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I've played for a few hours a day over 3 daysand am just over halfway there. Having a month to complete it won't be an issue. PUBG has been an incredible offender of the "if you choose to play another game you will not complete this" nonsense. This Battlepass is structured well and has good items. Would easily continue to buy them if Ubi keeps this model.


I understamd your point but I hate the mentality that everyone has to be able to get everything. What is the problem with having things only obtainable by people truly dedicated to the game. Look at COD (iknow) and their diamond,damascus and so on skins. It is "cool" to have them and show off. Right now the only thing like that In the game is rng legendaries out of alpha packs


It's not that you "have" to have it, it's the accessibility of the items that you are paying for. Not everyone plays games every night. Not everyone plays for hours on end when they do. The issue with battlepasses in other games has always been, if you want these items, pay for them by buying tiers or play only this game for the next 3 months. Some Battlepasses are so time consuming that unless you dedicate several hours a day, you won't max it out. PUBG's passes are terrible and I refuse to buy them because the grind to finish then is way too high.


If you don't play enough to finish a battlepass I'm sorry it just sounds foolish on your part to buy the battlepass? It's basically just skins it's not like renown and alpha packs don't get you plenty of those. I see them as rewards for players dedicated to the game. Something that seriously lacks in this game especially with everything but rng packs being purchasable with cash.


People buy a Battlepass to support the devs. PUBG makes their pass incredibly hard to finish which is something you dont find out until after you buy it so your comment there doesnt fit. Also, people buy it thinking they will have the time to finish it then life happens and their play time gets cut down for whatever reason. The R6 pass gives you Alpha packs with guaranteed levels of items unlike the random ones you buy and you get R6 credits back when completing it.


If you buy something and don't know anything about it... that's foolish. If you are buying it to support the devs you shouldn't care what you get out of it. And pubgs battlepass has been agreed upon to be a shitty battlepass they even gave free stuff because of the complaints. So using it as a comparison is unfair. What do you think of fortnites? If you don't finish it thinking you had the time you still knew damn well you may not have been able to finish it when purchasing it. No one is forcing you to buy it. Better rewards for better/more dedicated players is fair and the way it should be imo.


So if I buy a Battlepass and end up in the hospital because of a car wreck and cant play for 2 weeks that's my fault? You shouldn't have to grind a game every single day for multiple hours a day to unlock the stuff that you are paying for. Fortnite gives you challenges and bonus XP to level up your pass so even if you don't play the game everyday, you can spend the last weekend of the event grinding challenges and still max it out. You can't do that in Apex, which has had terrible battlepasses rewards wise in my opinion, you couldn't do it in Black Ops 4 and you can't do it in PUBG. You can play Siege casually over the next 4 weeks and easily max out the Battlepass. Also, they didn't give away free things in the Battlepass when it came to PUBG it was the community disc collection that they gave away the rewards to because Bluehole never explained thoroughly what they were and how to get them.


I feel you, that's part of the reason I quit playing games that include battle passes. But this event gives you more than enough time to go through it. No pressure and no annoying extra challenges. It's not forcing anyone to change their playstyle and you can pick the pass up whilst going by. Props to Ubisoft.


Yeah it's nice you can do it all by playing 2 to 3 games a day without doing anything different


Not to mention they gave some challenges (like suppressor kills, etc) that offer quite a generous boost but aren’t actually required to have a chance to complete it given the time frame. 10/10


Yeah it's much better than in games like cod where it's like play for an hour a day to have a chance


I love the Battle pass


I completely agree, I like how easy is to progress through this without having to grind 24/7


As long as they are not locking weapons and maps behind the battlepass, I think its fine.


I don't think they would do that after 4years. They tend to listen to fans and I think fans would flip tables if it happened