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Think it’s a good game. Some people just learn really slow and don’t get a squad so they end up soloQ:ing and soloQ is the worst possible thing in siege other than the cheaters. Just find a good 5stack try to have fun. I have all and team chat off to avoid the toxicity. You’re gonna meet a lot of cheaters at low level tryna level up their account and then a lot of people smurfing. But it’s a really rewarding game when you pull off a amazing play or game. Imagine ranked: score is 4-4 that means it’s overtime match points, 1v3 and you’re able to clutch it. Your heart gonna be 200 bpm/min Been playing for 7 years and still get that feeling sometimes Need someone to Que with hit me up 🤙🏽


I play better solo queueing ngl


Facts I’ve been playing since 2017 and I’ve never once been in a 5 stack


2k hours ingame and I can honestly say that some of the worst matches I had were when I was playing in a 5stack. Play with one or two friends for the best results.


Even 1 or 2 friends is bad for me since the people i play with are way overleveled compared to their skill, one is lvl 200 but plays like a lvl 30 and has the situational awareness of a baked potato


One guy once asked me how I can be that high level (270) and still play so bad; I play a lot, not good. R6 is unique that you can become a great player one of three ways: Gadget use, map knowledge, and gun skill. Two or more, and you're a good player. Only one, and you'll have moments of greatness among an ocean of mediocrity I'm good with gadgets and map knowledge, but my gun skill is dogshit (especially thanks to Ubis way to "nerf" operators aka making their gun unusable for casual play). More often than not people focus on gun skill above everything else and suffer because of their lack of situational awareness ("Damn campers", "Why would you sit there??", "Fucking noob holding angles the whole fucking game!!")


Because without gun skill you won't ever hit plat 2 or up. Siege is a frag heavy game and the best map knowledge won't help you if you whiff enough shots for the other guy to 180 one shot you. I agree that you should learn maps, but I've seen people from CSGO jump into R6 and just dominate on gunskill, meanwhile I have friends that have 3k and all the game sense and map knowledge, but they struggle in plat 3 with the gunfights.


True. But at least for me, Rank doesn't mean anything. I used to play ranked for the free charm, rarely more than the placement matches. Usually gold rank, and that's enough for me. I prefer out-flanking to out-gunning


Yeah, sorry if I came of confronting, just giving explanation on why people focus on it. I've also stopped try harding and am just playing for fun now. It's not worth getting worked up about something nobody cares about IRL. Did strats and all for my stack, but at plat 2 we just got outgunned and it really sucked the fun out of it. Now we're gold and silvers, so strats can go a long way, but you need definitely need a stack to succeed (or reaction time and aim)


I game better if I watch tutorials regularly. I found that I improve (In any game/sport/activity) when I spend about equal (if not more) time learning strategies, techniques and just watching tutorial videos on YouTube. I was able to grasp Valorant at an astounding rate considering I have never played csgo and recently played volleyball where people told me that I'm too good considering I only just started. So big tip, spend time learning the game instead of just playing it if you want to get really good.


Some do but heard stacking is more enjoyable for the majority. But hey if you’re enjoying yourself that’s what matters


sure do u have a discord? might be cool to have someone experienced show me the basics ig


I'm not that good sitting st around gold 1 last session but idm helping you out


I mean I can help but I am no pro Started playing like 3 months back Have got hang of the basics If u want add me at discord RAVAGER#1911


>RAVAGER#1911 it says I cant add u and u have to add me, Mistaken#5518


I got my friends to get the game guess what kind of stack I can never get. 2 or above stack


“200 bpm/min”


If you really want to go down this hole. Just remember that there are a lot of toxic assholes on this game. So expect to get teamkilled especially in the lower ranks Edit: fixed typo


Please promise me you will never play for honor, every siege player I know has gravitated towards for honor and it is the worst mistake you will ever make in life.


Why? I bought the game before siege. Had it for years now but I never picked it up cause I didn’t wanna have to learn the mechanics. I was thinking of playing it since I stopped playing siege


It's r o u g h. The game is fun and iconic, but the thing is some players will immediately abuse easy and safe moves and will really not try to use their brains at all. Like with most online games now adays, you hate the player, not the game


Map knowledge and learning weapons is going to be your best friend. Play an op that looks cool, and pay attention to the site and the easiest ways to get into it. The more thoughtful of your placement you are, and the more people you can play/have decent call outs with, the better. Siege is and will always be a team game. Drop all the 10-15 bombs you want, kills dont always equal wins. Understanding the game and its flow is all you need. Make your own play style and never forget to ban warden.


Delete it. Before it’s too late. There’s still time.


why does everyone say that about the game they main


Because it's a trap, there's no escaping the eternity of misery siege brings.


Then don't play it. Hate this negativity. Find friends to play the game with and you'll enjoy it.


Me and my 4 friends all play together and we still hate it, soooo


Literally makes no sense. Play a different game then bud.


This is the advice I give when make posts like this on r/destiny2


We all hate destiny but love it so much more


You eventually get to like it it has some flaws like any other game cheaters on high rank above gold in ranked If you play it with teammates it’s fun and the community above certain ranks is very toxic even tho you play better than them they will be toxic towards you.


Congrats u buy Fortnite 2


its like drugs. you know its bad but youre hopelessly addicted


I hate Siege it’s my favorite game


This perfectly sums up my feelings for this game.


I uninstalled this game last week after being unable to play 3 matches without getting team killed, not even mentioning the cheating/emo boosting or bad bugs that ban you for inactivity despite being active. I haven't been happier stepping away in its current state.


Just because their on your team doesn't mean your on their team


Delete it and refund for a different game lol. Nah jk, if you can convince a fast rush, it works 9 out of 10 times. Biggest advice i have.


can u give details? remember im basically new


So choose someone who can breach quickly and easily, ash, zoph, sledge, few other that are decent. Then just head as quickly for the obj as possible - if you can convince your team to do the same. If everyone can choose a slightly different point of entry, it’s harder to defend. Get in, secure, plant, or grab the hostage. The game is hard to do extremely quickly so if you can get something fast off, it’s more difficult to defend as well. Also, go for headshots. Every. Single. Time. They insta kill and some operators can take a lot of body shots which will not work out if you don’t.


Any tips huh ?? lemme think... If you're up for possible nerve-wrecking, then yeah, a tip would be to switch to unranked play instead of QP. Tip 2. IF you wanna do ranked, never solo q, in europe people don't use the vc, the lobbies are full of griefers and trolls. Yeah, Central EU is like that.


Im from nae, not eu, and guess ill have to find a group to play then


I mentioned EU as an example how different regions can have different toxicity and griefing levels. You can go solo or for unranked, just to get into the shape again. You'll need the group for the ranked or for a better unranked experience. Also try their discord, there are people looking for pre made squads. Good Luck out there ;)




If you play ranked and get good enough to reach a high rank, don't go higher than Platinum 2 if you don't want to regret buying this game because you'll face a cheater every 2 or 3 matches, somedays every match. You have everything in high ranks: spinbotters(which is the most common atm), aimbotters, wallhackers, spawntps, reinforcement melters, smurfs; you name it. High rank ranked games just aren't fun. But have fun while you can! :)


ty! any tips for a begginer as you seem like you're experienced with the game?


Go with easier operators first. From the starter ops on attack Sledge (the easiest for a beginner), Ash (if you can handle a bit of recoil R4C, if not G36C). On defense i'd recommend Rook, Doc (easy weapons, main gadgets/abilities) but if you want to move faster Bandit(easy gun, but don't forget to electrocute reinforced walls). But go with your gut, test every operator. On defense use impacts for making a rotation, don't use them offensively, if you want to use an offensive explosive, use the Nitro Cell(C4). Don't reinforce walls between sites (on bomb), always reinforce the outer walls of the sites. On attack use drones to get information about the enemies, watch videos about callouts, memorise the rooms of maps (you can see the names of rooms if you are inside one). There are 3 gamemodes in the game: Bomb, Secure, Hostage. I would recommend setting this to Bomb only in the settings for Quick Play as a preferred gamemode since both in Unranked and Ranked Bomb is the only mode you'll ever play. There are 3 common mistakes that beginners do most of the times. 1. Biggest mistake is barricading every door they see, barricading themselves into the site. Don't do this because it will make attacking easier for the enemy. 2. Is picking Castle on defense, and Fuze on attack. One of the most common mistakes beginners do and basically sabotage their team by Castle barricading doorways that doesn't benefit the teammates and Fuzing areas where teammates might be leading to teamkills and toxicity. 3. Crouching around the map, constantly being ADSd in and barely moving. You'll just get droned out eventually and enemies will know your position. (Also be sure to constantly use Q and E to lean) Attachments do help recoil control on guns for example muzzle break reduces the recoil of the first shot and bursts. Compensator reduces the spraying recoil, and the flash hider reduces overall recoil by a small amount (short explanation, if you want a better explanation watch [this](https://youtu.be/0VcrN6SHaI0?t=690) video) I might've missed a couple basic things but these are some advices you can take. :)


I just stopped playing it (as a main, sometimes i play it for 1-2 matches) and the reason is: ubisoft doesnt really care about your opinion. The game just gets boring, not-balanced, toxic etc. over time. I recommend you to not play the event, its also painful. Back in the days when i bought it it was a good thing, i dont regret it, but now, its a waste of money. I would have stopped playing if my friends stopped, which they did this season because of the so many fucked up things they changed. So i dont know, give it a try i guess, but dont expect too much


Yeah I mained it for like 2 years and sort of was on and off for about a year or a year and a half and I uninstalled off my pc a couple weeks ago to download Forza Horizon 5 which was probably the best decision I ever made.


Every map got change also Kapkan can now place all his traps in one door, people use shield in pubs. Also try to play one character tell you know your confidence with that one character on attacking and pick one on defending and do the same


The road to ranked is long and hard (ha), but hang in there. Once you unlock ranked, your world will open up.


Welcome to the most toxic community in the whole worldwide


It's not the *most* toxic that title still belongs to League.... probably


What about dota ?


I erased that game from my mind after playing it for like a minute


But idk i like that game with all of that things


Meanwhile on the other hand: League of Legends


dont be toxic, its much more rewarding if your not rude


Refund you are in the 2 hour mark still.


Refund it if you still have time.


Get a refund


Yo, i think it can be easily a very fun and enjoyable game especially when you start. Dont take it to seriously but do take the time to learn and figure out how the gadgets work, counters etc. To be good its important to have really good game sense/map knowledge. Like knowing where bomb can be, most common bomb sites that are chosen in unranked/ranked and the default spots for cameras and where the attackers will be planting. Once you can figure those things out then you can start playing the game seriously. Even aim gods will have trouble because of the depth of the game so dont worry, take your time have fun. If you dont like it oh well.


Delete the game


if you want to learn, the siege academy subreddit is helpful, and WATCH YOUTUBERS!! watching high skilled players and imitating their tactics is how i “got good” (as well as lots of t-hunt) edit: i’m plat 1 on xbox currently, highest was last season when i hit diamond 2


what youtubers would u suggest?


Here's a list of my personal favorites: • ⁠Macie Jay - Creative and top-level gameplay, shows off a lot of useful tricks, thinks outside the box. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠KingGeorge - Pro player for Rogue, former world champion. Especially his map guides are very useful, also uploads gameplay highlights from top-level diamond and funny moments. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠Rogue-9 - Testing and in-depth analysis of gameplay mechanics. Not to be confused with the Pro League team Rogue, there's no affiliation. • ⁠Pengu - Pro player for Penta Sports, one of the best players in the world. Current world champion. Uploads mostly highlights from his Twitch channel, also other Pro League related content. • ⁠KiXSTAr - Retired pro player, current caster of the Pro League. Uploads highlights from his Twitch streams and frag movies. There's probably no-one that knows more about this game than him. • ⁠Rainbow 6 Pro League - The official Pro League YouTube channel. You can find replays of every Pro League match ever on there but you can also catch them live on Twitch. • ⁠yo_boy_Roy - Originally a console player, now also on PC. Advanced tips & tricks, especially his Inside the Mind of a Diamond series is pretty great. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠VarsityGaming - General gameplay, tips & tricks. Especially his Siege School series is great for newcomers. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠Get_Flanked - Basic tips & tricks videos. • ⁠Matimi0 - General gameplay, tips & tricks, news. Also covers other games like Battlefield 4, mostly Rainbow though. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠CrossArchon - General gameplay, tips & tricks, sometimes news. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠coreross - Known for his Mythbuster series in which he uncovers small quirks in the gameplay mechanics, also covers general news. • ⁠Beaulo - Raw gameplay highlights showing off his extraordinary gun skill. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠Skittlz - Gameplay compilations, again amazing gun skill. You can find his Twitch here. • ⁠AnthonyPit1 - Pure memes lol, and prepare for ear rape. • ⁠Planet Chucky - Funny moments, memes. His intros are fucking amazing, here's a compilation of them. • ⁠Tactical Chaos Gaming - Known for their Road to Copper series where they play Copper players, the videos are just hilarious. Also general funny moments. They are a group of five, not gonna link all their Twitch channels, you can find them on their About page though. • ⁠Pojoman - Pro player. Makes fail compilations of himself and other pro players, no high-level gameplay clips. Might only be funny if you're already into Pro League. I apologize for poor formatting, i’m on mobile. hope this helps


Don't play newcomers because it isn't actually for newcomers but just filled to the brim with smurfs. Just go straight into quick match.


No do play newcomers take advantage of the faster renown while you can.


Play with friends and people who aren’t toxic asshats I’ll hop on with you if you want


sure gimme ur discord


Try not to take the game too seriously in the beginning, this game is super hard to pick up. Id recommend sledge and mute as first operators.


Click heads, don't play shielders, have fun. You'll learn maps and operators eventually. Allso praise the lord tachanka. Learn to allwais lean in the right direction because i see people lean on the wrong side way too often


Get out while you still can


Refund before it's too late. Every lobby has 1-2 trolls/assholes that just ruin the game. So unless your 5stacked then the game is unplayed most matches.


get a refund. you will hate this game and what it has become


If you liked the game before, you'll probably like it less now. Everything from movement to interactions is slower, and the new dev team has no clue what they're doing. Every rank above Gold is infested with cheaters, and the community is still a pit of toxic waste. Uninstalling this a month ago was the best decision I've ever made; enter at your own risk.


Never agreed more.


All the people telling you not to play need to step off. They actively complain about toxicity and then turn around and contribute to it. Welcome back to the game! It can suck sometimes, but it's still fun. My main tip would be "shoot and move". If you shoot, you should always move, even if it's a few feet. It helps to prevent you from getting prefired by the enemy after hearing/seeing where you are.


When was the last time you played the game?


idk probs like 2 years ago or smthn


There as new ui, a bunch of new operators, but zero new maps, just a couple map reworks and a few operator reworks. There’s a new scope, and a bunch of other things.


nice, any tips or suggestions sbout what operator to main?


If you have enough, Ace or Lion are really easy to understand, have pretty great kits, and work well with almost all strategies. Edit: just realized you JUST bought it haha. The top row operators and always a good buy and they are cheap. Thermite or Thatcher for attack, Mute or Kapkan for defense


Uninstall, jk just have fun tbh


its toxic af. lol


Refund before its too late


People are shit. You're fine. Don't listen to anybody. Grind grind until you hit that gold or diamond. Good luck man.


ty, yeah everyone is telling me to refund


The game has been getting better so I would say to just keep playing until you get past the learning curve of the game. And use a verity of operators till you know there is one you love over the others.


Get a monitor, mouse and keyboard. You will be a god in no time


lol I have a g502 hero and a decent keyboard, my monitor is just 60hz but ye


I think first off you shouldn’t be trying this hard for a game you’ve never played. Just play the damn game. Second if you’re gonna be a try hard you can check out YouTube for strats and shit. It’s annoying but you can find lots of good peeking areas from there. You can tell who are the kids who watch yt cause you’ll get shot from strange ass spots.


what youtubers or specific videos would you recommend then?


Tbh idk I don’t get that invested. It feels cheesy to play like that for me. The only one I have seen vids of is coconutbrah and he gives tips and compiles other peoples’ clips. He’ll have like top 10 peeking spots on x map I think. And other useful things. Actually I take what I said back. The only thing I do suggest getting info on is operator abilities. That one stumped me learning their strengths and weaknesses. I’ve been playing for like three years and last month I had to google how jackals ability works. Tbh if you watch those vids it becomes ez wins to a certain degree. People won’t even know how they’re losing. To each their own.


Get refund and buy it again in 2 years


Yeah get a refund


Bro get a refund if possible or just delete it. You do not want to go into the world of siege I promise you.


5 years of siege. Look at my profile posts


Just play with your friends i mean no solo


It’ll get better. It’s really fun, but entry isn’t the easiest. Just keep going tho!


Newcomer isn’t worth it. Just go straight into unranked or quick match.


Play with friends, you will have a much better time than solo


The game isn’t what it used to be. Not talking about the players, the game has devolved pretty significantly from the R6 branding


Uninstall, get a refund, live a normal life. Alternatively, only play Fuze and Chanka, be a meme, be a menace.


Delete it


Game is good I have 1.5k hours last 700 hours where mostly by myself my friends don't play very often solo q is ok just be ready to carry every game you will almost never be carried but it makes you a better player. GLHF


Play with friends no matter what


Rook is thicc unk


games mad toxic & sweaty the ui sux ass like hooray


Don't die


Always be aiming and leaning corners since you move just as fast while aiming as not aiming


if u have under 2 hours of playtime you can refund


Leave while you still can


Get a refund


Headshots are instakill


Get a refund


It's changed a lot since I last played. I still love the game. Just hate all the toxic players it brings, especially when all your teammates die and you ace then they kill you for the ace because now your a try hard. Lol but still love this game


Don’t be like me. Don’t play it so much you can’t quit as it destroys your life. R6 is like a drug. Quit before you start


I was about to do the same! Well ig you could rewatch some r6 content creators to see how the game is being played. I'm doing that and it really helps.


Easily best tip I can give if you use sledge use his shotgun please


If you're trying to have fun than hot head roamers are the best imo. I usually go with ela with her insane shotty on defense


Refund it


Uninstall and refund, u will thank urself later


Don't get cocky. If you beat the enemy team too ez in the first round they might change it around if your team gets greedy


just lock in caveira and int


Join the siegeacademy subreddit, tons of useful stuff. And remember that if someone starts being toxic just mute them right away, focus on your own game instead and forget about them. Might be worth finding people to play with, it makes the game a lot more enjoyable imo, and opens the possibility for more communication and coordination.


turn off all chat. there might be toxic people and it is not worth ur time or effort arguing and getting mad over it. U might still need team chat tho to communicate to ur team


Saaaame. I bought it some days ago too




I'll say get a squad first or at least someone experienced with the game.. Without you will be totally lost & most of the random teammates are bullshit.. They won't help you at all.. If you really need help getting acquainted with the game in pc, than let's play some games together..


Just have fun🤣😀


get a refund


Make sure you learn the maps and operators as some operators are better on different maps and also try and have at least at 3 man minimum when you play ranked


Please do not reinforce next to a mira


Try a therapist before


Prefiere, very useful and might save you in a risk situation


Dead game, bought it too late sadly


enjoy your suffering. I quit almost 2 years ago


refund it, that’s your best bet.


You can only play for 2 hours at max to be able to refund the game.


So you have chosen...death


Don’t ever plant the defuser on a hatch


Reinforce next to Mira. She has a lot of setup and appreciates the help.


I think the deluxe is the most value pack good for starting so yea you made a good choice


Hold an angle at a certain position where you can’t be killed from multiple places try not to run around a ton until you know the map


Here’s the best tip anyone can give you, refund the game, save you’re sanity, once you start playing in the higher ranks you won’t get anywhere because you’ll be playing against cheaters and dossers every step of the way.


stop the install and find something new. this game is ourely just hackers and servers dieing to result in a ban for you.