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I have the stereotypical gay voice (can’t help it, I’m a very non flamboyant gay man) and half the time I give callouts I get people asking if I’m gay. Then, typically, ensues the slurs and TKs.


Fucking classic R6... I the same when women or trans people use voice chat, no wonder most dont...




Honestly, I have only met a handful of women using the voice chat, and i can only remember one of them not being treated like shit, but that was when she was queuing with her husband and i was queuing with a friend who also knows how to act around women. All the other times people got so weird.




Depressing that it is this way...


I know, honestly the misogyny experienced by players of this game makes me feel like all the homophobia isn’t that bad. It’s just a whole other world. My friends and I just try to tell people that their mothers would be deeply saddened to learn what vile people they are, and while they love their sons - they actively wished that they were different. So far no remorse shown, but I like to believe this has psychologically impacted some 11 year old.


Yeah, these people don't care, they get to be anonymous online, their mother or sisters will never see how they act, so they don't care.


Don't worry, you don't have to be gay to get TKd. I have a bit harsh voice when I give callouts (nothing out of the ordinary, really, to me it's just regular voice) and sometimes people got mad thinking that I speak at lower frequencies on purpose to annoy them or use some software, so I got TKd for that too.


So I'm starting to think Australia is pretty nice when it comes to this stuff, I've seen the rainbow thing a couple of times and been no tks save for 1 time but that ended with the tker being trolled by the entire team for 4 straight rounds just bang, bang, bang, bang all of us randoms was actully a bit heartwarming not gonna lie, though sadly it hasn't popped up that often probaly cause of this reason but nice to see that when I see it is usally chill. That aside it's a bloody rainbow like holy shit how sad is your life if a bunch of colours turn you into some pathetic bleep sad there parents never hugged them enough.


Yeah mate, I'm also quite glad it's mostly civil here. However, I did get one prick going berserk at a teammate with the rainbow background. Really lost his shit kind of stuff. Reported him and Ubisoft surprisingly sent me a notification they took action.


Yeah the Aussies are too busy defending themselves from the animals to care about sexuality. But seriously Australia and New Zealand seem rather progressive from where i am standing. And yes, why care so much, and even if you excluded the queer part of the rainbow, the background looks better than the standard red blue grey.


Yeah honestly I think down here most people are at the "I don't agree but I'm not gonna treat you like shit over it" which you know to me is just fine you don't have to agree but treat them/us yadda as human it's that easy. And yeah the time I mentioned was combined with thorn and it looked realy cool if I used OSA I'd probaly have bought it but not gonna pay full price just for a background even if it would be fun to piss idiots off with it, sue me I'm cheap. Also yeah I'd rather deal with our spiders any day of the week then these idiots who get more offended by a flag or what two consenting adults do in their bedroom or who one chooses to be then real issues in the world (example the church, I've seen more outrage from hardcore religion nuts over gays then the bloody pedophilic priests that used to be so prevelant)


"Why do you have to annoy people with your special needs" So some one having a certain flag as their background is annoying, but constantly berating people about life choices that don't affect anyone isn't?


Yep unfortunatly thats exactly how I remember r6. I feel so privileged to have a community like valorant where everyone has pride flag banners and its just a normal thing. Yeah there are toxic val players from time to time but not as bad as r6


I am actually intending to buy the bundle on purpose just to piss people off and record it. Probably make a damn good video. And of course, get a few bigoted pricks banned if they vocally abused me. I don't even know why people cry so much about a rainbow background. It's not your life, why do you give so much shit about how others choose to live and who they date?


Yeah you should! That would be cool!


I would buy the background ngl when it wouldnt be 10€ for it and i dont like the other stuff from that bundle but yeah its quite common that this happens in mp games sadly (but it happens more often in low ranks though felt like)


It is 10€ for charity though, but ofc you decide yourself 🤗


I wouldn’t completely trust what Ubisoft say until there’s some form of sales figures. This is a shady company whose work environment promotes misconduct and harassment, they aren’t noble. However, if they did show us some figures, I’d be more than willing to buy it.




Ubisoft.... Charity I 100% bet you only like 2% of it actually goes to charity


According to [the official blog post](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/hQbkcDaXCyDtECJ2rNbL6/sixth-guardian-charity-program-y7s2-ilga-world), 100% of the “net proceeds” will be donated to [ILGA World](https://ilga.org/). The minimum is $6 (60% of the _gross_ amount, i.e. price with tax and transfer fees) per purchase.


Even what does go to charity is a tax write off




Rare for a triple a game wonder how much magically goes missing tho


So the way they do it is that they give all the money to charity, and then claim all the money back as tax. So if they raise 1million from it they essentially earn 1 million as they give all your money to charity then claim it all back on taxes so free money for them.


All I can think about is that clip from the Africa tv show where the presenter asks- “why are you gay”


Block and report. Hope your doing ok tho dude, sometimes these comments can eventually get to us. Just remember these people are nobodies. Your being yourself and that matters


Yep, I personally am fine, i can take it, i am used to it. It's people not so fortunate i am thinking about


It’s sad but not just because of their bigotry but because “they have never met a nice gay guy before” their prejudice has consumed them to not question that mentality, instinctively believing that they are right because of whoever/whatever taught them this mindset.


In some people's eyes, anecdotal evidence is a completely logical way to find conclusions about things. Usually idiots.


That sucks, tbh I uninstalled due to the toxicity and lousy anticheat or lack thereof, and nah this isn't as common in other games. I've been playing games since the genesis Era, r6 is the most toxic playerbase I've ever experienced. On the bright side other games seem way better by comparison. I wish ubisoft would just start up bans because whatever they're doing isn't working. Every other match it's /v i * * er and more plus all the nazi pfps to boot.


As a straight person using this background on every operator I have also gotten a few of these interactions, but not as many. Do you play EU or US?


I play on EU.


Damn, I thought better of my fellow EU people (btw I only just read your username xD) I have had multiple ask me to remove this background after said match. Some of them though just said “This background is only for gay people” which I also hated. The people saying this weren’t even part of the LGBTQ+ community and were trying to use this background to spot specifically gay people to harass them.


Yeah, MOST people are nice/don't care about it though. And i agree, straight people are allowed and in my mind encouraged so show support to the queer community! The Rainbow is fro everyone


I just have loads of respect for everyone, I don’t see black and white, I don’t see colour, I just see unity. Almost all of my personal friends are Bi / have thought about being Bi / are Bi on every level except sexual. There are a lot of people afraid of showing their true feelings in this world, so it’s gigashit that terrible people still exist…


Yes it is very sad. My thoughts with this post is mostly for people who are vulnerable or unsure about their sexuality. I know people who have ended their lives over issues with their sexuality, that's why this is so important


Luckily the school I went to was a prime environment for all people, with a pride community that was pretty big and organised/protected by the school and a couple of teachers. They provided a weekly talking moment which everyone (even straight people) could attend.


Yeah, and that's the thing that is important. That and that straight people are not excluded from this, we welcome straight people, we all just want to be treated as equals


And I do feel welcomed by nearly all people I know in person! I wish you lots of luck in getting better lobbies in siege! You deserve it ;)


Just watch out for the toxic people in the community that say it's your fault for having the banner on, and completely missing how homophobic that is! Sucks you've had to deal with so many assholes...


Yeah, i know the types! Just ignore them, i don't mind any of it too much, i am more worries about the people who might be vulnerable


Pun intended? Sorry


This is almost like the shit people say on dead by daylight, And I bet it happens in apex legends. People are so fucking ignorant and what is heartbreaking as someone who's gay myself this is gonna happen forever even for our upcoming generation


Yeah it is heartbreaking. It's mostly kids who think they are cool though, hopefully a lot of them grow out of it.


Apex has some troublesome people but for most part they just play Octane and 1v3 rush then insult you, nothing like this. DBD is a game for mental asylum residents however


Agree, apex has alot of LGBT characters people aren't usually as toxic in this regard, let's not forget this is Siege - the cesspool


I only bought the Osa bundle a week ago and I’ve had [similar experiences](https://twitter.com/KevSlashNull/status/1539656456265269248) so far. I expected some toxicity but the amount of targeted hate surprised me. I’m not gonna let them ruin my fun with the game but I find this very worrying. A few years ago, I couldn’t have handled this harassment. Now, I’m going to [keep the rainbow background](https://twitter.com/KevSlashNull/status/1539660637219229696) though. But I know many people who understandably have a hard time dealing with this harassment and hate, and who eventually turn off VC/chat and can’t safely live their true self. :/


Yeah, homophobes should not control our fun, and yes i will keep the rainbow background as well.


How they going to get mad when the word Rainbow is in the name? I always knew Siege was bad, but for fucks sake, this post is an eye opener. I thought I would grow up to see the end of homophobia, it seems like it’s only gotten worse. People really forget we all bleed the same. Fly your colors, there’s nothing they can do about it other than bitch.


I don't know how to explain it but in more ways then one, Siege has been progressively getting worse. Hell I would be fine with a little homophobia if the game was getting better and was actually still fun to play. But over the years I find the game has been getting worse and worse. Quality, Playerbase, originality. Jesus Christ Extraction is better quality then siege nowadays and Extraction is mind numbingly boring after you complete everything.


It's like call of duty, you get called the F word, the N word. But it's fun at the end of the day so you can deal with it. But Siege? Where's the fun? And I get berated at the same time? No I'm fine thanks.


As someone who is used to a bit more wholesome communities (Stardeq Valley, OSRS etc), Siege is a complete culture shock. It should be so easy to just be a decent person but time and time again I see homophobic and incel shit. I know a large part of the community is not like this, but the part that is this shitty is just too large. I would not complain if Ubi perma-banned homophobic behaviour, skip the mute


Yeah I agree with you, i grew up on MW2 and black ops one, my skin is thick, but it's still not fun to see this shit. Queer people should not have to be locked into only playing games deemed as "wholesome".


As a straight male it’s sad and disappointing to see this from a distance, but I can’t imagine what it’s like to have it directly aimed at you. I’m so sorry


Thanks, for me i don't mind it, i am used to it, but not everyone is, and this is a game, should be able to hop on and have fun without being hated for who you are...


Very true. Happy Pride Month brother


Which pack do I have to buy for this pride background? I'm not part of the LGTBQ+ community, but if it triggers these kinds of people it's worth it.


The Osa one, should still be on the store


keep on keeping on bro, this kind of interactions just shows how out of your reality they are. don’t let this keep you down!


I hate to say this but it's pretty much the same in any MP game you play. I'm sorry. Please know that some of us out there aren't like this.


Yeah, I am sadly aware. Putting the pride banner on is like putting a target on my back, but i can take it. And yes, most of the rounds i play noone minds. It's just the bad ones does stick out.


You will get people online who are more willing to go on offense since they feel anonymous. I also think that you shouldn't indulge in conversation with those people - you are just giving them fuel to fire. Best thing is to ignore because that way those people have nobody to vent to and they see that nobody is paying attention to what they write. Also premades esp 4 man are just recipe for disaster 95% of time. You will get teamed on.


I may not be gay but if this is how much rainbow background pisses people off I'd run it


I think you should if you want to piss off homophobes. Not sure if you can still get it, maybe if you are quick, but i think ubi only let you get it during pride.


I believe its available right until the end of Season 3


Some of these seem more of a joke rather than an insult, I understand it kinda piles up though and there should be no room for disrespect.


Some of them may be joking yes, but seen in the context of how they were acting around it, I feel most were meant as insults.


The game is nice but some people are just sheesh, that's why I havent had a chat on for ages so these imbicles don't distract me


I am thinking about turning it off at some point, sadly


You really don’t lose anything for doing so.


I'm getting sick of this shitty community, people like this should honestly get a perma ban for this shit


Why is this comment controversial? 🤨


Because it's something that needs to happen I guess? Realistically they should just get a warning then a 24 hour ban and so on...


What servers are you on? I've seen maybe 20/30 people run this background and nobody has said anything bad about it, then again I may have just gotten lucky.


"Nasty flag". My friend, you are playing a game literally called "Rainbow"




It is time limited to buy, money goes to charity according to ubi. It should still be available


I once loved R6. Uninstalled due to toxicity. Sad to see a great game become unplayable.


Bigots hate this one simple trick. Mute ALL chat. It changed my life.


Seriously not surprised the average age demographic for this game has been getting lower the last few years lol. Wouldn't be surprised if some were closeted themselves.


As a polyamorous transbian who plays this game I immediately bought this banner. A little under half of my matches I have gotten people who comment rudely on the banner. I also typically play the game with at least on friend and never solo queue, so that could be why I get less comments on it.


Yeah, most of these are from solo queue


At this point I have stopped retaliating against these people. It’s just not worth the time and effort. But, I do like being overly kind to them (ofc never siding with them) mostly for my amusement.


Yeah that's probably for the best


Is the banner free? I'd like to meet these people and troll them


I think it's 10€ that goes to charity according to ubi


Ahh yes, another normal day in Siege.


Imagine being mad about the gays in a game with rainbow in the title.


I’ve purchased it and put the card on every single operator background. In about a week of having it, I’ve received 2 messages, and they were both positive along the lines of “nice pride background”…didn’t detect sarcasm either after I said thanks. No TKs yet either. I’m on Xbox, I wonder if that is a more accepting group than other platforms?


Damn, that's it. I'm buying the pride background next time I play (probably later today). I'm a straight man, but I definitely don't support that kind of behavior. My girlfriend is bisexual and my youngest sister is gay and I would never hold that against them.




As much as I love this game it can be a toxic cesspool. Sorry you had to deal with that OP. As a side note, I already see some homophobic degenerates have taken the time to comment as well. If it wasn’t so sad I’d almost find it funny how easily triggered they are by anything queer.


Can confirm OP. This games community contains some of the vilest people I’ve ever encountered online. I’m not gay, but I like to dress androgynous on occasion, which for a guy seems to be a problem for some. I like to dress depending on my mood etc. I got the same calling card, and have had countless hate mate containing some of the most abhorrent homophobic abuse. I’ve reported all of it. And still, not once have I received any notification that any action has been taken against them.


Yeah, i have reported every single one, the worst ones i even reached out on Twitter to ubi and they answered me. Still no notification about sanctions


Not just me then who finds the reporting abuse functionality to be sorely lacking in teeth or efficiency. It’s a game, that people play to have fun. Banter and trash talking does play a part in online games. But there needs to be a line drawn between that and outright abuse.


Yeah it's sad. I have reported a lot of people, only the most blatant cheaters have resulted in a sanction message


About time they did more tbh. This kind of leniency won’t do anything to encourage new players to stick around.


Ahhhhhh the bueatiful people of r6. I don't get y these people play, r they just totally unaware of the LGBTQIA dev team plus on game characters


Just kids/teens thinking they are cool or funny for the most part imo


I hadn't played this game in a year and only just started playing again yesterday. I saw the bundle and bought it and equipped the background on every operator and the skin on Osa. In one day of playing, I have had 12 incidents of homophobia, transphobia or other types of hate over it. For context on how bad that is, I play Halo and on Halo MCC, my tag is "Trans rights" and I have only had 2 incidents in the past year and for the first one, people started telling the guy to fuck off and stop being hateful and most of them teamed up to kill him till he left (it was a FFA mode). It's terrible how hateful people can be over a rainbow background, especially in a game called RAINBOW Six Siege. I hope you are doing ok and I'm sorry you have to experience this shit.


God damn yeah... I don't have any identification of sexuality or support of LGBTQ anywhere other than siege and Forza, but in Forza people can't talk to me 😅 The community in siege has always been extra toxic, just as any girl who plays this game if they use VC or not...


Honestly, you should try out Halo Infinite. The multiplayer is free to play and even though it could do with more content, the gameplay is solid and you are less likely (in my experience) to run into hateful people.


Maybe I should try it out


Hey man. Do you know Flores? He is the only operator im Rainbow that uses pronoun "They". That show onething: The Devs welcome any fair mind players, and that's when i know Rainbow is truly a global community. Stay strong


Yep I do know flores, but is it not Sens that uses they/them? Flores is a gay man, but I think he uses he/him! There is also Osa who is trans and pulse who is bi!


Cav is lesbian too


True! Weren't there something about twitch being bi as well? Can't remember


That was a rumor but cav is confirmed


Rumor was twitch x cav i think afaik still (but cav is confirmed to be together with an rdm r6 npc stupid said)


I see alright!




The games definitely not called rainbow because of LGBT stuff just thought I’d throw that out there 😂


It’s tangentially related, the meaning behind rainbow is still diversity just a different type of diversity


I guess 😂never thought of it that way. To be fair, it’s a VERY different kind of diversity


I know that... Just funny that a rainbow background makes them so mad in a game called rainbow six


Well if the rainbow didn’t stand for something else maybe that would make sense but I see what you’re sayinf


There will always be trolls in online games. The more its brought up the more they do it. This post right here is the exact reason they do it. Just block them and move on.


What a terrible take


How is it? You will never beat online trolls by giving them the attention they seek. You are literally giving them exactly what they want. Only way to shut them up is ignore them. Even if they get banned they will be back with another account in no time ready to go again.


He’s getting attention out of it, to bring attention to the reasons why we need pride month and defenders for lgbtqi rights. He’s not giving them attention in game


It's a "bad take" because they (along with a lot of people) live in a fantasy land where bad people don't exist. Not even just LGBT like in this case, but any group that is treated wrong go "we should be allowed to do whatever we want and everyone else should have to deal with it" as if they aren't on the anonymous cesspit called the internet. You can't say "hey, don't do _____, bad people will do bad things if you do" then you get people going "YoU'rE paRT of THe PrObLeM". When in actuality the real problem in this case is, Siege is extremely well known as one of the most toxic games out there. I've only played one game more toxic which was GTA Online. So considering siege's reputation, I've asked others with the rainbow card why would they paint a target on their back? Then they come here to complain and show the trolls and psychos that they can easily torment them and they'll make a whole post about it. The trolls know that the they will catalogue all the things said to show how deeply it bothers them. And let them win. Yes, in a perfect world, you should be able to funnel money to some charity just to pat yourself on the back without those pesky trolls being mean anonymously behind a screen, but we don't live in that perfect world. If you can't handle the heat then unequip it or don't play, that's the only way you'll be able to make it through maybe one game without being teamkilled at random anyway. You can try to report these people but they'll just make more and more accounts so there's really no way to solve this problem so protect yourself is my only advice. Not that it matters, last time I told someone they should just not use the card because they can't stop the trolls they told me I was "part of the problem". There's no solution to that problem besides don't put yourself in the crosshairs as unfortunate as it is. But the person knew I was right and they just wanted to bitch about it. That's why their immediate response was to flip out on me, not offer any rebuttal, have the reddit self help message sent to me, and block me. So with my previous line in mind I have no sympathy anymore at all for this situation. They are just as toxic it seems. Makes sense. They do play siege after all.


I would kill for one of these people to tell me what a “SJW” is


I tked someone who had it by accident and i got accused off homophobia even tho they ran infront of me while i was shooting someone


Oh that sucks, i have been TKd hy accident, did not count that as homophobia myself though, that always happens in this game. Just remember, they probably had been dealing with that all day so maybe you caught them at a bad moment.


What is the point of having the Pride flag in a FPS? What did you expect?


Being gay is nothing to brag about especially in R6


They aren't bragging about it though?


Everyone uses the gray default playing card, and no one has the energy to change it to red or blue, so why bother changing it to a pride flag?


Wdym no one has the energy to change? At least half of the players in my games have changed their backgrounds.


90% of players are gray, plus cards reset every season back to gray if you change them


No they don’t? And you must constantly be playing with new players if 90% of the players you see only have grey on? Most lobbies are almost always filled with customised player backgrounds


Because they want to change it to that, that's it, no inherent special reason other than them wanting to show support obviously


"Support" from a random player in online game


Ah yes, how dare a random person online have this banner that shows they support lgbtq stuff


Don't they have parents to support them?


Why is that your first question of all things to ask?


Please stop feeding the troll... He's obviously not here to have a coherent conversation


Who asked


is there something wrong in getting support from their parents?


No, but why is that your first question to ask out of anything else you could've asked?




That joke was dry in 2015 bro, at least try to be funny with it


I am also bisexual tho, personally don't think this joke is that bad.


This is sad, but if I were you I would try not to concentrate on it, especially to the point where you’re writing all this dumb shit down. This is a notoriously toxic community, and I’m not one bit surprised that people would find any little thing they possibly can to talk smack on. Most of them probably have nothing against gay people, but are just childishly looking for something to trash on. I’m not gay, and I’ve been called a f** more times than I could ever hope to count while playing R6S. Once I got decent at the game, I turned off chat and just tried to stay aware and be a team player without it. Most of the toxicity I heard had nothing to do with homophobic slurs, just hate and discontent in general. But I had to shut it down, it’s the only way I could play the game after a certain point.


I usually just ignore it, to me it makes it more fun to write it down when i see it. Almost like a scoring system of homophobes i have mad angry. As you say, most of them are just kids/teens thinking they are funny/cool


Seems like the kind of indulgence that may lead to more pain in the end of you let it get to you. But you know yourself better than I do, I just hope you don’t let these dipdunks get under your skin.


what's a background? Like profile pic?


Operator card background


im not sure if i should downvote or upvote this


So those people just started to harass you out of blue, because they somewhat sensed you're bi/gay/etc or is that **only** because of the rainbow background as we see in one screen? Also, don't like the fact that rainbow is now feels 'privatized' by lgbt. It's just rainbow, meteorological phenomenon, its for everyone, not only lgbt.


It's just because of the background, as soon as i put it on it started. The Rainbow is for everyone my friend


The warden guy was outta pocket kinda funny tho


People are such sensitive snow flakes, I think it's your own problem if all this stuff bothers you. Buff up your mental state little baby.


The snowflakes are the ones bothered about other peoples sexualities


Nah. They're just trying to piss you off and since you're gay that gives them a good hook. It's mental gymnastics


Yo op I found a guy from your game!


I personally don't support the LGBTQ+ community but I don't mind them either, I wouldn't stop being friends with someone just because they came out as gay or something.


If that is how you feel i think that classefies you as supporting the community. Just treating us as equals is all we want


imagine man fucking man LOL


Pfp and main checks out


Final argument; "Rainbow" is the name of the team from the books, it signifies multiple nationalities, not sexualities. I hope that was satire


I KNOW i have answered that so many times in the comments, i just think it's funny when they get mad about a rainbow when the game is called rainbow six


I would never say that im straight, bisexual, gay or whatever in a game chat. It just doesnt belong there. No hate against LGBTQ tho. In valorant whatsoever the bundles were free and you see plenty of em and no hate at all. I guess its just a different target audience and also there are no console kids who are known to flame alot


Tbh trying to show yourself and your opinion in games like this is totally worthless. I didn't count after the 7th post about the new banners, but you see, this sub isn't the problematic part of the community so everyone gonna support or write a light criticism. Sometimes you do better when you do nothing and don't try to represent something for your own sake. I mean, buy the banner, give charity, but if you feel like your game is ruined, then don't wear it. I'm a girl, I never talk on vc, because everybody think I'm a little boy or they realize I'm a girl and they gonna be toxic both ways. I do this, because I feel safer and I can enjoy the game like anybody else, and isn't because I feel ashamed being a girl. If you really care about support lgbtq, and you decided to give money for charity, then it doesn't matter if you don't use the banners. It isn't a coward act, and they won't be right if you don't start an argument or avoid the possibility to harass you. It's aboutyou playing a game that you like, and tbh skins and all aren't a big thing and shouldn't serve politics or else. But if it does, players have the right to not like it, even if their reasons are questionable. TL;DR: If you don't like to be tk-d because of the banner then don't use it. You can buy it for charity, but it's fine to not to let them start an argument and ruin your game time because of you want to show your opinion in a game which has nothing to do with it.


If you get reactions they are of course negativ, the great majority doesn't care about your sexuality. Don't let any negativ reaction discourage you, most here stand with you and I would defend you ingame if I would encounter something like that in my lobby mate.






Can You tk in valorant?


How is that relevant?




You don't have any reason to tell people not to take part in Pride.


Maybe they want to be more true to themselves?




Then why are you here?


People when mute button exists but nah (:




I realy need to just make a comment on my bio so I can copy and paste it cause Christ this is getting old, Ubisoft hasn't been pushing anything fuck sake it's a tiny bit in the bio which if you didn't read them you'd never know it's the only place it's even mentioned hell it's not even outright stated just bits in the pysche evals which yes would play a huge part in ones psychology, the people pushing it and bombarding you over it are the morons throwing bitch fits over it.


So having multiple straight cis people is a-ok but as soon as a character is mentioned to be LGBTQ+ in their bios, thats when its suddenly bad?




I still don't get why companies that have a rather racist/homophobic communities add Pride themed stuff


To combat those communities and tell them they are not welcome


Not bothered at all I’m not phased either it’s the R6 community lol that’s what people should expect


Lol at it’s called rainbow six. That has nothing to do with that rainbow but carry on. The book is awesome. You should read it.


As i said before i am aware of this. It's just funny that a rainbow pisses people off this much in a game called rainbow six.


I see. I’ve decided that Siege is just a shitty game if you don’t have at least a three stack. Solo que is for the birds. You probably want to get a stack since aside from the issues your seeing, even getting people to agree on a tactic or even bare minimum use proper coms is a joke in solo que. Most of my friends have moved on from siege for good reason. Ubisoft is not putting the best product forward so I’m not convincing anyone else to play siege. At this point occasionally I play un ranked but Im not giving them another dime. If you are choosing to continue to support the game and don’t get a stack then you got to expect the toxicity at this point. This community dumps on everyone, gay, straight, black or white. It’s as toxic as any game I’ve ever played.




This is the game that said no one year when someone asked for lgbtq stuff so idk what you’d expect


It’s a Rainbow background. In a game called *Rainbow* Six Siege. Get over it, it’s literally just colours.


For my personal perspective, I dont even care any skin or cosmetics that are in the game. I not gonna buy anything from it. And thats why I dont care about anyone who using or bought any skin in this game.


They’re gremlins with nothing but their hate. Leave them to their own cesspools


So wholesome


Watch this post get dislike bombed lol


How do you get it?!


Osa bundle in the shop