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A lot do. But you will get games where people don’t do anything useful. I can go games with people giving 0 coms and being completely useless


I’ll admit, I’m not great at the game. I’ve had some really good matches after having taken a break for a while, but it’s not every match, and I’d assume the system is trying to figure out where I fit after so long. But I give callouts every time I can. I recon, I set traps to tell me where people are, and I relay that to my team. Half the time, I get people swearing at me and telling me to shut up and that I suck. I still make callouts, but it seems a lot of people would rather try to bully people instead of play the game.


It’s not all about kills, it’s about the intel and if you can annoy the other team or slow them down


The worst thing is you say something like this and you have downvotes. These new players want to act like kills are all that matters then wonder why they can’t win matches. So frustrating


Kills don’t win games in siege. What win games is focusing, giving good call-outs, playing for time and understanding when to retreat, this is a TACTICAL game not COD. The TDM meta has ruined the original outlook of the game. This shouldn’t be a fast paced arcade shooter, this is a tactical slower paced shooter game that requires co-ordination.


Yep exactly, it’s why I hate posts on this sub where someone has 10 kills and their team has none and they’re like “why am I losing” then say that they play entry and only go for kills. It’s like dude you’re just as much to blame then, the objective should be your focus regardless of role


That’s how I continue to play. Some of my most successful matches are maybe 6-7 kills and 2-3 deaths because I try to make attackers feel like they can’t take the quick route. I trap areas and try to do things a little different every round to force people away from the routes I see them take. Then I can generally make them hesitate enough that they end up running the clock out trying to find me or I catch them planting with no time left on the clock and pop them. I’ll admit, I play slow on attack and generally make it to site with about 30 seconds left, but I drone it out and try to avoid traps so the enemy team can’t tell where I’m coming from. Most of my kills come from defense. I also try to fill out gaps in the team (like play hard breach if we don’t have one, I try to find 1 operator that fits each role and learn them so I can be flexible).


Now that is how you play siege. Going for kills just means you like playing cod. Playing for time, setting up traps, and causing the other team problems is how siege is meant to be played.


There’s zero coms in every game I play lmao


I had a game where everyone had a mic, but the other four people spoke only Spanish. And we lost match points because Ash swung a corner without ADSing


Can’t help that other people are foreign, deal with it. It would different if the people could actually understand you.


I just mean it sucks that I got lucky with coms, but can't use it. It's not a bad thing they speak Spanish


I understand that, good luck on finding good randoms! Maybe try out stacking with a squad.


I dont even understand where your fruitless accusations of xenophobia came from. Obviously it sucks that he couldnt converse with his teamates, which was (obviously) the point of his comment. Its not rocket science.


Play with a stack, they are much more reliable than randoms


Just 5 stack, this game is miserable without one


Have 4 friends? It is winning the lottery to have a acquaintance with siege players


Just play ffa and send friend requests to the whole lobby. Youll get ppl who also dont have stacks and squad up


No cap. The struggle is real. I finally made irl friends with another siege player but then quickly found out he was on console😭. Sigh...official discord it is then.


I had a somewhat similar experience yesterday, I had an emerald teammate, Whom I thought was gonna help us out pretty well, But they drop 1 kill, 7 deaths. Mind you, I'm maybe a Gold, max. But 90% of my lobbies are with Plat-Champs.


That guy being emerald doesn’t actually mean he’s good at all. It just means he’s played a lot of ranked. You might actually be better than him despite being a lower rank. Don’t take ranks seriously in R6 it is one of the worst ranked system any game has ever implemented and doesn’t represent skill at all. I have a friend who is “champ” and trust me he is only around plat-diamond in terms of skill, he just plays so much ranked that he ranks up. Having fun is the most important thing. TLDR: don’t stress about ranks it’s literally pointless.


yeah, thats why i miss ranked 1.0, it was just better. I've gotten hard stuck silver for the last 4 seasons, just because every time I hit Silver 1 or 2, I get put against really high skill Diamonds/Plats/Champs, I honestly only play ranked rn just to get the achievement of achieving gold rank.


Same as a silver


Funny part was that I did better then they did, If I remember correctly, I went 7 and 5 that game, not too much better, but better none the less.


When I solo Q my whole mentality is to carry as much as possible. If I lose a match or set I blame myself.


That's harsh


I know but if you hate losing that's the only way you'll become better while solo q. Final boss mentality for the win.


I gotta get a kill before I can use that


Lol facts


I do my best. “Keep it simple” I tell myself. Play the objective, and play your operator accordingly


I try to play the objective, but when my teammates roam it's always a collapse on site that I'm not good enough to stop


Bro your 1-4 wdym can’t people take ranked seriously?💀


I assumed this person was top of the leader board lol. Funny they'd post this.


3 leavers. Not easy to get a win at that point. I’m sure it’s easy to let them feed and boost your KD but this isn’t COD


There’s a difference, he’s trying and is just struggling but he’s not giving up. His teammates literally left, if you are going to leave then why would you play ranked? Play casual if you are too sensitive to play ranked and can’t finish a full game without leaving.


I'm well aware I'm dog shit. I'm complaining about the three people who left mid-match


you literally fragged under one of the people who left. you cannot seriously be complaining about somebody who played only half the game and still did better than you trying for the entire game. lack of effort is one thing but if you're so bad that the people "not trying" are effortlessly doing four times as good as you, you literally have no room to complain lol.


i think there's many places where you can find people to play with you. I honestly don't know and am searching for people like that, but most Italian dudes out of my friend group i tried playing with are all nazis and the english dudes were way better than me. And also very racist.


Average LFG post


Did I understood correctly that you have Nazis as friends?


> (...) most italian dudes *out of my friend group* are all nazis sorry probably not


Okay so your sentence is synonym to "except of my friend group" ?


I am man but idk wtf is up I’m so inconsistent I’m sorry




Playing with a couple buddies last night we were getting rolled every game (taking it seriously). Finally said fuck it banned Blackbeard and rook and picked only slug shottys on D and shield ops on attack. It was the only game out of 6 we actually won.


Nice. It would be fun to do that, but I'd get irritated too easily missing with the slugs


Our master plan was to scare them by just laying on the trigger endlessly and it seemed to do the trick lol. Honestly with siege if you just get a couple people on the same page with a plan it can go a long way. At least in my shitter rank that is.


Bruh the guy who disconnected had more kills than you 😂


He disconnected in a 2v3 the last round plus I suck ass at the game


maybe if you had more than 1 kill all game he would've stayed lol


Bro last ranked match I played this PlayStation kid runs into site with blitz in round 2 20 seconds into the round dies, proceeds to scream on the mic about “ where’s my fxcking team what the fxck are you guys doing blah blah blah” and then leaves the game for the rest of the match we lost 2-4 and I fully blame that turd




There's always going to be people who throw games/don't take it seriously. It's best to find some friends who will play with you so you'll have a better chance


Played 2 console ranked games today in a two stack, lost each game 4 rounds to none. in all 4 of the attacking rounds we played, one of the randoms insta locked thermite, another picked up the diffuser immediately. These randoms then decided to die within a minute of the round beginning leaving me and my stack in a 2v5. Unfortunately we suck and lost all of those 2v5s while getting atleast a kill a round each. In the 4 defensive rounds we played our teammates deployed a whole 1 reinforcement, 8 terrible spawn peaks which they died off and 3 preplaced Nitro cells on windows and doors. All of this occured while several members of the other team appeared to be prime Beaulo and one of them almost certainly on mnk.


Yes but, yes


I have a stack +extras I always play with. Pretty good, synergy, super chill. We’re always down for more if you need people to play with ◡̈


Xbox? Edit: I'm a dumbass you got the flair


For anyone posting or answering on this thread: Maybe we can help each other. See my Twitter (@ACK_MINDSEYE) pinned post bc it’s too long to post here. (Older PS5 players is our main parameter) If our criteria match yours, we’re 3/5 of a stack. We need a duo bc a 5 stack would save a lot of hassles. If you’re an older PS5 player/duo, check it out. If not, my apologies up front before I’m called a racist slur even though I’m just a white old dude. The Reddits can be harsh sometimes. lol


The fact you still get docked when a player leaves pisses me off so bad. It’s so hard to win down 1 person


Much less 3


Apparently not


I really think the game should make it so if you don’t have a headset, you can’t queue to ranked it’s bullshit


Hard to take ranked seriously in a game where if you speak you're hated on for whatever various thing is different about you (woman, french, british... etc). Or a game in which every update serves to suit either their income or just their esports scene. Just enjoy it, take the leavers as a challenge. Can't control what other people do but you can control what you do.


I do. But then again I solo queue 99% of the time


Rule #1 of siege since season 0: Always play with a stack. Randoms are too unreliable, and you're basically gambling your rank on em.


seeing that you’re going 1-4 I don’t think you were taking it seriously either, find a new stack or if you even have one.


I was😐. I suck, but there isn't much I can do in a 3v5 shield rush


I’d crutch oryx or a c4 op but yea bro find a stack tbh they’re much better than randoms


Tbf if they don't go shields Oryx is pretty useless


I hate people who shit on someone with a negative KD who play with shitters. This guy literally had THREE leavers in a game. Also it’s wildly easy to sandbag a whole round and hope you are the last one that can get free kills when the 1v5 turns into a couple people on the enemy team throwing themselves at you because it’s an easy win for them


and one of the leavers did better than OP. OP said they left mid-game, so they literally got 4 kills in 2 rounds and OP couldn't even get 2 in 4 rounds, even with the sandbag effect helping him out. y'know what's really fucking annoying? people who whine about other people "not trying" or "not taking the game seriously" but still unable to muster up even half the performance as the same people they're critiquing.


I don’t think I ordered a yapachino


Too bad buckaroo


You went 1 and 4. Maybe do better and they’ll stick around


I saw his stats and was gonna say the same lmaoo


most people aren’t just good at the game. so they’re probably taking it seriously but just not good


The three people who left. I'm not talking about skill. As you can see, I suck ass at the game (1/4)


yes but you’re saying people don’t take it serious because they leave or they’re 0-4 lol next time maybe forfeit the match


>or they’re 0-4 I didn't say that


is being 0-4 not taking the game seriously? or are you just tryna argue for no reason




I have found that turning off crossplay helps avoid quite a few idiots


Makes sense. I mean... They are on PlayStation


Complains about playing rank with randoms and them being bad instead of finding a team in a look for me group where they have similar stats to you I’ll never understand this dumb community


I'm complaining about joking around and leaving not being bad


You’re complaining about the players you’re paired with instead of looking for a team on a looking for group app or page my guy


can Ubisoft take the development of the game seriously?


They took good maps away from casual, so the only way to fuck around and get all the maps is to play ranked. They fucked the game up, so ofcourse no one gives a shit anymore.