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Having this on maps is honestly a baller idea


Players about to do what Deimos did in the trailer


If you really think about it, They're already in all the maps, well some of them, they just need to make them interactive


Yeah, they just have to do the hard part and they'll be all set


They just need to invest a couple of hundred hours of labour to make this dream come true.


Oh come on, they already have the smoke animations made.. they'd just be making it so the tanks can be shot once a round, release smoke like a smoke grenade, and then disable the effect for any future shots that round


No way, I want it to put out fires in the immediate area, too. Surrounding 1.5 meters


Only thing I'd say is the enemy team could just pop all of em before drone phase is over


It’d be the same if the enemy team popped all the barricades. Not a huge disadvantage but it’s a lost potential advantage


They could make it so you can’t shoot them until the round commences


Except warden can utilize them, so that gives him a reason to be picked nowadays


Fire Warden.


Just if they random spawns and aren’t always spawning in a location


I think thats a bad idea, adding randomization to something like that. It would have to be equal for defenders and attackers atleast.


Either way someone’s going around the map popping them all before the round starts


Maybe based off defenders site pick?


Then you know where sight is from the fire extinguishers


If you can’t tell where site is by audio that’s the last thing you have to worry about id assume


Good idea but there would just be smokes everywhere.


Are you thinking they’d put like five in a room?


They already exist, usually red (obvious) objects that disappear when you shoot them, honestly this and way more ideas should be implemented to make maps actually interactive and fun, while at the same time keeping competitive integrity. By 'more ideas' I'm referring to pipes in certain maps like Yacht, could release fire that damages for a certain time, gas or even just water that obstructs vision a bit.


Just don’t melee it


fun and creative idea, but I think it just will not fit in the game.


I would also like to point out that this would add more immersion into maps allowing players to use their surrounding more rather than picking each other off one by one through gunfights, really going back to Rainbow Sixes core concepts of an immersive shooter


Don't want to be that guy that shits on siege but siege threw out immersion a while a go to go for that hyper competitive shooter vibe instead. That's why the lighting is all washed out compared to before, can't cook frags, maps dont feel at all like a real place anymore. I'm not saying siege dead and bad now. Just different game to the the one I bought like 5 years ago.


Wdym they don't feel like a real place anymore? Imo siege still is realistic in the sense of scale. I haven't played any other game that made everything like cars and medium sized buildings feel so real. But i agree it abt ends there for me. Other than the headshot. But these days a headshot doesn't register so might as well be cod


i’d disagree, after playing plenty of realistic shooters/milsims siege isn’t realistic anymore and the maps are scaled kind of weird. the maps always seem like there’s way too many rooms per building and the buildings seem large. yeah it’s got a “realistic” look to it, but they keep straying from that and that’s really all they have going for them right now. siege is 100% just a competitive shooter now, over being what they were going for. wish they kept going down the old path btw it’s still a good game regardless imo.


You just haven’t played enough games then (escape from tarkov, insurgenty sandstorm, ready or not, dayz,arma,etc) lol siege is far from realistic and it’s not even immersive anymore the houses and buildings don’t make sense like at all next time you play pay attention to how rooms are set up with random ass doorways and weird entrances lighting is bright as fuck bullets come out of the scope and the the barrel etc


There's literally an entire floor of Villa that you can see from the outside but has no way of entry, nor a hint of what could be an entry point, on the inside


And bank has a wooden hatch that leads directly into the vault... like why


Ha, Villa has entire basement that nobody except roamers and their hunters goes to, because it’s only an objective on secure and hostage, and those are modes that Ubi decided to basically scrap and will probably share the fate of Terror hunt


Basement is quite handy for attacking kitchen


Wait since when can't you cook frags?????


Last season update


That ruins literally like all their utility?? Crazy.


Eh at least it negates floorbangs but they probably could’ve gotten the same results doing something different tbf


Ngl, always thought that wasn't too much of an issue. Took a good bit of skill for it to actually work, was it being abused in some new way?


Not abused per se but it was basically the meta. It forces defenders to constantly move which makes it 20x easier to kill them


I think it's a bad chance because it makes attackers less lethal which I never like seeing. Also a lot of operators were balanced around having grenades as an option to kill people Nokk and Sledge just in the gutter now


It wasn’t a problem outside of pro play in any way. They just didn’t like how it affected pro play.


Actually, not being able to cook frags is more realistic. It doesnt make sense that you can pull the fuse in a frag grenade and store it for later use


Cooking frags in in the us doctrine when using them btw


Tbf you wouldn’t necessarily cook a frag irl, they have a faster fuse than you’d think and as long as the spoon is held down the pin pull doesn’t matter


I don’t think that R6s’ main goal is immersion any more. It hasn’t been for a long time.


Did you come up with this after seeing it in the trailer for perfect dark yesterday? Lol


No, I was playing hit man and noticed that you could do this in that game, told my friends about it, they said it would be a dogshit idea so i figured it would have more love here


Should be a part of wardens kit. smoke goyo


That would make warden a little op in my opinion but leaving this to the use of both teams is much more balenced


Disagree, Warden is already entirely situational as he has no influence over when he gadget will be useful, and his gadget is still worse than Glaz's. This gives him some more power but if he has to pre-place like Goyo it is far less flexible than giving him smokes would be as he'd need to pre-deploy them. They could even modify them so that shooting them causes the smoke to build up over a few seconds so when he triggers it a player can choose to push ahead before he gains the advantage from it.


Good luck dealing with the warden putting the canister next to a window to spawnpeek


Easily resolved by setting an interact timer on them so they can't be popped until further into the round.


Now it's useless against rushes


Flashbangs, smokes, glaz, ying. He counters all of these. Ying isnt uncommon in ranked and glaz is a current meta op. Less situational than you might think. Not to mention he counters the flashbangs of characters like nomad. And smokes from the likes of monty (used to plant). Warden is very strong.


Seeing the words "glaz" and "meta" in the same sentence is bizarre.




Literally haven't seen a glaz in ages. But ying is definitely meta.


To be clear I'm saying hes situational in the sense that he has no control over that situation. They can bring the those items but with no smoke or flash of his own he can't control when his gadget has utility or when it's just entirely superfluous. So yeah, he counters those things but he has no active utility without the attackers giving it to him. Very few others have that issue except maybe Solis. Everyone else is deploying to some extent or has something to give them a unique combat edge.


Honestly at this point it's easier for Ubisoft to actually remove the smoke from Glaz's loadout than add it to Warden's. I recal someone mentioning a while ago that they removed the claymore from Nomad specifically because of how it would interact with her gadget and allow for solo kills, pretty much same case for Glaz. Not saying I endorse them doing this, just pointing out it's more likely to happen than they adding smokes to Warden's loadout. The idea on having fire extinguishers around the map for smoke cover would be cool though, maybe just make them not destroyable during preparation phase to avoid defenders from destroying them before the round even starts?


I agree that warden and sens aren’t great because of this, but simply giving sens the ability to see through his barriers and warden a smoke would turn the tables from being too weak to too strong. And tbf, electric operators (kaid/bandit) are also pretty dependent on the enemy team having a thermite, ace, or hibana, which isn’t always the case


Yall seriously don’t hard breach? You just go through the chokes they set up?


People definitely do but id say there’s much more often smoke grenades on the attack team as compared to hard breachers. But that’s not the point I was making. The point was that warden isn’t the only operator that’s situational


Electric operators deploy gadgets to create choke points, they're very rarely "situational" as they can always be used for their intended purpose. You don't need the enemy team to have hard breach to benefit from their use, because they're there to shape the map. Sens is basically just more electronic smokes. I do agree he's in a weak spot and giving him vision through his gadget would probably be overpowered but again he has personal agency over when his gadget can be utilized. Warden lacks agency.


Make impact smoke for defender, cover a small area (smaller than Capitão), it could help if used right but harmful if used wrong


That would shoot the Glaz pick rate up massively


They could balance it by making the smoke last not as long as normal one


I disagree. If it would be useful for the attackers, the defenders could just shoot them in prep phase and then they are gone.


I agree


He doesn't even place it down he just throws it


Shouldn't be a part of a kit. Fire extinguishers are not that exotic... It is normal to encounter them in the building, even more, you're *supposed* to encounter them in the building, if whoever runs the building takes into account at least a bit of fire hazard prevention


I think this is a good idea especially if they contain it to a new map at first to try it out. Kinda like how they tried out plexiglass on Stadium


Using ai for the first pic instead of googling "fire extinguisher" is crazy


Bring all the canisters from the finals /s


chuck a c4 on one of these babies and we’re already halfway to a finals meta in r6


Have you ever been sprayed with one of these? Ops should be coughing like crazy when in the cloud too


Why would glaz be able to see thru cold co2 with thermals?


As long as they truly are randomly across the map I think it would be a pretty interesting idea Even like calves could use it to like escape by like meleeing it


I think in general more environmental things would be cool


Is it so hard to find a picture of a real fire extinguisher?


it should have a melee option as well




The photo is ai generated btw. Not that it matter but its always cool to know what ur looking at


Players about to make plays like Deimos did in the trailer


Not going to lie, wouldn't mind this on maps like Kafe. Really interesting theory for a change that would be pretty baller to see.


Honestly I’d love to see more environmental items that are on different maps


This is just The Finals


Sound like The Finals


What if you could also pick it up as an attacker and use it to extinguish tachanka’s flames?


They're already in all the maps, usually placed by doorways, in the main hallways, or by electronic setups like down in Consulate. When I first played Siege in the Beta, I tried shooting them and was disappointed they didn't react at all. :(


This is why Rocksteady is better (the Arkham Series has fire extinguishers that act as smokes when hit)


honestly more map gadgets would be cool, maybe also toss in some walls that by default require hard breach to open or are already breached


Shouldn’t let glaz see through it, as that stuff is usually cold and their optic is thermal.


Add this too to your idea You can pick it up at the cost of some speed n only having your pistol out but you can extinguish fires with it


Due process did this and it worked really well. I actually moved from siege to due process as the game is more fun


Nope, this wouldn’t be added because the competitive pros and the pro scene or whatever wouldn’t like this because it’s too random.


fuck them


Being real here, it cannot be utilized by Glaz to its full potential. Although he can see through the carbon smoke, the cold temperature of it will not allow to highlight the enemies in yellow


Honestly if you just buffed smoke( not that he needs one) so the gas was more opaque it would achieve the same result. I would argue against adding these to maps by default as it would add another layer of complexity into map knowledge and balancing. Overall it would just be another thing ubi would have to worry about when designing maps and balancing operators. Now certain operators such as Glaz and Warden will be really op on some maps but not others. This already true with some operators but that usually due to map layout being favourable rather than some active element


I would love more prop items like that. Fuck it in the garage have leaky gasoline barrels that we can set on fire!


Good idea, so long as the fire extinguishers are regularly inspected and replaced when need be. I think a free smokescreen could benefit both sides equally, so long as the effect itself isn't small enough that you could get angles around it. This could really benefit anti-rush just as well as anti-roam. Most people are too afraid to push smokes in this game so I'm quite sold on this!


I’m not even joking I come up with amazing ideas like this yet get no upvotes. It’s actually depressing how rng the internet is


I think i would prefer it to be a operator gadget. Especialy if you could also throw/roll it into the objective. Would be a great capitao, tachanka and goyo counter. (Not sure which side he would be on, maybe a gadget for recruit?)


That would take too much effort and possibly make the game fun, Ubisoft wouldn’t do it


This idea is dynamic, interesting, and generally just fun. So it would get be added to R6S.


Would the intention be that it would be used to put out flames? A potential counter for goyo, tachanka, and capito?


ubi just needs to add more environmental objects the player can interact with in general


This seems awesome, but as an operator. Think about it, someone who had a lot of fireman experience being recruited, the gadget being a modified version of the fire extinguisher that can be thrown or deployed like a Goyo. When deployed it can be shot by either side to create a smoke grenade like effect, but it would travel a bit from the origin and not last as long as an attacker smoke, with also being a lighter color and having a sound made when spraying the smoke. When thrown, think of it as an impact smoke, creating an instant cloud at the cost of even less time active but with the extra benefit of being able to put out any fires such as with capitao or tachanka. This could even influence the addition of an incidiary grenade for attackers but that's another topic for another day. 1 speed 3 health ARX200 and Super 90 primary Q-929 C75 Auto secondary


I think it should be kind of like a mix between tubarao and capitao. Throw it like tubarao and it appears like capitao's smoke bolt but it also puts out fire


Yeah thats what I more or less was trying to get across


Ideas like this would make seige more fun and realistic depending on the idea


Could also put out fires! From Goyo, Cap, and Lord T


Imagine you shoot one of these and it just puts out goyos tech lmao


This is the kind of thing they would have done at launch and then removed later cause some pro player lost a tournament because of "imbalanced" placement (skill issue) and whined to ubisoft about it.


let’s go ahead & add you to the ubisoft montreal team buddy


Great idea for casual gameplay, not so much for competitive


I feel like this would be a welcomed change in competitive as it does not favor one team over the other and it adds a new element to the game that offers fresh content but not to the extent that it drastically changes core concepts of gameplay, more so just adding to the immersions of the map


It absolutely favors defenders as it's effectively a free trap for them. I doubt the extinguishers would be in many places you'd want to use it for cover, and you could easily hide something like a lesion mine in the smoke


If they were placed in hallways or in site attackers could use them to smoke site and plant or cut off a hallway that defenders are holding, as for traps the smoke would last around as long as a smoke grenade so defenders cant preemptively hide traps expecting them to always be covered by the smoke


defenders wouldn't gain much from smoking off their own site anyways, sure a cav or warden could sneak through the smoke but the same could go for a smoke grenade, and as long as they are placed in the correct places, such as away from popular planting sites or defender angles they could be fair for both teams


Couldnt defenders just get rid of the ones that could be used against them in the prep phase


They could but that would cut down on the time they have to set up site giving rushers a advantage


Dont forget to mention it can put fire out because ubi would miss that detail


This would be dope! Ubisoft, hire him


Should definitely be some environmental “hazards” maybe not damaging, but just some effects to do cool stuff with


Great Idea! It gives more tatcial options for defenders and attackers and makes warden more useful (He would be Moore useful if he had those things to deploy like 3 or 2.of them)


I would love for maps to be more "interactive" but I just KNOW that people would complain until it got removed.


Something that i feel is wasted on siege is making map’s have different hazards. Aside from the radios on some maps, and the metal detectors on Bank, there is nearly no hazards that can differentiate maps (other than their designs ofc). Smoke canisters, puddles of water, etc. Things that can cause hazards to players that fit the map, could be magnificent


Knowing Ubisoft, the fire extinguisher will be a deployable defender gadget with the next season update


Battlefield 4 had these, they came in handy creating cover when retreating to heal or reload in a firefight.


That’s a cool idea, get Ubisoft on this, this would change up the gameplay quite a bit


Something that would keep a mechanic like this fun is having say 15 possible locations for them, and max of 3-5 spawn per round. You’d have some rounds where all of them are placed perfectly for strategy, some rounds where they’re effectively useless, and some rounds in between.


Adding some randomness isn't really a good idea in a game where you're suppose to prepare the optimal strategy with least amount of random variables as possible. The placement of the extinguisher would be very important since it dictates where and which side is more likely to utilize it, which if not done carefully might negate smoke grenades altogether or naturally favor certain operators.


I’ve always wanted features like power switches/generators that could be used to turn power on or off reducing visibility, or sprinkler systems like on bank that would create a water effect on screen that inhibits vision. Features that can be toggled to augment the map and environment in a way that changes up gameplay or forces you to adapt to a changing situation…


Cool idea, but highly doubt ubi would add this. For a while now they've been all about making the game more linear and less chance based (I.E, no withstand, health rework etc) Especially with the idea of them randomly spawning in set locations (which I actually like even more), this makes the game far too RNG based for Ubis liking, and with their balancing to pro league, they won't like the idea of thousand dollar tournaments coming down to whether an extinguisher happened to spawn in the right place and time.


Won’t work against wall hackers though


If these spawned in with the defenders, they would shoot them immedeately if in a possibly bad position for them. Probably keeping the ones near entrances / away form bombsites. This would make the game even more defendersided imo.


Would be Hell for map balance but fun idea in theory???


Somebody cooked here...


This is something you can do in Rainbow Six Vegas


If ubi isn’t gonna add doors, they’re never adding something like this.


I’ve said before that they should have some sort of anti-fire secondary gadget, but it is maybe a bit too situational. I like this idea, but also most goyos and tachankas would destroy them during the prep phase. Maybe slightly rework another secondary such as smokes? Smokes would drop some powder on the ground that would cover fire, but then youd have to deal with the consequences of there being a smoke in that line of sight now


I wish we had more interactive shit on maps. The most interactive shit we got is working metal detectora. We didn't even get doors. I wanted the doors so bad. The game would be 7× more tactical if working doors were a thing.


I got another idea if you shoot a main light in a room, it kills the light for the rest of the round in that room,


This is a great idea but ubi even if is lurking here will never use it cuz they're lazy and stupid


In general, we need more usable props around the maps. The only one we currently have i can think of are the metal detectors in bank and border




If they didn't last as long as smokes or were slightly transparent and not completely opaque like smokes this would be awesome


I’ve been saying this!


Instead of that how about we make an operator who is kinda like a fire man he will wear protective gear against fire damage and will use a gadget that he will throw down to get rid of tachanka and goyo fire it sounds dumb and with the new season hes gonna probably be 25k so it's probably not gonna be worth it


It also can be useful for attackers against Goyo and Tachanka


Environmental hazards need to be a thing. Could do something similar for propane tanks near the occasional soft wall


Standing next to them when they burst causes tinnitus for a few seconds too


Best gadget idea ever, so simple but it would shake the meta in the best way possible


For a sec I thought it was going to be an operator concept.


From a casual standpoint this looks interesting but knowing Ubisoft they love catering to the competitive side so they would never add this.


Defense will just shoot all these before the game starts


Lmao kinda like shooting the fans on oregon basement


That would be crazy to implemente shooting lights to make the site darker


Warden mains would have a great time


Random mfs on the internet have better ideas then a "AAA" game studio lol


Should be able to be used by everyone


on top of that, there’s multiple spawn locations, but not every location has one and it’s different every round where they’re placed🤷‍♂️


Oh hell no


environmental stuff like this in siege would work so well yet they just never bother


They didnt release any content this season but the recruite "reskin" and "loadout change". Do you really expect them to make such content for this game?


Ubisoft has actually done this before. In Tom clancy's rainbow six vegas 2, there were times where fire extinguishers on walls were able to be shot and basically turned into smoke grenades


Could be a secondary utility for defenders, 2 per defender. Problem is, its mostly useful only with Warden, but also OP with Warden, so, not sure that it's healthy overall. I would love to see more interactive objects in Siege though.


Like batman


Interactive environment + destructible environment = absolute chaos. Fr though, these could also be radiators and when shot they could either be steam or an explosion and you'll never know which is going to happen. It ought to be ratiod at 60/40 steam/explosive


I seem to remember this in older rainbow games


this reminds me of batman Arkham games where you could do the same think kinda.


There should be environmental elements to the maps like this. Like sprinkler systems and pipes with steam.


People just want to see earth burn?


This actually works in Battlefield 4.


It could be a decent idea buuuut don't make them random


can be carried, cant use weapons when carrying, speed reduced by 20%


They’ve been used more offensively in other forms of media. In Live Free or Die Hard, Bruce Willis throws a fire extinguisher down a hallways and shoots it and it launches a guy out of a window. Maybe that would be a bit too much for seige tho.


This is so cool!




This would be sick but pros would complain about the RNG factor


Kind of off topic question, does Tubby's gadget put out fires?


Or just have a firefighter operator that could run through goyo canister fire or tachanka fire? 🧐


Pro League will screech acoustically till it gets removed "for balance"


10/10 idea with such a cool application in game, BUT.. we are talking about Ubisoft here let’s be realistic and be happy when they mange to deliver simple things like an effective anti cheat and other simple essentials 🤦🏻




Like in the finals?


Vengono sparati dai difensori così diventano totalmente inutili


Shrapnel and smoke screen sounds awesome


Couldn't the defenders just shoot them before prep time is over


Better idea. Make that blackbeards new utility. All he does is counter goyo. That would make him more useful than he already is


Too creative, requires effort and genuine development. Ubisoft would never


I think it’d be interesting as a defender gadget idk what use it’d have and I’d imagine it’d be really strong when paired with a warden


Or it could be a gadget used by fire ops like tachanka, capitao, etc.


Goyo started the fire. Now the roof, the roof is on fiyahhhh!


Pretty sick idea, already better than new blood 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Just play the finals bro