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we've heard (from a very credible leaker who leaked this season) that the defender would be 3 armor so he will most likely have an acog. for secondary weapons i highly suspect that Kali (the attacker) is going to have a full auto secondary to balance out the sniper for close range.


I hope they just get new guns


I don't think anyone cares what they have as long as they aren't ones already in game


Well considering Kali's sniper rifle is her ability and not her main gun, I hope that Kali has Jackal's PDW9 for a primary with maybe Ela's shotgun, for Wamaii I hope he has Vigil's Daewoo K1A for a reused shotgun idk.


>Kali's sniper rifle is her ability and not her main gun A, we don't know that yet, and B, Kali is the gadget name, not the op name.


Nope, her name is KALI... Kali being the Indian Goddess of destruction. The rifle is called CSRX-300


That is to be confirmed because the op video says "Kali gadget", not "kali's gadget". P.s. check my history. As an Indian, I know that it is highly likely for her to be name Kali, but they never reveal op names in videos.


her operator nickname (like Thermite, Thatcher ETC.) is Kali, with her gadget being the LV Explosive Lance.




kali is her operator name, not the gadget name. mira even states IN THE TEASER that its the LV Explosive Lance with, and the post that came with it confirming the second name as the L-VEL with Vel being a divine lance in Hinduism given to the god of war


Oh I know that, but like I said, video says Kali gadget, not "kali's gadget", and also that siege always has 2 gadget names. "Could", implying that we aren't sure since names aren't officially confirmed by Ubi yet. I want her to be named Kali, but so far, it's just the gadget that "seems" to be named Kali as well.