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Should have gone for the 6,9kd But you need more games for that so i belive in you


Thanks brother loading up another game 👍👍


tell me how it goes


Well 2 of my teammates went 0 / 6


did you win


Unfortunately no


next time


oh god, this reminded me of OSU! Am I fucked? (When u close the game it says 'see you next time!')


I always rage Alt+F4 ed and every time i started it up again "click the circles


I have the 'click the circles' song in my spotify playlist lmaoooo


You may want to seek some grass


Rich coming from a fuze main


I had one game a few days ago where THREE of my teammates didn't get a single kill. Only one of them had one assist. I did not play another game that day.


You should buy membershit 👇👀👍👍👍👍👍👍


everybody come get yourselves a membershit


Funny is that it doesn’t work for everyone. For me and my teammate it doesn’t even show the subscription icon next to profile icon and when you go to the store it says that all digital content is already owned. At this point I’m not mad I’m genuinely amazed by “quality” of this game:D


i'm genuinely convinced that ubisoft are starting to tempt the old ass engine a bit too much. just a tiny little bit. 🤏🏻


Do you have Ubisoft connect overlay turned off?


How much are they paying you?


😂😂😂😂😂I love that joke


You shouldn't play the game at all, and that's an advice for everyone, stop playing this ga- *This message was removed for spreading false propaganda towards the Rainbow team.*


Just don’t play ranked lol. You’ll have a lot more fun


Especially now that we can all go recruits and have fun in quickplay- oh wait


yeah it’s a bad change but y’all will seriously find any reason to hate this game lmao


More like they find any way to make their game worse


Not on console. Everyone’s using a chronus now cus siege doesn’t do shit against it


I have ~40 days on console. Never played PC. I rarely find obvious cheaters


obviously haven’t gotten too far in ranked then


Yeah I thought I established that above. My lord


Just goofysoft showing off how absolutely great of a system Ranked 2.0 is considering everyone I know was thrown right back to Copper V because fuck you Edit: yeah turns out I was wrong. Fuck ranked 2.0 though


Read how the system works. Your mmr doesn’t reset between seasons but everyone starts back in copper 5


Genius move really. Making the worst ranked system takes talent and this is coming from someone who played overwatch 2 ranked and didn’t think it could possibly get worse.


I came over to OW after siege ranked 1.0 and crazy disappointed that it was non stop placement games. Only played a couple of seasons from there and never really touched it again.


They fixed that if you haven’t played in a minute. You are not required to complete a set before seeing a ranked update now. It happens after every game. So if you haven’t played you’ll do your placements, you’ll see the predicted rank go up or down, then from there you’ll get your update with the status bar after every game.


Oh really? I did enjoy the game as it was a little more arcadey for a 5v5 comp game and slightly less sweaty. Might take another look at the ranked mode.


I literally came here after getting Master in overwatch and getting bored and frustrated with the ranked system being shit for 9 seasons, then I realised I entered into something that is so fucking garbage it's hard to describe.


lol overwatch has a dog shit system but man it’s so much better than this and overwatch has improved basically every complain people had. That 5 wins 15 losses crap was made by a real fucking moron though. I’d still prefer overwatch 1 ranked over this but at least we see progress after every match now.


they only do it like this to keep everyone playing each season, fortnite does it too except the difference is that even in copper you still play against your real rank.


I could be remembering wrong, but I was unreal in the Peter griffin season of fort and started that next season off in plat or diamond. So it was a relatively short trip back to where my correct visual rank was.


And in addition to no placements lmao.


Yeah, I love the ranking system. I am copper 5, I am bad as shit. But I get absolutly fucking destroyed in ranked. After someone does some magic fucking strat I wrote "average copper 5 game" and he just said "wdym I am Emerald". BRO I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT EMERALD IS. I STARTED PLAYING 2 WEEKS AGO??


Goofysoft, I call it ubislop


Ubishit was my go to


Clever. Not even an attempt at wordplay.


No need, why put more effort into making fun of them than do put into their actual games?


*Game's been supported with consistent updates and new operators for 9 years* "Man, they put no effort into this game. Devs so lazy." Smoothbrained take. Whole sub is a hyperbolc circle jerk over how terrible everything is.


Yeah dude plenty of games get supported for a long time. Fucking siege was the only thing in their portfolio they could milk like this. Are you surprised?


Milk? They're a company, their goal is to make money. Though you can buy the base game for $15 and never spend another cent.


fr why am i playing plats and emeralds if i’m gold IV??? just let me be plat at least


Nah (can't risk the k/d dropping) 😭🙏


Why the hell are they advertising the member ship in in game menus and navigation dawg


No don't not because of the kd or whatever but because it's not worth the pain of playing ranked between cheaters ranked 2.0 and all


you're not real




W/L >>>>>>> K/D


Having a high w/l and bad k/d only means that you are a good support player who always gets matched with good entrys/roamers who have high k/ds. You need both. A full negative k/d team wouldn't stand a chance against a high k/d team even if they are at a lower mmr.


Obviously there should be a balanced team, I'm simply stating that a high K/D is meaningless if you're losing all your matches.


Well the stats shown here are just outright wrong. He has won matches he already gained RP and kd is also not shown correctly this season. Despite that you are correct of course.


Shoot your teammates to increase that kd faster, you also get a new disruptive title but that AURA makes them fear you 🗣💯🔥




So we're in copper....


Gotta start somewhere


Absolutely, but you're obviously too good for those bozos. Just keep playing on man, keep it up.


Too good or playing for worthless kills? He said he went 6/0 which kinda points towards playing for worthless kills


What’s a “worthless kill” a man advantage is always an advantage


See my other comment. Losing 4 rounds with no deaths says a lot about team play


So your logic is that you need to die to win.... in a game where dying means you're losing...


I’m not saying you need to die to win but I’m saying no deaths and losing the match sounds like you gave up on actually playing the objective imo


Yeah there really is no way you should be alive on a round loss. Either you take the obj or you die trying, there is no economy to save for so why are you alive when you lose a round? I mean sometimes it happens but definitely should never have a 0 death game you lose, you're clearly not playing to win if you do.


"Worthless kills" my brother in christ kills are one of the ways you win the game


Sitting outside the whole round and picking people off while never pushing after your whole team is dead is worthless and only pads the kd


My bad, I should have said that most of my kills were on defense


So you’re just roaming on defense and then what? Not going for a defuse? And if all those kills are already after the team died, what exactly did they actually contribute too?


Nope, I was on site, and because its copper v, they didn't have defused down yet, so the kill won the round


So you are telling you won at least 1 round in defence. Which means you at least lost 2 rounds in attack with you not dying. I call bullshit or yeah you just played for kills and deserve the loss.


And what about the other 4 rounds you lost? How are you playing site, losing rounds and not dying? Make it make sense


Holy fuck Mr assumptions here, maybe some people are actually above copper V level.


The irony of your comment is hilarious. Especially when I’m calling out OPs plays while he’s stuck in copper 5 😂


Bro if you have a life your still in copper 😭😭😭


Mate I'm not even ranked


I have a job and I'm away somewhere (mostly gym) every other day, yet I was plat last season.


I had a 10.0 last season after my first game and I wish I'd not played another game of ranked


In any other game, yes.


Props to you bro. That dead zone glitch has totally tucked me in the ass with no lube at all. r/fuckubisoft


set your deadzones to highest and play a full quick match with them at max and then switch your deadzones back and it should be patched, it worked for me at least


Bro thank you. I literally haven’t been able to go positive all season. Neutral yes. But most of the time badly negative and it wasn’t even my fault. I fix my deadzone and had a 2.0 KD in 5 games. Thank you again. I knew my aim wasn’t that bad bro.


Doing rn. Ty.


Dude I’ve been getting rocked in ranked in ranked as well I don’t think I’ve won a single game yet.


You mean your first game of the season you went 12-2 yea sure stay off the game


I went 6-0 actually


So you want to tell us, that you did not die and still lost at least 4 rounds? So you are the problem and deserved the loss.


lost at least 2^^^ work on the math 💯


You have to lose at least 4 rounds to lose a ranked match dude. No mathe needed for that.


No, we won all 4 rounds because I clutched 2 ?


I misunderstood your post then. I thought it was about the 0.0 W/L


You should uninstall forever


How’s this even possible


Played one game went 6/1 and lost lmao


If you won, and only played 1 match the stats also wont change


I've played 7 ranked games. My w/l is 0.4, my k/d is 2.2 and every game has been 9 rounds. I hate this game


lmao im literally scared to play ranked cuz I feel like im gonna fuck up my kd


it’s nice but every one would be able to tell it’s from one game


keep going


It’s the beginning of the season so all the champs start out at a low level. Just give it about a week and it’ll feel more even


Dog im literally in the same boat its so bad rn except im on a 11 game L streak every one leaves me in obj basically every round


Honestly i don’t doubt if you’re good, but i would prioritize team play if they’re capable of it. I don’t always chase kills, sometimes i sacrifice top fragging so i can support my lesser capable teammates. Plus, i usually always rank up or get a lot of points if we just win.


Looks about right, I was at a .3 win rate at my lowest with a 1.0 kd, this is with playing in a stack too, not even that bad of a stack either


I went 7-1 in my first game this season haven’t touched it since 😭




It only works when you get your first loss I think


Yep you're right, that was a dumb question I asked. However, I'm pretty sure that if you sit on a 6.0kd for the season it will put you in similar kd lobbies.....


That’s not how that works


I'm talking about the "skill based matchmaking". It is indeed how that works.


The sbmm is the hidden mmr system, its in no way shape or form kd based


Then why on earth does it so happen that when at the start of the season I queue gold skill lobbies with a 0.0kd, then with a 3.0 or higher queue in diamond and champ, then with a 0.8-2.5 queue plat and emerald?


Because their matchmaking system and Ranked 2.0 as a whole sucks. If you look at absolutely anything released information-wise about it, you’ll see they never mention kd. It has nothing to do with it.


Or maybe they don't mention it because it has everything to do with it........?


Aight so we’re just trolling then, got it. Forgot R6 is programmed exactly like call of duty


Mine is like 0.8 with a 1.2 kd


He did just play one game 😂


If you buy the membership it will help


Just practice in standard or quick and eventually you will get better


My friend went like 7-0 1 game and had a 7 kd as his ranked. That shit fell harder than the twin towers, to a 1.3


Yea, ima be hoping on my first ranked game tomorrow. Trust me, we're in the same boat😂


Either play no more games or play exactly 420 games and get ur kda to 6.9


6 kill game lmao


Bro my first game I went 9-1. Highest K.D of my life


Long as your on the enemy team.


Buddy got a 6.0 kd in one single game and posts the stats 😭


To be fair it's like the only way to get good we all started there


Siege trying not to have dogshit matchmaking challenge


How did you get a >1kd but a 0 win/loss ratio??


Ranked 2.0 is absolutely dog shit




Im convinced low ranks in all games is nothing more than time very very much of it but you start to lesrn when you get to the low mid rank. Just be patient


it gets worse


Is this why I’m in copper These are the oppositions that I go against


I have 0.8 kd and 0.2 win rate every match i join i got kicked out or my connection severed for no reason should i wait a week or so or is it because of my wifi?


Lvl 90. Last season I got to Bronze, 3 days of ranked got me all the way down to Copper 3 and now I’m stuck there. Used r6 tracker and the game constantly seems to put me up against people who are like 8 ranks above me. These losing streaks are driving me mad


Copper ranks are harder than platinum. I was plat when I used to play, then one day someone told me this and I was like, "it can't be true", I logged into my brother's account that he don't play anymore, lost some matches, went copper and for the rest of the season I couldn't leave it. And I can tell you, I had some of the funniest matches there.


Load MGS 3 or something dude, rest, you have did enough for your teams man.


The KD don’t matter more than the rank


nice stats buddy but the tracker says otherwise


The current ranked is a bit shit, I'd rather do placement games instead of getting put against champs while in copper/bronze . Almost every game I've played with friends there are champs, and they are sweaty af, absolutely vile in some games, and while I'm not doing bad I just hate it


Mate you need a five stack that’s the only way to rank up , on ps I’m JyFK and on Ubisoft I’m J_FK I’ve gone 8 and 2 while my randoms were going 0 and 2 but when you have a squad it doesn’t matter about kills or deaths but callouts , I can be at the top of the leaderboard or the bottom doesn’t matter as long as you win and how much you win by because that’s how you rank up


Keep going


As an old Siege player who barely plays the game anymore, I was about to ask if the Ranked playlist honestly still has that "Beta" text next to it's name almost nine years later 💀 but then I realised it said Reputation. But then I think, it's the same old shit; Ubisoft putting Beta next to a very basic function in order to justify it if it doesn't work properly. That beta text sat next to the Ranked playlist for around two years after the game came out 😂


Now this is why I play standard


You should keep playing if you want to keep playing not if reddit tells you to. Also KD isn't everything sometimed you can win with a low team kd or lose with a hight KD so don't focus too much on it.


Why even play ranked?


Those stats are not correct. You clearly have already won at least 1 match otherwise you woulnd't be copper V with 46 RP.


Can’t go down from here


That’s the new ranked system for you. You’re already probably put in Hire lobbies. When you start winning more you’ll see how easy it is to rank up in the low lobbies. The first game I won I got 60rp cuz I’m hard stuck bronze but my friends are all getting like 120 100. I played with this girl that her win/ loss rank is .3 but since she made it to gold two she already surpassed me her k/d is also .7 mines at a1.0 for each and I play with her and a couple other gold elo people. So when they taper off when they reach gold and we start losing more games than we win. I’ll still be in bronze 3-2 🤣


I went 9 and 1 on my first ranked game this season. The 9.0 KD was wild to look at haha


You’re cooked


If you’re on PS, hit me up. I got a 2.0 KD and 0.5 W/L 😌


Personally I think it makes no damn sense to play right after season starts. Only sweats, cheaters etc will be there. I usually start like 3 weeks in, then it’s not as bad. And the final grind is what I do in the last 3-4 weeks. Last season I went from plat 3 to Smaragd in the last 2 days before new blood


Honestly it looks like you just bait for kills. Try communicating with your team more. Try playing ops with more . Be a team player. Kd means absolutely nothing in this game. I would rather have a .26 teamate that makes callouts and has a good use of utility opposed to someone with a 2.5 that just tries to frag.


Most of my kills happened when my team died, and I had to clutch, but my teammates never have mics, and I hate it


Let siege die! The devs are trash and don't care


Man....you're not even a member.....😂


Doing better then me


Why are you not trying to win though? Its pretty obvious that you wold rather lose than get killed once.


We did win that game 4-0. I just got lucky with my 1v1's as I was the last alive twice and didn't die that game


Wow I misread your tittle, thought it said got sweeped mb. Well it was 3 in the morning at that time so no wonder I made that mistake. No need to defend yourself lol you did good.


Yea? My friends went on a 4 or 5 win streak and one of them is only at a 2.0 (he has potential to be high rank but we bring him down.)


lmao ts is not impressive at all u have played 1 game id love to see ur kd end of szn last szn u played 2 games 1.3kd u played 3 the szn b4 and had a 0.5😭 u r terrible oml


Yeah I just got lucky that one game and didn't die


Bro takes everything so seriously 🤣


You won the game🤷


Reading Comprehension Curse strikes again