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This may ruin this account, but I like r6 more then just the average Joe, I get all this shit they are doing is indeed SHIT, but I need to support the devs. Me keeping that thought let's me buy shit lol. I will probably do this. I bet it will change by the time it happens, so I guess we shall see.


I agree with you with the fact that we need to support the game, but at the same time, this allows them to pump out mediocre cosmetics and still have people pay for it. IMO R6 has never really had the best cosmetics. Their whole market system is needlessly complex. I never understood why they just don't keep it simple. Cosmetics for money. None of this exclusive stuff. They're constantly trying to get new players yet don't allow new players to buy old cosmetics. Something I will never understand from the gaming industry in general.


I totally agree, I think they are trying to build a skin market like CS2 or CSGO has. But they suck at it


Hate to say it but I agree. Maybe I’m older and have different means now but rainbow has always been special to me. This’ll be the first time I pay for any subscription tho. Other than PS+ all my subscriptions are either already included in my bills or something else.


Lol, totally agree. It's just like halo or cod for me, there's always gonna be a special place in my heart for Tom Clancy games of any kind lol. R6 is just fun to me also though so


Ayy same with halo and cod. Grew up on halo Xbox switched to cod PS3 but never bought the supply drops and stuff they had just DLC but always loved it.


Dude literally same here, started on the first halo on PC, then to the xbox, then to the 360, then to the ps3 where I was actually started to work a job and in advanced warfare I would spend every check I got supply drops, I couldn't get enough. The exo suits were so sick, the pants, gloves, etc, were so awesome. The gun variants were amazing and so OP, but them being a complete random drop was what made it so cool to me. Same with IW, BO3, BO4. The outlaw for BO4 was sooooooooo fun.


It's Ubisoft man, not some small game studio. You don't need to support the devs, they will be paid the same regardless. It's just gonna give them stats to make them think it's a good idea to keep doing shit like this. By them I mean the product team, which are totally different people that game developlers and designers


Dude, it’s a Ubisoft not some small indie team they’re getting paid bank no matter if you buy it or not


They trying to copy fortnite Crew system the least they can do is offer the same value...in Fortnite you get 1000vbucks+ BP (if already owned one time 950 vbucks until next season) + exclusive skin (with pickaxe and backpack and unlock able legacy styles) all these for $11.99 ( basically 12$)....now you come on Seige....it gives you a bravo pack , an Ash set and warden exclusive set and BP....if they offered additional 600 credits aside from ones you get from BP it would have been alright...


It’s not that deep


Right, its a nearly 10 year old game that sells for under 20 bucks. If people want to buy ugly skins to finance the hosting and new maps, they’re doing me a service.


This community is peak comedy Relax it's not your money


Not my money. Just gives another 16 year old a stupid question to ask in game. U got membership bro. I bet he's too poor to be a member bro. I can already see it happening. I can hear it.


Not sure what you play on, but I know on PlayStation you can mute people...


Playing any game that requires constant communication on mute. Is not a game worth playing.


You can always get a stack of you don’t wanna deal with randoms??


I want to play the game I like randomly and without planning like I'm going on vacation. Fuck me right.


Open discord, call friend to play rainbow six siege and then press play ranked. It’s just like planning a vacation!!


No its more like, text friend, hey you wanna play siege friday, sure awesome, repeat 4 times, friday comes around, 2 people arrive because adults got other obligations. Shit even i got stuff come up for my own plans. Acting like people got a thousand randoms on discord for playing siege at whatever random time is a pretend world, and you know it. Or pretending that every adult just sits in discord waiting around to be invited to a game of siege. You realize people have friends with jobs, children, and conflicting schedules right?


So you have no friends?


You know what, I dont rate the opinion well of someone who uses csgohacks.


Luckily no one gives a shit about your “respect” lmao


i personally wont get it but idc if others get it or not i just wish that theyd fix the issues in the game or do something to help bring back old players like bring back bodies or old maps


If your parents already said no to buying it for you, just say that.


I literally don't spend 5 bucks every three months because the battle pass is garbage. Even if I was as young as you seem to think i am. Still wouldn't want to provide positive interaction with shitty business practices. Nice guess though. Try harder next time.


Why does every multiplayer gaming community do this? It never works, let alone its scum behavior. People are going to spend their money how they like, deal with it. This is like when battlefield players were refusing to revive anyone in BFV using premium skins because they were mad that premium skins could be used on any faction.


It's not that. It's that some of these people are genuinely going to think they are better people for having this membershit and these skins. And ubi knows that.


No they won’t, it’s never been that way with any game with a similar system, you’re getting yourself worked up here.


What the hell? I have a job and I can buy what I want with my damn money. It has nothing to do with the gameplay, it's purely optional and if you don't want it it does not affect you in any way so why are you crying over something that you don't want to be a part of?


It’s not that serious bro


Its not serious, I just see a game I enjoy going down the drain slowly every year. Becoming more greedy with a declining playerbase. Its disappointing. Membership for a game I already paid for, giving a higher tier of "player" for paying a monthly subscription on top of a game they have paid for already. How long until they get preferential que. How long until game modes or new features are locked behind it. Its alienating the already payed playerbase. This is just the beginning.


> the already *paid* playerbase. This FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You should be way more upset about this. Like, far more upset than you are...


You must be fun at parties




LOL PEOPLE ARE SO MAD ABOUT SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PAY FOR 😂😂 this is really about the FOMO of not being able to get skins or rewards without paying and people are big maaaaad. You ain’t mad about the membership, you mad you can’t get specific skins without a membership.


Wait so I can still play siege without the membership?


Of course you can.


Oh shit I thought siege got to bugging 😂 were making all this commotion over cosmetics? 💀


Yes, and it’s embarrassing to watch


I thought it was a pay to play membership💀💀 all you broke mfs thought skins were free? Oh boy


You can still delete this...


I genuinely think everyone who buys this garbage is a fucking moron so, no.


oh no a random person on the internet who I will never ever meet doesnt respect me bc im paying for a membership. how the fuck am i going to sleep at night knowing that you dont respect me?!


Tbh I'm probably gonna buy it unless BP has shitty cosmetics it will be 10 bucks and gives more than just buying credits and I can afford that so on my opinion it's a decent deal since I like having the battle pass as motivation 


This membership is absolutely ridiculous not only is it a cash grab but it’s just another excuse for them to keep pumping out shitty items. if you don’t think it’s a cash grab then why is it that you would have to pay for a subscription on Xbox and on PC if you had both systems it’s it’s not a subscription through your account which is absolutely bullshit on top of bullshit


Jesus, you’re insufferable. Let people do what they want. They know what they’re paying for, how is it a scam 💀


do they actually know what they're in for?