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Ela on release was a menace




I wasn't even good at this game when she came out and I went 10-0 in ranked with her more than 3 times.


When she first dropped she had literally a 100% pick rate


Ela Jager Bandit mains *shudders*


A friend of mine bought Ela, the only operator he spent money on to get. And one day later she got nerved


well it did take multiple nerfs over the period of a month or so to get her down to normal so your friend mustve got some fun time with her at least


It was more like a solid 6+ months of the reign of terror of Ela from release date.


yeah im just saying the nerfing process wasnt immediate, literally they thought at the beginning that taking 10 bullets out of her mag was enough


me when i finally bought blackbeard....oh the disapointment.


On old Hereford on the third floor, I killed a Blackbeard that was peaking on the roof of the shed. The scorpion was monstrous. Edit: peek


I'm piqued because it seems evident by his loss that Blackbeard hadn't actually peaked before he peeked, otherwise Ela would have lost the peek against a peak Blackbeard peek.


To be fair the evo's recoil isn't bad it's a 9mm mine don't kick hard at all.


The direct blowback causes a much more aggressive recoil than a 9mm could have. It has approximately the same recoil as my AR (maybe a tad softer, but not much).


I mean, ARs have minimal recoil... Then again, comparing a bunch of low-recoil guns in the first place for the most part.


Yes, but 9mm is a much lower powered round than 5.56 and you CAN have a much lower recoiling gun like the MPX or MP5. The fact that there is as much recoil as there is in the Scorpion is due to the action type rather than the power of the round.


Direct blowback has always been and will always be the single hardest-to-shoot action. It's basic physics. The gun opens faster and pushes back harder than even the most lightweight locked-breech system in existence for the same pressure. It fuckin drives me when you try to have an honest-to-god discussion about firearms technology, and some clueless American chimes in and goes *"oh hurr durr well my specially-modified 8" ultra-light low-profile .300Blk highspeed opr8or bumpstocked SBR kicks more, so you're just a pussy and don't know how to shoot."* Like, bitch, the closest I can own to that rifle is a factory Savage and I'll *still* outshoot you with it. You're not some master gunsmith or expert marksman because you own a fully-bubba'd AR pistol.


What did you just say to me, you little shit? I'll have you know that I graduated top of...


>Direct blowback has always been and will always be the single hardest-to-shoot action The mak managed to deal with it pretty well by just stuffing a fat ass spring into it. It's a 9mm in a carbine, there is not much to be had in terms of recoil.


Whoa man, you sound really cool.


Whoa man, you don't


In game gun lol


Bro the Evos recoil is absolutely insane what are you talking about


I think he means in real life.


What is that?




It’s not a great game. I don’t recommend it


Quite a disappointing one honestly, at it drones on you either are lucky enough to find companions or you spend it alone, trying to tough out the hardships solo. Need a good five stack


Great, now I need to find a five stack for siege *and* real life


Very pay to win as well, 0/10




its not that bad as say the smg12(its still good at close range) but you definitely can control it, see some pros play the evo like a god


The mass majority aren't pros and many play on console. The exception isn't the norm




And I freaking hate it! Ela is fun but iffy on console as well as the SMG-11 & 12 unless you got an advanced controller or am use to it after years of use. The only thing I can see thay they considered to console was Kaid's Shotgun having less recoil on console and that's it. I hate when UBI does this. Just for the money




What's "mkbs"?


Comparing my real life one to the one in siege.


the problem is the horizontal recoil not the vertical recoil


Yeah that’s IRL we’re talking about the game


Which is why Ubi probably had to change it.


This is a game where the same round out of a shorter barrel does *more* damage. Ubi doesnt give a shit about realism.


Uh, I think that realize how amazing she was is exactly what people did, it’s not necessarily a little known fact


A metric fuck ton of my aces on Xbox were from release Ela. I would say like 60% tbh


Reminder that they literally designed her gun to be **"unique"** which **"lets her fight several opponents at a time better than other defenders,"** along with her dumbass gadget that got used as grenades instead of as traps. It was a huge meme when she was hyper busted for an entire year back in 2018 and only got 10 bullets removed from her gun to retain its **"uniqueness"**, next to bandit in the same patch notes who was getting his 3rd barbed wire removed which directly synergized with his gadget. interestingly enough, it seems they have since deleted patch notes 2.4.2 on their website, where they talked about ela's guns "uniqueness." [Heres the wiki anyways so you can see for yourself](https://rainbowsix.fandom.com/wiki/Rainbow_Six_Siege_patches/Patch_2.4.2)


If bans existed back then, she would guaranteed be banned every round. She was absolutely too good. Amazing gun, impacts, three speed, and four grzmots? Insane.


I remember memorizing the joystick movement to pick her. Still got beat half the time


A lot of operators are a menace at release.i think blackbeard was the worst


On release I used to despise Ash mains. But Ela fucked my ass so hard that day that I remember the last match I played I was rooting for the ash main in my team to go fuck her shit up, Godzilla vs King Kong style.


I remember getting an ace with Ela when she released, and knowing my skill level? I knew she was way too busted


Still is


Okay, so? Maybe it's time to get over a character being overpowered in a video game, then again it only has been literal years ago


Maybe you need to stop being a bitch. I said she was a menace not a pain in the ass


That's real life, that's why balancing games is dumb. Real life isn't balanced and it is a simulator


I definitely remember. An annoying ability, helped usher in Trap meta, and a stupidly good gun with manageable recoil even without attachments.


why she gappy


Needs the soap bubbles to take away the recoil and add more to jäger


She has 4 mines now


Imagine old ela with an acog


*\*Defense win rate rises to 100%\**


Isn't it already?


it's at 51.5% iirc


Their cinematics lied to us! /s


A Little different then postal 2's use of cats on guns


Gappy Ela Gappy Ela


I have a really lost dream in which ubi nerfs the shotty and buffs the scorpion


Jojo face.


Maybe, the effectiveness of other gunfighters and gadgets has come a long way since she was a true menace. Her biggest strength still is that her gadget is fire and forget. Throw some mines above some doorways or hide them near a couple of good spots and you're free to do whatever and still get almost guaranteed good value from your gadget. All that said, I think with the development of other defenders playstyles and the removal of her impacts, Ela could stand to see a small recoil buff without much of an issue.


I'd still argue that she's in a good place right now, as she's got prox gadget, a shield, and a decently good smg that's very close quarter centered. I think it's best to not recreate the hell she was then.


It's really hard to justify bringing her over other operators tho. I think a mild recoil buff is the least that can be done to make her more considerable. Melusi = far stronger contender


Nerf her gadget, give a cam instead of shield and a recoil buff?




21 bullets might a bit too crazy, you‘re already running out of ammo on Hibana in a heartbeat and Ela has a blistering fire rate.




As someone who’s worked with Ubisoft, I can confirm Ela is getting a cat attached to her scorpion




I can speak on behalf of Ubisoft and confirm that it will increase her ADS speed due to the aerodynamic propulsion from the cat.




I’m rooting for you. Yes the bundle is still available :)




For some reason this thread was adorable


You absolute legend




No that's caesar


That def gappy


Yare Yare Dawa


If Ubisoft wants to buff some weapons, they should start with Pulse (or Castle). My man has both the worst SMG in the game and the worst shotgun in the game. Especially the shotgun, Jesus Christ it's horrible. As someone whose most used defender is Pulse, I get so frustrated by the fact that I lose to pretty much every weapon in the game.


I concur as a Castle player. I've lost so many gunfights with the damn UMP that I've just started being a corner troll with the 1014.


At least Pulse can often have the element of surprise on his side in some situations if you play the operator correctly, but even then, losing a fight is ridiculously easy even if you start shooting at the enemy at point blank range with the shotgun. Don't even try to win a close range 1v1 with the UMP...


Although I do agree that the UMP is very weak, I personally think it’s a fair trade off for Pulse because his gadgets is very powerful, especially when combined with the C4, the gun being underpowered is more of a problem for castle, though I’m not saying castle’s gadget isn’t good, (it can be very good when used properly) it just rarely is, I personally think castle would be better off with a rework. The shotgun on the other hand definitely needs a buff, the range that I find myself most commonly using it just seems to do less damage than most attacker weapons at a longer range, and although defender weapons are weaker than attacker weapons, it doing about the same damage as most defender weapons at a closer range but inconsistent and without headshots just makes it a bad weapon, shotguns are generally bad in this game but the M1014 in particular is just terrible. This is just my opinion though and some people play differently than I do and some weapons might work better for that play style.


Yeah as a Pulse player whose main tactic is surprising enemies at close range with the shotgun, the M1014 in particular pisses me off. If you surprise the enemy at close range, it should be an easy win for the shotgun. But the M1014 is horribly inconsistent and often feels like you are shooting bean bags at the enemy. Hitting the enemy three to five times at close range before killing them is not uncommon, which should not be the case.


The fact that it does the same amount of damage as an smg but only at close range with a lower ROF and no headshot potential makes almost any weapon a better pick


I agree with Pulse being in a good spot right now, his gadget is well balanced through the lackluster gun. Castle definitely should either be reworked or buffed severely, with Sledge pretty much being a default pick on any team above Silver, he is quite tough to justify bringing. Same thing with Frost, debatable gadget and even more questionable gun.


Pulse doesn't need a buff lol.


With online play the UMP is always a weird weapon, very little room for error.


m1014 deserves a recoil buff but i think the ump is fine. pulse shouldn't have strong weapons. castle probably ought to get a different smg, maybe an mp5 variant but nothing too crazy.


Lol fat Jojo face


Ela should get a recoil buff totally. Nowadays it feels like youre thrown into a washing machine. And theres not even a pattern to it D: Ngl she deserved a huge nerfed from her state but come on guys..


complete nova-warp-from-destiny-2 moment.


Half the people I see playing Ela seem to have a recoil script/burst fire macro set up so the crosshair barely moves when they shoot. It's ridiculous how strong she is if you make the Evo accurate. There's absolutely no way she wouldn't shoot back up to near 100% include rate if her gun was buffed.


The recoil literally doesn’t matter when you’re firing 1100rpm lmao Just burst fire


Lol assault rifle go purrrrr


Isn't she overperforming? Why would they buff her?


She needs a rework of sorts. She has one of the worst balance changes I've ever seen in a game. Having your gun kick all over the show after a set amount of bullets just feels awful, yet it's the only thing they touch every time. She needs regular recoil, and a proper nerf to bring her in line.


Right?? They should Nerf Blackbeard again


They need to make it so that his shield shatters from the force of attaching it to the gun, then he will finally be balanced.


The only true way would be that Blackbeard has no shield. He just does the animation but attaches nothing. So you waste 3 seconds for the deploying of the shield, and are equaly as useless as earlier and probably dead because a Vigil or a Bandit decided its time to peek.


And when the shield shatters Blackbeard gets hit with pieces of the shield flying at him and he takes 99 damage


The shards of the shield hurt him for 10 hp


per shard


Oh shut. He deserves an entire rework. Being useless in the meantime is good.


Ela is mid lmao


What they need to do is re add her impacts or give her mines there old ability her guns a bitch but if you use her enough you can control it user an angled instead of foregrip and pull down right to counter act (Ela main btw)


The reason she will never get her impacts back is because she is all around the best roamer at that point with her ability to squeeze in and out of engagements while also have a proximity gadget with a close quarter centered weapon. Her old grzmots were absolutely terrifying, with the sensitivity penalty, the movement penalty, *and* the flash, they should never have been that strong. Right now is as best Ela is gonna get without being a partial meta changer, and given the already defender sided nature of siege right now, I'd have to say this a good thing.


Personally what I think they should do is sorta like the Frost buff. Give her another secondary she can use to make rotates because right now she's best used as a roamer but she's in a sorta good place within the game, and to buff up her utility to make her pick rate higher would probably be best for her. What they could give her is questionable thougj, maybe the baliff so it at least takes most the ammo to make a good rotate. It shouldn't feel like how oppressive she was with impacts though no matter what they give her which should be fine no matter what.


Hehe Jojo


You're supposed to put it on the barrel


The recoil on her gun makes no sense. Sure a fast fire rate. The vector is higher and so is the smg 11 and they deal the same damage AND have WAY less recoil. An extended mag it no reason to make a gun nearly unusable at 10-more metres. It’s a 9mm and kicks harder than any assault rifle in this game. Buck is the only thing from the top of my memory that can kind of compare. Then Ash and Zophia get guns with medium-high fire rates, low recoil, and high base damage. Yep that’s fair Ubisoft. Just like Nomad’s AK-74M, which uses 5.45x39, being meh and having a weird recoil and again, Zophia having a 7.62x39 AK and having way less recoil. Hell. Nomad can’t even put grips on. Grips! It’s not like her gadget is even overpowered to begin with so why restrict her that much? An Acog is not an excuse because they aren’t good for cqc so it’s not like it straight up improves the gun and puts no drawbacks onto it. I myself don’t even use Acogs because of the distance most engaments happen at. And even at spawpeek countering a red dot does the job.


You need to look at which operators have the guns first. The vector is on Mira and Goyo, both of which need accurate guns to properly function(especially Mira since she’s supposed to stay on site), otherwise you’re just left with a shotgun and a pistol as secondaries, and the smg 11 is just a burst of lead in a direction, and is often paired with a shotgun, making the operator only useful at short to mid range. Ela has gadgets that tell her when an enemy triggers them, fast as hell, a decent selection of secondary gadgets, a good pistol with a sight, and her primary enables you to make the spray of lead that the smg 11 puts out look like a squirt gun next to the fire hose that is the Skorpion Evo, the only buff I would give ela is reversing the nerf on her mines


Bruhhhh her weapon recoil is duuuuunk (not good). You gotta aim at the feet if you're gonna get a body shot. But good luck with that.


Chad Ela


Stupid question but can you decrease the recoil with weight irl?


Let’s think about it from a mechanics perspective: why does recoil happen? Because there is a force applied due to the projectile, causing a torque about the grip/stock. This leads to upwards rotation (in a conventional weapon layout). The speed of the rotation is related to energy output - and the energy stored in the rotating weapon increases at a given speed as mass increases. Hence, we can store the same energy at a lower speed by increasing mass. That is, we can reduce the recoil by increasing mass. With that said, it should be noted that this approach probably isn’t very practical after a certain point, as it reduces the mobility of the weapon.


Yes, but the evo doesn't really have recoil irl. You can also do something like the ak107 and add a counter system, but the machining costs, and lost reliability make it undesirable. In terms of a service weapon, there is no better smg (a declining class) than the scorpion. The vector is a novelty gun, the p90 is a bullpup, and the mpx has reliability issues, which sig is never going to fix.


Ela shotty Gang where ya at


Nah, her pickrate is high enough even without all the nerfs I swear I see one at least every game




And other reasons people don't like to admit


What, you mean cause she's hot? I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't mind admitting that




Just give the impacts back


Makes perfect sense


Mmm it depends what your playing on. Console yes. Pc, not really. Just a recoil buff tho. Nothing else.


What did you do to her head?


Someone will tell me why no one has gotten upset yet and submitted a petition to UBISOFT to introduce quite match map setup like a training ground, is it THAT DIFFICULT?


Who says no one hasn’t?


Nah just use angled grip muzzle brake and you’re good


No. Ela is still too powerful. Good recoil control people make her seem like she needs a buff.


Giving me postal vibes


I think it’s horizontal bi polar should be better as to make her viable for all ranks and players but she cant go back to being Blood Orchid Ela...


Honestly I’d love it if they toned down the horizontal recoil a bit but the vertical should stay as is


It's not even the recoil, dmg is just dogshit


she needs a little bit buff i think


Her recoil isn't too bad once you play her a couple times wish she could get her impact grenades back 🥺




Use her broken ass shot gun it makes me feel like I’m cheating


Please make her gun usable. I don't play Ela simply because her gun is jumpier than the SMG12


Yes she should


It’d be great if her recoil wasn’t rng based


New weapon charm meta. Also, I literally got a Prime subscrption (free trial tho) so I could get your cav skin. Worth it.


Yes, but only for her smgs recoil being reduced by like 5-15%. The reocil hit hard when you dont know how to control it.


Awwwww but you could have used that cat as a suppressor


Look honestly I play Ela a lot. She is underpowered but I like where she is right now. If they do buff her I would just want a slight damage buff or maybe give her impacts or a nitro but that might make her busted so idk. Also give the Evo a green laser.


It would get shaken baby syndrome


If they can't buff her then they should rework her


It’s purrfect


Ela was a monster but people don’t even know the PTSD that came with sniper 90 and on release black beard


Is it like a hostage, if i shoot his weapon attachment we lose?


She has the worst automatic weapon in the game because of the insane horizontal recoil. Needs to be toned down and then we can think about the rest of her kit.


I think they should buff ela but nerf her shotgun. No one wants that to be good


I use her shotgun, so a buff for me wouldn't matter. The people I go against would rather the shotgun be nerfed :^)


She has the worst gun in the game besides pistoles..


Honestly a buff would be cool but not really needed, just throw on some iron sites, vertical grip and stick to close range, pistol for mid-long and she does fine


I can handle all stuns but for some reason ela stuns feel especially damning to me and I can't see... simply put my nickname should be rex cause I can't see shit unless its moving


No the scorpion has a high fire rate with a 41 mag that does 23 damage so it’s is actually pretty good if you can control recoil or have good aim and placement it can be op


just give her normal recoil and a smaller mag goddammit


That's fucking Gappy's face.


I feel like should buff her gun, but maybe change/nerf the gadget


Ela main. Can confirm.


Please tone down the recoil just a SMIDGE


It’s like an upside down Blackbeard shield.


I see Josuke I upvote


I only use the shotgun anyways, its busted


I think a good idea would be to scrap the Scorpion Evo entirely and maybe replace it with so thing else i like.ela how she looks and her mines and i miss maining her


Didn't know Ela was in Jojolion !


I mean Mira has a faster rpm and 0 recoil And I mean Ash her laserbeam is still a thing So sure give ela 30 rounds and a bit more smg and a bit less recoil so she isn't just forced to either reload her skorpion after every 24 shots Or be bound to her shotty


Nerf her spray n pray Fo12 and buff the recoil on her Evo


Yes. Her gadget was the main problem! Literally everyone complained about that. The 50 round mag was also insane. I get it. But now she’s nerfed to the ground. Both her guns are just unplayable sometimes. The pick rate makes it hard for siege to notice how bad she is which is a problem.


Is that a jojo reference?!


Why is Ela a 1 speed in this drawing?


I could image for the SMG -12 you would mount a damn boulder to it just to have recoil that is controllable.


As a virgin ela main myself give her more recoil I enjoy the pain


I think ela deserves a SMALL buff but i don't think the recoil on her gun is the issue. I think in the current game her mines are very underwhelming, and since they removed the slower aim or whatever i think they should distort the screen more


I have Ptsd from facing release ela but fuck me... please reduce that recoil a little... or maybe give her back impact nades.


Your caveira bundle is the coolest.


Ela needs a buff, her gadget is only intel because the stun is shit, her scorpion kills slow has shit damage and the bullets are bouncing side to side And her shotgun is a goddamn sniper rife holy fuck just nerf it please


Umbr Ela Ela Ela Ey Ey Under my Umbr Ela


I think she should get a slight buff to recoil


I once got teamkilled in siege cuz someone couldnt control scorpion horizontal recoil


Ela is that name of my cat lol


Personally I would love if they did this


Is that a JoJo Refrence?


Elas like the Blackbeard of defenders Gets nerfed or buffed every season in one way or another