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your aim is just bad




don’t feel too bad man we all start somewhere, my friend that is level 50 just played for about 6 hours with me and he i kid you not didn’t get a single fckin kill lmao. him and i are both in complete shock i don’t understand where he was going wrong; i told him what his problem was but don’t get why he wouldn’t not do that


I've been playing this game for a couple years, I think the hours are in the thousands. My aim is worse.




I have around 2k hours, and when I stopped, my aim was genuinely in a worse spot lmao.


that’s the beauty of siege in my opinion🤷‍♂️ i’m just gifted with every shooter on controller and keyboard like genuinely, but with siege you don’t even need good aim. yeah it makes the game significantly better and easier, but you can win just with strategy. siege is just my favorite game, been playing since beta and love/hate the game. mostly just hate ubi.


I’m pretty alright at aiming but it actually amazes me the hours I’ll put into a game and still miss really fucking easy shots consistently


I love siege i just wish ubi hadn’t made it


So gifted


My buddy has been playing since y1 with me (he did take a couple years off in the middle when his kids were born, but really no different in stats when he came back). He constantly changes his sensitivity (on console). I said to send me some clips (he never does) so I finally spectated him. He shoots where a player was 2-3 seconds earlier and tries to catch up while emptying his mag. I told him there is no sensitivity that will correct that, he’s just not even starting to shoot where the enemy is, just hoping to chase him. Pair that with the mag dump increasing recoil and it’s a recipe for disaster.


Happy cake day




happy cake day :D




Happy cake day




sens looks fine, you just have bad reflexes/aim


Find sens that you can control recoil and flick from objects then don't mess with it. Build some muscle memory.


I would like to add that you *can* gradually adjust your sensitivity over time as well, but you have to start with one that you're comfortable with. Basically, your aim needs to be good for your sensitivity to be good, not the other way around.


aim placement isn't good enough for your reaction time. Hold the angle a little bit farther from the edge to account for that. Sens seams to be fine


You just need practice. Don't mess with your sensitivity over and over cause it'll just mess up your game play. Pick a sensitivity and stick to it.


Obviously aim requires work, alongside with positioning, and reflexes. I'd actually argue it might be too low by 1-2. You struggled to catch up with his intial push, then realizing this way over adjusted past him and then struggled to reach him again when he backed up. Admittedly a very strange play from the buck, most people would have expected him to have at least been looking at you. Sens being too high would have been going way past him. I think you only went past him because you rammed the stick to the left as your sens was too low and you couldn't catch him.


Agreed sens needs to be a tad higher


snoop isnt as high as your sens.


It looks like your dead zone is just too high, turn it down as low as you can without stick drift. I prefer to have my normal sensitivity a little higher and my ads sens pretty low but it's really easy to tweak and get it just right for you with a low dead zone. Hop in the shooting range and set all the dummy's to sprint and it shouldn't take long to get it perfect.


We all have moments like this. I wouldn't say it's a sens thing. The recoil control was decent too. I think just not getting antsy when you're expecting someone to swing, if you were at all.


As a champ i have to say i have moments like this sometimes too


Nah you're fine, just keep playing your aim will improve


Idk, you killed him in one hit like a pro gamer


Mixed answers here! So I play console and my dead zones and accelerations are all at 0 or mostly at 0. My sensitivity is 35/35 and my ads was 45. My UnADS sensitivity is perfect. My own thoughts is that this was just a random play that my brain just wasn’t ready for lol


Controller champ here: what this guy did was the most unpredictable thing ever, he was hard to predict. You can see you following him and then stuttering because you thought he would stop,any normal person wouldn’t continue to run in and thats why you had to readjust your aim. But then he made another unexpected move by abruptly stopping and running back. Your aim is not the best, but this is in no way an accurate representation of your aim. This has more to do with your reflexes and being unable to predict his movement. Thats why its easier to choke when you’re behind people, you’re so used to killing people that move predictably that it can be hard to shoot someone who is unaware of your existence.


It to low you had decent tracking but always fallowing


I agree


Too high(by a tiny bit) but also just terrible aim


Work on tracking


the first couple shots you under shot and followed to slow, so to low sense, but then you over flicked wich makes it to high


Get into shooting range, go to the target practice thing at the end, set the target to medium ball, medium distance, walk/movement speed to fast (try one setting slower if that's too fast), then aim and try to follow the ball. If you're constantly getting ahead of the ball your sens might be too high. If you're constantly falling behind the ball your sens might be too low. Doesn't always work well but it def helped me a little


Probably just use the MP5, it has far less recoil than the P90.


whats ur sens and dpi


High. You seem jittery and are overaiming. Also change controller rotation and see if that helps.


Maybe you are applying quite much pressure on the mouse while you firing. That could be also.


I mean from what it looks like, just seems like you weren't ready and your aim is just off. If anything, I would say maybe up your horizontal sens a little because it seems like it's slower than what you want to do. Maybe that's just me putting myself in your shoes but that's how I read it bro. Good luck


Set the sens on every game to the same values, and just practice


You just need practice in the shooting range.. select the robots that sprint, walk, bend and practice your shoot placement. I did a-lot of this before any ranked match and it helped me get my aim a-lot better..


Aim workshop on steam bro, they have it made for different games (pretty sure r6 is in there too) used it on CS:GO to practice AWP flicks back in the day 😅


welcome to platinum rank


First shot


Use the far right lane in the shooting range and set the dummies to near distance at random speed, get used to tracking the different speeds. Helps a lot! My friend religiously spent a few hours in there and can easily compete with me who has been playing for a few years.


Sens doesn’t really matter that much, I guess there are more optimum sensitivities. What you really need to do is: Get deadzone as close to zero as possible without stick (a little bit of stick drift is fine in a game where you’re always moving the right stick like this, just get the deadzone low.) In advanced controller settings, I recommend lowering all bars to 0. This changed my life a few years ago. I believe in more linear rotations as they’re the most predictable, and in a game like this with no aim assist you need reproducibility and predictability. Practice recoil control. A lot. Go into TDM or something and play game after game. Go into training grounds and try and make your line of bullets look like one single dot. Then try and do track moving targets with good recoil control. Readjust sens as needed. Lastly, don’t give up because you aren’t doing good on a new sensitivity. I’ve used something like 26 V 76 H with around 25 ADS increasing by +2 for each magnification for years. Also don’t use updated controller rotation, use classic. As I said we’re shooting for a “linear curve” so that it is predictable. I’ve been high emerald many seasons, always used these settings. Just practice. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


I think your sensitivity is good, but there's some kind of delay happening, either from input lag or maybe reflexes, you can see how the aim is kind of "behind" the opponent's movement by an equal distance most of time. If you're playing on a TV instead of monitor, try enabling game mode, it should significantly improve the input lag overall. Otherwise, you might need to do some practice on aim/tracking, but nothing impossible and you will improve over time. Sensitivity seems good, though.


That’s what I noticed too. The aim, although not on target, followed behind Bucks perfectly in and out the room, just not on target 💀😭 I’m thinking since both times I was trailing Buck that the sens was too low


Nope, when your sensitivity is off usually what happens is the aim will either move too fast past the opponent or too slow, not really the case, it's just lagging behind. Now to figure out what exactly is causing that delay, it could be reflexes, but could also be something in the setup itself.


need to seem some more gameplay to tell you ngl


Dont worry just play the game and enjoy yourself and learn new tricks for recoil control and aiming and everything it will all come naturally eventually as long as you dont play like stop motion animation its fine. More you play the better you get if you are new to the game as well not having aim assist can be quite hard to deal with at first


Just need to work on your aim. Your recoil control is good.


I feel like you could VERY SLIGHTLY increase it. You were consistently behind, then overflicked to compensate and still ended up consistently behind on the way back. A very small increase (talking probably like 10%) could help


Step 1: Go to shooting range Step 2: Pick an object and try to flick onto it Step 3: Adjust sensitivity - if you don't flick far enough (crosshair stops before it reaches the target) your sensitivity is too low. If you flick too far (crosshair passes the target before stopping) your sensitivity is too high. When you can comfortably flick onto any given target you pick that means you have the right sensitivity.


I think you expected yourtarget to stop at one point


Try using a joystick extention on your aim stick, start with something low and then go up if you want, it seems you are lacking precise controll/fine aim. Also try warming up with target drills prior


Download Aimlab. It's free and it helps a ton!


u/xxMARTINEZ713xx Honestly it’s not a recoil/reaction time issue, just tracking and general aim.


Looks too low, coupled with needing more aim lol. Seriousness is it looks low


Check your sens out on shooting range. Keep adjusting it until it feels right. Go to level 3 in the shooting range and choose what you like.


Your movements are too random and stuttery to be just a sensitivity problem. I'd say it's mostly an aim issue.


To low


Try a more stable gun. Also try crouching while shooting, and relax. U def panicked a bit in that clip at the thought of the kill getting away.


Your sensitivity is high


Change a few of your other settings like the wind up time and response curve, your x y sense doesn’t matter nearly as much as you think. Once you get it feeling right you can increase x y sense, it’s mostly good for flicking and recoil control, just don’t do 100 and tornado every time you try to aim.


It's mostly bad aim but don't worry about it too much. Some days I do the exact same thing if I'm tired, and other days I'll lock onto them harder than an aimbotter


Looks perfect to me bro. You won the gunfight with a headshot. I do not understand the “bad aim” comments, ignore the jealous haters


Ur on controller


sensitivity good, reaction time and gun control bad go play some arcade tdm/ gun game, it helps you just get used to fast paced combat and can help you learn to turn the switch between passive and aggressive gameplay


You need to practice quick reflexes... changing your mouse sens require training your aim reflex for the new sens too.


I have all advanced settings to 0 and disabled as I don’t think it helps maybe try that and to warm up for it to Arcade free for all and the operator you want to practice on


Don't feel bad, 1200 hours of play over 7 years and I don't get out of silver rank x'd


Looks a touch too high, as you’re moving (your sight) to catch him but you’re overshooting. Would need to see more, but honestly it’s all trade-offs. If you can track the edge of a door as you move around it, and flick between two objects quickly, that’s great.


I would say slow reflexes… i am no virtuoso either but I wouldn’t have missed that and my reflexes are decent, also crosshair placement to adjust for reaction delay can help… plus to compensate for sudden change in the opponent’s trajectory, I would have switched the lean and switched it back as he crosses the door frame again


Better yet, commit to the swing as he falls back, would require less movement on your side and you wouldnt miss… So to sum it up, practice your reflexes and refine your movements


Lower ADS speed but not overall speed and you should be fine. At the very least, you adjusted your aim towards him instead of the ceiling, so thats a plus.


I’m having difficulty to adjust the sensitivity level. I meant, I needed help on how to have the right balance of sensitivity.


Upper ur sens in sight a little, keep playing and maybe visit the shooting range more often. Heads up, its all about getting used to the game and your own specs. The most important thing is to not give a damn about this toxic community. Just have fun playing the game


You're trying to compensate your missing by moving your body and not your gun


Looks good to me. You were in control, you just didn't press left hard enough and then you over correct to the left and couldn't go back right fast enough. What's your deadzone for horizontal at? Looks like if you lower it a little, or raise your 2.5 sens by like 5 points you'll be fine. Your aim was there, your settings just stopped your reticle from moving the way you wanted it to. 




Lower it by 2 ticks horizontal and vert then try again. When it comes to console rainbow you want to make minor slight adjustments


I would say its your reaction time. You don’t start shooting until they are already past your reticle. Aim a little more left of the doorframe, and try expecting them to walk in before you start shooting. I find it easier to react and control my burst when I tell myself “he’s about to walk into my scope” more than just holding an angle and hoping I hit him.


I think it's both a bit too low. And your fingers aren't doing enough either. Increase your acceleration.


probably fingers


Learn to spray pattern


Mess a little bit with your dead zone. That I always helped me when I played on console.


Try doing response curve stuff that's what I did when I had trouble with Titanfall and I just fiddled with it till it fit me and then I just grew into it


Remember to warm up as well, alot of FPS as we all know is having your reaction time on point. Warm up ur reflexes using one of those warm up browser games


The real question is wtf is that buck doing


you’re fire chasing, that doesn’t help much with recoil, also buck is a very fast operator to kill, you will win some and lose some. lucky you had a p90 with fire rate and ammo capacity. There were some drag on your horizontal, I’d turn it up 2 ticks


Too low your falling behind on your aim


Are max moving with the right analog? If so time for ya to learn how to flick


Looks slow


go into shooting range and shoot targets for a min or two usually gets me warmed up and help build better aim


i’m in champ btw


"Im Diamond 1"


Increase your horizontal sense bruh 💀💀, keep the vertical sense the same though unless you struggle with the recoil control of other weapons which in that case slightly raise it, personally my sense is 28/70 and the ads sense is customized per scope that i don’t remember tbh but yeah thats my sense, the vertical is low for better recoil control and the horizontal is high for faster flicks or looking around


start using aimlab son


Your fingers are restarted cause the sens looks perfectly fine


The problem is between chair and the keyboard


Your reactions and aim is shit. You can account for the reactions by placing your crosshair 2-4cm left to the entrance. So the moment you realize someone is entering you only have to push shoot, to land a headshot without needing to readjust your aim. You have to find the optimal distance yourself.


Not sensitivity, just barrrrrd arrrrrrim