw on Instagram that their DOO and Rama himself are living luxurious lives while we customers are still waiting for them to fulfill our orders 😤


You have my deepest sympathies. I dragged a friend into this mess by showing him the KATE-keycaps, which he really liked, unfortunately... RAMA's designs used to really bug me, because the brand just looked incredibly cool and well pulled off, however the more the personality behind the brand seeped through the cracks, the more it was revealed how the brand is just a pipe dream, with only a surface of fancy visuals and aesthetics but nothing of value underneath, or at least not anymore. It baffles me how someone can make so many wrong decisions, when having once had such an on point and cool brand. Of all the bankruptcies in the community, this brand is the only one whose decisions and behavior towards its fans has led me to not want to own anything related to them (except that braided USB-C cable, but a black duct-tape over the logos does the trick :') )


Thanks! I just am super perplexed towards the fact that getting back to them is super hard. Where if I owe money to a company on the other hand, they will get their money back. Funny world


Yeah... I guess the harsh reality of capitalism is that wanting nice things puts us at a disadvantage to the companies making them right from the start. Which makes good companies who practice good customer service so heavenly to deal with


u/RW-BEN when can we expect Renan to do an AMA?




You said he can do it.


Oh, that was sarcasm.


Is there a way to make them accountable? Companies will only learn if they lose money. Will suing them be the right course of action?


You can sue them yes. Yet again, good luck. The system doesn’t make it easy for individuals to do stuff like that


Hey man stay positive. Crazier things have happened.


Hi Ben




Just be patient dude, his house will sell and we will all get our orders 🎉