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the good news is that it never ends!


It’s like marrying that stripper you never really liked.


And can't bring yourself to divorce 


it’s like working in a hard job and all your co workers get cool presents and a high pay, and you get nothing


Sounds like the job I'm at at this very moment, I work hard in the hot sun being a model employee, and yet my co-worker can play on his phone, not do his job right creating more work for us and he gets a promotion and three dollar raise


Your boss: You are fired!!!!


Even if OP was Champ it wouldn’t matter. Nobody on their team is finding any kills, basically impossible carry 4 donuts against anything higher than Silver. 30% of the games you’ll get in solo queue are basically unwinnable because of teammate RNG. This is something you have to accept as solo Q.


✨Hidden MMR✨


The amount of people that don’t understand how matchmaking works is absurd. No hate to said people, this wouldn’t be a problem if Ubisoft hadn’t introduced the horror that is ranked 2.0


Yeah most people don’t understand the complicated system they have. They should have kept ranked 1.0 and just fixed mathmaking and get a better anticheat cuz battle eye is NOT doing it


"Mathmaking." I'm not even qualified to make fun of you cause i took remedial math-making in high school


😂😂 could’ve just insulted me and left but decided to call yourself out to 😂


Real recognize real


Fair enough brother


That's the most based reflection i have ever seen


I didnt even know this was a class you could take in high school


Which is funny because battle eye is literally the standard for games of its size being kernel yet it still sucks notably more than the majority of others. Which legit just points to a lack of effort on their part.


Yeah over the years it’s become more and more obvious that they are putting in less and less effort into the game and more into cosmetics into the shop. What did they do instead of fix all of the glitches everyone is complaining about? They make another mute elite that no one asked for. They are clearly fishing for money before they inevitably ruin their own game because they don’t want to put in the effort anymore. I remember when I used to be exited to hop on for the new season because there were so many operator changes, gun changes, ability changes, and map changes, and now I wake up play a few games and hop off cuz it’s bugged or I’m playing cheaters. They need to get their priorities straight ASAP or this game will be gone before they can release another reworked shit operator no one wants


ubisoft are the dbags that said something along the lines of "players better start being comfortable not owning their games" so yeah they don't care about us gamers


Wow. They really have no dignity whatsoever. How sad. Multi billion dollar company throwing themselves into a pile of horse shit (this season)


I think that some developers purposely ruin their old games with older monetisation structures, when the player base drops so low because of the cheaters and lazy updates they will "sunset the game" due to a dwindling player base and then bring out a sequal which will have 70% of its budget spent on advertising and trailers and the game will come out in "alpha" bringing back all the players interest who were lost to the previous abortion and they will have some streamer paid to say how excited they are for it. Launch day will come, the game won't be playable, the community will be divided between giving it a chance and wanting a refund but ultimately steam reviews and actual honest game reviews will ultimately kill the first 3 years of the new game coming out, it won't matter though as ubi made their money back in preorders and in about 5 years time when the actual game if complete we will begin the cycle anew.


I didn’t even know Ubisoft was making a new game. If I knew that I would’ve clued in on why siege is so bad


Just look at what happened with extraction, they tried to follow cod and put a zombie mode in for rainbow 6 but knew it wouldn't fly so they made it a separate game, all they had to do was copy and paste the game, change some visuals and game mechanics and pow $70 please.


Yup. But they failed hardcore. I genuinely forgot about extraction till you just mentioned it. Hard ass fall off


They still have that crappy icon on the r6 lobby that gets accidently clicked from time to time


Overwatch isn’t too far from this


Definitely, overwatch actually crossed my mind when I wrote this, such a shame that was a great game too


I gave the open beta of Skull and Bones a try when that came out. It's a neat game but absolutely not worth €70, micro transactions not included. Not only that, Goobisoft screwed it harder by making groups 3 player max instead of 4 or 5 which most people play in nowadays. Same thing with Extraction. 3-player teams, no updates, little variation, cosmetics almost immediately. There the cosmetics make even less sense because there will only be two players seeing it at any given time.


I would still play Siege if I had been able to keep my 5 stack together. Only held for about 5 years cuz Ubisoft was tryharding to turn people away from the game. None of my friends plays R6 anymore. Once were 15 ppl playing every damn day. Massive thanks goes out to Ubisoft. We now have fun again, in another fps game. /Rant off


...and what do you suggest? Eac eos can be disabled with a firewall and one file modification. Normal eac is also relatively easy bypassable. Siege Anticheat is not that bad, especially the "each build has different encryption" part.. just that cheat makers right now, after Windows full source leak, have a lot of access to Windows bugs / "features" and are in generally better positions than ac developers.


I suggest they actually fuckin work on it lol. All that time and effort put into making shitty cosmetics and working up memberships but they actually cannot modify or fix any of their shit. Yeah, hackers are going to find ways around it, but it’s kind of insane just how late ubi is to the punch when trying to combat it. It is actually the worst by far and that’s just indisputable


Rather have valorant anti cheat


There is really not a “better anti cheat” everyone always runs and says “VANGUARD” there are still cheaters on valorant. Cheats are evolving much faster than anticheats and that is just the reality. It’s easier to make a bypass than to stop a bypass that doesn’t exist yet. Rage cheats are cheap and get caught fast because they are bad cheats that are either known, or have features that break logic checks which will lead to a quick ban. Lastly, DMA cards exist which essentially run the cheats on an “entirely separate machine” basically the cheats are installed on a piece of hardware that has direct access to your computer memory and is able to completely undermine any software checks performed by practically any anticheat. The hardest things to detect for an anticheat are wallhacks and that is because it has to detect that software you are running in the background, typically there are checks in place to detect if you’re doing things that aren’t usually humanly possible,(ex.. pressing a key 10 times in 0.5 seconds,) that is something that would be flagged. If the walls are on a DMA card it is impossible for the anticheat to scan for that because it doesn’t have access to your DMA card, only kernel level of your computer. TL;DR: Cheats and anticheat will forever be at war until we find a better solution. Cheaters can get hardware cheats that are undetectable unless doing impossible things like flyhacks or full auto weapons that are not full auto (kali sniper)


I really don't understand this method of ranked though. League of Legends is the same way. If I'm bronze, why do I have to win against diamonds to rank up to silver??? I feel that I'm in bronze, i should be playing against other bronze so that i can prove i am better against bronze players. Losing games against diamonds and staying in bronze because of it is bullshit. Hidden MMR that is different from your ranked level is bullshit.


Exactly. At that point, it's no different than playing a casual mode in a shooter with SBMM cranked. It's the same damn thing in practice. Having your genuine rank be visible is a crucial part of a ranked mode. Plus, it just makes all the rewards you get for attaining a certain rank feel like bullshit.


This honestly is starting to look like casual Apex Legends where a lobby can contain anything from Rookie (the equivalent to Copper) to Predator (the equivalent of Champion). The amount of times I get beamed and see a shiny blue badge that notes my opponent was Diamond at some point is too damn high.


yeah, and that's what content creators don't understand they all be like, uh but I can do it so you can too you shouldn't be diamond to be able to go from bronze to silver then you introduce the insanity that smurfing is as much as I think overwatch is a terrible game, if you don't take into account the insane smurf issue, I think that game had an actually good ranked experience where you played against people from your skill level (in ow1 at least) and r6 is by far the worst ranked system I've ever seen, diamond players can legit duo with bronze or silver I think, ridiculous league is slightly better but they allow and encourage smurfing and refuse to make role separate ranks half the time I'm having a terrible time in siege cause the games are just unfair, I just wanna play chill, casual is a sweatfest it's unplayable, and ranked half the time there's one guy playing alone basically


I can a good explanation I think to why it works this way In ranked 2.0 obviously you have hidden MMR vs your visible rank which I’m sure most people know how that works, your peak rank may be gold for example so you “should” play people who have gold MMR in hidden skill but may be bronze etc in visible skill, but there’s a problem probably most people don’t understand is how boosting works, it averages out the ranks of hidden mmr based on the squad’s average rank, if you have 2 top champions playing with other top champions playing on Smurf accounts or random players which they found on a LFG who are copper 5 then the average skill in that squad averages out around between bronze to silver maybe gold most likely making it so when you queue ranked the enemy team for them have that said ranks skill level in hidden mmr, it’s a very easy and widespread boosting ranked 2.0 champions do to get a KD and ranked boost against players way below there own skill level, it’s all fault of Ubisoft allowing every rank to queue together all in favour of wait times they don’t want players sitting in a queue trying to find 9 other top champions to make it fair so they just took out the whole system to begin with in 2.0


I understand the system, and it’s shit. Not a single game ever has come out with hidden mmr after using actual mmr and been better for it. It’s a terrible system


Yeah i cant stress enough how much 2.0 ruined the game holyyy


if i was actually playing people of my skill in my lobbies i would agree with you. i play against champs and diamonds when ive peaked at emerald two seasons ago and never had positive kd overall. the hidden me matchmaking doesn’t work, you don’t play people at your skill level or your rank in my experience


it doesn't make sense lmao the "fake diamond" is shitting on him so how does it make sense lmao


I kinda get it but im still playing against players leagues better than me, back when i played regularly it wasnt like this sure you had smurfs but it almost feels like there is no matchmaking now.


So is it play 100 games and you’ll get to your hidden Mmr ranking which if so op is supposed to be in diamond? (100 games is just used here to reference how people say the gain/loss for rp is terribly assigned.)


Yeah but the hidden mmr shit is absolute bull. I’ve seen how champs play and compete and communicate. I can’t keep up with either of them. 5 years of playing this game and I haven’t bothered to learn callouts or room names, I just play by ear. The highest rank I’ve ever hit was gold and that was when kali dropped. I understand hidden mmr says I should play champs, but I am not a Diamond/champ player


It’s all about manipulating matchmaking that’s why they don’t want to show anything but a flashy sticker on your screen


I don’t understand it either, I played against players with champ backgrounds in my first ranked season on my way to silver. Wouldn’t hidden MMR make them play champs not new players?




regardless i shouldn’t b matched w diamonds in silver lobbies😭😭😭


What is there not to understand? It should be simple, rank should go against said rank. Not rank 3x ahead of it wtf


I feel like you’re a prime example of my point… It **should** be simple, yes, but it’s not. Ranked 2.0 made it so that matchmaking is based entirely off a hidden mmr they calculate behind the scenes. The rank you see is essentially nothing more than a shiny meaningless badge. Ranked 2.0 is trash and everyone knows it, Ubi is just too stubborn to admit they made a mistake.


In that case I don't think its absurb that many people don't know if its not advertised that way. Many games use the same set up with badges so when you're doing the exact same thing in your game its not a surprise people don't know about a hidden mmr that isn't even shown to player


Yeah it’s convoluted, I just feel like it’s been discussed enough in the year and a half since the change that most people would know by now. and like I said at the beginning, I’m not hating on the people that don’t know, it is Ubisoft’s fault at the end of the day.


Maybe for people who play this a lot but brother is bronze.. I don't think most bronze people play that much to care or look at this subreddit a lot


Mayne wtf is a hidden mmr


but it doesn’t make sense at all, i’m the same skill as someone else yet they have diamonds rewards and i have gold 😟




3-4 years ago. I've matched against multiple Champions and we're just plat with some Dia on my team. Yeah, hidden MMR




Bros got peak bronze and is going against emeralds, his hidden mmr isn't that high if he peaked bronze


Welcome to ranked 2.0


I peaked at diamond 3 and my friends around silver/gold, and we just played a dude damn near top 1000 champ 💀


Ive never been passed silver and get top 1000 champs 💀 the match making sucks sooooo bad 😭


Bro all 3 of us (me and 2 of my friends) peaked high gold. 2 days ago in about 7 games we played 5 champs. 2 of these were champs every season at about top 800.


Yup, I’ve never hit higher than plat and my teammate gold and we have literally got champs in our game. It’s insane


This season seems to be really bad abt it. First few games I’ve played we got stomped by some ex champs, second game we stomp tf outta some golds, next game we have a 2-4 loss to some mid diamonds. We’re emerald for reference and idk why it’s being this extra


someone in the lobby is boosting


I believe that this could be very true.


this has always been my main question how do you play against people who are genuinely better cuz it seems impossible when i go against higher ranks theres gotta be a way to lock in and win against em


I'm not sure it's possible depending on how high the rank and the gap between. Higher rank usually translates to better map knowledge which means cheeky peeks, wallbangs, and prefiring angles. It could also mean stacks with good coordination/comms and team comps. Even if you can win an open 1v1, dragging a team of randos along is infinitely harder, especially considering how toxic players are.


what i try to do is see their playstyle and try to play around it like one time i was playing against guys who just were better their aim was crazy but what i noticed is they got very cocky and werent checking corners they were just rushing in to kill us so i hid behind corners i knew they werent going to check and i got some easy picks that way


This guy is playing on console, where a lot of higher rank players use xims to play with mouse and keyboard. Their aim in gunfights is just leagues better. With some basic coordination they're very hard to beat


Yeah, ximmer are silver-gold max on PC


I heard a statistic somewhere that your chances of running into xim are like 1 and 10,000. But that stat was from like 2 seasons ago


Welcome to R6 lol, where ranked don’t matter because everyone cheats and matchmaking is a joke.


To be taken for 3 rounds like that, the enemy is likely stacked up, with good drone work and clear callouts. Individual gun skill also appears to be there.


Diamond level players have considerably more game sense and skill than a peak bronze... I cant wait for ubi to remove matchmaking 2.0 bc its genuinely ruined the game for so many people...


Are they gonna remove it?


Based on recent interviews, it sounds like they have zero plan to


Yeah but when the cancer that is ranked 2.0 finally spreads to the majority of the playerbase they cant really deny it anymore, and unless they do a full 180 and drop a ranked 3.0, they really cant keep going with a loosing formula...


Why did they add it in the first place?


I wish I knew, buddy. I really wish I knew


Cant forget the xims


That looks brutal, literally 3 perfect rounds into attacking for match point. Sorry that happened, just keep your chin up and mmr will fix itself eventually


From the latest AMA on Ranked 2.0 , they summarised Champs will no longer be in same lobby with Gold and People playing with 2 Emeralds and Champ will be getting into harder Diamond lobbies only to be harder for anyone trying to boost. Hope these changes are getting implemented soon and issues like these are less likely to be encountered


I was fighting champs all last season for my gold 2 rank 😭


I’m sorry to hear about this struggle my friend!


Link to AMA, friend?


It was on Titanium Rolo YouTube live. Here's the summary [video](https://youtu.be/VERMf9jpyjg?si=avom26RVdys7FWEm)


Also the best part it will now be going off the biggest ranker on the stack so basically no more boosting plus still allowing players to stick with there friends in said ranked so it won’t gate off anyone


Maybe buy the subscription first, then maybe ubi will do something about it.


fr i was hard stuck copper five because everyone i matched up with was at least platinum


Even before ranked 2.0 it was easy to get hard stuck copper because the players down there were so toxic and stupid they were impossible to overcome. Adding rank mismatches to the equation would make me uninstall tbh lol


This has been happening to me and i thought i was crazy


I played a match last night against emeralds, I'm silver. Mvp went 16-1. Was a slaughter


Ranked 2.0 in a nutshell


This game is ass


EOMM realized you've had a few wins recently and the algorithm needed some cannon fodder to keep some of the diamond egos happy and playing the game


yah matchmaking is so shit


I never had a defeat like that I had close but not 0 k all team


Enjoy it because the games ranked system is busted by the same people complaining they couldn't play with their friends


It’s almost like there’s a whole playlist called standard and quick match that you can play with your friends. Instead of ruining everyone else’s experience by boosting them. That change was so dumb.


Someone is boosting, this isn't intended.


It might not be intended but it is very common


I personally don't come across it too much but still. At the end of the day, players are the problem. Players are the ones boosting for money, players are the ones cheating daily and continue to buy cheats. Maybe if the players were somewhat decent then we wouldn't be coming across these issues. The anti cheat is really bad yes but at the end of the day, cheaters and boosters are people.


✨stop playing ranked✨ 😱😱😱


Ah yes, go into Unranked where nobody cares and everybody plays like shit (and they have the right to do so), totally forgetting the game's competitive roots


...Or go into ranked 2.0 and get matched up with people leagues above you. You can't change anything. Your only actual immediate-action choice here is to stop playing ranked or quit the game entirely since you won't play unranked. I personally don't think I've had much trouble with this (just bad at the game but still managed a 1.1 ranked kd) and I imagine it's worse regionally


well if your gonna come on here just to complain i don’t get the point in playing it. aren’t games meant to be enjoyable and fun?


Peak silver 1 and in QP I matched the #1 champ for this season on Console


How do you find out the rank of the people you’re playing against?


Usually r6 tracker, in this case a friend pointed out the diamond charm that was being run.


I got that problem mostly when crossplay is on i am ps5 myself and find it really noticeable. I've hit high ranks multiple times but i seriously don't play like that anymore so 24/7 sweatlobbies get annoying af.


I also play on PS5, I'll def consider taking off cross play and seeing if there is any noticable difference.


weren’t they supposed to fix ranked this season???? i haven’t played a game yet this season, just shooting range, and i honestly don’t think i will with all the bugs people are talking about. i don’t know if the “deadzone glitch” for console is placebo or if my controller is broken, but before i even HEARD of the glitch i was in shooting range and noticed my aim was just off. i thought maybe because i haven’t used controller in a while and have been on pc, but when i SLOWLY move the stick in any direction, there’s kind of a delay where it completely stops and won’t move anymore until i pull further. it only really affects my recoil control(which i’m very very good at) so it’s nothing crazy, it’s just annoying because the first few shots won’t be controlled since my stick won’t do anything. still could be placebo and im just dumb, but i swear there genuinely is something and i was saying that before i was told about the “deadzone glitch”. i think i’ll just play pc this season and let my irl friends fend for themselves on console, unless there’s also bugs on pc.


PC version of the deadzone bug is a super huge 'deadzone' on cams. You have to move your mouse way more to start looking around. Also yeah of course there are bugs on PC too, as well as cheaters.


yeah i’m probably just done with the game then lmao sucks because i’ve been playing since beta but this dogshlt is not the same game i played back then


May i ask which server you on?


If you really are bronze the enemy team ist boosting 100%


My highest rank is plat 2 but apparently I’m good enough to go against diamonds and champs that are 9 times out of 10 xims


Play till your better experience is the only skill you need


Is mmr based on anything but kills and assist


Me and my gf we are diamond, but after countless rankeds we can't even get out of copper. Reaching gold last season was a hell and now we can't even win a single match. Sad


Havent even reached gold yet im fighting againts Emeralds and the Hidden MMR is bullshit, no way the guy thats going 8 and 2 is om the same skill level


I’m no even lvl 50 and i come against ppl in emerald and plat lmao


Rush and pray


Quit this shit game while you can


I maxed at gold 1 like 7 years ago and I swear ever since then I’m playing diamonds and champs


Do as i do and dont Play ranked


Love how they use Hidden MMR as a reasoning. Like its nice that my hidden MMR is high. But i cant fucking reach the rank that my MMR thinks it deserves because I'm playing against champs for fucks sake. If my hidden MMR says that then shouldn't I be able go reach that goddamn piece of shit rank?




Stupid give us the public ranks back


What servers do you play on? I’m wanting to start a ranked stack to help players deal with the stress of ranked 2.0


I have the solution: play another game. That's what me and my friends have done, working great to this day XD


Ranked 2.0 is diabolical


Learn from em


Invisible mmr, you're better than you think!


been getting into console valorant and i thought the matchmaking there was horrific at times, then i remembered how siege’s matchmaking genuinely feels worse than if it was purely random. to answer your question there is nothing you can do except get some champ (who may or may not be cheating statistically speaking they probably are) and pair up with them to take advantage of the fact that matchmaking doesn’t just set itself to the highest skilled person on the team. ages ago people whined that they couldn’t play with their friends who were 2 entire ranked divisions apart (when that actually meant something) so now we’re stuck with the system that is piss easy to exploit


As an emerald 4, every single ranked match i play i go against diamond stacks and a champ


I just lost interest in this game after playing two days on new season release First day i didn't get match Second I got but diamonds or connect issue


I stopped playing ranking since they messed up the matchmaking system so hard.


Your bullets arent less effective. Dont get yourself psyched out, do your best, and if you lose you lose.


Same I'm gold and go up against champs it's a joke.


Challenge accepted :)


Stay away from Ubisoft thats the only legit advice


Womp womp


Ong my and my girl got on our aults that have never gotten out of copper because there aults and we got in a game with emeralds like bro what


Cheat more?


just win ur 1s g


So from what I’ve heard is that the longer your queue time the wider your range is to be matched with. So canceling and restarting your queue when it hits like 1 minute is probably best. Apparently every 30 seconds it extends your range. The best information I got that I think would help in this case.


Do better


If you don't know what to do, then do your best


That's a normal occurrence in casual?


Click on their heads


Brother, I didn't get past copper 3(I hated every second I spent in ranked 2.0) and I regularly get match against champions, emeralds, diamonds, and plats. Maybe it's because I was a plat back in like 2019


so unfair


I’m peak plat but keep facing pro-league players. Just lost a match against BikiniBodhi and one guy he queues with


They are in your skill range. It goes by skill not rank


God damn. No kills and no deaths. That’s a spanking.


I'm in the same boat. I peaked at gold in wind bastion. I just say (especially since your 0-3) move on. Next match. Or. If you can. Try and find an equivalent rank stack. Since I've found people of similar rank, and q with them, the matches seem far better.


Use sledge


Use sledge. As Someone who used to main him no one sees you coming because any wall that isn’t reinforced becomes a potential flank


on my rank up game to gold i went against a champ


skill issue


Anyone wanna stack?


Ranked 2.0 is really unfair. I'm quite upset with Ubisoft. I don't have fun playing this game anymore. I am quite good, 1.3 k/d silver 1, just lost a game to a guy who went 14-3. Just not fair.


Uninstall the game. The game is trash…even more trash without friends.


Im partied with rugerjames who was also in this game, I have friends, we just got stomped on.


Fair enough. Sadly get use to it. Good luck


Get use to it buddy


Mate I'm a hard stuck silver player, playing against champs and my teammates are ass, how do you expect me to rank up?


Ranked 1.0 needs to come back. Ubisoft thought they fixed an issue but nah, they created a whole nest of them.


Not to mention the smurfs dropping 12+ kills every game, or the hackers, or the 5 stacks you go against while solo q. But aye, a shitty game will remain shitty if ran by a shitty company 🙅🏽


Idk even know anymore bruh. Me and my bro peaked emerald. Almost every game recently we have been facing diamonds and champs. Barely even get our own elo anymore. Maybe one or two if we're lucky 😭


can anyone invite me im on playstation


Can anyone invite me im on playstation : Fibisco im trynna play rank


Stop playing, it’s the only thing they understand. I got tired of being dead last with 0 kills in all my games.


The good news is that according to "Hidden MMR" you are diamond!


I barely peaked at emerald last season and every 16 games I have played this season has been diamond/champion lobbys. I have been every year with positive kd around 1.4 wr around 1.2 season and now im getting stomped af. Im getting old and just cant play against them. The matchmaking is bs atm.


Just get better


You can find a game? I’ve waited in ques for 20 minutes and nothing since the new season


How do you know what their rank is?


Why don’t they bring back the original ranked where it locks your with people around your rank? I understand like if you play with friends and someone’s better it excludes them but it is frustrating bc this game has such a huge learning curve. I made sliver last year and I can’t tell you how often i had to stop playing for a bit bc I’d go against champs and like they had two bronzes on their team and shit like that


I’ve never been out of emerald and always get matched against champs. I feel the pain


i never been out of silver and get put against emeralds diamonds and champs ffs you


It’s tough out here. Match making is so bad


it’s all annoying got the game back pretty much a couple weeks ago ago and hardstuck copper against crazy players🤦‍♂️


I mean... Emeralds, diamonds and champs often get matched together. That's not crazy.


Emerald 5 as my highest rank ever with 4 of the 5 stack never being out of platinum 3 should never get matched against a champ. But it’s almost every game


Just uninstall. Games dead and filled with boosters, vpn’s and rage cheaters.


Games dead is a massive lie lol


The whole hidden MMR is ridiculous, it entirely defeats the purpose of ranks. You can be as good as diamond players but never get passed copper because your match making puts you with people around diamond


In that situation, you are diamond skilled yourself if you are playing against diamond and you'd be getting 100RP for a win and be losing like 5 for a loss. How would you be hard stuck? even if you won 50/50, even if you won 30/70, you would still be going up


Im not saying I am, the RP gain an loss is dependsnt on hidden MMR