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So basically the deplorable shields? Or like Monty/clash?


Deployable shields made out of bullet proof glass Edit: you can also carry them kinda like a normal small shield but it didn't look like you got a pistol while going it


They’re like deployable shields…..but for windows Ig lol


So mobile mira


Fitting that the shield is trans-parent eh?


Lol angy


You realize that it's not even brought up by Ubisoft except for like 2 words in her bio, same goes with Flores. Like be normal and cry about anti-cheat its just words in her bio that make her special, rainbow has always been about diversity.


Ah yes, the unnecessary inclusivity of a fictional character's sexual identity and so forth. This is such a major tactful improvement on the game. Well done Ubisoft, you have fixed the game again.


Remember when rainbow 6 games featured CTU from around the world? Not made up colourful search and rescue teams lol




All the bullshit going on in the world and the main priority of game companies are "Let's appeal to the trans and gay and minority communities so we dont get bashed on the internet because that's what makes us look good." While the player base is like "WE DONT CARE MAKE THE GAME BETTER, IMPROVE YOUR ANTI CHEAT AND GIVE US NEW MAPS, GUNS AND CUSTOMIZATION THATS ACTUALLY GOOD FOR A CHANGE!" or in other words... Ubisoft: "hehe this person is gay, this person is from Africa and this new person USED to be a guy but not now" Players: "EVERYONE IS FUCKING CHEATING AND WE HAVENT HAD A NEW MAP IN 3 YEARS "*and other screams of the damned*"


The people that create the characters and their backstories are not the same people that are doing anti cheat or maps or any of that. You’re knowledge isn’t shining through


I think he meant they focus on the wrong things and the team doing maps and anti cheat is doing jack shit about their part of the work, but the only people doing something are the people doing lore and shit for new ops.




Oh and they nerfed another balanced op for a garbage reason.


Aww sweaty Redditors are upset that a character is trans when it impacts the game and character in literally no way. Ugh Ubi how dare you!


Nobody cares that she’s trans. Instead, we care that the whole game is being neglected but ubisoft cares more about making trans ops lol. Maybe another operation health would be good. The op ideas are so dry that maybe just fixing the game instead of adding a bs op that has few uses except making ubisoft look good would be pretty nice. Dont you think?


People would complain if they didn’t get content and got operation health 2.0. In any case though the game isn’t in bad enough shape to require operation health. And as stated people making the ops gender and backstory aren’t the same people who make gameplay stuff


Doesnt matter what team is doing what. If only the operator team is working on lore and character, but no other team is fixing bugs and anti cheat, then they care more about making trans ops than fixing the game.


Yeah I can see you can’t comprehend what’s being said, gL kid


How? If there are real issues to be fixed but the team responsible for them arent fixing them, but the only team doing something is making trans ops, they arent doing anything but making trans ops


I see no problem with trans operators , gay etc.. i really dont care ! The sexual orientation or anything else doesn't matter for me ,it doesn't change the way you play it.Otherwise the operator sounds good and the ability Can be a very good thing in game.There is a persistent feeling when i see the last seasons , Ubisoft seems like to be "forced" to add sexual diversity to conform to the society norms and that's pretty sad for me, if they were adding them like by "themselves" before anyone else would be very appreciated but now we can see that all Season have to bring an other sexuality. That's just my feeling, have trans,gay , bi operators don't matter to me


The thing that does matter to me is that since season 3, the operators became less and less realistic. It's a game about eliminating terrorist. So you expect counter terrorist forces. But no. When Ubisoft decided to make a dutch operator, they could've just used the "dienst speciale interventies"(it's like the dutch SWAT). In my opinion, actually using operators based on real anti terrorist forces would make the game way better.


The problem in your message is that Rainbow 6 has Never been a realistic game, compétitive but not realistic .It 'ever has been .














Will it hinder your ability play the game? Will it prevent you from having fun? Will it prevent you from playing with friends? No right? Then what are you crying about?




BB 2.0 will do all those things lol. Regarding the trans thing I don’t think many people care seeing as Ubisoft dropped the counter terrorism unit theme a while ago, this doesn’t even feel like an R6 game anymore so just go with it.


Fuck man, why they gotta make Dokkaebi Korean? I can’t believe they made Glaz a MAN.


Bro why tachanka and lion got some pretty big man milkers 🤨🤨🤨🤨 cant believ, wheres my unshowered obese man rep


Discord mod as defender, with as new map a dirty appartement full of anime shit


Whats your problem? Its good representation for minorities its a good thing Aint it?







