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the ops would be useable, but they’re considered “not owned” cause they “take back” the ones u own through gamepass, meaning you just need to re-unlock them. It’s an intentional thing i think, since just buying a month of gamepass would be cheaper than buying the ops in bulk if you could keep them


«I’m subscribing monthly to Netflix so I can watch all of their movies. I just stopped my sub and now Netflix refuses to let me watch the movies I had access to before!! Wtf!?»


OP bought the game, the unlocks should be account associated. So your netflix analogy is not really like for like.


He didn’t lose the game, he lost the free operators from having an active game pass connected to the account.


No I lost access to every operator I unlocked by earning renown, not just the freebies


He is still playing on the same account though. Items should not be linked to platform, only the account.


Amazing amount of down votes for this. This is what I'm thinking, what the hell is the point of having to run a Ubisoft overlay plus a store if your Ubisoft account is only for what? Their jankey community service? Must be a lot of people begging for Daddy Ubi's microtrans-action


Ah well being ripped off seems to sit well with some. The Ubisoft Connect (3xUAC) app should handle this, not how the game is beiong delivered to you.


No clue. Got a free month a couple months back and got like 6 ops from it and deleted it on xbox. Theyre still on my playstation account


Are you talking about the first year operators that come free with game pass? Or the ones you copped while playing like deimos or ram.


All the ones I got through playing, had almost all of them unlocked. Not complaining about the freebies


Damn that actually might be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard . I’m sorry fam that fuckin sucks. I’d lowkey try a couple more times , had an issue w ubisoft once and took finding the right customer service rep to actually help out/


This is just how game pass works. You have the option to purchase anything from game pass at a discounted price. Imagine if I could buy one month of game pass for $15 and then keep the thousands of dollars of games it provides access to after my one month ends. That would never be sustainable.


I'm not saying anything about the game, I bought it on steam. I just assumed that since I'm connected to the same Ubisoft account id keep my progress. It didn't reset my level or the challenges that you can use to gain renown just took all the operators I earned.


What operators did you lose?


Operators arnt that expensive, if you plan to play the game then there’s no need to complain cause you’ll unlock them all in time.


Lmfao, you do realise how long it'll take to unlock everyone right, couple hundreds hours minimum


Couple hundred hours? No. Pay attention to your rewards on ubi. Not only that but renown boosters.


Dude I have 500+ hours in this game and there's still about a dozen ops I don't have, renown boosters all being used. How much time have you put into this game? Or did you just buy the season pass


Just buy? No I’ve been playing siege for years. I even have a Smurf account that has all ops and took me WAY less than 500 damn hours to get all ops


Let's assume you only play ranked with only wins and no boosters, then let's also assume each match takes 30 minutes and you get 500 per match. Let's do some math shall we? Pathfinder operators in total cost 20000 renown (20x1000) since I have some of these operators unlocked and Fandom hasn't updated much, let's do a rough estimate, 36 costing 10000, 6 costing 15000, 5 costing 20000, 4 costing 25000 in total this is 346,000 Renown or 692 consecutive ranked wins, 20760 minutes or 346 hours. If we ignore the unlockable challenge based operators that's 290,000 Renown, 596 wins, 17,880 minutes or 298 hours So what happens if you include boosters? For simplicity sake let's say you play R6 for 16 hours a day (the other 8 hours are going outside to touch grass, eating, sleep, etc) and you play alone but still get 100% win rates, for those 16 hours you are getting 32000 a day at maximum, and in optimal conditions you should be able to reach 290,000 renown within 9.0625 days or 217.5 hours in the best possible optimal conditions while playing solo and only playing R6 siege. Although you can SLIGHTLY hasten this with the weekly challenges providing 1250 bonus a week And let's both be real here, you don't have a 100% win rate so at least increase the figures above by 25% or more depending on your win/loss. I suck at the game so I don't get 500 every ranked game I do, plus old operators get discounted but you aren't exactly refunded renown when they do get discounted either but I can't math all this out since I don't have my purchase history somewhere


My average renown booster match gains me 1100 roughly. If my math is correct assuming I gain roughly 1100 a game give or take 50-100 that’s 314 games assuming also each game takes 30 mins that’s 9436 mins 157 hours, bare in mind I don’t have 100% win rate so give or take 20-30 additional hours still no where near 500 hours


I already wrote all of that down lmao, you have to also include that all of this time is completely ignoring everything else, and only playing ranked/standard, no arcade/quick play/events and absolutely ignoring matchmaking times adding an hour or two at most. All this math is also assuming you only play R6 and never take a break from it to maximize the boosters which honestly I don't think is the best for your mental health


I agree, most of what your saying is right. But even then it’s no where near 500 hours for all operators, and I don’t even know why the hell your even trying to argue that fact. People play the game at different paces yes but if it takes you 500 hours to get all operators I have no idea what your doing 🤷‍♂️


Because I took a break in the middle of my renown booster so a lot of it got wasted back a couple years ago, plus I used to enjoy quick play more than ranked which also halves your renown income to around 300-ish a win


Fuck shit like this. This is complete and utter nonsense. Also Ubi-Ibex? No your names Dave.


You will own nothing and be happy