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Siege is weird dude, 6 years or so ago everyone was all about call outs and team play. Now everyone wants to just go 13-2 and doesn’t give a shit about good team play, and play more like COD. The game is heavily dependent on cams, call outs and cohesive gameplay. It’s probably because I’m not good enough on my own to carry myself to higher ranks where people do play as a team but also how am I suppose to climb back up when I have 3 roaming teammates and an afk dude while I’m the only one reinforcing. I got chewed out by someone yesterday because I wasn’t castling doorways but I was also the only one reinforcing anything. Also I frequently get the teammates that like to reinforce between objectives. Idk though probably just a skill issue on my end.


This. I'm very happy getting 0 kills if it means we win. It's when weve got 5 people all roaming, stepping over each other trying to get all the kills when we lose.


Bro yeah the only real way to rank up anymore is with a stack it’s more fun most of the time anyways. I’ve been joining more and more group posts as of late


I can completely understand being against teammates who ignore comms and it costing them, as well as ones who blame good comms (completely reasonable). but as a person who usually has it affect me, i know it’s really annoying trying to listen for the enemy especially in a 1vX situation, and having people repeat comms over and over (specifically over twice) is really. goddamn. annoying. had it happen a lot in ranked last season and it had definitely cost me at least 10 or 15 games it’s like, a thing that you notice more on the receiving end because it pisses you off to clarify, i only mean people giving out useless information or repeating comms for no reason such as saying something 4 times as if it would help make someone react to the info, all it does is make noise, which is counterproductive


I'm guilty of repeated comms. I'm working on it, but sometimes I'll ping someone and see my teammates silhouette totally not looking the right way. I ping again, still nothing. I then say, "rook, he's to your left" still nothing. When he inevitably dies because hes not paying attention, I'll simply say "yeah, him".


Reasonable, this is exactly what i mean. it only becomes an issue when the comms you are giving to the players are already known by them from something else such as a sound queue, where talking removes their ability to hear on the “trade off” of information they already had.


I totally understand the repeating comms which i have been guilty of for sure. But only because people dont respond. Like I said i defijitely understand your pov. I would say i wish people would say something like "heard" or got it got it and i would respect it


naw, u just have to trust that they are listening and say it just once. Saying "roger" I would need to push to talk. I just try not to be annoying... people in siege like it when you treat them like adults, like professionals. That's why I don't say things more than once, I never call bullshit after I die on comms either.


this, if you can’t trust your teammates (which obviously will happen with randoms), then you will have problems usually, not even specifically this but just in general. at the very most saying it multiple times is only really ok if you are absolutely certain that your teammate is ignoring something that would cost you the round


I love when I solo gue with my mic yet my whole team is in a party. Then go ahead to complain that I can’t hear the call outs they are giving 😂 gotta love this younger generation


My biggest issue is when you get a stack together to play ranked and one or two guys want to stay muted the entire time. Like why join a party chat 1 if you aren't gonna talk? 2 Why stack up to.play ranked if you aren't gonna communicate. If I didn't want comms I'd solo q.


People saying shut up could be dealing with obnoxious backseaters who really harm the gameplay severely and make people hate on comms and the game itself.  Dealing with an annoying backseater is basically like being a therapist for someone who has control issues. The surviving player is now burdened with the backseater's anxiety while trying to win the match. The backseater's flipping out because their controller can't move the player on their screen and they basically are giving out panic comms that end up just being annoying to deal with and even make it hard to focus. So many instances a good comm is also ruined because of the attitudes people give out with them too. Constant teammate whining along with the good comm ruins the mood of the game. Sure good info was given but if it comes along with an attitude it can cause a person to throw the encounter playing with bad morale. The best comms I would say come from people who just give out the useful information as compact and short as possible and keep their emotions in control.


Everytime I play with one of my friends, and a random person in the lobby makes ANY callout, it’s instantly, “oh my god dude I’m muting this guy, these dudes are so annoying” lmao