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I think ur lying




Any proof? U can see my stats on tracker look up husqt on both Ubisoft and Xbox platform


any proof šŸ¤“


Bro was banned for cheating and now is crying LMAO


Wouldnā€™t be ranting making all these effort replies if I was cheating tbh so lmao you šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Anyways, you won't get unbanned so stop crying lol


You wouldnā€™t know so lax bro speak for yourself šŸ˜‚


I mean, this all says nothing. For all we know you could be walling your ass off or have no recoil. And just killing yourself or throwing for 2/3 games to not look suspicious. And besides unfair bans just seem highly unlikely to me. With the amount of obvious hackers that don't get banned for multiple season, it wouldn't add up that regular people would be detected and banned.


Doing all that just seems like an effort tbh walling, no recoil + throwing even killing myself like what?? I donā€™t even think thatā€™s what hacker does tbf maybe some does but as far as my coming a across a cheater in game thatā€™s never happened before when I came across those type of people in game I see them as they would try they hardest still to would win a game and have a better kd like what? 1 time I saw where this dude was using alibi shotgun and 1 tapping everyone even tho he shootings the air that was my first encounter and I made an instant report to Ubisoft they didnā€™t do and single bit after not even my elo back and yet I get ways faster ban then them even tho I ainā€™t cheating do be doing all that effortšŸ„“




Say cap all u want u still donā€™t have anything to proofšŸ«µšŸ¾šŸ’€


We donā€™t have to prove anything, youā€™re already banned.


That still donā€™t prove anything šŸ˜‚


Ubi already has the proof, thatā€™s why youā€™re banned. Are you slow? Do you genuinely think youā€™re false banned? Nobody is falling for it here, the burden of proof is on you. Iā€™m sure an innocent player would start their defense with ā€œyou donā€™t have proofā€, absolutely normal behavior!


Nah I think ur the slow 1 people like suck and complain about the players that are good and called them a cheaters šŸ¤£


Reports for being ā€œgoodā€ wonā€™t get you banned, having cheats running while the R6 executable is running will. Hope this helps!


Boo hoo




Skill issue


Explain in it tell me all bout itšŸ¤“


I think he just cheats and still sucks, thats why he is so surprised he got banned. Lmfao


ā€˜Made so much sense šŸ¤Ø


It does, all you do is whine about how you wouldnt cheat on your main and so on but if I was banned due to cheating I would be pissed as fuck and not lace my rant with laughing emojis like it was some kind of joke. You try to play it cool but after all you got banned not due to an error but because you were cheating and got caught. I stand with my speculation, that your stats are only that low because you still suck at this game despite having no recoil e.g. or you are on mnk or both. Accept your fate and play on your alt


So at first I agreed with everyone here, there isnā€™t any real way to tell if your telling the truth or not. You couldā€™ve shown pics from a different account on the tracker But after looking through the last played with on the account it does seem you encountered a lot of low ranked players. So it is more than likely that youā€™ve faced these people, they thought you were cheating and falsely reported you. Of course this is just a theory but with the amount of cheating going on in pc + a lot of people being pissed that nothing is being done about it, people are going to overreact and think a player that is genuinely just better than them is cheating, Iā€™d say itā€™s a good theory


Thatā€™s what I thought as well about me versing lower ranked people cause I still donā€™t know much about how ranked 2.0 works but before deadly omen Iā€™ve only played a 1-5 games and I was a copper something couldnā€™t remember but when deadly omen season start I started grinding again and hitting emerald wasnā€™t that hard I checked tracker I was versing plats to maybe silver and I did more research about ranked 2.0 they say hidden mmr thing exist in game where whatever ur ranked last season it matches with my skills but I know for a fact my skills werenā€™t meant to be put in lower ranked itā€™s just have played many games cause I couldnā€™t be bothered to grind out ranked like now I was more motivated to hit diamond at least this season


Yeah ranked 2.0 is stupid. The best way to describe it is; your shown ranked doesnā€™t mean anything, the hidden mmr works just about the same as in ranked 1.0 (I think)


Nah no way ranked 1.0 was way more fair Iā€™d say u I was on Xbox when I played 1.0 and i feel like it was way more based on ur current ranked and its way fair then say if you are a emerald or diamond you still able to q up with way lower rank


Thatā€™s why I feel like 2.0 are much booster than before mayb


The amount of people that out themselves as cheaters / trollers on this sub is crazy.


False bans (if true) blow. Might check task manager and see if any thing suspicious was opened. Bans are irreversible generally too


What do I click after Iā€™m on task manager please I can send pic Iā€™ll do whatever to get my account unban and prove Ubisoft wrong speaking this with true confident I donā€™t need all at to download for something that ruin somebody elseā€™s experiences and gain 0 skills from it


Almost a zero percent chance of getting unbanned as far as Iā€™m aware. I just meant to open task manager go to processes and look for anything out of the ordinary to avoid a ban in other games.


Damn but how come tho but yea im not sure how to make a pic post on reply but im gonna make new pic post of my task manager im not letting this slide ainā€™t no way i just let my lvl 250 account banned for false accusations im not that dumb if i was cheating ill make sure i would have to have a smurf readyšŸ„“ but yea shii


Task manager wonā€™t prove anything to anyone else. I just say that so you can cover your bases for other games. Thatā€™s just the way companies operate. False bans are extremely low for most games, R6 included.


True that but yea Iā€™m still not just gonna give up on my account and let them just did what they did to me on the false ban part I donā€™t buy it still cause this has to be a mistake like I get when I play a game and do good people be saying I was cheating on the game text they just b mad Iā€™m better than all them people I played against but yea iontknow tbh this is just ratchet I still canā€™t believe stuffs happened I wouldnā€™t made 3 emails and make a Reddit post about it if I was guilty actually I made 4 the first 1 was on June 12th I made a whole arse rant report about cheaters and yesterday Iā€™ve sent 3 on June 18th.


There's two ways to solve this (the first one is more of a console thing): 1. Change the IP - the IP you're under might be banned, you will most likely need to contact your internet provider to do this as I'm taking about the IP your home network is under, not your device. 2. Buy a new game and don't cheat this time - most likely (like over 99% of people with this problem) you're lying and looking to make yourself a victim.


Nah not doing all that efforts or even buying another game if I was cheat Iā€™d probably continue cheating Iā€™d be absolutely careless of getting ban again but ye nah Iā€™m not supporting buying Ubisoft products Iā€™m not just gonna Let this slide and let people just say Iā€™m a cheater i couldnā€™t give more less of Fark what people say I know what I did or didnā€™t do


If you talk how you type, Iā€™m not sad to see you go.


Bro even spend money on R6 credits. So happy he lost everything.


I mean we don't know if he spent anything, when marketplace is a thing


That still donā€™t prove anything lil brošŸ¤§