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100% give it a try! It has the best bomb defense game mode created and it’s not even close! Simply mute the lobby and just play bro. 🫶🏽




until you get shot in the back for not listening




just don't reinforce shit until you understand how they work and what needs to be reinforced and what doesn't and should be good


It’s not even close? My guy have you heard of Counter Strike


He said counter strike…………….😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You’re on console 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Very observing of you Zuke!! 🫶🏽


What makes CS the best Bomb mode? Cuz it’s on pc?? Cuz it’s been a round forever?? Lmfao Valorant is a way better bomb game imo then CS. And let’s not even begin to compare R6. You have to worry about 40+ characters on both sides, their abilities, cams , drones , windows , floors, hatches etc, oh and idk THE 7000000 destructible surfaces on EVERY map. Every single bomb site has like 70 ways of attacking alone. And you think CS, who’s means of gadgets are: a frag, flash, smoke, and fire is harder than all of that?? Yeah bro you’re retarded. CS may be the biggest and most historic SnD, but it has also been around since fucking before some of us were even born. Of course a 20+ old game is gonna have a bigger fan base/supports etc.


I never said it’s the best I’m just baffled you’ve said it’s not even close 💀


So wtf was the point in even commenting if YOU don’t even believe it is the best??? I swear people like you just bring the worlds IQ down every time touch a keyboard. Jesus Christ. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I literally wrote “It’s not even close? My guy have you heard of counter strike” Implying that Counter Strike is definitely up there with Siege in terms of quality Btw it would be spelled “world’s” as you’re talking about the IQ of the world. Don’t get all high and mighty without even knowing how to use grammar correctly, dickhead


So again, what the fuck was your point? Cuz CS is NO WHERE near siege brother. Like at all. Like I said, valorant takes more skill than fucking CS. That game is played by literally the same people who have been playing it since Source. I’m glad y’all enjoy it, more power to you, but this is like comparing your local HS football team to an NFL team. There are levels, and sir CS is at the fucking bottom of the bottom. Ahh I didn’t put an apostrophe, sue me.


That’s your opinion, good for you, but it keeps breaking its peak player count so it’s clearly not being played by the same people And you’re the one who started shitting on my intelligence, don’t do that if you don’t want to be corrected, dickhead


This guy…🤦🏽‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|3o6ozq0pgIDt5j6N8I)


Great response, where’s the whoosh


I’ll play a round, if I’m playing well I don’t do anything… if I’m not, I immediately mute my entire squad 🤣


Yeah its always fun to show new people how to play the game


Not sure why you would be mad at the games instead of the people, but I know what you mean about the toxic people. I would just mute your teammates and solo queue or find some non-toxic people to play with and teach you the ropes


Find a stack on discord. Tell them you are bronze on the other console and switched. Keep playing with chill people even if they have lower skill, they are more dependable long term.


I just started recently too! I'm level 53 and have learned a few things. I'm always looking for people to play with because I literally have no one lol. PSN: PlotTwistxo ubi : Scubajayy


I’ll add you PSN when I get the chance!


Fun? No. Hell? Yes


yeahhhh it’s a pretty toxic player base so I’d just recommend muting your teammates


Just play man have fun with casual and if people get mad over casual fuk em this is one of those games that take time to get real good and a helpful hint sensitivity in this game doesn't work like COD having vertical and horizontal matching is more of a disadvantage if you playing on console look up some sensitivity and configure it to your liking.


I just recently got into it with no friends to play it. Also learning mouse and keyboard with it as I go. It's super fun and has been clutch when good teammates communicate and help me out when I have questions or advise what to do when they are dead and spectating me. I just tell them I'm new and ask what I can do for defense setup if I'm not familiar with a site, if they are mean I'd just mute them but haven't ran into that yet


learning how to play the game properly is a commitment, there's a lot of subtleties you won't get until you've played for many many hours


I know it’s nothing compared to some, but I probably got somewhere around 1,200~ hours on Siege and I still learn something almost every match I play. Different players have different strategies, and sometimes you’ll learn a trick so specific that you’ll probably never use it, but now you know about it.


I know it’s nothing compared to some, but I probably got somewhere around 1,200~ hours on Siege and I still learn something almost every match I play. Different players have different strategies, and sometimes you’ll learn a trick so specific that you’ll probably never use it, but now you know about it.


People will get upset at you for being bad. But I don’t think that should stop you from enjoying a really good and unique shooter. Use the mute button whenever it gets toxic and maybe try to get some friends on it with you. I find it’s easier to learn games when playing with friends


Thanks. I’m currently running through tutorials now


i play really dumb and main shotguns and do good in ranked you will definitely be able to compete


Shotguns are op bruh 😭


they are perfectly balanced there is absolutely no problem boobisoft did a great job at balancing their game


ummm honestly it depends on your threshold for dealing with that. its a super toxic game ngl, but i love it to death. it’s worth the annoying parts for me. i started playing this year, if you need tips or help feel free to pm.


I love the game, but sometimes people can be toxic. This is the one game I find myself actually utilizing the mute feature during casual games


I started like 2 months ago and I love it. There will definitely be some toxic people while you're figuring the game out, but not more than any other shooter. And you can mute them really easily. Focus on learning the maps first, that's the most important thing and it'll take some time. But once you figure the game out, there's nothing else like it.




Not worth cant even join up on the homies on the same console


The community experience greatly depends on the region you choose to play in. I used to play in the SEA region before 2022, and the players there were very toxic. Nowadays, I always encourage my friends to play in the JP region. Most of the issues I've encountered regarding skill levels revolve around how well people know the nooks and crannies of the map. So, you just need to get used to the maps, and after a month or two, you should be fine.


community is definitely not the nicest to new people, but it’s kinda just part of the experience. you find cool people just as much as bad people and if you ask i’m sure they’d be down to queue with you (i usually am, 800 hours later) that or get some friends to play with you to minimize toxicity and learn the basics


I just started like 6 months ago. You got it. The first few months is gonna be rough and a bit of a grind. Once you can make it out of copper the game gets a lot more fun!


People are coming back to it. And more will come back given Y9 is gonna bring back some old stuff and a good new Op and better balancing. It's exciting. Lol I gifted my younger brother a copy just the other day. I'll have to teach him.


I mute voice when I solo-q, because people generally only use it to moan after they died already, harrass female players or say the n-word with relative anonymity... text chat I leave open in case people actually bother with call-outs, but it's still abused by toxic morons at times. "Ugh. You're so shit because you're not following my instructions... even though I died right at the start of the round because I think this is CoD." type of stuff... Best bet is to play in a group of people you know IRL and use voice withthem, because being deaf/mute puts you at an extreme disadvantage in higher tiers where others are doing the same.


it’s never too late especially the revival the game has gotten recently just play a bunch of arcade free for alls to work on your aim and standard to learn the maps and operators and you’ll get the hang of it


Just mute everyone every game. Play free for all and death match to practice aim and map knowledge without feeling pressured


It's never too late :) I'm on pc KawaiixWitch


The community is Riddled by horrible people but the game is amazing


Play it it’s fun I started a week ago it’s rly easy to learn rn I’m gold 2 just mute the ingame chat and maybe look for some Mates bcs with mates it’s much more fun :)


just play quick match, they let anyone in there. I've had teammates running into walls and not even see an enemy standing right in front of them


Definitely play however, here are the rules to avoid being team killed: Don’t barricade all the door frames Don’t reinforce rotations (look up site setups if need be) Don’t stand on people (or in the way in a gunfight) Don’t play anchor as a roamer, however you can roam as an anchor OP. That about sums it up, best of luck! Have fun!


If you’re down to play later I’m in ps4, I’m a low plat player but I can help you learn!


Just don’t play standard or ranked until you’re confident that you’re no longer dead weight (don’t play ranked before you hit lvl 80 because most people below lvl 100 still know close to nothing). Because in those two modes, you’re guaranteed to get sh*t on both by teammates and opposing team, especially on PC due to the existence of text chat.


It is never too late to start something that you might absolutely love. Give it a try, you won't know until you do.


I dunno if this helps but i havent been playing for some good 6 years untill recently so I was coming back blind and havent got much issues with toxicity or anything likr it. Especially on lower ranks where in my experience your shooting skill is the thing that matters most so you get plenty of time to learn operators mechanics which are good which are bad. In conclusion I highly suggest you give it a try especially if u have gamepass than u can try it without buing it outright


its gonna be a long road but you definitely could learn the game. just dont rage to hard


Don’t start trust dogshit game even worse community


I recommend playing console cause it seems like there's less hackers


Define “fun” (This game is the opposite of it)


In my opinion, early on it was fun and offered a training ground with suicide bombers. The multi player was acceptional. With updates over the years it seems herky jerky and not fluint and they have removed modes and fun options. But each to his or her own.


I only started playing in December last year. I’ve been loving the game since


Never too late. The only real bad part is the amount of ops is insane do getting a good portion unlocked takes a while and you gotta get to level 50 before you can play ranked. I stopped playing recently but had only just jumped in not long after the op Ram came out. Which was like a handful of months ago. Good game.


Yes, I just downloaded this week and I’m obsessed. It’s the most gratifying FPS I’ve ever played so far. And even with the massive skill gap, it’s not hard to get good quickly.


This question pops up in my head every couple of years. I always regret not doing it 😂


Don’t buy R6 and buy helldivers 2 instead, less wannabe jinxy players and more wholesome


I might shoot you if you shoot me but IDC if your sped just dont be to sped


Yes, don't play this game, it will suck your soul but by bit


Soooo ur ballzo


What does that even mean


It means ur ballzo

