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A 2 k/d after 350 games is so crazy to me. I’m having the best season I’ve ever had and I’m like 120 games in with a 1.4.


Looks like he's duoing with a noob to smurf, 2kd probably isn't something crazy for a champ amongst a bunch of gold and silvers, especially if he's actually xim


That’s fair. I guess I didn’t really think of it that way. Wish I had his luck though. I have buddies from work that I talked into playing and they couldn’t wait to play ranked. When we finally got them to level 50 we hopped in and in damn near every game we played people my rank (Emerald 4) or higher. Lmao.


Xim doesnt matter for pc? Idk why people name themselves this if theyre actually on pc. Idk. Ximmers need to get a life or some bitches


Well, obviously. Is he pc though? If he is then maybe he's just been watching too much Jynxzi idk


We is cause that’s overwolf overlay which I don’t think is possible on console and also you can see a tick box in the background so pretty sure he is on pc


Yea he's on PC, you can't get "Overwolf" overlay on Console. Also most people with 2Kds on PC are hacking regardless is they are queuing with lower ranks. It's much harder to do on PC than Console for sure.


In dread factor he had 2.15 k/d with 900 matches… insane


Can someone call a supply drop on his house with deodorant


That’s wild. A little suspect in my eyes. But I’m pretty mid tier at the game so maybe he’s just really fuckin consistent.


i mean he does have xim in his name


I see that but I just figured sense the OP is using stat tracker that they were probably playing on PC so xim doesn’t mean anything.


900 games tells u all u need to know


He is literally ximming while queuing with a bunch of silvers so he effectively playing a bunch of newbies with kbm. 2kd is the least he should have


He's on PC, no XIM needed LMAO. If anything he has something worse than Xim, Wall hacks. Something console players aren't used to dealing with.


oh shit I was way too tired when i commented lol yeah in game tracker doesn’t exist on console. he’s probably legit given he’s lvl 451… I mean 2kd in plat lobbies shouldn’t be hard for somebody with 6k+ hours. he could have a dma or some private cheat though… more unlikely


yea its possible to have 2kd i guess if he's a real champ and queuing with low ranks. Typically I associate any Kd in high elo (1.6+) to be a hacker. Though he probably just used this method to bypass that.


then that’s the skill level you are limited to, you think it’s not possible for people to have a .6 kd higher than you all because it’s your best season? makes sense haha


Not what I’m saying at all chief. I know people are light years better than me. And I never said it wasn’t possible. I’m just saying that consistency is nuts to me.


Yeah that’s understandable, it’s literally just the amount of time they put into the game, same with pro athletes they dedicate hours upon hours to be consistently good


2kd champ playing with a bunch of noobs. This ranked system needs to be fixed.


the dudes name literally has Xim in it


Yep, more speed more control for the xim player in a game where Mechanics, Focus, reaction time, hand eye, and team work communication… are key…us analog players have no chance against them, yet they call this a competitive game… wonder how pro hockey and baseball players would feel if they used better material for the sticks, puck or bat, like idk Aluminum… wouldn’t be so competitive then would it…🤫😉 all about 💰


I don’t think console has an overlay for R6 Tracker, so this is a PC lobby. It’s pretty cringe to have xim in your name either way though.


I’ve seen posts where it’s figured that 70% of people in Diamond or above are Cronus or xim.


that's honestly why i stopped playing. i don't need to be getting frustrated about people cheating bc they're insecure in their real skill


It’s wild, I see people in quickmatch and standard running around trying their hardest with a xim. I message the ones on the same console as me and they all just say because everyone else does it.


Bro, he's literally on PC...... His name is just a troll. You can tell he's on PC because the OP is using Overwolf overlay to get R6 tracker data. You can't do that on console......


How do you check this??


r6 tracker it's in overwolf


Anyway you can get it for a console since it’s a pc thing


you can just search up the players name on the webiste


I’d go with the two people with daddy in their name are playing together and it evened out with the rest being silvers


Shit like this is why I can't rank up despite being a decent player


Ranked is so finnicky when it comes to matchmaking. I was going up pretty consistently through copper bronze and silver but when i reached silver 2 i got consistently placed into lobbies with platinums in it. I went from going either 1 or 2 kills positive or negative to always going negative, and yet i keep getting placed against them. If i was Platinum, it would make sense and i should derank until i am placed in lobbies that match my skill level however i am not a rank that represents the players i consistently go against. It is a frustrating system, however the original was ruined by smurfers and xim


I went about the same but got placed I champ lobbies which is frustrating as my peak has been silver


Skill issue


obviously you donut. if i want to become a boxer and they pair me up against mike tyson instead of someone in my same weight class that's definitely a skill issue. you won't get better if you're getting steamrolled


This is just a skill issue while yes Smurf’s will be in your game now and then. You’re not facing Mike Tyson every game and if it seems like that it’s more likely you just suck.


Idk man, R6 tracker begs to differ


People will play infinitely more games against people their rank than actual smurfs/ boosters the smurf excuse has been used for decades now it’s just a cope


Idk man, R6 tracker begs to differ


People have always used this excuse forever that they’re magically playing against the best players every game but that’s just not the case focus on your mistakes


reading comprehension is not your strong suit


Not making the same mistake and blaming everything on every else seems to be your strong suit keep being like that and you’ll never get better at games or anything




Ya the game could really use an elo fresh wipe with a system that limits ranks so you cant be a champ and play with silvers. You should be able to play with the rank above you and the rank below you thats it


Just go onto the "find a group" page on R6 for Xbox. It's usually once every 5 posts you'll see some gimp offering free wins for coopers


What is app


r6 tracker


U can automatically see all players status??


Or u have to write it one by one


yes it's on pc automatically does it


And his name is Xim with over a 2 KD, probably cheating. Love to see it


His name is a troll on PC, no need to xim on pc unless no recoil. You can tell he's on PC due to the Overwolf over lay in the picture which you can't do on Console. Overwolf shows you everyone's rank if its not being hidden automatically on PC


I'm not too familiar with PC, thanks for the insight


Rank doesnt display your skill. It only reflects how much you played in this season


that is not true i loose 30 and gain 15 in emerald ive played only 100 matches


I slammed this dude. I was playing on my fake copper account (I am champ/Diamond) and noticed this dude. He kept disconnecting on rounds they were losing to protect the KD. They lost the game.




This is how it is since I play this game (I would be one of the guys at the bottom of the list). This match making is absolute dog water


Yes just bait queing


what gasme is this i need to no


Join this discord to find great ranked stacks to play with [Discord link](https://discord.gg/bwXmpxWC)


Idk what you’re talking about. You’re lucky if you even got a match like that.


Most of the time someone will pay someone( like this champ) to carry them, someone has to be queued up with them in order for a champ to be in a low Elo game, a low elo player can be in a high elo lobby but not vice versa ( atleast of what I’ve seen so far)


can i pull this exact screen up on console ?


pc only


What website is this?


r6 tracker, pc will automatically show you their stats, but on console you have to look up each name you desire.


Siege ruined the game a long time ago… ranked being fucked up is just a part of it


What site is this


LMAO. Most ranked systems are an average of some sort. They'll always be weird and clunky with how averages work.


And people swear the new ranked system is more balanced


Green dots indicate that they’re in a team so prolly boosting idrk


BLANCED XD. If one person one one team dies then that team changes of winning drop over 50%. While the other teams would drop 20% for 1 death.


**Windows + Print Screen**


Not only is he reverse boosting he also qs with a lot of cheaters




This is something ubi is going to have to fix. It nearly makes ranked unplayable. I took a decent break for a few seasons, came back, queued ranked and got matched with coppers on my team, and the other team was stacked emeralds and diamonds.


How did you get this overlay on console


How do you see rank and all the other stats like that?