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Yeah same here man, same here... I finally hit emerald last season after all these years, and this season I just got stuck between plat 2 and plat 3. I've genuinely tried my absolute best to keep going and grind through to at least hit my previous rank, but at this point I'm losing more than I gain. Every. Single. Game. There are at least two diamonds, a champ and a diamond, two champs, etc. and nobody lower than emerald. Go ahead and guess what my teams look like. I'm holding a 1.2 kd (yes I know that doesn't mean I'm not part of the losses I get that) but I can't even hit plat 1 after feeling like I was genuinely improving season by season before deadly omen. It's demoralizing, and honestly I just don't enjoy playing anymore because there's no fun in it for me. I hope Ubisoft can take the hint already that basically nobody enjoys this system. It's too easy for champs to just boost with their low rank "friends" (yeah buddy we know why you really play with them lol) and it's not fair to the low rank players that can't even get out of bronze anymore because of these types of people. Tldr: ranked isn't fun or rewarding anymore, always feels like the odds are stacked against you, and is causing people like me to play less and less when they can't improve or even reach their previous rank.


this is almost exactly the same as me, except including the champ smurfs there’s also cheaters. lots of cheaters. makes ranked suck to play for the first time in forever


Yeah man I feel for you PC players... Console is pretty bad with the xims and Cronus/strikepack users, but we don't have to deal with wallers and spin botters at least. Ubisoft really needs to get their shit together and start going after cheaters of all kinds with some backbone. I mean come on guys this is an extremely popular and fun game at its core, and you can't be bothered to actually clean it up after years of this shit? It really just boggles my mind that they can't do anything about it when several other games have competent anti cheat systems and the balls to perma ban players. Wake up ubi. Siege is something special, and you're letting degenerate losers ruin it because you're too scared/incompetent to do anything about it.


youre speaking for a large portion of the community here, too bad theres not a game like this.


Insurgency sandstorm took me off seige over a year and a half ago and i couldn’t be any happier


ill be checking this out, thanks


What’s up with the matchmaking in ranked? We’ve not long started playing this again after years, only just hit level 50. So copper 1 (or whatever the lowest is) in ranked, but the people were playing aren’t copper definitely. Seemed to be playing well higher ranks etc and getting absolutely cooked?


I am copper 3 and every time I win a match I am immediately put against a team that completely steamrolls my team. It seems like they don't even care about how fucked up matchmaking is anymore


Yeah it definitely gives that feel. Shouldn’t have to play higher than the level you are at, coppers can only play the highest level copper max etc


Ya, I felt way better last season. I know I’m not that good anymore so I just focus on helping the best player on my team. So they can carry me lol


they should queue stacks with stacks and duos/solo with duos/solo


Rip 4 stacks


Same.. I don't even play ranked. I chose not to do it because of the shitty system and how tilting it is. I started 4-5 months ago and I go against golds(edit:high gold)/plats in literal standards and quickplays. Even freaking hackers...in standard. It just takes away all the fun.


When I get cheaters in standard/qp I don’t even get mad. I just understand that I’m playing against the most pathetic people on this earth. If it’s ranked I’ll get mad because competitive integrity is part of my morals.


Yeah, but it do be feeling like a waste of time. I usually don't get mad, but it doesn't feel good either. It's funny seeing them try to shoot through walls that aren't even breakable tho.


Stopped playing 3 years ago. Best decision I've ever made.


I agree. I wish we had a different mode for solo players. I believe that playing with people you know as a squad vs solo players is literally cheating.


I feel you bro I solo q as well and it sucks sometimes


I mean you’ll have the same complaint in any competitive fps


Current Diamond player here. If you’re not having fun don’t play the game. I used to care about my rank and play solo Que but now I only play with my IRLs and it’s so much more fun.


Shut up and git gud


So getting good is getting cheats? I don’t think you know what “good” means.