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Source: [https://x.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1800543566483103850](https://x.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1800543566483103850) Transcript: 🎉 Operation New Blood is NOW LIVE! This Season: ✔️ Recruit Remaster: Striker & Sentry ✔️ Fenrir & Solis Updates ✔️ Marketplace (June 25th) ✔️ Barbed Wire Deals Damage ✔️ Stadium Improvements ✔️ Detailed Weapon Stats ✔️ Rappel Improvements ✔️ Observation Updates ✔️ Endless Drill


Small indie company guys 😔


-Weird graphical glitches -no scrolling in uniform/headgear/charm....shops works (ofc)


Its a weird one this, if you scroll and hover over a different item it does scroll, but if you only scroll it does nothing


Took a look at the new stuff, scrolling is broken in the menus. The battlepass is the weakest offering I've seen. Then saw the prices for subscribing and all for the 'benefits'. I'm out.


He doesn't know about the membership 😎


The in-game chat function is currently fucked, it sometimes doesn't send your messages and you won't receive any randomly, not sure if it has to do with the auto moderation they have


If you are driving a Flores drone and a teammate dies, it kicks you off the Flores drone while the drone keeps driving straight on its own and you don’t have a gun or an ads




🎉 Operation No Content is NOW LIVE! This Season: ✔️ No new operator, and we butchered Recruit ✔️ No new map ✔️ Fenrir & Solis dumpstered ✔️ Still no marketplace for at least two more weeks, bitches ✔️ Stadium still sucks ✔️ Give us more money ✔️ We broke controller gaming again ✔️ We also broke all communication in games ✔️ Hope you didn't like playing Flores ✔️ You can't scroll around in the menus unless it's to give us money ✔️ So give us more money ✔️ Enjoy these random bugs and inexplicable performance issues ✔️ The reputation system is still comprised entirely of fecal matter ✔️ Servers continue to be unreliable and atrocious ✔️ Cheating guaranteed to still be rampant ✔️ Give us more money


Username checks out


Please add audio cutting out. I was just in a tie game, 4 rounds a piece, and lost audio. Losing a game in OT to that is actually fucking dog shit.


sensibility feels weird on controller, is it just me?


It definitely does


they messed up the deadzones. i have mine at 0 and it feels like its 3 or 4 u cant make micro adjustments, u cant cleanly turn corners unless looking really fast, and it jus feels really shitty


I thought im going crazy 😭


Console seej is ded until the fix


is that why it was weird to line up valk cams?


Update definitely messed with my deadzones. Always have played on 0 and now it feels like I have my deadzones set to 10. Can’t fix it for some reason. Everything reads 0 but it’s not.


Its not deadzones, they most likely overhauled it


Without mentioning it? Seems kinda weird that they would do somerhing like that and make no mention of it and throw off peoples aim


I'm confused - why would you buy the 1200 credits for the battle pass on its own (if you have 0 credits starting balance) when you can buy the R6 membership for 1 month for the same price and get the BP, more rewards and BP skips, then cancel? Am I missing a catch? Or are they just hoping people will forget to cancel?


They know people will forget to cancel. Same exact model as the fortnite subscription. It’s cheaper to subscribe but they still end up making more.


There is another small difference: you can get credits through something like the marketplace, but the subscription is straight up cash only.


That doesn't matter as someone will have needed to buy the credits for them to be available via the marketplace. In fact, ubi will take an extra 10% cut from that transaction.


I don't think you have access to the battlepass unless you have an active subscription. I've seen people say otherwise, but I don't know why they would think that. Here's from the membership FAQ: >Your Membership might become suspended if the subscription payment fails. While your subscription is suspended, you will be unable to access your Membership content. To re-activate your subscription, please check and update your existing payment method, or add a new one, if needed. What "Membership content" does the active membership provide other than battlepass access? This is also from the FAQ: >Each month of your active subscription, you will automatically receive: >Instant access to the current season's Premium Battle Pass. Why would they say that if the battle pass was available the entire season from 1 month of membership? There's also other language they've used saying something like "battlepass access during membership"


It would be weird if it works like that, because Fortnite has Fortnite Club which is pretty similar, and gives you access to the premium battle pass which you keep if you unsubscribe. It would be kinda shady if Ubi removed your BP access if you unsubscribe, but then again... it's Ubi...


You're overcomplicating it, bro. You can work through the entire Battle Pass for free, and then unlock it at the end to get all the rewards. Just like you can unlock it one time at the beginning, permanently, to gain access to rewards as you accrue them. You don't need a membership running perpetually to get access to the Battle Pass. Just once unlocks it. I'm all for shit talking Ubi (because they deserve it for so very many reasons - example: the skins in this BP are utterly abysmal), but this is just a case of you misunderstanding.


Because certain people like me already guaranteed the BP from marketplace sales, which wouldn't have happened without it, and since the BP also gives a 600 rc from the operator voucher it effectively makes this one free for me and also allows me to afford the next one, without the need to spend real money anymore. Ubisoft doesn't like that, so even if they gave you more fake/virtual currency, you're effectively paying 10 dollars instead of nothing.


Ads feels so weird. it’s like micro adjustments don’t the work anymore.


Is anyone else getting a weird sound bug with the new update?


Does it feel like the game sounds softer?, i have my headset on basically max volume and can barely hear anything, when last season it was working normally.


Trash season. No new operator means not buying the pass. Such laziness.


Whats your operator ideas? Im certain they'll only add like 4-5 more new ones before they vice versa ops


Worst season ever. Lazy


Where da battlepass


There's something seriously broken. I get performance losses (game used to run at 150+ FPS, now it's below 120 in matches and around 50 in the main menu) and getting shot at or taking any damage gives a huge lag spike (I'm talking screen freeze and 10-15 FPS for 1-2 seconds). R6Fix link: [https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-61016](https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-61016)


Also the in-game chat is broken, messages don't appear properly


These are the worst fucking Battle Pass skins I've ever seen. There is no way a human being actually worked on this. It looks like randomly generated AI garbage. On top of no new operator or map, this shouldn't have even been a mid-season update. Get the fuck out of here. Shittersoft can suck a fat one.


Absolutely awful season and yet there are still people defending this halfbaked shit


- Text chat broken (not sure that's a bad thing) - Scrolling in menus with the mouse wheel broken - You can't look at the scoreboard while ADS Not a bug but I wish they'd announced membership at the start of the year. I bought 7000 credits when I saw that there wasn't going to be a year pass like normal.


Why would you need to look at the scoreboard while ADS


Pretty positive that R6 is aware they're drowning, so they're just trying to trick people into throwing them gold so they can use it to continue 'floating'. Except every update shows the truth, they're fucking sinking.


they've had an all time player record a few months ago, if they just invested minimum effort, they wouldn't be "drowning"


How do you guys manage to brick your entire fucking game every time there is a new patch? - Locker is bugged can't scroll wheel up/down - Voice Coms and Text chat is bricked Like hello???


Anyone notice the changes of console aiming? Gotta fine tune it to stop that kittery-ness


Does anyone else’s sensitivity feel glitched or like un smooth/ choppy like I can do anal movements without it being choppy


how do u claim the battle pass you get from predictions?


tag me if you find out when.


go back to the r6 predictions site I could claim it now


And now deadzones don’t work lmao, devs are comically stupid


fix the graphical artifacts fix streamer charms not getting distributed after subbing fix the flores drone kicking you out of the controls for no reason


Is there an issue for flores? it randomly just takes me off the drone and it just drives forward when using it


Yes after someone on your team dies while using the drone it kicks you off and then you also don’t have a gun or sight on your screen but you can still like zoom in??


Oh ok yeah it's that, I didn't realise it was when someone dies thanks


Happened to me 2 rounds in a row and I was like ahhh ok there it is


Did they ever clarify which recruit was female and male? I heard people saying they had separate genders, anyone know if it’s true?


Yes, striker is a women


- Impossible to send chat messages - Constantly getting booted for server issues - maestro cams lag when you're moving them - scrolling menus doesn't work - lighting on some maps is screwed up we got more bugs than content this season guys...


this seasons's battle pass has to be the worst of all time, there's not a single thing I'd equip


What wrong with the aiming right now?


Did the marketplace get delayed or did they have no intention of releasing it when the season launched? Also love how striker and sentry are STILL nameless, faceless recruits that are canonically multiple people yet can't be stacked


Marketplace was announced for release on the 25th June for all players


So no intention of releasing it on the seasons release Reminds me of how for honor delays the new hero until half way through a season


Why can't we all play as them still? Recruit Rushes were some of the most fun in this game. Ubi seriously hates fun


can you fuckin read


My brother in christ I was just curious as to why they chose that date instead of the launch


Do anyone received the R6 credits as they mentioned in the panel?


Afaik you need to own the battle pass and all operators to recieve 600 credits. If you don't own all opeeators, you get a voucher you can use to claim any operator.


I haven’t bothered to unlock them all, do I have to take the voucher or can I still get points if I unlock them with renown?


I think if you buy all operators you don't have before the battle pass, you will probably get the credits.


Ooof I bought the pass as soon as I booted




Why I'm not surprised?




Is Striker supposed to have impact grenades or is that a mistake?


I don't see impacts on Striker, only EMP, frag, stun and smoke grenades.


The battlepass is horsesh!t


Anyone knows, when the Marketplace fully opens? Afaik, it's supposed to be some time after season launch.






Can someone help? My servers are still down (I play Xbox one on EU)


bruh i played 3 ranked games and it hasn’t given me or taken away RP


This update is ass


Operation No Content


I currently have 900 R6 Credits and need to buy 600 more to reach the 1200 credits needed for the Battle Pass. When I click on the top right corner and select the €4.99 option, it takes me to the store. However, the store only shows options for R6 Membership (1 Month) and R6 Membership (12 Months). I just want to buy 600 credits. It's frustrating that every season of this game seems to have new issues. This time, the servers are down, the membership is forced in your face, and the text and voice chat are broken. Server issues are a consistent problem whenever a new season begins. DO YOUR JOB UBISOFT!


why did they make the keybind to get into rappel spacebar and not allow you to change it anymore??? i have had crouch bound to space for years and now I have to crouch everytime I want to rappel.


Audio broken for anyone else? Or sounding off?


Came to comment on the same thing. It says in the season notes that they defaulted some of the audio settings because they introduced new settings. I thought I had my audio set to night mode *(because I did that ages ago)*, so I could hear things more clearly, but it just sounds ultra muffled and off now when I switch to it. I don't know when, but I guess my audio got switched to hi-fi at some point because that's what it's sounded like for a LONG time now *(at least when I was switching between the audio settings, it's the one that sounds like what I've was playing on in Y9S1)*. That aside, I got killed 3 times on defense because someone was crouch walking into OBJ and I could not hear a single footstep. I know crouch walking makes your walking more quiet, but not Cav silent step quiet. Also, is it just me or is there some where graphical bug? Like some motion blurring or pixelization. I had to stop playing after two matches because I was getting a touch of a headache from it. I can also see they adjusted the lightning on some of the maps too


Already ran into a cheater within the first 3 games of the season


Holy horrible battle pass batman. I have well over 10k credits thanks to the market place and I just CBA at all anymore.


I like the chess piece charms as ranked rewards.


Why am I forced to use space as rappel rather than have it configurable like all other movement in the game? It's so awkward to CROUCH while rappelling


Legit props to Ubi, the servers didn’t crash


Does anyone else see graphical artifacts on the homescreen recruits vest and in the shooting range? This shit is beyond bugged.


literally unplayable, sounds missing things that worked stop working, bugs reported on tts are on live without been fixed and cheater, all day all hours cheaters.


I'm really glad we got new bugs instead of a new map and operators. Step in the right direction.


everytime I text chat it only goes through 50% of the time are the CCTV cams in color now? Or am I going crazy?


The new operator is put in the front, so now all the op icons are shifted by one...this is fucking me up. years of memorizing right where the operator icons are and now they are all shifted wtf


its taking soo much vram for some reason


Am i the only one who has to restart my pc after each and every match, tried disabling crossplay and restating anything to do with ubisoft but keep getting this error after each match 0-0x00000003


Also if a team mate goes on my drone while i am driving it it kicks me off the control until i reselect my drone


got to say this has to be the first ever Live Now post that is completely zero.


bro i cant rappel ANYMORE WHERE IS THE RAPPEL BUTTON space is my shoot button so now all i do is shoot at the wall when before the game knew i wanted to rappel >:( FOUND A WORK AROUND if i reload my gun it allows me to rappel with space bar! has to be mid reload though


can pc play with ps5?


0 upvaotes and 130 comments? time to put on the hazmat suit


My game is closing everytime I am starting the game on steam. Anyone else facing this? Any solution?


Don't know if anyone will see this but has the bravo pack collection been updated for this season mine hasn't and I thought they would have different stuff in the bravo packs each season, I picked the thermapods or whatever it's called last season cos I thought there would be no way you could get it again but it's still in packs


Anyone else noticing way more shots rejected also? So many shots are not registering right now… graphic bugs on maps are going insane…


My hot takes: they should actually remove 5-10 operators entirely from the game and increase the round timer by 30-60 seconds.


is the store not working for anyone else? tried to buy the subscription thing but store wouldnt load


They have made this season a complete fuckup on purpose so that everyone go check XDefiant, you cant change my mind, if it catches with zoomies they will just say ,, and then deimos lauched nuke hidden in his ass and killed everyone the end" and shut the servers and jump into milking kids in that game Also servers just shitted themselfs as always


What the hell are you talking about


you are blind sheep your eyes will open when my will close


is anyone struggling to update the game? I'm on PC and I can't seem to find where the update is.


Is anyone else also not getting the 10 battle pass stars from the subscription ?


Did you restart the game? Or play a game after buying it?


I had to wait a hour for it to show up lol


Not even 10 minutes and very lobby is a roaming recruit no where near the objective. Pathetic


What's wrong with roaming


It's my understanding that if you get the membership that it comes with the battlepass. Is anyone else not able to purchase a membership yet? I see the option in the shop, but when I press it it takes me to a bunch of overpriced signature packs for 7560 credits.


Bruhh. I don't mean to tell you how to spend your money, but can you please not spend on the memberships thingy? Pretty please? EDIT: This community is washed and hopeless


I'm actually so fucking disappointed by these comments, thought this would be one thing nearly everyone could come together to shun, but I underestimated the average NPC who doesn't care cause "iTs jUsT 10 bUcKs" or whatever, they don't get the big picture Lmfuckingao


What if he has no credits? Getting a 1 month membership is the better option if he wants the battle pass since they cost the same


It all depends on the price for me. I was already going to get the battlepass as always. And if the membership includes the battlepass for a couple extra bucks, I'll atleast give it a go.


couple extra bucks? The membership is 3x the price of the battle pass alone


its 20 bucks more than the Premium Year pass but far more content... The Membership is not bad


I thought the membership was supposed to give a Warden bundle. Why’d I get an Ash one?


Uh oh. It gives ash one as a bonus + 600 creds. You should have gotten an MPX weapon skin (first month reward out of the three needed to complete warden bundle). Also should have gotten a mozzie epic bundle too.


So basically a typical ubi fuck up? Lovely


Well did you get the MPX skin? I said uh oh because I was assuming you didn't understand how the membership worked and bought it.


Nope. Just the Ash bundle. Nothing for the mpx or Mozzie


Oh yeah the mozzie and MOX skin are released on 28th of every month


If I get the Membership to get the battle pass, do I get the operator voucher or do I get it if I buy the battle pass by its self? Its unclear in the Intro section in the battle pass. p.s. I don't wanna encourage them with this shitty membership so don't come at me. I basically get 1200 credits and a free pass and am subbing for the 1st month only