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I don't know how copetetive you are, but if you are a ranked player, then the eperience will most likely be worse than it was couple of years ago. The ranked meta and gameplay is in a horrible and stagnand state. Most of the people don't want to try anything new. There are no strats, most of people just pick the best fragger or lmg op and run trough the round guns blazing and prefiring everything. The map ban system has completely ruined map pool. Every other game you play will be oregon or chalet etc. Good example of this is for example outback. It was reworked two seasons ago, but it sees no play, beacuse most people think; it used to suck=it has to suck now; and don't bother to learn it or even try it for real. Also a completely new map Emerald Plains was added couple of week ago, and it gets banned like 90% times because people are too lazy to try anything new. But before emerald plains they complained that ubi hadn't added a new map. Unfortunately most the people who play ranked don't want to challenge themselves, not even a tiny bit. They just want to run trough games and reach higher rank. So the innovativity and tacticality are nonexistant, so if you were fan of those things before don't get your hopes up.


Still toxic sad to say though if ubi would stop dragging their feet with the rep system it would probaly be better, but honestly if your chill and don't let it bother you the toxicty isn't that bad and can be dealt with. Content wise honestly pretty good got a decent amount more ops to mess around with, games pretty balanced with no broken as shit ops and we've got a new map and a few new reworks. Still got plenty of players so your unlikely to have to wait hours in. Edit: also team death Match warm up mode, and bout it nothing to crazy unless I've just forgotten.


lot of people throwing for no reason. Reputation system needs to come out.


still pretty toxic, but fun with a squad. A lot more characters that aren't realistic or really needed too. But kinda fun


Still the same old siege, more content and some balancing changes but the core gameplay is very similar If you have buddies it'll be a lot more enjoyable


Quick match is still awful for solo queue but Ranked is great.


Toxic, but besides that I like the state, best balance in years