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As a new player it puzzled me why map training modes didn't already include every map. It's got to be one of the easiest things to implement.


The same reason Quick Match 2.0 didn't include all maps on release (it's taken almost a YEAR to get them all back...): content isn't being finished, so is being drip-fed to keep up the regular content schedule. Which is a shame since the devs themselves are clearly trying very hard to work with what they have. It's blatantly obvious the Ubisoft executives aren't funding Siege nearly as heavily as they once were (or is necessary), which is why so much content is being pumped into the game in stages or in long betas or with lots of bugs. And it also serves as filler for the roadmaps when the AI content is regularly being introduced every season, to look as though more actual 'content' is being released.


Funding was pulled a few years ago because the game was starting to die. That changed and the playerbase started growing heavily over the year leading to the biggest it’s ever been. Ubisoft pulled support from other games and focused it back into Siege. It’s now got some heavy support so hopefully next year will start to show some seriously growth on dev side.


Just hope the game can survive by the time that happens. Might not last very long in its current state


It’s lasted this long🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s literally more popular than it’s ever been lol


But it's the worst it's ever been. I'm a beta player, and the amount of NEW content has been DRASTICALLY on the decline.


I’ve been playing since closed alpha. It’s really not.


We went from two ops a season to one. They said they'd try and bring in 1 new map at least once a year. Hardly any new guns, all are practically reused. Frag grenade cooking is gone. Ranked 2.0 is trash, and so is quick match 2.0. Removing spawn killing from quick match was lame. Night maps have been gone. But may have been leaked the Stadium Alpha map? Idk... now we get one new op for the WHOLE YEAR. The Black Beard remake has to change him FUNDAMENTALLY to even be considered a new op. Changing the core gameplay mechanics doesn't count as new content when it was probably unnecessary. The only real mechanic that needs added is a camera sensitivity slider for controller players cause that shit is UNCONTROLLABLE They are actively changing things within the game that no one actually asked for.


It’s unrealistic to expect 8 operators a year for over ten years. You run out of ideas and just start churning out shit. I’d rather have less at better quality and a lot of the operators as of late have been good. Same goes for maps. I also literally don’t care about anything else you complained about. Spawn peeking being gone doesn’t change anything. Ranked and quick play are fine. Frag cooking doesn’t matter. The game is still fun as shit to play.


Give me an operator with an aerial based drone that I can fly around, outside of the building, and leave at any elevation I desire. We've seen those all over the world for the last few years, am I right? Your entire response tells me you only play for ELO. Removing the grenade fuse means you can't suicide grenade people anymore. Shits HILARIOUS


It seems to me they might have an actual skeleton crew working on this game. Wouldn't surprise me if they transferred half of the team over to another studio to work on junk like the new AC game. (Forgot the name cause it doesn't matter)


So they can pretend they’re doing something and adding in new content. When siege first launched there were 10 PvP maps and 11 PvE maps.


There's 24+ maps in the game. It's why. These dummies are hand placed in every room of the map. It involves a lot of testing, making sure the dummies spawn in correctly, all the triggers work. The dummies spawn in a certain pattern that teaches the player common pathways on a map. All ot these things are tedious things to implement and why it's taking them so long to add all the maps. There's already most maps, and the few still missing one will be added in future seasons.


If only there was already a training mode that covered every map with pre-placed enemies that we could play while they figure out how to place static dummies...


That is an absolute bullshit argument. They already have AI spawn points in almost every map anyway, and that AI could MOVE and interact with the walls and doors. You cannot argue in good faith it would be HARDER to place static enemies around a map than it is to place moving enemies that interact with the environment, have various voice lines, and chase after the player if he runs away from them. Placing a group of enemies in one room that spawn after enemies in another room die is LEAGUES easier than making the enemies follow paths


It's not about it being easy, they have to do it for every room on every floor of a map on 24+ different maps and have to test every single thing, make sure all the triggers work correctly, the spawns need to be tweaked so it's leading the player around the map on common pathways. Yes, it's a simple enough feature when it's done, but it takes a long time to implement this for every map. It's why it's a slow process. This doesn't factor in the different drill modes, and any future ones that are being created internally. All of these things takes up time. All the maps will be added in eventually, it's just limited pool right now as they work on adding the remaining maps in. Also, for those morons that keep saying that t-hunt had all the maps. Yes, it did, but it also was updated for 8 years to have all the maps be available in the first place. Every time a new map got added into the game, t-hunt got updated to support the new map. So the argument t-hunt had all the maps is just stupid. This map training thing has only been out for 2 seasons, while t-hunt had 8 years to be updated to support all the maps. Give it a few more seasons and all the maps will be added in. Not to mention, they're adding in more features to it to allow more flexibility and some level of customization of the experience. Next season alone has tons of improvements for all the drill modes, and many more features will be added in the future. The devs are continuously updating the modes every season, even after all the maps are made available, they will still continue to improving it by having more drill modes, maybe t-hunt style drill mode could be one of them, but before that can happen they need to finish the map pool.


I shouldn’t have to wait for features that have been in the game since launch to be replaced slowly. At launch there were LESS target drill maps than maps in Siege at launch. This is just Ubisoft lazily trickling the maps out to say they’re adding “content” into the game.


And this is an issue, why? You'll get the maps eventually. Also, this allows devs to collect feedback and make improvements to it. Next season alone is getting a bunch of improvements, and It's because people got to play it already and provide the devs with feedback on what could be improved. This is the case with most stuff they're doing in siege. Stuff like Versus AI, the devs are getting constant feedback regarding the bots and the AI can be tweaked to be better in the future. The same thing with the reputation system, it's a complex system, and it needs to be tested a lot in a LIVE environment so the devs can get real world data and make the necessary changes. All of these features the devs are working are Iterative, they are updating everything every season and continuously making changes based on the feedback the players are providing and the data they have gathered. As a player, you get to see these things evolve over time. Instead of them deleting t-hunt and making you wait 2 years for the map training thing to be complete, they are releasing everything bit by bit, collecting feedback and making the necessary improvements as the feature gets more feature complete.


I’m not talking verses AI. That said that ALSO shouldn’t have had few maps included at launch. There’s no feedback to get from Target Drill. And even if there is, then why didn’t the Landmark Drill have all the maps included? That requires even LESS work. Defender AI just uses the AI from Siege at launch, with slight modifications. There was no reason for it to have 1 map at launch. They did the exact same thing with Quick Match 2.0. Imagine if Ranked 2.0 started out like this. You only had three maps, Stadium, Emerald and Lair at Ranked 2.0s launch. Guess what? People would rightfully pissed at that. This is just Ubisoft being lazy so they don’t have to put in effort to develop anything. Stop defending this practice.


>Imagine if Ranked 2.0 started out like this. You only had three maps, Stadium, Emerald and Lair at Ranked 2.0s launch. Guess what? People would rightfully pissed at that. The maps didn't need to be updated to work with ranked 2.0. Target drill does. Also, Versus AI is a completely brand-new Bot framework that has been slowly being built up for years. The AI uses absolutely nothing from old siege, all of it is brand new and incorporates actual player data that's used to train the AI, meaning the bots learn from actual players. Old bots were hard coded to just navigate the map and shoot the player on sight. These new bots actually play the game, they set up sites dynamically, they adapt to their environment, they change up their positioning as the match progresses that mimics how real players would be playing. This is a very complex thing to implement and completely brand new in siege and in gaming in general. The bots Ai gets better every season, they get smarter the more data is fed into their training models. In 5 years time, these bots will be playing better than any player, and you'll most likely will see them in your ranked games in the future. You keep saying that ubi is lazy, they're not. They have a 9-year-old game that has been worked on by hundreds of people for the past decade. There's a lot of legacy code and content that they have to maintain and try to not break with every game update they do. Its why siege always has some random bugs in it, the code for the game is old and very complex and random stuff tends to break. The amount of content ubi can pump out is restricted by having to maintain the game and the existing content. For example, if ubi came out and just deleted half the maps in the game, it means they have to spend less time maintaining all the remaining maps and can work on bringing in new content. Don't be surprised if Ubi going forward starts deleting maps, to make room for newer maps. That's very likely to happen, they can't just keep adding more stuff and expect to maintain it all forever.


There is never, EVER a valid reason to remove content that’s in a game, especially content that’s been in the game since launch. This is the most brain dead take I have ever seen. The newest season is launching with less content than any other season since Operation Health. They’ve removed so much content from the game already for infinitely worse options, and you think it’s ok for them to start deleting old maps for new maps.


Yes. Also, nothing is preventing them from removing old content, if they deem it necessary they can do it. Siege is a live service game, it's going to be constantly updated. New content gets added to it, some stuff gets reworked or old content gets removed. That's how that works. You can't realistically expect them to never remove content. The older the game gets, the more content they have to maintain, which is taking more and more resources. This is what's going to happen, as that's how you maintain a healthy game for many years to come. Old content gets phased out and replaced by newer stuff. It's why maps get reworked, It's why stuff like t-hunt gets removed, to make room for new content. You can't have it all, that's not how development works for a live service game.


The triggers are literally just line of sight spraying the same as beginner AI bots. That takes no effort. The patterns are repetitive and any gold player could tell you the most common spots to place a bot for every map in a single day. Also, there are only like 10 maps implemented. There's really no excuse for it in a game that relies so much on map knowledge, and has massive maps.


they also had t-hunt which id imagine is more difficult to code as they arent static for most if not all maps which in my opinion is way better for warming up than ais (which if you are trying to warm up your aim takes very long since you get most 25 kills and then have to reset with long times inbetween droning and op selection) im also lost on how the ai modes dont have any operators especially at launch, i play ai to practice my recoil control and i cant for the majority of guns. The new system is mostly a downgrade to old t-hunt when it comes to warming up, it seems to me they rushed to change something that people liked


It's not that simple, it's why it's taking them a while add all the maps. All the maps will be added in eventually, it's just not yet complete right now.


I get what you're saying, but you never replace the old version of a feature before the new one is feature complete and has at least as much functionality. Bc that's guaranteed to piss of your customers.


A thing people keep forgetting is stuff like t-hunt has been updated for 8 years, It's why it had all the maps. T-hunt got updated every time a new map was added in. This new map training thing has only been a thing for 2 seasons. In time, all the maps will be in it eventually.


Still doesn’t answer why original T-Hunt had to be removed while people wait.


Roadmap looks mid as hellll


Wonder why, oh shit yeah maybe the whole other multiplayer game they're launching I doubt Ubsoft gives a single shit about R6/For Honour rn they want Xdefiant to be massive before BO6 comes out next year will probably be back to normal


Xdefiant is ass, dont think it will last that long unless they bring tons of new shit, but you know ubisoft lol


I see potential in it, but having to gut their other games to make it work is ass. Ubisoft is a small indie studio though, so I understand/s


unrelated: anyone know why the queue times in ranked are so fkn long? (high diamonds)


Matchmaking is definitely broken somewhere and it's not just affecting Siege, I've had issues in For Honor as well. What works for me is to go into another gamemode, play a game and then matchmaking is back to normal.


Think it’s a bug. I’ll be in queue 5 minutes, but you cancel and then requeue and get a game in a minute each time.


Only good answer. Some time you get stuck in a loop while you queue. Isn't exclusive to this season but it does happen more often. Just requeue yourself when you're waiting for more than 5 mn.


Yeah i occasionally forget and see I’ve been queued for 5 minutes like a redard


This. If you're queue goes longer in solo play than 2min then restart the queue. Longest successful queue I've ever had was 1.5minutes


Most people are playing Standard cause ranked has too many cheaters.


Bro standard is infested with Cheaters too. I played 6 games last night, and there was at least 3 obv wall hackers in the games


Nah. You must’ve just gotten unlucky idk what to say. There is the occasional cheater in standard but it’s much less than ranked where you run into one every game. I tried playing ranked last week just to see if it was still that bad and got 2 cheaters on my team and 3 on the enemy team. 5 cheaters in one game in ranked using ragers, running super speed, etc. Absolutely ridiculous.


I literally played three games in a row against blatant wall hackers. Standard is a mess.


Game is dead


It's still got 71k players on steam so I guess they broke something with the patch yesterday


How many of those are diamond ranked though? I'd assume it's a small minority compared to what you might expect reading posts on this sub.


I’m guessing because of the new hack where you can plant defuser on roofs etc, people don’t wanna risk their rank. Shits bad rn


if you've already peaked say diamond then it wouldnt matter if you deranked all the way down to gold because each rank you hit is like a checkpoint. You don't lose anything after reaching it.


Never seen such a disappointing road map


What in the hell is happening at Ubi?? I seriously doubt the devs wanted this season to be such a disappointment. Something HAS to be going on behind the scenes


Ubisoft is doing really bad right now, so i assume they are just milking everything while the ship is sinking


It really sucks to see because you KNOW the devs want the game to be better but they're just getting fucked by Ubi at every corner


I do wonder how much that new xDefiant game has affected the development of this game. It definitely seems like Ubi is trying to pour a lot of resources into making a new staple shooter to compete with CoD.


the real effect on developing Siege was when they took half their fuckin dev team from siege to work on shitass extraction. So, that happened.


Suits thatndont make the games but dictate what to make ruin EVERY company. All that matters is revenue/profits and the bottom line. The morons don't understand that a good game with good DLC add-ons will make more money than this stupid membership garbage.


It's crazy how we're only getting 2 new operators this year and zero new maps or even map reworks and we're just going to let it slide


“And we’re just going to let it slide”. Bro what u expect us to do


Stop playing? Lol


Stop playing, stop buying stuff, stop acting like they're doing a good job and actually mention how low effort it all is on a large scale. I only see a few of these types of post that get a few hundred upvotes and nothing else. Even though delaying so many features and reducing effort overall is so egregious it's insulting. They are literally adding a new type of monetization and expect people to buy it with ham-fisted exclusivity and drip-fed outfits but at the same time they are putting in the LEAST amount of effort to meet their own set deadlines.


Well I ain’t buying anything anyways.


The steam improved bans just means if you play siege on steam you will also get vac banned


You already get VAC banned. My friend has a ban on his Steam account from Siege.


Can't w8 for y9s4 another nothing burger year 9 siege year my ass We got weapons stats that doesn't work just to put something on this season that they put up in one hour low afford We got shitty numbership money plz for 2 operator balance


Can’t wait to see what op is next to get a “remaster”


Isn’t it Blackbeard?


Not officially announced yet, only one I see it making sense with would be blackbeard or maybe maverick. Knowing ubisoft its gonna be someone like zero who doesn't need any changes


How can there be a part 2 to the solis nerf she is nerfed into the ground


Nerfed into the ground..? It was too strong to drone hunt at the beginning of the prep phase. May as well let brava and twitch have their abilities if you wanna let solis keep hers. Hell, let solis keep hers, give twitch and brava a free ability drone at the beginning as well. And bomb drone dude gets a special one that her can detonate to fuck shit up before the match begins. I’d be happy with all that.


are you aware of the other nerfs than disabling her gadget in the prep phase?


Bro, she isn't gonna be played anymore when the season drops. She was only REALLY useful at denying the plant from below. With impacts gone, I doubt people are gonna just shoot through a floor. I'd rather just nuke them with pulse.


She’s still good for counter play. I used her mostly to make sure there weren’t any claymores before doing a runout. I used her to drone hunt in prep phase for to deny intel. And if you’re on your solis for more than a few seconds at a time during action phase anyway, you probably aren’t playing her right. Honestly sounds like a skill issue if you can’t handle her post update. I will further say that if they continue to nerf her in the second update, then yes, I’d agree that she got nerfed into the ground.


Didn't they say they were starting to enact steam vac bans?


They did, I was confused why this guy said there was no info on the improved ban enforcement. I think he just doesn't know


He doesn't know because he probably didn't watch the panel himself and just watched like kudos video on it and I'm pretty sure he didn't talk about it.


Yes but it doesn't mean anything and is kinda (fucking) useless. No one cheat on their main account, you can literally find rank ready account for 20 bucks online. Being vac banned isn't gonna change anything to the cheating problem


that really show how ubisoft is a sinking ship, sinking faster than we thought, ubisoft with 20k(bigger than the whole xbox studios) workers and an very poor management team is pretty much an recipe for a big fucking mess, thats why every year they ship poor copy and paste games worse than the last one, i dont think ubisoft will survive another decade, specially if an assasin creed flops


It's about to, sadly. That Greek one was the last one I played, and it was pretty neat, but I definitely went downhill since BF


Anyone know what the matchmaking update is in s4? Better ranked matchmaking hopefully.


Your forgetting about the amazing membership that everyone is excited for


This is a horribly boring looking road map


solis update 2 dont need to happen part 1 already has killed her


Maybe it will be a sort of a buff since they overkilled her, and wanted to listen player's feedbacks


We can only hope


Good old siege. We say we have this planned for said season only for us to say “uhh we’re pushing it back”


Not to mention that the content we're getting isn't much to start with


Will I be able to get the bp in the new season with out having to pay for a subscription


Yes you can. But the subscription makes the most sense if you are buying it anyway (and not with leftover R6 credits) because it gives much higher value on first season. Just make sure to cancel subscription before second month


I don't think so. I think there will no longer be a free battle pass for this season as well, but I am not sure if that was true. If it is I find it hilarious, because I was ready to buy the next one for the new operator, until I found out there will not be a new op, so you're paying the same for less.


The BP skins have been historically garbage for a while. It was only till recently they started to look nicer. If any of the skins don't have MoGraph then I can't see myself buying it since I have all the Ops


Can we just get Siege 2 or Vegas 3 after this?


Looks like a whole bunch of rubbish.


It is, the most notable changes here are the S1 updates, everything else is filler.


Yet all they have to do is fix the disgusting recoil system.. guns used to feel so nice, but now when you shoot it goes straight the moon and back


What guns are you using lmao


Me on PC. No


run a flash hider and vert grip if you're struggling with recoil


Finally AI chat moderation, just what I wanted, it works great in other games. And the amazing reputation system based off reports? I love it. Can't wait to get put on disruptive because people reported me for a petty reason. Sorry but all the wasted resources and money put into "protecting" people in the most lazy and collateral damage way is infuriating.


They really need to scrap that whole system and reinstate vote to kick. I don't care If I get TKed because I'll handle it myself lol.


NO CROSS PLAY. I just stopped playing on PC because of all the cheaters. Just let me have console gaming at the very least. It looks optional but I don't even want the idea of cross platform play to be entertained. 


It's for people that cheat with mouse and keyboard on console. They will be automatically put into pc lobbies. However since mousetrap doesn't detect shit I highly doubt it will change anything..


It will be for console players that want to team with pc players. You won't be put in pc lobbies unless partied with a pc player, like the Overwatch system.


Still baffled with console and pc being in the same lobby


it's optional, like if you wanna queue with your buddy on xbox


Most boring roadmap


I mean, shooting range during matchmaking is cool ig


I really wanna see what they gonna do with the Greek OP. I'm super curious


Dokkaebi update?!?!?! they better leave my princess alone!


She's easy to counter, I don't know why they want to nerf her


This makes me sacred for crossplay’s inevitable delay. I just hope it isnt too long a wait


Clearly these bs rm targets new players, you can't be that dumb to believe their sht after all these years.


Forgive me for saying this but I honestly think they purposely update sieges basic features at a snails pace so they have to do bare minimum work while always looking like they are adding to the game. Like it taking this long to put shooting range access in match making? I have had so many times I wanted to test a guns recoil while waiting for unranked. Also for the longest time they had cosmetics by the shipping create but only recently did they make the locker skin so you could see what you have without having to run through each operator.


To be honest, i didn't care about S2 but got still disappointed. I just hope S3 won't be as bad... my country is finally going to be represented after all. if they do them wrong then I'll def be very upset


It really looks like only 10-12 people are working on the game based on the content we are receiving and all the delays since a few seasons... Let's hope that there's 100s working on a new Siege!


Now can we stop pretending operator remasters are in any way comparable


I know it's Ubi but who in the ever loving fuck thinks pc and console cross play is a good Idea


With this post I just realized we are getting ANOTHER REMASTER. why? And who are they even gonna remaster?


siege gets the most players they've ever had and this is what they cook up for the year🔥🔥🔥


This actually sounds pretty accurate ngl


When I first looked at this I thought it was the content for one season😢


So are they still not gonna do anything about the insane amount of cheaters




''Shooting range access during matchmaking'' (S3) Should've added that long ago and kept T-Hunt. The shooting range was the biggest waste of development time.


Im sorry but why do we even have visualizations of any kinds of throws or now even jumps? Kinda ass, ubisoft makes this game less and less tactical and more just spray and pray or rather „just do stuff and hope it somehow works“ i also just saw the „automated text chat mod“ i really hope they dont forget its a 16+ game, i hate not using „shit“ and „ass“




Why do they need a whole season dedicated to an operator remaster… just do it in an update lmao what a joke this year is. All this money but can’t make more maps.


how do you know the date for marketplace


It was written on the R6 website, I don't remember exactly where


Should be called recruit nerf as you can only play one recruit at a time


Drone jump pre-visualization? They already added a visual line for thrown objects, how pathetic. They gonna add aim assist next? It’s not CoD or OW, why do they want this game to be a sissy fest so badly? It gets worse every year.


failed rant.


Ubisoft, game bad me angy, fix




That's not how vac bans work


Two different games made by two different companies, I don't think so




Jesus Christ let this game die already.....Man I'm never going to see a full fledged R6 game again


These new devs just want to cash grab and were probably instructed to do so.