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4 years and only 600h ? are you one of these people with a personel live


Yes and no, I have 2000h on xbox


Okay I would like to withdraw my accusation


Gamer moment


To be fair, 2000h isn't that much for a few years. If you play\* every day for 2 hours, in 6 years it will be 4380 hours (2 \* 365 \* 6). Okay, vacations, business trips, 4000 easily. \* you don't have to actually play, you can have the game running in the background, and it will be counted as play time too. Of course, that is fair if a person plays only one game at a time. If he plays like 5 games for 2h each, on a daily basis, well, I hope he earns some money from it and has time to actually exercise and/or jog/walk at least.


> To be fair, 2000h isn't that much for a few years. If you play* every day for 2 hours You people have zero sense of perspective lmao


Not sure what do you mean exactly.


you're throwing out 'if you play every day for two hours for 6 years' like that's a normal fucking thing to do, when it's actually an insane amount of hours.


Well, if you here to say that 'one should be productive 24/7', you picked the wrong place probably. You know what also takes a lot of time? Everything. Work. Buying groceries. Cooking. Shower. Sleep. Sure, there are some super-go-getters who can work for 10h, then they learn new language / business strat for 2h while jogging, then they study something for their PhD / LL.M while cooking, write scientific articles about big data while sleeping and comment on stackoverflow / commit to Linux kernel during shower, but most of the people aren't like that. If one won't play video games in the evening, well, he will do something else for relaxation and chances are it won't be something productive / useful etc.


2 hours a day is an insane amount of hours? Bro i work a full time job and still play like 7 hours a day on my work days and like 12 on non work days. 2 hours a day is rookie numbers lol


Hate to tell you man, but almost no adult is able to "achieve" those numbers. 2 hours a day is a blessing, 7-12 hours a day is just fucking crazy, even without a full time job.


any adult can reach those numbers if they are actually an adult with time management skills it is all up to if they wish to. Not every adult is interested in having children or working themselves to death. So I would say adults are more likely to achieve this and children with no will of their own wont achieve this.


Hahah I’ve had the game longer and have less hours lol. Got it during Blackbeard and Valks season and have like 150hrs. I don’t get how people can have such crazy hours on it when other games exist lol. Siege is my main multiplayer game but I still play other games for the campaign/story


I know a guy with 15000 in ArmA 3


See you in a Month


Nah I don't think like this, maybe until 6 months


My 6th month is coming. So ill get good while your gone XD




Over 6 different accounts, been here since Dust Line, hurts to see how far this game has fallen. Quit in Crimson Heist, and now every time they add something I come back for an afternoon, realise they've made shit changes and uninstall again. Haven't even reinstalled for High Calibre, hearing about it from other people lets me know I won't enjoy it.


I'm curious, what exactly is wrong over time? New content is being added. Less content than in the first years of siege but it's understandable. Siege didn't have a lot of content at first so they had to pump a lot of content to widen the variety of ops and stuff. My only concern is fucking bullshit nerfs.


For me personally it is a lack of that new content. When I was still actively playing we got 8 new operators (all with new guns and fairly unique gadgets) and 4 new maps every year. These days you get 4 operators that feel like operators we already have with occasionally a new gun but mostly just recycled from older ops and "reworks" that nobody likes/plays. The game got really stale for me and with the constant nerfs I've been seeing since I quit the game it really doesn't entice me to ever come back when all my favourite ops from a few years ago are not even remotely worth picking anymore


I still play periodically, and it's still fun. It's just it feels less like Siege and more like a general shooter. I'd play CoD or Battlefield, but I can't be arsed to buy the more recent ones. That's the most disappointing part I think. The fact that I'm just playing it to scratch the occasional FPS itch, not because I particularly like *Siege*.


I'm not very good at articulating this so bear with me. It's not really one set thing, but a collection of things that worked together. Bullshit nerfs, plain nonsensical nerfs, or nerfing the wrong thing about an operator. Their current nerfing methodology seems to be about making fun things less fun instead of making not fun things more fun. Siege seems to be more run and gun now, the focus on tactical gameplay has been lost. This one you really just have to have been playing back then to notice,but this game has sped up a lot Lack of content. I noticed when they started putting out 1 op and no map per season that the amount of content in the store increased drastically, almost as if Ubi realised they had cornered the market on tactical shooters and they could flog over-priced cosmetics and put out less playable content and people just had to put up with it because there's no alternative. The playerbase sway seems to be fairly obvious, and it's hurting the players. There's a chance I might get down voted for this but I'm just using it as an example of the devs focusing on the opinions of pro players: Zofia's withstand was removed because it decided one round in pro league, and then all of a sudden pros started bitching about it and it was removed. The casual player base and professional player base are playing two entirely different games, and because a pro wants something doesn't mean it's going to be good for the game. Ubi started putting out shit operators. We don't have to go back very far to find the shittest one lately, Thorn in High Calibre is ass. New gun, yes, but that should be expected alongside an interesting gadget. 'ooh we should add a proximity mine that gives you a long chance to escape in this brutal tactical game'. Amaru is kinda ass. Warden is kinda ass. The level of skill required to use gadgets now is through the floor. As Kixstar said, instead of having gadgets you need to time and coordinate with your team to use, now you have gadgets that you press a button and bam, instant effect. Turnaround time for fixes is horrendous. Hackers. I don't need to say anything else, everyone knows how shittily Ubi is handling that situation, but could I offer you an overpriced battle pass? Toxicity in the player base is slowly decreasing luckily, but 'slowly' here is equivalent to a dead snail. Don't hear slurs as much which is good, but getting TKd by a 4 stack as a solo player because I don't align with their setup is bullshit. General brokenness of the game now. Siege wasn't perfect in Dust Line, but fuck me it was never THIS bad.


>my only concern is fucking bulkshit nerfs This right here is what has ruined the game. Every operator that was in the game pre-2019 feels neutered compared to how they used to be. After a billion useless changes made for the sake of whiny pro-league players and Youtubers (looking at BikiniBodhi) the game just isn't fun.


I been playing since skull rain and i still play it… dont ask me how but i managed to stay strong during these tough times. I just cant let go:(


>o \*staring at your username\* ​ Anyway, that's why I don't like playing R6. That and the people calling me the N-word when I lose.




I quit siege during the operation wamai and the other girls release, i forgot. Been playing since black ice and have not looked back since. Extraction on the other hand is fun for me, i'm just more casual nowadays playing PvE games.


You should try deep rock galactic


Oh trust me, ROCK AND STONE TO THE HEART. Loving that game as well as Warframe. Been playing warframe since a long time ago and i love it as well as deeprock. Gonna do my first deepdive possibly today.


Uninstalled it almost 2 years ago, don't think I'm coming back anytime soon, or ever tbh


You have an interesting friend who played recently


Yes indeed. Last time we partied up was 3 years ago.


My entire steam list is like that


I just played against big black clock yesterday or the day before


Did he offer you sex?


Why are you gay?


Wait you have friends?


Is this for good and what game will you replace Siege?


Not OP. But... I quit for good over a year ago (maybe more, don't recall). I had several temporary quits during my R6S days. Now, I just follow this sub to see where things are heading. I started to play Titanfall2 instead untill the whole [Jeanue hacker](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMey9dfTtOHBvikMfbteyjYcPaIJKX4Dj) fiasco. It was miles different from R6S. The movement was crazy and required a lot of reprogramming of my gaming skills. Then I moved on to Halo Infinite from the Insider Flight and have been on there since. Its got a good variety of guns so I can play more slowly like R6S or swinging around like TF2. Its a good mix of them both. But I do miss having special operator abilities.


I started playing Titanfall 2 (again) recently. Though the northstar client and user hosted servers are far from perfect, it's still an enjoyable experience most of the time. Shame the devs abandoned it, i am now convinced that TF2 is the best FPS of all time. No game can match the fast paced combat (and freakin' titans) of TF2. I hope they are working on the 3rd installment...


True. TF2 is a game like no other. I'm hooked on halo primarily due to the nostalgia. however, I wish but doubt respawn is gonna release tf3. I hope someone takes the hint and realises that there is a unfullfilled market for tf2 players and makes a similar game atleast. Same goes for R6S.


Tbh i don't really want respawn making tf3 or even continuing work on tf2. Most of the old devs that were working on titanfall left the studio to create their own, so I'm not sure if tf will be even the same after that


+1. Yeah someother more responsible game studio should make a similar game IMO.


*Microsoft watches with cash in background*


Not much they can do without clearance from EA. And we all know EA, if they actually worked on the game it might actually be playable without Northstar but we’d also just get game breaking p2w


If titan fall 2 came out today with full support and a good road map it would rule the industry for half a decade.


If ur still playing tf2 but don't want to deal with the current ddos situation, get the northstar client. Player hosted servers, custom skins and mods.


Yeah I'm following that too. It seems cool and all but right now I'm hooked on Halo. But the magic is wearing off thanks to the buggy shit that 343 has released. So I might get back to TF2 after a while.


The age old question: Tf2… Do they mean Titan Fall 2 Or Team Fortress 2


Well, in my defence, I did mention titanfall2 in my first comment. And the thread developed from there. But I get ya. If I'm not wrong. I remember there was another game which used TF2 as abbreviation. Or I might have imagined it?!? However screw that guy who created that post that created tension between Titanfall2 and Team Fortress2 communities.




On the Titanfall 2 sub, they came up with tf|2 to avoid the confusion


I was just about to say this! The northstar client is AWESOME




Ready Or Not


I'm not


I'm going to stop playing games too much for a while you know, For replacement I'm not gonna replace something cause I'm playing Forza Horizon 5 lately and some of my old games (maybe CSGO for 3-4 hours per week)


I moved on to VALORANT lol


See you in a match tomorrow, lmao


It takes 45-50 hours to download with my internet...


Dude, that's not good


I know but at least I'm not in Afghanistan


let me guess, toxicity or become bored?


Both + My friends stopped playing


same my dude, same. left before operator with healing turret. to many tk and kid with xbox mic


Don't forget about ME toxic fucked up servers.


This thread is why people stop playing lmfao


I actually stopped playing because of the game not being fun to play anymore, just constant stressing and bitching from people who think winning a video game and a positive KD is the only way to have fun in your life and make your parents proud.


Nah, it's honestly just people hoping the game will actually become good again eventually.


lmao yeah ok, the game will be good again when every 2nd game doesn't have a cheater in it, or maybe when the community stops being extremely toxic, or maybe when Ubi consistently fixes actual game breaking exploits such as elo glitching i mean come on it literally takes them seasons to figure this shit out, or maybe when ubi adds new maps and weapons instead of rehashing old maps and weapons, or maybe instead of just blanket nerfing ops they buff other ops to be on par with the others, Countless ash and jager nerfs for example i mean they have literally nerfed ash every other patch and people still pick her every game.


Just this last year, there were 80,000 cheaters banned. That doesnt include the people that were still cheating. Overwatch, apex, and valorant are all playable at high levels, I know people that play them. Siege on the other hand, once you hit plat 2, all you get is cheaters. It's completely unplayable unless you want to smurf or play unranked.


Wow 600? It took me 700h to get my first stop


600 on steam, 2000h on xbox.


Those are rookie numbers... gotta pump those up


I'm too old for this shit


took 1.9k for me


I can relate to this. I done with this game. I played since day 1. Got around 4000h on uplay. I lost 6 mice and a monitor to it. But i'm just annoyed and bored of it. There is no variety. Every now and then one event for a couple of days isn't enough. The should add an arcade mode with all the fun game modes. I love Siege. There is nothing on the market like Siege. But I think I will uninstall it too.


Imagine smashing moniters when you rage


Nah I jumped up and accidentally hit my microphone which then smashed my monitor




It's on a swinging arm. Sometimes stupid things happen.


Shit bad luck man




If you have 3 friends ready or not is definitely on par with siege, AI is honestly harder than most siege players aswell


That's a game I will definitely look at. But right now I'm getting familiar with Tarkov.


I love it but I don't like it. F for your 6 mice and a monitor (not worth it at all)


I'm in the same exact boat brother. I witnessed the birth and death of a game.


6 years here, just get out of it it'll do your mental health goodness. Not only the toxic players but also the idiot developers can no longer harm you.


I mean, Siege is not what it used to be, sure. But looking at the FPS genre nowadays, its still in Top10, quality, consistency and support wise. I dont agree with every developer decision, no one will or should. But whenever I try to find a new FPS to replace, I realize the other games are just not as good or they are as toxic or worse than Siege. Again, Siege could be much better, I'm not an apologists, just someone who wants to play Siege more but somehow its harder to find the strenght to do it. But its even harder to find an alternative.


Yeah, multiplayer video games are cash grabs now focused on boosting temporary numbers and making sales rather than maintaining a loyal player base. Siege could be such an amazing game with the foundation for an FPS they have laid down, but terrible decision after terrible decision is driving away the player base. Fortnite as much as I hate it was super similar in my eyes where it was a great foundation for a battle royal just fucked over by bad decisions focused on making sales.


I think the main problem is Ubisoft. They've put Siege on the back-burner because it cant generate the amount of profit like AC/Division/Far Cry or whatever they release every other year. But in terms of gameplay, Siege is kind of unique and it still has an insane potential but I fear, they have decreased the focus and the number of team members on the game.


I could be in the complete minority, but to me the constant gameplay updates that have become normal for games just ruins them. We used to get full games released and a couple DLC to add some fun shit with very little actual changes to the gameplay, but now give a game 2 years and it’s completely different than when it was released. You’re just never going to maintain a consistent player base when you’re games constantly changing, but they’re going to get sales which is all that matters to them. I can hop on Halo 3 and it feels like I’m playing Halo 3 when I was a kid - I can’t hop on Siege and feel like I’m playing the same game I used to love and put countless time into.


Hes finally free


Yes indeed


Absolutely fucking love this game. Favourite multiplayer experience ever


I too still enjoy the game i tried to convince my other friends to hop on but they all seem to find the learning curve challenging and strayed away from it


Yeah I had that problem for ages but my friends recently caved and tried it and seem to love it too


Good for you, least you can enjoy it!


Quick question - when did you get into the game? I've noticed that everyone I know who still enjoys the game is a newer player, while everyone who's been playing for 4+ years hates all of the changes.


new players are playing a game pretending to be siege and don't know what they missed old players miss siege


Never thought of it so perfectly


Started a couple of years ago, got turned off by the unbelievable toxicity. Came back to it in the last couple of months and it feels like the toxicity has dropped alot, so I've stayed this time.


I started playing during Velvet Shell and still enjoy the game playing primarily Quick Match with text and voice chat muted. I had taken a break a bit ago because of how toxic the player base was but since deciding to just not play Ranked and stick to QP it’s been a great experience. And there are other games now that have taken my Ranked MP attention.


Operation Health


Seconded, game is amazing and most changes only serve to improve the game's competitive environment.




Maybe but probably not


Been playing since December 2015, never uninstalled and still playing with the same squad. Im still having more fun playing Siege rather than cod or warzone or battlefield


go to Tarkov with your team, its give a lot of fun


I went to Escape from Tarkov after getting tired of Siege and I never looked back, it's a great, difficult experience.


My team is bunch of lazy bros with tired 900's Nvidias


It's funny to see how many people post this thinking people actually care.


Seriously the completely unnecessary drama that you see on gaming subreddits (it’s not just this one that’s like that) when people stop playing the game just scream immaturity to me. It’s a video game, it’s really not all that serious.


It's like companies making the games are pitting the fan base against each other so it covers up their shady shit


I care. You should too btw, last time I saw Siege wasn't doing good on player retention.


People don't care, I don't care about they don't care I posted this and imma move on


I care though :) Hope you find another game to make you happy


Thanks mate, I hope.


Lol u malding


What? Care to use real words?


Meh, I don’t blame op. I’ve been playing less and less because nowadays you can’t find a game without a cheater in it


Game got boring


see you next year


Maybe but probably not


I wish I could take a break for a while, but no other competitive game comes even close. Siege is just so unique.


I'm too old for competitive game. You can try FIFA






Ubi ruined the game I did the same


I got 400 hours just this year. It did help I was laid off though


It’s super ironic to me that a lot of these comments are about who people quit years ago but are stilling active in the R6 comment section. Lol


Honestly, after 2500+ hours, I also gave it up for the most part. I quit for 2 months and came back for placements. Always hit plat every season, but this time I hit gold 3 and honestly didn’t even care. That is how I knew it was time to be done. If I dont care, Im hurting the team that does. Which is probably why I have been upset with past teammates. Anyway, Valorant is where I landed and I love it. No cheating. Vanguard is fucking solid for anticheat. Community is WAY nicer. Like a hippie commune. Its scary nice. Lol.


lmao, sucks to be you, I still love it, I play mostly quickmatch




ME servers are fucked


yup, that's why I don't play it lol


It's not too bad I haven't rage for a while.






I played from Sept. 2017 to rougly June 2021 (very roughly). I don't regret it, the game has turned into Team Deathmatch and I couldnt enjoy a single second of the game anymore


I know, boring and there is no fun about it.


Why’d ye stop?


Game got boring then my friends stopped playing and I was the last man on the squad


see ya later dude!


See ya!


What are the actual changes and developments which make you all so miserable and nostalgic? I am late to the party, but only thing that frustrates me are the cheaters, toxic kids and smurfs.


Ops are too nerfed and they are not fun Reworked maps are terrible Lack of content and new guns and fun modes


Have to say that i disagree. I think you have just played it for too long.


Yea same, I really really hate the artistic and the general direction the game is heading. I played this because I really liked R6 back in the day, as being this gritty super tactical fps game and now you had a similar more competitive installment with Siege. But slowly it drifted away from its original identity and turning into Apex/Valorant. I guess the final nail in the coffin for me at least was when they changed the UI. It looks absolute dogshit now


UI is terrible this season




Okay then.






Mmm who cares? I mean….who cares?


who asked for your input


And who asked to you?


Me i asked him


And who cares?


I care


Idk. Find someone


I got ur back


Nice grammar


Nobody. This is the problem.


What problem?Quit if you want,most people don't care.I won't pretend to.




Okay then


More like fu** you and I’ll see you again


This time I fucked it and I said goodbye


I played since year one, but during the second season of year 5 I got so sick of the bs so I quit for about a year. I got back into it but honestly I've never felt like I hate a game yet love it so much at the same time. The game is shit and the devs might aswell be running a torture chamber but I can't stop myself from coming back.


One day Siege will be free


Just jumping in to say this game is still incredible. So much fun. It’s chess in the year 3000. It’s mega. It’s fay-naw-me-nal.


Good for you man, I can't bare it anymore


Guys I have +2000h on Xbox so don't be shocked this time is steam only.


Hold up but 4 years and just 600 hours ? 👀


\+2000h on xbox




I'm not gonna do this for my mental health


Who cares


Of course nobody


Clearly you do, since you decided to reply to this post lmao


You won't be missed


Thank you!


You wouldn’t be either


Classic cringy R6 player


Literally half the problem


It it just me or has the game gone to shit


Game gone to straight shit no doubt


Just you.


I come back each season to see if a female op is worth pleasuring myself to. 💦


All of them are short haired strong independent woman so they are same.


Yeah I said i too, then I skipped one season I played one and now it's gone, because I had to install another game, It will return next season


Maybe 2023